Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > The Ice Kunoichi of the Eleven-Tailed Wolf

Chapter 8: Battling your Darkness

by GamerLadd 0 reviews

Aiko Yanaka was a 4-year-old kid that was abandoned by her parents near the gates that lead into Konoha. Before she even enters the village she meets the demon sealed inside of her, at least, that'...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Hinata,Kakashi,Naruto,Orochimaru,Tsunade - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2021-12-14 - 3611 words

Welcome to Chapter 8: Battling your Darkness

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy

Flashback Start:

Team 7 stood in front of the graves of Haku and Zabuza and paid their respect before they left-back towards the Leaf village. Once everyone had paid their respects to the fallen Shinobi they turned and started walked back towards the village. Aiko stayed behind for a little bit before turning around and catching up to the rest of the group. "To truly be strong is when you have someone precious to you that you want to protect" Aiko mused to herself as she looked at Naruto. "I think I understand what you mean Haku, thank you for teaching that to me," Aiko said to herself as Team 7 made their way back to the Hidden Leaf Village. 

Flashback End:

Third Person P.O.V:

When they had made it back to the village they all split off and went in back to their homes to rest up. "Make sure to be at the meeting spot at the same time tomorrow," Kakashi said. The Genin of Team 7 nodded their heads in acknowledgment and went their separate ways. When they were gone Yuna and Kakashi Shunshined to the Hokage's tower. When they arrived inside HIruzen's office they gave a slight bow. "Greetings Lord Hokage" Yuna and Kakashi said in unison. 

"Ah, Kakashi, Yuna, how did your mission go?" Hiruzen asked. The two Jonin senseis stood up and Yuna stepped up slightly. "Our C-Rank escort mission to escort Tazuna the bridge builder turned A-rank when we encountered the Demon Mist brothers on the way there and were defeated easily. Soon after that, we encountered the mission-nin Zabuza Momochi and our students engaged him in battle at their request. They handled it until a Zabuza's accomplice disguised as a Kiri Hunter Nin saved him via senbon needles to his throat at specific points. A week later we face the two and..." Yuna relayed what happened during their mission until they got to the part where Aiko had lost control over her Tailed Beast Chakra.  

She hesitated to tell Hiruzen what happened but continued. "And Hinata and Naruto were supposedly killed but were just put in a death-like state like Zabuza. When Aiko found them she lost control of herself and entered 'that' state" Yuna said as she finished the report. Hiruzen's eyes widened slightly before he returned his expression back to normal. "Thank you for the report Yuna. You are dismissed Kakashi, I wish to speak with Yuna alone" Hiruzen said. Kakashi bowed and Shunshined out of the office. 

Hiruzen activated the privacy seals in the room before he spoke to Yuna. "How many tails did she grow?" Hiruzen asked. "She grew only one tail sir" Yuna reported. Hiruzen let out a sigh as he stood up and looked out across the village. "Aiko, along with Naruto, must learn to be able to control their tailed beast chakra," Hiruzen said. "How would they go about that sir?" Yuna asked. Hiruzen turned back around towards Yuna. "The Chunin Exams are in a month. I want you to teach them to be able to control their tenant's power by then" Hiruzen. 

"Sir, I am the Eleven Tailed Wolf, you know that" Yuna started, Hiriuzen gave her a nod. "I'll be able to train Aiko in the use of my chakra and use it as her own. But I have no idea how to help Naruto with the Nine-Tails. We aren't exactly on the best of terms" Yuna said as she looked away slightly. "What do you mean?" Hiruzen asked. "What I mean is that we used to be...something that I don't want to talk about," Yuna said. "I won't push it but The two must be trained. There is a place in the Land of Lighting near their coast. It is said to be the place where their current Jinchuriki of the Eight-Tails trained and became the perfect Jinchuriki" Hiruzen explained. 

"You want me to take Naruto and Aiko to that place so that they can control their powers?" Yuna questioned. "Yes, I would like you to do that" Hiruzen answered. "But if that happens then I won't be able to stay outside of Aiko's seal, She loses me," Yuna said with sadness in her voice. "She won't lose you because you are seal inside of her. She can always go inside her mind and speak with you" Hiruzen said. Yuna processed what Hiruzen said and understood the reason behind it. "Then I will bring along Team 7 to do this. If we are going into an Enemy Shinobi Land then I want my team" Yuna said. Hiruzen nodded as he pulled a mission scroll out and wrote something down on it and handed it to Yuna. 

"I am granting permission for this to take place. This training mission will be an S-Rank mission so do well and inform your team" Hiruzen siad. Yuna bowed before walking out the door. Kakashi was standing outside the door, leaning against the door as he waited for Yuna. "You want me to get Hinata?" Kakashi asked. Yuna nodded and the two Jonin Shunshined out of the tower. Yuna appeared in front of Aiko and Naruto inside the apartment as they sat on the couch. "We have another mission," Yuna said. Aiko groaned, "Another Mission? We just got back from one" Aiko complained. "It's S-rank. We are going into the Land of Lighting to an island on their coast to train both You and Naruto to have complete control over your tailed beast" Yuna explained. The tiredness from the two Genin was gone in a flash as they stood up from the couch. 

Timeskip: Village gate

The entire Team 7 stood at the village gate clad in white cloaks with the hoods down. Hiruzne was there with a small box with a porcelain mask for each of the Genin members. "The Chuni Exams are a month away so you have that long to do this. I am giving you these masks in case you encounter any Shinobi from the Hidden Cloud and you have to engage them" Hiruzen explained. Yuna had her Wolf mask on while Kakashi had his Dog mask. Aiko took a wolf maks similar to Yuna's and put it on. Naruto took a mask designed with a Kitsune on it while Hinata took one with Lion designs on it. 

They all put their masks on before Hiruzen addressed them. "This is your first S-Rank mission so I want this completed without any problems, okay," Hiruzen said, raising his voice slightly at the end. They all nodded before they disappeared. Team 7 ran through the forest without speaking a word until Kakashi broke the silence. "We can only address each other by our code names on missions like this. I'm Dog, Yuna is Wolf, Aiko will be Artic, Hinata will be Lion, and Naruto will be Kitsune, got it?" Kakashi explained. "Yes, Sensei!" Naruto, Hinata, and Aiko explained. 

They ran in silence until they reached the border they had with the Land of Lighting before they took a rest. It was night by the time they got there and they decided to call it a night to rest up and replenish their chakra. Yuna took the first night's watch and kept an eye out for any Kumo Shinobi. She was up there alone until Aiko jumped up on the branch that she was on. "You're supposed to be asleep right now," Yuna said without looking at Aiko. 

"I can't really sleep," Aiko said. Yuna looked at Aiko while keeping her senses at high alert. "Why is that my little pup?" Yuna asked. "I just have a gut feeling that what's going to happen at that island is something I'm not going to like," Aiko said truthfully. Yuna looked at Aiko with sadness in her ice-white eyes. "There is something that I have to tell you before we arrive at that island" Yuna said. "What is it, Mama?" Aiko asked. Yuna looked into Aiko's Ice-White eyes filled with curiosity. "To have complete control over my chakra I must return to the seal" Yuna explained. 

"That seems reasonable but you know you can come out of it right," Aiko said with a little confusion at the end. "You don't get what I'm saying. To achieve the first chakra mode transformation ALL of my chakra has to be back inside the seal. This means when you do take control of my Chakra-" "-You won't be able to come out of the seal ever again" Aiko finished what Yuna was saying. Yuna looked at Aiko's eyes and saw hurt in them. She saw hurt and sadness as tears gathered at the edge of Aiko's eyes. 

"I'll lose you forever" Aiko choked out as the hot tears started to fall down her face. Yuna immediately wrapped her arms around the crying Aiko in an effort to comfort the Kunoichi. "You won't lose me my little pup, I'll be inside the seal. You can visit me whenever you want" Yuna said. Aiko looked up at Yuna with tear-stained cheeks and a tear falling down her cheek. Yuna wiped the tear away before she spoke. "I will never leave you Aiko-chan. You know I love you too much to do that" Yuna said while giving Aiko a comforting smile. 

Aiko couldn't help but smile at the only mother she has ever known since she was little. "You know I'll visit you every chance I get, right," Aiko said with a sniffle. Yuna smiles warmly at Aiko before she kissed her on the forehead. "I wouldn't expect it any other way my little Ice pup," Yun said with a slight chuckle. Aiko smiled widely at Yuna and gave her one last hug before she leaped back down to the ground and back to bed. 

Timeskip: Next Morning

Once they woke up they each ate a food pill quickly and continued on their way to the Island they knew as Genbu Island. It was a place that held 'The Falls of Truth', a place where a Jinchuriki can rid themselves of their dark side and become one step closer to the perfect Jinchuriki. The Team ran through the Land of Lighting with their chakra signatures cloak. They made it through the Land of Lighting with relatively no trouble, except for the occasional time they had to hide from Kumo Shinobi. 

Once they finally made it to the coast the three Genin's mouth were hanging open at the island that was mostly grey in colour, with spikes protruding from it. "There's a barrier around that Island. We set foot on it and Kumo's forces will be on us in an instant" Hinata said as she deactivated her Byakugan. "How do we take the barrier down?" Aiko questioned. "If we take the barrier down then that will also alert Kumo. We have to come up with another way in" Kakashi said. 

They all stood there, thinking of a way to get in without alerting Kumo until Naruto snapped his fingers. "How about I throw one of my Flying Rajin Kunai onto the Island and I can teleport us all inside?" Naruto suggested. Yuna and Kakashi looked at each other before nodding. "Go ahead Kitsune," Kakashi said as he motioned for Naruto to step forward. Naruto took a step forward and took a Tri-Pronged Kunia out of his pouch and waited. A small group of birds flew towards the island and just as they passed the barrier Naruto thought the Kunai, making it appear as if it entered the island as a bird. 

Naruto created two Shadow Clones, one placed their hands on Kakashi and Yuna's shoulders and the other placed his hand on Aiko and Hinata's shoulders. The original Naruto placed his hands on the two Shadow Clones' shoulders and teleported them inside. Once they made it on the island, Naruto dispelled the Clones. "Now where do we go Dog?" Aiko asked Kakashi. Kakashi shrugged before he looked at Yuna. "Do you know what to do?" Kakashi asked. 

Yuna rolled her eyes at her comrade before she knelt on the ground and place a single index finger on the ground as Yuna closed her eyes to concentrate. "We head directly north from this point. We'll find the waterfall that way" Yuna said as she opened her eyes and stood up. "What was that Wolf? I want to learn that!" Aiko said excitedly. "It's an ability that is granted to my Host. My host is granted the greatest sensory ability in the Shinobi world. The only sensory ability that could challenge it is Senjutsu" Yuna explained as they moved towards the waterfall. 

"Isn't that the way that The Second Hokage performed his Sensory Technique?" Kakashi asked. "How do you think he learned it?" Yuna said, with a slightly amused look at the shocked expression on Kakashi's face. Even though they all had a mask on, she could tell Kakashi's facial expressions. They all traveled for about an hour or two before they arrived at The Falls of Truth. "Nice waterfall" Aiko commented.

Team 7 stood in front of The Falls of Truth and just gazed at it. “Now what do we do?” Aiko said. Yuna turned to Aiko and placed her hand on her shoulder. “From this point on, I must return to the seal”. Aiko looked up at Yuna with sadness spread across her face and had tears that threatened to fall. Aiko wrapped her arms around Yuna in a tight embrace. Yuna returned the gesture and the rest of Team 7 watched as Aiko let her tears fall.

”don’t ever forget this Aiko. I’m always in the seal if you need me and remember this, I will always love you”. Those were the last words Aiko heard before Yuna disappeared in a puff of smoke and returned to the seal. Team 7 stood there in silence. Naruto walked up to Aiko and placed his hand on her shoulder. “She’s gone now Naruto-Kun,” Aiko said sadly as she turned towards him with tear-stained cheeks. “You heard what she said. You just have to go inside your seal if you want to see her again,” Naruto said comfortingly.

Aiko wiped away a stray tear before looking at Naruto with a determined look. “Your right! I can also try using the mental link to” Aiko said. Aiko started to think hard and reach Yuna. She almost gave up until she heard her voice. “Hello, my little pup”. Aiko’s eyes lit up with joy and she pumped a fist into the air. “We must hurry along with this mission before we are found out,” Yuna said with an urgent tone.

”Right! What do we do Mama?” Aiko asked out-loud. “You and Naruto need to go stand on the center of the water and wait” Yuna answered. Aiko gave a nod of understanding before turning towards Naruto. “Mama says we need to go and stand out in the middle of the water” Aiko explained. Naruto nodded and the two of them placed a foot on the surface of the water before placing their other foot and began walking to the center of the pool at the base of the waterfall.

Both Naruto and Aiko stood in the middle and waited for something to happen. “What are we supposed to do now?”. Aiko’s question was answered as she saw a foot come out from behind the waterfall. Aiko could sense the killing intent and immense hatred radiating off the unknown figure like ocean waves. When the figure stepped out of the waterfall fully Aiko’s eyes widened with shock and surprise at who she saw.

Aiko remained quiet as her own self walked forward and stood in front of the waterfall. Aiko looked at the thing that looked exactly like her. It had the exact same clothes she was wearing. It had the exact same skin, the exact same hair color, and length. The only way that Aiko can tell herself and this figure apart is the black sclera surrounding a cold-looking ice white eye. “What’s wrong Aiko? Wolf got your tongue?” The figure questioned

Aiko shook her head as she narrowed her eyes at the other version of her. “Who are you!” Aiko questioned. The figure scoffed at Aiko’s question and started to walk in a circle around Aiko. “Who am I? I’ll be pretty honest, that’s a fucking stupid question coming from my own mouth,” the figure said. “What do you mean ‘my own mouth’? We’re not the same person!” Aiko declared. The dark figure scoffed again and somehow spread right behind Aiko.

Aiko tried moving but couldn’t. “Oh, but we are the same person Aiko-chan. I’m just every dark and evil though you have. I’m every dirty thought you’ve had, I’m the real you” Dark Aiko said as she wrapped her arms around Aiko from behind. “I’m the real you you want on the surface, the one you want to be”. Dark Aiko shifted her position to around the front of Aiko and gripped Aiko’s chin with her pointer finger and thumb.

”You aren’t the real me!” Aiko said in defiance. Dark Aiko let out a ‘tsk’ before letting go of Aiko’s chin. “Would you like to know what happens when Naruto loses to his own dark side?” Dark Aiko spoke as she walked away from Aiko. “What do you mean,” Aiko asked, worry in her voice. “His dark side will take over his body and he’ll be gone. When I fight and beat you I’ll take over your body” Dark Aiko said. Dark Aiko looked over her shoulder as she spoke. “I’ll have him ravish my body for days on end. Well, experience pleasure like never before all because you were too weak to fight and beat me” Dark Aiko said as she let out a dark chuckle.

Aiko’s eyes widened before they narrowed in determination. “Naruto won’t lose!” Aiko shouted. “Oh?”. Dark Aiko stopped her chuckling and glared at Aiko. “And why is that?”. Aiko channeled large amounts of chakra to her feet and broke out of her restrictions. “Because I believe in him! He doesn’t lose easily!” Aiko shouted as she shot towards her dark self. She changed her ice chakra into her fist and prepared her jutsu.

”Ice Style: Body Crystallization!” Aiko shot her fist forward. Dark did the same thing as her and their fist connected. They jumped back and the two of them stared at each other with narrowed eyes. “Do you even love him?” Dark Aiko shouted. Aiko froze at Dark Aiko’s words. “Do you even love him?” Dark Aiko repeated. Aiko replied without hesitation. “I do love him”. “Then why haven’t you confessed yet! Are you a coward or something!” Dark Aiko shouted.

”I am no such thing!” Aiko shouted. The two shot at each other again and engaged in a Taijutsu battle. Each landing nothing and blocking everything. They broke apart again, slightly winded and panting. “Then why haven’t you confessed if you aren’t a coward?” Dark Aiko questioned. “Are you afraid that he’ll reject you?”. Aiko flinched and Dark Aiko smirked. “You’re afraid that he won’t return your feelings. Ha! You’re so pathetic. Maybe when I kill you and take over your body I’ll have my way with Naruto’s body”.

Aiko’s eyes narrowed in rage and she shot forward towards Dark Aiko like a bullet. She punched Dark Aiko’s gut with her ice chakra-covered fist. Dark Aiko spat out blood before she fell to her hands and knees. Aiko crouched down next to her dark self as Dark Aiko coughed. “Just finish me,” Dark Aiko said, surprising Aiko. “What are you waiting for huh? Kill me and walk into the waterfall!” Dark Aiko shouted. Aiko brought Dark Aiko up to face her by placing her hands on Dark Aiko’s shoulders.

She then embraced Dark Aiko in a warm hug. Dark Aiko’s eyes widened in surprise at Aiko’s actions. “I want to kill you for what you said about Naruto but I can’t. I can’t get rid of my own dark thoughts because they’re apart of me. I want to be somebody who can get rid of the darkness inside of everyone and be their light” Aiko said as she pulled away from the embrace and looked into Sark Aiko’s eyes. “I want to use my abilities and help Naruto become Hokage and end the cycle of hatred in this world and be everyone’s light in the darkest times”.

Dark Aiko, for the first time in its existence, shed a tear and a small smile. “Then you be the light Aiko. Love Naruto to your fullest and be his light when he needs it”. Aiko embraced her dark version as it faded away until it faded out of existence. Aiko’s eyes shot open and she looked around wildly. When she saw Naruto standing next to her, giving her a look that meant more than she could tell, she was overjoyed.

”Are you ready to go Aiko-Chan?” Naruto questioned Aiko as he held his hand out for her. Blushing, Aiko took his outstretched and nodded. “I’m ready Naruto-kun”. The two walked past the waterfalls, followed closely by Kakashi and Hinata and into the temple where they were going to become the perfect Jinchuriki of their Tailed Beast.


Published: Tuesday - December 14th, 2021 - 3:15 P.M.
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