Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Ice Kunoichi of the Eleven-Tailed Wolf

Chapter 2: Arrival at the Leaf

by GamerLadd 0 reviews

Aiko Yanaka was a 4-year-old kid that was abandoned by her parents near the gates that lead into Konoha. Before she even enters the village she meets the demon sealed inside of her, at least, that'...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Hinata,Jiraiya,Kakashi,Naruto,Orochimaru,Tsunade - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2021-12-14 - 2636 words

Welcome to Chapter 2: Arrival at the Leaf

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy

Flashback Start:

Yuna had taught Aiko how to perform a type of Transformation technique that was special to only herself and now her. The only difference between this Transformation Jutsu and the regular one is that it will stay transformed and won't un-transform from one hit. Once Aiko was transformed Yuna grabbed her hand and they walked on the major path that they were next to. They traveled for almost an hour when they started to come upon a massive gate with equally sized green doors.

"Halt!... State your business here in the Hidden Leaf Village!"

Flashback End:

Third P.O.V:

"Halt!... State your business here in the Hidden Leaf Village!" One of the village gate guards with a bandage over his nose demanded. Aiko looked at Yuna and grabbed the bottom half of Yuna's Ice blue Kimono and gave her a scared look. Yuna smiled warmly at Aiko before she turned her attention back towards the guards of the gate. "My name is Yuna Yanaka and this is my daughter Aiko Yanaka and we like to request permission to live here," Yuna said.

The guard with a bandage over his nose looks over at his partner before he nodded and looked back at Yuna. "Alright, I'll take you to Lord Hokage and see what he has to say," The guard said, relaxing a tiny bit. "Thank you for your help..." Yuna said bowing slightly. "Kotetsu, MY partner over there is Izumo," The guard said, pointing his thumb to the man behind him at the station. "Yes, Thank you for your help Kotetsu-san, Izumo-san," Yuna said politely. Aiko looked at Yuna with curiosity and copied her. "Thank you Kotetsu-san, Izumo-san" Aiko chirped.

Kotetsu smiled slightly before he gestured for the two to follow him. Yuna nodded and started following him with Aiko on her side. They walked through the mostly empty village. There were still a few shops open with some civilians walking around and hidden Leaf Shinobi patrolling. As they walked Aiko lifted her nose and sniffed the air. Yuna looked down at Aiko and saw her sniffing the air. "Why are you sniffing the air pup?" Yuna asked in curiosity. 

"I smell something incredible!" Aiko exclaimed with a little bit of drool coming out of her mouth. Yuna chuckled softly as she pulled a bit of her Kimono up and wiped the drool away from Aiko's face. "After our meeting with the Hokage we can come to find it again," Yuna said much to the delight of Aiko. After walking for a little bit more they arrived at the Hokage Mansion. Kotetsu opened the door to the building and gestured for Yuna and Aiko to enter.

Yuna gave Kotetsu a quick thank you before entering the building. When they entered the building fully Kotetsu walked up to a receptionist's desk. "Hello there June," Kotetsu said as he leaned slightly against the desk. "Hello there Kotetsu-san, can I help you?" the receptionist asked, looking up at Kotetsu with pale-lavender eyes. "Yeah, I have two things to ask you. One is these two need to see Lord Hokage-"Kotetsu said as he pointed to Yuna and Aiko, "-and the second thing is you wanna grab some food later?" Kotetsu said, saying the last part in a flirty tone. 

The receptionist giggled a little bit at Kotetsu before she looks at a few papers on her desk. "I believe that Lord Hokage is available right now," June said and looked back at Kotetsu, "And I'd love to get some food with you," June said with a smile. "Great! I'll pick you up after I finish up here" Kotetsu said before he gestured for Yuna and Aiko to follow him. "Mama, what kind of eyes did that lady have? They looked odd" Aiko asked innocently.

"They're the visual-prowess of the clan in this village known as the Hyuga Clan. It's called the Byakugan" Yuna explained. Aiko nodded satisfied and they soon arrived at the front door of the Hokage's office. Kotetsu knocked on the door twice before an "Enter" was heard by the three. Kotetsu opened the door and gestured for Yuna and Aiko to enter. Yuna and Aiko entered the office and were followed by Kotetsu immediately. 

"Lord Hokage, These two have requested residency in the Village" Kotetsu stated. Aiko and Yuna looked at the aged Hokage as he drew on his pipe and blew out smoke. "You may leave Kotetsu," The old Hokage said. "Yes sir," Kotetsu said as he bowed and disappeared in a Shunshin. The old Hokage turned his attention to Yuna and Aiko and gestured to the two seats that were in front of him. Yuna sat in one of the seats while Aiko shyly sat in the other one.

Aiko's P.O.V

After the old man told us to take a seat I took the one to the left of the one where Mama sat. "So, You would like to request residency in the Hidden Leaf Village? May I ask why?" The old man asked. "I would like to have a place where I can safely raise my child. We were shunned in our old village because of how our eyes looked" Mama said sadly. The old man took a closer look at Mama's eyes and they widened slightly before his face turned neutral again.

"You won't have to worry about that here. I just need your names, age, and profession and you'll be set" The old man said. "My name is Yuna Yanaka, I'm 30 years old, and my profession was being a shinobi in our old village before they made me stop," Mama said. The old man nodded before he looked at me. "And for you, little one?" the old man asked. "M-my name is Aiko Ya-yanaka, I'm 4 years old, and I don't have a profession," I said nervously.

The Old man nodded before I saw him write our information down. When he finished writing our information he put his pen down and opened a drawer and took a stamp out and stamped the papers. Once he was done he handed Mama two pieces of paper. "Those are your citizenship papers and certificates. Now, you told me you were shinobi in your old village?" The old man asked. "Yes sir, I was," Mama said. "What rank were you at when they stopped you?" The Old man asked. "I was at the rank of Jonin," Mama said. 

I saw the old man nodded before he spoke to mama again. "If you want, come here again tomorrow morning and you will take our Jonin test. If you pass you will be granted the rank of Jonin of the hidden leaf village. You'll be placed as a teacher in the academy for the time being though; are you okay with that" The Old man asked. "That's perfectly fine sir," Mama said smiling.

Third P.O.V

Hiruzen smiled at the Yuna before he turned his head to look at Aiko. "And when you turn 8 years old you will be entering the academy," Hiruzen said to Aiko. "Y-yes sir," Aiko said nervously. "Alright, that settles all that," Hiruzen said as he reached into his desk and grabbed an envelope full of money and a pair of keys. "Take these, the address is on this piece of paper," Hiruzen said as he handed Yuna the money and keys. "Thank you, Lord Hokage, thank you so much," Yuna said as she stood up and bowed. Aiko copied Yuna and did the same.

When that was all done Yuna and Aiko left the Hokage's office and made their way back to the front desk where they saw the same lady as before. They walked past the receptionist and Aiko waved at her. June waved back with a happy smile before returning to her work. When they exited the Hokage's mansion Aiko tugged on the sleeve of Yuna's Kimono.

Aiko's P.O.V

I tugged on Mama's sleeve and she hummed before looking down at me. "Can we go check out what that smell was earlier please?" I begged. "Of course my little pup," Mama said smiling. She grabbed my hand gently and started o lead me to the smell that I smelled earlier. When we got closer to the smell, the stronger the delicious smell of food hit me and making my stomach growl. I clutched my stomach and felt my face heat up with embarrassment.

I heard Mama chuckle and just like that, we were standing in front of a ramen stand. "I haven't eaten human food at all before" Mama confessed. "Don't worry Mama. Human food is super good if cooked right" I said cheerfully. Mama smiled at me and nodded her head. We walked into the stand only to see no one there except for another kid my age sitting there eating ramen. "Welcome! What can I get you?". My head swung in the direction of the voice and saw an older looking girl.

"Can we try the..." Mama said as she looked at the menu before looking back at the girl, "...Large Miso Ramen with pork please, two bowls" Mama said. The girl nodded before she gave the order to who seemed like her father. Mama and I took our seats and my seat was next to the other kids. While I waited for our food I turned to him and stuck my hand out. "My name is Aiko Yanaka, what's yours?" I asked curiously. I saw the kid flinch slightly before he looked at my hand hesitantly. 

"Y-your not sc-scared of m-me?" the boy asked. I shook my head and kept my hand out, "Why would I be scared of you? You seem like a nice boy". 

Yuna's P.O.V

As soon as Aiko started interacting with the boy in the stand I kept an eye and ear on their conversation. My interest peaked when Aiko asked why would she be scared of him. "The villagers call me a demon and a monster. They always chase me around and try to attack me but I always outrun them". I felt saddened by what the boy told us and angered by what the villagers were doing to the boy. "Why don't you live with us!" I heard Aiko say excitedly. 

I nearly spit my tea out when she said that. Even though she is my Jinchuriki I'm acting as her parent and guardian and I have my suspicions about letting a male stay with us. I felt a tug on my sleeve and I looked over to Aiko and for the first time in my life...I lost. Aiko was staring at me with puppy dog eyes and I couldn't resist. "Mama? He can stay with us right?" Aiko asked me. I looked between her, then the boy, then back to her before letting out a sigh. "Sure, he can stay with us," I said. 

"Yay!" I hear Aiko shout happily as she turned towards the boy's direction. "You hear that...What's your name?" Aiko asked after she paused her cheering. I saw a grin spread across the kid's face as he responded. "My name is Naruto Uzumaki, Believe it!" The now named Naruto exclaimed. "well...You get to live with us!" Aiko said happily. I continued to watch the pup and this Naruto continue to talk, even after we received our food. When we said our thanks for the food I was about to taste the Ramen when I saw Naruto eating at an unhealthy pace. 

"Naruto! If you're going to live with us you need to learn manners" I said sternly. Naruto looked at me and nodded before he started to eat a little bit more slowly and started to enjoy his food. After we had our meal I paid for all three of ours and I watched as Aiko grabbed Naruto by the wrist and started to drag him out of the stand and towards our new home. As we walked there Naruto and Aiko were conversing and I could feel a more ominous presence within the boy. "I think I might know why the villagers are scared of him," I said to myself as the three of us continued to walk down the path.

Aiko's P.O.V

I was talking with Naruto while Mama followed behind us. We were talking about how much we wanted to become Shinobi. As I talked with Naruto I could see two adult guys ahead of us and they were stumbling a little bit and I realized why when the repulsing smell of alcohol reached my nose. "Stay next to me you two," Mama said as she walked up next to us. We walked by the two and thought we had made it past without incident but I was wrong. 

"Hey look, It's the demon kid," One of the drunken guys said drunkenly. I heard Naruto whimper a little and I clenched my teeth in anger and whipped around and glared at the two drunks. "Naruto-Kun is NOT a Demon so just shut up you bullies!" I shouted. "What was that little girl?" One of the men said dangerously. I flinched at the tone of the guy's voice took a step back. "Maybe we should teach her a lesson and have fun with her mother there while making the Demon brat watch," The other drunk guy said as he pulled out some blade.

"Mama!" I shouted. I saw the guy throw the sharp blade and I covered my face with my hands. When I didn't feel any pain I removed my hands and saw that Mama was in front of me, the blade caught between her two fingers. "You're the type of humans that I hate the most" I heard Mama growl. I saw as Mama disappear in a flicker and she chopped the necks of both the drunks. She walked back over to us and grabbed our hands and we were immediately in front of a door that lead to an apartment. 

Mama took out the keys and unlocked the door to our new home. Me and Naruto ran into the building and started to explore the furnished apartment. After exploring Mama called us to the table. "What is it, Mama?" I asked curiously. I looked at Mama's face and it had a serious expression on her face. "Naruto," My Mama said and Naruto straightened up in his seat. "If you are going to live with us you must know who we truly are," Mama said. 

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked in confusion. Mama looked at me and nodded. "Release!" Mama and I said at the same time. Our forms changed morphed into our true forms. Naruto stared at us with building eyes. "My name is Yuna, The Eleven Tailed Ice Wolf. Aiko is my Jinchuriki," Mama said. I looked over at Naruto and saw him staring at me. I felt heat rush to my cheeks and I looked away nervously. "S-so, do I l-look okay," I asked nervously. 

"Okay" Naruto started, "You guys look totally awesome! especially you, Aiko, your tails, ears, and fur look beautiful!" Naruto said with a toothy grin. I felt more heat rush to my face and I tried to hide it by giving Naruto a smile. "T-thanks Na-Naruto-Kun," I said nervously.  I saw Mama smirk out of the corner of my eye and she continued to speak after we re-did the transformation. "Now you must not tell any about this. Am I understood" Mama said sternly and Naruto nodded

"Alright since that's out of the way you two need to go to bed, Your shinobi training starts Tomorrow" 


Published: Tuesday - December 14th, 2021 - 2:54 P.M.
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