Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome to New Jersey, Kiddo

She Found a Friend in the Strangest of Places

by Wordsrgolden451 0 reviews

And so our story really begins

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2021-12-02 - 815 words

“This place is gonna drive me crazy, I swear! How? How did you cope?” Vic asked one of the pictures of Gerard Way she had taped up in her locker.

Two months into her first public school year and already her life was being made into a living hell. If the students didn’t make fun of her they ignored her and it changed daily without rhyme or reason. She wasn’t sure at this point which was worse.

“I can understand wanting to numb yourself with pills and alcohol now. Geez!” Vic slammed the locker door shut and then growled under her breath when she realized she’d left her fall program line up and her sketchbook inside.

While she re-entered the combination her mind wandered to various subjects the least of which was Gerard’s recent ex-engagement to Eliza Medder. Unlike the fangirl community, Vic had been unsettled by the news. Everyone deserved a little bit of happiness and it seemed to her like the lead singer wasn’t getting much.

“If I had someone like him I’d…well, I wouldn’t go breaking his heart for one thing. Women are so stupid. They don’t know a good thing when they see one that’s for sure.”

Vic closed the door again after retrieving the program and book and headed down the nearly empty hallway. She hugged her jacket close against that first shock of cold before pushing open the double doors.

The only thing she looked forward to that was remotely school related were her walks to and from the place. Oddly enough, she had become rather close to the woman she had seen watching her on the first day of school. Her name was Donna and she took care of Vic sometimes when her family was away working on her sister’s school.

The young woman quickened her pace. Donna always worried if she was late coming home from school. She paused at the front door of the house and looked at the lawn, remembering the first time they had met…


It had been a terrible first week of school. Vic ran out of the doors crying. She ran blindly, not caring where she ended up. She was vaguely aware of a lawn on her right and threw herself down on it.

Her mom and sister wouldn’t be home for some time and she had forgotten her key anyway. The perfect end to a rotten week.

Vic felt a hand on her shoulder and heard a voice asking if she was alright. Feeling embarrassment wash over her, she sat up and scrubbed a fist over her eyes.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s been one of those kinda weeks, ya know?”

Vic sniffed and looked up at her would be comforter. Her eyebrows shot high in surprise. It was that blond woman who watched her from the window every morning and afternoon. She wasn’t sure whether to be grateful or creeped out.

“Something tells me you’ve started at the high school,” the woman said, with a smile.

“Is it that obvious? You must get a lot of kids ending up on your front lawn if you can guess so quickly,” observed Vic, snorting.

“Mm, well…my kids had some problems with that place in their day. I can read the signs pretty well by now.”

Vic took the hand that the woman offered and stood up.

“I don’t think that anyone could have a particularly good experience there,” she said, as she dusted herself off.

The woman looked amused as she introduced herself, “My name is Donna and you are….?”

“I’m Victoria…but no one really calls me that except for my mom. Everyone else calls me Vic,” said the raven-headed girl, smiling.

“Well, Vic, would you like to come inside for a little while? At least until you feel settled,” said Donna, gesturing towards the house.

“That could take awhile, but sure. My family isn’t home and I forgot my key,” said Vic, rolling her eyes.

“You have had a day, haven’t you?” Donna said, as she walked to the house.

“You have no idea,” muttered the girl and followed Donna inside.


The rest, as they say, was history. She still couldn’t understand why she went with Donna that day. Her ‘don’t talk to strangers’ sense must have short-circuited or something. But, she liked to think it was her good instincts that led her to accept the hospitality of a perfect stranger in this day and age.

Vic shook her head and chuckled. She turned back to the door and put her spare key in the lock.

“Donna!” she yelled, as she opened the door. “I’m here now! You can call off the National Guard!”

Author's Note: Thank you for reading and comments and love is appreciated!! Hugs
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