Categories > Original > Fantasy > Britain X Germany (The Iron Love)

Chapter 3: The Rivalry

by AustriaHungary1867 0 reviews

Britain faces her greatest rival, France! Other events surround in pure darkness of the trio.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2021-10-15 - 1257 words - Complete


Germany now has two wives, Britain and Scandinavia. While Scandinavia had to go back home, she would never forget to send some cute letters to Germany while away. Eventually, every month or two she would make a visit to see Germany.

Britain discovered Germany's bodybuilder form which he had been striving for since he was 16. Due to his powerful strength and bodylifting, Britain wanted to also become strong like him. Germany gave in and agreed to give Britain a set of exercises to complete the program. Over 10 months passed and Britain was able to lift a antique automobile to Germany's surprise.

The two have a nice dinner meal for the day and shower together.

Chapter 3: The Rivalry

Britain suddenly meets her rival again, France who's boyfriend is Russia. France and Russia have hooked up about a week after Britain and Germany were married. France demanded Britain to admit that her (France's) boyfriend is more awesome than Germany to which she honestly refused to do that.

Britain decides to leave them and angrily returns back to the house with all frustration building up. Germany calmed her down and they talked about it. Britain finally explains to Germany how she met France.

Britain's childhood story

When Britain was three years old (1874), her mom wanted to find someone to play with. Eventually she found France who, as her mother remembers was born 10 days after Britain. France developed mild-jealousy because of the age difference but nonetheless would play with Britain during their first few meetings until the tables turned against her (metaphoric).

During her, unknowingly last play, France began talking about how she should have been better than Britain and how Britain get's more support than France. Then France began punching Britain until their mothers came in to end. Unfortunately, France's mother showed a sinister face which was quite scary for Britain's mother. Young Britain was crying for the entire day due to her unfortunate betrayal received and seen.

However, there was a alternative solution. Two days after the incident, Germany's parents were invited for a nice cup of tea and so was little, cute Germany. When Germany met Britain he hugged her and called her pretty to which she smiled and giggled. She asked her mother if Germany would come more often so they could play but his parents also showed their sinister faces.

The only thing that made Britain being able to establish a childhood friendship with Germany was, whenever his parents (being typically toxic) kept leaving him alone in the house to go to work, her mother would go out after 1-2 minutes and take Germany to their house. This method was successful for few years until Germany was strictly monitored by his father or mother.

When he turned 13 and rebelled on his parents, he moved in their house and talked a lot about his parents and why they were strict and mean to him while also planning to get a new house to live in by stealing his parents' money as a act of revenge for the abuse he had to endure and for losing his faithful brother, Austria-Hungary (who also escaped and survived).

Then Germany asked Britain if she knew probably what was the childhood for France like. Britain remembered when a couple of her schoolmates told her about France changing and from their short stories managed to create a childhood story of her rival.

France's childhood story

After France unintentionally did harm to Britain, her life with parents became even more intoxicated with lies about Britain's parents. These lies were shared by her grandmother, her great-grandmother and even all the way back to the 14th century when the Hundred Years War happened.

At the age of 8 when she went to Paris, other parents and even the French locals accused her and her parents of bullying local English children. Little did they know, her parents were the literal product of Anti-British sentiment and had fighting skills! At that age, she witnessed brutal violence between her parents and the poor suffering of the victims who were being brutally punched by her parents.

The police were called and they were banned from visiting Paris for the next 30 years (a very unique law that was implemented in 1871 after the Prussian-French War ended). France enjoyed seeing cries and screams of the British children that were suffering. Due to their degraded mental health, France's parents were sent to a mental asylum but would constantly kick and punch the staff that separated them from their daughter.

The story was unfortunately cut-off mid. Germany demanded no more of horror to be heard from France and felt quite sorry how her (France's) parents have intoxicated her and eventually turned into pure evil.

A letter arrives

All during this talk, Britain receives a letter where France demanded a fight with her and that her boyfriend will come to help if she brings Germany. Britain eventually decides to bring Germany knowing that Russia would be likely weaker to fight against Germany if the fight erupted into a local brawl. Germany agrees but also is worried about Scandinavia coming to see them tomorrow.

Britain gives a hug to Germany tells that if they win this fight, then Scandinavia will be eagerly proud to see Germany more manly then ever.

The Fight

The sun is about to soon meet it's end at the bottom as the sky slowly darkens. Britain, Germany, France and Russia walk to the desired location and face each other on a empty silent street. As France had waited for this opportunity to come, she without even thinking first charged towards Britain only for her to end up on the ground after Britain relentlessly knocked her out in one punch.

Russia charged towards Britain but was ousted by Germany and the two end up wounded on the ground by just one hit. Germany recalls the fight completely "time-wasting" because of how fast it went and how unreal it was. They decided to leave them and not do anything else to them. The fight ended in a instant-win for Britain and Germany.

The Aftermath

Scandinavia with a happy smile arrived to see Britain and Germany once again. Britain tells her that she had a fight with her rival France and how it was a quick brawl. When Scandinavia asked about Germany, Britain said that Germany ousted Russia with one hit and left the two wounded on the ground unable to go back up. Scandinavia without a doubt hugged and kissed Germany while calling him a "hero" and "manly" due to his immense strength. Then, at the street appeared the wounded France and Russia.

They watched the two barely walk on the same street, carrying one another in defeat. Britain laughs at them but Germany insists that it isn't O.K to do that just because someone is defeated. Britain asks why would be that so. Germany gives her a true morale of respect.

Laughing at defeated enemies may be one thing but the other is how truly bad and horrifying is to do that. Especially when remembering the story of how France manically laughed at her enemies being brutally beaten up in Paris. Realizing the fact that she heard the story and told it to Germany, she apologizes to him and hugs him for being wise and calming for her nature.

Britain, Germany and Scandinavia decide to have a big dinner party and eventually the two dames end up having sex with Germany afterwards. The whole night was filled with seducing and moaning.

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