Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Tale of the Outcast warrior. Part 1

The Tale of the Outcast Warrior Part 4

by Goreleech 0 reviews

The Outcasts reach the port town of Yalik and discover that, in Lectis, when one enemy is beaten, the world just replaces him with a nastier one.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2022-02-19 - 118029 words - Complete


Tyler opened his eyes to see Sallie’s sleeping face right beside his own. HE smiled widely as he saw her. NOW I can give her a proper adventure. He saw Sylvia had gotten pressed into Kaori’s moderate cleavage, with the girl’s arms holding her tightly. HE loved that sight, and wished yet again for a camera. He leaned in and kissed Sallie on her forehead, and found he could feel her skin. She giggled quietly.
“Morning daddy!”
She opened her beautiful blue eyes and hugged him as Kaori opened her green eyes.
“Morning Sparkles. Sleep well?”
She smiled again as she buried her face in his scared chest.
“Uh-huh! You’re warmer then Sylvia!”
HE chuckled as he saw he’d returned to his body in his sleep. Sylvia yawned as she opened her eyes, only to find her face buried into Kaori’s bare chest. She blushed as she saw the nipple in her face.
“Morning Sylvia.”
Tyler patted her red hair affectionately, and she extracted herself from Kaori’s warm embrace.
“Aww, what’s a matter sweetie? Don’t like mommy’s nipples?”
Sylvia bawled.
“Not like Daddy does!”
They all laughed as they rose together. Tyler had just sheathed his blades on his back when Sylvia and Sallie tugged his legs. HE looked at them smiling.
“What’s wrong?”
“HE wants a word with you.”
Tyler looked over where they pointed, only to see a tall, cloaked and hooded figure with a large scythe in a skeletal hand looking at him. Tyler put the two girls behind him as Kaori also got between the Reaper and the spirits. Tyler faced the Collector of Souls.
“You here for them?”
The thing chuckled, and it sounded like rattling bones.
“It tis no small thing to challenge Death itself to it’s face.”
It’s voice an unsettling whisper, and it sent a shiver of fear down then girls spines. Tyler, however, was NOT afraid.
“You come for those girls, you have to get past ME first. And me AND you know you’d lose that willpower battle.”
The thing lunged at him, only for Tyler to glare at it using his full will instead of his rage, sending the Reaper to the floor under the weight of his overwhelming force. Sylvia and Sallie were trembling as they watched Death itself forced flat under Tyler’s sheer will alone.
“HE just made Death fall before him.”
“His will is stronger then Death.”
Tyler kept adding weight to his gaze as he inflated his will with determination, resolve, and his devotion to Kaori. Result? A long crack appearing in the Reaper’s scythe blade as the battle of willpower was absolutely one-sided. Then a strained laugh was heard, and it sounded of bones bouncing off rocks.
“It would seem, you truly DO care for those lost souls.”
“Keep talking, and you’ll be crushed to powder.”
“I did not come her to Reap.”
“Yeah, you’re not getting off that floor until you tell me why you DID come here.”
“I came here to test you.”
It laughed again.
“To see if you really would go so far as to challenge death itself for those two souls. Or any others for that matter.”
“Have I settled this question?”
“Indeed. Now, I have a proposition for you, mortal.”
“In exchange for those souls to both remain by your side, and be reborn as your eventual children with memories intact, I have a request.”
“What is this request?”
“I request the horns of the demons you’ve killed to this point.”
“That’s it?”
The Reaper laughed again.
“Indeed. I can sense those horns’ wills are still present. And since I know them well, and they’ve been thorns in by side for millennia now, I seek to punish them for the rest of eternity.”
“How good is your word?”
Tyler sensed another motive behind this thing’s appearance, and it sniggered now.
“You see through even Death’s soul. Truly horrifying. My motives are two-fold. For as you say, if I try to take the girls, you will pursue, and not even I am a match for your willpower. If Death itself falls, the world would die as well. Plus, since I hate these particular demons, I sensed a means to both absolve myself of my duty, and save my own bones.”
“Yet, something still doesn’t add up here. You said memories intact. You rule death, NOT birth…..Shade.”
The thing froze, and screeched in a most unholy manner.
“How?! How can a mere human, a mere Mortal see through us?”
“You will never know.”
Tyler hit the vile imposter with ten times the force, and it was reduced to powder, before a large white light appeared and merged with the two girls spirits. Tyler looked at them.
“You two good?”
Sylvia and Sallie hugged him tightly.
“Yeah, all that light did was make our spirits stronger.”
“Like food.”
“Well, breakfast.”
They giggled as a most unsettling feeling entered the room then. Tyler sighed as he looked to the new arrival, another cloaked and scythe carrying figure.
“Seriously? Another one? Look, you can’t have these two, so just leave.”
HE felt a frantic tug on his leg. He looked to see Sylvia looking at him fearfully.
“That’s the real deal!”
“Yeah, I know. Still can’t have you.”
Tyler looked back at it, as it chuckled.
“No fear. And a willingness to fight as well. How amusing.”
“Like I told your Shade, try it, and you’ll lose.”
The thing laughed.
“I am aware. Not why I have come. I have come to grant those two a boon.”
“Indeed. Those two have made even ME feel pity for the way they met Death. As such, I will grant them the power of Life Walk.”
Both girls gasped hard. Tyler tilted his head.
“Okay. IS that the spirit version of Spirit walk?”
“Only FAR more potent, Mortal. Once a day, for a period of two hours to start, they may walk as flesh and blood once more, while still remaining spirits.”
“You can do that?”
It laughed.
“I rule Death, that is true. But, I have the power to do this Boon. They will carry this power until they are reborn as your children, and before you ask, yes, their memories will be intact. Yet another nod to your extreme willpower.”
“Okay, the ruler of Death is granting a power for a form of life. Odd mismatch.”
“Mistrusting of Death is a wise policy, as it is unfair and unpredictable. Yet, it is always true.”
Sylvia gulped.
“Death keeps his word, it’s the single thing about Death that is fair: it will always honor it’s word.”
Tyler looked at it.
“What do you need to do to grant this power?”
“Wave my arm.”
“Anticlimactic as all hell, but whatever.”
The thing made the girls glow, and when they looked at their HUD’s, they saw they had the ability added to their list.
“A warning.”
Tyler looked right at it.
“If they die in a Life Walk session, then they will be lost to oblivion forever. Not even I have the power to defy that.”
“If that Shade had gotten them?”
“Shades feed off souls, that is true, but, as long as they are in MY realm as their true forms, they cannot die again.”
“I see. Well, we thank you for these. Are they freely given?”
“Indeed. I feel pity for these souls of a kind I have not in recent memory. As such, I sought to remove it from my being.”
“Well, I am sensing no ulterior motives.”
“I have done what I set out to do. May I never find you beneath my blade.”
The thing was gone as Sylvia and Sallie gaped at Tyler as Kaori hugged him.
“See? Now we can do even MORE with them!”
Sylvia and Sallie started to cry from the sheer joy of getting to walk as people again, but Tyler just lifted them into his chest.
“Like I said. A proper adventure. Now, smile, and let’s see the fine print.”
Life walk was an ability granted to Spirits like the Lady of the Forest, so they may take a physical form to perform tasks or speak with the living for a short time. The base was two hours, but upgrades through use. Once fully upgraded, the limit was raised to a full week at a time, with a one day cooldown. The girls were ecstatic by this, as they knew Tyler would NEVER allow ANYTHING anywhere near them if it would so much as scratch them. Tyler laughed as he poked Sylvia.
“Wulf is going to have a friggin heart attack.”
She giggled.
“Let’s go give it to him!”
She and Sallie glowed a moment, before they were seen again. Sallie still having her green hair and blue eyes clad in her gown of white and bare foot, as Sylvia was still a blazing red haired elf with startlingly blue eyes, pale skin, and was clad in a red dress as well as being bare foot. Tyler and the three girls all headed downstairs to see Wulf, Sera and Lily already at the table waiting for him. The ranger smiled as he saw the group, still thinking Sylvia and Sallie were spirits.
“Wow, first time I’ve beaten you two up.”
Sera and Lily looked over and gasped.
“Tyler, who are those beautiful girls?”
“They’re soooo cute!”
Tyler watched as Wulf’s mind effectively went BOOM. Tyler lifted the two laughing girls into his arms as he walked over.
“The elf is Sylvia. The other is Sallie. We had a visitor this morning.”
They sat at the table as Sera gave Sallie her first hug death, as Sylvia hugged her as well. Tyler then poked the starting to recover Wulf.
“You good bro?”
HE loomed at him, with a mixture of awe and fear.
“What did you DO?”
“Death itself came to visit. Said that since my willpower was so extreme, and those two had died such pitiful deaths, he was granting them the ability of Life Walk. Think the Spirit of the Forest when she takes physical form.”
The elf blinked, and looked as Sylvia came over to hug him.
“HE challenged death itself for us. And WON.”
Sallie was playing a game with Sera, where they would poke the other and try to dodge the retaliating poke. Wulf smiled as he looked at Tyler while stroking Sylvia’s hair.
“How long?”
“Two hours per day until it’s upgraded. Once fully upgraded, they get a week straight with a one day cooldown. Downside is if they die in this form, then we lose them to the void forever.”
Wulf’s gaze hardened.
“Like that’s gonna happen.”
“Testify elf brother. They ONLY get to walk in camp AFTER the spells are up, in an Inn, a town I call clear, or the Nidhogg. Otherwise, they stay spirits, as Death said they can’t die in his realm.”
He smiled.
“Agreed. We should plan a trip to Cragspire.”
“Just to give Warlund and Marlene their heart attack?”
“It is only right. They did give us her to begin with.”
“It won’t be for a while though. But, sure. We’ll see how it looks after the first wave.”
He nodded as Malico and Vixen came down. The ladies freezing as they saw Sallie and Sylvia playing with Lily and Sera in physical forms. Tyler smiled at them.
“Life Walk.”
Vixen nodded.
“I felt Death’s visit. I see he truly DID pity them.”
Malico smiled as she walked over to hug Sallie and sit by her. Tyler was laughing as Sallie pet her fur like a cat when Melly came over with a refill.
“Hi. Who are you?”
The two spirits giggled.
Melly got a hug apiece before looking at Tyler.
“They your daughters?”
“In a sense. They’re spirits with an ability that lets them hug us.”
“Awww, cute!”
The group laughed as Melly got another hug, before nearly getting throttled by Sera. The rest of the crew came down and were introduced to their spirit friends, as they laid out the plan for the day. Tyler looked at the map with Sallie and Sylvia on his legs.
“Okay, today is an easy day. Long as Sera, lily, and Lillia are not alone, just see what you can come up with. I’ll be bouncing around for a bit, so keep an ear up. I’ll see if I can’t dig a few night sight skills up. Tolic should be done with the new armor by this afternoon at the latest, so once I get word, I’ll whistle.”
Kaori looked at him.
“Some of our horse tack is getting kind of worn. So I’d like to replace it if possible.”
“We’ll take a look. Any other things that need replacing?”
Wulf thought for a moment.
“That tent could do for a better material upgrade. Like a sturdier leather.”
“Is the size good enough for us?”
The ranger looked at the head count.
“Me, you, Malico, Sera, Serafina, Vixen, Lucy, Kaori, Thistle, Lillia, and Sallie and Sylvia on occasion. We’re set on size for now.”
“I wonder if they make fur tents? Like hide or other types?”
Kaori and Wulf looked at each other.
“A good deer is very tough.”
“True, my own preference? Bear skin.”
“We could do with new fur blankets.”
“We COULD always just go out hunting. I mean, we were planning on using the town as a base of operations.”
Kaori smiled.
“True. Plus it would be fun to just hunt for materials and resources instead of blood.”
“Oh yeah, we have that entire mine of red steel.”
Lily looked up from her food.
“Tolic offered to let me practice me craft at his forge, long as I clean the mess and bring me own things.”
Tyler passed her the pouch with the ore.
“Our smith needs these. Okay, I’ll visit Seline at some point as well, as a bit of fun.”
The table laughed. Then Lillia had a thought.
“If we go hunting, will we also be bandit baiting?”
Tyler looked at the map.
“I’d say no, Lillia. Last time we came through, we cleared a decent number of camps out, so I doubt they’d set up so close to town.”
Wulf looked at it as well.
“Bandits don’t really come close to town. It’s those orcs I was telling you about we need to worry about.”
“I’ll go take a look at the guild job board, see if I can’t pin a camp down.”
Sylvia settled her head into his chest as Lucy had a thought.
“Ya say we’re leavin for Yalik tomorrow morn.”
“That’s the current plan.”
“So, our hunting ground is a few hours ride from the city gates?”
Tyler drew a circle around the city and tapped it.
“I see where you’re going and this is our range. Close enough that in the event it goes sideways, you can make it to the walls easily enough, but with plenty of ground to work with. Oh, that’s a thought.”
Tyler looked at Vixen.
“Is it possible to commission an enchanted item in this world?”
She crossed her arms.
“It depends on what you’re looking for.”
“A whistle that if a member of our party blows it, the entire party hears it, no matter how far away, and tells them what direction to go in.”
Vixen rubbed her chin.
“That’s a pretty common one, actually. I’d say visit that Mermaid or Twink, as the Sprites and Mermaids are the best races at enchantment.”
“Okay, that’s my first task. Shoulda thought of it sooner, but hey. Least I got it now. What about pouches?”
Vixen spoke up again.
“Those tend to be more expensive, but what were you thinking?”
“A hide pouch, just for things like pelts, furs and hides.”
Wulf thought about it.
“We have two coin pouches, a tool pouch, meat, potion, plant, spear, loot, sensitive, and an other. How’s everyone’s belts?”
There was a lot of looking before a consensus was reached.
“We each have like maybe four slots left.”
Wulf rubbed her chin.
“They may be small and very useful, but just watch out for too many look alike pouches.”
“Fair point. And we can’t even mark them, in case of attempted robberies…..actually, that works.”
Wulf chuckled.
“Have blatantly marked pouches to bait bandits and other loot thieves for fun. A most easy strategy.”
“And it builds on Shadow’s tried and tested methods.”
She smiled as he spoke. Tyler was looking at the map as Sallie and Sylvia sighed.
“Times up for today?”
“Yup. We’ll still be here an all.”
“Least we’ll get to play later anyway.”
The girls got hugs as they glowed again and returned to spirit forms. Sera looked like she was about to cry, when Tyler patted her head.
“She still there, Sera. You just can’t see her or touch her. She can hear you though.”
The kind hearted princess smiled.
“You see them at night right?”
“I’ll give you the ability too.”
“They’re bouncing with joy as well.”
Sallie and Sylvia were now sitting on the table, for spirits had more freedom the living. Tyler spotted a guild runner outside and grabbed a news crystal off him. Kaori laughed as he came back.
“You’re like an old man with his daily paper.”
Tyler chuckled as he sat back down.
“I find it kinda fun to see what’s going on in the rest of the country, plus reading about us in it as well.”
He added the thing and opened it up.
“This Morning In Vernillion. It would seem the Warriors are indeed nothing but spoiled children. For today, which is the day the coin was usually distributed to the unworthy, not a single copper was waiting for them. The Warriors then, nearly immediately, tried to steal the gold from the banks that had previously handed it out, as in the words of the leader Max,
“You wants us to fight for you? Pay us. Or we’ll just take it.”
“Well, they tried. Only thing is, the royal guard is not to be trifled with, and such the Warriors were barred from all banks period. They can’t even preform coin conversions, which is a daily activity in Lectis. The King was then heard to make a statement.
“It would seem we have the two extremes here in Warriors. We have these idiots, that seem to think that just because they have a fancy title, that they can do whatever they can do whatever they want to whoever they want whenever without consequence. They rape and torture and pillage the land, yet as soon as the slightest hardship or inconvenience hits them, suddenly they’re the victims. They never work for their money, and spend mine on food, drink and women. Hell, I’ve heard it said the women need to get paid double just to look at them!”
The king does seem to hold these Warriors in contempt. Then he spoke again.
“Next we have the middle. Kazuma is a kind-hearted boy, and no mistake about it. He works hard for his money, cares for those weaker then he, and gives aid freely. His flaws are simple, I think he is a far too gentle-hearted boy to fight. He gives to the point of indebting, and is sometimes a little too trusting. HE is a better prince then Warrior, even if he is of a Warrior’s Disposition. He is young, and is a hopeless optimist, but the things he needs to learn are easily taught. So, in my own opinion? Boy just needs time and a good teacher.
“His majesty has become quite fond of the blonde boy. Almost as if he was his true father.
“Now, we have the other extreme. Tyler and the Outcasts. Lad gets here, and in a few hours is branded a murdering coward for killing my friend and stealing his blade. For the sake of fairness, I saw fit to grant him the ten gold I gave to all Warriors, and then he vanished with that beauty he risked his life to defend. That boy is NOT a kind hearted soul or a merciful one either. He’d gladly kill us all to protect that girl. He stands with his own strength, and does not need the aid of anything or anyone. He willingly threw the Warrior title away to forge his own, and works harder then any of the others just to put a hearty meal in that girl’s belly. We get deeds and feats he and his still growing party have accomplished on the daily. Some are so incredible, I often wonder if he bribed someone.”
The king may be fond of Kazuma, but this lad, Outcast, is the apple of his eye.
“I’ve spoken with the boy meself. He is harsh, scathingly critical, and does not mince his words. Yet, is fair, true, and with a spine made of cold steel. That boy is the stuff legends are made of, and the reason children get to sleep soundly at night, for a True Warrior stalks this land with Death as his friend. As for how he makes his money? Pff, lad WORKS. I have heard it said that, prior to a journey, he spends upwards of half an hour just looking at his map, going over the route again and again. Never satisfied, ever watchful. HE has asked nothing of the crown, and we have offered nothing. Yet, his party is thriving. In his words, in Lectis, you either step the fuck up, or get the fuck stepped over. HE will lead the battle in the waves, and only his party will taste true victory, for having a leader that knows what the hell he is doing, listens to council, and leads the charge himself, is a truly spectacular thing. Oh, and the bastard knows how to travel. Riding a dragon into battle? You sonuvabitch! I have DREAMT of doing that since I first saw a dragon in the sky as a boy! You BETTER tell me everything! Hmm? How do I know he’ll see this? Ha, lad’s like Gruven in so many ways it’s terrifying. That’s why. Plus, well, me and a few of my friends from my wild years have a rather plausible hunch as to just who that boy is. That is all I will say on this matter, until I get the chance to discuss it with him myself.
It seems the boy has drawn the eyes of quite a few interested parties. As for Term? The Warriors are still rioting as their easy lives have come to a halt. The pope tried to open the church’s coffers to the rioters, in his words as a means of appeasing those they cannot afford to offend, only to have royal knights under orders from the king to seize any and all coin offered to the lay-abouts. The king also gave a statement.
“I will not allow MY coin to be so readily abused. These ‘Warriors’ will not be fed like babes at their mother’s tit! The crown WILL NOT support them, and as such, neither will the church. Like I said previously, ya want food? Pull your weight. Ha, I see why it’s a rule of Tyler’s camp now. Eh, at least they’re in good hands.”
He refused to elaborate on who he meant. In other news, The mining town of Valsask, the mining town recently plundered of it’s ore, has since resumed mining operations, as a new vein was discovered in an untouched part of the mine. The company behind the mine has issued a statement.
“This be our ore. We’ve sent out a request to the King for armed guards in case these so-called Warriors won’t steal from us again.”
Everywhere one were to look in Lectis, the Warriors are getting doors shut in their face. In this writers own opinion? Put spikes on them.”

Tyler closed his HUD and patted Sallie’s green hair, getting a giggle from the spirit.
“Well, I’ll go bother a mermaid.”
His friends chuckled as they would be splitting into groups as well. Tyler walked out with the spirits on his shoulders, as for some odd reason that was their favorite spot to be. The early morning town was also going about their tasks, as mailmen, runners, shop keepers and others all ran around as the town woke up.
“Hail! Outcast!”
Tyler smiled reflexively as he got hailed now.
“Still feels weird, though.”
Sylvia chuckled.
“Just wait for the thrill seekers to start coming up to get flipped by you.”
“Yeah, that hurts Sylvia. So, if that one pops up, we don’t have a fan, we got a masochist.”
She giggled,
“Careful, talking to the air like that, people will think you’ve gone mad.”
“They know I got Holy Muse. Plus I am insane, so, no biggee.”
Both little spirits giggled as Tyler found the mermaids shop. He walked in to find the lady sitting behind her counter looking at a blue book. She lifted her yellow eyes and smiled her pointed toothed smile at the Warrior approaching her counter.
“Greetings Lord. How may I service you?”
Tyler smiled at her two way offer.
“Looking to see if you can make an enchanted set of whistles for my party.”
She gurgled curiously as she became thoughtful.
“I see. What would the enchantment entail?”
“Each member gets one, and if one blows it, we all hear it no matter where we are, and tells us which direction to go in.”
Her finned ears flicked as the gears of her mind turned.
“I see your looking for a Rally enchantment. It is simple enough to do.”
“Glad I came to the right sea beauty then. How much”
She smiled now.
“A lay with me.”
Now it was Tyler’s turn to smile widely.
“Lay with you as payment? I’d happily do that for free. Got a bed back there?”
She waved her hand, and the door locked as she led him behind the counter to a small room with a living space and bed. Tyler looked at her they stripped. Her skin, hair and eyes were blue, her feet had webbing between her toes, her ears were fins, and she had scales on her sides like a fish. Her rear was smooth and firm, and her groin was free of scales and seemed to be wet already as she laid on the bed. Her eyes blinked vertically as she saw his scars, only for her to lick her lips as she saw his sword.
“Oh I ached for that.”
HE laughed as he mounted her, and as he slid inside her, it felt like a greased tunnel that contracted and gripped him in such a way that he loved as he grabbed her legs to start thrusting into her. She had a most exciting gurling moan as she bucked and played with his body, and her skin was soft. The mermaid’s rack flopped with a loud slapping as they moved, and when she blew, she screamed and arched her back like a drawn bow, and she tasted of warm sea air. Then she was on her belly as she grinned at him.
“Spear me!”
Into her rear he went, and she kicked the bed in pleasured ecstasy. Then they fell to the bed as she was well and truly finished. She rolling onto her back to kiss the warrior. HE finding her lips soft and lovingly warm. She was panting as her blue cheeks had a distinct purple color now, flushed as she was. HE Smiled at her.
“So, what’s your name again?”
She burst out laughing,
“Of course you lay with a girl only to ask her name AFTER. It’s Aqua.”
“Aqua, nice to put a name to the sex. Was fun.”
She laughed as she kissed him again.
“I haven’t experienced such lust and love in such a long time. Nor did I enjoy myself as much.”
“Glad to service you.”
She laughed at the theft of her sales pitch.
“My poor core is longing for more, alas, I cannot.”
“A shame, as I loved you as well.”
She smiled, and got another kiss as he fondled her amazingly firm rack.
“If we keep going, I lose a day’s business.”
“Can’t have a beauty like you go unsatisfied.”
She laughed as they stood and dressed. His sword feeling warm and ready still. Aqua looked at the applauding Spirits.
“I’m glad you approved.”
Tyler gave her rear a caress, making her shiver.
“They love a good show.”
Here he leaned in to whisper in her finlike ear.
“And I LOVE a good Mermaid.”
The poor girl shuddered hard as he walked by, tracing a teasingly light finger across her skin to flick a scale.
“Oh, and yes, we’ll do it again.”
She smiled with eagerness as her hand went to massage her now aching again groin.
“You’re a dangerous one.”
“And you’re a beautiful one.”
He retook his spot by the counter as the hot and bothered Aqua leaned her rack on the counter.
“So, how many did you need?”
“ME, Sera, Kaori, Wulf, Lucy, Serafina, Lillia, Thistle, Vixen, Lily, Malico, so 11.”
She tilted her head,
“That would be….2 gold.”
HE flipped her four.
“For next time.”
She laughed at that.
“Oh, next time I’ll close up for a day and part ways with walking!”
“Sounds like a date.”
She smiled as she placed the whistles on the counter. They were two inches long, deep blue, and reminded Tyler of coral. HE placed one around his neck, leaned over the counter, and stole a kiss off the surprised Aqua.
“I’ll see YOU next time.”
She was shivering again as he left her then, her grove pleading for release as she breathed heavily, as if she HADN’T just been lain by him.
“Oh my, I need a rest and a play!”
Tyler was smiling widely as he left her shop. I just railed a mermaid. Niiiiice. I see Wulf’s point, and NO WAY will I fergit that ride! HE spotted the elf in question with Kaori and Lily. HE went over as they were walking by to give them their new signals.
“Hey, Wulf? Remember our chat about Mermaids?”
HE looked at him.
“I do.”
The two men high fived as Kaori chuckled.
“It worth me looking into?”
“Oh HELL yeah. Plus, well, she’s STILL riled up. Shouldn’t take much more an a leer.”
The blonde smirked as she took her whistle.
“I’ll go relieve the poor girl then.”
HE smiled as he gave a shaking-her-head Lily her signal.
“At least your practicing for me. That’s good I guess.”
“Love you too, Lily.”
She smiled as he headed off, as Wulf chuckled.
“Seline’s next right?”
Tyler waved as he went.
“We’ll see. She’s gon git it though.”
HE left them laughing as he went. That mermaid is going to love Kaori. HE was whistling as he walked along the road to the general goods store. He went in to see about tents and a hide pouch and found Sera and Serafina looking at rods and line. HE smiled as he ghosted up behind the pretty Wraith, making her jump as he grabbed her shoulders.
The poor girl jumped a good foot in the air as Sera nearly fell over laughing as he placed the now fuming girl on her feet.
“You dick! I nearly had my heart restart!”
Sera had tears on her face as Tyler patted the indignant Wraith’s ever-present cloak.
“Nice to see I can out-Wraith a Wraith. Oh, and by the way?”
Her pretty purple eyes were on fire.
She smacked him as Sera was now struggling to breathe from her laughter. Serafina pulled her hood up with a huff as she stuck her nose in the air.
“Did you come her just to scare me?”
“Sure. Here.”
HE gave her the signal, and a still losing it Sera hers. The hooded Wraith let his prank go as Sera recovered, and was now coughing as she did. Tyler rubbing the black haired princess’s back soothingly as she hacked. Then he hugged her just cause.
“So, see anything interesting?”
Sera took a deep breath, and let it out as she pointed to a better rod model.
“This one is stronger than ours are, so we were wondering if it was worth getting.”
Tyler tilted his head.
“Well, we ARE headed to the ocean soon. Probably a good idea to have a stronger rod to use.”
Sera nodded.
“That’s what we were thinking. We also were looking at that tanning kit there.”
Serafina pointed it out.
“It allows for field tanning of hides into leather.”
Tyler became thoughtful.
“Okay, that one we should as Kaori or Wulf on. It’s a good idea, just not sure if it works for us. Good call though.”
The girls nodded again.
“We thought the same. We saw a tent over there that might be a better option.”
They pointed to a ten person made of deer skin. He smiled.
“Nice eyes, ladies. Hey, I wonder.”
He rocked on his feet as he had a thought. Sera smiled as she knew that look.
“What clicked this time?”
“We don’t really have ANY severe weather gear. You know like heavy tents, cloaks, things of that nature. We only have the one magic lantern.”
Sera and Serafina looked at each other.
“Wow, how’d we miss that?”
“Right? Seems kind of blatant.”
Tyler smiled.
“That’s why we check again and recheck. Okay, we have a large hole in our equipment. I’ll go find Wulf, as Kaori’s kinda tangled up right now.”
The girls giggled as they could only picture what he meant. Tyler left the store to head to Tolic’s smithy, as Lily would be headed in that direction anyway. HE passed Vixen and Lillia leaving Roxy’s shop, and gave them their signals before moving on. The sky was blue and clear, with the occasional sky shark cruising by on it’s way to anywhere, and the town bustled. Tyler was passing Sylvina’s shop when he glanced in the window, only to see her get dragged over the counter by a man with a knife.
HE walked in to the thick with screams shop as the man mounted the elven lady as he tied to force her legs wide, as her shorts had already been torn off, only for his dagger to grow out of the back of his head. HE poked his head and blew a loud whistle on his lips as the rest of the party had yet to get their signals. Hope Kaori’s finished that Mermaid off properly. If not, well, I pay her for a day’s LAY! Tyler then walked over to the rocking back and forth Sylvina. He patted her as she looked at her near rapist.
“Hey, you hurt?”
She looked up to see Tyler looking at her with a blank look in her purple eyes.
“No, you got here just before he…”
She pulled her knees up as his party came in through the door. They saw the dead guy, the torn shorts and her in a sitting fetal position, and they knew. Lillia and the other ladies all walked over, as the princess looked at Tyler.
“Clean the mess, we’ll take care of this one.”
He nodded as Wulf gave her a hug before following Tyler as he lifted the body out to the street. Kaori came up then, a flush on her face.
“Yes, I finished her off. Hard. Now what happened?”
“Atta girl. I was looking for Wulf to get his thoughts on something when I passed her shop, saw this guy throw her over the counter, and I stepped in. Bastard had her shorts off and was ready for entry when he grew a dagger out of his head.”
The blonde nodded and went inside to comfort Sylvina as Tyler retrieved his dagger before scanning his face.
“Wow. This guy just has a title.”
Wulf looked at him.
“What is it?”
“The elf rapist. Says the reward is…..HOLY SWEET MOTHER OF GODS. 2500 gold.”
Wulf went white at the extreme number.
“Yeah they HATE this guy. Come on, let’s go see Yoko. I don’t think picking that kind of coin up alone is a good idea.”
The ranger nodded.
“Yeah, even for you, blatant as you are, last thing you need is a mass mobbing.”
The two men headed off to the spear as Wulf sighed.
“Thanks for saving her.”
“Sure. She’s a friend of yours, so a friend of mine.”
The ranger smiled.
“I appreciate it. Now, why were you looking for me?”
“I realized we don’t have ANY severe weather gear. Like heavy tents, cloaks or more an one lantern.”
The ranger blinked.
“Wow, your right. How the hells we miss that one?”
“Too many things at once?”
“True. Well, at least we can fill this one easily enough.”
“True. We’ll collect Kaori as well, since Serafina wanted to add a tanning kit to our gear.”
Wulf rubbed his chin as they neared the Spear.
“Field tanning, huh? What did you think?”
“A nifty idea, but not something I really understand all that much.”
“Good leather is always welcome, plus we could make a good few things with that type of material.”
“So, worth adding to our tool box?”
“I’d say just over the line of worth it. Like how we have a fletching kit.”
“Alright, least we can pay for it.”
That got a snort as Tyler and Wulf headed to Yoko’s booth. The Raccoon girl was looking glum as she sat in her chair as Tyler approached.
“What’s got ya down, Yoko?”
She smiled at him as he stood by her booth.
“I heard you had a change of plans.”
“Yeah, much as it sucks, we need to train a few members of our team better. So, sadly, we need to head out tomorrow.”
She flicked her tail at him sadly.
“Well, just come back soon.”
“Just for you.”
She blushed.
“So, besides making me tingle, who’d you bag?”
“The Elf Rapist.”
Her tail dropped in shock.
“The Elf Rapist?”
“That’s what popped up on the bounty screen.”
She nodded.
“Okay, I’ll get my supervisor for this one. If it is indeed that monster, we’ll need to move to another room for payment.”
Tyler laid the body on the slab, and stood by a on watch Wulf. The body was retracted as Tyler leaned on the grate leering at a happily leering Yoko.
“I heard you paid a visit to Aqua this morning.”
HE smiled widely.
“I did indeed.”
Yoko leaned in to look at him.
“So you know, I to have partaken of her charms. Impressive, aren’t they?”
“Indeed they are. And I’m sensing a rather pleasant sandwich here.”
The raccoon girl had a most eager smile.
“And I whole heartedly look forward to it.”
Wulf just shook his head. WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE THAT KEEPS GETTING LEFT OUT? I DO STUFF TOO! Tyler smiled as two sets of footsteps approached the window, as two elven ladies with golden necklaces around their necks took spots behind Yoko.
“The identity is confirmed. We’ll need to relocate to the small room.”
They all nodded as a small door opened by the weapon rack, as Tyler stepped in, Wulf stood guard outside. Tyler sat across from Yoko with the two elves in the corners of the room. Tyler took the seat as a pouch was placed on the table by the sexy raccoon.
“Here’s your payment. Until you have it secure on your person, they will stand guard.”
Tyler added the 2500 coins to his coin pouch, and smiled as he slid the pouch back.
The elven ladies nodded.
“On behalf of elven women the world over, thank you.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Sure, ladies. Hey, Yoko, wonder who I’ll find next?”
She laughed as he left the room to see Seline talking with Wulf. The sexy fox lady’s tails flicked as she saw Tyler step out from the room. She was wearing a light dress of red that matched her flaming hair and barely contained her breasts as he walked over. She greeted him with fox ears twitching.
“Tyler! Come to bed me?”
“Not yet. Today though. Just dropped off a monster that tried to rape Sylvina.”
She sighed as Wulf exploded inwardly yet again at being passed over.
“That poor girl. Is she okay?”
“The girls are comforting her as we speak. That bastard had a high one though.”
She looked at him with her ice blue eyes.
“How high?”
He walked over to whisper in her ear,
“2500 gold.”
She blinked as she looked at him.
“That much? He have a title?”
“The elf rapist.”
Seline sighed as her tails drooped.
“Ah, I know of that one. HE came through a few years back, raped three elves before escaping into the night.”
“He’s dead now.”
She hugged him,
“And thanks for that.”
HE smiled as he hugged her back, feeling her slide a crystal into a pouch.
“A special lift. OUT of sight of the masses.”
“Better prep that groove.”
She laughed as they stepped back. Tyler looked at a now purple jealous Wulf.
“Let’s go check on her.”
His jealousy died as they went, leaving Seline to head to her office to indeed prep her body.
Tyler and Wulf returned to Sylvina’s shop to find the elf lady getting a shoulder rub from Kaori as Lily sat on her counter with her hammer. The other girls all looking around her shop, neither too close or too far. Tyler walked right up to her.
“How you holding?”
She smiled weakly.
“Just need to relax. I haven’t had a call that close in years.”
Tyler patted her arm.
“He’s dead now. That’s a plus.”
Kaori tilted her head.
“How much was he worth?”
Tyler looked to make sure the door was closed. It was.
“2500 gold. Dead. Alive? Nothing.”
The room stopped. Sylvina gaped at him.
“Who WAS he?”
“The Elf Rapist.”
Sylvina shuddered at the name as Lily sighed.
“So, that’s the bastard that got Momma?”
Wulf looked at the small girl with the hammer.
“HE was the one that raped Willow?”
Lily nodded sadly.
“She told me about how when she had been younger then me, he came though her town, dragged her into an alley, and took her first, second and third before leaving her in the puddle of their juices. Why she hates men so much. She only had me because she needed a descendent.”
Tyler patted the girl’s head.
“well, win for us. You’re nothing but a good thing Lily.”
She smiled happily.
“I’m awesome, aren’t I?”
“Better en that guy.”
HE jabbed a thumb at Wulf who laughed.
“Well, when the bars THAT low, kinda can’t do worse.”
“So wise at such a young age.”
“Momma didn’t raise no fool!”
“Damn right she didn’t.”
“You two do know I’m right here, right?”
Tyler and Lily both looked at Wulf, as if just noticing him.
“Oh, hey Wulf. When’d you get here?”
“Hi Uncle Wolf. You sure got quieter.”
The ranger just groaned in defeat.
“And so the pain continues.”
Tyler looked to the now laughing Sylvina.
“You gonna be okay?”
She wiped a tear from her purple eyes.
“I will. Just need to get a good drink later.”
“Alright. Well, I’ll leave ya to it. Got a fox to see.”
“Over here!”
“Right idea wrong Vixen!”
The black mage laughed at his play on her name. Kaori understood and smiled.
“It’s behind that lady’s desk in a small alcove.”
“Love you too, Kaori.”
That got a laugh as he headed back to the spear to bed the sexy fox lady. HE walked into the Spear and walked past the now grinning lady as she gestured to the well hidden lift. He was about to step on it, when he felt a tug on his belt.
“Something feels off here. Watch yourself.”
“Keep watch, you two. If I’m too deep, and something comes for me back, scream.”
Sylvia and Sallie nodded as they rode the lift up. The door opened and Seline was waiting in a robe of blue belted around her middle.
“Ohhh, I NEED you!”
Tyler smiled as he followed the seductive fox lady to a well-hidden door. Once inside they stripped, and she gasped as she saw his scars. Then moaned as she saw his sword.
She laid back on the large bed and as he slid inside her, she wrapped her fox tails around his waist and away they went. She screaming hard as he speared her in the grove and rear. He blew and buried his face into her massive flopping bosom, and she held him there, as she too climaxed hard. Only for a yell from Sylvia to alert him.
Tyler rolled the fox lady he was still inside of over as a man stabbed the bed where’d he just was with a dripping long bladed dagger. Tyler laughed as the room was suddenly filled with about twenty shapes, as Seline cowered in fear at the invaders.
“I got this. Ladies, keep watch on me gear.”
The spirits were sitting on it, as Tyler drew a breath,
“Hey! If you blow a hole in the Spear at this height-“
“Eh, FINE. WaterBurst.”
The men were encased in his ball of water that lifted them off the floor. They were now drowning inside the ball as Tyler reached inside and pull one out as the others all stopped fighting and just floated as they drowned. Seline had a blanket covering her as Tyler pulled his Sgian Dao to begin the interrogation.
“Who are you?”
The man spit at him.
“Kill me! You won’t git anything form me!”
“Seline, once I’m done with this, wanna keep going?”
She blinked.
“You’re thinking of THAT at a time like this?”
“Hey! I’m not DONE with you just yet!”
She shivered,
“Oh, hurry up then!”
Tyler brought the ball of dead men out into the open room, as he placed the still glaring man on a tiled part of floor. The water vanished and the dead all dropped to the floor with a thud.
“Ha, you won’t break me.”
“Musta sucked when your mother raped you with that toy.”
HE went absolutely pale. Tyler smiled.
“Or when your father beat you with that weird toy she used on your rear. Odd you liked it so much. Probably explains why you like it in the rear so much from the ladies you hire, even though they charge triple for such a depraved act.”
The man broke down crying.
“Okay. We were hired by the other Warriors to assassinate Seline to force the city to open the gates.”
“…….Seriously? Payment?”
“3000 gold. 300 gems.”
“Gods they are stupid. Are there other such guilds?”
“Okay, spread the word that unless they want a visit from the Outcast to visit their halls, no jobs from Warriors. We clear?”
“Crystal, sir.”
“Oh, and who had the money?”
“I REALLY want to throw you through that window, but Seline’s right about a hole at this height.”
Tyler tied a sign on his neck after piling the dead in the public lift: Don’t bother us for another two to three hours. We’ll explain then. Then he sent it down before running back to the room, and GENTELY tackling a now eager Seline onto the bed. They picked right back up where they left off, her getting pounded as they sated their lust fully and completely off each other. Then she collapsed under him as the various liquids dripped and flowed. The fox lady as satisfied as she could get in one go.
“Bath time.”
HE laughed and carried her to the bath in his arms like a princess. Her flicking him with her tails.
“I see YOU are still ready and eager.”
He laughed.
“I enjoy your company.”
She smiled as they walked into the pool like bath and he set her on a submerged bench. HE sitting bsdie her in easy fondling distance as she wrapped her tails around him.
“So. Those assassins?”
“Hired by the Warriors to kill you to force the gate open.”
She kicked water in frustration.
“Why are they so STUPID?”
HE sat her between his legs and held her waist.
“Why do I still want to ravage you?”
She laughed and settled right back.
“I can go again.”
“I friggin love foxes.”
And so they had each other for the THIRD time in the bath this time. With moans, screams and splashes as she was indeed ravaged by the hungry Warrior. They dropped again, panting into the water. Tyler was smiling widely as he sat back against the wall of the pool like tub. Seline straddling him as she pressed her soft lips into his own.
“You have QUITE the appetite!”
HE gave her ample bosom a fresh suckle.
“Good thing your such a decadent feast. I’m still hungry too!”
She could feel the truth under her grove.
“You’ve out lasted me. It kind of hurts.”
“Back door?”
She burst out laughing, but did indeed turn around to sit on it. Moaning hard as it filled her rear to capacity. Then he pinned her against the wall as he thrust hard against her. The fox tails getting stroked as she lost it yet again, and got a fresh filling. This time, he stood down as he filled her up again.
“And there. I’m full of you.”
HE leaned in to kiss her tenderly,
“THIS time.”
She shivered as they sat back down in the filtered waters. Her and he kissing softly as they let their bodies recover. Then she looked at him.
“How did you know?”
“Look behind you.”
She did, and saw a faint outline of two small spirits. She blinked, and her ice blue eyes glowed.
“I see. We had an audience.”
“Yup. A very cute audience.”
Seline burst out laughing as Sallie and Sylvia started clapping. The fox stood up and bowed before her approving audience. Only to get a tender caress of her rear as she sat back down.
“So, who are they?”
“That green haired cutie is Sallie. That red headed elf is Sylvia.”
Seline jumped with a splash as he said the name. Then she saw the locket around his neck that had stayed there over the arrow necklace. She sighed sadly as she touched it.
“I see you found her.”
Tyler hugged the lady.
“We laid her to rest ourselves. Now, she travels with us. Same with Sallie. And I’ll tell you a secret you are NOT to tell anyone.”
She looked at him as he leaned to whisper in her ear.
“They got granted Life Walk by Death itself.”
She gasped.
“You mean?”
Sylvia and Sallie came and sat on the pair’s laps.
“We got bodies! Sometimes.”
Seline hugged the elf girl.
“I’m so happy he found you.”
The elf giggled as she got pressed into the busty fox’s rack.
“Malico’s are better!”
The fox’s tails lashed as she looked at Tyler.
HE tilted his head.
She smiled with a veiled threat.
“Who’s are better? Mine or the cat?”
“Well, lets see.”
HE gave her breasts a fresh suckle, with a thoughtful look on his face before going up and kissing her deeply.
“Yours are more fun to suck on.”
She laughed.
“She bigger?”
“Actually, you’re the same size. You just got the firmer set.”
She felt oddly fulfilled at his verdict of her cleavage. Then he sighed.
“As much as I want to just soak with you, we kinda need to address the mess downstairs.”
She looked at him.
“I meant the ground floor. Seriously, Seline, I was just eating that thing, have some self-confidence.”
All three girls burst out laughing at his tone of exasperation. He kissed her again, and stood up with a newly hardened sword. Seline tilted her head.
“Kaori told me of a method of play in your world I’d like to try.”
“Well, by all means.”
She fit the sword in her mouth as he smiled and stroked her red hair.
“Now just move back and forth. Just like that.”
She got her taste of seed, and her eyes lit up as she sat back.
“Wow, that was…kinda fun.”
“Damn straight.”
They cleaned up, again, before dressing and riding the lift down. Tyler’s party was looking over the dead assassin’s again as he came out whistling with a wobbly Seline right behind him. Kaori came over laughing.
“Seriously? You drowned twenty, and STILL take her ability to walk right?”
Tyler kissed her.
“Least I got my priorities right.”
HE then leaned in the whisper in her ear.
“And you SEVERELY understated just how good she is, feels, and tastes.”
She hugged him to hide their little chat.
“How many?”
“Four. Back to back.”
“Wow. Our record is what? Five?”
“I’ll let you off the hook for that one. And 3.”
“4. And yes.”
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
They parted as Seline leered at them both.
“Oh HELLS yeah!”
That got a laugh from all as the silent agreement was reached. Then Tyler took the pouch of 3000 grand gold out and gave it to Seline.
“Keep those idiots out. Oh, and fix the bed.”
She laughed.
“Sure. The tub too?”
“I DID see a crack.”
After he explained what had happened.
“Sylvia said something felt off, so as I played she and Sallie were on watch. They waited until the burst to try me with a poisoned weapon. Problem was, Sylvia was on watch like she usually is. The Warriors paid these idiots to Assassinate Sylvia to force the gates open to them once again.”
Seline looked to a guild rep.
“Do NOT make mention of the spirits. Understood?”
“If ONE word, okay? ONE tells of their role in this, the guild will be on MY hitlist. We clear?”
Verilica, the rep for the guild at that moment gulped.
“Understood. I’ll just chalk it up to her perception.”
“Good Imp. Oh, and Kaori’s been looking for a devilish good time of late. Think ya can help her out?”
The busty Imp leered at the sexy blonde as she licked her fangs.
“Of course.”
Kaori walked over and threaded her fingers in the now purring Imp’s hand.
“Let’s go then. I’m feeling…..hungry.”
The two ladies walked off as Tyler looked to Malico.
The busty cat smiled.
“A few.”
“Atta cat. Alright then. I guess back to it. I’ll go get a look at the guild job board and see about an orc camp.”
Seline got a farewell kiss before Tyler headed for the guild. He happily whistling as he went. He opened the door to the guild, getting a rowdy cheer from the members inside.
“Hail! Women’s Lure!”
“Hail! Ya ugly ladyless bastards!”
That got a roar of laughter as he spotted the job board and walked right over to it, getting a round of oh’s.
“Need to get outta town lad?”
“Maybe he ain’t as good as he thinks!”
“Isn’t that what the last girl you had said to you?”
They lost it, even the man that was the butt of the joke. Tyler smiled as a tall lady with a set of daggers around her waist and a moderate rack came right over to steal a kiss off his lips, getting a another round of cheers, only as she tried to retreat after a successful theft, he grabs her arm, and pulls her right back in to steal a make out session that left her breathless. HE patted her rear as she walked away flushed.
“See? THAT’S how it be done!”
The lady was panting hard as the hall whistled and cheered. She went for her pouch, only to find it gone.
“Hey, good lookin.”
She looked up to see him twirling it on a draw string, a wide smile on his face.
“Yer good, but ya ain’t the first to try to rob me jewels!”
The hall was having a hard time breathing as he tossed her pouch back at her with a wink.
“Try again next time, toots.”
She was smiling now.
“I be Whisper. I’ll be seeing YOU again.”
“I hear a bed just start begging for mercy.”
“Later. I got a job.”
“Yeesh, looking good for these unworthy bastards? Ya can do SOOO much better!”
The hall was choking on their laughter now as Whisper flipped a dagger to the Outcast.
“A memento. And a reminder that I WILL come for you.”
“Good LUCK sneaking up on me.”
She smiled and was gone. HE looked at the dagger, and found it to be a red dagger with a hint of dark grey. He smiled as he added it to his belt.
“Well, looks like I got another after me sword.”
The guild was recovering as he looked at the board, getting a new tab added to his HUD.
“See anything interesting?”
He looked to see a lady in a chainmail vest looking at the board.
“More looking for a nearby orc camp. A few party members need some blood practice.”
She smiled. This lady had a large rack, no shirt or top other her chainmail, blue hair that hung to her back, fair skin, red eyes, a pair of chainmail shorts, and was bare foot. Her weapon was a pair of dual short swords on her hips, with two larger swords over each shoulder.
“Oricah. Not a bad place to practice with.”
She reached up and pulled a sheet of paper down and handed it to him.
“Should fit the bill.”
He laughed at her pun as he looked it over.
“Wanted. Killing of an Oricah camp. Okay, good so far. Three hours ride from the west gate. Still good. Reward 75 silver. Okay. This works.”
Tyler looked up smiling to the lady.
“Fits perfectly. Thanks miss…?”
“Oh me? Chain.”
“Your name is Chain?”
She smiled and for some reason it made his heart skip a beat.
“Indeed. I am called Chain. Tyler the Outcast.”
Tyler was on edge now, and as he became suspicious, he felt a slight pressure on his mind. He smiled as he shattered the light charm spell, and she smiled as well.
“Nice. Though, you don’t need to use magic to charm me, as those good looks to the job just fine.”
“I was seeing if the rumors of your mental fortitude were true. Nice to see they are.”
“Weird flex, but okay.”
HE took the paper and headed off as Chain laughed.
“I’ll see you around.”
“Now I’m scared.”
That got a laugh as he went to set up the raid. He returned to Melly’s inn sat at the table as he rolled his map out. He traced a path to the indicated spot three hours out from the west gate. The spot in question was a small hollow like the ones the Goblin army used before the attack on TopLeaf. HE sighed,
“Okay, I am NOT liking THAT Deja veju.”
HE was pulling his Whistle when Wulf walked by with Thistle.
“Hey, Wulf, got a problem.”
Both elves came in to see where he was pointing at his map. He also slid the job posting to them.
“I am seeing some rather nasty similarities here.”
The Ranger and the Blood dancer looked at the map and posting and sighed.
“Yeah. I see it too. Main concern?”
Tyler pointed to the Hollow.
“There is this one here. But just here, maybe a ten minute ride to the east, is another one the same size.”
Wulf looked at it, and frowned.
“I’ll be right back. I need 2 gold.”
Tyler passed him the coins and he took off running. Thistle looked at the map.
“You think another army?”
“I do. If that is the case, and it’s led by a demon, we get to sic Tempesta on it.”
The ferocious elf smiled.
“Now I WANT a demon to appear!”
“As do I, my blood thirsty elf, as. Do. I.”
Wulf came back with a pair of maps. He tossed the 50 leftover silver at Tyler as he rolled them out.
“Okay, this one is a month ago, and this one a week. Ours updates daily, or every time it’s opened.”
Tyler smiled.
“I KNEW this was a good one.”
Tyler and Wulf took one look and groaned.
“Those are new. Like weeks.”
“Thistle, go warn Seline. Man those walls. Me and Wulf are going scouting.”
She took off running as Tyler and Wulf rolled the maps up. Then they raced for the stables. The Ferrier saw them in their hurry, and had their horses addled and ready. Tyler tossed the fifty silver to him as he blew on the new signal hard. The party, including a flushed kaori, met at the west gate.
“Suit up, two new Hollows appeared. Potential TopLeaf. Lock the city down. Kaori, your crew.”
“Got it. Verilica is pissed.”
They laughed as the two scouts rode out at a hard gallop as the alarm was sounded in the city and the walltops manned. Tyler was a step behind the elven ranger as they surged forward to the spot on the maps. They dismounted as they got close and went as silent as shadows towards the hollows. They cleared a small crest to a truly soul crushing sight: The army was on the march. Tyler sighed deeply.
“Wulf, we need time. I’ll buy us some time here.”
The elf looked at him horrified.
“You can’t hold it alone!”
Tyler looked at him, and he had resignation in his gaze.
“I am the only one that can stall them. Get back, take Thunder, and I’ll make them feel stupid until we get to the walls. Not up for debate, Wulf. GO!”
Tyler drew his dual broadswords and was gone as the elf shed tears and ran to get the defenses ready. Tyler was smiling as he moved like a Wraith through the trees and grass to get in front of the army.
“So, a suicide play?”
Sylvia and Sallie were riding his shoulders as usual. Tyler chuckled.
“Not even close. More, I’m playing rear guard. Plus, well, it comes to it, I got a backup ace.”
The spirits laughed as they went.
“Right. You ALWAYS have a plan.”
Tyler was smiling as he got a head count of the attacking army: 1000 Oricah, 200 stone Ogres, 30 giants with tan skin Tyler assumed were hill giants, and no sign of a leader as of yet. If it’s a demon, easy enough to call Tempesta. If not, well, we got a hard one here. He took a spot in the army’s path, and drew his power.
He’d upgraded it to cover a forty foot span now, and it stood 30 feet tall. The army stopped as a set of heavy steps were heard as a black Drakolisk appeared with a giant astride it. Tyler’s eyes lit up at the sight of the thing.
“Okay. Once we kill them all, we are SOOOOOO searching those hollows.”
This lisk was bigger then the other one, was jet black, and also had mere wing stumps. Guess that’s a species thing. The giant on it’s back was an odd duck, as it’s skin was pale blue, hair was white, wore armor, and on it’s back was a ten foot greatsword. The thing was easily 50 feet tall, and the lisk maybe 70. Tyler had his blades in the dirt as he tilted his head.
“What the hell is a frost giant doing all the way down here?”
The thing laughed then.
“An Outcast. Like you. Tyler the Outcast.”
“Well, then you know you can’t get passed me.”
The thing smiled an unpleasant smile, and waved an arm.
“I have JUST the way to deal with you.”
As it finished moving it’s arm, a thirty foot tall demon with blood red wings and black skin appeared. Tyler tilted his head in the opposite direction.
“A Greater Demon of War?”
Tyler lifted his face to the sky.
“Tempesta. I got a doozy for you!”
The giant and demon laughed hard at this.
“You cannot bluff us.”
“Indeed. The Sky king is NOT a mere dog!”
“We are in agreement there. Tempesta is NOT a mere anything.”
There was a sudden series of extremely heavy wing beats. And the pair went pale.
“See, thing about the big blue? He REALLLYY hates your kind.”
Tyler lifted his blades up.
“Ain’t that right big blue?”
There was an almighty woosh as Tempesta came roaring onto the scene to take the now screaming War Demon in his fangs.
“Indeed I do! These being great food!”
Tyler laughed as he heard the crunch, and the six foot horn dropped to land in front of him.
“Thanks, Tempesta! I got the small fry!”
“I’ll head for the city to give a head count, and give the reward for the meal!”
“Sure! Can I kill it next time? For the bragging rights?!”
“Ya get the credit for these!”
“Nice! Like a summon.”
The blue dragon flew off, as the Frost giant was enraged by this turn of events. Tyler was laughing now.
“Got anything else?”
Tyler laughed.
“Divine retribution.”
His invisible barrier went up as he drew in a breath.
“Ocean dragon Roar!”
HE sent a breath of Tempesta’s flames into the first ten ranks of the army, incinerating a solid fifty creatures as the frost giant held the lisk back, since in it’s mind, commanders lead from the back. Tyler was also firing arrows into the army enhanced with his best piercers, leaving multiple dead per shot. The enemy mages were launching spells, but they were getting absorbed by his Retribution spell, and as he chugged a mana potion, it was filled. HE then released his Waterwall.
The thirty foot wall of roiling water crushed several hundred creatures massing at the base, as they tried to force their way through it. Then, the horde behind the flattened things surged forward.
Only to be met with the over charged white beam of his most powerful offensive white spell. Another large mass of creatures died in the blast. The frost giant was enraged by the loss of so many to one, but when the smoke cleared, Tyler was gone from his perch atop a small hill. With a blatant arrow pointing out the way he’d gone. The giant, however, was no fool. HE had his army advance cautiously, for after all, the Outcast’s wily nature was a well known tale. The frost was moving along with his lisk mount, greatsword out as well, for it knew the human was stalking them. In reality, however, Tyler had done, what he had set out to do: Buy time. Nothing more, nothing less. Tyler was now running along the plains, leaving small traps and nasty surprises here and there to slow the army’s advance. He reached the wall after a half hour dead run. The wall roaring as he appeared from the bush, only to get confused as he stopped to rig a most peculiar trap: a pair of long branches pulled back with a well hidden trip vine. Kaori burst out laughing as she saw him make it before looking to Wulf.
“See? Suicide is NOT in his toolbox, Wulf. That bastard said buy time. We got five hours now.”
Tempesta was sitting with his legs under him like a cat as he watched Tyler rig another set of simple, yet extremely effective traps designed to do nothing more than slow the headlong advance. Tyler came over to the lord of blue after the last trap, a nasty foothold that would trip an Oricah.
“Thanks again for killing that thing.”
The dragon laughed as he set another twenty scales on the ground.
“I wondered if you would actually call me. Or just kill it yourself.”
“In all honesty? It really depends on the moment. We find a demon chamber underground, calling a dragon of your size might not be the brightest idea.”
The blue dragon chuckled.
“Indeed. That just seems like a great way to cause a quake.”
Tyler chuckled as he added the scales to their collection.
“We can handle the small fry if you wanna watch. Though,”
Tyler looked at the wall.
“That lisk and frost are MINE!”
The wall laughed as Tempesta chuckled.
“Point out the biggest things on the field, and kill it.”
Tyler smirked.
“To be fair, Tempesta, YOU’RE the biggest thing on the field. Might wanna consider a diet.”
The wall went deathly quiet as Tyler cracked a fat joke to the dragon’s face. Tempesta huffed.
“Oh that’s REAL big talk coming from my left toe claw.”
“ya know being overweight CAN lead to serious medical complications. Should fly more and eat less sharks.”
Tempesta flicked him in the vest with a claw, launching him into a tree.
“You really ARE an infuriating jackass.”
Tyler got up laughing as he split the tree.
“Nice to see you CAN still move.”
“Keep talking and I’ll have a word with that elf girl with the hammer.”
Then they burst out laughing as Seline looked to Kaori incredulously.
“If I was not certain Tyler was a human, I’d say he was Tempesta’s son from the way they’re bantering.”
Kaori just smiled.
“Tempesta and him are very similar. It’s a little scary at times, but they really ARE good friends.”
Tyler was laughing when he felt a tug. He looked down to see Sallie looking at him.
“IS he your father?”
Tempesta looked at Tyler closely now.
“I see you got the Divine Sight.”
Tyler looked at him.
“I did. To fight Shades.”
The lord of blue peered into his soul.
“I see. You are willing to destroy the very balance of this world, just to keep that blonde alive.”
“Would you not do the same for Glacious?”
That made him blink, then sigh.
“I would. I understand you better now. And, approve.”
“I thought you would. I got the feeling you understood as well.”
The dragon tilted his head.
“Understood what exactly?”
Tyler sighed.
“Just how lonely life can be without someone beside you.”
Tempesta nudged the Outcast with his snout in a clearly comforting manner.
“I do understand. It is an empty existence indeed, being alone.”
Tyler smiled.
“Which is why I fight so gods damned hard for her.”
He patted Sallie and Sylvia.
“Them too. I die, they’re alone again. Same with the others.”
That got an understanding chuckle.
“I see the origin of the Outcast name.”
“For to BE an outcast, you need to understand what being lonely truly IS. I mean, look at Wulf. Loneliest guy I’ve ever met.”
An arrow came and bounced off his chain mail.
“I heard that you sonuvabitch!”
“You were supposed to!”
Tempesta lifted a large claw, and Tyler bumped a fist of it.
“Nice to see we teaching this world SOMETHING useful!”
Kaori just groaned and held her head.
“He just bro-fisted a dragon.”
Tyler looked at the wall.
“Okay, I need to get topside. Hey! Throw a ladder!”
Tempesta used two of his claws to pick him up and throw him up over the wall. Tyler blinked before he righted himself to land on the battlement in front of Kaori.
“Thanks Big Blue!”
Tempesta snorted and got comfortable to watch the battle. Tyler spotted a map on the battlement and went right to look at it.
“Okay, we got four hours at least until they get here. I reduced numbers from 1230 to maybe 950. They’ll lose a good number more as the walk back is a literal minefield. Seline.”
The fox lady came right to him.
“What do you need?”
“Do we have contact with the king?”
“We have this.”
She placed a crystal and Ishtar was seen.
“Sera! Lillia!”
The king was teary eyed as he saw his ready for war girls come running, wielding Lisk weapons.
“Tolic got us our new mail.”
“I love it!”
Tyler nodded to the crystal. The girls looked and smiled.
Ishtar looked at Tyler, pride on his face.
“What’s their role?”
“Long range sniping. Sera can nail a giant in the eye first shot fifty yards, and Lillia here can one shot a running hare in the eye at 30. As for blade work? Eh, still learning.”
“Hey! I nearly beat Kaori!”
“Still an infuriating prick.”
Ishtar gaped a moment at Sera’s now foul mouth. Tyler just patted her hair.
“Atta girl.”
She glowed as Ishtar sighed.
“I think you might be a bad influence on her.”
“Nah, just the worst. She’s learning fast though.”
“Yup! I made 400 gold off a bounty I killed!”
HE just smiled with pride for his girls.
“Di they join your party, Warrior?”
“Indeed they did. And can now hold their own in my crew. They still go everywhere with at least two, but by the first wave, they won’t NEED protection from ANYTHING. You got me word on dat.”
The king smiled again.
“So. The army. What is your plan?”
“Enrage it into a death charge. The things just Oricah and a few hill giants. Main issue is the frost and Lisk, but more workout for me then threat. I’ll see if I can’t vanish at some point to work a rear assault. That frost and lisk fall, with ME pinning them between me and the wall? Dead to the last creature.”
“I see. A most brilliant strategy. Your spot until then?”
“On a battlement in full view of both armies. Daring them to hit me, while showing them how it’s done.”
“A rallying charge.”
“We DO NOT get on the ground for this, as then we lose the height advantage.”
Ishtar rubbed his beard.
“My knights are useless to you, as most are still hand warmers.”
“Is Nidhogg in the area?”
“Sadly, she’s dealing with a sky pirate problem a days flight from there.”
“Typical. Hmmm.”
Tyler looked at the map.
“We have hidden barrels here, there, here, and wow, a few good spots.”
Tyler looked at the field. The area was a mostly flat one with rocks, small bits of forest and dips as well. HE frowned.
“Those dips. I wonder.”
HE looked to Seline.
“We have any high level oil?”
The fox flicked her tail.
“Maybe 300 barrels, why?”
He smiled wickedly and pointed to the numerous dips.
“I got an idea. Fill those dips with the oil, then camouflage them. When the army hits em, use a flame arrow.”
She got it then, and a larger detachment got right to it. Ishtar was shaking his head.
“My boy, that is a truly evil surprise.”
“You want evil? That dragon ride was AWESOME.”
The king glared at him.
“I hate you. So much.”
“See? Oh, and to put words to it? Think the Nidhogg on a warm day with the best of your friends beside you sailing into a battle you know will be both fun and worth it. Multiply it by a hundred and had scales. Dragon Rider.”
Ishtar shivered.
“Boy, that is the stuff dreams are made of.”
“Damn fuckin right. Okay, their march is going to be an absolute hell. Once they DO get here, the Frost will be impatient, and so will most likely order a full charge. The flank Tempesta is on is safe, as the cowards won’t go NEAR the big Blue’s jaws. Seline.”
“How many we got?”
“All archers?”
“They can all use a bow.”
“Okay, Let me think.”
Tyler looked at the map and the field before him. Then he smiled.
“We got any acids in town?”
Seline and Ishtar blinked.
“We have a few, but they’re mainly sold to black paths.”
“Rig a few barrels to explode with the stuff inside and we’ll make acid rain.”
The two leaders shuddered as the nefarious trap was set up. Ishtar looked at him.
“You don’t play war Fair.”
“I don’t FIGHT fair, Ishtar. I have no use for honor, chivalry, valor. To me? Those are just daggers you slit your own throat with. If you seek to do the ones I love harm, well, I’ll use every nasty trick, tactic and evil I can to take. You. Down.”
He was looking at the now visible dust cloud as it approached. Tyler smiled as he drew Gleipnir.
“I know you know what this is Ishtar.”
The King sighed.
“And it is a very powerful insurance.”
“Backup plan. And nothing more. Love the sword though.”
The king laughed as Tyler took his spot on the battlement, stabbing the blade into the stone. He looked at the gathered fighters, and smiled.
“Sorry to keep you waiting Lily. Had to babysit a few people.”
They chuckled as the elven girl snorted.
“Tch, you’re too kind to them.”
“See? She’s fiercer an any of us.”
She flipped her dagger.
“Damn straight.”
Tyler looked at the approaching dust cloud.
“Well, looks like we got visitors.”
HE looked at the army.
“They come to pillage. They come to torture. They come TO MY TOWN!”
HE was now glaring with his Demon glare.
He raised his sword for all to see.
Every voice roared as one for those simple words. Tyler lowered the blade to point down in the stone.
“Two rules. 1: Dead to the last creature. No survivors. No prisoners. 2: Watch each other’s asses. Just don’t stare at Seline’s too much. Things dangerously fine.”
That got a round of raucous laughter as Seline flicked him with her tails.
“You have NO idea.”
“Later. If someone gets hit, get em to a healer. Oh, and three. For the love of Lily, don’t shoot yourselves in the foot, okay?”
They all laughed as Lily sighed.
“Nice to see you finally get it.”
Tyler pulled his bow and looked to the army on the ground. He smiled.
“Oh, they are going to SCREAM.”
Sure enough, as soon as a hill giant took a step into a set of woodland, a series of snaps were heard as several dozen branches at a certain height snapped back to their previous positions, right at the height of the giants groins. Every man on the battlements winced in a shared pain as the creatures howled in agony as they dropped to the ground holding themselves, flattening a large number of other creatures as well. Tyler was on the ground laughing with tears in his eyes, as every few minutes there was a snap, followed by more screaming as another groin was slapped with a springy branch. The wall just looked at him as he nearly laughed himself to death. Wulf was heard then.
“That guy is a truly evil bastard. Who the hell thinks of that?”
The snaps stopped, and the poor hill giants recovered, but now walked with a noticeable wobble with indignant anger in their beady eyes as the leader of the army on the walls laughed at their pain. Then the falling rocks laughter of Tempesta was heard.
“By the scales, that was downright EVIL!”
“Effective though!”
Then more howls of pain were heard as the Oricah were setting off similar traps. All the wall defenders would see was a tree move, and hear a howl.
“Arrrgh! Me gnads!”
“Yeeeowhhhh! Me neithers!”
The enemy army slowed even more, and were trying to clear the traps as the Lisk and Frost giant were seen next. Tyler waved at the thing with a middle finger up.
“Thanks for bringing dinner!”
The wall laughed as Tyler nudged Seline.
“I’ll kill that thing, and see what’s it’s got fer meat. I’m sure we can work out a deal.”
“The trove?”
“Sorry, that’s my party’s.”
“Agreed. Same with the scales and other useful things?”
“Indeed. I was more thinking of the meat. We’re still set on food, so we really CAN’T take that whole thing with us.”
She smiled as she understood then.
“You’ll get a share of the meat, but donate the rest to us.”
“Yup. Give Melly and the other kids a tale to tell.”
Ishtar was still on the crystal. Now he shook his head.
“You already have a plan for the thing BEFORE you kill it. And it revolves around giving the children a feast I myself am envious of.”
Tyler smiled as then enemy army stopped to gather itself, unaware of the line of oil barrels waiting for a light in the center of the army.
“It’s how we do things for this town, Ishtar. I have a few really good friends here.”
The king nodded as Tyler fitted a set of shafts to his string. Along the wall, everyone followed suit. The frost giant bellowed a challenge, and Tyler threw out his defiance in the form of Glacious’ multicolored flames. Which made Tempesta chuckle.
“Paying tribute to her in front of me. An interesting move.”
Tyler then looked the frost inn the eye.
“Bring it frosty the ugly man!”
That made the wall chuckle as the hill giants picked up rocks to throw, only Tyler had anticipated that as well. Setting more traps off. Kaori looked at him.
“How the hell did you set so many?”
“I used the first stage.”
“Ah. That one lasts?”
“20. With a 10.”
“That’ll do it.”
Seline and Ishtar looked at them.
“Care to explain?”
“Sorry, party secret.”
“Damned Warriors.”
“Alright then, keep your secrets.”
Tyler and Kaori looked at each other.
“Lord of the rings is multiworld.”
“So aren’t memes apparently.”
Ishtar looked at them.
“Where did you learn that title?”
They looked at him.
“The Lord Of The Rings is a rather famous book series in our world. A rather legendary one as well.”
“That title is also a fallen one, as a thousand years before the black one’s dragon enslavement, a Red One forged rings to force the world to bend the knee.”
“That was basically the story of the books as well. Only the main bad guy was a Dark Lord.”
The king sighed.
“Even the stories in your world are dark.”
“I’ll tell ya one sometime after this mess.”
“You win, you can expect a royal welcome upon a return to Term.”
“Yeah, we won’t set foot in that city until we absolutely have to, Ishtar. And DEFINEITLY not without a few members getting a LOT stronger.”
He nodded sadly.
“I understand. It will be waiting here regardless.”
“Hey, looks like the blueberry is ready to play.”
The frost giant was indeed ready, as the rocks could not be trusted, and were thus smashed. Yet another thing Tyler had anticipated, and looked at Kaori.
“Volcano time.”
She had gotten a necklace that boosted her mana pool, and so cast Lava Field as Tyler cast Waterwall around an area as the giant gave the attack order.
The resulting explosion of ice cold water hitting molten magma literally sent creatures flying through the air as Tyler fired a flaming arrow into a Barrel now behind the Frost Giant on the Lisk. The thing blew, sending a small puddle of acid onto the leg of the giant, while a drop actually hit the left eye of the Drakolisk, ruining it as the Frost Giant roared in pain as it’s leg boiled and popped. The battle was joined then, as the wall fired it’s first volley while the orcs did as well. Thing was that the White paths had cast barrier spells to keep the arrows at bay. Enemy spells too. Tyler smiled as he saw the sheer confusion on the Oricah’s faces as their arrows failed to reach them, and spells were absorbed. Tyler then gave an order.
“Aim for barrels!”
This resulting in a mass detonation of barrels of oil, acid, and lots of fire. Tyler smiled as he saw the time was ripe.
The black mage came running.
“Need me?”
“I’m going for the giant and Lisk. I need you to make an illusion of me still here.”
She smiled and he sent an arrow to set off a barrel that made a smoke screen appear, halting the newest attempt at a head on charge. Tyler used his stealth skills to vanish like smoke as Vixen used her illusion spells to place his exact image atop the battlement, right down to his voice as he gave direction and fired acid arrows. Ishtar looked to the blonde that was shaking her head.
“I see he leads from the front.”
Kaori smiled at the image of the king.
“Tyler leads from wherever the fighting is thickest. Watch, all we’ll see from this end is the Frost Giant get pulled off the lisk’s back.”
Ishtar looked to see the Giant waving it’s 20 foot long greatsword in anger as it’s army was now caught in front of a fiery holocaust of death.
“My girls are safer with that boy then they could be in my throne room.”
Seline laughed.
“He has a lot to fill you in on after Ishy.”
Kaori sighed.
“A helluva lot.”
HE nodded.
“So you know, we’ve been winning the war for power against the pope.”
“Not now. We’ll talk after.”
HE looked back to see the Giant look down as if someone was trying to get it’s attention, only to roar in shock and horror as it was literally PULLED off the rearing Lisk. Kaori laughed.
“He found him.”

Tyler ghosted along the wall as he headed for his rear assault. HE gave Sera and Lilla a pat as he passed, getting a giggled as they knew his plan, stole a kiss off Malico as he went, making her purr, and poking Lily as he moved by. She looked over her shoulder as she aimed her bow, only to see no one there. She then looked at Serafina, as they’d paired up this time around.
“You see that?”
The Wraith fired her black path bow as she answered.
“See what Lily?”
The elven girl shrugged, and went back to shooting Oricah.
“I guess Sallie or Sylvia came to say hi.”
Tyler was smiling as he found a decent spot for a rapid decent. Sallie and Sylvia on his shoulders as he jumped off the wall. HE landed unharmed, even though this side had fifty foot walls, Then he was off running like a spirit himself as he flanked the army. He drew Oblivion and Oathkeeper to deal with a few orcs and ogres he came across as he went. He left a good two dozen dead as he got to where he wanted to be: right behind the giant and lisk. He was smiling as he snuck up beside the pair, and knocked on the giant’s leg. It looked down curiously, as if expecting an Oricah or something else to be there, only to look into the grinning eyes of the Outcast.
“Hi! I found you!”
It roared in shock and horror as Tyler grabbed it’s foot and pulled it off the things back with a look of concentration as he did so. The lisk roared and drew a breath to breathe some kind of attack, only for Tyler to launch at it with Gleipnir and stab it in the chest to the hilt between two scales. Another weakness he’d found from the last he’d killed. HE pierced it’s heart, and it died with a gurgle. Tyler pulled his blade free to block a swing from the giant’s blade, and it broke over the Mythril Magicite weapon. The sound reverberated across the field like a loud ping, and the giant gaped at it’s ruined weapon as Tyler cut the legs out from under it. Then he was on it’s chest as it fell with an earthshaking thud. Tyler chuckled as he looked into it’s terrified eyes.
“Where’d you come from?”
“I was hired by the Warriors to force into the city.”
“I had the Lisk’s trove, so they added an extra 6000 gold, four hundred gems, and gave promise for captives from the city.”
“The trove is?”
“Behind a large rock they cannot lift. In the larger hollow.”
He stabbed it in the heart and hopped off to face the now scared survivors of the army.
“Yeah, yer not getting away.”
Tyler drew Fafner, and unleashed Glacious’ breath into the army as he surged forward. On the wall, a rousing cheer broke out as the arrows kept flying as Tyler became a whirling hurricane of death breathing flames as he went. Within twenty minutes, the army was dead to the last creature as Tyler used his short swords to climb up the wall to vault onto the battlement to pat his image on the shoulder as it vanished. HE then raised his blades high.
“We have victory!”
The wall roared in approval as he looked to the crystal.
“We need to talk, Ishtar. But, this army was hired by the Warriors to force open the city for them.”
The king just sighed.
“Are they really THAT entitled? Rather than actually WORK themselves, they’d rather pay monsters to do it for them?”
“This point? My party and Kazuma will be the only survivors of the first wave. So just start preparing for that.”
“Indeed. You say we need to discuss something?”
“We’ll clean the mess, and I’ll have Seline use that spell.”
“Very well.”
“And I’ll bring the girls as well.”
“Thank you. IS there anything you need for the moment?”
Tyler looked around,
“Not really. We got this one.”
“I’ll give the good word you won this battle.”
“Hol up. Seline. Injuries?”
She smiled.
“A few broken bones, cuts, and a nasty slash as an arrow passed by, but Maxus’ healers are already done.”
“So another bloodless victory?”
Tyler looked at the king.
“Tell em I won without losing a single man. TWICE.”
“Will do.”
The king left the crystal to address the waiting army.
“We’re not done yet. Search the dead. You are looking for anything useful, coin, potions the works. Of note. MY crew will butcher the lisk. Also of note is they will have banned blacks on them, so, follow the instructions I laid out the last time I was hear. Outcasts rally on me.”
They came running.
“We’re headed for the hollows, both for a once over and to claim that thing’s trove.”
HE looked to the army as his friends went to ready their horses.
“Any questions?”
“No sir!”
“Good girls! Break!”
Tyler looked to Seline.
“You know the drill.”
She smiled.
“I’ll keep it nice and chaotic.”
“I knew I wanted you for a reason.”
She laughed as he headed for his horse. Five minutes later he and the Outcasts were riding along to the hollows to both search it for the trove, and clear it of another nasty surprises. Tyler had Sera and Lillia beside him to check in.
“You two okay?”
Sera giggled.
“I got forty this time!”
Lillia sighed.
“I got 39.”
“Well done you to. Only hole you have left is sword play. And I mean weapons, since I can feel Wulf glaring at me.”
“You really need to watch how you say somethings.”
“Hey, Lily! How’d you do?”
The elven girl sighed.
“I only got 38. Everyone I tried to get after got stolen!”
“Yeesh, that’s rough. Not bad though.”
She smiled.
“Like you said, practice.”
“You three still need more, but that battle DID us all a favor, easy kills and exp, and I probably got a new title out of it as well. We’ll still leave in the morning, as we need a change of scenery.”
They all nodded as a shadow came overhead.
“That was a fine battle m’boy.”
Tempesta was gliding overhead as they went.
“Thanks big guy. Hey, I got a question for you.”
“Oh? Well, I’ll see these hollows then.”
“Thanks, just something I’ve curious about.”
Wulf looked at him and gulped.
“Oh for the love of the gods, Tempesta, Lord, I pray we get the right answer.”
The group laughed as they rode to the edge of the hollow. Though as soon as Tempesta sniffed the air, he growled hard.
“I smell a demon here.”
The group were on the immediate defensive as Tyler looked around the two hundred foot wide hollow. The thing was thirty feet deep, surrounded by rocks, trees and had only one way in or out. HE sighed.
“Ten gold say it’s a bound thing.”
Tempesta looked at him.
“Bound to what?”
“The trove to guard it. I’m getting a hollow feeling by that large slab. Outcasts, I’ll throw it, and see what we’re dealing with, if it’s nasty, big guy gets it. If easy,”
HE looked at him.
“Mind if WE show you how we fight the fell beasts?”
The dragon bared his fangs in a grin.
“Indeed. I got one today, if it is small fry as you put it, then it is only fair.”
Tyler drew Gliepnir.
“Lily, Sera, Lilia, center of the group. It goes south hug the edge of the crater and move along it.”
They nodded as they entered the hollow and approached the 30 foot tall slab. Tyler took a steadying breath, as he grasped the rock, and tossed it aside with a grunt. A woosh of air was felt, as a set of glowing red eyes were seen. Tyler and his party backed away as it entered the light. It reared to a ten foot height and roared. Tyler smiled darkly.
“A Pride Balor. WE got this one.”
Tempesta chuckled.
The party fanned out to use long range attacks as Tyler would enrage it.
“Hey, horn boy. Must suck to be humanities bitch.”
The thing laughed, and looked at him.
“How’s it feel knowing you couldn’t save those two spirits beside you?”
“Wow, a demon with actual eyes? I’ll pop em in a sec. Well, I sincerely hope you can give me a light workout, although to be honest? Your brother the rage demon is the better fight here.”
It chuckled again, and Sallie and Sylvia were heard screaming as flames engulfed them. THAT was it.
The thing blinked as Tyler just vanished, and the next thing the Balor knew, it was getting craved alive as Tyler’s rage at hearing the two girls scream exploded. Wulf and the ladies were right beside the now sighing with relief spirits.
“That was weird!”
“The flames hurt like I was getting stung by bees! Soon as it stopped I felt weirdly stronger.”
Tempesta was watching Tyler straight up skin the thing alive as he released his rage.
“It would seem HE is the true demon.”
The dragon the looked to the spirits.
“You feel stronger because his willpower just grew again. That, and it is the way of spirits in Death’s world. They cannot be killed again, as such, if they feel pain, they get that much stronger so next time they won’t feel a thing.”
“There will NOT be a next time.”
Tyler had the black heart of the Balor in his hand, and as he looked the dragon in the eye, crushed it to dust. All the was left was a nine foot long horn, as Tempesta nodded approvingly.
“Well done. A Balor demon is a demon king.”
Tyler looked to his friends.
“THAT was Demon’s Wrath’s alternate stage: Hatred. Yeah. It’s dangerous. If I use it more than ONCE A WEEK, the sheer strain WILL kill me, as it is a cursed thing.”
HE sighed as he drank a potion,
“Basically, I can go Monster again.”
Kaori shuddered.
“Is that thing back?”
Tyler sighed.
“No. This one is a by-product of my rage fuel for the Roar.”
Tempesta sighed now as well.
“I can sense the power in it. Is it a means to fight us?”
“I had more planned it in case of evil dragon. Or last resort.”
The dragon nodded.
“I see. Your other saying is if it becomes necessary.”
“Then I will do it.”
Tyler sighed again.
“In all honesty? I hate the hatred mode. Seriously, it hurts using it.”
HE looked to Sallie and Sylvia.
“You two felt it.”
They nodded, sad looks on their faces.
“It felt like we got stabbed in the heart.”
“It hurt. A lot.”
Tyler sighed yet again.
“Scary thing? Its power is directly linked to my anger.”
Kaori walked over and hugged him.
“Is there anything you can do to get rid of the ability?”
“I’d need to release the Roar. All the rage would go with it. And I WANT to. But, I’ll wait until the wave.”
She looked at him, nearly crying.
“Why so long?”
HE smiled ruefully.
“Because when I do, there will be a crater a good ten miles wide at this point. I can’t fire it off just anywhere anymore.”
She sighed and hugged him again.
“And once it’s gone? What will you use to fuel it?”
“Something FAR more potent.”
She gulped as she looked into his brown eyes.
He kissed her.
“My love for you, Sallie, Sylvia, Sera, everyone. Once that rage, pain, regret is consumed, I’ll let it go. Really why I’ve been holding onto it.”
Sallie was glowing as Sylvia sighed as she rubbed her blue eyes.
“Nothing wasted. Seriously dude, give it a rest.”
“Love you too, Sylvia.”
“Yeah yeah.”
Tempesta chuckled as he placed another pile of scales on the ground.
“It seems you have it under control.”
“Now I have two questions.”
The dragon blinked.
“This should be good.”
Tyler lifted a scale.
“How fast do these grow back? You’ve kinda been giving us a lot.”
The dragon burst out laughing as Wulf sighed.
“Yet again asking a question no other human would even consider.”
Tempesta had a tear fall as he got his mirth under control. HE held out a claw, and another scale appeared and fell off.
“I can make them grow and fall at will.”
“Neat trick.”
HE snorted as Tyler placed the thing on the pile.
“And the second question?”
“This is a doozy. How familiar are you with our old world?”
HE was then fixed with a large eye.
“Rather well. Why?”
“So, you are familiar with our guns?”
“I have not faced them myself, but yes.”
“Okay, this world has all the pieces I need to make fully functional weaponry from my world here. And I have enough know-how to do it myself. Yet, my question is if it would violate the rules of this world.”
Tempesta reared as he considered the concept. Then he looked down again.
“Indeed. We may have the pieces here in Lectis, but, to use such dangerous knowledge from another world in this would indeed violate the rules. Especially for such things as the guns from your world. The traps and rigged barrels are one thing, as they are very similar to those used in the past. Only nastier. May I ask the reason for the question?”
“Caution. I had suspected it, and the other Warriors are dumb enough to try it themselves sooner or later. I just wanted a straight answer. What happens if the rules are violated?”
“A god of balance steps in to remove offending thing from the scales.”
“What about me? I’m getting a little overpowered, don’t you think?”
HE chuckled.
“No. Your strength is perfectly fine, as it all came from following the rules. You built it with nothing but the tools of this world, and the know-how of the previous. It’s just things that break the balance that are banned.”
“Swords are more fun anyway. That was all I had.”
Tempesta flew off.
“Farewell Outcast.”
“See you next time!”
Tyler looked to his friends.
“Oh, and the reason Hatred is such a strain? No exhaustion after. Though I WILL be hungry as all hell later.”
They laughed as Tyler walked to the now safe cave. Tyler led the way with Oblivion and Oathkeeper out as Wulf held up a Lantern. Serafina the Wraith beside him as she could see in the dark, and Tyler using his detection skills to explore ahead.
“Heads up. Got another hollow feeling.”
Vixen came up now, as tombs were her thing. The Party rounded a corner, and found a glittering pile four feet high waiting for them. Tyler and his team did NOT relax.
“That slab to your left Vixen, don’t touch it.”
They all fanned around it as Tyler grasped the side. HE tore it off to reveal another sarcophagus. Tyler looked to his party.
“Me, Sera, Wulf, Vixen, and…..Lily.”
The two girls squeaked, as Lucy tilted her head.
“Are they ready for a blind attack?”
“We need to step up our training of them, Lucy. Plus I have faith in them. I’d have Lillia join us, but then it gets cramped. Rest of you on watch.”
Sera and Lily pulled their blades and followed as the kill party went in. Tyler grasped the lid as Wulf read the writing.
“Okay, looks like another human ruler, this time a queen.”
Tyler looked to the nervous girls.
“I throw the lid, Vixen tells us how to kill it, and you two listen. We’re here, so trust yourselves. I know I do.”
The girls nodded and drew their bows and took up opposite spots as Wulf stood behind Tyler, leaving Vixen a clean view.
“Give the word.”
“I got it.”
“Let’s say hi.”
Tyler tore the lid off the thing and throw it aside and jumped back avoiding the initial shot.
“Elder Lich! Smash the skull!”
“Piercing shots!”
The archers enhanced their arrows accordingly, as the thing rose. It was a rotting female corpse with a bow on her back. Tyler had Gliepnir out and swung it to pin it against the lid of it’s stone coffin.
“I got it! Do it!”
Wulf fired his ChainShot, Iron Piercer, and Power Shaft into the thing’s eyes, as Vixen used an acid spell, Lily fired a Blazing Piercer, as Sera used her Iron Piercer, Silver shaft(the Silver version of Piercing Teardrop), and ChainShot. Her arrows splitting the things head clean in half. It howled before collapsing in a heap fo rotting flesh. Tyler smiled widely.
“Good kill Sera!”
She gasped in happy surprise.
“I got it? Truly?”
Lily came running over to hug her friend.
“You got it! Well done Sera!”
They all came into both hug and congratulate her on a good kill. Sera was smiling so hard it hurt a little as Tyler pulled the corpse out of the thing to loot the coffin. HE lifted the slivery bow.
“Hey, Wulf. This thing any good?”
HE took it and looked it over as the others watched.
“Well, it’s a Silver Bow. When wielded by a Silver pather, it’s got the same strength of say your bow Tyler.”
Tyler took it with a smile and presented it to Sera.
“For you, my Queen.”
She giggled as he knelt to present it like a knight to a Queen. She took it and patted his bowed head like a dog.
“Good boy! You may rise now!”
“At once milady!”
The princess was laughing hard as he stood to rigid attention, and so was the rest of the group. She slung the new bow over her shoulder.
“Okay, I’ve had my fun. Anything else in there?”
Tyler smiled as they looked. They walked out of the tomb 500 gold, 300 silver, 450 copper coins richer. A new bow for Sera, and a black path short sword. Tyler and his kill team returned to the rest of the anxious group. Kaori noted their happy smiles as she asked the question.
“How’d they do?”
“Sera has an elder Lich to her Kills. As far as teamwork? Flawless. We walked out with her new Silver bow, Serafina gets a black short sword, we got 500 gold, 300 silver and 450 copper.”
The party all went and gave Sera a warm hug and congratulations. Then then looked around the chamber.
“Alright. Not a single copper is left behind. Okay?”
Malico held up a large yellow pouch.
“I found a grand coin pouch. Holds 25000 coins of each kind.”
“That’s my sexy kittycat. We’ll get to it. Break!”
The industrious party went to their work with a will.
“Hey, found another gem pouch!”
“What it hold?”
“10000 gems of each.”
“Nice eyes Thistle. We’ll condense after.”
“Hey, I got a Magicite dagger set.”
“Let’s give one to Melly!”
“aww, it’ll light up for her!”
“Got a weird shield here.”
Tyler had been holding the pouch open as the coins were dumped in when Sera came over with a shiny buckler shield 4 feet across. The thing was brightly polished, had a clear edge around it, with thick round studs around the outer ring. Tyler tilted his head as he looked at it.
“That is weird, Sera. Anyone got a clue?”
Wulf came over from putting gems in the pouch. He took it and looked it over.
“I think it’s just a normal shield. Weird that it’s down here.”
“Hey, I’ll try Appraisal.”
“Oh yeah. Good call.”
Tyler’s eyes glowed a moment and he tilted his head.
“Says it’s made of a metal called Additite.”
Wulf looked at the thing with a new awe. Tyler was confused.
“That a special metal?”
The elf chuckled.
“It’s an unbreakable shield. The metal is even more rare then Mythril. It’s a relic of a by gone era, and every piece cannot be reworked by anything. Not even a dragon flame can even singe it.”
Tyler became thoughtful.
“An unbreakable shield. Huh.”
He looked at his party.
“We don’t actually HAVE anyone that can use a shield. We’ll keep it and see what we can do with it with a proper think tank.”
Wulf shouldered it himself as they got back to it.
“Nice find Sera. Not sure how we’ll use it, but a good shield is always a good thing.”
She giggled and got back to it. They stripped the cave bare. Coming away 12133 gold, 15054 silver, 19933 copper coins richer, with nearly 10000 gems, a few new weapons, the shield, and a new bow. Tyler looked around the cave again with the party.
“Once over again, that was how we found Vernillionia.”
Serafina jumped in shock at that one. Everyone blinked at her.
“Oh yeah, I forgot.”
Tyler walked over to fill in the shy Wraith.
“We found Vernillionia in a cave like this. We have his last will, ring, and crown. Gleipnir was his sword, Fenrir.”
She just smiled.
“Can I ask why you haven’t down anything with such power?”
“All I want, is just go adventuring with my friends. If push comes to shove, we set up Kazuma, Kaori’s brother as high king.”
She was nodding along like a schoolgirl looking for brownie points with a teacher.
“A secret! Okay!”
“That ability? Demon’s wrath? An even greater secret, Serafina.”
She smiled again,
“I understand. I won’t tell a soul.”
“Well, alright.”
The party went over everything with a fine tooth comb. They found 100 extra coppers, and another Magicite dagger set behind a rock. Then the cave was Tyler-approved empty.
“let’s go butcher that lisk now.”
“Yaaay! Foood!”
That group laughed at Sera’s simple joys. Tyler had the coin pouches under his Mythril vest as they rode out of the hollow. Tyler looking to Malico.
“Hey, we have three coin pouches now. Do they come in a bigger size? Having three is a little….risky for my likes.”
She thought for a moment.
“I think they go to 50000 coins, but we’d have to get one from the bank.”
“We need to convert coins anyway. We’ll ask at least.”
The catgirl smiled.
“Melly is going to lose it when we place the dagger in her hand and it glows yellow.”
“Let’s give her two, cause ya know, matching pair.”
The group laughed as they returned to the fallen lisk. Seline was looking at it herself as Tyler and his team returned. The foxlady smiled as they came over.
“A good haul?”
“Really good. Sera has an elder Lich to her name now.”
Seline hugged the small girl proudly.
“Your father will be so proud of you!”
Tyler looked at the Lisk.
“Well, let’s get to it. Wulf, Malico, Kaori and Myself will direct traffic, as we’ve done this before. To the bones everyone.”
Seline came to stand beside him as Kaori tossed him a pry knife for the scales.
“Can I help?”
“Sure. Get a knife of Kaori and follow her direction.”
She smiled as Tyler Pulled the pouch of lisk scales out and started prying off the black ones.
“You sure have a way with ladies.”
“Eh, only the real beauties.”
That got a laugh as the work progressed rapidly. Tyler was standing on its back cutting the flesh from under a larger scale when he heard his name.
“Tyler! Down here!”
He looked to see Melly, Mia, and Elirch standing on the ground. He smiled as he got the scale off.
“Hiya! Gimme a sec.”
HE put the shield size scale in the pouch and dropped down to greet them.
“Came to see a lisk yourself Melly?”
She giggled as Malico came over.
“Hey, we found these in the thing’s trove.”
Tyler smiled as he handed the light grey daggers to the curious Melly. She held them, and then they glowed yellow with her path, getting a happy squeal. She looked up at the smiling Warrior and catgirl.
“For me?”
Her voice a shocked whisper.
They both hugged the sweet girl.
“Yup. Just for you.”
She hugged them tightly as Mia and Elirch smiled proudly.
“Our girl’s got a pair of Magicite daggers now. We’ll teach her how to take for them.”
“More make sure she don’t cut herself.”
“Aye, lad. That too.”
Tyler pulled a pair of small sheaths they’d found and placed them in the small girl’s belt. She had tears in her eyes as she placed her new treasures in them.
“Thank you! So much!”
That just got her another hug.
“Sure thing, Melly.”
“We love our favorite inn girl.”
She giggled as she hugged her heroes.
“So, that’s a lisk?”
They laughed as Tyler pointed to a small grove between scales he’d killed it through.
“Yup. I killed it by stabbing it here.”
Her eyes went wide as he led her to the fearsome thing.
“You killed it?”
“Alone. I also killed that Giant over there at the same time.”
She had seen the dead frost giant, and it’s toe had been bigger then she. Tyler had her place her hand on the scaled thing and she gasped again.
“it feels like steel!”
Tyler patted her head.
“Wanna help us butcher it?”
She looked at her parents, and they laughed.
“They can help too.”
The family got knives and directions and away they went. Within the hour, the lisk was stripped to the bone of meat and goods. Then Tyler was looking over the bones looking for useful things and potential uses. Seline and Mia watched as he pulled the bones from the arms out to add to the craft pouch.
“Why is he taking the bones too? They have a use?”
Kaori was walking by when she heard the question. She smiled as she came to stand with the ladies.
“To him? More question of if it DON’T have a use. Last lisk we had, he made very strong arrows out of the bones. Tipped with its teeth. So, now that he knows that’s a working idea, he’ll do it again.”
Mia shook her head as Tyler hefted a long rib like a bow.
“That lad scares me sometimes with his schemes.”
“He should. Seriously? The scariest thing that guy can say is he has an idea.”
“Hey, Kaori. I got an Idea.”
There was a collective gulp.
“Oh shit here we go. What ya got this time?”
“I think we can use the bones to reinforce our tent in case of storm.”
She came over then as Seline and Mia looked at each other.
“Where the hell did he think of that?”
“I know quite a few adventurers with FAR more experience than that boy that would never of thought of that in his shoes.”
Tyler had a set of long thin bones taken from the beasts arms and back. Kaori tilted her head.
“Ya know, I just realized something.”
“That we don’t have ANY storm weathering gear? I noticed it too this morning.”
She shook her head.
“Wow. Thank the gods we didn’t encounter a storm.”
“I’m amazed we BOTH missed this one. But, at least we know now.”
“Yup. Okay, these would make stronger tent frames.”
“Good, I thought they would. We also need cloaks, and extra lanterns.”
“Maybe head covers for the horses in a storm.”
“Yer the expert. We’re also adding a tanning kit to the toolbox.”
She crossed her arms as she looked at the skeleton anew.
“Okay, I see the reasoning there. We’ll need a frame though.”
Tyler looked at a set of four bones 5 inches thick in the tail.
“Would those work?”
Kaori walked over and tapped a knuckle on one.
“Maybe. I’d need to see a stress test.”
Tyler lifted it and used his strength to apply pressure. Kaori paying close attention.
“What’s the pressure?”
“About…what it took to hold that cannon. It weighed 600 pounds.”
“Okay, those will work fine then. Just need decent rope or cable.”
Tyler took the four things and added them to the pile.
“We’ll visit the general store after. For now though, anything else?”
She looked at a pair of tall ribs.
“These for mounting a buck or moose for easier cleaning?”
“Hmmm, I see the reasons, only thing is sometimes we don’t have dirt to use.”
She looked at the ends.
“Okay, what about a lean-to for the horses? Like in a storm we set it up to shield them from the wind.”
Tyler came over then.
“That could work. Only questions would be cloth and tie strength.”
“Let’s take em.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Tyler added two of the ten foot tall bones to the pile. The group looking over the body until they ran out of ideas. The skull would be mounted over the city gates as a memento of the battle. Tyler and the rest of the army piled to corpses into the pile and he set it alight as a reminder to all. Then they went inside to find a small pile of coin and an even taller one of Licenses. Tyler looked to Seline.
“We already got paid. Use the coin for your city. I’ll torch the Licenses. Malico.”
The cat came over.
“We’re unloading those on this.”
She emptied their near two full rings and Seline watched as he set them alight with Tempesta’s flames. Then Tyler, Seline, Sera, Wulf, Kaori, Lillia, Malico, and Lily went to the spear as the rest of the party relaxed after a hard fought battle. Once the Spear was secure, Seline used the spell to contact Ishtar. The King’s face appearing in a cloud form again. After the tests for false play were finished, Tyler sighed.
“The church is selling banned spells to the Warriors and creatures of the land.”
Ishtar blinked a few times.
“Are you certain?”
“I interrogated a goblin before killing it. Thing had no lie in its eyes. Plus we have the word of the Warrior Selena Hernadaz who was also found to be carrying the spells as well.”
“I see. Her reasoning?”
“The pope unbanned them for the Warriors saying they had every right to use any means to fight the waves.”
HE rubbed his head.
“May the gods have mercy on my soul. What else?”
“The pope was planning to use the Sky Lords Meeting to try an enslave a few like that one guy.”
Ishtar just held his head.
“It explains why he was so angry after Ignatia’s warning went up.”
“The sky sharks mess was also his plan to discredit you for not keeping the dragons appeased and seize the crown. He enslaved the ships himself and gave the crews to Warriors to do the deeds.”
“Hence you’re calling for all ships to be grounded except for a trusted few.”
“That and the attitudes of the captain of a ship I encountered.”
“He said the dragons need to SHARE that sky, that we have just as much right to it as they do.”
“My soul hurts. What happened next?”
“He tried to force a takeoff without MY clearing it, as was the purpose of even going there period. I shot it down myself.”
“Good. I agree that arrogance of that kind is a dangerous weed. It takes root it can devastate an entire orchard.”
“Nice flower pun.”
The king laughed, as Sera chuckled.
“Daddy has a good one once in a while.”
HE looked at Tyler again.
“Any other news?”
“Seline was nearly assassinated earlier today.”
He looked at the fox.
“Are you okay?”
“Oh just fine, ishy. He saved my life.”
“While bedding her at the same damn time.”
The king burst out laughing again as Seline’s tails twitched.
“I AM looking to next time.”
“As are we, my sexy fox. As, Are, We.”
Ishtar had to wipe a tear away.
“Now THAT’S a Warrior! Okay, did you get anything from them?”
“They were hired by the Warriors to kill her and force open the gates.”
The king just slumped.
“Okay. If they are going to use MY freely given coin to hurt MY friends now, no. JUST NO.”
“My suggestion?”
HE looked at him tiredly.
“You do seem to have the best ideas.”
“Go insane and you’ll get a few good ones. Kick them out of Term. And impose a lazy tax. Actually do the tax first. Every day they do nothing of worth, they pay….say 1 gold. If they can’t they spend that day in a cell. If they refuse, they get stripped of their gear to a mere sword and clothing and thrown out the gates to live as me and Kaori did. A sword, a bow, a single quiver, 5 gold coins, our horses and basic camping gear. That’s it.”
Ishtar was nodding.
“Okay, that is MORE then a fair deal. What would qualify as doing SOMETHING?”
“kill ten goblins, helping people, clearing bandits, actual WORK.”
“Again, fair. What you have been doing.”
“Myself, Kaori and Kazuma are exempt from this tax, as we been busting our asses since day one.”
“Fair and just. I saw the battle, to place such a thing upon you, even if it was your idea, would be a great disservice. Very well, I find this a just idea. I was about to just throw them out the front gate.”
“Oh, before I forget again.”
“Got another one?”
“Their banned spells. Institute a Warrior wide search. Us four exempt as well.”
“Kazuma has been collecting them as well, as he does not have the means to properly dispose of them himself, he is awaiting a viable method.”
“Tell him to hold them until we see him again and my dragon flames are enough.”
“I will do that. So for the others?”
“Two choices: fork em over or the cells. They fight, well, refer to the tax refusal.”
“It seems we coddled them too much.”
“An easy to fix problem.”
Ishtar had a thought.
“The network is up and running, yet you haven’t used it as of yet. Why not?”
“Long ass list of shit to get through. Just realized this morning we don’t have any heavy storm gear. Plus, we haven’t really spent a lot of time in the country. So that too.”
Ishtar nodded in understanding.
“Too many rods in the fire.”
“Too little time to hit them all. Another thing to be aware of.”
“Go ahead.”
“the pope placed spy crystals in all the elven border towns. He even had that rage demon summoned to attack the town of TopLeaf.”
“Are you certain?”
“I am. We got attacked by church bounty hunters as well. I have a 1000 gold on my head. Kaori has 2000 for a delivery to him. Again, I interrogated the last survivor myself.”
Ishtar rubbed his eyes.
“I see. Well, a illegal bounty is an easy one to clear. Main cause for concern was the crystals. How did you handle it?”
“I hold Eilisef’s bow. It’s kinda a big deal for the elves. Once I found out about them, I had the then Queen Tatiana call muster under the table in case of a surprise attack.”
“I see. I know Willow myself. Must say, well played that one. Your reasoning for her calling her banners?”
“Better having an army ready for an attack that never comes then a war come for an unready army.”
Ishtar understood then.
“You’re playing this as if you expect the pope to get the crown.”
“Indeed I am. Like I told you last time, sooner or later the pope is going to kill you and take the crown. Least this way we have a means to halt his march.”
“A very wise move and mindset. Okay, I understand your next stop is Yalik?”
“It seems to be a main import of banned items. Lymir asked us to work our chaos in her city. We’ll plug that hole and set up for a while there to get some last minute leveling down if the area is fertile enough.”
Ishtar rubbed his beard.
“Okay, I am curious what your plans are after the first wave.”
“At this point? We don’t have one. We’ll get our gold and loot and get the fuck out of town, that much is assured, but after? Cross that bridge when we get there.”
“A fair reply. I have work to do here. How are the girls?”
the happy girl got up to show her bow.
“I killed an elder lich today! Look I got it’s bow!”
Ishtar beamed proudly at his girl.
“That’s my girl! Keep at it and you’ll give your mother a run for her gold!”
“Pff, I’m gonna be BETTER then mommy!”
“Atta girl!”
The king looked at Tyler.
“How’d she do it?”
“We found that black lisk’s trove, and it had the tomb inside. I threw the lid, our black mage identified the thing and now to kill it, Wulf and Lily had arrows ready with Sera on three sides. I pinned it’s head against it’s coffin as they all did their thing. Sera’s shots spilt the thing’s skull.”
“Well done, Sera. I am so proud.”
Sera smiled as she shuffled her feet happily.
“I love you, Daddy! I’m still learning though.”
“You’ll get there.”
She giggled as Lillia came over.
“I killed 39 creatures in the battle.”
Tyler patted her back.
“We didn’t have room in the tomb for her to join sadly, but we’re stepping up their training.”
Ishtar smiled at her.
“I’m proud of just how far you’ve come Lillia. I am so proud of you.”
She smiled as Tyler patted her back again.
“She’s a very good shot with that bow. Plus her plant skills are a great help in the field.”
She smiled as she sat down. Tyler then had a thought.
“Hey, I just thought of something Ishtar.
“Good ahead.”
“Okay, for the tax. If we throw them in a cell if they can’t pay, we get a circle of redundancy. They can’t pay and get no means to try.”
He tilted his head.
“your right. I missed that too. Solution?”
“If they can’t pay, throw them out the gate. They don’t lose anything, but are barred from entering the city until they can.”
“I like that idea better. Forces them to get out and earn their keep.”
“And build strength. Are you aware that their so-called strongest Warrior’s best day is five giants at once?”
HE jumped at that.
“That’s IT?”
“We ALL reacted the same. Yeah, and it seems that most can’t even SCRATCH a giant.”
Ishtar just placed his head in his hands.
“I see why you’re stepping up the training. Five giants at once is his best.”
“How strong is Kazuma?”
“He can hold his own. I’d say maybe, 15 at once.”
Tyler tilted his head side to side.
“Not bad, not GOOD, but not bad. It’s something. I think he just gets a little TOO wrapped up in helping hand.”
The king chuckled fondly.
“Aye, he is at that. I’ll see if I can’t get him to do some training.”
“Tell him his sister can beat his ass. With her arms tied behind her back.”
“Ha. I’ll tell him. I trust you’ll look after him in the wave?”
“Yup. Guy’s a friend of mine. So, kinda have to, ya know? Though, I feel I should warn you.”
“Go ahead.”
Tyler sighed.
“That first wave is going to be an absolute massacre. My party will be the only ones left alive by the end, so, be prepared to go from 88 Warriors, to 3.”
HE sighed heavily.
“Indeed. If five giants is that brats absolute best, and he’s their strongest, then so be it. If it is as bad as it could be, we’ll make do as best we can.”
“Same here. Though to be completely honest? I kinda figured it’d be me that had to clean up their mess.”
That got a laugh. Kaori was chuckling.
“I thought so as well. Probably thought he’d have to babysit ME as well.”
“Now THAT is more fun than a pain in the ass.”
She smiled as he looked to Ishtar.
“I think that covers it.”
The king nodded.
“I told the generals you won without losing a man. TWICE.”
“How they react?”
“They were PISSED. Like they feel absolutely worthless now.”
“To be fair, they are.”
“Indeed they are.”
“Oh, before I forget again. In that news article, you said you and your friends had an idea on who I was. Care to explain?”
The king chuckled.
“We just have a hunch your old Gruven’s son from his old world.”
The rest of the room was shocked, while Tyler merely tilted his head.
“Really? Huh. What makes you think that?”
The king chuckled again.
“You look like him, your personalities are terrifyingly similar, you wield his blade, and that blonde there looks exactly like his own lady friend.”
Tyler’s smile died.
“Her name?”
Ishtar noticed his now serious tone.
Kaori jumped hard and came to stand before the king.
“Please, are you sure?”
Her voice was trembling, and Tyler held her as the king sighed.
“We traveled together for 200 years. I am, miss.”
“She disappeared 10 years ago in our world. Okay, Ishtar, does she still live?”
He smiled inspite of the situation.
“She does, know that fearsome wildcat. She was the only one of us that did NOT lay her blade down. As such, she’s been roaming around like my wife these past few decades.”
Kaori looked at Tyler, and he smiled.
“We’ll run into her SOONER or later.”
She smiled happily and hugged him
“Thank you. And of course we will.”
HE stroked her blonde hair as he looked to Ishtar.
“You wouldn’t happen to have a way to reach her, would you?”
HE sighed deeply.
“Sadly I do not. When we laid our blades down, she went off on us for being old men. It got ugly, and she left the capital, where or even what direction no one knew.”
“Typical. It was that easy, well, the hell would be the point?”
The king and Kaori laughed, and she kissed him.
“If she lives we’ll see her again eventually.”
“Yup. Odds are she’s already heard of us.”
That got a laugh from Ishtar.
“Knowing her? Probably. My wife and I have a spell we use to keep in touch. And SHE’S heard of you, all the way in Ternillia. Clear across the sea off Yalik.”
“Nice to see me bad name’s reaching folk.”
Sera gulped.
“Is Mommy proud?”
“Oh you have no idea, Sera. She’s busy dealing with a rogue faction over there or she’d be here by now.”
Lillia sighed.
“When I told her, she wept, swore an oath of torturous vengeance, and pledged to bed that Warrior hero there in the same breath.”
Every person in the room burst out laughing at the look of horror, surprise, mind blown, more shock, and the clearly mind blown expression on his face. Sera recovering first.
“She’s still beautiful!”
Ishtar laughed as he showed a photo. The lady in question was tall as Seline, had black hair, smooth skin, dark blue eyes, a large rack, and pale skin. Tyler tilted his head.
“Hey, wait a sec. she’s hot and I feel better, but she kinda looks like Vixen.”
Kaori looked as well now. She gasped.
“You’re right!”
The rest of the group came to look more closely now, as Ishtar tilted his head himself now.
“Our black mage. Ya know what? Easy solution.”
Tyler pulled his whistle and blew a note to Vixen’s signal. They waited as the black mage came up the lift. She came striding in wearing her buckled robe and sauntering stride as Tyler smiled at her.
“That’s Vixen, our hot black mage fox.”
The mage smiled as she bowed to the king.
“A pleasure to meet you, Ishtar.”
The king was surprised. Tyler sighed as he looked at her.
“Just need a question answered, here have a look.”
Curious, Vixen looked at the photo. She blinked now herself, surprised, before looking at Tyler.
“I could pass for her younger twin sister!”
“You sure you’re NOT?”
She nodded.
“I am, my mentor was my mother, and was a flaming red headed lady. My father, according to her, a man named Gruven that passed through the town a good hundred and fifty years ago. Story goes they met at a tavern, had some ale and spirits, with a few good herbs my mother loved, and they woke up in bed the next morning. She said her goodbyes to her one night lover, and I popped out nine months later. She never found the man again, but our village was a very kind and loving place that understood that sometimes these things happen, and helped in both my raising and training to become a black mage. Her name, as I know you’ll ask, was Vulpine.”
“Another name for a fox. Seeing a family quirk I kinda like.”
Ishtar just chuckled.
“I see Gruven was still a lady lure even AFTER he laid his blade down.”
Vixen laughed as well.
“Indeed he was. And I don’t blame or resent the man. Things happen, just the way it works.”
Tyler smiled as he patted her back.
“well, we got you, Vixen, so, we won that one.”
She smiled fondly.
“Thanks for that.”
Tyler smiled as he tilted his head.
“She ever say what he talked about when high as a kite?”
Vixen blinked,
“She did say he rambled about a son he’d left behind in his old world.”
“That runt of a name?”
Tyler and Kaori looked at each other.
“Ya know, least it’s not ME.”
“True, but still kinda surprising.”
Ishtar looked at the pale lady.
“Are you sure about his name being Max?”
“As sure as I can be. From what my mother told me, Gruven also regretted how his other son, who he’d adopted since the resemblance was so similar to his own, had to be raised by his then girlfriend.”
Tyler sighed.
“Of course.”
Vixen shrugged.
“She also said that Max was to be raised by his mother, but he lamented the other boy more.”
“he have a name?”
“My mother wasn’t able to get it out of him before the bedroom.”
Tyler shrugged.
“I mean, it’s not a big deal really. I’m here too, so, Kaori wins.”
She laughed and kissed him for that one. Then Tyler looked to Ishtar.
“People seem to think TEMPESTA is my father. For SOME odd reason.”
Ishtar burst out laughing.
“It fits too well too! The way you two interact is more father and son then dragon and human!”
“I’mma just run with that one.”
“I would too.”
“Well, I got nuthin.”
The king nodded.
“neither do I.”
“Well, we’ll get back to it. Make those spoiled children cry.”
The king was laughing as the spell ended. HE looked at the photo again.
“So, Vulpine had a girl by Gruven. And he never knew.”
Ishtar laughed as he got out of his chair.
“To think Erica’s sister had her own girl, raised her as a mage, and is now in Tyler’s party. We have another princess in his party that has NO idea of her heritage.”
Ishtar smiled as he saw their adventurer photo in the throne room.
“And Gruven’s Erica’s daughter has come to Lectis as well, with her own Gruven. Strange how this world works.”

Tyler hugged Kaori as he looked at Vixen.
“Sorry for the memory lane walk.”
She laughed.
“Not at all. I made my peace with my past years ago. I will admit to being surprised by the Queen’s resemblance to Vulpine though.”
Vixen shrugged.
Tyler smiled as he hugged her again.
“No biggee.”
She hugged him back.
HE looked to Seline.
“We’ll go convert a few coins, and head to the inn for a bit.”
The foxlady smiled at him.
“Of course.”
Kaori licked her lips.
“I will go find Verilica.”
“Make sure you two make up for the lost time.”
“Oh we WILL.”
The group all left Seline on her couch as they went to their after battle tasks. Seline for her part sighing now, as she looked at her legs.
“Damn it, I want another go!”

Tyler kissed the blonde good bye as they went off, her to finish the Imp off as he would go make some room in the coin pouches. He had Sera and Lily with him as Lillia went with Vixen and Malico to Relax a bit. Wulf going with him to help with the conversion. They walked into the bank and went to Girplik the head Gnome they had dealt with previously. The small man smiling as he saw them approach.
“Ahh, the lisk slayers. How may I assist you today?”
Tyler smiled.
“Got another mass conversion.”
“I see. Well, follow me please.”
They went with the little creature to the small room and Tyler removed the pouches. Girplik shook his head as he saw them.
“Another trove?”
“Yup. An even bigger one.”
“Lucky ones indeed.”
Tyler smiled as he emptied the coppers in first. Getting them 158 silver and 22 copper. Girplik tilted his head.
“ 32 sound fair?”
“Indeed. Fractions suck.”
That got a laugh, as Tyler added the silver to the pouch before pouring them into the next chamber. Getting them 164 gold and 51 silver. Girplik smiled.
Tyler smiled as he looked at their new totals. 19777 gold, 51 silver, 22 copper. Tyler looked at Girplik.
“A question.”
The gnome smiled as well.
“How can I help?”
“You wouldn’t sell those mass coin pouches would you?”
HE chuckled.
“I see you looking to save space. I assume placing that coin in a bank is not a viable option?”
“Sadly not. We’ve made some rather nasty enemies in some high places. Plus it makes great bait for bandits.”
That got a laugh.
“Okay, Sirrah, fair enough. We have 50,000 coin pouches, 100,000 and 1,000,000 coin pouches. All the same size as that 5000 coin pouch.
“We’ll take a 100. Perfect middle ground for us.”
“Very well, that will be 30 gold.”
They smiled as he took the thing.
“Okay, we can leave the other pouches empty, as a means to bait thieves.”
Wulf laughed.
“With the REAL treasure well-hidden and protected. A wise strategy.”
They left the bank and headed to the Inn, Tyler pausing only to grab a fresh crystal off a passing runner.
“I’ll go see Tolic real quick for a job well done.”
They chuckled as he split off. Tyler was enjoying the peace after a hard fought battle, we went from having to survive entirely off what we found in the wilds, to walking around with enough coin to but a small city. My name gets roared as a symbol of courage and bravery as well as hope. Strange times indeed. He walked in to Tolic’s shop to see the dwarf looking at some papers. He looked up and smiled as he saw Tyler walking up to the counter.
“Me boy, that was a fine fight an no mistake.”
Tyler laughed.
“That it were. Those vests were splendid.”
HE slid an extra fifty on the counter, and Tolic smiled.
“I see you remembered.”
“Indeed. Not a good idea to make the dwarf that made my blade and armor angry.”
“Wise lad. Find anything useful in that thing’s trove?”
Tyler crossed his arms.
“An Additite shield.”
Tolic blinked hard.
“Is it possible to see such a treasure?”
“Sure, Wulf has it.”
Tyler blew on the signal, and the mountain elf came in a moment later, still carrying the shield on his back.
“Something wrong?”
“Tolic wanted to see the shield.”
Wulf chuckled as he placed it on the counter. Tolic’s eyes lit up and shook his head.
“Aye lad, Additite it be. A truly precious treasure an no mistake.”
Tyler smiled ruefully.
“We don’t have a shielder on the team, so for now we’re holding it.”
Tolic laughed.
“An odd spot for sure. You have an unbreakable shield, yet no one to use it to the fullest. A priceless treasure indeed, yet next to worthless to you.”
“Odd it be. But at least we HAVE a shield. Better than not.”
Tolic thought for a second.
“I wonder if that elf lass, Lily, could make use of it? She wields a one handed short sword if I recall.”
Tyler’s eyes lit up.
“I can teach her how to wield it Spartan style!”
Wulf and Tolic looked at him.
“A race of warriors from my worlds distant past. Wielded short swords with four foot shields while wearing a single breast plate. They are regarded as the very best soldiers of their time. 300 of them held off an invading army of more than a million for three days and nights before a betrayal did for them.”
Wulf and Tolic looked at each other and smiled.
“Lily will be a fearsome shielder now.”
“Yup. Plus, the size fits her perfectly.”
Tyler took the shield and smiled,
“I’ll go give our girl her second weapon.”
They left the dwarf’s shop and went to the Inn. There they found Lily and the rest of the party drinking ale and relaxing.
“Hey, Lily, c’mere a sec.”
The small elf girl looked over curiously as Tyler held the shield out.
“Put this on your free arm.”
She drew her short sword and put the shield on her left.
“How’s it feel?”
Lily tilted her head as she stroke different poses.
“Feels….comfortable. I kinda like it.”
“Alright then. Shields yours, and I’ll teach you how to use it right.”
She smiled as she slung it over her shoulder.
“An unbreakable shield with a short sword. A nasty combo.”
“Plus with the way to use that thing the right way, yeah, you a brick wall.”
That got a laugh as he hugged the small girl. They took a seat at the table as he rolled the map out again.
“Okay, we got a supply refresh. I donated a good 75% of that lisk meat to the town for the party, since we still have like half that other one to go through.”
Wulf chuckled.
“And so you can give Melly a taste.”
Malico chuckled.
“You spoil that girl, you know that?”
He shrugged as the girl in question came over with a refill of drinks, her new daggers out of sight.
“She’s Sera’s sister.”
That got a laugh from them all. Then he pointed to Yalik.
“we head out in the morning after the hangovers pass.”
Another chuckle. Tyler tapped the town.
“I am expecting some serious problems in the town. Everything from corruption, kidnappings, banned goods to attacks from the church. Along the way, we need to bait bandits, find any surviving Oricah camps, and other things to get Lily, Sera and Lillia more practice and strength.”
The girls nodded. Wulf crossed his arms.
“That army probably cleaned the area out of nearby small fry.”
“Anything bigger?”
“Hill giants, some ogres, maybe a troll or two.”
“Trolls hate fire?”
He smiled.
“Indeed. It’s a weakness of theirs.”
“Okay, we’ll hunt giants and the others as well. We need to get serious now. We have 55 DAYS and I want Sera, Lily and Lillia to be at least Lucy’s level.”
The barbarian lady tilted her head.
“I’m the standard because?”
“Because you had an entire guild hall batshit scared. Kinda impressive.”
She laughed.
“I see your point.”
Tyler looked at Wulf,
“We’ll look over the job board in the morning to see what’s left over.”
“Good idea. The local guild is always a good way to gauge the monster variety of an area.”
Tyler rubbed his eyes.
“That hatred took more outta me an I thought. Okay, I’ll head up for a bit. Look at the news crystal I got, and power down for an hour or so.”
They all nodded and he went up.
“If Kaori needs me, tell I crashed for a bit.”
He headed up to the room he shared with the blonde and laid on the bed.
“You okay?”
Sylvia and Sallie climbed up to lay beside him. He smiled as he patted the two spirits.
“I’m fine, just a little drained is all. Seriously, I had a mermaid, Seline like 4 times in a row, those assassins, and the battle. Then the Hatred, yeah, full day.”
The two spirits giggled.
“Seline was fun to watch!”
Tyler smiled as he opened his HUD. HE saw he had a new title. Flawless Tactician. Granted for winning two large scale battles to victory without losing a single man. This added to the boosts to Mental Fortitude, Perception and Willpower. He then opened the News tab.
“Today in Vernillion. The tale of the Outcast continues to grow. This time, leading the defense of Raylik as an army of 1230 strong of Oricah, giants and ogres led by a stray frost giant and black greater drakolisk sought to attack. Tyler discovered the army while looking over his map, which updates magically every time it is opened, for his next trip, only to discover a disturbing similarity to TopLeaf. As soon as he became suspicious, rode out with his elven ranger friend to scout the things. Only to be proven right as the army of creatures was indeed on the march. Tyler then made the extremely brave and noble choice to stall the army as his elf friend raised the alarm and gave a head count. What the boy did to stall that army for the hours he did, I am afraid I do not know. At a point in the stall, Tempesta the blue lord appeared to both give an update on the army, and watch the fight himself. For in his words,
“We an the lad made an agreement he has surprised me by honoring. So I’m curious to see what else he’s got.”
The blue lord settled down to indeed watch the battle unfold. The Outcast came back a short while later, unharmed and smiling. I witnessed first hand that boy’s evil genius first hand, as every few yards, he’d stop and rig up some nasty trap or surprise hindrance. And readers of Lectis? Some were just downright EVIL. One such trap was a large amount of extremely springy branches pulled back and tied to a trip line, and when a giant hit the line, got a vicious shot to the unmentionables. All we would see is a tree move, hear a smacking noise and see a hill giant drop as it screamed in pain and flatten other creatures nearby. One poor bastard got hit twice! Back to back! Like who the hell thinks of that? Tyler was up on the battlements flat on his back laughing as the thing unfolded. Even Tempesta found it humorous. That was ONE such trap the Outcast set up. An interesting detail was before the battle even started. As Tyler and Tempesta were witnessed bantering like father and son before the Outcast cracked a joke, and got flicked laughing into a tree. The idiot was then heard STILL teasing the sky lord, who stopped him in his tracks with a cutting line.
“Keep talking and I’ll have a word with that elven girl with the hammer.”
They then burst out laughing again. That elven girl in question is indeed a fierce one indeed. His royal majesty King Ishtar observed the battle via message crystal, and was impressed with the boy’s strategic prowess. Even if it is all the cunning of a madman. As for the battle? Tyler’s traps, combined with his combo spells, plus his stealth assault on the enemy leaders, resulted in another bloodless victory for the outcast. Not a single man fell in battle. I myself witnessed the slaying of the drakolisk single handedly with a single stab. Along with the frost giant’s demise as well. The army was hired by Warriors to FORCE the gates open to them once more. But, that was not the only attempt today. For the lady Seline had an attempt upon her life by an assassin’s guild as well. Only issue was the Outcast in bed with her at the time of the attempt. It would seem the Outcast is as much of a lady slayer as he is a monster slayer. For no sooner then the assassins were dealt with and sent down on her lift to the ground floor with a neat DO NOT DISTURB sign, then he and her were back in bed. The Warriors having paid the assassins to kill Seline to get the gates open. This was the last straw for Ishtar, for after the news was broken about the attempt on his dear friend, and the battle the result of the Warriors as well, he sought Tyler’s Warrior’s Council. The plan the boy put forth is both fair and just.
“Institute a new tax. Everyday the Warriors do nothing of worth, they pay a gold coin. If they can’t, they get thrown out the gates of Term until they can. Things of worth include killing monsters, helping people, clearing bandits, actual WORK. If they refuse or fight back, they get stripped of everything they own down to a single sword, bow, quiver of arrows, their horse, a single outfit, basic camping gear and 5 gold coins before getting thrown out on their face. Like how me and Kaori were. Myself, Kaori and Kazuma are exempt from this new rule since we work for our beer money. Kinda sorta.”
This is an extremely fair and just proposition the Outcast has put forth. Ishtar has since implemented the new rule, and the riots are once again underway. As of this article, several dozen have already been thrown out the gate. Ishtar was also heard making a scathing statement.
“I have seen the Outcast’s strength with my own eyes. HE is the strongest we have. I am half tempted to just let you all be, as you WILL die in the first wave. As far as I am concerned, we have 3 survivors of the first wave. And Max. I say this to you now. You suck. If five giants are your best day, and you are the strongest these Warriors have, then you are a truly pathetic soul. Five giants for Tyler is not even his morning warmup.”
Max, the de facto leader of the Warriors in Term was heard laughing at this ridiculous claim.
“That punching bag? Yeah right. Only thing that fuckin retard was ever any good for was a good kicking. Shame Kaori fell for him, must be because he’s the only dick around. Well, she’ll remember who the true man is in the waves, since, ya know, he’s a useless coward.”
Dear reader, I am most looking forward to seeing the reaction when Tyler strides into the wave with his crew. In other news, it would seem the monster known as the Elf Rapist was finally killed this morning, by none other then the Outcast himself. Elven ladies sleep easy now. The pope has also commented on the king’s treatment of the Warriors.
“It is simply appalling to impose such an unusual and unfair levy upon those that are here to defend us. This Outcast, if he claims to be such a man of the people, then he should need to be holden to this tax as well.”
The king’s reply was priceless.
“Tyler? A man of the people? Not even close Skyr. Even if I WANTED to make him pay, all we’d get is our knights and tax collectors in a box. Plus, he wouldn’t HAVE to pay, since he works daily. He doesn’t take a day off. Even now, as he’s reading this, he’s probably finished looking over that map of his, and is thinking of just what to do next. His party may rest, be he does not. Feel bad for his enemies.”
The pope has tried to open the countries churches as sanctuaries, but the King shot it down.
“You’ll have to pay on their behalf. And, since the church CAN pay, it’ll be a hundred gold. Per head, per day.”
The Warriors are outraged, and no one really cares. Their easy lifestyle of rape, torture and debauchery has come to an end. Either they put their balls on, as the Outcast would say, or get used to sleeping outside. Another story of note is Lymir, lady of Yalik, is eagerly awaiting the imminent arrival of the Outcasts.
“I am looking forward to putting faces to the legends and stories.”
There you have it, good reader. The Outcasts are leading this land into the waves, the bedroom, and us ladies are all EVERY grateful.”
Tyler and the two spirits were laughing hard at that last bit. Tyler had to wipe a tear away as he closed his HUD.
“Okay, I need to visit Verilica next.”
That got a chuckle as Sylvia and Sallie snuggled into his arms as he hugged them. HE sighed as he relaxed and closed his eyes.

He opened his eyes next to see Kaori’s face next to his own. HE blinked, and saw her satisfied flush on her sleeping cheek. He smiled as he kissed her awake. She opened her green eyes, and smiled at him.
“Hi. Sleep well?”
He kissed her again,
“I did. Did you have fun?”
She sighed happily.
“Verilica is a wonderful bed mate.”
“I’ll have to try her then.”
She giggled,
“Oh she WANTS you. Like BAAAAD.”
Tyler chuckled as he looked to see Sallie and Sylvia in each other’s arms asleep between their two bodies.
“They look so cute like that.”
The blonde stroked Sallie’s soft green hair.
“Yeah, they do.”
“And they’re our girls.”
She shivered as he said that. She kissed him this time as she smiled.
“They are. And we love them, every much.”
“And WE love our to-be parents!”
The two girls started giggling as they rolled to look at them. Tyler and Kaori looked at each other, and smiled.
“I think they need to learn a lesson.”
“I agree.”
The lovers fell upon the two spirits, who squealed as the tickle torture began. Tyler pinning Sallie as Sylvia was at Kaori’s mercy. The two girls squealing and laughing as they got their due. Then they all burst out laughing before getting out of the bed. Tyler stretched his back, getting a line of pops and cracks going up his spine. Then he looked to the blonde.
“Where is everyone?”
She smiled as she pulled her boots on.
“Lily and Sera are playing with Melly, Lucy went with Thistle to look at skills, Wulf is at the general store, Vixen and Serafina went to see Aqua to look at spells, Malico went to play with Seline, Lillia is with Mia in the kitchen.”
He kissed her.
“We got time?”
She sighed and stripped.
He laughed as he stripped as well to mount her. The blonde getting ridden hard as they made love yet again. After a two hour session, Tyler chuckled.
“I’ll go get a bath now. And, Kaori?”
She was laying on her back with a happy flush.
HE kissed her warmly.
“I love you. And still the favorite.”
She giggled as they dressed as well to go clean up. They found Sera and Melly comparing daggers as Lily cleaned hers at the table. Tyler chuckled.
“Careful with that Melly. It’s sharper then you realize.”
The freckled girl giggled.
“I will!”
Tyler smiled at her affectionately as he and Kaori went to the bathhouse down the way. Tyler flipping the lady a few silver for Kaori’s hair as he took a took soak himself. HE sighed as he felt the day’s grime get washed away.
“I needed this.”
His scars were still there, including the ones from the first drakolisk he. Kaori and Malico had killed together. Sallie and Sylvia were either side of him in the water, and their bodies even left small holes in the water as it they WERE alive. He chuckled.
“Kinda wanna see the reaction of someone that CAN’T see you two.”
They giggled as he cleaned up. HE walked out to see Kaori walking out as well. Her blonde hair shining like gold as the late day sun hit it. HE took her hand.
“Wanna go look at storm gear?”
She smiled.
“Sure. The horses are all set as well. New reins and a new saddle for mine.”
“Did you mug me in my sleep?”
She leaned in to his ear.
“I only blew you in your sleep.”
“Thanks for opening THAT door.”
She smiled as they went to the general goods store.
“I used some leftover gold I had on me.”
“I see. Well, the blow explains my dream.”
“Who was it?”
“Well, you with Yoko on my face.”
She laughed.
“Oh, that will happen, never you worry.”
They went in to see Wulf looking at different rope. The ranger smiled as they came in.
“Oh, good. You here to look at storm gear too?”
“Great minds. Anything useful?”
He held up two bits of rope.
“Right now I’m caught between woven fiber, and this.”
Tyler and Kaori took each bit. Tyler chuckled.
“I kinda wish we had a sailor here. No one knows rope like a salt water drifter.”
They all chuckled as kaori placed the woven one aside to take the more solid one.
“This one kinda reminds me off paracord in our world.”
Tyler looked at the dark grey material.
“Yeah, now I look at it, you’re right.”
“What’s paracord?”
“Extremely strong cord used in parachutes. Big cloth like things people strap on their backs to jump off things the Dragon tower’s height and higher to safely drop to the ground. Here, I can show you, since it’s a similar thing to how some tree seeds fall to the ground.”
Tyler took out a small piece of cloth from their material pouch, cut four holes in it, used some of their own lines for fishing, and tied his dagger to it. Then he wrapped it up and tossed it lightly into the air. The result was the thing gently drifting downward to land on the floor. Wulf watched the demonstration and tilted his head.
“Ya know sumthin? I wonder if airship crews have those aboard ships in case of abandon ship?”
Tyler put the small-scale example away.
“I don’t think so. If an issue forces it necessary to abandon ship in the air, the crew is usually already dead anyway.”
Wulf thought about it, and nodded in agreement.
“You’re not wrong, since those kinds of problems involve fire or explosion or a popped balloon. Too late for any reactions or to even scream.”
“Not a bad thought though. I can show you a rather nifty idea with a piece of wood, a blanket, and a fire in a grated can.”
Kaori’s eyes lit up.
“A kotatsu?”
“Yup. We ever wind up in a colder region, I’ll set it up.”
Wulf put the pieces together in his head and smiled.
“That does sound nice. Any other things like that?”
Tyler looked at Kaori.
“Not sure. You?”
She looked around the store.
“I think it’ll be a more in the moment thing.”
Tyler went back to the cord.
“In our world, Wulf, Paracord is a very tough resource, and is used in our militaries. Only thing we’d need here is a stress test.”
Tyler looked to where the shop keeper was watching with curiosity.
“It okay if we stress test this one?”
The man chuckled.
“Aye lad, most don’t bother to check what their buying these days. Nice to see some genuine know-how.”
Tyler smiled as he took the cord and wrapped it securely around his hands. Then he pulled it tight and steadily increased the pressure as Wulf and Kaori watched carefully. Tyler looked as well as he applied more tension.
“How’s it looking?”
Kaori tilted her head.
“I’d say about the amount it took me to shatter a goblin’s skull. So, 50 to 60 pounds?”
“Okay, still seems fine.”
“No fraying or tearing yet on my end.”
He increased it again, and Kaori brush her ponytail back.
“We’re at ninety. Not bad for a centimeter thick.”
“right? Paracord woulda snapped by now.”
Tyler kept adding pressure until it did snap with a loud crack.
“Okay, it gave at 150 pounds of straight force. Not bad at all.”
Wulf looked at a sign.
“It says here good to at least 80 pounds.”
“That’s nearly twice the strength. Okay, verdict?”
Kaori nodded as well as Wulf.
“We’ll take it reinforce of tent and for lashings.”
“Yeah, plus says here water proof as well.”
They placed the two foot thick wheel of it on the counter as the man laughed.
“You lads and lass know what yer doing! No wonder you’re as strong as yer are. Anything else?”
“we’ll keep looking.”
“Hey, found some head covers for the horses.”
He laughed as Tyler looked at the covers.
“Okay, we’ll get a set. These keep the animal calm in a storm right?”
“They helped on the ranch. Dad said they make the horse feel like it’s head was protected.”
“Got some good cloaks here.”
Tyler and the blonde walked to try the heavy wool things on, and Tyler laughed as he pulled the hood up.
“With my build, and my eyes in this thing, I can make some poor bastard shit himself.”
They all laughed as they added to the pile. They found more magic lanterns, and they were ready for storms in the wilds. The Outcast paid the 3 gold and they headed to the sword shop to look at night skills.
“Hold up a moment.”
The trio looked to see a tall lady in black armour approach them. Tyler tilted his head.
“What can we do for you miss.”
The lady looked at them with a knowing smile.
“I am a goddess of balance.”
“Oh shit.”
Tyler took a step between the other two in case of attack. The lady laughed.
“You have not broken any rules. Let me assure you. I am here to give this to you.”
She handed them a thick scroll.
“It has a list of things that have no place in our world.”
Tyler was curious.
“This due to my example of a parachute?”
“Indeed. As it exists in nature, it is allowed. This merely a fair warning, as you mortals put it.”
“I see. Well, this helps. I was actually wondering just what the rules did and did not cover, but wasn’t sure just who to ask.”
She laughed.
“A most intriguing mortal indeed. I see why Death itself granted the Life walk to those souls, pitied or not. We, as in the gods and goddesses of balance, have faith in your judgment as you have shown exemplary in its execution, thus the scroll.”
“Kinda odd hearing a deity telling one that they have faith in them. Seems a little backwards, but appreciated nonetheless.”
She laughed again, this time merrily.
“More intriguing is that mind. It scares a few of us as well.”
Tyler smiled now.
“We humbly thank you, Goddess, as knowing me? I’d walk face first into something nasty before really knowing just what the hell just happened.”
She smiled again with a knowing undertone.
“Hence the scroll. Use it well, Mortal. And, try NOT to let it fall into the wrong hands.”
She waved as she went to walk away.
“Farewell Mortal. We are watching this world most intently now.”
She walked along the road and blinked out of existence. Tyler and Kaori looked at each other.
“Well THAT’S not ominous or anything.”
“We just got a two way gift here.”
“Yup. A VERY clear limit, and a warning to NOT fuck with it.”
Wulf sighed.
“I know that Goddess. Minus. Goddess of The Scale. She governs fairness and justice. She is also a very fair and just deity as well, so if she came to see you herself to give you that, then you earned it.”
Tyler placed the scroll into a pouch.
“We need to look this over VERY carefully. Let’s head for the inn.”
They nodded and five minutes later were sitting around the table. Tyler opened the thing and a list of prohibited items were seen.
“Okay, guns. Given, grenades, bombs, most any weapon from our world is outright banned. Okay, chemicals, acids, and other compounds as well. Okay, fair. Kinda funny haw no food or drinks are on here.”
Kaori snorted.
“We should try and brew some moonshine.”
“Yeeeah not a good idea, barbie. They explode, remember?”
Wulf blinked at that one.
“175 proof alcohol. And higher.”
The elf gulped, intimidated.
“By the gods, that is a little intense.”
“I’ve heard it goes up to what, 250?”
“The really hardcore? Yeah.”
Wulf just shook his head.
“Not even a dwarven drinker could handle that. Even the drinks in your world are scary.”
Tyler was looking over the list.
“Well, the kotatsu is safe.”
“I guess it has more to do with dangerous things, as it seems quality of life things are fine.”
“We might be able to use lightning spells to-“
“Ooop, spoke too soon, says electrical devices and commodities are prohibited as they don’t exist here. Makes sense since they got magic.”
“Well that sucks.”
“Yeah, we can’t make vibrators for the women here.”
Ohhhh, she smacked him HARD for that one. Like so hard, Melly across the room heard and felt it,
“Wow, that was a good one.”
Kaori was irately laughing as Wulf was just confused as Tyler now had a large handprint on his face as he laughed. The ranger sighed.
“Do I even WANT to know?”
Kaori took it upon herself to explain.
“It’s a toy for lonely women in our world, it vibrates like when a thousand horses ride by and shake a house.”
HE got it then.
“Okay, and just to put it out there, but they have a version.”
“Of course they do.”
“Lonely women. Never underestimate them.”
Kaori sighed,
“Can we move on?”
“Sure, I mean we should get one for Seline as a gag gift, but sure.”
That got a snort.
“We need to now!”
“I’mma just gonna stay outta this one.”
Tyler smiled as he went back to the list.
“Okay, electronics are all banned, gunpowder is as well. Makes sense since we got fire powder. Yeah, looks like that’s really it.”
He passed it to Wulf as Tyler sat back.
“I was expecting it to be worse, but I guess fairness is a bigger deal an I thought. Nifty.”
Wulf looked at the scroll.
“What’ll we do with it?”
“we’ll store it with the other things.”
“Sounds good. Okay, night skills right?”
They left the Inn and each gave a giggling Melly a fond pat as they passed the small girl. They walked in and Tyler went to the Certificates as the other two poked around. Tyler found what he was looking for rather quickly.
“Gottem guys. Night Sight. Uses perception to see at night.”
The party all got one and he paid the 4 silver. Tyler then looked to Wulf.
“Let’s go see the job board.”
Kaori smiled as well.
“I’ll go have a word with Aqua.”
“Please her well.”
She smiled wider.
“With lust.”
They split and Wulf as shaking his head.
“She gets nearly more action then you do.”
“Hard to believe there was a time she was scared to touch another girl.”
He chuckled.
“That from how she was raised?”
“Yeah. Malico went RIGHT after her when they met. And Kaori was then fighting a war between what she’d been taught and what felt good.”
The ranger just shook his head.
“And YOU’RE part in it?”
“Me? Just sat back and watched. Back then, I still had my spilt, so wasn’t as bold as I am now. Plus to that point, Kaori had been the ONLY girl to even look at me without disgust, so it was still all new to me.”
Wulf patted the Warrior on the back.
“More fun now though.”
“Damn straight!”
The two men laughed as they went into the hall. Soon as they did a red dagger came flying out of the crowd at Tyler’s face. Only for him to flick it up, and catch it by the tip and flick it back.
“Nice try Whisper.”
He then pivoted on a foot to pin the hidden in the shadows girl under his arm against the wall and shove his tongue in her mouth. Wulf just blinked at this sudden turn of events, and sighed as Tyler pulled the dark haired lady off the wall, and let her go with spin. Whisper had long dark blue hair, fair skin, a small scar on her left cheek, glowing yellow eyes, and a very firm bust that as just slightly bigger then Kaori. Her outfit was skin tight leathers, low top boots, and the whole ensemble a deep black and red. The lady licked her lips as she went for her coin pouch, finding it still there this time.
“Hiya, looking fer this?”
She looked up to see him holding her belt with her daggers on a finger. She laughed as he flicked it back to her.
“I see you are a roguish one indeed. Stealing a lady’s belt. Whatever next?”
“Wanna get fancy, I bet I can get that top off the next time you try me.”
A twinkle came into her yellow eyes.
“I’d like to see you try. But, next time.”
“Sure, toots. Oh, and question.”
She tilted her head as he came closer to lean into her ear.
“You wouldn’t happen to be a Were of some kind, would you?”
She blinked, and smiled.
“Indeed I am. How’d you tell?”
“Just a feeling I got when I looked in those eyes of yours.”
“Well, let me fill in the blank. Were Tiger.”
“Well, well, your fur white?”
She smiled again.
“Indeed it is.”
“Well, Whisper, a most intriguing surprise.”
“But a most welcome one, right?”
“That it is. Oh, and so your aware?”
He stepped back laughing.
“I think you lost something.”
She blinked, looked down, and saw her top leather had indeed disappeared, leaving her in a chainmail breast covering. She looked up to see Tyler twirling her top on a finger with a wide smile.
“See? Told you I could.”
The guild hall was applauding as he gave the lady her shirt back. Tyler high fived Wulf as they went to leave.
“I will DEFINETLY be coming for what’s MINE, Outcast!”
“I’ll be waiting, whisper.”
Wulf just sighed.
“Seriously? How the hell did you do that?”
Tyler chuckled.
“That scar on her cheek told me everything I needed. Her outfit is made for easy removal. Kinda important for quick shifts, plus, when I had her pinned, I noticed a small groove on her back.”
He got it then.
“Scary how that Perception works.”
They went to the job board, finding it just as full as earlier.
“Odd, I’d have expected the number of jobs to decrease due to so many monsters getting killed.”
“You’d think, right?”
HE looked to see the mail clad Chain come walking over.
“Oh, hey Chain. There a reason for it?”
She smiled as Wulf had another internal explosion. I’m here TOO DAMMIT! The blue haired lady just smirked.
“I see your elf friend has a lady issue.”
“It’s bad. Tempted to give him some gold to say he GOT something.”
“I am going to stab you to death you sonuvabitch, I swear to gods.”
She laughed as the hall lost it. Then she looked at the board.
“There are more monsters then we’d like to think.”
Tyler chuckled.
“That’s fine. We need the practice. Mostly looking for the roads to Yalik.”
“That was to the northwest, right?”
“Yup. We’re looking for moderate to challenging.”
The mail clad lady nodded.
“I see the training is getting serious now.”
“That wave is in 55 DAYS So we need to get the reps in.”
“I see. Well, we have been getting reports of a large hill giant camp in the small group of mountains here.”
Tyler and Wulf looked at the bill.
“Okay, wanted. Killing of a hill giant camp near Mount Yale. Not bad, so far. Reward is 2 gold for all creatures dead.”
Wulf looked at the spot in question on their map.
“If it’s the spot I think, it shouldn’t be TOO trying on us.”
“More workout?”
“Yes, but more pain in the ass to get to. We’d need to climb a little.”
“Should we bother with climbing gear?”
He thought for a moment.
“In all honesty? It might be better having it. Like if you see a cave high on a cliff face you for some freakin reason want to poke around in.”
“Nice to see you’re using my insanity as a basis for reasoning. Okay, we’ll get some as well.”
They took the bill, and looked around some more. Chain laughing.
“Normally, this is where a more experienced adventurer would come over to tell you not to bite off more then you can chew.”
“Too bad the only decent thing I want to eat around here is you, Chain.”
She laughed again as the other men grumbled.
“Silver-tongued bastard. With HIM around, there goes all the good-lookin ladies for the rest of us.”
“Should work on that face then. Course, we know that personality scares em more!”
the rowdy group laughed as Tyler pulled down another bill.
“hey, got one for a hobgoblin camp near the road.”
Wulf came over.
“Wanted, killing of a hobgoblin camp near the Yale river. I know that spot as well. It’s a pretty decent campsite as well.”
“Yale mountain, Yale river, people aren’t very imaginative are they?”
“That’s the truth. Hey, got another hill giant camp.”
Tyler smiled.
“It close to the other?”
“Maybe, two hours ride from the road, a full day out?”
“Nice. Okay, these plus the bandits, okay, we got our targets.”
The men left to go get a better idea of just WHAT they were walking into. Tyler laid out the map on the table in Melly’s inn as Sera, Lillia and Lily sat around them. Tyler looked to the first spot, the close by hill giant camp.
“Okay, right off the bat. Lillia, me, Wulf, Sera, and Malico. We’ll hit this camp. The hobs will be me, Lily, Serafina, Wulf, and Lucy. Last camp will be me, Lily, Sera, Lillia, Wulf, Thistle, Kaori and Vixen.”
The heads nodded as lily tilted her head.
“We’ll rotate as we go. Also depends on their spot.”
Tyler and Wulf looked at the spots.
“That first camp is a small hollow like the ones from earlier.”
“How many can we expect in a camp?”
“20, a large camp can hold 45 creatures.”
“Good. This point, we need these kinds of fights.”
Lillia seemed nervous at the prospect.
“Are you sure we’re ready for this kind of thing?”
Tyler smiled at her.
“I trust you, Lillia. Have faith in yourself, okay? We’ll be right there with you as we go.”
She gulped but nodded as Sera patted her sister.
“Trust yourself! We all believe in you sis!”
She hugged her sister.
“Thanks Sera.”
Tyler smiled as Wulf looked at the hob campsite.
“This one is a semi-circle of rocks upon a heavy slab. Easy in or out.”
“So, an easy victory.”
“Should be, even though a decent camp holds 30 creatures as well.”
The Ranger looked at a post.
“Maybe, nine feet tall?”
“Decent arrow bait. That last spot?”
Wulf crossed his arms.
“A nasty place. Near a cliff face with one way in or out.”
“Yeah, not liking it already. Hazards?”
“A three hundred foot drop at the back, a stone wall on one side, and the fact it’s up on the mountains.”
“So, we’ll use it as a final exam for our girls here. They do good there, they just need experience at that point.”
Wulf nodded.
“A very harsh final exam, but one should they pass will set them up at the level you want them at.”
The girls were now a little nervous, even lily seemed on edge.
“Seems a little sudden, don’t you think?”
Tyler smiled at her.
“Not really, Lily. The way we teach you is how to THINK in a fight. Like how Sera and Lillie had that stone giant in the cave, or you with that bandit on the road. You are already thinking on just what you can do in a battle. Alls you really needed after that was the skills, know-how and practice doing it.”
She understood then.
“I get it. We’ve been watching how you all do things, and seeing where WE fit in the group.”
“And now you have your roles. Sera and Lillia are archers with decent sword skills, and you have decent blade work with an unbreakable shield here, I’ll show you a decent trick when using a short sword and shield.”
The pair got up and he pulled Oblivion.
“Okay, place your feet like this, lower your shoulder into the shield, raise the sword tip to here and lean on those legs.”
Result was her sword hidden behind her shield with her posture also well-concealed by the shield. Tyler smiled as he took a stance a few steps away.
“Okay, Lily, I ma going to ask a rather stupid sounding question now.”
“What is the point of a shield?”
They ALL blinked, as Lily replied a little confused.
“It’s to block attacks.”
She tilted her head.
“OKaaay? Care to explain?”
“Sure. A shield is best used to DEFLECT an attack, NOT block outright. As a deflection merely take a tilted wrist or lowering of a leg. Observe, when I try to hit you with Oblivion, tilt the shield to the side.”
Tyler swung his blade, and Lily tilted the edge of her buckler to the side, resulting in his blade sliding harmlessly off, and providing a very wide open hole for her now free short sword. She understood what he meant as she was still ready for an attack as he was wide open. Tyler stepped back smiling.
“See how easy it was to create the hole?”
She smiled now.
“I get it. Use minimal effort to get maximum results.”
“A good shielder is able to manipulate an enemy’s attacks while promoting their own. Plus a shield is a very effective weapon.”
It clicked for Wulf then.
“And since Lily is so small, and the shield is unbreakable,”
“She’s essentially the perfect shielder, since EVERYONE will underestimate her and think her a mere lost child on the field. And such an easy kill.”
Lily laughed.
“Momma didn’t raise no meek prey!”
Tyler smiled now.
“Okay, Lily, I’ll see the shield for this one.”
He placed it on his arm,
“Okay, try to hit me.”
Lily lunged to try and pivot around the buckler, only for Tyler to nudge her as she pivoted with the center boss, knocking her over with his blade on her throat.
“How did I do that?”
She got up as she reran her attack in her mind.
“You waited for me to shift my body weight, and nudged when it was most unbalanced.”
“Exactly. To counter a shielder, look at where their feet are pointing. See how I’m standing.”
HE took a stance leaning forward, identical to the one Lily had taken.
“Okay, Lily, how will I move?”
She looked at his feet, and saw hie toes pointed towards her.
“You’ll deflect my blade again and lunge at me.”
“Okay, try it.”
She did, and as she swung, she noticed how his stance rocked to the side, and she sidestepped to the opposite side as he tried to flick her with the shield, and jabbed him in the vest over his ribs.
“Perfect! Neatly done, lily!”
He handed her shield back as she smiled widely.
“when Smithing, you need to use your eyes to see how the whole billet looks when seeking a to hammer it out right. Are you familiar with the phrase strike when the iron’s hot?”
Tyler patted her head.
“Indeed I am. The same principles apply to killing a shielder that knows what they’re doing.”
Tyler then took another stance.
“Okay, next trick.”
She took her stance again.
“I’ll show you how to create an opening on a guarded opponent.”
HE poked her in the shield with his blade a few times, only as he went for a fifth poke, Lily lunged into it, deflected the tip to the left as her right handed blade came to hit him in the ribs again. He laughed as he patted her again.
“You’re a fast learner Lily.”
She smiled.
“I keep looking at this like if I were YOU. So, since you’re always trying to predict and anticipate what others are doing, I’ve been trying to do the same.”
“And you’re getting good at it. You have the basics down now. All that’s left is just trial and error.”
She hugged him as they put their gear up.
“Thanks for the lessons.”
He hugged her tightly.
“Sure, Lily. You ever need a tip or pointer let me know.”
They sat back down as Mia’s voice was heard.
“So you are aware, I usually throw people out for drawing weapons in here period, but that was a special kind of entertaining, watching the Outcast himself training an apprentice.”
Tyler laughed.
“Lily’s the type of girl that doesn’t need training. Just point her in the direction and get the fuck out of her way.”
Mia chuckled.
“Aye lad, she’s a sharp one an no mistake.”
Lily was glowing under the praise as She drank her tea. Wulf patted his niece.
“Well done, Lily. See? You’ll do just fine on the raids.”
Sera tilted her head as she looked at Tyler.
“How come you haven’t taught us bow or swordsmanship?”
“Because we had better people to teach then me. Like Wulf for archery. Or Kaori for the sword. I can teach Lily shielder crap since I’ve dabbled a little with a shield in my world. As sometimes a piece of wood or a trash can lid was handy in a fight.”
The princess nodded as she understood.
“That’s fair. Best for the best.”
“See? She gets it!”
They all laughed as they all patted the girl. Mia came over with a refill.
“So you are aware, the hero party is in an hour.”
“Nice to get to attend one for once. Thanks Mia.”
She laughed as Melly came and sat by Tyler. The freckled girl smiling widely.
“Looking forward to the party?”
She nodded as she hugged him.
“Uh-huh! We’ll get to have fun!”
That made them all laugh as Kaori came in with a flushed face.
“Make out okay with Aqua?”
The blonde laughed at his two way joke.
“Very well. She is a very satisfying lady.”
She sat next to Lily and looked at the map.
“How’s it looking commander?”
“We’ll bring the party up to speed when they get here.”
She nodded as Sera passed her the bills for the jobs.
“These will tell you more less where we are.”
Kaori smiled as she looked at them.
“I see we’re getting serious now.”
“We kinda have to now. Thankfully these will be their last good push to get to our levels.”
“Our levels are?”
“Being able to walk around without babysitters. Like how I didn’t let you out of my sight at all in the beginning.”
She got it then.
“And now I can go as I please.”
“You’re strong and experienced enough to NOT get taken by surprise now. Or, if you do get jumped, you’re skilled enough to handle it yourself.”
Kaori smiled at his show of faith in her.
“I see now. And thanks for the faith.”
They all smiled as the rest of the party filed in. Tyler and Kaori noticing a happy flush on Malico’s face.
“Well kittycat?”
The catgirl purred hard.
“Ohhh, she’s amazing!”
“Can’t wait to get her again.”
Once they were all seated, Tyler pointed the camps out.
“Okay. Tonight we get wrecked. Tomorrow, we have three targets to hit as we head for Yalik. Two hill giant camps and a Hob. These are hard training runs for the girls, and that last one their final exam.”
The heads all nodded, as Lucy looked at the last one.
“That one is going to be a fine test. How are we splitting?”
“This camp here is me, Sera, Lillia, Wulf, and Malico. The hobs are me, Wulf, Lily, Serafina, and Lucy. That mountain camp will be me, Sera, Lily, Lillia, Wulf, Vixen, Thistle, Kaori, and we’ll add Malico.”
Another round of nods. Wulf tapped the mountain camp.
“This will be a challenge as we’ll be fighting the mountain as well. But we should be fine.”
Tyler placed the scroll the Goddess had given them on the table.
“Hide that Malico.”
She nodded as he explained.
“we had a visitor earlier. Minus. Goddess of the Scale.”
They gasped.
“She said that was a fair warning on just what things from our world we can use here. Thankfully, we’re set. That said, we can’t lose it as it’s a gift from a deity.”
Vixen smiled.
“Indeed. Minus is a fair and just Goddess, but her gifts are NOT to be treated lightly. She say anything of note?”
“That the gods are a little scared of my mind. They are watching this world closely now, and they have faith in my judgment.”
Vixen rubbed her head.
“If their watching closely now, then we may have a bigger problem then we knew.”
“Maybe the number of demons running around has them on edge.”
Serafina and Vixen looked at each other.
“You don’t think that means?”
“If it does, we’re all doomed.”
Tyler looked at them.
Vixen did the talking.
“There has been an unusually high number of high level demons on our Plane as of late. We’re worried it might be causing the gods and goddesses to think the barriers between the lower and upper planes are thinning again.”
“And that would lead to?”
“The deities descending to the Mortal realm to confront the issue head on. Such a thing is called a Divine Intervention, and results in the deaths of hundreds of thousands.”
“I see the Pope has another scheme here.”
They looked at him.
“You can’t mean he’s deliberately summoning demons in large numbers to trick the gods, do you?”
“I do. If the barrier WAS thinning, you really think the dragons would be as calm as they are?”
They all looked at him, before sighing.
“I see your point. If the veils were thinning, the dragons would be going wild in an attempt to hunt down every demon they could.”
“So, the pope is going after the very deities themselves now.”
Tyler sighed as he rubbed his eyes.
“And I haven’t the fucking foggiest how to warn them.”
“We can help.”
Tyler looked to see Sallie and Sylvia, sitting beside him on the bench. Sylvia got on the tabletop.
“Since we’re spirits, we can communicate with the deities easily enough.”
Wulf tilted his head.
“IS it dangerous?”
She tilted her hand.
“More, risky. If they hear us, they’ll want to know why we’re still here.”
“And it would be a spit in Death’s face.”
Tyler crossed his arms.
“this might be a stretch, but is Death a deity?”
Sylvia nodded.
“He is, he’s the god of death itself.”
Wulf looked at him.
“Are you thinking of telling Death itself?”
“I HAVE dealt with him before, I mean, either him or Minus.”
Wulf thought about it.
“I’d say Minus, as since she’ll at least hear us out before making a decision.”
Tyler looked at Malico.
“Can I see that scroll?”
The cat passed it to him as Kaori tilted her head.
“You thinking it’s a means to contact her?”
“Can’t hurt to double check at least.”
He opened it to find the thing blank. As in the list of banned items gone. In its place was a single line.
“Why do you seek to speak to the gods directly, Mortal?”
“See? We need a quill or anything to use this?”
It had an amused tone now.
“Speaking is just fine.”
“Nifty. Just a heads up the Pope of the human church is summoning demons in large numbers to try and fool you all into thinking the barriers are thinning.”
There was a pause, as the scroll seemed to consider his words.
“I see our faith was well-placed. We were already aware of this ploy.”
“I see now. The scroll and visit was to get us thinking of the whys and reasons as well as to hear what we would do with such knowledge as the rules.”
The scroll glowed and then Minus was standing at the head of the table in her black armor.
“Indeed Mortal. We were curious just how you would handle this sensitive knowledge. The scroll alone was an impressive show of just decision making, as you looked only to the needed items, by passing the weaponry entirely.”
“Swords are more fun and fire powder gets me my boom boom fix.”
She laughed.
“We were listening to your conversation, and were once again impressed. You hid the scroll in a well-protected place, and were able to ferret out the multiple meanings of our own discussion and the potential risks. You were even considering an option of involving Death itself as a middleman, something we ourselves did not anticipate on the grounds of a past dealing, and were even concerned that contacting us at ALL would both invalidate Death and endanger your two friends.”
“ARE they in danger?”
Minus shook her head.
“No, Mortal. The Scales are so heavily tipped due to their undeserved and unearned deaths and suffering, that they could kill a god in cold blood and we’d call it a mere moving of the Scale.”
The two spirits breathed a sigh of relief. Minus smiled at them as she looked to Tyler.
“We were NOT expecting you to figure out the Scrolls other function so soon. Again, impressing us with both your mind and it’s workings.”
Tyler smiled as he patted Sallie’s hair.
“So, what’s the play here?”
Minus smiled again.
“The deities were successful in defeating the deities of your world, and are free to act now.”
“Bet it was a boring fight.”
THAT got a frown.
“Indeed it was. They gave up with such little effort, no fun at all. We saw then why your world is a ruined place when they just up and left the field rather then apply effort.”
“Sensing a pattern here.”
The Goddess of the Scale snorted.
“These Warriors are pathetic. Such appallingly horrible humans. They’ve nearly broken my Scale in retributions headed their way.”
“Well, they’ll die in the wave. So, take comfort in that.”
“Oh we are waiting for them.”
“Tell em I said I told ya so.”
She burst out laughing as his friends just sighed as he bantered with a goddess now. Minus recovered and had a fond smile on her face.
“Indeed we will. Repeatedly. So, your reward for confirming our faith.”
She waved her hand to the two spirits, making them glow. When it died they now had physical forms, and everyone gasped. But before the rejoicing could begin, Tyler, ever alert for double-cross looked to Minus.
“What’s the catch?”
She looked at him.
“Wise indeed. They are the reverse of Life Walk now. They are still spirits, and such must return to that form at least once a day, or they will be sent to the Void. This ability is called Spirit Shell. They may swap freely between forms at will now, and all their previous boons are intact as well. For example, those raids your planning, merely have them return to spirit form, and they cannot be harmed. They are still spirits and therefore still dead, so be aware. And, this one my own contribution, they are immune to ALL demon attacks, for as far as the Scale is concerned, they have felt enough pain.”
“If they die in their physical forms?”
“The Void.”
“Just getting the details. Okay, is there a cooldown when they return to spirit?”
“A wise question. They need to return to spirit once a day. The length of time to start is 12 hours. Once fully upgraded, 5 minutes will suffice. In essence? They have all the benefits of a spirit of the forest, without the forest, and a guaranteed rebirth with memoires intact.”
Tyler looked at the Goddess.
“I still feel like I’m missing a nasty piece of this puzzle.”
She laughed again.
“That perception can even see though a goddess. Very well, Mortal. They are still vulnerable to Shade attacks and other spirit beings. That, and their bodies are fully functional, and such need food, drink, and to be kept healthy.”
Tyler nodded.
“There it is. Shades are no biggee. Are the other deities REALLY okay with these boons?”
She held up a Scale. The right side being all the way down to the point of falling over.
“This is THEIR scale. They are owed so much, that even with all the boons heaped upon them, including meeting you, it hasn’t even begun to balance back out. As such an extreme unbalancing is rare in the extreme, the deities are all looking to tip the Scale to a balance. Alas, this is the last thing we can give them, as outright bringing them back to life fully is just not possible.”
Tyler picked up Sallie and hugged her tightly.
“Ehh, close enough.”
Wulf was hugging Sylvia as Minus put the scale down with a smile.
“I have accomplished my goal, Mortal. That scroll will serve as your guide to the rules of this world. Remember our agreement, and farewell.”
She winked out of existence as the two girls burst out crying at their new forms. Tyler stroking Sallie’s green hair soothingly as Kaori hugged the small girl between them.
“See? The adventure you deserved.”
Sallie nearly throttled him with her next hug.
“Thank you!”
Sylvia came over to nearly kill him next.
“Yes! Thank you!”
“Hey, this time I didn’t really do much. But, you’re welcome.”
Wulf was shaking his head.
“Warlund and Marlene are going to freakin LOSE it when they hear we nearly brought her back.”
Tyler smiled.
“We’ll have to set up a rotation that’s easy to remember for now, Wulf.”
The Ranger nodded.
“Agreed. Thoughts?”
“They go spirit when we go to bed tonight, and go human when we wake in the morning.”
“Agreed. And until it’s upgraded enough, we can’t ride horses with them or travel with them in human form. Too risky.”
“Agreed. But, hey, least we got em.”
That got a happy laugh from the party. The two girls were now sitting happily on his lap, and he smiled.
“They still weigh nothing, so, it’ll be kinda odd walking around town with them sitting on my shoulders like birds. Odd, but really nice.”
Kaori smiled as she stroked the red hair of Sylvia.
“Let’s get them cleaned up. We need to keep em healthy right?”
“Sure. We got a Hero’s Party later, so we’ll all need to clean up. Gotta at least PRETEND we’re not a bunch of road worn tumbleweeds.”
That got a laugh as the group all went to the bathhouse for the pre-party cleanup. Tyler with his back against the wall as Wulf just shook his head.
“To think, you found her body in the well, and now have nearly brought her back to life.”
Tyler smiled as he could faintly hear the girls squeals as the lady he’d paid to help with their hair went in.
“And the best part? This one I WASN’T looking for.”
The elf looked at the wall with a happy smile.
“And look what we found. They get to have their adventure, and we can give it to them in full.”
“Yup. Now we have two more along for the ride. Hey, Seline is going to freakin LOSE it when Sylvia comes running over to get a hug.”
The elf laughed hard.
“And it will be friggin priceless.”
Tyler smiled as he felt a presence on the wall.
“Don’t try it Sallie, or no lisk for you.”
Sallie had turned into her spirit form to try and sneak up on him through the wall. Tyler smiled as her arms receded.
“Your too sweet for scaring people Sallie.”
She giggled ass he went back to her side. As Wulf jumped hard as Sylvia jumped on him from behind. Tyler just laughed.
“HER I did NOT see. Nice one Sylvia.”
Wulf was now tickling the spirit girl as Sallie got a hug off Tyler.
“Hey, Sallie. If you sneak up behind Malico and stroke her tail, she squeaks SUPER cutely!”
Sallie giggled and vanished through the wall. Wulf just shook his head.
“You really are a bad influence on her.”
“Eh, fair.”
They both heard a low moaning squeak as Sallie got their tailed friend well and good. Then her tickled giggles were heard as the punishment began. Wulf just shook his head again.
“Nice knowing you.”
They laughed as they cleaned up. Tyler was waiting outside the house with Sylvia and Wulf as the ladies came out. Sallie in Kaori’s arms as She came over to Tyler.
“Okay, first off, funny as hell. Second, don’t do it again.”
Malico came over and kissed him.
He smiled at his favorite cat.
“Sure Malico.”
She lashed her tail as he kissed her again before Sallie and Sylvia took their spots on his shoulders. Kaori tilted her head.
“That kinda reminds me of that one video game.”
“Jak and Daxter? Yeah same here.”
Tyler took Kaori’s hand as they walked to the place the party was being held. Beside the spear near the wall was a large park with a small bit of woodland, large grassy areas, a fenced in perimeter, plenty of decent sized boulders, and a rather peaceful atmosphere. The party walked along the clean dirt path as the sand crunched underfoot. Tyler was smiling when he had a thought.
“We’ll have to get the girls shoes now. Bare footin it won’t be safe anymore.”
Sallie and Sylvia giggled.
“We’re fine.”
“Yeah, we can alter our outfits at will!”
“Oh. Well. Never mind, they got it.”
They laughed as they came into the clearing in the center. Rows of long trestle tables were lined out with kegs, casks, and other barrels of drinks, carts rolling with food from kitchens the town over, and they filled the air with the smells of roasting lisk meat. Tyler and his party were hailed as soon as they were sighted.
They went and sat at the head table, Tyler in the center chair, Kaori his right, Malico his left, with Sallie and Sylvia on his lap. The sight of the small girls getting laughing chuckles.
“Already lad? Be a bit young for fatherin!”
“An I’m already better at it an yours was!”
They laughed as Sallie giggled.
“HE spoils us!”
Sylvia crossed her arms and nodded sagely.
“Damn right he does.”
Tyler shrugged as Kaori put Sylvia on her lap.
“Like I said, better at it.”
Seline appeared then in a flowing red gown that tied around her neck that had no sleeves, back or shoulders.
She looked over smiling to see the two girls with their new forms waving at her. Tyler winked at her.
“We’ll tell ya later.”
She just smiled.
“Sylvia, I BETTER get a hug, little missy.”
That got a lot of ohhhhh’s.
“Ya don’t think?”
“Don’t be daft! He only just came ere two months ago!”
Tyler shrugged.
“eh, she’s awesome?”
That got a round of bawdy laughter as Seline flicked her twin fox tails at him.
“I DO wonder whos’ bed you’ll be in tonight.”
“We’ll see in the morning. Right Yoko?”
The Raccoon girl squeaked at being singled out so randomly but smiled as her tail flicked excitedly.
“I’ll look forward to it.”
Kaori was heard grumbling.
“Argh, FINE. I guess I’ll go snuggle Aqua again.”
Malico was next to chime in.
“Hey, Verilica, wanna barge into Seline’s room?”
The Imp and Seline looked at each other.
“It HAS been a while, Seline.”
“And YOU need to see her tail trick.”
“Cough, I taught her that one, cough.”
The ladies all laughed as Wulf groaned.
“And that’s how the rest of us ugly bastards lost the ladies.”
“We got gold, Wulf. Lonely?”
The crowd lost it as Wulf threw a knife at him.
“I am going to kill you on reflex one o these days.”
Tyler the knife tip and it flew off to land point down by his hand, and stand there vibrating. HE just glared at him with THAT silent jab. As Kaori nudged Tyler.
“I got her two, and Aqua used magic to model them after yours.”
“I love you, Kaori. You give em to her yet?”
“We did. She laughed, and said she has a belt for them for us.”
“Wow. Have fun Malico.”
She purred as Lily was heard grumbling.
“Can you stop flirting and get the food? I freakin hungry!”
“As the elven princess commands!”
“Eep! Bastard!”
They all laughed as the food was served and the party began. Tyler would show off his flames every now and then, along with his strength. He danced with Kaori again as the music played. Sallie and Sylvia danced together as well, getting hard awww’s for the cuties. Tyler was drinking some ale when a cry went up.
“Ah gods dammit not again. Oh, right, different town.”
That got a collective snort as he leaned on a pole.
“Well, I suck at these. That said, it seems that in this world, drawing a line in the dirt and holding it like you say you will is cause for celebration. Seems odd to me, as that’s how I live. I make a promise I keep it, I see someone that needs a hand, I try to help. See a pretty girl like Yoko there looking lonely, we get locked in a bedroom.”
“Love you too!”
The crowd was chuckling as they all loved the beautiful raccoon girl. Tyler chuckled as well.
“Quality gal there and no mistake. It still feels strange to me, standing up here speaking to you all like what I have to say actually means something. Hell, once upon a time if I got hailed once on the street by anyone for anything it was a good day. Now I poke my face in the window I get hailed. Probably should have pants on, but whatever.”
That got a round of laughs.
“All I originally set out to do in Lectis was keep Kaori alive and safe. No matter the dangers and costs to myself, I was going to keep her safe dammit. Now look at us. We got a damn good group of friends, Wulf for SOME friggin reason, the respect of the countries we roll through, and Lily to round out the good.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you too.”
“See? She’s a good’un!”
The crowd laughed as the feisty elven girl was seen nodding again.
“At last my plan is working. Kaori will lose this battle.”
“Seems to be getting intense over there, Ladies. I’mma back the fuck up now.”
That got a laugh as he relocated to a further away pole as Kaori was now left with that one. Tyler smiled again.
“We’ve come far. With even further to go. I’m still an Outcast, however. We’re all Outcast from somewhere. Yet, we all came together to tear this land a new one. And we are going to do just that.”
He drew Gleipnir.
“So, moral of me rambling?”
He lifted the blade high.
“Let this world throw whatever it wants at us, come hell or an angry Lily, WE’LL TAKE IT HEAD ON AND WALK OUT THE OTHER SIDE LIKE WE OWNED THE DAMNED PLACE!”
His party roared as the crowd banged mugs and chests. Tyler smiled as he picked up his mug.
“Now, we got a MAJOR problem here though.”
The crowd went quiet as Yoko was heard speaking.
“You haven’t bedded me tonight?”
“That. And why the hell me mug empty?”
They roared as he got a refill, looked at a nodding Kaori, and marched over to where Yoko was looking at him, lift her out of the bench and carry her off.
“See ya in the morning folks!”
They all laughed hard as he had her over his shoulder until they were out of sight when he placed her in a princess cradle.
“Ready my dear sexy raccoon?”
She wrapped her arms around his neck.
“And our audience is here as well. So, let’s hurry!”
She was wearing a light gown, and sandals, so when they got to her house, stripping was quick and then they were at it again. She feeling even better the second time as he stroked her soft fur as Sallie and Sylvia, back in spirit form, watched from atop his gear,
“Wow. He really loves her feel.”
Sallie was nodding as Tyelr pinned the girl under him to spear her inviting rear.
“He does enjoy her. Kaori may be his love, but he loves that raccoon fur.”
Sylvia watched curiously as Yoko sat on her haunches as he fitted it into her from behind.
“It is soft and fluffy. I wonder if she’ll drink it again?”
Sallie looked at Sylvia.
“It weird I’m kinda curious now?”
Sylvia shrugged at her spirit sister.
“This point Sallie, I am too. Not sure what to do with it, but it’s there.”
The two girls went back to the show as Yoko was finished and they laid together on the bed with satisfied smiles on their faces. Tyler kissed her softly as she regained her strength.
“Even better the second time.”
She wrapped her tail around him.
“Same to you. I’ll miss you when you go.”
HE hugged her tightly.
“I’ll miss you too, Yoko. We’ll be back through sooner or later. If only for you.”
She smiled as Sallie and Sylvia climbed up to get between them as he pulled the blanket up. Yoko giggling as Sallie and Sylvia cuddled her fluffy tail between them.
“Good night girls.”
“Good night girls. I love you. You too, Yoko.”
She gasped happily, and they kissed as they sandwiched the spirits between them as they all drifted off to sleep.

Tyler opened his eyes to see Yoko still sound asleep beside him. HE smiled. I fucking LOVE this world. Dragons, swords, magic, I get to fuck hot animal girls nightly, Kaori, seriously! Paradise! He leaned in and kissed the raccoon girl awake, getting a happy sigh.
“So, is this how you wake up Kaori?”
HE chuckled as he kissed her again.
“Yup. Every morning we sleep together. She gets waken by kiss, and if the mood takes us, a good morning lay.”
Yoko giggled.
“I’m in the mood.”
“well, so am I. Wanna use the bath?”
She laughed as they looked to see the two spirits looking at them under the blanket.
“I CAN feel that thing! Go take care of it!”
“Your tail is a very comfy pillow, Yoko!”
The two then left the girls to race fro the bath, from which moans, groans, and splashing were heard as Sylvia sighed.
“Spirit or not, I FELT that damned thing touching me.”
Sallie giggled.
“We probably SHOULDN’T tell Wulf or Kaori that.”
The red haired elf girl nodded.
“They’d kill him. Like literally kill him. Even if it WAS in his sleep.”
Sallie smiled as a loud, impassioned lewdly happy moan was heard.
“Her tail was SOOO comfy!”
Sylvia was in full agreement.
“Better then Malico’s tail. Warm too. I see why he loves it so much.”
The green haired girl tilted her head.
“I wonder how Seline’s tails feel?”
Sylvia giggled.
“When I lived, I got to sleep in her bed once with her. She wrapped me in both of them, and Sallie?”
The elven girl took her hands with stars in her eyes.
“They are SOOOO comfy! Warm, fluffy, cuddly, and soft! Even BETTER then Yoko!”
Sallie hugged her spirit sister.
“We’ll have to pressure him into sleeping with her for a night then.”
“Oh hells yeah we will! We can even use real bodies for it now!”
“I love you, Sylvia.”
“I love you too, Sallie.”
The two girls hugged as Tyler and Yoko came out to dress. Once they were dressed, Sallie and Sylvia took their spots on his shoulders as he kissed Yoko goodbye before heading to Melly’s inn. He grabbed a news crystal off the guild runner and headed inside the Inn. He found Kaori, Malico and Lily waiting for him. HE smiled as he saw Kaori’s morning glow, and Malico’s happy one.
“Morning ladies. Sleep well?”
He kissed Kaori as he sat down next to the wall. Malico’s tail flicked.
“Verilica and Seline are amazing together. She also loved my tail trick, saying she’ll need to try it with her own.”
Kaori sipped her coffee.
“Aqua is very warm and loving. Plus a great cuddle mate.”
“Should try to set up a pile sometime. The girls loved Yoko’s tail.”
Malico smiled sweetly.
“Yoko’s people have some of the best tails for cuddling.”
Tyler smiled as he placed the news crystal in the HUD.
“I can see why.”
“This Morning in Vernillion. The new tax is still causing strife for the undeserving Warriors still cowering within Term. As the collectors went out to get this day’s gold coin, they were met with a wall of swords. The result of this? 45 Warriors were stripped of their gear according to the new law, and thrown out. Amongst those was none other then Max himself. The de facto leader losing all his ill-gotten goods, including several hundred gold, all because he refuses to work or pay a single coin. The ingrate was then heard proclaiming.
“Ya just killed yourselves. We’ll get teleported to the waves, and just sit there as they killed you all. Ha, you’ll see you shoulda just let us play.”
The King was quick to respond.
“We got Tyler in OUR corner. And frankly? All we really need. Kazuma is stepping up his training, but in his own words.”
“I’ll just get behind the Outcast’s line and shoot arrows. I kinda got a little too wrapped up.”
“See, max? we don’t need nor want you. And m these gates will STAY shut to you.”
The warrior laughed as he left the capital.
“Whatever Shitar. We all know that coward will die first in the wave. He couldn’t even pinch us in our old world, and his fists were made of cotton. Kaori only hung around him because of pity. Even though we were dating for like months prior. Lousy punk stole my girlfriend!”
Ishtar, along with every other person other then the Warriors had burst out laughing hysterically at this most deluded of boys. For, as most are now aware of by now, the feelings between Kaori and her Outcast are among the most potent there are. Plus, if you personally know the beautiful blonde like I do, you know the lad’s lying through his teeth in an attempt to rile the Outcast up. Tyler taunts Demon’s for fun. A mere pissant with a crush on a girl way too good for him is plain beneath his notice. Skyr, the pope, issued a statement as well.
“It seems the king has abandoned reason for madness. Putting all our hopes on the shoulders of a single under preforming Warrior? Daft to the highest degree. Calling him the strongest? Sadly, as I have met this boy personally, I can say he is no where near enough. I was there for his summoning, and he showed no signs of the courage we need when he murdered Gruven before my very eyes in cold blood. We need Warriors of Max’s caliber and Disposition if we’re to survive the waves.”
It would seem the Pope has gone mad himself. As if Max is an ideal Warrior to him, then we need a new pope. For such a murdering, rapist, bully of a slime is not worthy of a Warrior’s Strength. Max and his entourage were last seen riding north towards TopLeaf. Though, the Queen of the elves as also issued a proclamation as well.
“There are only THREE Warriors allowed in me lands: Tyler, Kaori, and this Kazuma. Though I’ve not yet met the boy, he’s got Tyler’s seal of approval, thus an open gate in me Queendom. And Max? I KNOW what you did to my daughter, and where you took her. If you come NEAR my borders, the ENTIRE elven Guard have orders to skin you alive. If the Outcasts or the Dragons or waves don’t kill you, I’ll do it meself, ya rapist bastard.”
Event eh Elven Queendom is shut to the Warriors. Willow Hammershot is a fierce woman, and I know her daughter well, as she is a trusted member of the Outcasts’ party, and let me tell you readers of Lectis. Lily has more grit and fire in her small body then most giants. She’s got the Outcast himself on nearly as tight a leash as Kaori does! And is only too eager to hang him with it! In other news, the neighboring Dwarven kingdom of Erolagard, has sealed it’s borders to the Warriors as well. Their king, one Rolic Redbeard, gave the reasons thusly.
“They’ve burned my villages, me hospitals, and attacked me people. NO. This boy, Outcast, I have been hearing tales of his trueness, yet have not met the boy meself, so if he wishes to see a dwarven city, I’m afraid he must preform a task at each to gain entry. If the tales be true, he’ll find it a fair and just proposal.”
The Outcast has not sat down for a reply for any of our articles, whether he’s just too busy or is just not aware he CAN, I know not.”
Tyler chuckled as he closed the HUD.
“I’ll go see Verilica for a bit while everyone sobers up.”
They chuckled as he headed for the guild. Tyler walked in to another hail as he walked over to Verilica’s booth. The feral imp smiling widely as he approached.
“I do hope you’re not here to bed me this morn. Still a little sore.”
“Shame that. Was it fun?”
“Then well earned pain.”
She laughed, along with the rest of the guild.
“So, why did you come to flirt with me?”
“I saw the article this morn. If ya wanted an interview, all ya had to do was ask.”
She smiled as her forked tail danced behind her.
“We’ll use the room from last time.”
“As my diabolical Impishly good looking lady commands.”
That got a blush from Verilica, and a straight up applause from the other men.
“That bastard made her blush like a wee girl! We are so outmatched here.”
“Aye mate. Get used to loneliness.”
“And his hands.”
That set them laughing as he sat in the chair as Verilica took her spot across from him. She pulled an interface up and looked at him.
“Thank you for this interview, Tyler the Outcast.”
“Sure. Feels weird getting interviewed period, but sure.”
Verilica went to a piece from the article.
“I trust you saw Max’s statement about dating kaori?”
Tyler smiled widely.
“I did indeed.”
“Your response sir?”
“Real big fuckin talk coming from the dude that brought his mom to a dance at our school that same week cause every other girl, including his own sister shot him down.”
Verilica laughed.
“I see his words meaning nothing to you?”
“I fight demons for fun. Seriously, Lily’s jabs hurt more an his.”
She shook her head.
“Are you aware of Rolic’s stipulation?”
“I am.”
“How do you respond?”
“Honestly, I thought it was already a thing. But, it is indeed a fair thing. Kinda hard to trust someone of names and stories alone.”
“Do you intend to visit his kingdom?”
“Eventually. We’ll probably just wind up there at some point. It won’t be for a while though, as we need to get ready for the wave.”
Verilica smiled.
“How are you wave preparations going, Outcast?”
He crossed his arms.
“we’re ahead of schedule really. We have a few last minute things to clear out, some training to do, and we’re set.”
“Are you concerned?”
“Not for the enemies we’ll be fighting. Give me thirty seconds with a clear look and I’ll have a decent ten plans. Main issue is the terrain.”
“Indeed. We fighting on a mountain side? Plains? Woodland? The terrain will be the biggest issue for our team, as we’ll be in both unknown and unfamiliar ground.”
“I see preparation is important.”
“I hate going into a fight blind. Liches, Draugr and tombs are fine since I already have a basic idea of just what we’re walking into. Like I always preach, Over prepared is better then under.”
“Are there any places in the realm your looking forward to seeing?”
Tyler sat back in his chair.
“Ya know something? Not sure. We’ve been to Cragspire, the elven capital, but due to a crisis in Raylik we weren’t really able to see much. Plus, we have news for a pair of elves that live in the capital that they will lose their minds over.”
HE smiled fondly as he placed a hand on the locket as Sylvia giggled. Verilica smiled as she got the hint. She looked to another piece of news.
“You are aware of Skyr’s statements, are you not?”
“I tend to listen when snakes try to pretend to be men.”
“Do you have words for him?”
“PLENTY. But none civilized enough for a news article. Beyond he’s on my permanent hitlist.”
“I see. Well, do you have words for Kazuma?”
“You rat bastard. You BETTER have eaten that damned Wyvern. And for the love of Kaori leave my gods awful nickname in the past! It’s OUTCAST NOW! Oh, and kick Valdic in the balls for me kittycat Malico please.”
Verilica smiled as he spoke.
“A most intriguing relationship you two have.”
“not really. He’s kaori’s twin brother, so I need to at least PRETEND to like him. Optimist. Ugh.”
She shook her head at that one.
“I see. I understand you and Tempesta the Lord of blue are close.”
“Not sure if ‘close’ is the right word. We more, let’s see, how do I put this? We’re both wanderers for a lack of a better way to put it.”
“You’re both nomads. Find a place to claim, get bored and move on.”
“Like the ocean. Restless and free. We’re both Outcasts ourselves by choice. Plus, can you name a better feeling then riding our on a journey with the wind at your back, the sun rising behind you, and those you love all around you? I can’t. And neither can he. Plus, we understand each other, well. As much as a human and a dragon CAN understand each other.”
HE was smiling as Verilica chuckled.
“would Kindred spirits be a better fit?”
“Yes! That! Exactly that! We get it, so we click better. Plus, well, I understand WELL this is HIS world we’re guests in. Be amazed just how far a little respect can get you. And when you don’t steal from them.”
Verilica chuckled.
“I recall you had a hand in the discussion over the poaching of the sky sharks.”
“I did.”
“Do you have words?”
“That is NOT our sky. We have NO business up there PERIOD. That is the dragon’s playground, us the runts they ALLOW up there. Piss em off, and we get grounded. Permanently. We have NO claim to the heavens as we have NO claim to beneath the waves.”
“A strong position. Are you not worried about backlash?”
Tyler smiled darkly.
“See thing about an Outcast? We don’t need to give a flying fuck WHAT anyone thinks of us. They got a problem? Pff, we’ll just walk out that damn door. Push it and we’ll leave you as a damned corpse. We don’t need you. Never have, never will.”
She had the same smile.
“Your stance is of self-sufficiency?”
“Indeed. We have the knowledge, know-how, and will to both get our hands dirty to survive, and get the hard work done right. We have a Ranger that knows more about this land then I give him credit for, our hot blonde huntress we turn to for all things survivalist, our flower experts for all things plant, poison experts/undead experts, our natives, our camp cuties, our field smith, ME, and our horse expert. Every person on MY team has a role they fill. We can head out to near any environment and either get by or straight up thrive.”
“You listed off their roles, yet neglected your own. What is YOUR role in camp?”
“I set the defenses, goals for the day, like targets, destination, main planning. I also serve as the one that does the darker work the more noble and honorable simply cannot. I lead the pack, and am the one on watch when they all relax.”
“Can you elaborate on darker work?”
“Interrogations. If you have information we need, well.”
He smiled darkly again.
“Once I get my knife in you, you’ll talk. They always do.”
“a fearsome party indeed. Do you have any words for the Warriors?”
“Hope you enjoyed hurting people, for in the wave. YOU. ARE. ALL. GOING. TO. DIE. We will not coddle you, babysit you or rescue you. So, enjoy the life you have left. Ya got a month.”
Verilica smiled as she used a magic Quill to write a little.
“There you have it, Lectis. The first interview with the Outcast.”
She looked at him.
“Thanks for this.”
“We’ll look it over later.”
“You leaving soon?”
“Sadly yes. We have work to do. So, once we sober up some more, we’ll ride out.”
The Imp sighed sadly.
“A shame that. My poor entry hurts, and my rear does as well.”
“Well, here then.”
He walked over and kissed her deeply on her soft mouth. She purred like Malico as he slipped her his tongue, and dragged it over her fangs in a most teasing manner. Then she sighed happily.
“We’ll make do with each other until you get back.”
HE smiled as they left the room. The other guild members all laughing as a distinct flush was on her face.
“Wow, laddee. Took longer an we expected. You okay?”
Tyler scratched his groin.
“Now I am. She’s great by the way. Sucks she’s only got the ladies to please her the right way.”
They laughed as he walked out to rejoin his crew. He found them all eating breakfast as he walked in. They laughed as he sat down.
“I heard you went to play celebrity.”
Tyler laughed as well while he opened the map.
“I got the feeling they wanted an interview. Never done one before, so why not? Plus I got to see Verilica.”
Kaori smiled as Sallie sat on her lap.
“Did you have her?”
“Sadly not. She’s still hurting from last night’s play. Gave her a kiss though, so not a total loss.”
She smiled as he looked at their route and laid the bills out.
“Okay, we’ll hit the Hobs first, as their at the campsite here.”
Wulf smiled as he pointed to another spot a little further off the road.
“This one here is a better spot anyway. It even has a small stream going through it.”
“Nice. Okay, we should reach the hobs by late noon if we leave now.”
They all nodded. Wulf looked at him.
“The girls?”
“Camp ONLY. AFTER every spell is up, active and clear. The tent will also be up as well, in case of raid, they hide in there until they get their spirit on.”
Lucy the barbarian smiled.
“Not a creature will so much as poke them. Not while I yet draw breath.”
“Not while ANY of us draw breath. Okay, I’ve fed as well. We ready to load up?”
Kaori looked to the map.
“we can ride out in ten minutes. I’d like to give them all a once over before we go on a hard ride.”
“Understood. We’ll prep while you check.”
The plan was made and the party went to it with a will. Tyler walked over to Mia and placed five gold on the counter.
“We’ll be seeing ya, Mia. Make sure Melly don’t cut herself or some bastard steals those from her.”
The burly lady smiled at the Outcast’s clear fondness for her girl.
“The whole town will. She loves those things. We even had Tolic place their names on the blades.”
“She pick good ones?”
“Oblivion and Oathkeeper.”
“I friggin love her.”
She smiled as Melly came in for a hug from each Outcast, even though Sera nearly killed her as usual. Then they were off as Melly waved from within the Inn.
“Bye! Have a safe trip! Come back soon!”
“Bye Melly! Look after those!”
She sighed as they were lost to sight, looking at her mother dry-eyed.
“They’ll be back, Mommy. Don’t worry.”
Mia just hugged her small girl.
“Aye, girl, that they will. If only for you!”
Tyler and his crew walked into the stables to see Kaori putting the last saddle on Thunder.
“We set Horse whisperer?”
She smiled.
“They’re bored.”
“Well, let’s get em riled up then. Outcasts! Mount up!”
They all swung up into their saddles and followed Tyler out the door to a rousing cheer from passing people.
Tyler breathed his fire for them and they just cheered harder. Kaori to his right, Wulf his left, Sera directly behind him with Lillia behind her, Vixen to Lillia’s left, Lucy her right, Thistle beside Sera, Malico on her other side and Serafina trail. Sallie and Sylvia were on his horse as well, and he could feel them as they walked to the gate. They were greeted by Lorgah as they waited for it to be lifted.
“A lone Warrior seeks access, and we turned her away.”
“We’ll scare her off.”
“We’d appreciate it.”
The party took their spots as the large metal doors opened. There on the trail was a sobbing blonde girl on a horse going to walk away from the doors. She looked up with hope in her eyes, only to go white with despair at the sight of the truly fearsome looking group. Tyler smiled as they rode towards her.
“Hiya Ashley. Nice day for a ride ain’t it?”
The blonde girl blinked as the party halted near her.
“In the awesomeness. You got any Licenses?”
She held up a small ring timidly, only for tyler to flick them to Wulf for inspection. She just started crying again.
“Please don’t rob me too. I don’t have anything else.”
Tyler looked at her, ans saw she didn’t even have a dagger.
“You got robbed after getting thrown out?”
She sobbed harder.
“I WASN’T thrown out! I haven’t set foot in a city since we all seperated. I’ve been out in the wilds more exploring and killing lone monsters then really dealing with people. I came to town to try and make a little coin, maybe sleep under a roof for once, and heard they had a new tax for the Warriors since I guess they’ve been doing evil deeds. That was fine, and I even had a gold coin to pay. I gave it to the man, who just looked at me surprised. Said he didn’t expect me to hand it over so easily like I did. I told him I just got back to town since my summoning, and just wanted to rest a little before heading back out. He sighed and said it might be better to just run now, as every other Warrior’s a monster. I didn’t really believe him, I mean I grew up with these people. I got a room, and slept well. I was riding out the next morning, and when they came to take that day’s gold, I told them I was leaving anyway, which they were fine with, saying it was fair. No sooner was I out of sight of the walls, Max and like thirty of our classmates jumped me, stole everything except my horse, and rode off.”
She slumped in the saddle, sobbing heart brokenly.
“I spent the last month just gathering herbs and things to sell, as I was always the outdoorsy type anyway. And it got stolen in the blink of an eye by the others, and now I can’t even fight.”
Tyler sighed.
“Alright, lets see. Pull you HUD up, a sec Ashely.”
The others all looked at him except for kaori who smiled.
“She never really bothered us. She was more there then bully.”
They shrugged as he went to her bestiary. She was curious.
“What are you looking for?”
“Best kill. Gives me an idea of just what you’ve been doing. Okay, wow, Ashely. Decent.”
HE looked up.
“Girl’s got a greater Lich to her name. Not bad at all.”
Tey all were nodding as he loked at her.
“You lost the coin from it?”
She tilted her head.
“You get coin from those things?”
Tyler smiled.
“I see. You have fighting strength, but no loot sense. Okay, Ashley. I’ll make you an offer, as you’ve both never bothered us, been an issue and have a spine to kill that thing.”
She became nervous.
“What offer?”
“I am aware of your outdoor skills. We’ll take you with us until you get set back up. We might even have an extra blade somewhere you can use.”
She blinked, shocked.
“You will?”
“As long as you agree to my camp rules.”
She gulped nervously.
“They being?”
“1: as the strongest person on the team, I hold the coin. 2: No work, no food. In MY camp you pull your weight.”
“Trust us, he’s a dick about it.”
“Mean bastard.”
She laughed.
“I see they have spirit.”
“They’re getting trained by us. That cutie has a elder lich to her name.”
“Her? She’s so small!”
“That elf girl with the shield? Yeah, she dropped a giant in the last battle.”
“You saw?”
“Course I did Lily.”
Ashely just looked at him.
“Any other rules?”
“In towns and villages, we ALL share a room to save coin.”
“That’s all you have for rules?”
“Unspoken ones are simpler. Keep our secrets, follow my orders, and don’t get on a high horse.”
She breathed such a heavy sigh of relief.
“Thank the gods. I thought I was done for once I lost everything.”
“Her spells clean?”
“She’s got a few.”
She tilted her head.
“A few what?”
Tyler looked at her.
“A few banned spells. Come on, we’ll explain as we ride.”
“Where we headed?”
“Yalik. We’ll also be doing some raiding as well.”
“On monsters?”
“Sounds fun, what kind?”
“Hill giants and hobgoblins.”
She smiled as she fell in with the group.
“I see you’ve been going wild here.”
“Yup. Kaori.”
The two kissed right there as they went. Ashely laughed.
“Atta girl, Kaori! Nice to see him finally get there!”
“We’ve gotten there a few times now.”
“Oh yeah.”
The new girl gave an approving whistle.
“I LIKE this new you, Tyler. Any other ticks?”
He breathed his flames, getting a gasp og awe from the girl.
“Oh you are SUCH a badass! Do you yell the names?”
“Damn straight.”
Wulf just smiled.
“It seems he has a new fan.”
Ashely tilted her head.
“Care to do the rounds?”
Tyler chuckled.
“That elf is Wulf, he’s our elven ranger.”
“An Elven Ranger? Really?”
Ashely pulled her horse alongside the now curious elf.
“Never seen an elf before?”
She smiled at him.
“Just looking to see if Elven Rangers are as handsome in real life as in the stories.”
Wulf just looked at her, as Tyler tapped his shoulder.
“She’s a big fantasy buff. And yes she’s hitting on you bro.”
Ashely laughed hard.
“never thought I’d see the day Tyler would need to give coaching advice on girls.”
“Well, Ashely, Wulf here gets left out a lot, so we’ve kinda been hoping someone cuts him some slack.”
Ashely smiled widely.
The other ladies all cheered as they leaned in to kiss real quick as Tyler was heard laughing.
“Bout damn time ya got somewhere.”
Wulf just flipped him off. The Outcast chuckled.
“Okay. That’s Wulf. That kittycat there is Malico. Our sexy catgirl.”
“Always need a good kitty.”
“hers is VERY good. She is too.”
Malico leered.
“I’m feeling a little…frisky.”
“We need to make camp first.”
Ashely smiled.
“Okay, you went and became a player.”
Kaori laughed.
“You have NO idea, Ash. Dude had like three different beauties in that town.”
“Some more an once too.”
she laughed as she noticed the cutie beside her.
“That’s Sera. Camp Cutie.”
Sera smiled as she waved.
“Hiya! You’re pretty!”
Ashely hugged the smaller girl, and nearly got throttled by her hug death.
“Yeah, Ashy, her hugs are lethal. Her sister behind her is Lillia.”
“A pleasure.”
“Nice to meet you.”
“That red skinned elf with the axe is our Blood Elf, Thistle.”
“Okay, damn. Girl you intense.”
“What a pleasing little thing. I like you.”
“That hulking amazon behind you is Lucy of the Bear barbarian tribe.”
“Holy. Nice to meet you.”
“Aye lass, same to ye.”
“That pale beauty is our black mage Vixen.”
Ashy smiled at the black clad lady.
“Nice to see a good black mage.”
“She’s a fox, ain’t she?”
“That she is.”
“He loves those kinds of puns. Me too.”
“HE did have a thing with the pale ones.”
“That cloaked girl in the rear is Serafina Dracul. She’s a Wraith.”
“No friggin way.”
She looked at the now shyly smiling girl.
“I am indeed a Wraith miss. A pleasure to meet you.”
Ashely just shook her head.
“A real Wraith. Amazing.”
Tyler smiled as they went along.
“That’s my crew in a nut shell. Hey, Ashely, what Path are you?”
He looked at her.
“That’s a new one. Okay, what kinda weapon did you use?”
“I preferred the bow. Swords made me a little too nervous.”
“Hey, Sera, you still have that other bow?”
“Ah, yeah. Let me get it.”
She passed her Lisk scale bow to a stunned Ashy.
“What the hell is that made of?”
Tyler smiled.
“Sera, she’s about your size, you still have that vest?”
Sera passed a now tearing up Ashy her lisk scale vest. Tyler and Wulf looked away as she put it on.
“Thank you. I swear I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“See? Girl’s a kind one that just got screwed.”
She pulled the mail down and put her shirt back on. She shook her head when she saw it was hidden completely.
“A hidden mail vest.”
“That’s Drakolisk scale. Same with that bow.”
She blinked and shouldered the extra quiver Sera passed her.
“High dragon scale.”
She just shook her head.
“I’ve seen the dragons flying over head a few times. Did you kill one?”
“Not yet. We got a deal going with one. We kill demons he gives us scales. The others were given for rewards for my aid.”
“wow, dude. Welcome home.”
That got a laugh as they went. Tyler noting some shadows along the side. HE started whistling, and the party picked up on it. Ashly had seen the shadows as well, but wanted to see their party work. Sure enough, an arrow bounced off Tyler’s mail, and thirty men blocked the road. Tyler smiled.
“You rest Ashy, we got a few needs the practice.”
“Sure. Kinda curious what you can do now.”
“Just don’t blink.”
Tyler threw his dagger as the first bandit opened his mouth, only to eat it. Sera and Lillia fired arrows at shadows as Lily hummed with her own bow. Tyler had Gliepnir out and cut five clean in half.
Ashy watched as the thirty men were reduced to one in under two minutes. Tyler smiled.
“You know the drill. Get to it.”
The party descended upon the fallen as the looting began. Ashy got down and walked to where tyler had a lone survivor.
“We letting him go?”
“Not sure.”
Tyler smiled at the man.
“Where’s your camp?”
“Fuck off.”
Tyler stabbed him in the knee.
“You really wanna play that card?”
“Bastard. Here, dammit.”
He threw a map at him.
“Number of men?”
“Three blacks.”
“Leader have a bounty?”
“Not sure.”
“Tall, grey skin and uses the axe.”
Tyler knocked him, out and threw him in a ditch.
“We good?”
“50 silver, 88 copper.”
“Yup and accounted for.”
“Alright. Coin goes to Ashy. I’ll still hold it but we good?”
Ashy just looked at him.
“So THAT’S how you got so strong. Thanks for the coin though.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Sure. We’re set ourselves. Okay, we got a camp to kill. Sera, Lily, Lillia, me, Wulf and Vixen.”
They nodded as he added the map to his own. Ashy came and watched as Wulf looked at the area.
“Idiots. They backed themselves into a corner here.”
“Let’s go then. Mount up.”
The party rode off to the camp as Ashy looked at Tyler.
“Can I join the raid?”
“We’ll add you to our other raids. Right now, those three need this more then you do.”
“They weak?”
“Not even a little. More high profile.”
She looked at the girls.
“I don’t know much about the kingdom. I got my gold, my gear and just left town.”
“Sera and Lillia are Ishtar’s daughters. Lily is the elven queen’s daughter.”
Ashy looked at him for a second, as if thinking he was lying, before just laughing.
“You have THREE princesses in your party? You looking to become a king?”
The ENTIRE party laughed at her. HARD. Tyler just smiled at her confusion.
“We’ll explain a few things in camp.”
“Yeah, might be a good idea. Since I have NO fuckin idea what the hell has happened.”
“A lot.”
They went silent as they neared the camp. Once in a good spot, they hitched up.
“Kaori will go over that horse of yours and fill you in on a few things while we go play.”
Ashy became indignant.
“I know how to care for a horse dammit.”
“Kaori will be the judge of that.”
The near instantaneous en mass reply just made her look at the pretty blonde.
“Wow, Kaori. I see you’re a big shot here as well.”
That got a fond chuckle.
“She IS his number 1 priority in this world.”

Tyler took his raiders and moved off as the others laughed. Ashy looked on as kaori examined her mount.
“Okay, girl. Spill. Who is that, and what the hell happened to Tyler?”
Kaori laughed as she gave the horse a comforting pat.
“She’s in really good shape, Ashy. Needs a little more food, but just a portion issue. As for Tyler? Well, he’s free.”
Kaori sat on a rock.
“That is Tyler, never you doubt it. Only he’s come home.”
Ashy sat across from her as the others were on lookout.
“HE went from the quiet punching bag to leading a war party in two months?”
“Yeah. He’s friends with dragons, fights demons for fun, and beds beauties left and right.”
Malico walked right over to make out with Kaori.
“Don’t act like you don’t get action too.”
That one blew the new girl’s mind.
“Jesus Christ. I just watched miss prim and proper makeout with a catgirl full tongue. Okay, what else have you done?”
“See her tail? It fits.”
Ashy looked at it, then looked ot Kaori’s groin and back like ten times. Before laughing.
“That’s it. I’m joining this nuthouse.”
That got a laugh as Kaori tilted her head.
“So, Ashy, what was the last bit of news you heard?”
She tilted her head now.
“I heard from a passing peddler a large army led by a demon was killed nigh single handedly by a Warrior, but I didn’t get which one.”
“That was Tyler.”
“Of course it was.”
“Here, look these over.”
Kaori had a archive crystal she’d bought off Verilica.
“What is it?”
“Just open it like a book.”
She did and found the news articles of their party all neatly stored. Lucy the barbarian smiled.
“I see you preserved the memories.”
“Indeed. You can literally trace our story back with those.”
Ashy settled down and was flipping through. Every now and then, her eyes would go sad, then angry, the amazed, then to heart brokenly sad. She sighed as she closed it.
“I see why I got such a cold shoulder at the gate.”
Kaori placed the thing in her pouch.
“Yeah, we thought there were only THREE Warriors left.”
Ashy crossed her arms.
“There’s four. All the others are accounted for. They’re either hiding in rooms, fighting the guards, stealing from others or doing that.”
Kaori smiled at her.
“Well, if you run with us we can go wherever we please. Plus our party is exempt from that tax.”
“After the shit you been doing, ah, ya better be.”
Kaori smiled proudly.
“It was Tyler’s idea.”
Ashy blinked.
“Seriously? HE came up with that?”
Kari smiled again.
“Ishtar goes to him for Council. Should see his titles. You’ll get a decent idea of just WHO he is now.”
The new girl tilted her head.
“I got a few titles myself.”
“Anything good?”
“Wanderer, Lone Ranger, Solitary Soul, and Lonely Warrior.”
Malico sighed sadly.
“I see why he felt bad for you. All those titles are earned from being alone for well over a month.”
Ashy sighed sadly.
“I just wanted to make a little coin, sleep under a roof, and maybe get an update on the state of it. Instead I lost two months of work and gear. Including my Magicite bow I got off that lich I killed. Freakin loved that thing.”
Kaori patted her comfortingly.
“We’ll either get it back for you, or find another one for you.”
She smiled happily.
“Or a better one at that.”

Tyler smiled as he left the new girl to his crew to kill the bandits. Wulf pointing the way as Sera had a question.
“Why’d you offer to let her come with us?”
Tyler chuckled.
“Ashy is a kind soul. She was one of the few that didn’t push me around. She just wanted to get through the day and go home, which I understood. Plus she has backbone, that Lich proved it to me. Her getting robbed was a dose of harsh reality, and her eyes were clear. Plus, she was raised by hunters and outdoorsmen. So add her to Kaori’s skills and, and we got a new expert.”
“Ah. I thought you were just throwing Wulf a bone there.”
“That’s a bonus lily. Ashy loves the fantasy genre of stories, and fun fact? Elves were HER particular favorite.”
Lily smiled as she looked at her uncle, who was fighting to stay focused.
“Bout damn time ya got a girl, uncle. Was starting to worry you’d lost interest in women.”
Tyler snorted as Wulf groaned.
“I was starting to think the same thing.”
“Can you PLEASE focus?”
They smiled as they neared the camp. They heard the sounds from a good few hundred meters away. Tyler and Wulf took one look, and smiled.
“Let’s just walk through the front door.”
“They don’t even have a look out.”
“Lily, you’re with me, Lilia with Vixen, Sera with Wulf.”
They smiled as Lily took her Additite shield out.
“Looking to show off for your future wife?”
“More teach as we go.”
“Eh, fine.”
Tyler drew his own short swords as he and Lily walked down the center as Wulf and Vixen took the flanks. The small elven girl had her shield up, and the pearl pink thing glittered brightly.
“I see you’ve been cleaning it well.”
She smiled as they neared the collection of tents.
“A shame I can’t get the boss engraved.”
“What would you get?”
“You’re warrior insignia. Just to make my point.”
“At this point, Lily, we’ll probably find someone that can do that for you.”
She smiled happily.
“You WILL be mine dammit. Even if we have to battle for a thousand years.”
“I freakin love you, ya know that?”
“Probably not a good idea to try an fluster me when we’re walking into a fight.”
“Eh, fine.”
They walked in whistling to the bandit’s camp, and Tyler slashed the first men he reached in the throat. Lily stabbing a man in the stomach as well before they moved on. The camp was situated in the fork of two cliffs meeting in a upwards V, and as such were effectively caught with their backs to the wall. Tyler and Lily sliced through maybe five more men themselves before they realized they were under attack. The ragged leather wearing men all charged forward as Tyler and Lily took a back to back stance.
“Ready, Lily?”
She settled behind her shield like he’d taught her, and the first man reached her with an axe. HE swung down with a two handed chop, only for the smaller elf girl to tilt her buckler to the side, deflect it, and use the momentum to impale the man through the stomach with a terrifying ease. She then stepped back into her next stance as she deflected a questing spearpoint to the side as Tyler took the man’s head.
“Atta girl.”
She smiled as she pivoted on her foot to deflect a sword stroke from behind and run her own in the now surprised man’s chest.
“I like fighting with a shield!”
Tyler was laughing as he faced a group with Lily getting her practice in on a few at a time. Every now and then, a set of arrows would claim lives, or an acid spell would set one to screaming. Tyler watched as Lily deflected a sword, spin around, and slash the throat of another then the one that had swung at her, only to bring the edged part of her buckler to nearly sever the swordsmen’s head. Tyler smiled proudly as he dropped the last guy he had.
“Mop up Lily.”
Then a tall man with grey skin came up behind the elven girl as she slew the last man. She danced aside as his axe head buried itself harmlessly in the dirt. Tyler sat back and watched how Lily would handle this new challenge. The man was three times Lily’s height, and such was a test for how she would fight a giant. Lily took a stance just outside his axe range, and the pair circled. Tyler saw how her red eyes were watching the larger man’s every movement like a lion stalking a gazelle. Her eyes are fully trained now. Her forge skills helped her there. Now all that’s left are her instincts. The man had a hand in a pouch, and now threw a vial at Lily, who merely lifted her shield and caught it there. From the bubbling and hissing, it was an acid of some kind, but her shield was not even blemished by this. HE swung the axe while he thought she was blinded by her buckler, only for her to not be there. Lily having kept her eyes looking under her shield at the man’s feet as Tyler had taught her, and seeing them brace, she ha darted to the side, and swung her sword to slice into the back of his ankle. He howled as he dropped to a knee, only for Lily to pivot on her feet again and slam her sword up under the softer part of his jaw. She tore it loose and he fell dead, as Tyler, Sera, Wulf, Lillia and Vixen all applauded. She cleaned her blade and bowed smiling as Tyler came over and hugged her tightly.
“Well done, Lily. You just proved you can handle a giant.”
She was glowing as she hugged him back.
“Thanks for teach me.”
“Still have more to learn, as we all do. But well done.”
She got warm hugs from all, and a near throttling from Sera. Tyler used his HUD to check for a bounty as the group all got to it.
“Got one. Let’s see. The Mountain. Worth…dead…..900 gold.”
Lily gasped at the high number.
“Really? That much?”
He showed her the number and she smiled.
“Says here his axe is worth another 250. Well done Lily, looks like you bagged a big one.”
She hugged him harder as they collected the head and axe as the tent was looted. All told, 55 gold, 90 silver, 150 copper. A few licenses, the head, axe, and another Magicite dagger.
“Hey, Wulf. Question.”
The ranger looked over as Tyler was looking the dagger over.
“What’s up?”
“How rare is Magicite? We see it a lot.”
HE chuckled as he dropped the now clear corpse.
“It’s actually pretty common. But since it’s so high grade, and hard to work properly, it’s very expensive. I’ve heard it said a sword like Oblivion takes no less then a month to forge. And costs upwards of 600 gold a piece.”
“I see. Thanks.”
Tyler placed the thing on his belt as they returned to the ladies. They found Ashy doing practice draws on her new bow as the others all looked to their own gear. Kaori saw the smiles and the head and chuckled.
“How’d they do?”
“Lily is a fearsome shielder. She bagged this head herself. He’s worth 900 with the axe another 250.”
The group all congratulated the small elf as Tyler placed the head in the bag as he tied the axe to Thunder. Ashy came over with a look of shock.
“She killed that one? His head’s half her size!”
“I taught her myself. That elf is fiercer then any other girl her size I have ever met.”
Ashy looked at the elf girl as she did a run through of her fight.
“You have a scary team here, Tyler. Even the smallest member is a dangerous fighter.”
Tyler laughed as they all mounted up.
“It’s how we’ve survived.”
She mounted up as well.
“I’d like to join your camp. Being alone sucks.”
Tyler looked at her. Ashy was a very pretty girl, long dirty blonde hair she had in a neat mane, fair skin, bright grey eyes, a moderate rack maybe twice Kaori’s own softballs, and her arms and legs were toned from her outdoorsy lifestyle. Her outfit was a pair of cut to shorts denim jeans that left her long legs free, a red shirt that had been cut along the sides for free movement, and a pair of good hiking boots. She got him looking her over, and laughed.
“Oi, playboy, already claimed.”
“So am I, still get to look though.”
“By ME.”
Ashy looked over at Lily.
“Make no mistake, Tyler. I WILL take you BACK one day.”
Ashy just looked at him who just shrugged helplessly.
“Yeah, I’m kinda outmatched here.”
Kaori nudged the dirty blonde.
“Lily is my only REAL challenger.”
Ashy got it then, and smiled.
“Seems that camp is a rowdy one.”
“Eh, depends on the night.”
Tyler smiled as he finished his look over.
“Ashy will help out our outdoors survival crew. That good with you Kaori?”
The blonde beauty smiled.
“Sure, long as she don’t get cocky.”
Ashy and Tyler replied at the same time.
“Only with Wulf.”
The ranger looked up from his bow to see Ashy leering at him hungrily. Tyler just laughed.
“We got a new Outcast. Have fun.”
That got a smile from both as they headed off. They rode faster now, as the Hob camp was the next target.
“Our girl get brought up to speed on anything?”
Kaori smiled.
“Not anything too intense. More her processing you.”
“We’ll get her the full tale at camp. That Hob is next, after the hill giant, then we’ll see about the sun.”
She smiled as they went.
“I’m glad you’re bringing her along.”
“She’s always been a kind girl. Plus, her never really doing any for me or against me helped.”
Kaori looked back to see the girl in question flirting with a now VERY happy Wulf.
“I see she’ll have fun with us.”
“Plus she’s got backbone enough where she just needs to level a little more. She’s at maybe You’re level right now.”
Kaori chuckled.
“I know her survival skills are impressive as well. My uncle was friends with her dad.”
“He hardcore?”
“Damn. Yeah I knew I liked her for a reason.”
Tyler smiled as he pated Sallie sitting in front of him.
“Haven’t forgotten you two. Just so you know.”
They giggled.
“She’s pretty!”
“Kaori’s the better blonde, but not a bad second.”
That got a laugh as Wulf came up now.
“We’re nearing the camp.”
Ashy tilted her head.
“Who’s hitting the Hobs?”
“Me, Lily, Serafina, Wulf, and Lucy.”
The named fighters all checked weapons and gear as Ashy seemed a little concerned.
“Lily just had a hard fight. Is she okay?”
“She smiths. Plus we’re getting serious on our training for the wave. These last camps are their final exam so to speak. We stop for lunch I’ll show you.”
“Sure. Mind if I join this one? Need to try my new bow.”
“Sure. Need to see how you work anyway.”
They got to a spot and Wulf gave the nod.
“We’ll go on foot.”
They nodded as Tyler fell in a step behind as the raiders all ghosted along the plains and small woodland. They came to a small hill and went prone as Tyler and Wulf used their Farsight to scout the camp. Tyler becoming thoughtful as he saw the 9 foot tall things. Each having longer limbs then their frames should indicate, gangly bodies, sickly green skin, weasel like faces, and wore loincloths. Tyler looked to Lily.
“You’re with me again. Wulf and Ashy snipe as Serafina plays Wraith knife, Lucy kicks the door in.”
The dirty blonde smiled.
“Wow, Dad would love you.”
“We’ll explain later.”
Tyler looked back to the camp. Soon as he did he smiled.
“Hold. Demon leader in play. Let’s see.”
It was ten feet tall, black skin and red wings.
“Wow. A Lesser War Demon. Ashy, hold on to your butt. I’mma call a friend.”
They all smiled as Tyler looked to the sky.
“Hey, Tempesta, got one for ya.”
Ashy looked at him.
“Who’s Tempesta?”
A series of hard beats were heard then. She went white.
“No freakin WAY.”
The Blue dragon came soaring out of the blue to pluck the now screaming demon out of the camp and crunch it between his fangs as the horn fell into Tyler’s waiting hand.
“Thanks big guy, there’s something you should know, but we’ll clean the rats first.”
The dragon laughed as he landed.
“I’ll watch again, M’boy!”
Wulf nudged a now speechlessly gaping Ashy.
“Work first, stare later.”
She snapped out of it as the party moved to the attack. Tyler and Lily moved and blocked the exit as the now gaping Hobgoblins stared at Tempesta in terrified awe.
“Hey, lima beans, over here.”
They looked to see a 7 foot tall Barbarian lady swinging an axe in their direction as Tyler and Lily took spots. Ashy was on top of a small pillar with her bow, and was astounded by how her first shot pierced through two of the creatures before getting stuck in the solid stone behind them. Wulf on another pillar laughed.
“High dragon scale arrows.”
She smiled now that she had the draw and power. So, she and Wulf dropped a fair few between them. Lucy scything down hobs with each stroke of her war axe, as Tyler and Lily worked in tandem to drop the creatures between them. Every now and then, a hob would fell to the ground with numerous stab wounds and cuts as Serafina used her Wraith skills to assassinate the more unsuspecting hobs. The last beast fell after five minutes, and Tyler smiled.
“We good?”
Wulf and Ashy came over to retrieve shafts.
“We’re not hurt.”
Lucy smiled.
“Nay laddee. I got a small cut, but healed it with a potion.”
Lily was rubbing her shield arm.
“Arm’s sore, but nothing a rub won’t fix.”
Tyler smiled as he looked to the back of the camp. He frowned.
“Heads up, we got a cave.”
He blew the signal whistle and the rest of the party came running. Tyler looked to the now curious Tempesta.
“We need to clear that thing. Mind sticking around for a bit?”
Tempesta saw the spirits and nodded.
“Indeed boy. I sense those Spirits were granted a great boon from a goddess I know well, and would like an explanation.”
Tyler looked to his party.
“We’ll take Wulf, Serafina, Vixen, Lily again, and,”
HE looked at the crew.
They all nodded.
“rest of you, loot and guard. Ten golds says we got another demon down there or a tomb.”
Tempesta sniffed the air.
“I smell both a demon’s foul odor, and a smell of old air.”
“Sweet. Another payday.”
That got a laugh as the cave divers went inside. Tyler in the lead with his night sight, Serafina beside him, Lily with her shield up, Vixen with her axe out, Sera her bow as Wulf brought the rear. Tyler smiled.
“This night sight is kinda nifty.”
Serafina smiled as well.
“It is a most useful skill for this. Even if it feels off somehow.”
“Like when you look up and see hundred foot sharks just swimming along above you?”
“I was born here, and it still screws with my head.”
That got a chuckle as they found a small room with a circle.
“Great. Another chamber. Well, first things first.”
He picked a four foot piece of stone up and threw it at the floor. The sound reverberating the cave as Serafina looked at Vixen confused.
“What is he doing?”
“Making sure the floor isn’t rigged to fall. I guess it’s a common trap in his world.”
Tyler sighed as he saw it was stable.
“Okay, watch yourselves. It looks bad I’ll go Demon.”
They nodded and he drew Gliepnir as they entered the chamber. The door shut and an evil cackle was heard.
“It seems I have visitors.”
A 15 foot tall demon dropped to the floor with a heavy thud. This one having blue skin, black legs, a bull’s head, black wings and a long spiked tail. Tyler tilted his head.
“You’re a Balor alright. Just what kind?”
It laughed as it drew an axe.
“Oh, I get it. A Minotaur Balor. Demon of the ManBull. Neat.”
It looked at the smiling boy with baleful yellow eyes.
“Knowing of the lower realms you are. Most unusual for a nonsummoner.”
“Eh. Demonkind were a fascination for a while in my old world.”
Tyler looked at the thing with a smirk.
“A Demon Bull. Must suck to only be known for the bullshit that is your existence.”
It laughed, then looked to Lily.
“He has chosen…to NOT kill those that defiled you.”
The elf girl laughed.
“Course he did. Once he heard how weak they are, probably wants ME to do it meself. Got anything else ya overrated cow?”
“Damn, lily, nice cow pun.”
The thing bellowed with rage as it charged the smug girl, only for Sera to pop up, with a set of three dragon scale arrows with piercer shots on her string, from behind Lily’s back and shoot the raging beast dead in the heart. The thing bellow ed as it fell to the ground, before bursting into flames as it died. The girls high fived as the 6 foot long horn remained. The rest of the party just clapped at the sight of two small girls killing a Balor together.
“Well, looks like they got it.”
Sera picked the horn up and gave it to Tyler for storage.
“We killed a demon!”
Lily laughed as the chamber shattered.
“Shields make a great place to hide a surprise bow.”
Tyler looked to his crew.
“I think they just completed their training.”
Wulf hugged his niece.
“All they need now is experience.”
Sera was getting hugged by Tyler.
“Yup. Well done girls. Well done.”
They were glowing with pride as they switched gears.
“Okay, I feel a hollow sensation behind that stone.”
Tyler opened it to see a standing coffin this time. He smiled.
“Sera, Wulf, aim arrows at it, Lily, have that shield ready, Serafina, look for holes, Vixen with me.”
The group formed a semi circle as Wulf looked at the writing.
“Another human. A king.”
HE grasped the lid.
“We ready?”
“All good.”
He tore it aside as Vixen got a look.
“High Lich! Skull!”
“On it!”
Tyler tripped the thing as it tried to exit it’s coffin, as Lily moved under the falling thing with feet planted and her blade up. It smashed it’ eyeless skull off her blade and hit the stone floor. It screamed in pain, and it only intensified as Tyler stabbed it through the ribcage, effectively pinning it in place.
“Got it! Go!”
They loose arrows and spells. Lily saw an opening and used her upper body strength to sever the head entirely off it’s frame.
“Smash it, Lily! It lives still!”
The others were reloading their shots as Serafina threw an acidic vial onto the now chattering skull. It screamed as it got coated in the corrosive substance, and lily saw it again, using her shield’s edge to smash into it as hard as she could, and the thing was pulverized to dust. Killing the thing. They cheered the now panting elven girl for a clean kill. Tyler hugged her again.
“well done again. It seems you just need experience now as well.”
She smiled tiredly.
“I get a rest now, right?”
“Yup. You and Sera earned it.”
the girls smiled proudly as they looked at the loot. They walked away 600 gold, 302 silver, 434 copper coins richer, with another mass of gems including yet another opal, and a Mythril short sword Lily claimed. It being identical to her old blade, only both lighter and slightly longer with a leaf blade. The walked out smiled as Ashy was still clearly awestruck by Tempesta. The dirty blonde haired girl staring at him with huge grey eyes, as Tempesta seemed a little uneasy under her non-stop staring. The dragon was even squirming a little as she continued to stare. Much to the others amusement as they were laughing at his obvious discomfort. Tyler came out and Tempesta breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank the scale. Can you tell her to stop now? She’s creepin me out.”
“Ashy, it’s not polite to stare.”
She looked at him.
“But look! A dragon!”
“And you’re creepin the hell out with that death stare.”
She blinked before blushing hard.
The dragon laughed as Tyler brought Sera to stand before the Sky Lord. He looked at the horn in her hands curiously.
“I see it was a Minotaur Balor. Did the child kill it?”
“Indeed. After that elf girl enraged it to a suicide charge.”
The dragon laughed approvingly.
“What’d she say?”
“Called it an overrated cow.”
The dragon burst out laughing hard as the two girls giggled. The dragon placed the scales on the ground.
“These are THEIR scales.”
Tyler smiled as he added the twenty to the pile.
“Agreed. They got the kill, and the horn.”
Tempesta tapped Sera and Lily each with his snout.
“Well done children.”
They smiled as they bobbed curtsies.
“We learned from the best!”
“Damn straight we did. Leave it to that infuriating prick to teach others the fine art of getting under another’s skin.”
Tyler looked at the blue dragon and shrugged.
“I’m good at what I do.”
Tempesta chuckled.
“Indeed lad. I sense a new Mythril weapon here.”
Lily held up her blade.
“We found it in the tomb after killing the Demon.”
“Did you destroy it’s circle?”
“Vixen did. That’s her area of expertise, as we have no clue how.”
She spoke up.
“It is indeed ruined, Lord Of Blue. It cannot be used again.”
“I see. Now, you said you had something to tell me.”
“We got a visit from Minus. The goddess of Scales.”
He quickly explained the visit.
“So, as we were deciding on just HOW to handle it, we happened upon the pope’s newest scheme. Idiot is orchestrating the summoning of demons in large numbers to fool the deities into thinking the veils are thinning again.”
Tempesta dug his claws into the ground in a fury most intense.
“I see how you came to that conclusion. May I ask what the clencher was?”
“Would you, the dragons, REALLY be as calm as you are if the veils were thinning again?”
HE nodded his massive head.
“A very wise observation. As we are the FIRST to detect a thinning, and at this moment, they are still fresh from the last thinning refresh 100,000 years ago. So, you sought to warn them.”
“We did, and succeeded. That scroll they gave me was also a means of direct contact with Minus. We told her what we just told you. They are aware of this ploy, as what they are doing on their end about it, I cannot say.”
Tempesta looked at him closely now.
“And you’re warning me in case of a more powerful foe appearing. Plus, to get dragonkin as a whole on alert in case of a mass summon.”
“Indeed. And to explain why Sallie and Sylvia now have the gifts they do.”
“I see she granted them Spirit Shell.”
“According to her, their Scales are so off balance by what they suffered, that everything good they have gotten thus far, INCLUDING meeting me, hasn’t even BUDGED their scale.”
HE sighed deeply.
“I see. I know Minus myself, and she hates these kinds of imbalance, as she has a very fair and just sphere. So seeing such extreme unfairness and unjustness must be causing her pain as well.”
The dragon nudged the two girls himself now.
“Sadly, bringing you back to life is impossible. That said, I can still grant you titles.”
“they’re close enough to revived anyway. We can hug them now at least.”
That got a laugh as Sallie and Sylvia got both Dragon Friend and Dragon’s Tear. The girls smiling as they saw their knew titles. Then Tempesta looked to Tyler.
“So, these demons.”
Tyler smiled.
“We’ll kill those we find.”
“I see. The other dragons will be on alert as well.”
Tyler nodded as Tempesta seemed to remember something.
“Lad, before you go, Glacious wanted me to give you these.”
Tyler looked over curiously as the blue placed several dozen multicolored scales of Glacious’ hide on the ground. Tyelr smiled as he picked one up.
“Thanks. We’ll see her again at some point, so we’ll thank her properly as well.”
Tempesta chuckled.
“She says the elven queendom is thriving under Willow now.”
“Willow ain’t no pushover.”
That got a laugh from the group. Then the dragon spread his wings.
“Farewell lad. Until the next Demon.”
“Damn straight.”
He flew off with a rush of wings as Tyler went back to his crew.
“What we get?”
Kaori smiled.
“89 gold, 54 silver, 210 copper, ten licenses, and a few potions. And that’s it.”
Tyler nodded.
“Alright, ladies and Wulf. Mount up.”
Ashy just smiled as they got on their horses.
“I see he bullies you like he did Kazuma.”
The ranger just sighed.
“Kaori said much the same.”
“well, at least he likes you.”

Tyler and his party rode on for a while longer until the sun was directly overhead. Then they halted for a meal and to rest the horses. Lily and Sera were rubbing their sore arms as they ate. Ashy watched as Tyler pulled the map out and opened it. She looked to Kaori.
“Is he not sure of the way?”
That got a chuckle from the others as Kaori filled her in.
“Oh he’s memorized it. More looking it over again. Seriously, he’ll look it over like every time we stop for longer then five minutes.”
Wulf was smiling.
“In camp he is always first up. Watch. He’ll have the have the fire relit, food cooking, and that map out as we are all still sleeping.”
Ashy looked at the boy as he munched while looking at it.
“He’s more a squad leader then my dad.”
“He’s most likely here as well.”
Ashy jumped.
Kaori sighed.
“They summoned an extra two sets of Warriors while we all live. So, there is 88 of them out there.”
“And the waves will be THREE times stronger because of it as well.”
Ashy sighed.
“Okay, Kaori. Tell me everything. Just what the hell happened?”

Tyler, now happy with the map, closed it as he pulled the HUD up for guild news.
“Today in Vernillion. We have a first for you today readers of Lectis. And exclusive interview with the Outcast himself. That’s right, Tyler the Outcast saw fit to grant an interview to this humble reporter. Though, it was a new experience for him! HE had seen our morning article, seeing how a few points were directed at him and his party, and so sought to make a point. The first question I asked him was in regards to max’s claims of dating his Lover Kaori. He just laughed.
“That’s REAL big fuckin talk coming from the dude that brought his mom to a school dance that week, AFTER getting shot down by every other girl in school. INCLUDING his sister AND Kaori.”
His words had no effect on the Outcast, for in his words:
“Dude. I fight demons for fun. Seriously, Lily’s jabs hurt more an yours.”
Max has also issued a retort.
“Her jabs didn’t hurt when I was ten inches inside the knife ear. She was TIGHT! Guess he knows first hand, since he’s probably fuckin her as well. Must love the sloppy seconds.”
“hey, Lily, c’mere a sec.”
Curious, the feisty elven girl came over to look at his HUD. She read the line and burst out laughing, like falling over laughing. Tyler looked to Wulf.
“Guy’s bragging about raping Lily trying to rile us up.”
Wulf snorted.
“Of course he is. Lily?”
“Ten inches? Dude is just BARELY four!”
Tyler and Wulf looked at each other.
The other ladies all laughed as well.
“A wee one an no mistake.”
“No wonder the ladies shot him down.”
“My finger is longer an him!”
Lily smiled as she took a seat between Tyler’s legs to look at it as well.
“Let’s see. He called me a knife ear? That’s a new one.”
Wulf snorted again in contempt.
“Someone should tell him that the pointier an elf’s ears are, the more attractive they seem to other elves. It’s a kinda pride point for elves.”
Tyler poked lily’s ear point and smiled.
“I see. Cool.”
She giggled.
“That tickled.”
They settled in as he went back to the article.
“High Queen Willow also made a reply.
“It would seem Lily is doing just fine in the Outcasts’ camp. As for the lad’s choice of phrase? Pointy ears in our culture is a good thing. Nice to see even monsters understand quality gals. Though, it seems he is a ‘small’ boy indeed if he feels the need to brag about both raping a small child and his length in the same breath.”
Max was then said to have become infuriated at the reply. I also questioned the Outcast on his wave preparation.
“We’re ahead of schedule really. We’re set. All that’s left is a few things to clear out, some last minute leveling and some more practice.”
“Are you concerned?”
“About the enemies? No. Give me thirty seconds and a clear look, and I’ll have a decent ten plans. Main issue is the terrain.”
“Indeed. We fighting on a mountain side? Plains? Woodland? Terrain is our biggest issue as we’re fighting in both unknown ground and unfamiliar territory.”
“I see preparation is important.”
“Indeed. I HATE going into a fight blind. Liches, draugr and tombs are fine since I already have a basic idea on what to expect. Like I always preach. Better OVER prepared then under.”
“Are you aware of Rolic’s stipulation?”
“I am.”
“How do you respond?”
“Honestly I thought it was already a thing. I mean it’s a fair thing, since it’s hard to trust someone off tales and names.”
“Will you visit his kingdom?”
“Eventually. We’ll probably wind up there at some point, but it won’t be for a while though.”
Rolic was able to give a reply before the publishing of the article.
“It is refreshing to see a Warrior ready to WORK to prove his legend rather then rest on laurels. I look forward to seeing him in action.”
The dwarven king seems to be rather interested by the prospect of the Outcast visiting. When asked on places he would like to visit, The Outcast became thoughtful.
“I’m not sure really. We’ve been to Cragspire, but due to a crisis in Raylik, we didn’t get to really look around much. Plus, we got news a pair of elves in Cragspire will LOSE their friggin minds over.”
HE said this will a happily knowing smile as he touched a small locket that never leaves his neck. What this news is, we can only guess at. Though, he DID have words for the Warrior Kazuma.
“You BASTARD! You better have eaten that Wyvern! And for the love of Kaori, leave my gods awful nickname in the past. IT’S OUTCAST NOW! Oh, and kick Valdic in the balls for me kittycat Malico.”
The Viscount was quick to respond, laughing as he did so.
“Outcast is a very fitting nickname. And yes I DID eat the Wyvern with a few nobles. As for Valdic? He gets kicked daily. Nice to see my sister is still important to him as well.”
These two seem either close friends, or just stuck with each other. Tyler also took the time to spare a few words for the Pope.
“None that are civilized enough for a news article. Other then he’s on my permanent hitlist.”
Skyr had a rather indignant reply.
“It seems he is nothing more then a brute that bullies those around him. Hitlist, my word. See THIS is what I was talking about. Max doesn’t threaten his superiors and betters. More seeks to aid them as a good boy should. A Warrior fights the waves and obeys order. This ‘Outcast’ A fitting title for such a murdering coward, is nothing but a monster that terrorizes those who seek to do as they need.”
The pope is mad, readers. As such, the king was heard laughing.
“No wonder he hates the church as a whole.”
I also asked the Outcast what roles his party has and how his camp works. HE smiled as he talked of his friends.
“Well. We have the knowledge, know-how, and will to both get our hands dirty to survive, and get the hard work done right. We have a Ranger that knows more about this land then I give him credit for, our hot blonde huntress we turn to for all things survivalist, our flower experts for all things plant, poison experts/undead experts, our natives, our camp cuties, our field smith, ME, and our horse expert. Every person on MY team has a role they fill. We can head out to near any environment and either get by or straight up thrive.”
He runs a tight camp indeed. I asked him to clarify his role, and he got a most dark light in his eyes.
“I set the defenses, goals for the day, plan the routes for our trips, and do the darker work those of honor and noble nature cannot.”
“What do you mean by darker work?”
“Interrogation. Once I get my knife in you, you’ll talk. They always do.”
Tyler is a truly hard person. He is not afraid to get his own hands dirty to get the job done. Another point that came up was his interactions with the dragon Tempesta, as they seem rather close.
“Not sure if ‘close’ is the right word. We more, let’s see, how do I put this? We’re both wanderers for a lack of a better way to put it.”
“You’re both nomads. Find a place to claim, get bored and move on.”
“Like the ocean. Restless and free. We’re both Outcasts ourselves by choice. Plus, can you name a better feeling then riding our on a journey with the wind at your back, the sun rising behind you, and those you love all around you? I can’t. And neither can he. Plus, we understand each other, well. As much as a human and a dragon CAN understand each other.”
“would Kindred spirits be a better fit?”
“Yes! That! Exactly that! We get it, so we click better. Plus, well, I understand WELL this is HIS world we’re guests in. Be amazed just how far a little respect can get you. And when you don’t steal from them.”
When asked about the recent poaching he had a most firm stance.
“That is NOT our sky. We have NO business up there PERIOD. That is the dragon’s playground, us the runts they ALLOW up there. Piss em off, and we get grounded. Permanently. We have NO claim to the heavens as we have NO claim to beneath the waves.”
“A strong position. Are you not worried about backlash?”
His response was even harder.
“See thing about an Outcast? We don’t need to give a flying fuck WHAT anyone thinks of us. They got a problem? Pff, we’ll just walk out that damn door. Push it and we’ll leave you as a damned corpse. We don’t need you. Never have, never will.”
Tyler and his party do not need anyone’s approval nor their aid to survive in our world. A point the King supports whole heartedly.
“That boy built what he has from the dirt up. All he had was that blonde lass beside him, ten gold, and a single stolen sword. Now look at him. He leads a party of powerful fighters, him and the elf Ranger the only men IN THE DAMN PARTY! Lucky bastards.”
Even King Ishtar is jealous of the boy’s feats and accomplishments as well as his traveling companions. The Outcast was generous to grant this interview, and we are all grateful for this brief look at the strongest Warrior we have. In other news, the new tax has proven effective in clearing out Term of the Warriors hiding within the city proper, as most have all been thrown out on their faces for refusing to pay. A select few willingly paid and just do what they do. Even fewer were unable to pay, and left of their own free will to, in their words.
“Step up. Seems we forgot what working fer our beer money was.”
It seems a few Warriors just needed a kick in the ass to get going. Not a good thing, but not a bad one either, as sometimes all one needs to excel is a little direction. Now, with the wave less then 32 days away, we are all waiting to see you will rise and who will fall.”
Tyler was laughing as he closed the thing. He looked to Kaori, who had finished bringing Ashy up to speed on the party.
“It seems my interview riled a few people.”
That got a laugh as Ashy sighed.
“So, my Dad is mostly likely here somewhere.”
Tyler got up with a grunt.
“Most likely.”
Ashy sighed.
“Great. We come across him get ready for a lecture on HOW things are done RIGHT.”
“He tries, we’ll just ride on by.”
They mounted up as Ashy looked at him.
“You really think he’d just leave it at that?”
“Ashy. LOOK at us.”
The dirty blonde blinked and did indeed look at the ladies around her.
“See? You REALLY think he’d mouth off like that with LUCY glaring at him?”
That got a laugh.
“Right I forgot. She’s got four inches and twice the muscle mass.”
“Badass, Lass. The word you seem to be lookin fer, is Badass.”
They all laughed as they rode along. Tyler looking at the sky.
“Hey, Wulf.”
The ranger came up beside him, leaving Ashy miffed.
“You said the hill camp is a full day out right?”
He looked around.
“Yeah. We’re about maybe half way there. Something up?”
“More thinking. Hey, Kaori, hows the road look?”
The blonde saw his line of thinking, and sighed.
“I’d say this pace is safest for the horses. I keep seeing small duvets in the road that are making me nervous.”
“You think unstable ground?”
“More unopened pothole. Like a horse steps on a spot and it gives.”
“Understood. We’ll be on watch then. We got two browns and me in case of a fall.”
Ashy was amazed.
“I forgot Kaori was raised on a horse ranch. Nice to see she’s needed.”
“She’s my lover. AND my number 1 priority in this world.”
That got him a kiss as they went along. They were passing through a bit of woodland, when Tyler smiled.
“Slow up. See it?”
They did. A clear site for an ambush in the woodland. Wulf tilted his head.
“We going for it?”
“Yup. Lilli needs the practice now.”
They slowed to a walk as they entered the woodland. Tyler had gold coins out and was counting them as they went, getting secret smiles at the dare. Tyler noted a set of shadows on either side of the trial and he flipped a gold coin high, a heads up they all got. Tyler was smiling as a large chain rope with razor spikes appeared out of the dirt between two tree.
“Seen this before.”
That got a chuckle as a set of men, elves, dwarves and oddly enough, Oricah all surrounded the group with 60 total. Tyler frowned as he saw the creatures.
“Heads up, those are in play.”
They nodded and focuseda s a man in a cloak appeared with a black staff.
“Surrender and be my slaves.”
“Vixen. He’s yours.”
The man screamed in terror as Vixen was sighted in the party.
“I see we meet again. Murderer.”
“That’s the bell! Kill em all!”
The now angry party exploded off their horses as Vixen descended to the dirt with her axes out as she approached the now gibbering in terror man as the screams of the dying were all around them. The smiling Vixen strode towards her prey like a lioness with a wounded animal.
“Mallica the Black Master. We meet again as I swore when you murdered my mother Vulpine after using your banned spells and surprise to both rape her dozens of times, but to torture her as well.”
Her normally seductively teasing voice now cold with ice that made the now watching party except tyler shudder. He leaning on Gliepnir as he watched with evident interest.
“So, foxy, how will you make him scream?”
Vixen smiled as she reached into her robe.
“I have JUST the spell for YOU.”
Tyler smiled darkly.
“It nasty?”
Vixen held up a License.
“A banned spell my mother crafted for just these kinds of encounters. Her dying wish was for the last one in existence to be used on him before it is destroyed. It is called Wrathful Vengeance.”
The name got a loud series of horrified gasps from the natives. Wulf looked at Tyler.
“That spell forces the target to experience every act of pain it has preformed upon another as it was being done to it anew. It will kill him, but only after feeling every single bit of pain he made others feel.”
Tyler tilted his head.
“That’s kinda hardcore, Vixen. Proceed.”
They looked at him in horror.
“You’re condoning the casting of a banned spell?”
“On a monster like that? Sure. When we got the pope I was planning on having Vixen help me use every banned spell we had on hand on him before we killed him. Call it just deserts.”
The party looked at Kaori then to Lillia before just accepting it.
“Alright. We’re Outcasts for a reason. And it does seem fair in a way.”
Vixen smiled as she cast it on the man, and he began screaming in agony as she pulled a pair of manacles with which she went to hang him from a tree.
“hey, wanna see if he’s got a bounty?”
She laughed.
“Nothing wasted.”
Tyler looked as he screamed in pain.
“Wow, Vixen. The Black. Wanted dead. Price? 2750 gold. That staff? 350. How long this last for?”
The man was holding his rear when he fell over dead. She smiled.
“till then.”
The body was looted by Vixen and Serafina as tyler had merely poked the dead guy and got burned. The had to collect the head and store it in the sack while the staff was tied to Vixen’s Mollock. The other things looted as well. All told, 56 gold. Vixen placed the banned spell she’s used on the ground.
“I am sorry for deceiving you.”
“I knew you had it the whole time Vixen.”
She just sighed.
“Of course you did. Why didn’t you take it?”
“Was curious just WHAT you were planning with it.”
“I see. Well. I got my revenge.”
“Are you sure you want me to destroy a memento of your mother?”
The mage hugged him affectionately before pulling her axe out.
“She made this for me.”
“Well alright then. You give good hugs too, Vixen. Must be the fox thing.”
She smiled as he set the license aflame with dragon blue. Then the thing was gone and they mounted up to move on, after Tyler collected the chain fro Lily’s field smithing. Vixen smiling widely as they went.
They went along until the sun started to touch the horizon.
“Another half hour and to the left.”
“Got it.”
The friends rode along as the shadows lengthened before Wulf took them to a small alcove-like hole inside that was thirty feet tall and maybe two hundred wide. The small cave was well-hidden from the road, but provided a good view of both directions at the same time. Tyler smiled as he saw it.
“Let’s clear the back of it first.”
That got a chuckle. Tyler, Wulf and Serafina all headed along the back of the small cave in the rock. Tyler finding a small hollow feeling behind a rock slab.
The mage came over and he opened it. Inside the ten foot room was another coffin. Wulf looked at the writing.
“Wow. A dwarven ruler this time.”
She came running.
“Need me?”
“You’ll join us for this kill. Serafina will swap out. Too cramped.”
The princess gulped but nodded as the Wraith stepped out. Tyler grasped the lid as the others took spots.
“Good to go.”
HE tore it off, and dodged the shot as he’d been gotten once with it. Vixen smiled as she saw it.
“High Draugr. Stab the heart.”
“Nice change of pace.”
Lila was shaking slightly, but as the thing sat up she saw an opening and fired her bow, hitting it in the heart first shot. It’s glowing eyes went dark and it laid back down with the shaft sticking out of the thing’s chest like a ship’s mast. She was blinking hard as if not believing she had done it, while the others all clapped. Tyler going over to hug her tightly.
“See? You did just fine Lillia. Trust yourself like WE trust you.”
She smiled as she hugged him.
“Thank you for believing in me.”
They looted the corpse, walking away 300 gold richer with a new greataxe of Magicite. Tyler looked around as they went back.
“Hey, Thistle. Found something your size.”
The blood skinned elf looked at the Magicite axe and smiled.
“Aye lad. That is exactly the same size as me current axe.”
She hefted it and her smile widened.
“A good axe. Limb splitter’s been chipping pretty badly of late. It has served me well, but it seems time to retire it.”
“Mount it on a rack. Thing’s served you well.”
“That I will.”
Then Tyler walked to a spot by the fire and placed his hand on the ground to cast his defense spells. Ashy was helping Kaori with the horses as he did so.
“What’s he doing?”
“Setting up our perimeter. He’s got three spells that will alert us of visitors a solid….hey! What’s the range now?”
“250 meters last I checked.”
“Love you! Yeah, 250m in all directions. Even if he’s asleep it’ll make him right up and we’ll greet our guests.”
Ashy just shook her head.
“An impressive doorbell.”
That got a laugh as the spells were set. Then Tyler helped Wulf set the tent up and add the drakolisk bones to the frame. Once the fire was lit, and the area secure, they all relaxed. Ashy was amazed as Malico stripped naked to lay by the crackling fire with a moan.
“Ohhhh, I missed this!”
Kaori smiled as Vixen took her robe off to lay on it beside the fire as well.
“Malico likes being naked.”
Ashy just went with it as Tyler sat by the fire with the map out again. He placed the job bills on the map near their locations as Wulf and Kaori sat beside him.
“Okay, the hobs are dead. Next we have hill giants here.”
He tapped the spot with the bill on it.
“We’ll take Sera and Lily. Get them experienced against creatures outmatching them.”
Ashy seemed a little alarmed.
“A good hill giant’s small toe is half their size! You sure about that?”
“I am. I have faith in them. Plus, this kind of mismatch is the kind of training that works best. High risk, even higher rewards. Plus they’ll have me and the other raiders right beside them.”
She nodded.
“Still seems a little harsh, but they are strong.”
Sera and Lily smiled as well.
“I see why he let you join.”
“She’s kind as well as pretty!”
“Oh right. Nearly forgot. We’re missing two members.”
Ashy tilted her head.
Two shapes glowed on Tyler’s lap as Sallie and Sylvia took physical forms. They got a hug as Ashy just blinked in shock at their sudden appearance. Kaori smiled as she explained.
“The elven cutie is Sylvia. The green haired girl is Sallie. They died horribly a while back. Sallie left to die by Charlotte our teacher at the hands of Goblin slayer goblins.”
Ashy gasped in pity.
“That poor girl. Why is she attached to tyler though?”
“Because he kicked Charlotte out of our camp for screwing poor Sera and Lillia out of killing a stone giant they had dead to rights. The lady then spent the night with Sallie’s family a little way up the trail. Sallie ADORES the Warriors, so having one share a tent with her was a dream come true for her. Next morning however, ten goblins attacked her camp as Charlotte was saddling her horse. Well, she crept back to see what the screaming was and watched the things rape and torture her and her family in a bush.”
“Jesus Christ Spider.”
“It gets worse.”
Ashy had tears in her grey eyes.
“How could it get worse?”
“Sallie spotted her watching her suffer. Charlotte then ran away and left her to her pain. After making full eye contact.”
Ashy looked over to where Tyler had Sallie in another hug, just loving the cheerfully joyful girl.
“That poor girl. He feels responsible for sending her a false hope.”
“He does still. When Charlotte told us the story when we had to defend TopLeaf from that army, he had tears in his eyes for that poor girl. That was the first time tears had fallen from that boy’s eyes in years. He could HEAR her scream in pain, and SEE that look of betrayal on her face. He knows it as he’s felt it himself. Sylvia is more simple.”
“I heard that!”
“Love you too sweetie!”
that got a fond laugh as the elven girl was cuddled against Malico’s belly. Ashy looked at Kaori.
“What happened to Sylvia?”
“we found her body in a well of a small traveler’s rest where the family had become sick with a water borne illness. Tyler healed them just to be kind, and upon investigating their well found her. She’d been raped, tortured and discarded like a used condom. His own family were the ones that did the deeds. His family, and MY father.”
Ashy hugged Kaori.
“What the hell, Kaori? His FAMILY did that to her? Your FATHER?”
“Yeah. Tyler knows EXACTLY what his family did to her. Since they did the exact same thing to him. Hey, Tyler. Show her.”
“That or those?”
“Hey! She’s mine! Ya got yer own!”
Tyler looked at Wulf confused.
“I thought she meant my Vest. The hell you thinking of?”
Ashy was smiling widely now.
“Wow, Wulf. Agreed. Very much agreed.”
The ranger just smiled as he knew he’d been caught.
“Hand’s off mah girl.”
“I’ll just get handsy with Kaori tonight.”
“Me too!”
“Nice. We gonna have fun tonight.”
That got a laugh as he took off his Mythril vest and his scars were shown. Ashy’s eyes went wide with both horror and pity.
“That explains so much it’s not even funny.”
Tyler chuckled as he put it back on.
“Only Kaori knew how bad it was.”
Ashy looked to where Sylvia was nearly asleep against Malico’s soft belly.
“So you feeling their pain attached their souls to you.”
“And after a few visits and boons they get to be nearly alive again.”
Kaori explained as Tyler hugged Sallie again, making her giggle. Then he laid back on the stone himself, and the small girl rested her head against him. Tyler smiled, then spotted a sky shark cruising.
“Hey, Ashy.”
“Look up.”
The confused girl did, only to gasp in shock.
“What the hell is a shark doing up there?”
“That’s a sky shark. Dragons like Tempesta eat them.”
Ashy watched as the imposing thing swam along.
“Okay. What. The hell.”
“My head hurts every time I see them things.”
She watched as several more went by.
“It’s beautiful in a way.”
Tyler patted Sallie beside him.
“It is. This is a strange world we have come to, Ashy. But, I’d rather be here then our old world.”
She smiled widely.
“As would I. They got elves!”
That got a laugh from the elves around the camp.
“Should see the friggin mermaids here.”
“Mermaids? They got mermaids?”
“Oh hell yeah.”
Both men replied in sync, getting a snort from Ashy.
“Wulf I can see railing a Mermaid. How the hell you score like that?”
“I’m a white/blue path. So, I guess Aqua could sense my power and was attracted to it.”
“Actually, her reason wasn’t as complex.”
Ashy looked at a smiling Kaori. Tyler smiled as well.
“She just found you handsome and wanted a ride.”
“Who she prefer? Me or you?”
“Me. Hands down me. I asked her that as well, and she said she had fun with you, but I drive her wild in a way you didn’t.”
“Nice, Kaori. I see you had fun that night.”
Ashy looked at Kaori with a mixture of awe and respect.
“You had sex with another girl? And a MERMAID at that?”
“Many times.”
“She paid Aqua a visit, like what? Four times that day?”
“And slept in her bed.”
Ashy just shook her head again.
“I think I lived this world wrong.”
“Ya did.”
She got an en mass response from everyone, including the two spirits that made her crack up laughing.
“Alright then. Let’s make it RIGHT!”
She got up and pounced on Wulf and rolled over to a more shadowy area. Sylvia and Lily looked at each other as the moans and grunts were heard.
“About gods damn time.”
“Uncle Wolf is stupid sometimes.”
The got a laugh as Tyler looked at Kaori.
“Shall we?”
Malico came leaping over pounce om him as well, only to find him on top of her with Kaori locking her lips with her own. Then the sex was on. Wulf and Tyler the winners as Kaori and Malico got their fill of Tyler and each other as Ashy got her first with an elf. Tyler and his two girls lasting longer as Wulf and Ashy came back to sit by the fire to a rousing applause from the other ladies as Tyler continued to play. Vixen smiling as Wulf shook his head at the sight of Malico stuffing her tail up Kaori’s kitty as Tyler mounted her from the rear.
“I STILL can’t win”
Vixen laughed.
“You need more practice, Wulf.”
Ashy smiled as she rubbed herself with a damp cloth.
“Ohh we’ll get PLENTY of practice. Never you worry.”
Ashy then looked over to where Kaori was sandwiched between Tyler and Malico with both entrances filled.
“To think she was once a posterchild for propriety and primness. Now she’s getting double penetrated by a catgirl’s tail and her boyfriend.”
Wulf chuckled.
“That’s Tyler for you. Sera’s a foul mouthed fighter, Lillia a brave hearted archer, hell. Even Lily’s learning to be fiercer like he is.”
Lily was watching the play attentively.
“I see he’s learning well. Good. He’ll be well bale to please me when the time comes.”
Ashy laughed as Malico fell first, leaving Kaori and Tyler still going at each other. The dirty blonde was impressed.
“Wow, they’re really into each other, aren’t they?”
Sallie smiled now as she watched the show.
“They’ve been into each other for years now. Now they get to GET in each other.”
Ashy looked at the spirit and it clicked.
“Ya know something? Yer right now that I think of it. They were always together, teased each other, he’d bend over backwards to help her, she’d do her best to help him, and they had a rather cute way they flirted. She’d admonish him for something, and he’d turn around and say something to throw her for a loop. If they had been like that in any other school, they’d be called boyfriend girlfriend.”
The two lovers finished and fell to the stone next to a smiling Malico and they began kissing each other gently as they recovered and calmed down. Ashy smiled as they all applauded a spectacular show.
“That’ll be ten gold!”
They all laughed as Tyler put a thumbs up in the air that Wulf mirrored.
“Mine are better bro!”
“Whatever. Least you can’t have mine!”
“Wow, Kaori. Comparing the ladies with each other right in front of them?”
“And US winning? How shall we respond, Malico?”
“How will we indeed?”
“I’ll just jump him again when it heals.”
They all laughed as Tyler got a ping of tranquil waters.
“Hey, got movement.”
They geared up as he looked at the spells, Sallie and Sylvia ready to bolt into the tent. Tyler looked at the road to see a set of riders moving along the road.
“They can’t see us from the road, Tyler.”
“Not even the fire?”
“Not even that. Not where I built it.”
Tyler pulled his bow and nocked and arrow as the riders went by. He used his Farsight with Wulf to see their faces. Tyelr tilted his head.
“We got Warriors.”
Kaori and Ashy came up to see. The blonde getting a good look.
“Okay, that’s Alex with Sarah, Marissa, Allice and…..Jeff.”
Tyler zoomed in more.
“Yeah, they were among the crew that liked to break things on me.”
Wulf gripped his bow.
“What do we do?”
Tyler got a look at their gear.
“They got thrown out. Looks like they refused or fought the new tax and lost. We’ll have to watch out on the road tomorrow.”
“Right. Those chicks are all bitches as well. I heard they beat animals for fun back in our old world.”
“And Jeff got arrested for selling drugs.”
Tyler watched as the group rode along as Kaori took his hand.
“We’re leaving them?”
“Yup. They can’t see us and even if they DID try us, they’d be pincushions before they got halfway to us.”
They nodded as the party was lost to sight.
“Okay, they’re beyond the spells. We’re clear again.”
They relaxed as Tyler added more power to the spells and pulled open the map. Wulf and Kaori catching on and joining him. Ashy as well since she was curious.
“What are you looking for?”
Wulf tapped a small spot.
“Looking to see where they’ll make camp tonight.”
Tyler looked at the spot.
“That’s near a river. Plus a decent height rock wall guarding their backs. That’s the smart site.”
Wulf chuckled as he tapped another spot.
“THIS is the idiot spot. A mound with a clear view of the area in a wide open area.”
Ashy was confused.
“Okay, isn’t it better to see them coming though?”
“If YOU can see them easily, THEY can see YOU easily. Look at our spot. We’re able to see the road easily, yet due to where it is, they can’t see us in return. Plus a flickering fire light can be seen like a beacon from farther away. That other spot is well-concealed, defendable, and easily escapable in a worst case. Our own camp is garnered towards a more confrontational approach, as we only have a select few things that we need fear at this point. And most of those take time to set up.”
Ashy was amazed by Wulf’s knowledge. Tyler chuckled.
“See? A legit Elven ranger.”
Ashy just kissed the elf again as Sallie and Sylvia sat on his lap.
“Okay, so we’ll most likely run into them on the road.”
Ashy, after getting a thorough tongue dance, was a little worried.
“If they try to mug us?”
“My flames should stop em dead. Or our blades. Or our numbers. Or Lily.”
The ferocious elven girl waved a hand from her comfy spot against Vixen.
“Love you.”
“Love you too, Lily!”
“Yay. Sweet victory.”
“That was a great song in our old world.”
The camp was smiling at the feisty girl as Tyler looked at the darkening sky.
“Okay, we’re set on supplies and anything we could need. The spells are up, and the spirits as well.”
“Nice to see we can help out in our spirit forms.”
“We don’t need to sleep in our spirit forms.”
“Yeah, it’s more for fun.”
Tyler rubbed their hair as he pulled his HUD up. He put the map away and settled near the fire to see if there were any updates to the news.
“This evening in Vernillion. The new tax has instigated a new wave of Warrior crimes, this time against their very own. As the stronger ones are robbing the weaker ones saying that since they’ll just die anyway, they don’t need such good things. The King was issued a proclamation.
“It seems you so-called Warriors are just too stupid to understand it. So. Let me make this decree. If a Warrior commits a crime against another, they will be tried to the same standards as the rest of us. To be honest, why I did not just do that in the first place baffles me. Perhaps Tyler and I had too much faith in common sense. Not a bad place to put faith, but having too much is indeed a two-edged sword. As such, the protection for the law these Warriors have enjoyed is ended. There are three exceptions. Tyler the Outcast. Kazuma the Kind. And Kaori the Beautiful. Or any he deems worthy, as I’ve heard a report out of Raylik of him taking a poor Warrior girl under his wing after she was robbed of all she owned except her horse. I know not her name, but, she too is now exempt from the tax, and decree. For if Tyler has taken her into his camp, then she will become something truly special.”
It seems that the King and the Outcast made the mistake of too much kindness. Or, in Tyler’s case, not fully grasping their stupidity. The Warriors milling around outside the gates were outraged yet again, but after the arrests and subsequent trials followed by brandings as Death cannot be given to them, have fled to the countryside. Max himself has received a branding for a rapist and torturer: the Phallic shape with an X over it. It’s said his screams were like a wee girl seeing a spider the first time, and he left a puddle of his own creation on the floor. He was then banished from Term with the gear of the Tax refusal and was last seen riding away towards the west with his now enraged entourage. Pope Skyr also made a statement.
“These poor brave souls. They are here to defend us, and we treat them so poorly. It is appallingly bad the discrimination these brave Warriors are being subjected to. All at the behest of a King being led by a bully Warrior that hasn’t set foot in the royal capital since his murdering of Gruven. Yet he is being hailed as a symbol of courage and integrity across the realm, as if ignoring those above him was to be praised. He takes what he wants from who he wants, hurts who he wants and then leaves. He blatantly spits ion the faces of the nobility and the rulers of the world, and makes a general mockery of the natural order of the world as well. Why o why the dragons saw fit to bestow their gifts upon such an unworthy mongrel is simply beyond my knowledge.”
The pope seems to have become quite jealous of the Outcast, for the boy in question’s name now holds more meaning for some then the Pope’s own. If the rumors are to be believed, the church itself is also suffering a bit of an internal crisis as Ignatia, the religion the pope heads creature of worship, is also a dragon friend to the Outcast and has even granted his flame. In other news, Lymir of Yalik is eagerly expecting her visitors.
“We’ve been eagerly awaiting these heroes for a week or so now. And the anticipation is building.”
Knowing the Outcast’s fondness for the beauties of the realm, he is going to love that town. The elven town of TopLeaf suffered an attack from a group of wandering giants today, but were swiftly killed by Elven Guard under the command of the Lady Nightshade. She had this to say.
“That Outcast better come visit me soon. Me beds lonely!”
That boy is now a confirmed lady lure. May the gods pity the men of the realm. A new story that has come to light is from the Sprite Forest to the south of Vernillion. The Fairy Queen was made a rare statement in regards to the recent events.
“It seems this generation of Warriors are truly pathetic. 3 out of 88? 1 being of legend making stock? Pitiful. Have it be known our borders are shut to the Warriors. Even the Outcasts, as I agree with Rolic’s idea of a deed being preformed in order to gain entry to our home.”
even the Sprite Queen has seen fit to close her borders to them Oddly enough, we have not heard of a single Warrior entering her enchanted forest as of yet. Whether it be due to them just not getting that far, or some other issue we know not. A story we have been following is the poaching of the sky sharks. Another was taken from the skies this day, but the airship, the Nidhogg, were forgiven when the clear teeth marks and other indicators of an attack by the beast were seen by the investigating dragon. The dragon in question, Furiosa the Green dragon, made a statement to the crew.
“It seems the faith in your crew and captain placed by the Outcast was not for nothing. Few airships can weather a surprise attack by our prey, much less keep flying. Impressive captain.”
The captain and his crew landed in Raylik for repairs and rest. Greg, the captain in question made his own statement.
“ME an me crew know who rules that sky. And it ain’t us. Oh, and this is fer the Outcast, Davy’s alive. The cannons don’t want to be friendly with him anymore.”
There is a clear inside joke there, reader. There you have it people of Lectis. The Warriors have lost their freedoms, respect, hell even their coin. Let us see if they get the picture now. In my own opinion? They won’t”

Tyler smiled as he closed the HUD.
“It seems they’re dumber an we thought.”
The other looked at him but let it go. Then Sera yawned.
“That’s the bell.”
Sallie and Sylvia sighed as they had to go back to spirit form at night, but a good hug from all made them feel better. They went into the tent and Tyler laid between Malico and kaori. Once all were settled he smiled.
“Good night ladies and Wulf.”
“I still hate you.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
They laughed as they drifted off to sleep.


Tyler opened his eyes to see Lily’s face next to his own. He blinked in surprise, before smiling. She’s like a clingy little sister. I friggin love her to death though. He could see Kaori laid out behind the small girl, and could feel Malico’s tail resting on his side. HE smiled as he poked Lily gently with a finger, getting a soft giggle as she opened her red eyes.
“Morning Lily.”
She smiled and snuggled closer to him.
“Morning, future husband.”
HE hugged her as they rose. She smiling widely as they snuck out passed Wulf tangled up with Ashy by his pack. Tyler got the fire relit as Lily laid out food before he took the map out. Lily setting some meat to fry as she sat in his lap to see the map.
“We good?”
he laughed softly as he wrapped his arms around her small frame.
“We should be. We’ll hit that hill giant camp today. So, that should be fun.”
The mountain elf looked at the map.
“How tall are they again?”
“Not exactly sure myself. Maybe 20 feet? We’ll ask Wulf when he gets out of Ashy.”
She laughed as Sylvia and Sallie came and sat next to them in spirit forms.
“Morning girls.”
Lily looked beside them, and realized he meant the spirits.
“We really should hurry and get it upgraded. Sera wants to snuggle in a pile.”
“Wow, that sounds comfy as hell.”
They laughed as Tyler tilted his head.
“hey, that’s new.”
Lily looked to a spot near a stream. The map was in full color and updated every time it was opened via magic. Tyler pointed to a spot a little further up the road.
“This area was solid tan yesterday. Now we got a small black area.”
Lily tilted her head as well now.
“Maybe a small fire broke out?”
Tyler got up and walked away from the camp a little to sniff the air. Lily right beside him.
“I can’t smell smoke. Then again we did sleep with it in our noses.”
Lily looked to the horses.
“I don’t think it’s still burning, if it was they wouldn’t be so calm right now.”
Tyler looked and the horse’s ears were flat and relaxed.
“You’re right. We’ll still check it out though. Just to be safe.”
The elf nodded.
“If it’s got a few sparks or hotspots, please use a water fall on it.”
“Sure. I grew up in a forested region, so I understand how bad a forest fire can get.”
The plan settled they went back to get a look at it again. Tyler and Lily had just sat down when Wulf and Ashy came out. The girl all smiles and flushed as she sat done to watch him go about his morning rite. Tyler smiled as well, happy his friend had someone to cuddle as well. He looked at the spot as Wulf finished his rite and took his coffee.
“Everything set commander?”
“Potential issue. Look.”
Wulf took one look and sighed.
“I can say for a fact that spot was NOT there last night.”
“We thought so too. We’re thinking a dead fire. But we’ll double check in case of flare up or worse.”
The experienced ranger loked at it closely as he drank his coffee.
“It seems to be getting bigger though.”
“Let’s see.”
HE closed the map, and reopened it. Sure enough, it was now twice as big, and spreading away from them.
“Shit Wulf the plains are burning! We need to go now!”
The ranger was in the tent an instant later.
“Get up! Fire!”
The camp came awake with a fear that only can come from that word. Tyler was on watch as he was the only water mage around. The camp was torn down, horses readied and fired doused as they rode to either warn people or have Tyler put it out or both. As they went they could smell the smoke now.
“Okay, I’ll use waterwall. I can flood a decent area at a time with it.”
“What do we do?”
“try not to get burned. I’m the only water mage here.”
They nodded as the party got a look at the blaze. Easily four solid acres of woodland was aflame as Tyler passed his reins to Kaori to take off running towards the flames. The ignored the searing heat as thanks to his bonuses was mostly immune anyway. Once in a good spot in front of the blaze, he channeled his power.
The wall was now 40 feet tall and extended a good 200 feet. As soon as it was fully formed, he cast the follow up.
The wall fell and landed right on the flames, sending a massive cloud of steam skyward.
HE raised another wall and walked it ten feet forward.
Another massive cloud of steam. HE drank a mana potion before continuing the procedure until the area was both out and thoroughly drenched. He blew the signal and they regrouped.
“Okay, we’ll do a fire walk. A line with ten feet between each of us and we’ll go over the area with a fine tooth comb. I drenched the area, but I know better then to trust a wildfire.”
They all nodded, understanding exactly his point. Tyler took the center, with Kaori to his right, Lily his left, Sera to Lily’s left, vixen to Kaori’s right, Wulf to sera’s left, Lucy to Vixen’s right, Malico to Wulf’s left, Serafina to Lucy’s right, Lillia to Malico’s left, Thistle to Serafina’s right, and Ashy to Lillia’s left. Once they were ready they walked along at a steady pace, seeking anything hot or looking it. If one was found, Tyler would drop a waterburst on it. Tyler was not taking a chance with a plains fire, and neither was any of the others.
“Hey, Tyler. Look.”
Lily picked a scorched arrowhead up. Tyler looked at it as the line stopped.
“We got an orc arrowhead. Heads up, Orcs were in the area.”
They nodded and hands were placed on weapons as they moved. They were climbing a small hill when Wulf was heard groaning.
“Gods dammit. This is the idiot spot I told you all about.”
The groan was felt throughout the party then. They crested the hill to find a now abandoned campsite. Tyler and Wulf went to look at the fire pit, as the other all looked around. The place had been left a mess, half eaten fruit, the smell of piss and shit, rotting meat, and the unmistakable smell of day old beer and vomit. Tyler sighed as he saw the firepit.
“Idiots. They didn’t even bother making a bank around the fire for sparks or cinders.”
Wulf stood and looked at the now blackened area.
“That fire started maybe four hours ago. This camp is maybe 6. So, they stayed here for the night, left before us, and didn’t put their fire out right and it sparked, setting the tinder of the plains alight.”
Thistle the blood elf sighed.
“A novice mistake, and a costly one at that.”
Tyler used a small water spell, water ball, to thoroughly soak the firepit.
“Only piece that don’t fit is that orc arrow.”
kaori had a thought.
“Maybe a scavenged shaft? We did the same when we were low.”
“Could be. It makes sense at least, only it was in a weird place.”
Lily sighed.
“Yeah, sadly any tracks got wiped out by the water walls.”
Tyler looked around again.
“Fire’s out, and that’s the important thing right now. I’m half tempted to do another once over with my water, but I don’t what to water log the earth.”
Ashy came to look at the ground.
“I’d agree with a once over. Same time it’s risky. I get the feeling this area might become a marsh if too much water gets dumped on it too fast.”
The Ranger was in agreement.
“It’s happened before. A fire broke out in my homeland a century ago, and the water mage that put it out was a most cautious one. He used his spells to drench the land a good three times. It was a wise move at the time, but now that area is a dirty swamp where once it was a once beautiful woodland. We forgave him for it, as better an ugly safe swamp then a forest of burnt out husks.”
Tyler was rubbing his chin when a thunder of hoof beats were heard down the hill. They looked to see a group of riders in leaf scale armour with am mage in a blue robe riding towards them. The party former up as the new arrivals reined in their mounts, as the mage in blue addressed them.
“We be friends, adventurers. We saw the smoke and came to deal with the flames. I be Yarrow. Who be ye?”
Tyler smiled.
“I’m Tyler the Outcast. This is my party.”
The riders all looked at each other shocked by the name. Then they thumped their chests.
The blue mage looked at the campsite.
“I trust this mess isn’t yours, sirrah?”
“It is not. We camped out over yonder.”
HE gestured up the road.
“We saw the spot on our map this morn, and felt it best to investigate. Thank the gods we did.”
Yarrow looked around.
“Pray tell, how did you put it out so quickly?”
“I am of the blue as well, and one spell I have is Waterwall and it’s follow up Water fall. The wall is 40 feet tall and 200 long. So, I raised the wall and dropped it upon the flames. Raise, walk ten feet, repeat.”
Yarrow was nodding.
“I see I see. A most effective strategy. I see the flames are out, yet may I ask why you’re still here?’
“We’re debating another once over with the water in case of a flare up. Myself, Kaori and Ashy there come from a forested town in our old world, and as such have seen what can happen when a wildfire is handled poorly. Plus, I keep feeling like we’re missing something here.”
The blue mage sat back in his saddle.
“The first issue, another pass with the water? It may seem like caution, and it is indeed justified when dealing with fire, but I’d advise against it. In this type of once over, dirt would suffice just as well.”
They looked at each other.
“That works.”
“Surprised we didn’t think of it ourselves.”
“A little TOO simple? We do love our convoluted schemes.”
They laughed as Yarrow spoke again, now smiling.
“The second issue, this feeling of yours, can you elaborate?”
Tyler passed him the arrowhead.
“My party member found this during our fire walk. Plus we saw a small party of Warriors pass this way. We’ve determined the fire started by a poorly maintained fire plus drunken idiots plus novices. Happens all the time, and in itself is nothing too bad. As we all start somewhere. Only piece that don’t fit is that arrowhead.”
Yarrow was nodding as he looked it over.
“I see the problem. How old is the fire?”
Wulf answered now.
“The plains started four hours ago. This camp is six.”
“This arrowhead, where exactly did you find it?”
Lily spoke up.
“A five minute walk that way in a trunk. I can show you if you need.”
“I think that would be best miss. I agree with the Outcast in this is out of place.”
The mken dismounted and followed Lily to the spot she found the head. She pointed out the trunk and Yarrow slotted it in and looked at it’s flight path.
“It came from the road.”
Tyler drew his blades.
“Let’s check it out.”
The group walked out onto the road, and saw evidence of a fight, bloodstains, tore up earth, but oddly no bodies. Tyler tilted his head.
“Okay, we tore through here to get in front of the blaze, and saw no dead nor wounded.”
Wulf and Kaori looked at the ground.
“Looks like a party of horses were ambushed here, and they bolted rather then fight.”
Tyler looked along the edge of the road.
“Hey, got a dead orc.”
They came over to see the thing had an arrow in it’s eye. The thing a yellow wood with a steel head and white feather flight. Tyler knew it.
“This is a shaft from Marissa’s quiver. See that red band? Her arrows had it for some reason.”
Tyler looked at the other side of the small ditch.
“Looks like something was dragged through there. Blades up.”
They all drew weapons as they moved to the other side of the ditch. They found another few dead orcs, and one still breathing. Tyler walked over and healed it enough to talk. It went white with fear as it saw The Outcast.
“A quick death! Please!”
“The hell happened last night?”
It squealed.
“Wes was waitin to ambush some new toys when this group come ridin by pretty as ya please. We sprung our trap, only theys was Warriors, and gave us a good drubbin. They droves us off before taking off down the trail. I was hit in me lung and left to die.”
Tyler looked back at the road.
“Okay, so a stray arrow missed and landed in the log before the fire got there. These things didn’t have anything to do with the fire, and it would seem those Warriors are just idiots.”
Yarrow was in agreement.
“The pieces fit now with this. At least it wasn’t anything serious.”
Tyler looked back to the thing.
“You have a camp?”
“That way, yonder.”
Tyler looked to the sky, and saw a tell tale smoke column. He nodded.
“Number of creatures?”
“Orcs all?”
“A hill and a troll.”
“Well, that’s a new one.”
He killed it before looking to yarrow.
“My party can handle the camp if you want to report back.”
Yarrow seemed a little hesitant.
“I understand your powerful an all, Sirrah, and no disrespect, but you seem a little outnumbered.”
“wanna watch?”
The group’s eyes lit up at the prospect of watching the Warriors work.
“It would be an honor, Sirrah!”
“Well, this is a training session for a few members, so I’d appreciate it if you keep your weapons sheathed, hard as it will be.”
They all nodded as Tyler looked to his party.
“Okay. Wulf, Lily, Sera, Lillia, annnnd, Let’s see.”
He looked at his party.
The named raiders all looked to weapons as the men looked at each other. Tyler followed Wulf to the spot as the now concerned men followed. The rest of the party was to guard the horses. The orc camp was in the bottom of an old river bed, and soon as they saw it, Tyler and Wulf laughed.
“Let’s just walk in the front door. I’ll claim the troll myself, as I have yet to kill one.”
Yarrow and his men took spots where they could watch the action with a clear view.
“Lily with me, Sera and Lilla with Wulf, and thistle do yo thang.”
She smiled as her new Magicite axe flared with her twin paths.
“Aye, lad. I need a chance to get to know me new friend.”
“Why I picked ya my bloody badass.”
Tyler pulled his short swords as Lily readied her shield. Tyler and the small girl walked to the gate, which was a blacken iron thing mounted between a pair of ten foot thick trees. Tyler was happily whistling as he stabbed his blades down, and tore it clean off it’s moorings to throw it aside with a bang. The creatures inside all looked on stupidly as Tyler and Lily walked in and slew the first two creatures they reached before all hell broke loose. An ugly green skinned thing with a most putrid smell rose up to attack them. Tyler had a look of pain as he cut it down.
“Dear gods that is foul. Okay, you smelly fuck. Two words. Bath tub.”
Lily was smiling as she used her training to make a pile of bodies at her small feet, as the creatures could not get past her shield. Tyler smiled as well.
“You’re doing great Lily.”
“Momma didn’t raise no slouch!”
Tyler laughed as he split a random ogre in half.
“Damn right she didn’t.”
There was a loud thud as a 25 foot tall hill giant appeared. Tyler looked at Lily.
“That one’s yours, Lily. If you get in a tight spot we’ll help you, but let’s see how you handle it.”
The small girl nodded and readied her weaponry as Yarrow looked to where Wulf was standing beside him.
“Is he mad? That thing’s big toe is bigger an she is!”
Wulf chuckled.
“He has faith in her. Lily is a far stronger girl then she appears, plus as long as he is standing right there, that thing WON’T kill her.”
Yarrow shook his head.
“It seems cruel to me, seeing such a small girl being pitted against such a massive foe like that. But we’ll see how it unfolds.”

Tyler had just killed the last orc and was watching the battle between the giant and Lily. The massive thing would swing it’s tree branch, only to miss as Lily used her small frame to her advantage to get close to slice off a piece of it’s ankle. Lily needing to move like a frightened rabbit to avoid getting crushed as it kicked out at her. Tyler smiled as he saw her chess game unfolding. She was far faster then the giant, and far more nimble as well. She worked the thing’s ankle for twenty minutes, before it finally buckled and feel. Only for Lily to leap up it’s frame like a deer to stab her small mythril blade in the back of the thing’s neck, killing it. Tyler clapped as she tore it free and hopped back down. He then lifted her up in a hug.
“Well done, Lily. You played that exactly as I would have in her shoes.”
She was breathing hard and was coated in sweat from the hard battle, but was smiling nonetheless.
“Thanks. I think I should just use arrows for them though. I’m not big enough to get in it’s face like you or Lucy do.”
The others came forward to congratulate her on a very good kill. Yarrow was a little intimidated by her successful kill.
“That was a sight to behold. A giant of the size normally needs ten men working together to bring it down. Yet that girl that’s not even at my waist killed it alone.”
Tyler smiled.
“I taught her myself.”
The blue mage understood then.
“I see now. She is a truly dangerous one then if she’s YOUR apprentice. You have a terrifying party here and no mistake.”
Tyler set the tired elf on her feet as the others began searching the dead.
“We’re not done yet. We got two full camps of these things to kill.”
yarrow looked at Lily as she dug around in an orc’s pockets.
“Don’t you think you’re being a little harsh? She’s a mere child afterall.”
Tyler smiled fondly.
“I don’t think I’m being harsh at all. Lily is a smith as well, so this is also to help build her stamina. Sera and Lillia need more sword practice, but are very good learners.”
Yarrow smiled.
“I mean no disrespect Sirrah. I just have a daughter their size and it goes against the grain a bit.”
“I understand. We lead a harsh live compared to most. So, sometimes we need to use more extreme means to test ourselves.”
The blue mage shook his head.
“A harsh life indeed. I am rather afraid of the kinds of Warriors they will turn into after your training.”
Tyler laughed.
“Damned good ones, yarrow. Damned good ones. When I’m satisfied with their skills, they’ll be able to eat these things for breakfast.”
They all laughed as Sera came over with a ring.
“Got a few.”
“We’ll give em to Malico.”
She ran off to search an other body. And Yarrow looked at Tyler with a raised eyebrow,
“Is that who I think it is?”
“Yup. She killed a minotaur Balor yesterday.”
The mage blinked, as his men all looked at the happily smiling girl.
“I’mm afraid I must see her bestiary.”
“Sure. Just do NOT tell anyone she or her sister are with us. Okay?”
“Of course Sirrah.”
“hey, sera, wanna brag?”
She came over giggling and pulled her HUD up to show off her kills. Yarrow gasped.
“A elder Lich, a greater Minotaur Balor, hill giants, Oricah.”
He looked at the smiling girl.
“Aren’t I great?”
Tyler hugged her as Yarrow laughed hard.
“Just really, Sera.”
“miss, it is good to see you are thriving.”
“Lillia is too! She killed a high draugr yesterday as well!”
The older sister smiled shyly.
“I’m still learning.”
They all smiled fondly as the rest of the camp was cleared. All told, 50 silver and a few licenses. They left the dead to return to the group. Yarrow and his men mounted up as well as the Outcasts.
“That was a sight to behold, Sirrah.”
“Tell your girl ya met the Outcasts and got to see em work.”
He laughed.
“Aye Sirrah. I will at that.”
“Question before you go.”
“Of course Sirrah.”
“Where’d you all come from?”
They laughed and Yarrow pointed in the direction they’d came from.
“we have a small village over yonder. Maybe an hour ride along the road.”
Tyler pulled the map out, and smiled as he saw the small ring of buildings.
“Well, after the first hill giant camp, we’ll pass through on our way to Yalik. Nice.”
Yarrow had a wide smile now.
“Then me girl will get to see heroes herself.”
“We’ll make an entrance. Just for her.”
That got a smile.
“She will have a tale to tell.”
“Just don’t tell her we’re coming through. Watch her mind go boom.”
Yarrow swung his horse around.
“Aye lad. We’ll go tell them the fire’s out.”
Tyler and his crew waved goodbye as Wulf pointed to the map.
“If we head this way, we’ll reach the hill camp in two hours.”
“Let’s move outcasts.”
That got a laugh as they moved along. Wulf leading as Kaori set the pace on the treacherous terrain. Once in a good spot they dismounted.
“Wulf, Sera, Lillia, Thistle, Serafina and Ashy.”
They nodded and followed the ranger to the camp. They felt the footsteps in the ground before they saw the camp. The place being at the top of a small rise and from what they could tell, 25 creatures lived in it. Tyler drew Gliepnir and Fafnir and looked to his crew.
“Wulf, Ashy, Sera and Lillia shoot arrows. Thistle with me, Serafina use the Wraith to make em hurt.”
They nodded and spilt again. Tyler and the blood elf walking through the 20 foot tall gate as Serafina used her stealth skills to move unseen. Tyler walked up to the first creature he saw and sliced it’s leg out from under it to impale it’s head on Fafnir before turning and doing the same do another one as Thistle cut legs out from beasts as well. The creatures surged forward to crush the intruders, only for another four to grow arrows out of their heads. Then Tyler ans Thistle were surrounded. Tyler smiling as a few started hopping as vials of acid hit their unguarded ankles. Tyler moved in with the blood elf to slit throats as clubs and hands swung and reached. All to no avail as the creatures died to the last. Then they regrouped.
“How’d we do?”
Sera and Lillia were rubbing their hands.
“My fingers hurt.”
“Yeah, that was a little rough.”
“well, we got one more to take before we’re done.”
The girls nodded as Wulf noticed something.
“Hey, is that a chest?”
The group looked over and sure enough, a twelve foot long chest was seen near the back of the hollow. Tyler took one look and blew his whistle.
“We are NOT touching that without all of us here.”
The camp was looted as the rest of the party arrived. Soon as they saw the chest they understood. Tyler looked at them.
“I’ll throw the lid. Rest be ready for anything.”
They nodded and stood back as Tyler went over to it. Thing was twelve feet long, four feet high, and seven across. It was made of rocks and metal with curious writing on the lid. He sighed as he grasped the lid.
“I am willing to bet undead giant.”
They snorted.
“Do it.”
He tore the lid clean off and jumped back as a fist the size of a ten pound boulder came out with a woosh.
“Grand Lich! Heart AND skull!”
“Get back! Sera, lily, Lillia, arrows only, everyone else, find a spot.”
Tyler had Gliepnir out as the thing sat up to rise, he slammed the blade against it, locking it against the box.
“Got it! Do it!”
Lilli came running over to fire a pair of arrows into the beasts ribcage, as Sera put arrows into it’s three foot wide skull. Tyler felt the dirt under him slipping as it was stronger then the earth he stood on.
“Dammit. The dirt’s giving!”
He jumped back as he felt it go, and the thing surged forward from the force of it’s pushing. Lillia was right there with her Pink Piercer spell, Rose Thorn. She had it on four shafts, and as the Outcast jumped back, she fired as the thing shot forward. The dragon scale shafts piercing the skull, and splitting it. It died with a howl as Lillia just looked at it stunned.
“Did. I do it?”
Vixen held up a hand.
“It’s dead again. Well done, Lillia, you killed a grand Lich.”
Tyler was right there to hug her.
“That was a brilliantly timed attack, Lillia! See? You can handle yourself just fine!”
She had tears in her eyes as she hugged him tightly, and the rest of the party came in as well.
“We didn’t even have to do anything.”
“Aye, Kaori. Those three lasses had it well handled.”
“Their teamwork was flawless as well.”
Tyler stroked her soft black hair as she basked in their praise.
“See, Lillia? We all believed in you. You can do it too. Well done.”
She smiled as she let him go.
“I killed a grand Lich. Me! A royal princess!”
Sera giggled.
“We’re adventurers sis! Not JUST a pair of pampered palace pets!”
That got a laugh. The looting began and it did not take long. Though Tyler had to lift the grand Lich out of it’s coffin. All told: 1212 gold, 333 sliver, 546 copper, a Magicite battleaxe Lucy claimed as her own was chipping badly, a few licenses, one being a new water spell called Ocean Splash. Another addition to Waterburst. It made the waters inside the ball like rocks, in short shredding anything within like a grinder. They then mounted up to head to the village to make a girl’s dream come true. They returned to the road and headed along at a steady clip, as they felt the need to make up some distance. They came upon the small village after an hour of riding, and Tyler smiled as he saw the now curious group of villagers looking down the road to see their new visitors. The village was indeed small, only like twenty buildings with a small fence around the perimeter. As they rode through the gate, a small group of twenty militia came forward to address the newcomers.
“Sirrah. Be ye Warriors?”
Tyler smiled at them.
“Aye, Warriors we be. I am Tyler the Outcast.”
The gasps of shock and awe went through the gathered people like a wind gust. The leader of the militia dipped his head.
“I see, Sirrah. Welcome to our village. We don’t have much, but yer welcome regardless.”
Tyler looked around, until he spotted the familiar blue of Yarrow’s robe.
“Truth be told, we came cause we heard that mage’s girl needed a tale to tell.”
Yarrow laughed as he came forward with a small girl Lily’s size with bright black hair, light skin, big blue eyes, and clad in a light gown. The himself was a tall, lanky fellow with a wispy beard of white with the same blue eyes. Tyler got off his horse to meet the small girl.
“Hi miss. Heard you were a fan.”
Her mouth formed a cute O as he hugged her, while Yarrow just laughed again.
“I see the rumors of your fondness for the wee ones was true afterall.”
Tyler just chuckled as he patted her.
“I like to play big brother sometimes. Since I never really got to growing up.”
The girl recovered and squealed happily.
“The Outcast came to see me!”
Tyler looked to sera, who smiled and got off her horse to give the small girl a dose of hug death. The girl gasped hard ass he knew her.
“I got a hug from YOU?”
Sera giggled.
“Our secret.”
The poor girl’s mind was effectively destroyed by this turn of events, and she just gaped blankly at her father as everyone just chuckled fondly. Then Tyler noticed something on her arm.
“Here, miss. What happened to your arm?”
She jerked out of her mind shattered state to show him the bandage on her arm.
“Another group of Warriors came through this morning while I was doing my chores, and they took a shot at me with an arrow and it grazed me. It’s okay now. Papa fixed it up.”
Tyler sighed.
“Just to be sure. Holy Relief.”
He cast a full powered relief upon the now awestruck girl. She then started giggling like he was tickling her as the magic did it’s work, healing her arm, and curing the start of an infection as well. Then he hugged her again as she looked at her arm in awe.
“We’ll smack those idiots for making you cry.”
She giggled again as Yarrow laughed.
“I see even your generosity is true. Thankee kindly.”
Tyler stood pated the girl.
“Like I’d let her down. Well, we need to keep moving.”
She sighed.
“You’ll be back through, right?”
“Sooner or later.”
She smiled again.
Tyler got back on his horse,
“Hey, watch this.”
She looked up as he breathed his blue flames for her, putting a mass of stars in eyes along with the villagers. He then looked at her.
“What’s your name missy?”
She was looking at him with worship in her eyes.
“Nice to meet you Clare. I’m Tyler.”
They moved on then, as Clare looked at her father.
“Papa. I met the Outcast!”

Tyler and his crew left the village with smiles as they listened to Clare’s mind struggle to process what just happened. They rode on, Kaori giving the nod for a full gallop as the ground was flat and even, and they went some good distance when they stopped for lunch. Tyler took the map out again to get a feel for the road ahead, as Wulf and Ashy got in to each other again. Tyler smiled as Kaori sat next to him.
“It looking good?”
“Yes you are. The road? Sure.”
She kissed him for that.
“So, how close are we?”
“Very, and I want to get closer. As for Yalik? Maybe, halfway.”
She sat in his lap and he wrapped her in his arms.
He smiled and pulled her against him.
“Sure. I still want in you, but we’ll wait for a bit.”
She just smiled as she leaned back against him.
“I want you in me too, but we’ll wait until we can take a proper ride.”
He smiled as they looked at the map. The next hill giant camp was another few hours away, so they would try and rest a bit as they went. If they saw bandits, it would be a wholesale slaughter rather then a training bout. They ate the food and were back in the saddle to continue their trip. Wulf taking a spot beside Tyler now, as they were nearing the next camp.
“We’ll need to go easy to get there, as it’s on a mountain side.”
They went along, every now and then hearing a giggle from Sera was Sallie or Sylvia would poke her in their spirit forms.
“Okay, we leave the road here.”
Tyler nodded and they slowed to a walk as they followed the elven ranger into the bush up the small mountain. The path they took had no road, so Kaori was also right beside them to get make sure the way forward was safe for the horses as well as them. They came to a point where the grass gave way to stone, and the clip clop of hooves was heard on the rock.
“It weird I kinda love how that sounds?”
Kaori chuckled.
“I do as well. Oddly soothing.”
“Yeah, like sirens and horns in the city are soothing to those that live there.”
They smiled as Wulf pointed to a tall bit of rock.
“Okay, we’re nearly there. We’ll hitch the horses there and walk.”
“Got it.”
They hitched the horses to the tall rock and the whole party went this time, as since it was in such a dangerous spot, no chances were being taken. They were as silent as shadows and fast as wind as they neared their prey. They came around a small corner, and saw the camp head on. The creatures had not yet noticed them, and there were maybe 45 of them in it. Tyler looked to the group.
“We’ll kill all but three. The girls’ exam will be to kill one each single handedly. We clear?”
Sera and Lillia gulped and nodded as Lily gripped her shield.
“I’ll do my best.”
“As will I.”
“I got this.”
The party drew weapons and moved in. Tyler had Gliepnir and Fafnir out as he sliced the legs out from the first creature he saw, and splitting its head on his other blade as the others moved in like a broom, sweeping the giants away before them. Tyler smiling as he and Kaori were back to back carving the beasts apart, while Wulf and Ashy fired arrows to keep them off balance. Thistle and Lucy were also back to back with their axe blades in sync as Serafina moved through the shadows to throw acids and cut tendons in ankles, whereas Vixen was casting illusions on the three selected for the test. Malico was firing arrows with the three girls, Sera, Lilli and Lily as they waited for the nod to begin their exam. After a thirty minute fight, only the three remaining giants still stood. Tyler cleared an arena out and looked to Lillia.
“Your up, Lillia. No bow, as you’re already up to snuff with it.”
She gulped and drew her sword as she took her spot across from the 25 foot tall hill giant. She took a deep breath and readied herself as Vixen let it free from her spell to attack the nervous princess. The lumbering giant swung its club, as Lillia ducked underneath the long thing to slice a chunk out of the back of its ankle, before rolling away as it kicked at her. Her blue eyes locked on the beast before her as she dodged another shot to carve another chunk from the same place. She did this same process twice more, before it buckled to the ground, as she leapt up its side to stab it in the neck, killing it. She tore her blade free and dropped down as it hit the ground with a thud to a round of applause from the team. Tyler walked over and hugged the panting princess.
“All you need now is experience. Well done Lillia.”
She smiled as she got a hug from the team before taking her seat to rest.
“Sera, you’re up.”
She nodded and moved to the center as Tyler moved Lillia’s kill out of the way. Sera’s giant was the same height, only wielding a stone club this time. The small princess raised her blade as it charged her, dodging exactly like Lillia had before her, only instead of going to the ankle, she used a dagger to climb up the leg of the beast as it tried to grab her, only to realize it couldn’t reach her as she got to a point on its back where she drove her sword through the beasts skin and pierced its heart before dropping as it fell to the ground. She got a round of applause as well, as Tyler hugged the small girl.
“Damn, Sera. Nice thinking.”
She giggled.
“I been watching!”
“Atta girl!”
She sat next to Lillia, getting a hug as well from her big sister as lily took her spot. The giant she faced now was smaller then the other she’d killed, but still imposing at 20 feet. She readied her sword and shield as the thing swung a hunk of metal at her as she rolled under it to stab it in a knot on the ankle that brought he beast to its knees, before springing up to stab it in the neck like she’d killed the other. Then she dropped to the ground to applause. Tyler smiled as he hugged the small girl.
“even easier the second time.”
She smiled.
“Yup. Things are easy.”
Tyler looked the girls.
“Next test is killing a bandit camp…WITHOUT my help. At all.”
They nodded as the looting began. They walked away 50 gold richer and returned to the road to keep going. The three girls with a newfound pride in their accomplishments and a new confidence in themselves. They rode along until the shadows lengthened when Wulf called out.
“There’s a decent spot not too far from here for a campsite.”
They followed the ranger to the spot and smiled as they saw it was another place like the alcove they’d slept in the night prior. It was a well hidden spot, invisible from the road with a clear view of it as well, and the pocket inside the alcove was like a small cave. Tyler and Serafina cleared it this time, and he found something different this time.
“Hey, Wulf, the hell is this?”
He came in with a lantern and looked at the odd stone Tyler and the Wraith were looking at. It was a deep blue, and glistened like water in the lantern light. Wulf tilted his head.
“A water stone? Try Appraisal.”
Tyler’s eyes glowed as he looked at the rock.
“Okay, says its called Watercite. Used to make Blue path weapons and gear. Neat.”
Wulf smiled.
“A vein like this is rare. You should grab it.”
“A chance to use that damned pickaxe.”
They laughed as he used his Mine skill to remove the thirty foot hunk of ore from the wall. Once stored he used his Prospect skill on the hole, finding another two veins, a diamond, and a rather brilliantly shining sapphire. Tyler added the goods to the crafting pouch before setting the defense spells up along with the tent. Once all was set, Sallie and Sylvia joined them in their physical forms. The green haired girl sitting right in Tyler’s lap as Sylvia was nearly throttled again by Sera as they all sat by the fire. Lily was rubbing her arms as she relaxed with Lillia.
“Sore, Lily?”
She smiled.
“Like I do at the end of a busy Smithing day. It feels good, but I’ll need to take it easy tomorrow or I’ll hurt myself.”
Tyler nodded.
“I understand. We should reach Yalik by tomorrow night, so you’ll get your rest. You three earned it.”
They smiled proudly as Lillia had a thought.
“Our next test is us killing a camp alone, right?”
“What will that look like?”
“Wulf will guide you to it, and you four will kill it. I’ll stay with the others.”
She nodded.
“Okay, so this is what training under you is like when you get serious.”
“Harsh, and against the odds. Yet when you beat them, you feel like you worked for it.”
She smiled as she laid by the fire.
“I get it. I’ll try and rest then.”
Tyler chuckled as Sallie snuggled against him. HE was seated against a rock, with a clear view fo the road. HE pulled his HUD up to see the day’s news.
“Today in Vernillion. The Outcasts are once again owed a debt of gratitude, for early this morning, a fire broke out in the eastern plains near Yalik. The Outcasts were camped out nearby, and were alerted by the map they hold, which updates magically every time it is opened, and since Tyler is the thoroughly cautious type, he looks it over every morn and night. Upon noticing an area of black in the otherwise tan plains, he roused his camp to deal with the blaze himself, as he is a very powerful blue path as well as a white. Tyler put the flames out using his own water spells, which I myself have witnessed and can attest to the strength of. The mage and rangers that were sent to put it out themselves, led by the blue mage Yarrow met the Outcasts as they sought the find the cause of the fire. It turned out a small party of Warriors passed through earlier, and were mere novices in the ways of camping, for a poorly maintained and doused fire sparked after they left and set the dry plains alight. A sadly all too common occurrence in our world. Yarrow and his men were then permitted to witness an Outcast training session, and in his own words.
“The Outcast does NOT go easy. He pitted that small elven girl he has with him in single combat with a hill giant 25 feet tall. She killed it without a scratch, which was a sight the behold. When I asked him if he was being harsh, he shrugged, saying they lead harsher lives an most. Plus he has faith in them, especially that Lily. The girl he pitted the giant against, as he trained her himself. That girl is going to be a terrifying force if the Outcast HIMSELF is training her.”
I know Lily personally. She is indeed a most fierce girl with the courage to boot. Her mother, queen Willow, had a response for this news.
“It seems me girl’s winning her battle. Or the Outcast has merely taken a most brotherly fancy to her. If HE is training her, then she will become a true force to deal with.”
The story does not end there, for it would seem the Outcast’s training regiment is indeed as harsh as is described, for Tyler told Yarrow they were hunting hill giant camps as well. If giants are a mere training run for his party, then I shudder at what is considered the real thing. King Ishtar also weighed in on the Outcast’s methods.
“It is a most harsh and intense regiment indeed. Yet, it is no less harsh then his own training when he got here. As running from the guard in the pope’s tower after a most noble defense of his love is indeed a baptism by fire. If he is satisfied with their progress, woe to any who dare try them.”
The king has faith in the man’s methods, and we eagerly await the results. In other news, the trials of the Warriors still continue, as more brands were handed out before being cast out. There is now three distinct factions of Warriors in the land. One is led by Max, and continues to rape and pillage as they please, this being the largest with the most Warriors under the brat’s banner, a smaller group under Kazuma that are trying to make the best of the current situation by killing monsters, helping people and other such deeds. Me thinks these Warriors just needed someone to point them in the right direction. And the last faction, and the smallest, is led by Tyler the Outcast. Them just living their lives as they see fit to, while going on adventures and living as Warriors of old did. Plus, it seems the Outcast has indeed taken a new Warrior into his camp. A girl by the name of Ashy, who until a few days ago was roaming the wilds alone, as it would seem people are not her type. From Yarrow’s report, she has a trusted spot with the lady Kaori on the team. And since Kaori’s position is survival expert in the wilds, it stands to reason this Ashy holds a most similar skillset. It seems the number of True Warriors in the land has gone from 3, to 4. Let us pray that the number keeps growing. Other news is in regards to a small village in the west called Trost. The mayor of the small grain farming town was tried on charges for intentional horse poisoning when it was discovered he had deliberately sold contaminated grain a passing group of Warriors had used as a latrine to the local area. The tainted feed was discovered by none other then the Outcasts as their horse expert Kaori had noticed an illness in a draft horse the family of Yorlund used to pull their cart. The mayor was found guilty and sentenced to hang for the poisoning. The town of Yalik is bracing for the Outcasts’ visit in the day or so, as in Lymir’s words.
“When the Outcasts come to town, the gutters get cleaned, trash taken out, and beauties bedded with a passion. So, we’re prepping them all.”
The Outcasts are truly sought after company. I, for one, long for the Blonde.”

Tyler looked at Kaori.
“Hey, lookee here.”
Kaori came over curious and read that last line.
“I, for one long for the Blonde?”
She looked at him with a knowing smile.
That got a soft chuckle from the tired group. Sallie was happily settled into Tyler’s lap as Sylvia was nestled against Vixen’s pale form. The sexy black mage had taken her robe off and was laying on it as usual, and Sylvia seemed to love it. Tyler and his friends enjoyed their meal of lisk and some sweets they’d packed for the trip and just relaxed by the fire. Then Lily yawned.
“That’s the bell.”
They laughed as they filed into the tent as Sallie and sylvia grumbled at having to return to spirit form. But a warm hug from each made them feel better. Tyler settled down between Malico and Kaori as Lily stuffed herself between him and Malico.
“Good night ladies and Lily.”
“Good night my future husband.”
They chuckled fondly as they drifted off.


Tyler opened his eyes to see that at some point, he’d cradled Lily’s small form against him like a teddy bear. He smiled fondly as he saw this. She may sometimes make me nervous with that fire, but I do love her a lot. She’s a helluva a little sister. He looked over his shoulder to see Kaori was still asleep, and kissed her awake. The blonde beauty smiled as she opened her green eyes.
“Good morning my love.”
“Good morning, my lover.”
She smiled wider and looked over his shoulder to see him cradling the small elf.
“She looks so cute like that.”
“That she does. I love this cute little wildcat.”
“I love my future husband too.”
She opened her red eyes to smile at him.
“Plus he is great to snuggle.”
The trio smiled as they rose silently to begin the day, passing Wulf and Ashy as they lay tangled again. Ashy topless as well, and Tyler smirked as they went out the flap.
“It mean I had an idea?”
Kaori looked at him.
“What was the idea?”
“Drip a little cold water on her nipples as she slept.”
Lily and Kaori laughed quietly as they got the fire going and the food laid out.
“It’d be funny to hear her reaction, but it is a little mean.”
“Do it to Malico.”
They both looked at Lily as she smiled evilly,
“Wow, Lily, evil. I love it.”
She sniggered as the fire was relit and the coffee set to brew. Tyler sat by the rock and opened the map up again, as Lily plopped herself down in his lap to watch him work. Tyler looked at the stretch of green and grey along the route, indicating a forest and rocky area. Tyler sipped his coffee as he saw the lines for topography showed a bit of a descent. Lily saw it too.
“Kaori sets our pace?”
“She knows best.”
Lily rubbed her arm.
“How’s it feel this morning?”
She smiled.
“A little stiff, but fine over all. More like I did a lot of hammering of iron yesterday. If possible, I can’t use this arm today, or I risk the muscle.”
“Sure. Most we need to worry about are a few bandits. You, Sera and Lillia get your breathing time, as you all earned it from yesterday. Gives the rest of us a chance to play.”
Lily rested her black haired head against his chest as Wulf came out for his morning rite. Ashy came out still topless and sat next to the fire as she looked at the map.
“How’s it looking?”
“A little pale. Should tan more.”
She smiled as lily looked her rack over.
“eh, Kaori’s are better. Least they don’t sag.”
Ashy blinked, and her expression became more strained as Tyler became very interested in the map all of a sudden.
“Well, Lily, not all of us are as well endowed as Kaori are.”
Lily looked at her own meager chest.
“That’s true. Momma said I’ll be as big as her, but I worry.”
Tyler hugged the smaller girl.
“Whatever you get will look great on you Lily.”
She smiled as she leaned over to give a stunned Ashy a morning breast exam.
“Wow, firmer an I thought. Kaori’s got her beat though, hers are like really hard pillows.”
“Awww, thanks Lily!”
Kaori was laughing as Tyler just stayed the fuck out of the two girls chat, as Lily continued groping Ashy as Wulf took a seat across from them. OUT of smacking range.
“Road look good?”
Tyler tapped the spot it went downhill.
“Kaori sets our pace here.”
“Agreed. I’ve heard tales of idiots that didn’t see or know of the slight dip, and either got thrown, got their horse killed, themselves killed or some combo of the former.”
Lily was still playing with a now just taking it Ashy as Tyler tilted his head.
“We’re a good halfway to our goal. Today, Lily, Sera and Lillia get a light day. Lily’s arm is stiff and their fingers are most likely stiff too.”
Wulf nodded.
“I agree. It is downright dangerous to push them that hard every day. Stronger though they may be.”
“Plus, at this point I’m happy with their skills. All that’s really left are different situations and handicaps to test themselves with.”
Ashy was now starting to moan a little under Lily’s hands, as Lily herself was smiling as well. Kaori came over and took a seat next to Tyler, amused at the sight of Lily getting her boob on.
“Okay, so are we still hunting bandits?”
HE nodded.
“they’re easy. Plus fun too. We’ll take them though.”
Lily got up and sat in Ashy’s lap now to get fully into her rack as Kaori stole her seat, and Tyler wrapped her in his arms.
“So, we have our plan.”
He kissed Kaori on her neck, getting a shiver as Sera came out yawning and rubbing her eyes.
“Morning everyone.”
She sat by Tyler, not even looking twice at Lily now full on suckling on Ashy’s nipples. Wulf chuckled at the sight.
“I see she’s getting to that age.”
“I thought she had another hundred years?”
Wulf just smiled.
“For puberty. Her instincts and lust? That hits sooner for elven children.”
“Damn. Well, there goes me spear.”
That got a laugh as Lily got up to full-blown kiss Ashy on the mouth, as Wulf was heard commenting.
“Have fun you two. Just be careful to not go TOO overboard.”
That got him a thumbs up from both girls as ashy was now on top of Lily giving her some good tongue. Tyler shrugged and let the girls play as he looked to his HUD for stats. He smiled as he saw he had another 125 to throw. So, he added 25 to strength, agility, a full 50 to his Physical defense, and the last 25 to magic. Bringing his totals to strength 450, agility to 425, and physical defense 455 with magic at 350. He smiled as he saw he had a new title. Curious, he looked at it.
“Hey, I got a new Title.”
Kaori looked at it.
“Wandering Hero?”
Wulf chuckled as the two girls moaning increased.
“Wandering Hero gets awarded for traveling to at least three different places a good hundred miles apart and leaving a hero. In other words, a title exclusively for heroes.”
Sera giggled as Ashy had her morning orgasm off an overly eager Lily.
“I keep telling you he is a hero! MY hero!”
Tyler smiled as he patted her hair.
“Just for you, Sera.”
They looked over the map a bit more as Lily got her own orgasm off Ashy as the rest of the party came out for breakfast. Once the two girls were satisfied, food eaten and camp torn down, they saddled up and rode out. Tyler smiled at Ashy’s flushed face.
“Have fun?”
She licked her lips.
“Oh, I LOVE me an elf!”
Tyler laughed as Wulf and Lily looked at each other.
“Yeah, Ashy had a hard fetish for elves in our world.”
Kaori was heard sniggering.
“And HE had a hard fetish for goths.”
“And NOW we got two!”
Serafina and Vixen looked at each other and smirked.
“I can do that.”
“I WANT to do that.”
“Nifty. A threeway with a wraith and a black mage.”
They all laughed as the party neared the dip. Kaori setting the pace to a light canter as they moved. They were in good spirits and even better company as they rode along. Tyler in the lead with his perception with Sallie sitting in her spirit form and her green hair blown out behind her as they went. Sylvia was riding with Vixen and was loving it. Tyler smiled as he had a thought.
“hey, I just realized something.”
Kaori looked at him from her spot.
“This oughta be good.”
“we don’t even have a deck of cards for camp.”
They all blinked at that one. Then Wulf was heard chuckling.
“The things that mind comes up with when left to wander.”
Tyler smiled.
“We’ll get one. I’ll look over that scroll minus gave us again, as I wonder if games from our world are banned.”
Kaori tilted her head.
“Strip poker?”
“Yes, but I was thinking more like boardgames like monopoly or life or the like.”
Kaori smiled.
“I wonder if they have chess here?”
“If not, the pieces and rules are simple enough to teach and make. Plus it’d give us something to do when resting in camp.”
That got a smile from the crew. Lily was heard then.
“I wanna play a few ‘games’ with him.”
“well, there goes my peaceful slumber.”
Sallie giggled.
“If you come visit us, and she does things to you, it’ll work for her and you’ll still be well rested!”
Tyler and kaori looked at each other a little concerned.
“Okay. Let’s NOT tell her that one.”
“yeah, just gonna pretend to NOT know that.”
Sallie giggled again as they went by a small field of barley. Tyler smiled as he saw the grain.
“hey, Sera, Lillia, how you feel today?”
The two girls flexed their hands.
“A little stiff, and my sword arm is sore.”
“Same. I can barely hold my sword.”
“You and Lily got a rest day. Anymore and we risk the tendon.”
They nodded as they passed into a small canyon. Tyler smiled.
“Let’s see if any idiots are about today.”
That got a laugh as they slowed down and relaxed. Tyler had out a set of gold coins and was counting them as they went, as kaori brushed her golden ponytail. Tyler happened to notice something.
“That thing’s looking kinda ragged, isn’t it?”
She smiled sadly.
“Yeah. It’s missing bristles and it cracked. I don’t wanna replace it since you bought for me and all.”
“We’ll see if it can be repaired in town.”
She smiled at that.
“Thanks. It’s a kinda memento of our journey.”
“Hey, I get it.”
he smiled as he noted shadows along the top of the canyon and flipped a gold coin and placed it in a bait pouch on his belt as a spear this time slammed into his chest and bounced off. He blinked and looked around as if confused as a group of men with drawn bows behind a shield wall aimed at them with a similar formation behind them. Tyler looked at the groups.
“Wow. Kinda smart really.”
A man in plate mail came forward.
“Alright kids. Money, women, and that elven girl. Hand em over.”
Tyler smiled.
“Water wall.”
the wall of water rose 40 feet high behind the line of men at the back of the party. Blocking them in as the men fired their arrows, only for them to get hit with a fire spell from Kaori.
“Hellfire Kiss!”
Tyler had reached the bandits by then and had drawn Oblivion and Oathkeeper as the canyon was too small for his bastard swords. He dove into the first of the men, and used his flame breath.
“Crystal dragon roar!”
He set a group alit with Glacious’ flames as Kaori took three with her katana. Behind them, Lucy and Thistle were getting their blood on as the two axe ladies smashed through man and armor alike. Wulf was firing arrows with Ashy at would be snipers on the canyon tops, and every now and then one would get hit and fall into the canyon. The bandits were ripped apart with the last survivor being the man in plate armor. Tyler came over smiling as his crew got to looting as he looked the man in the eye.
“Your camp?”
The man was shaking.
“That makes it easier.”
The terrified man passed him the map.
“No chant.”
“Number of men?”
“Blue, black, a white, and a red.”
“Nice rainbow there. Leader have a bounty?”
“Most likely. I know not for certain.”
“Nice to NOT have to torture for once. Weirdly boring though. Not sure why.”
HE knocked him out and searched him before dumping him in a ditch.
“10 gold, 32 silver.”
“A few. Them too. Malico got em.”
“Alright. Wulf, have a look.”
Tyler and the ranger looked at the map location. The ranger frowned.
“Should be fun this one. They’re set into a small alcove like the one we camped in.”
“We’ll need Vixen to deal with the blacks, Me to keep that white from screwing with us, let’s see. Who else?”
He looked at his team.
“We’ll take Serafina, Lucy, Ashy and Kaori. Plus Wulf and Vixen.”
The named crew nodded and looked to weapons as Wulf led them to the spot on the map. It was a rather short ride down the road to the left of the canyon wall. They had found an alcove-like cave in the side of a red sandstone rock face a decent three hundred feet tall. Tyler smiled as they dismounted and drew blades. The group walked silently across the rocky terrain that reminded Tyler of an Arizona desert. They spotted the camp and smiled.
“Wanna just kick the door in?”
The raiders smiled as well.
“Aye, laddee.”
They went fast and quiet then. Tyler with Gliepnir and Fafnir out and two the sides as he raced forward. The camp had a front gate, but Tyler just smiled as he used a blue spell.
“Water blade.”
It coated the dual blades in a layer of blue water that increased their cutting power. He then spun a sideways flip and as he landed he smashed the gate with a loud bang. The camp was caught completely by surprise by the brazen assault. Tyler pounced on a group of ten men as they fumbled for swords and staves as he cut them to pieces. Lucy swung her new Magicite axe that flared with her twin paths of grey brown, and any the 7 foot tall barbarian hit with it came apart at the seams. Wulf and Ashy were working in tandem, as Wulf could handle a sword, he’d charge a group as Ashy fired arrows around him. The combo attacks working neatly. Vixen was having fun throwing acid at people, along with a new black called Wave of Pain. A wave of acid like Tyler’s Waterfall spell, only corrosive. Serafina was also active in her own quiet way. The Wraith would sneak around and leave a man dead with a stabbed kidney or a punctured jugular. Kaori was dancing amid a group of men with her slim katana slicing people clean in half. The friends made short work of the group as a burly man in fur armor came out with a neon green greatsword 7 feet long. Tyler smiled as he charged him, the man lowered the tip of his blade to impale the boy through the stomach, only for Tyler to pivot on a foot and cleave the man’s head from his shoulders. The man fell and that was that for the battle.
“How we doing?”
Lucy was wiping gore off her axe.
“Was fun to kick the door in as ya say laddee.”
“I’m good.”
“Been a while since we played rush.”
“What he said.”
“I too am fine.”
“That was fun.”
They got to looting the camp as Tyler looked for a bounty.
“Okay. Clark. Wanted dead. Reward is 250 gold. Eh. Good enough I guess.”
Tyler looked at the green sword and smiled.
“That blade is worth more an he is. Hey, Wulf.”
The ranger looked up from his current corpse as Tyler lifted the blade.
“Find something?”
“Wondering if this can be reworked into something smaller for Malico.”
He smiled.
“With that much material, maybe a few things.”
“Nifty. I’ll see about some more green path gear for her.”
The party walked away with 35 gold, 45 silver and 58 copper, a few banneds, a new white offense spell called White Fire. Basically a fire spell that had an extreme effect on undead. A new blue called water walk that allowed the caster to walk on water, which Tyler thought kinda nifty. As they left the camp he had a thought.
“hey, I was wondering something.”
Wulf looked at him as they went.
“This should be good. What is it?”
“Do they have water breathing spells?”
Wulf smiled.
“They do. Only there are exceedingly rare. I’ve heard it said that only the Merfolk are allowed to sell such a spell. For not only does it allow the breathing of water like a fish, but it also allows better swimming like one as well. What brought that one up?”
“Just thinking of my paths and what direction I want to take em. What path is ice magic?”
“Believe it or not, ice is a mix between white and blue. The color itself is a shade of blue. I think called Azur?”
“Huh. So, as I understand it, if it’s a blue shade it won’t fight me?”
“No. It will be as easy for you as say water wall.”
“neat. I’ll add some ice spells to me arsenal.”
Kaori tilted her head.
“You thinking of ice walls and spikes?”
“Yeah. More or less. Plus having a few ice spells can be useful in certain situations. Like say one of us gets hit with heat stroke, we get hot in the tent, or want a cold drink.”
Kaori and his friends all laughed.
“I see the appeal.”
Wulf held his chin as he thought.
“I think you should talk to an ice mage about eating it. I’m not entirely sure of the safety of it.”
“Sure. I’m more spitballing right now.”
Lucy the barbarian looked up at the unfamiliar term.
“What be spitballing?”
“Throwing a bunch of ideas at the wall and seeing what sticks.”
“ah. I see.”
Kaori had a thought herself.
“I’m a pure red path. It’s directly across from blue, yet shares colors with white and yellow. I wonder if it’s worth adding some lightning spells?”
Tyler thought about it.
“I’d hold off until we get a better understanding of how magical lightning works. Last thing we need is you casting a bolt and it gets attracted to someone else’s weapon instead”
The group nodded as they returned to the group. As they did, they found them all on their horses looking at something further down the road. Tyler and the party walked over.
“See something interesting?”
Malico pointed down the road.
“There’s a person walking along the road alone in a rather unsettling manner. Look.”
They did and There was indeed a person walking along the road alone. Tyler tilted his head as he saw the thing’s shuffling gait.
“A Broken? Vixen.”
She used her far sight and nodded.
“Yup. We’ve found a Broken One alright.”
Tyler and his party mounted up then. They didn’t approach the creature as Tyler used his own far sight. The person was a man with rotting flesh, white sightless eyes, ragged clothing, a slack jaw, black skin, and more or less dragged it’s feet along the road. Tyler blinked as he looked to Vixen. The black mage had a pitying expression on her face.
“So we just smash it’s head right?”
She nodded sadly.
“Indeed. Or use one of your white undead spells.”
“So that’s what a Broken One looks like? Well, let’s put the poor bastard down.”
She nodded as he fitted an arrow with his Holy Smite spell bound to it and fired at it. It hit the Broken in the chest and it screamed with such relief as it burst into white flames as it’s ruined soul was both purified by his white magic and freed by it as well. It then vanished as it’s body was consumed and the arrow fell to earth with a faint clack. The party rode to the spot and a flower was seen with the arrow resting on it. Tyler retrieved the shaft and sighed.
“Poor bastards.”
They rode on as the scent of salt water started to fill their noses.
“We’re about a few hours out, right?”
Wulf sniffed the breeze.
“I’d say maybe three. Soon as you sniff saltwater, you’re nearly there.”
Tyler smiled as they looked to Kaori.
“Is the pace good?”
They were still going downhill at a steady rate, and the road was wide. The blonde beauty sighed.
“We can’t risk any faster. We do we’ll risk killing the horses.”
“Why we have you here, kaori.”
She smiled as they went along. As they went, Tyler spotted a small fox-like creature in the woods next to them.
“Hey, the hell is that thing?”
Wulf looked over as the thing bounded alongside the group like a squirrel. It had large fox ears, raccoon like fur, and a small frame. The ranger smiled.
“That’s a Foxling. Small creatures hunted for their furs. I’ve heard it said that their fur is so soft it’s like down.”
Tyler looked at the thing curiously.
“Well, it’s definitely following us. So, I’d say not a normal foxling.”
Wulf watched it now as well.
“I see what you mean. No normal creature follows humans and elves on horses like that.”
“Wanna see if it’s a spirit?”
“Ask the girls.”
Tyler looked to Sallie in front of him.
“Friend of yours?”
The green haired girl giggled.
“It’s a Fox Spirit! She says she’s curious about you!”
“In what way?”
“Teehee. She and Seline are good friends, so both!”
Tyler smiled as he looked at Kaori, the blonde snorted.
“Oh go play with her. We can use the chance to rest the horses.”
“Love you too.”
The party laughed as they rode to a small hollow out of sight of the road for a breather. Tyler climbed down as the foxling came and looked at him with head tilted, as if to say, who the hell are who? Tyler chuckled as he crouched in front of the tiny thing, it being maybe two feet long.
“So, Sallie here say’s you’re a fox spirit.”
The thing dipped it’s muzzled head in a nod.
“You got a human form?”
“Ooookay. Can you take it please? Kinda odd talking to a fox.”
“You talk to me.”
“You a hot Vixen. But you speak!”
That got a laugh from the mage, and a small gasping snort from the foxling. Then it glowed as the girls did when taking human form. It rose to Tyler’s height and blinked leaving a tall lady with a set of five very thick red fox tails flowing behind her. She was a beautiful lady, white skin, bright yellow eyes with a most lively, excitable light within them, a pair of four inch tall red fox ears on her head, a massive flopping rack, and long legs atop delicate bare feet. She even had a pair of adorable fox whiskers by her small nose above her full lips. She was clad in a gown of pale red, and it ended at her ankles. Tyler tilted his head.
“Wow. Another hot fox. Nice to meetcha, I’m Tyler, Miss?”
She smiled, revealing white teeth.
Vixen gasped.
“The Lady of Foxes herself? It is an honor!”
Tyler looked at the fox spirit.
“Are you like a goddess of foxes?”
She nodded as her tails flicked and twitched behind her.
“Indeed mortal.”
Her voice was both high, sweetly kind and oddly relaxing. Like a violinist that knew how to play. Tyler rubbed his head.
“So, can I help you?”
She smiled as she held out her arms to him.
“Lay with me.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Vixen laughed.
“Vulpix will ruin women for you.”
“Oh, its on.”
The lady laughed and took his arm to lead him to a more private spot as Kaori looked at Vixen.
“She’s that good eh?”
The black mage rubbed her chest.
“My mother laid with her once. Said she was the best woman she’d ever had.”
Kaori smiled as she looked to the spot they’d vanished.
“Well. He’ll have fun then.”
Tyler and the fox lady walked to a spot with a bed of thick grass. He smiled as he saw her wave her arm and render them both naked except for Sylvia’s locket. She held out her arms as he walked over and let her embrace him with arm, leg and tails. HE laid her on her back as he kissed the fox deity, finding her taste of warmth and heat. HE slid inside her and moaned hard at the feeling of her warmth and tightness. She moaned as well as they moved together in thrusts and bucks. Her rack flopping as her sounds and squeaks drove him wild. Her flesh was warm, tight, and caressed him in a way he had never experienced. He loved Kaori and her sex, but this lady just wasn’t fair. She screamed in joy as they blew at the same time. Then she was on the ground with her five tails in air with her now inviting rear presented.
“More please.”
her way of speaking was cute as well, as she only said the bare minimum to make her point. He fitted himself into her from behind as he stroked her soft fox fur, eliciting a sexy giggle from the lady as he filled her again. She kissed him as she herself exploded from pleasure, and sighed.
“Still more.”
“I got plenty for you.”
He filled her three more times before she sighed and laid in the grass on her back.
He laid beside her and she rolled to look at him.
She smiled happily as he kissed her softly. She stroked his face with her tail.
“Like me?”
“Loved you. I want more of you.”
She smiled happily as she giggled like a small girl.
“It’s full.”
She blinked and looked over her back as if to see what he meant. She had a look of cute wide eyed confusion on her face.
“Can I show you?”
She sat up as he poked her little button on her butt. She squeaked.
“Yup. It’ll feel good!”
“My first there.”
“Try it.”
She smiled and nodded.
“Be kind.”
“Of course.”
She let him settle down as she felt it press against her never before pierced rear. Him holding her as she felt it enter her. She gasped at the new feeling.
“Like it already.”
He smiled as he lifted himself up onto his knees to fill her backdoor fully. She was breathing hard at this new sensation. Her stomach heaving as he kissed her on the neck, raising goosebumps.
She smiled.
He pulled back and moved it back in, as she clenched her fists at the new sensations flooding her mind and body as this most sensual mortal filled her yet again. She herself blew again as he kept going against her.
“Still plenty.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too.”
She sighed as he laid her back on her hands and knees to keep piercing her. He filled her two more times before she fell forward again.
“Too full.”
He smiled as she rolled onto her back and looked at him with large yellow eyes of awe.
“Still more?”
She seemed a little nervous at the still ready sword pointed at her. He smiled at her.
“Are you done?”
She nodded as she looked at him.
“More and it hurt.”
HE leaned in and kissed her softly.
“Full then.”
She sighed with relief as she felt her body’s new aches.
“Sad not done.”
HE just kissed her and placed her hand on his rod.
“Back and forth.”
She blinked, but did as was requested, and she had him shooting his last shot onto her slit. She was wide eyed at this surprise as he finally went soft in her hand. He then leaned in to kiss her more.
She giggled and wrapped her tails and arms around him.
“Favorite mortal.”
“Kaori’s my favorite lover, but close third.”
She smiled as she understood his heart. She was panting hard with a bright red flush on her cheeks as they kissed passionately on the grass as they recovered from their sex. Then she giggled.
“Probably a good idea.”
She laughed again as she showed him to a small hotspring that was big enough for two. He climbed in and she straddled him to kiss him more as he stroked her soft tails, making her giggle as they kissed.
“Best tail?”
“Oh hells yeah.”
He smiled as she laid her face into his chest.
“Come back?”
“Sooner or later.”
“Oh hells yeah.”
She flicked her tails in joy.
“Me too.”
She looked to the small spirits applauding a show.
Tyler smiled as he looked at them.
Vulpix looked at the locket then to the girls.
He nodded and popped it open to show her the photo. She became very sad then.
“Poor girls.”
“Eh, they won in the end. We’re together right?”
That got a laughing giggle as they came over to get a hug off him and pet the fox spirit’s tails, making her giggle.
“Very sweet.”
“I love em.”
She smiled at his multi-layered response.
She looked at the small girls, and their outfits became lined with sift fox fur. They both gasped and hugged their new clothes.
“It’s so soft!”
“I love it! Thank you so much!”
The fox lady smiled as she hugged them, only to get nearly throttled by their hug death. Tyler laughed at the sight of her rubbing her neck a little nervously.
“They mean no harm. Best damned hugs you’ll ever get though.”
She smiled then.
“Love them.”
“Indeed we all do.”
Sallie and Sylvia were lost in their new soft gowns and the soft tails of Vulpix. Then she lifted her tails to flick them with them. Getting a loud laugh as they then started trying to grab her tail tip. Tyler just laughed.
“I STILL miss my camera. That level of cuteness is just not fair.”
Vulpix was smiling as she looked at him.
“Tails for them?”
Sallie and Sylvia froze and looked at her in awe as Tyler tilted his head.
“Ability or?”
“Ability. Fox Mimic.”
Sylvia looked to Tyler gaping.
“It’ll let us have tails like hers. That’s all it does. Like a disguise or to just look cute.”
Sylvia smiled as Vulpix stroked her own tails.
“Doors and brushing.”
“Well, thank you. They love good foxfur.”
That got a happy smile as Sallie and Sylvia glowed before growing a pair of fox tails and ears. Sallie’s a beautiful little red furred thing with a pure white tip. Sallie’s was pure black with a red tip. The two girls hugged their new fox tails tightly as Vulpix looked at Tyler.
“Spirit Shell too.”
“Seline is going to be JEALOUS their tails are better.”
Sallie and Sylvia hugged the fox spirit as they thanked her profusely. Then the fox lady kissed Tyler some more as the two girls played with their tails. Then she sighed sadly.
“Time up.”
HE kissed her softly.
“Always next time.”
She smiled happily as they left the small hotspring and she waved her arm. He was dressed in his gear, and knew everything was right where it had been. The two exchanged a final deep kiss before parting. He going back to his crew, and her going back to the forest with the feelings of her new favorite mortal lover in her heart and body.
“Need more soon.”

Tyler came back to the group with a happy smile as Kaori came over to kiss him now.
“Wow, even her second hand is amazing. Her?”
“You hold to top spot, kaori. But she was AMAZING. Yeah, we come through here again I’m taking her again.”
That got a laugh as the blonde hugged him.
“Now I want her!”
“Oh, and that was not ALL that happened.”
The group looked at him. He smiled knowingly.
“You’ll just have to wait for the right time.”
He’d made Sallie and Sylvia hide their new trick, as in his words.
“We’ll wait to show you off in the room, where they can properly digest the cuteness overload.”
They’d giggled.
“It’ll be fun watching their minds break!”
Kaori looked over his shoulder to see the two spirits smiling at her with pure mischief in their eyes. She gulped and it got worse.
“Well, now we are all scared.”
“Well, let’s get going.”
They all laughed as they mounted up to keep going. The rode off, as the fox spirit waved goodbye to her mortal lover, as her loins fired up for more of the most intoxicating human she had ever lain with.
They rode along as the sea came into view, along with a few ships on the saltwater. Tyler smiled as he spotted the walls of Yalik coming into view. The wall was built of a curious blue stone.
“What is that stone, Wulf?”
“Blue sandstone. I guess they use magic to dye the red into blue.”
They rode along, more reading for entering a new town, when a sound reached Tyler’s ears.
“ Hey, you hear that?”
They went silent, and heard the unmistakable sounds of battle.
“Go! Lily, Sera, Lillia stay out of the fight. You need to rest those arms.”
They nodded as they spurred their horses to thunder into motion. They rounded a bend and saw the front gates being attacked by a group of men in light armor. The men were definitely a bandit party, and were trying to force entry into the town. At the sound of thundering hooves, a few looked to see the Outcasts riding towards them. Tyler had his bow up, along with Wulf, Ashy and Malico. They fired as the men tried to run, only for a few to get pierced by the shafts as Tyler and his party leapt off horses to engage them. The party had maybe 30, and in the space of 4 minutes, only one remained. Tyler walked over and crouched before the man.
“Where’d you come from?”
The man was clearly terrified.
“A camp not too far from here.”
“Here. No chant.”
“Number of men?”
“We have 350 men.”
“Okay, leader.”
“Wallace the Wallbreaker.”
“Nice title. He have a bounty?”
“Indeed. How high I know not.”
“Most of the five. Only one we’re missing is a solid black.”
The gate opened and Tyler tossed the man towards the guards that came out.
“Ya got a bandit army headed this way led by the Wallbreaker.”
The guard grimaced.
“Bad business indeed, Sirrah. Will your party assist the defense?”
“I’ll lead it myself.”
“Thank the gods Sirrah. The Baroness Lymir is expecting you.”
“We’ll finished with the dead and go see her.”
“Very good sah.”
“In the meantime, ready the walls for an attack and get the men armed.”
“Sadly Sirrah we need the baroness to say you’re in charge or the other guards won’t heed a word.”
Tyler sighed as his crew got to it.
“They brainless or stupid?”
the guard rubbed his head.
“More….loyal in their words. They’d slit their own throats if she told them to. Yet, refuse to take orders from another period.”
“Blind loyalty I can work with. We good?”
“Yup. No coin, a few of those, and just junk mostly.”
“A probe attack. Okay, mount up and let’s go see a mermaid.”
That got a chuckle and they went into the city. Yalik was a city of stone. As every building was made of the most beautiful blue sandstone, the streets were paved with it, and the docks themselves were paved as well. They were led through the street by the guard as men, women and children all stopped to look at the newcomers. Tyler smiled as he saw the looks of curiosity on their faces.
“Shall I introduce myself?”
Kaori and the party laughed.
“Go on, show off for them.”
Tyler aimed at the sky and breathed some of his trademarked blue flames as the crowd ohhh’d and ahhh’d. Then they realized who that was.
“Blue flame? Outcast!”
“By the gods. The Outcasts!”
A chant went up then as the city welcomed the newcomers to their city.
They smiled as Tyler looked around, getting a feel for the town and her people. Most were healthy and well clothed, though some bore the weathered look of sailors and dock workers. He noted the cheerful looks in the eyes of the children they passed, and the well-fed appearances as well of the crowds. He then noticed a few shapes moving around in the shadows of the alleys they passed.
“Sera, Lillia and Lily are not alone in this town. we got rats in the walls.”
The group heeded the words without acknowledging them. Tyler made a point to mark the various allies and blind spots as they were led to a winding road up a small mountain side with a mansion that overlooked the city.
“Hey, kaori. We’ve seen this movie right?”
She laughed as they headed up.
“Jack Sparrow.”
“I do believe there is a captain in there somewhere.”
“Loved those movies.”
“I did too. Kinda sucks we can’t see them again though.”
She smiled as sadly as they entered a rather beautiful tunnel of trees that had grown in a manner to overhang the road.
“Yeah. As much as I love Lectis, I kinda miss my phone.”
“I miss my music. Took me three years to build that collection.”
Ashy sighed as well.
“I miss my dog.”
“Yeah now that sucks.”
“Poor boy.”
“Girl. Sasha was a good girl.”
“She was a husky, right?”
The dirty blonde nodded sadly.
“I raised and trained her myself. Now I’ll never see her again.”
“Be kinda odd if she came here too.”
Ashy smiled.
“Ya think she did?”
“Honestly? It’s a solid maybe. Dogs live here too, so, and this is just me spitballing, but if your dad was walking her or was she in the room, I don’t really see a reason why she WOULDN’T get sent through.”
Wulf smiled as well now.
“There are tales of pets coming through the summoning. They’re rare though, but they happen sometimes.”
“Well, at least that’s something to work with.”
Ashy had a look of hope.
“I hope I get to see her again, and she’s alright.”
“If we find her we’ll bring her with us. Huskies are good dogs, plus we got brown paths and me to help care for her.”
“Plus a good dog is a great travel companion. Next to horses a good dog is the most valued companion.”
Ashy smiled proudly.
“And Sasha was a very good girl.”
The party smiled as they went through the arched gate and got a look at the mansion up close. The building was four stories tall, with a round vestibule, columned pillars, and two full wings extending to the right and left all made form the curiously beautiful blue stone. Tyler noted a man in a black suit waiting by the doors. They hitched their horses to a set of posts by the door and approached the elderly gentlemen.
“Greetings heroes. I am Gerald, butler to the lady Lymir. Before you are permitted to stand her Baroness, I’m afraid you must surrender your weapons and armor.”
“Yut, Nope. Seen that one before.”
The man sighed.
“I was afraid you’d say this.”
A wall of men fifty thick surrounded the Outcasts, and got between them and the horses. Gerald reached into his waist coat and pulled a wand.
“It seems the Outcasts are indeed as much a threat to his Holiness as he feared.”
“fuck it.”
The Outcasts moved like lightning, Tyler going right for the butler. The man waved the wand at him and he felt a massive pressure on his mind, stopping him in his tracks. Gerald smiled.
“There, that’s a good boy. Kill your friends.”
Tyler looked at him and smiled.
“Get. Out. OF. MY. HEAD!”
The wand shattered as a piercing scream of agony was heard, and the butler was horrified.
“My word, that was a high wand of utter supplantation!”
Tyler smiled as the wall of men were cut down without Sera, Lillia, or Lily having to lift a finger.
“I cannot be enslaved. My will cannot be broken.”
Tyler walked over and grabbed the man by the throat.
“I cannot be controlled.”
The man was white as a sheet. His best shot had meant nothing to this man.
“Now then. TALK.”
“I will die before I tell you anything.”
“That right?”
Tyler pulled out his Sgian Dao, and the man snorted.
“Torture? A mere test of my faith.”
“Oh right I forgot. You worship Dragonis, right?”
The man frowned.
“If I do, what of it?”
“The other name for Ignatia, right?”
“How dare you speak the name of the Fire Dragon King?”
“Bitch I TAUGHT em that one! Check it.”
Tyler breathed Ignatia’s flames and showed the white faced man the Dragon Friend title.
“See? Yeah, me an him are first name basis.”
The man sighed.
“A most tragic turn of events. It seems even the lord of fire has fallen from grace. Bestowing such a gift upon one as undeserving as you. His Flaming Grace must have taken leave of his mind.”
Tyler tilted his head.
“I do believe you just insulted Ignatia. A lot.”
The man had a look of disgust on his face.
“And If I have? What will you do about you mere barbarian brute? Kill me? Preposterous. Death is preferable if the True God has fallen from the sky to mere lizard.”
Tyler winced at that one.
“Yeeeeah. I’mma just throw you to the courtyard. I got feeling this gonna be bad.”
He throw to butler to the ground in the center of the courtyard as an enraged, far off rumble was heard. Tyler looked at his friends ruefully as a series of heavy wingbeats were heard.
“I may love getting under the skin of others, but even I have a damned line.”
The butler was dusting himself off with a most smug of looks as the beats grew in volume and frequency.
“It would seem you are not as fearsome as the stories made you out to be Outcast.”
“Well, much as I WANT to skin you alive, well, my friend who you just pissed off deserves it more.”
The man snorted.
“What could a mere lizard do to me?”
Tyler and his crew laughed as the idiot butler looked up, and screamed with despair as the flames of Ignatia engulfed his body in a slow cooking wall of death. The red dragon was flapping overhead as he lowered down into the courtyard to face the Outcast party. Tyler walked forward to dump a four foot pile of rubies on the ground as Ignatia fixed him with an eye.
“So. We meet again Ambassador.”
“Sorry about that idiot. Didn’t think it was THAT bad.”
The butler was still screaming as his death was going to be a most long one. Ignatia looked to the spirits, and saw their boons.
“It seems you ignored my advice.”
“Not so much ignored, more unexpected events. Seriously, get this.”
HE spent the next few minutes explaining the pity the two spirits had incurred to the red dragon. Afterwards, Ignatia nodded.
“I see. So, the only thing you really actively sought out was the divine sight to better protect them. Which I understand, given your mindset and heart. The rest came from not even looking for them.”
“Be amazed what you can find when not even looking for it.”
He chuckled.
“Indeed. The world works in the most mysterious of ways.”
“A good example is just look up.”
HE did and saw a hundred foot sky shark swimming along. Tyler laughed.
“Still bugs the hell outta me sometimes.”
Ignatia just chuckled at the human’s small mind.
“Human’s and their tiny minds.”
Then Ignatia sighed.
“So. The human.”
“By the gods if they’re THAT kinda religious nut, we got a MAJOR issue here.”
“Indeed we do boy. We-hey, why is she staring at me like that?”
Ashy was staring open mouthed at her second dragon, and Ignatia blinked as he noticed her.
“Ahh, can you stop? You freakin me out here.”
Wulf poked her.
“Serious, Ashy, that staring is kinda unnerving.”
She had wide grey eyes as she pointed at the red dragon.
“But it’s a dragon!”
Ignatia sighed as Ashy’s gaze left him.
“She’s a bizarre one.”
“Eh, more hardcore fangirl. Seriously, she did that to Tempesta for like thirty minutes straight before someone poked her. Poor bastard was squirming like he had ants under his scales.”
That got a laugh.
“I wish I coulda seen that one.”
“A special kinda priceless. So, you were saying?”
He relocated his train of thought.
“If these dragon worshippers have truly forgotten what we dragons ARE, then we need to REMIND them.”
Tyler leaned back on his weight as he thought about it.
“Honestly? A good way to make that point would be to take out the dragon Tower that pope lives in. Same time however, we really can’t endanger the city needlessly.”
Ignatia became thoughtful himself now.
“Indeed, lad. If the Dragon Tower is destroyed by the dragon it was built for, it would drive the message home with a hammer as you say. Yet such an act would endanger innocent lives.”
“I wonder if it would be possible to take PART of the tower out and throw it beyond the wall. Drop it below the height od the royal palace. That would be more then enough to make the point.”
Ignatia tilted his head.
“A very interesting and shrewd idea. I myself am strong enough to both knock the tower over at the height we’d need and strong enough to throw it the required distance. Plus it’d be fun to wreak havoc again.”
“If any other dragons give you grief, pull the indignant dragon card. Lizard? Seriously?”
he got a fierce glare at that one.
“I would NOT recommend using that yourself.”
“Sure. Much as I love getting under the skin of others, I DO have a line.”
Ignatia nodded.
“For such an act of destruction, I must consult Lord Tempesta before such power can be unleashed.”
Tyler smiled and opened his mouth.
“Don’t. Seriously? Just don’t.”
He closed his mouth at Kaori’s exasperated sigh. Ignatia looked at her curiously.
“What was he about to say?”
“Knowing him? Probably was gonna ask you to ask Tempesta how his diet was going. It’s a stupid inside joke.”
Ignatia looked at a grinning Tyler.
“You have a death wish.”
“Nah, just a fucked up sense o humor. Did you hear about the giants and the trees?”
Ignatia shuddered.
“What the hells is wrong with you?”
“Dunno, how much time ya got?”
“Not enough.”
Tyler smiled as the butler stopped screaming.
“We have a helluva mess here to clean up.”
The dragon nodded.
“That you do. I’ll leave you to it.”
HE flapped off as the group waved. Tyler smiled before he noticed something.
“Hey! Ya forgot your rocks!”
That got a laugh as Ignatia landed and took his offering.
“An honest human indeed. Was curious what you’d do if I up and left them there.”
Tyler shrugged as the dragon flew off leaving a pile of scales for them. Once added they drew weapons and went inside the mansion. Tyler had Gleipnir and Fafnir out and the rest their own weapons as they went up the grand staircase in front of them. Tyler using his knowledge of such buildings from his own world to navigate the party to a large set of double doors like he lived there himself. He kicked the door in and found a mermaid lady behind a desk with a tall man stabbing a needle into her neck. He got an arrow in the chest as he pierced the lady’s skin with the needle. Tyler sighed as he cast a holy relief as Kaori went over with an antidote. She was healed and cured and just broke down sobbing as Vixen tasted the needle. She smiled as she smacked her full lips.
“Oh my. How interesting. Unholy Kiss. It’s a nasty toxin that mimics a snake’s venom by clotting blood, shutting down nerves and movement, and even eats away at the flesh of the wound. Only differentiating piece is the color of the rot. A snake’s is more yellow, whereas this is pure black. It’s a banned poison as a drop the size of a sewing needle head is fatal to thirty men and was once used to assassinate an entire royal line.”
Tyler smiled as they went to the sobbing mermaid. She was a beautiful specimen. Long sea-green hair that went to her waist, bright purple eyes, light blue skin and scales, a massive flopping rack that every time her shoulders moved bounced a little, and was as tall as Tyler was. Kaori was comforting the lady as Tyler spoke to her.
“You Lymir?”
She looked up and nodded.
“I am. Thank you for coming.”
“By the gods lady, I was expecting bad but the hell?”
She sobbed as she explained.
“It’s gotten worse since I called for your aid. I was only allowed to make it seem like I was safe in the articles as a way to try and make you lower your guard.”
“Yeah. I kinda figured. Okay, Lymir. I have a single question for you.”
She looked up.
His eyes hardened.
“What are you prepared to do to make your point?”
She sniffed and got out of her chair. She was clad in a light shirt and pants as she walked to a cabinet. She opened it and on a rack was a 6 foot long trident with two foot prongs, a suit of blue chain mail, a set of blue daggers, a leather tunic, pants, boots, and a short sword and shield. She reached up and tore her shirt and pants off, and dressed as she spoke.
“The ONLY reason I sent for you was you are the best there is at this type of work. Much as I wanted, I was outmatched in the gutters and sewers of MY city. So, to answer your question?”
She too the trident down and smiled.
“We have a wall that needs some new ornaments. I couldn’t do it properly alone, but I’ll do what I can.”
Tyler smiled as he saw her eyes were both on fire and clear.
“Nice to see a leader with a damned spine for once. Just hope you can use that over-sized dinner fork.”
She smiled as she twisted and it collapsed in on itself to a one foot haft she hung on he waist.
“Oh I can handle myself just fine.”
“Good to hear. Now, are you aware of the Wallbreaker?”
She snorted.
“I am. How many does he have?”
“Okay. We’ll need to deal with him FIRST.”
“Sure. I’ll handle the defenses myself.”
She walked over to her desk and pulled a set of blue crested medals that she tossed to the party.
“My guards worship the sea goddess Orca. As such, they view ME as her avatar, so unless you wear her seal, they’ll ignore your orders.”
Tyler smiled as he donned it over his shirt.
“This is the kinda religious nut I DON’T mind. More just devoted.”
The mermaid smiled as she hung her sword on her hip and her shield on her back.
“They love me too.”
“Must be nice to have a new bed mate every night.”
That got a laugh as they walked out of the room.
“It is fun, since the men all throw themselves at me. Only I prefer a women’s touch.”
She looked at Malico.
“Specifically NekoPlesians.”
That got a purr as her long tail waved seductively.
“I got a trick to show you later Lymir.”
“I’ll look forward to it, longingly.”
That got a chuckle as they headed for the walls. They arrived and Lymir led them to the top of the wall overlooking the road.
“This is the only way in or out of the city they can use. Here’s a map of the area.”
Tyler added it to his own and rolled it open on the stone to look at it. The city was set against a cliff face a thousand feet high. The mansion nestled in a natural alcove with a narrow path in the stone. At the back of the city, the rock face jutted out into the ocean a decent four hundred meters. Which sheltered the bay and ships from nasty winds and waves. Tyler looked at the rock face.
“How long would it take to scale that thing?”
Lymir looked at it herself.
“They do it all the time actually. So, 5 full hours of climbing?”
“Okay, repelling down it would be a dead giveaway, so that’s out. Sea assault?”
The mermaid smiled.
“We have cannons on all rooftops facing the oceans. So, maybe two thousand bellowers?”
“They manned?”
“To the last with regular shift changes. Even our children get to take a turn.”
“I see. So the civilians can fight as well if need be.”
She nodded proudly.
“Most in this town are sailors, descended from sailors, or the same with Marines.”
Kaori was confused.
“You have Marines here too?”
Tyler chuckled.
“A Marine is a soldier aboard a ship. In the old days, they were a separate force from the ship’s crew that were hired for the sole purpose of repelling pirates. Our country just loved the name.”
The blonde smiled.
“I see now. Glad we have you and that encyclopedia of uselessly random information.”
Lymir was smiling as well.
“It seems you have a better grasp of the people here than I thought.”
“Just the important pieces. Okay, so in a worse case scenario we can arm the town and have them join the fray.”
She nodded as she pointed to a tower with a bell.
“That will summon the town militia.”
“Okay, ya just got probed toady, so we’ll get to it.”
Tyler went and rang the bell, and the town militia came flooding to the walls. They all knelt before Lymir as she looked at them.
“Our town is in danger. You are under the command of the Outcasts. Their words are MY words.”
A man slammed his fist against his chest plate.
“Milady Sea.”
Tyler looked at the four hundred men.
“Hold up. Something’s not adding up here.”
Tyler looked to Wulf.
“That bandit said he had 350 men, right?”
The ranger nodded.
“Yeah, struck me as odd as well. Yalik has over two thousand people living here. All of whom would fight to defend their homes.”
Tyler looked at the kneeling men.
“Plus the town guard alone outnumbers them by fifty. Not including the ship’s crews and Marines. Okay, we’re missing pieces of this puzzle.”
Lymir blinked.
“350 men? That’s it?”
Tyler looked at her.
“That off?”
“Last time he had a thousand.”
Tyler crossed his arms as he looked at the road.
“That man was NOT lying to me. He was far too scared. Wulf, ya got that map on you?”
The ranger handed it to him as Tyler looked to Lymir.
“We told you in the mansion how many men he had. Yet now you seemed surprised.”
She sighed.
“It didn’t register till just now.”
“Okay. Fair.”
Tyler added that map to his own and the area filled in was no less an ten minutes ride up the road. Tyler tilted his head.
“Okay, no way he has more an that. If they were THAT close we’d see their cook fires from here. Okay, we need answers”
He looked to his crew.
“Backs to the wall here. Me and Wulf will go take a look. No one goes anywhere in that city alone, and Lymir is not to be alone either. Thistle, your camp.”
“Appreciate the trust Lad.”
Tyler and Wulf mounted their horses and rode out to the spot indicated as the others all placed their backs against the battlements with Lily, Lymir, Sera, and Lillia in the center.

Tyler and Wulf rode to the nearest point on the road and headed into the trees with all the noise of shadows. As they closed, Tyler and Wulf noticed a distinct lack of cook fires or the sounds of a large camp altogether. They climbed a boulder and found themselves with a direct look at the camp. They were a little surprised to see maybe a hundred and seventy tents, with maybe 200 bed rolls on the ground. The two men went prone and used far sight to get a look at the men.
“Gods Wulf, they’re not bandits. We got the leftovers of a merc army.”
It was true. The men were badly beaten dogs, some still with bandages and red stained cloth on their bodies. Tyler sighed.
“Let’s go have a word with their leader. Something’s not adding up here.”
“I agree. These men are in no fit shape to fight.”
The duo dropped to the ground and walked into view of the men. Soon as they did, a collective graon of despair went up from the gathered men.
“Aww come on.”
“I just got it to stop hurting too.”
Tyler and Wulf looked at each other as they approached the now struggling to arm up camp. Tyler sighed again as he walked up to the closet man, who just sighed himself.
“Look, just make it painless, alright?”
“What the hell happened here?”
That got a collective start from the men, and then they relaxed.
“You’re not here to kill us?”
Tyler looked around.
“Not yet at least. Seriously, what the hell happened?”
“I can explain lads.”
A tall man using a spear as a crutch staggered over.
“I be Wallace Wallbreaker. This is my mercenary company. Badger Company. We’re Marines for hire and so make a decent living in Yalik. Well, recently, Lymir’s gone mad.”
Tyler and Wulf blew on their whistles as hard as they could with the message. Then they looked to the shocked men.
“we’ll be back to deal with this mess after.”

Kaori was looking at the sea from her spot on the battlements.
“I love the smell of the sea.”
She got a chuckle from Lymir as she leaned on the blue of the wall.
“It is lovely, is it not?”
The blonde chuckled as a seagull came flapping over with a loud squawk.
“Wanna hear something funny about Tyler?”
The party looked at her eagerly.
She laughed as she jabbed a thumb at the bird.
“He HATES them things!”
Sera tilted her head.
“Why? He live near the ocean?”
“Nah. We lived in a northern town miles from the sea. But every year tens of thousands of the birds would descend upon our town for the winter. Reason he hates them so much is cause he got mugged by a bird for his hotdog. A piece of meat sandwiched between bread. We get the chance and I remember I’ll make one for you.”
The black haired princess smiled widely.
“Sounds tasty!”
They laughed as Lily sat against on a battlement.
“It weird I got a bad feeling?”
Lucy was looking over the town guard and the walltops as the elf said this.
“Aye, lass. I feel uneasy as well.”
Lymir shrugged.
“Maybe Tyler not being here has you all on edge?”
Sera’s smile died.
“Okay, he’s strong yeah, but now I feel it too. Something’s very wrong here.”
Lily rubbed her arm.
“My arm is still a little stiff, but workable. Lillia, you feel it?”
She nodded and placed a hand on her sword.
“It feel like it did the night of the goblin attack.”
Thistle made her mind up.
“Form up then. No chances.”
The group took up a spot near a wall tower. Lymir in the front with Lucy and Thistle due to her weapon’s length, Lily behind them with her shield, Sera, Lillia, and Ashy on the tower top with bows, Kaori with them, Malico hiding in the tower with Serafina with daggers ready. As the group took their spots, a group of men in red scale armor climbed up onto the ramparts. Lily looked from the men to Lymir, and her blood ran cold.
“Snake in the camp.”
The group got the coded message, and they all took a step back from Lymir, who seemed confused.
“Something wrong?”
Lucy chuckled.
“That fork making me nervous. Last thing me needs is me bum speared.”
The group laughed as Lymir looked at the weapon then to Lucy with a distinct purple blush. Thistle was next to chuckle.
“I may like a good spearin, but I prefer a man do the work!”
The ladies laughed as Lymir sighed as she looked at the group of approaching men.
“You ladies have some very odd senses of humor.”
Lily had her shield ready as the men stopped moving and poked spears through a wall of shields. Then a voice was heard.
“It seems your trapped with your back against the wall Sea Witch.”
Lymir laughed.
“I am exactly where I want to be.”
The voice was heard again.
“We will be free of you at last.”
She lowered her trident and smiled.
“You ALL belong to ME. I got the outcasts to help me now. Plus, he HATES your kind, Vollock.”
Kaori looked to the men.
“Pray tell, what kind be that?”
The voice was quick to reply.
“The kind that are too weak to really help themselves without aid.”
Kaori tilted her head.
“Okay, still don’t add up though. He hates weakness and laziness in others, that is true. But if you ask him for help and get your hands dirty alongside him he’ll help you as best he can.”
Lymir snorted.
“HE already agreed to help me. So, if he were to try and aid these rebels, he’d have to break his word.”
It was Kaori’s turn to snort.
“If he thinks your wrong, he’d stab you himself. Seriously, things like honor, loyalty, even just straight up human decency is meaningless to him. Only ones he’d actually strive to keep a promise to is us.”
Lymir sighed.
“So. He would turn on my rule like these traitors and blasphemers. Just because he thinks he can.”
The voice was heard then.
“You DO NOT own us! We ARE NOT your toys to play with! We WILL BE FREE!”
The men roared as Lymir sighed and tapped her spearbutt. Soon as she did the necklaces around the Outcasts’ necks flared and they were writhing in pain on the floor as their minds were invaded by a vicious presence.
“See? Their MY puppets now.”
“Puppets my ass.”
Lily had broken through the attempted mind control, so had Lillia and Sera. The training Tyler had put them through paying dividends now as their mental fortitude overcame the mind spell. Lily took her stance as the other two went to remove the rigged things. The mermaid clicked her tongue in disappointment.
“Force it will be. “
She whistled and the entire town guard was then seen racing up the wallsteps to both surround the Outcasts and the men in red. Lily looked around.
“They’re stuck! We need Mythril to cut them off!”
Lymir laughed.
“Mythril? It doesn’t exist!”
Her men laughed as a low sigh was heard.
“well, that was amusing.”
Vixen picked herself up off the ground dusting her robes off as Serafina came out of the walltower. The black mage looked at the still fighting Outcasts.
“Seriously? Tyler depends on us for so much, and yet we can’t even repay him by proving we can stand without him? Sad. Truly sad. I expected his Lover to be able to stand at least, but guess not.”
Lily smiled.
“It had no effect on me, Vixen. Looks like I win.”
Serafina nodded in her hood.
“Indeed it would. YOU at least don’t need to be rescued. Bunch a damsels in distress.”
Kaori had torn the now shattered necklace off her neck as she roared this.
Thistle was also able to break free.
“It seems I’ve grown soft of late. How pathetic.”
“Aye lass.”
Lucy also got off the ground with the now shattering necklace on the ground. Malico came out next with her tail lashing back and forth.
“I owe that man everything. The LEAST I can do is to NOT have him worry.”
The group looked to their attempted oppressor and readied their weapons as the mermaid laughed.
“How pathetic! Faith, loyalty, hope. Easily broken. Kill them all!”
Lymir thrust her trident at Lily with an unexpected speed, but the elf had been trained by Tyler himself, and as such was looking for such a move. She raised her shield, and it deflected the forked head to the side with a shower of sparks as Lily pivoted to slash the now taken by Lymir in the leg. The treacherous lady was a slippery one though, as she cast a water spell.
“Water shield.”
It made a small circle of water that took Lily’s shot and allowed the lady to dance back to another stance. Behind her, the red men in armor were overwhelmed and cut down by her mindless slaves to take a spot behind their mistress. The others were back to back on the walltop, and they faced a wall of spears on both sides. Lymir smiled as she looked at her now trapped prey.
“Surrender, Outcasts. You will be my new toys.”
She looked to where Malico was lashing her tail back and forth as she waited to go.
“And some will sate my lust until you bore me.”
The ladies all laughed at that one.
“Wow, a power mad mermaid.”
“She sounds thirsty Ashy!”
Lymir pulled a wand from her pocket and pointed it at them.
“Tyler might be able to resist this, but you can’t.”
She waved it at Lily, the initial one to defy her spell, and she dropped to the ground as her shield clanged to the ground. Then her men all surged to attack the trapped outcasts as Lily fought with the demon of willpower now forcing itself into her mind. Now the outcasts were pinned between two walls of men with no means to maneuver or evade as they took alternating attacks to stave off the spears and arrows. Lily, however, was not aware of any of this as she was locked in battle with the vile creature inside her mind. She was seeing her memories as if reliving them anew. The demon was forcing her to reexperience her repeated rape, torture and pain again and again. The elven girl was drowning in a sea of her pain, and the demon laughed evilly as it knew victory was at hand. Lily had a single tear fall as she felt the thing’s inevitable victory.
“I’m sorry.”
She had a small, weak voice that was a total 180 from her usual whip-like snap. Then she felt something around her neck. A sort of, vibrating feeling that was utterly out of place. She was deep in the despair of the willpower demon’s near victory over her mind, but she knew what it was. And it gave her the hope to hold out. It was their signal Tyler had given her himself. Feeling it come to live meant one thing: he knew. He knew, and was coming for her. Lily smiled in the depths of her pain as she remembered her lessons.
“Momma didn’t raise no slave!”
She could not beat the demon alone, but she could hold it off for a good while longer. Her strength was renewed and more fierce then ever as she waged this war with her very being.

Outside her little body, the Outcasts were in similar dire straits. Most had been pinned to the ground by the men with shields and were in the process of being tied up. Lucy had seven men fighting to restrain the hulking lady, and was still getting free to deal blows. Thistle had lassoes on her limbs and was fighting to be spread eagled, Vixen was caught with a spell that kept her mouth closed and her spells useless as she was restrained by five men, Serafina was afflicted with the same, Ashy was pressed against a wall with a great shield as her hands were held, Sera was sobbing from under a heavy shield, as Lillia struggled under a similar weight, Kaori had been tripped with a rope and was pinned between two shields as well, and Malico was hit with a paralyze dart. Lily was still kneeling as she fought her battle, but the Outcasts were effectively helpless as Lymir laughed.
“See? You all will satisfy me. Sooner or later.”
She walked over to where Malico was hoisted by her wrists against a wall screeching as the ropes dug into her skin.
“You will sate me now.”
The cat laughed.
“You DO realize he’s coming right?”
She laughed as she lifted the shirt of the busty cat.
“I kinda though he’d come. Good thing I had an old friend waiting.”
Malico just laughed again as the lady removed her shorts, leaving her naked.
“Right. Well, ya got a dead friend. Watch. Piss em off and all this area will be is a crater.”
Lymir licked her lips as she looked at the catgirl.
“I doubt he could handle a draug.”
Malico tilted her head.
“Wait. A SINGLE, draug?”
Lymir caressed her large breast appreciatively.
“Oh these are simply lovely. I love how your people’s breasts feel. Yes, old Glarg will be more then enough to kill that blind fool.”
Malico sighed.
“Ya done watching?”
Lymir blinked as a loud laugh was heard.
“Sorry, kittycat. You seemed to be having fun. Didn’t want to ruin it for you.”
Lymir looked up to see tyler smiling down at her.
“Hiya. So, a draug eh? Lame. Let’s see.”
Wulf came in like a whirling hurricane as the others all fought with renewed strength as the Outcast looked around.
“Eh, fuck it. Ocean dragon roar.”
He bathed the top in blue flames and the men screamed as their bodies were engulfed. Lymir looked on in horror as he dropped to the walltop and patted her back.
“And yes they are lovely. Annnnd MINE.”
He smiled as he used hie Devine Care on everyone on the walltop to both heal their wounds and remove debuffs. Vixen and Serafina were still stuck speechless, and so he had to dig out another spell.
This time they were cured as Tyler walked over to a still mentally trapped Lily. HE sat down and placed a hand on her head.
“Lily. I love you. You are stronger then that thing.”
She shivered as a loud snap as heard and the wand snapped as her willpower surged to both throw it off and kill it. Tyler had a stamina potion ready for her as she blinked back to reality. She drank it gratefully before sitting against the wall exhausted.
“Thank you. I couldn’t hold it for much longer.”
He hugged the small girl.
“I’m proud of you, Lily. Work that will more and you’ll NEVER be anyone’s pet.”
She smiled weakly.
“Momma didn’t raise no slave.”
“No she did not. She raised one HELL of a girl. Get some rest, lily. I got a mess to make.”
She sat back and passed out, her mental battles draining her of strength. He looked over to where Lymir was now looking at him terrified.
“Now then. Everyone alright?”
The party smiled.
“I’m good.”
“Aye lad. A close one this time.”
“I’m pissed.”
“He came for me!”
“I’m alright.”
“We got cocky.”
Tyler sighed as he rubbed his eyes.
“We did indeed Kaori. We did indeed.”
He looked at thistle.
“What happened?”
She smiled as she told the tale.
“Lily, Sera and Lillia were the only ones not effected by the enslavement pendants, and the first to detect something off. Lily herself flagged Lymir as a snake. Sera and Lillia as well.”
Tyler walked over to the two princesses and hugged them.
“Now all you need is strength. I have nothing left to teach you.”
They hugged him back as Lily was heard muttering in her sleep.
“I’ll get stronger, and then it won’t beat me.”
Sera was smiling widely as Lilli wiped a tear away.
“I wasn’t going to give up this time.”
Tyler hugged the older sister tighter.
“And that is how strength is built.”
sera giggled.
“we are sooo awesome!”
That made them laugh as he looked over to where Malico was pulling on her shorts.
“How’s me favorite kitty?”
She smiled as she buckled her shorts.
“How long were you up there?”
“All of 30 seconds. Was kinda enjoying your show, Malico. I think I’ll have YOU tonight.”
She purred as Kaori chuckled.
“Not without me your not.”
“Sure. We’ll stuff Kaori together then.”
Her purring tripled as a man in red armor came forward to kneel before the Outcast.
“My apologies, Outcast.”
Tyler tilted his head.
“Who the hell are you?”
The man was tall, broad shouldered, with brown hair and red eyes.
“I am Captain Vollock of the WaveBlade, Sirrah. I lead the local resistance.”
“I see. You wouldn’t happen to know a Wallace Wallbreaker?”
The man sighed.
“He was the town’s Marine Captain. His mercenary company, Badger Company, defied her sudden turn to madness. She went from a mere snob to power mad rapist that forces the more pleasing to the eye ladies of the town to sate her tastes. HE and his men have been waging a war against her and her town guard, but she painted it to the rest of the country as a bandit camp. Even going so far as to hire ACTUAL bandits to attack the walls with real maps to his camp. All to bait bandit hunters to the town and do her dirty work for her.”
Tyler sighed.
“How the fuck did I miss that?”
He looked at Lymir and it clicked.
“Because she played this game very well. That’s why. The letter, the news interviews, even her demeanor was a carefully crafted mask. I had subconsciously been convinced of her weakness, and as such treated her as such. I guess I got sloppy with this one. Eh, no biggee. Sometimes we all need a good kick in the ass.”
That got a chuckle as Kaori spoke up.
“Nice to see you’re still vulnerable to a pretty face.”
“Specifically yours. Mostly yours.”
she smiled happily as he walked over to Lymir and looked into her eyes.
“Okay. Let’s get deep.”
Kaori watched as he relaxed and concentrated hard. She sighed.
“Okay, this one is going to be mean.”
Tyler sighed and leaned against a battlement.
“well. That’s not Lymir.”
everyone jumped. Vollock gulped.
“What is it then?”
Tyler pulled a sword and stabbed her in the heart.
“A doppelganger.”
The thing burst into flame vanished. Leaving in it’s place was the exact copy of it’s form, only more ragged, hurt, and naked. The lady looked up to see the people all looking at her.
“Am I…”
Tyler cast a holy relief and she broke down crying as she saw she was indeed free. The ladies all helped her to her feet and put a blanket over her shoulders.
“Okay, what happened?”
The mermaid hugged the blanket to her shaking form as she explained.
“I sent the letter to you. Then the next day I got a visit from the member of the local temple that worships Orca I myself am a member of. We talked of the usual town matters, budgets, shipping, crime nothing unusual. Next thing I knew I was on the ground as it morphed into it’s true demon form of a small mound of slime and it mounted me and penetrated my places. I opened my mouth to scream and it was inside my mouth. It made me cream several times before I was locked in a cage inside the thing as it took my form and used it to further the church’s agenda, rape those poor women and girls, violate me more with it’s own slime form, and do it’s vile work. I was nothing more then it’s toy.”
She broke down crying in shame and humiliation as Tyler looked to Lillia and Lily.
“I think you two need to have a chat with her.”
They nodded and took her with the other ladies into the tower. Tyler sighed as he looked to a now tearful Vollock.
“Not yet, Captain. No tears yet. We got more work to do.”
The sea captain dashed the tears from his gaze as Tyler spoke.
“Right. We’ll pity her after. What’s our next move?”
Tyler looked at the city.
“we get to cleaning. The temple. I’ll go there first, as I am blue/white, their spells are useless against me. You go drag every other conspirator you know of out into the street. Any resist kill.”
Vollock was nodding.
“He and his man are hurt bad. Most can barely stand. You got healers in your crew?”
“A few. No pure white paths though.”
“white Path of Purity have a temple here?”
“They do. But they’re a right difficult bunch to deal with.”
“I’ll get them. Wulf, guard the ladies. They’re gonna be awhile.”
The ranger nodded.
“Not a step past me.”
Tyler looked to Vollock.
“The temples?”
The man pointed to two buildings. One a giant sea shell, the other a similar plain building.
“The shell is the Orca temple. I trust you know the other.”
“I do, Captain. Let’s get to it.”
Tyler leapt off the wall and took off running towards the white first, as Vollock looked to Wulf.
“Boy’s a scary one.”

Tyler ran to the front door and was greeted by a brother in a brown robe.
“Greetings. Have you need of the temple sirrah?”
“Name is tyler the Outcast. I must speak to the Father please.”
the man bowed again.
“At once Lord of white.”
They went inside and Tyler smiled as he saw it was the exact same layout as the one in Raylik.
“Nice to see consistency.”
The brother smiled as he hurriedly brought him to where a tall man in a white robe was casting a holy relief upon a kneeling lady. The brother sighed as he saw the woman.
“A shame. Yet another victim of Lymir’s madness.”
“Not madness, Brother. Lymir was replaced with a doppelganger.”
That got a gasp of shock from all. The man had the wherewithal to keep the spell going, as the lady looked at Tyler with tears in her eyes.
“That Wasn’t Lymir?”
Tyler walked over with a sad face.
“No. The thing raped her as well. Many, many times, even after it stole her form.”
She breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank the seas she’s safe now.”
“Not yet. I gotta a lotta gunk to clear from this city before that happens.”
The spell ended and the man smiled at the lady.
“You’re healed and cured Miss. 3 silver please.”
Tyler flipped him the coins himself.
“I get you got a temple to run, but not exactly a good face for healers taking payment from a lady in these kinds of circumstances.”
She smiled gratefully as she ran from the temple to spread the good word. The man pocketed the silver as he faced tyler with a frown.
“We do have to support ourselves.”
“ANOTHER one? Greaaaaaat. A long day.”
HE stabbed the man in the heart as the other monks were frozen in shock at the sudden turn of events. The man glared at him as he burst into white flames before an identical man was dropped to the floor. Tyler cast his own Holy Relief and the man rose with a most indignant anger in his eyes.
“I HATE those things!”
A brother came running with a fresh robe as the man looked at Tyler as he sheathed Oblivion.
“I thank you, Brother for freeing me.”
“We ain’t done yet, Father. Seriously, we got a LOOOONG day ahead of us.”
The Father’s eyes glowed white as he cast a spell.
“Holy Sanctity.”
Tyler whistled as he felt a dome of extremely potent holy magic explode outward from the man to encompass the building. Tyler watched as a further four brothers were engulfed in white flames and freed from doppelgangers.
“Yeah, ya got one o those for sale?”
The Father smiled as his spell ended.
“Indeed. 10 gold.”
“Done. Thing is freakin gnarly.”
Tyler gave him the gold and added the spell to his ring.
“Neat. Okay, I need healers sent here.”
He gave the father a piece of map with Wallace’s camp.
“Wallace was wrongfully given a bounty. I’ll deal with that myself later. Get those men back oin their feet.”
“The temple itself will aid them.”
“We got more for ya, but later.”
They nodded and he took off to the Orca temple. The Father looked to his Monks.
“Bring me Light Bringer.”

Tyler found a wall of men with a most bizarre choice in weaponry and armor. The wielded conch clubs, giant crab shell shields, crab breast plates, and shell helms. Tyler tilted his head as he approached.
“ya can’t seriously expect to fight me like this?”
“Water spear!”
A line of razor sharp water came flying out from behind the men to slam into Tyler’s chest, only to not even get him wet. Tyler smiled as he looked at their looks of despair.
“I’m a blue/white. Yeah, your water can’t touch me”
He walked up and cast his new spell.
“Holy Sanctity.”
His dome was far more powerful, and far faster in it’s spread. No less than thirty men and women burst into flames as the anti-demon magic did it’s work. Tyler smiling as he drank a mana potion while he walked to where a mermaid lay on the ground with a crown of coral next to her. Her skin was a very pretty shade of deep blue, same with her scales hair and eyes. Her eyes were a vivid purple, and her rack flopped. She looked up at Tyler as he neared her.
“So, you high priestess here?”
The mermaid got to her bare feet, as her clothing was a mere sea shell bra covering her nipples, and a large clam over her groin. Everything else lay bare. She bowed as she replied.
“I be Sea Whisperer Coral, Sir. I thank you for rescuing us.”
“This city sure has a lotta doppels. Well, least I got a mass cleaner spell now.”
She smiled gratefully.
“A question.”
“What of Lymir?”
“She was replaced with a doppel as well, after it raped her many times. I released her, and from her story, it had her many more times.”
She had a tear fall as she heard.
“Thank you for not sparing the truth. She is my sister.”
“She’s getting talked to by a few of my crew that have suffered the same pain. She’s in good hands.”
She sighed with relief.
“Thank the seas. What of us?”
“I’ll keep casting the spell around town. Once everyone stops bursting into flames, we’ll see.”
That got a grin as he walked into the temple and cast the spell again. This time the rest of the worshippers all burst into flames. HE sighed.
“I see how they did it. Start at the churches and move to the leaders. These things had this city by the balls.”
He sighed and walked along the street casting his new dome spell. He’d had yet to read just WHAT it did exactly, but for now it killed doppels, and that was all he needed for the moment. The number of people bursting into flames was simply staggering. The city had maybe two thousand residents, and by the time he hit them all, only two hundred and fifty were non copies. He just sighed as he finished the last spell.
“Jesus Christ in a stroller. I expected bad, but what the hell?”
He reached the wall and cast the spell again getting a few flamers on the wall, but that was it. He walked up as he drank a mana potion to see Vollock rubbing his head.
The sea captain gestured to where the towns people were gathering near the wall.
“Hwo do we tell them?”
“Like this.”
Tyler drew Gliepnir and took a spot atop the battlements and looked at the scared citizens. HE cast the spell once again, and the dome hit them all. No flames.
“Well. Nice to see the fireworks have finally stopped.”
The got a strained smile from a few. Tyler looked at them.
“well, the city’s a mess. Ain’t it?”
A man with a scar on his face looked up at him.
“Yer tellin us! What the hell were those flames?”
“Doppelgangers getting torched.”
That got a scared murmur. The man spoke again.
“Ya mean we got invaded by fakes?”
“To a most extreme extent. Even Lymir was replaced.”
That got a loud gasp of shock.
“Is she alright?”
“She was violated many, many times by the creature, but she’s getting talked to by my crew. So, long as she’s got a spine in there, she will be.”
This time the gasp was of pity and horror. The scarred man was then elected spokesmen by the town.
“How’d that many creatures get in?”
“Now that I’m not sure of yet. We’ll figure it out though.”
The man nodded.
“I see you got a list.”
“We’re gonna have a LOOOONG day today.”
That got a laugh from the salty man.
“Boy, ya don’t know real work till ya spent a week and a day battling the briny in a storm!”
“Oh right, I forgot. Dealing with Sailors. Well, should be an easy day then.”
That got a laugh.
“Aye lad, what’s next?”
Tyler looked over his shoulder.
“First is the get the bounty off Wallace’s head.”
A lady with horns on her head and a sheep’s lower half spoke up.
“I caaaaaaaan do thaaaaaaat siraaaaah.”
She had a most interesting way of speaking, extending her A’s like a sheep. Tyler smiled.
“I take it work for the booth, miss?”
“Aaaaaaye Sir. I do. I caaaaaan cleaaaaaar it for him, aaaaaas it waaaaas aaaaaaa faaaaaalse bounty.”
“That’s your task then miss. Next is a search of the town for banned goods.”
Tyler looked around until he spotted a Brother in the crowd.
“The things we’re looking for are evil blacks. So, we’ll need to aid of the temple.”
The Brother bowed.
“You have it. The Purity abhors the evil blacks above all else.”
“Wow, just when I thought that piece couldn’t get more racist. I have a procedure for searchin for this shit, so I’ll get it distributed before we get to it.”
The scarred man crossed his arms.
“Okay. Making sense so far. Those responsible?”
“So far all we got are a bunch of doppels. Me and my team will look into how so many got in. If we find a culprit or culprits, well, always wanted to see someone get keelhauled.”
That made the town sailors burst out laughing,
“It ain’t pretty lad!”
“Aye, mate, it’s a nasty piece o work!”
Tyler shrugged.
“Makes a point though, right?”
That got a round of ayes. The gates were opened, and as the men walked through, tyler would cast the dome spell as they went. He got a few hits, but far fewer. The men were clearly exhausted, but their wounds were healed. Tyler spotted the man he’d talked to earlier helping a man walk into the town.
“hey, Wallace! Up here!”
The man looked up to see Tyler still atop the ramparts and passed his man to a brother before climbing up himself. He was a tall man with a wrinkled face, scars on his frame, and broad shoulders. He smiled as he reached Tyler’s perch.
“Thankee kindly lad. We didn’t truly understand what we were dealing with.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Hey, she had ME fooled for a while there.”
That got a laugh.
“The mighty Outcast, fooled?”
Tyler snorted.
“I AM sucker for a pretty face. Seriously, wanna take me by surprise? Get a hottie with a knife.”
That made the men lose it as Tyler sighed ruefully. He got a hearty pat on his back from the sailor for that one.
“A real man’s weakness, an no mistake!”
Tyler laughed as well.
“Only works the once though.”
The Marine ran a hand over his face as he got serious.
“What’s our next move?”
Tyler reached into a pouch and pulled the procedure for the search.
“we’re looking for banned black spells, and other gear. This is a step-by-step instruction on how to do it right. Once done, we’ll see what the damage is.”
Wallace took the scroll.
“Aye lad. If any resist?”
“There’s a plan for that in there too. But, to answer yer question? Arrest and search anyway.”
He chuckled.
“I see you think ahead.”
“Usually do.”
Tyler looked around to the gathered people.
“We got work to do. Get that out to them, and break!”
Wallace and Vollock roared their orders as Tyler walked to the tower and tapped a knuckle.
“I good to make an update?”
Lily’s still tired voice was heard from within.
“Just hurry up.”
Wulf was standing atop the tower with his bow as he went in. Lymir was sitting on a barrel with her knees up to her chest as Lilli and Lily held her between them. The other girls nearby as well. Tyler walked over and sat before the broken mermaid. Kaori was the one that asked the question.
“How bad was it?”
“Only 250 people in this town were NOT doppels. I got a new spell off the Father the kills in a dome spell, but yeah, a lotta fakes.”
Vixen tilted her head.
“What’s it called?”
“Holy Sanctity.”
She gasped in surprise.
“HE SOLD it to you? How much?”
“10 gold. It famous?”
She just shook her head.
“It’s one of the ONLY holy spells made SOLEY for fighting demons. It’s a dome spell like Protective warning, but it affects the spirit real when cast. Anything evil gets purged, anything good gets a full blast of the warmth of the caster.”
Tyler looked to his shoulders, where Sallie and Sylvia were happily sitting, as was their way.
They giggled.
“It felt like you were hugging us!”
“Yeah! It was warm!”
Tyler smiled as he looked to Lymir.
“So you know, they know the truth now.”
She lifted her head to look at him with shock.
“Why’d you tell them?”
“Because I don’t believe in wallowing. Look.”
HE removed his shirt and mail to show her his scars. She gasped at the sight of his lines.
“what happened to you?”
“My family didn’t like me much.”
She scooched closer to him and placed a trembling hand on his chest, and ran it over the ridges of hardened scar tissue. He smiled as he pointed out three.
“These are from our first lisk kill. The others my family.”
She flashed a quick smile before back to sadness. He took her hand and held it tightly.
“What are you going to do now?”
She blinked and looked at him, like a scared rabbit.
“I don’t know. Most will blame me for letting this happen under my watch. Plus they weren’t very fond of me to begin with.”
“Why do you think that?”
She shivered.
“I was a mere snob to them. Always looking down my nose, condescending to the sailors, unnecessarily mean to the kids, and just cruel all around.”
“Sooo, you’ve hit rock bottom?”
She nodded in despair.
“I have. I can’t sink any lower.”
“Well, that’s a good thing then.”
She looked into his now smiling eyes as he held her hand and pressed it to his scars.
“Why is being the lowest of the low good?”
“Because you don’t have anywhere else to go but up.”
She blinked at this.
“I…don’t understand.”
Tyler got off the floor.
“Will you lay down and give up entirely, or will you rise and be better?”
She got it then, but was still shaking.
“I don’t know if I have such strength to face them again.”
She scrunched into a small ball.
“I’m scared.”
Tyler sighed.
“And what will you do with that fear, Lymir?”
She pressed her face into her knees.
“Look, I don’t know okay? I have no idea how you got over your pain. So, please, let me be.”
Tyler sighed again.
“Look, Lymir, I can’t help you if you won’t help yourself.”
She scrunched even tighter as he spoke.
“But, CAN you help me?”
Lily smacked her back.
“If he can teach a pair of pampered palace pets to resist a Mind Subjugation necklace, he can teach you to heal.”
Sera and Lillia looked at each other.
“I think she complemented us.”
“Yet I still feel insulted somehow.”
Tyler chuckled.
“They aren’t pets anymore, lily. They HOLD the damned leashes.”
Lily shrugged.
“Eh, if you say so. Sera seems more the type for a chain.”
“Wow, Lily, now you say that, I see it too.”
Sera bawled.
“Hey! I am NOT a slavedriver!”
“Didn’t say you were.”
“Yeah, not even a mention of slaves.”
“I think she’s that type.”
“I do too now.”
The poor girl stomped her foot in fury.
“I do NOT like chains!”
Tyler and Lily looked at each other concerned.
“We didn’t say you did like em.”
“All we said was you seemed the type for a chain leash.”
“Yeah. Now we got a new worry.”
Sera was hopping mad as they spoke, as Lymir was laughing at their antics. Tyler smiled as he looked at a furious Sera.
“Well, at least she’s cute.”
Lily nodded.
“She’s got that going for her.”
“Plus a great hug.”
“Thing’s lethal. I like her hair though.”
“It is shiny. Skin’s nice too.”
“Plus her bust is growing rather nicely.”
“Nice to see a well-developing girl.”
“Stoop! You’re embarrassing me!”
Sera had gone from furious anger, to cutely red faced embarrassment with her face in her hands. Tyler let her off the hook with a last comment.
“Love you Sera!”
“Me too!”
She squeaked as the crew laughed at the camp cutie. Tyler looked to the still-in-the-fetal position mermaid.
“So, Lymir. What will you do?”
The blue lady’s humor died as she looked to Lily. Who shrugged.
“Don’t look at me. This is your choice. Either step up or get stepped over.”
Lymir shivered as she looked at her feet.
“I….want to be strong. Like Lily. But, I don’t know how.”
She looked at Tyler with glowing purple eyes.
“Can you teach me?”
Tyler held out his hand.
“I won’t do a job for someone they themselves refuse to do. I do not help those that refuse to help themselves. Long as you work too, I’ll do what I can.”
She smiled as she took his hand and he lifted her to her feet like she weighed as much as a feather.
“Thank you.”
Tyler chuckled.
“We ain’t done yet, toots. Oh, and if ya want to learn how to be like Lily, she’ll be your new shadow for the time being.”
That got a sigh from the little elven girl.
“Great. Babysitting.”
Tyler patted her head.
“Why I like you so much Lily. You don’t sugar coat things.”
She yawned hard.
“So you know? I want YOU tonight. For a bedmate.”
“Wow, ah, sure.”
Kaori laughed.
“You need to grow a little more Lily. He’s too big for you at the moment.”
The fierce elven girl shrugged.
“I know. Nice to see my future-husband has the right sword for me, but I wanna cuddle.”
“Wow. Now I’m worried for the future. But, whatever. Sure, Lily.”
She smiled as she walked over to Lymir.
“Okay, Tyler wants me to teach you to be me.”
Poor Lymir seemed a little nervous by the fact she was now at the mercy of the ferocious little elf, and it showed in a gulp. The others all chuckled as Tyler sighed.
“I’ll go see how it’s looking out there.”
The girls nodded and he left the mermaid to be bullied into being strong by a overly enthusiastic Lily. He walked out to see Vollock looking at a map of the town with Wallace.
“Well, how it look?”
The two sailors sighed as they tapped different buildings.
“We’ve found hundreds of the banned. Sad part is we haven’t even gotten through 5 buildings yet.”
“I smell an opportunity for a bonfire party.”
That got a smirk.
“Aye lad. A party be needed for such a hard day’s work.”
“Nice to have something to work towards.”
Vollock rubbed his eyes.
“Getting bullied by Lily to get stronger. That girl will help her.”
That got a sad smile from the two men.
“A shame it happened to her.”
“A cryin shame. But, least she’s free now.”
Wallace pointed to a building.
“They found a large ring in the basement here. The Purity destroyed it themselves.”
“Still wanna know how the hell so many got here. AND where they came from.”
“As would we lad.”
“I think I can lend some light.”
Vixen came out from within the wall tower to join the discussion. The busty beauty stood next to Tyler as she looked at the map.
“A doppelganger needs to be summoned and given a form before it’s set loose. So, the fact there were so many here proves a mass summon took place at some point.”
Tyler looked to the ships.
“And in a active port, with sailors coming and going as they do, they could drop off an entire ship’s worth and not a soul would know it.”
Vollock was nodding along,
“Aye, lad. A ship’s crew is always changing. And sometimes I’ll set sail without knowing a single person.”
Wallace looked to seas as well.
“Plus, there’s the odd stowaway as well. So we know how they got in. How do we keep em out?”
Vixen smiled.
“Have a white path cast the sanctity spell upon each ship as it enters or leaves the docks. Any resist, introduce the cannons.”
Tyler smiled proudly.
“What she said.”
That got a laugh.
“Aye lass, yer a canny one as well as a beauty an no mistake.”
Tyler gave the now smiling mage a hug.
“She be at that. Everyone in me crew ain’t just fer lookin at.”
Vixen chuckled as she looked at him.
“Even if we ARE good looking, right?”
“Damn straight.”
The two men laughed as Lymir emerged from the tower with Lily right beside her. The mermaid still clad in her blanket as she had yet to get a set of clothes. She seemed nervous and scared as she came to stand before the two men. Wallace and Vollock saluted her as they saw her.
“Good to see you back, Miss.”
“It is good to se you’re free.”
She smiled weakly.
“I am deeply sorry. Wallace. Vollock. I WILL do better in future.”
They nodded.
“Aye Miss. As will we.”
“We all made mistakes here. But, least we can fix em now.”
Tyler smiled as Lymir breathed a sigh of relief.
“I thank you. Now, before I assist, I think I’d like to get properly dressed.”
Tyler shrugged.
“Dunno bout you, Lymir, but you kinda make the whole fur beauty thing work.”
He got a smack from Lily as the men looked elsewhere, as Lymir blushed a faint purple. Lily sighed.
“He does that. Just ignore him or smack him.”
Tyler laughed as he looked to the map.
“Okay, I’ll aid the search as well with my crew. Lily and Lymir need rest right now.”
The small girl was rubbing her arm.
“I can’t move this arm for the rest of today beyond eating or daily living. Even now it hurts.”
HE cast a holy relief on her and she smiled.
“I appreciate the thought, but it still hurts.”
The experienced sailors nodded.
“Aye lad. Magic is a wonderous thing an no mistake, but it can’t fix everything.”
“That it can’t.”
Tyler patted Lily’s head.
“Worth a shot. Alright, we’ll find and clear you a room. You don’t lift a finger until your arm feels better.”
Lymir sighed.
“I suppose the mansion is out?”
“I’ll clear it and we’ll use it.”
The others came out and he explained the plan.
“we’re headed to the Mansion for a search. Once clear, I’ll set the spells so Lily, Lymir, Sera and Lillia can get some desperately needed rest.”
They all nodded and headed out. Tyler had Lily on his horse as she was that tired, as fighting off a willpower demon, the necklace, plus the past days training had left her drained. He had her around her small waist as they returned to the mansion. Once the horses were hitched he cast Holy Sanctity, and it blanketed the entire mansion with it’s purifying power. Then they went inside.
“How are doing this?”
“We’ll head straight to the roof Ashy. Then a room by room, floor by floor search. Every door, drawer and painting gets searched.”
They nodded as Lymir led the party to the roof of the large building. Tyler had Lily by her hand as they went, as the poor elf was in danger of tripping.
“Screw it.”
HE lifted her up and carried her.
“Try and rest best you can, Lily. Seriously, I do NOT like this you.”
She smiled as she passed out in her arms like a light switch. Kaori smiled at this display.
“Wow. You look like her doting father there, carrying her like that.”
Tyler smiled as he was big enough that she fit in one arm like a loaf of bread.
“I love this wildcat. And seeing her weak like this is kinda making me mad for some odd reason. Not entirely sure why though.”
Wulf was heard chuckling as they all looked around the flat roof for banneds and other nasty surprises.
“I feel the same thing. Lily is always so strong and fierce, that seeing her in such a vulnerable state is a little wrong.”
Lily for her part was sound asleep as Tyler used his free arm to poke around the roof. The Outcast sighed as he looked at her.
“I guess it bugs me. Even IF she’s just dead tired. Seems wrong.”
The party smiled fondly as the roof was cleared. So, they moved down a floor. They would start at one end of the hall and would clear each room before moving to the next. The first room they found was a bedroom with a large bed with white blankets, a large window looking out at the ocean with a small balcony, with paintings and dressers. Tyler looked the bed over first before setting Lily down on it to search the room properly. The elf girl grumbled in her sleep a little, but that was it. Tyler walked to the large painting of a mermaid by the sea and took it off the wall to search behind it. He was also using his detection skills to search for hidden halls, rooms, and pockets. Lymir for her piece had curled around Lily’s small form on the bed for both warmth and to be closer to her.
“Hey, Tyler, think we got one.”
Kaori came up with a small box taken from behind a false panel. Tyler took the metal box and pulled a thin piece of metal from a crafting pouch, bent it into a zig-zag pattern and inserted it into the lock before waggling it a few times. There was a click and it opened. He smiled as he put the lockpick away.
“Nice to see I still got it.”
“Hey, uh, Tyler?”
He looked up to see Kaori looking at him a little nervously.
“What’s up?”
“Oh, nothing really, justa, why was picking a lock so easy for you?”
HE laughed quietly.
“I’ve been locked out of my own home FAR too many times, Kaori. So, I learned it to get back in.”
She seemed to still be nervous.
“You wouldn’t have used that trick to break into MY house, right?”
He smiled.
“Nah. Not when I had my rock trick.”
She breathed a sigh of relief as she smiled at the fond memory. Little Sera was curious as she looked through a drawer.
“What was you rock trick?”
Kaori had a warm smile as she explained.
“My room was on the second floor, with a 25 foot drop to the ground. Well, if he needed a place to hide or wanted to just see me, he’d toss a small rock at the window to get my attention. I had a knotted rope he’d climb up to get into my room, and when he left he’d use the same. It was kinda our thing.”
The girls smiled.
“That’s kinda romantic.”
“I’ve read of that kinda thing in stories. Didn’t think boys really did it though.”
Tyler shrugged.
“we had a few gimmicks. Like how I’d hide something in her desk or she’d leave some snack she’d made in mine.”
Kaori frowned now.
“That spider trap nearly gave me a heart attack you ass.”
HE smiled as he opened the unlocked box. Inside was a locket, some gold coins, a few magically taken photos, and a small doll. He opened the locket to see a photo of a small girl with blonde hair and red eyes smiling at the viewer. He closed it and looked at the photos. More of the same girl. Last thing he looked over was the doll, and found it clear.
“This is clean. Just a keepsake chest.”
He closed it and relocked it as a lady in a maid outfit came in only to find the room searched. She saw Tyler with the box and gulped.
“Sirrah, I do hope you didn’t take anything.”
He smiled at the servant.
“I did not, miss. We’re looking for banned items and making sure the place is safe.”
He handed the chest back to Kaori to placed it back behind the panel. The maid breathed a sigh of relief.
“I thank you for your consideration, Sirrah.”
Tyler smiled as he looked at her. She was a few years older then he was, with blonde hair, red eyes and fair skin like the small girl in the photos. As he made this connection he blinked.
“Why the hell did I just think of that now?”
The now nervous maid gulped as his friends sighed.
“There he goes again.”
“What did he come up with this time?”
“It’ll either be batshit insane, mind numbingly simple, stupid, or soul crushing.”
“Or a mix of the list.”
“Okay, Tyler. What surfaced now?”
“Sooo, I’ve been seeing these photos everywhere. That a skill or a spell?”
The room just burst out laughing quietly as Wulf explained with a sigh.
“Both. The spells are unique to each path. The Skill is called Memory Frame. It uses the eyes to take a picture of what you’re looking at and makes a image to the size you want.”
“Alright. We are getting a set once the mess is cleaned up. Plus an archive for them.”
The maid seemed a little confused.
“THAT was what he thought of?”
Tyler was now poking through a drawer seeking false bottoms as Kaori sighed.
“That’s how his mind works. Leave it to wander, and just watch what the hell he comes up with. If you hear him say he has an idea, be scared. VERY scared.”
She gulped again as the search of the room was finished.
“Kay. This one’s clean. Next one.”
He lifted the slumbering Lily up as he would NOT leave her side until the building was his level safe. For the next few hours, they cleared the first two floors and found nothing but keepsakes, odd collections, and a few curiosities. Tyler either laying Lily on the bed as he worked or carrying her at the same time. They had reached the far end of the floor the office was on and were approaching another set of double doors as Lymir became nervous.
“That’s my room.”
“Well, we’ll be extra thorough.”
They went inside and Tyler blinked. The walls, floor, and roof were a deep blue, with deep carpets that seemed to be made of fur, a massive four post bed with canopy, and a large set of ten foot tall windows with full balcony overlooking the road to the front door and the sea. There was a desk near the bed, and a lounge recliner facing the window. The whole room was a deep blue that was a little disorienting to look around in, but the party got over it as they looked around. Tyler walked over to the bed and threw the blankets, finding them to be freshly cleaned and safe. He laid Lily in the massive bed and put the blanket over her body as he searched the headboard, posts holding the canopy, and under it as well before nodding.
“well, it’s clean. Lily will rest hear for now.”
Lymir went over to a set of doors and opened them to reveal her closet. She seemed to be shaking as she sifted through it until she pulled a long nightgown out. The thing being the same color as her skin and when she put it on it blended perfectly with both her skin and her scales. She then walked to get in the bed beside Lily and cradle the smaller girl like a lifeline, before she fell asleep herself, Lily pressed tightly into her flopping breasts like a teddy bear. Tyler sighed and went to the desk and started sifting through the drawers and paperwork. He pulled a set of papers with a set of line to keep it together out and opened to the first page.
“Gods damn it.”
He sighed as he closed it. Kaori came over then.
“Find something?”
“A freakin play-by-play of the thing’s rape of some girl with it’s slime form and her’s. Look.”
She opened it and started reading. She made to maybe the third paragraph before closing it with a look of horror.
Tyler took it and flipped through the thing, as such horrors didn’t really phase him much. HE then set it aside and looked in the drawer it came from more closely. HE didn’t have to look long when he came up with a pouch. He reach in and pulled a crystal out. The thing was a light blue thing shaped like a pyramid. Wulf looked at it and sighed.
“That’s a recording crystal. If you were to place it there, on the headboard, it sees everything that tip is pointed at. To play it back, tap the tip.”
Tyler placed it on the desktop and tapped the tip. As he did, a cloud appeared over it with a mirror like effect as it formed. Then it showed the bed from the view of the headboard as the doppelganger in Lymir’s form came in with a small girl the same size as Sera. The girl had large red eyes, fair skin, a sizeable bust, a look of fear as the imposter led the girl to the bed.
“Okay, now, just take those clothes off and we’ll get started.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
The girl was definitely scared, but obeyed the lady’s words. The sound and picture so clear it seemed like Tyler was in the room with them. The girl removed her light dress and underwear as the doppelganger did the same. Now visibly shaking, the girl was made to lay on the bed as the taller lady climbed on top of her.
“Now relax, and open those legs for me.”
The imposter’s voice an excited purr.
“Okay, just be easy with it, please, Milady.”
The girl laid back and opened her legs as the fake pressed her mouth to the girl’s treat with evident hunger, getting a small gasp of shock from the girl. The imposter was seen to love the girl’s treat with a most uncharacteristic kindness as it made the girl cream. Then it lifted it’s head to look at the recorder pyramid and Tyler got a good look into the thing’s eyes.
“Oh, she’s like that.”
Tyler killed the recording and found a small date at the bottom. A full year prior. He chuckled as he then understood what the pouch was fro.
“Lady’s an exhibitionist.”
Kaori looked to where Lymir was still sound asleep with Lily cradles to her body.
“That one was a consensual lay?”
Tyler turned it back on to get a look at the girl’s eyes.
“Yeah. I’m not seeing a denial or any other kind of emotion for a rape or forced seduction, just nerves that come with a first lay or a first lay with a lady.”
He put it away and looked at another.
“See? This lady is overly eager and all too willing to get under her touch. So, a willing lover.”
He looked through all of the hundred or so crystals, needing no less an 90 seconds to decide on consent or willingness. He smiled as he put them back.
“Okay, she makes a recording as both a memento of her lover, and a reference on a lonely day. Nothing bad with that.”
“I’d appreciate it if you kept that one a secret.”
He looked over to see Lymir staring at him with a single purple eye full of amusement. HE chuckled.
“I suppose asking for a copy o these is out?”
The ladies all replied en mass.
“Yes it is!”
Tyler just chuckled as he put them back in the false back of the drawer.
“Okay, so that thing liked to write about it’s conquests, whereas she liked to rewatch her lovers.”
He opened another drawer and took out a packet of files. He opened it and sighed.
“This is a dossier on every girl in the town the thing had taken a fancy to.”
Lymir was heard speaking with a more…..embarrassed tone now.
“No, that’s mine again. It just used them to learn my tastes.”
Tyler sat back in the chair to look at her.
“You got quite the appetite there, don’t ya?”
She blushed a deep purple at this one.
“I…like sex. A lot.”
“Nothing wrong with that. Nice to see your doing a little better now.”
The Mermaid rolled onto her back, and the still sleeping Lily laid her head on her bust.
“I think a good rest was all I really needed. I mean, weird and depraved as it may sound, I kinda enjoyed the slime play a bit. Even IF I didn’t want it.”
Tyler shrugged as he put the dossier away.
“Maybe in the right circumstances that kinda play is fun for you.”
She sighed and rubbed her breast as she spoke.
“I guess, I have a few issues.”
“So do I. But, hey, look at it this way: Least you got to try something different.”
The other ladies, besides Kaori, were a little sickened by the pair’s conversation. Kaori just sighed.
“Fair warning Lymir? Tyler’s got a nearly as vast appetite as you do. Only, his tastes can get straightup depraved.”
Lymir looked at her curiously.
“Okay, how bad?”
“You REALLY wanna know?”
She looked over to where he had another packet of pappers and was flipping through it.
“I do. I’d like to know what his tastes are.”
Kaori sighed.
“Wow, Lymir. Brave. Okay, well, if he’d walked in on you with the slime, he’d probably get off to it BEFORE helping you. Plus, in our world we have something called Hentai, basically drawn sex between characters played on things like that crystal. Well, I was feeling particularly daring that day and flipped through his collection. Yeeeeah, I stayed the fuck away from him for a week. He had everything from girls Sera’s size getting stuffed by slimes, girls like you, Lymir, various creatures and appendages like hands, tentacles, dongs, ya name it. Plus, some rather nasty animal mixes that gave me nightmares for a week.”
The room was silent with the exception of Tyler’s flipping through various papers and looking at numbers. HE looked at the room staring at him like a rabid animal and he shrugged.
“I got weird for a while. I got over It though.”
“Yeah. By ‘got over it’ he means he found the Yuri Genre.”
Lymir was looking at him with a look of fascination.
“Yuri is?”
“Lesbian Hentai. Usually a smaller girl laying with a bigger girl. Like say, Lily and you Lymir. Easiest example in the room to make. His collection of that one was actually rather wholesome and kinda romantic. Usually involving some form of romance like a date, dinner or just two friends realizing they wanted each other and just going for it.”
Wulf looked to Lily in Lymir’s arms.
“Should we be worried?”
Kaori laughed.
“Nah. Dude’s got issues, but we all got a weird fantasy or two locked away. He’s just more open with it.”
The breaths of relief sounded like a gust of wind. Then sera looked at Malico.
“Is that why he loves Malico so much?”
“Same vein just a different type of entertainment.”
The sexy catgirl became nervous.
“What kind of entertainment?”
“In our world was a genre called Anime. Basically drawn shows from another country he fell in love with. Some of the shows had catgirls like you, Malico in them, and he loved them. Plus he was a cat person on top of it. So, big breasts plus beautiful girl plus catgirl plus you equals his love for you.”
Tyler smiled as he finished looking through the desk and went to the one near the lounge chair.
“Like I keep saying, Malico. YOU my favorite kittycat.”
That set her to purring as Lymir had a question.
“What about mermaids?”
Tyler sat in the chair as the others went back to their search.
“The stories of mermaids in our world was a little different. For one, they had the upper half of a beautiful human woman, while from the waist down was a fish’s tail.”
The blue skinned lady blinked with surprise.
“Wow. Some Mermaids can do that, but only a few. I myself cannot.”
“You look better with those sexy legs anyway.”
She smiled as she blushed purple again.
“Thank you. So, did you have any fantasies for them?”
“Oh hell yeah. They were a kind of sex symbol in our world, as the first stories came from sailors after a long voyage as sea.”
She giggled a little as Lily moved in her sleep, tickling her.
“I see. Nice to know your tastes.”
Tyler smiled as he pulled another packet out of a slot in the chair. He opened it and chuckled.
“Oh, here we go. Found a manifest for the banned items.”
Wulf took it as Tyler moved to the bookshelf. The rest of the party having paired off to go search the building quicker now that they saw the way to do it. Though Sera had stayed behind to be close to lily.
“It tells where the things are even stored. Makes it easier on us I guess.”
The ranger put the thing away as Tyler pulled a book down and removed a small key from within the pages. Lymir sighed.
“There’s a small locked drawer in the bedside here.”
Tyler sat by the bed and found it hidden behind a rotating carving of a moon. HE turned the key and the drawer popped out. He opened it to find a small collection of various toys, bottles, wipes, and even a few licenses. He took the spells and looked them over.
“Lustful Caress. Makes the target more sensitive to sexual sensations. Okay, neat. Longing Caress. Makes the caster orgasm harder as well as a target. Hot. And, Loving Touch. Adds extra pleasure to a lay when cast upon the target and caster. Best part? All blue spells.”
HE put them back as Lymir poked her head over the side of the bed full purple in the face.
“I’d like you to NEVER speak of those outside this room.”
“Sure. I mean I think it’s kinda hot, but sure. Ya got good taste.”
HE shut the drawer as Kaori sighed now.
“Great. Now he’s gonna want a set of those for US!”
“Like you’ll complain when I use em.”
The blonde beauty blushed.
“Besides the point!”
“And the point is?”
Malico was then heard giggling.
“Sex-based magics are a big seller in Lectis, Kaori. Most are good fun. Should try em.”
The poor blonde was so red in the face at this Tyler though she’d started bleeding. Lymir sighed now.
“It seems he DOES have a similar appetite. Scary.”
Tyler closed the drawrr and put the key back as he looked around the room.
“well, last piece is the closet.”
Lymir just hugged Lily tighter.
“Enjoy ruining the image of me you had.”
“Nah, Lymir. I just see you as a sexy Mermaid with a hot and fun pastime.”
She smiled as he started rummaging through her closet. The mermaid closed her eyes and tried to ignore to now longing throb between her legs she’d gotten from him looking through her collections. Kaori saw this and walked over to whisper in her fin ear.
“So you know, if you want him, just tell him so.”
She gave no indication of her hearing as she replied.
“Are you THAT kind of lovers?”
“Oh yeah. Trust me when I say he’d LOVE to take you. And, as for his appetite? Well, he’ll outlast you. Even WITH the spells in play.”
Lymir shivered ever so slightly.
“I think. I’ll need to taste it for myself. I need the touch of one that I WANT to touch me.”
Kaori leaned in and gave the pleasantly surprised mermaid a soft kiss.
“Oh, he’ll TOUCH you alright. But, sadly not tonight as he’ll be cuddling Lily. But, I and Malico are free.”
That made the mermaid smile.
“I DO love a busty NekoPlesian.”
The two girls giggled softly as every now and then Tyler would give a low whistle of either approval or appreciation for the mermaid’s sexy wardrobe.
“Wow, girls got a sexy taste here.”
He closed the door and looked to Lymir.
“Well, your rooms clean. I’ll go poke around your office for now.”
Kaori and Malico looked at each other.
“we’ll keep an eye on Lymir and Lily.”
“Yeah. I kinda wanna lay down as well.”
“Have fun in the pile.”
They smiled as Sera giggled now.
“I’ll help in the office!”
Wulf just sighed.
“I will go find Ashy and see if she needs help.”
“Just clean the mess after.”
Wulf flipped him off as he went, while sera walked over and hugged him with a giggle. Tyler patted her and they left the room, quietly shutting the door. Soon as it was shut, Lily’s eyes opened and she looked at Lymir.
“Get those spells out.”
Kaori and Malico looked at each other, and smiled.
“Shall we play, ladies?”
“Let’s make a mermaid happy.”
Lymir gulped as now she was facing three lusty ladies alone, and one armed with her spells.
“I think I’m in over my head here.”
Lily snorted as she lifted the mermaid’s gown to expose her flopping breasts.
“Just shut up and let me at these. I wanna suck on em.”

Tyler and Sera walked into the mermaid’s office, as a low moaning screaming was heard from the room at the end of the hall. Tyler laughed.
“I didn’t tell anyone, but there was a fresh crystal on the headboard.”
Sera giggled as she opened a drawer and pulled a packet out.
“Oh, they knew. Kaori spotted it while you were watching the crystals. Malico too.”
Tyler smiled as he flipped through the lists of ordered banned spells.
“I hope I get a copy of that. I ALSO hope lily doesn’t hurt her arm with her play.”
He sat in the chair and Sera sat in his lap.
“She’ll be careful. Plus, well, I think she likes to be played with rather then do the playing.”
He looked at her, a little shocked.
“And justa where’d you learn that little tidbit?”
She blushed as she replied.
“Well, we were talking one night, and it came up. What we’d like.”
“Ah. Well, I don’t really think I need to know that one.”
Sera breathed a sigh of relief as he dropped it, as girls talk is a precious secret. Tyler placed the packet aside and pulled another one from a drawer. Soon as he opened it and read the first line, he smiled.
“We got a personality profile for our party as made by the Pope himself. Anyone in particular ya wanna read?”
The black haired princess smiled.
“Yes Milady! At once Your highness!”
She giggled as he pulled out her profile.
“Sera Von Vernillion. Member of Outcast party. Threat: Moderate. Sera is a most naïve girl, easily trusting, manipulated and controlled. She lacks all the fire and willpower that made her mother a force to be reckoned with. She is a most air-haired slip of a girl that only serves to grace the bed of another. She is currently under the wing of the Outcast and is being trained as an adventurer by him. The most we can expect from such a girl is a moment of humor as she cries for aid as she is far too gentle and weak to kill another creature.”
Tyler just sat back and looked at Sera in disbelief. Then they burst out laughing.
“They don’t know you every well, do they?”
She hugged him.
“Not anymore they don’t.”
He hugged her fondly.
“You’re as fierce as Lily Sera, only with a lovingly gentle side whereas she’s a fierce wildcat.”
She was glowing happily at his words.
“Show me yours!”
“Sure. Should be a fun time.”
“Um, what the hell?”
They looked up to see Serafina poke her hooded head around the door nervously with Lille right beside her. Sera tilted her head.
“Something wrong?”
The Wraith sighed.
“We’re were walking down the hall when we heard her giggle, then say to ‘show her yours’. Then we heard you say, ‘Sure. Should be a fun time.’ Was kinda worried just what the hell you were doing in here.”
Sera blushed as Tyler sighed.
“Seriously? THAT’S the first thing you thought of when you heard that?”
The Wraith looked at him.
“It’s YOU.”
Tyler sighed again.
“Fair. But, so you know? Sera’s more little sister.”
her happy squeal made them smile as Lillica noticed the dossier in his hands.
“What’s that Tyler?”
“The pope set up a dossier on us. In HIS words.”
The black haired princess shivered.
“What he say about me?”
Tyler sighed.
“Haven’t got the far.”
she looked at him.
“Can I see it? Please?”
He looked into her eyes and saw them clear.
“We’ll look together.”
She nodded and came to sit on a small seat near Tyler’s chair as Serafina held her. Tyler flipped through to Lillica’s profile.
He nodded.
“Lillica Von Vernillion. Toy of the Outcast’s party. Threat: none. Lillica is a most worthless girl. Only too eager to please others with her body as a good girl should. Lacking ALL of the fire that made her mother such a force of nature. She is easily used, and is only TO be used. Whereas her sister graces a bed, Lillica is merely to fill it in the event of no better option being found. Is currently a member of the Outcast party and is being trained. Most one can expect is her lasting longer in the bed.”
Tyler frowned.
“Wait. What the hell?”
He had a look of confusion as he reread it and Lillica became confused herself.
“What’s wrong?”
“I thought this was a personality profile dossier. But, Sera’s was the closet it came. Lillica, you are MORE then a mere bedmate. Oh, and you fierce too.”
She hugged him for that one.
“Thank you.”
He smiled fondly as he patted her back.
“So you know? The lucky bastard you share a bed with is going to be the true winner there, as getting to share a night with a girl like you Lillica is nothing short of a lifemaker.”
She blushed a little as she smiled. She pecked him on the cheek before sitting next to a happily smiling Serafina. Sera, for her part, was just happily seated in Tyler’s lap loving life. He then turned his attention to the packet.
“This is something else entirely. Hey, Serafina, this an illusion?”
“I can check.”
“Please do so.”
He gave her the packet and her purple eyes glowed. Then she chuckled.
“These is a spell upon this. An illusion to disguise the document in order to mask the true words. They use it all the time for runners and couriers.”
“Can you break it?”
“I can. It’ll be a hassle as it requires perception, and I’m am afraid mine is not as extreme as yours is.”
“Is it a skill?”
“A spell. But, the one I have is of the black, and as such would do your soul harm.”
Tyler crossed his arms.
“Goes against the grain here, but all yours Serafina. That spell come in other colors?”
“Afraid not. As deceptions are a solely black path trait, the means to break them fall under the black as well.”
“You’d think white would have a spell or trick to ferret out untruths. I mean they have a truth spell.”
The wraith chuckled.
“I will admit my own ignorance. As I do not know if the spell DOES come in other colors.”
“well, I’ll ask Vixen next time I see her. For now though.”
He looked at the document.
“I am tempted to leave it until we get a hardcore perception on it. Just in case of a message in a message.”
Serafina sighed ruefully.
“I understand. I am sorry I’m not much help here.”
“We all have roles in my party, Serafina. Sera’s is to look cute as all hell and Lillica’s…..flower arrangement?”
“Still cute!”
“Love you too.”
“Yeah yeah.”
Tyler took the dossier and slid it into a pouch as Wulf came by.
“Wait, the hell didn’t I think of it before? Hey, Wulf.”
The elven ranger came in the room with a flushed Ashy which made the ladies smile.
“Need me?”
Tyler put the dossier on the desk.
“we got a coded message in that thing. Serafina says it takes perception for her spell to break the code.”
Wulf’s red eyes flashed as he saw where he was going.
“And you think that since I was ambassador I have a similar spell.”
“Yup. Since an ambassador sometimes needs to carry sensitive information.”
He nodded in agreement.
“I see. I do in fact have a trick for it. And before you ask, it’s a skill. And, sadly the only way to gain it is to have a leader bestow it upon you. And by leader, I mean like Ishtar or Willow.”
Tyler patted a disappointed Sera on her head.
“So, the head. I get it. Well, next time we bother Ishtar, which won’t be long mind you since we need to give an update on this mess, I’ll get the skill.”
Tyler looked at Sera, who’s blue eyes were huge and sad. He smiled as he hugged her.
“If it were that easy Sera, what would the point be?”
She smiled as his warmth engulfed her.
“extortionist. But, Sallie’s cute so I’ll let it go.’
The green haired spirit giggled as he smiled at her. Sera just grumbled.
“She is cute. Dammit.”
“Sylvia is too.”
“She is.”
That made the red haired elf smile as she was included. Wulf was smiling as he placed his hand on the document and used the skill.
“Truth Be Read.”
“Nice multi Yoda.”
Ashy chuckled as Wulf broke the seal and the pages glowed before returning to normal. Then tyler looked at it and sighed.
“Oh here we go. The dossier was to throw us off the scent. This is the orders for our visit to the town. I guess the Pope set up everything from the letter Lymir sent us to the bandits outside the front gate.”
there was a lot of frowns as Tyler flipped through the documents.
“yup. Literally a step-by-step process to both fool me, separate our party, and wear the women down to both capture and enslave them. Even had a back up plan in the event the seperation failed which was an attack by that draug. Odd creature that.”
Sera tilted her head.
“I don’t think I know what a draug is.”
“I didn’t either till it attacked me. Think undead drake.”
Wulf chuckled.
“The thing is a type of semi-dead. As in it died but refused to go to death. The things are usually kept as pets by demonkind because they’re made from when a dragonkin refuses to accept death. Whether due to starvation or an accident or some other thing. Tyler used his Holy Smite combined with Holy Fire. It was turned to ash with a single shot.”
Sera nodded sagely.
“I see. So, it have anything shiny?”
“The pouch had a large opal. And maybe 232 gold coins. That was it though.”
She shrugged.
“Better then nothing I guess.”
“I suppose. I’d like to keep the opals we get though. Fun to look into.”
Lillica smiled.
“Can I have one? Opals were my favorite gem.”
“Sure. Though, that one the size of that melon is mine.”
Tyler flipped to the last page.
“Says here the ultimate goal was the enslave our party. Seems the Pope is unable to openly attack us now, and due to the king’s recent fire has been losing influence and power. Okay, Ishtar’s making his life harder. Good. My main worry now is what will the pope do once backed into a corner.”
Wulf nodded sagely now himself.
“Back a snake into a corner and the fangs come out.”
“Damn straight. Okay, I’ll have Malico store this in the ring pouch. We have direct evidence pointing the finger at the pope right now.”
“a most dangerous type of weapon in the court.”
“Exactly. I may hate the court games with a fucking passion, but even I must admit sometimes it’s better to play the game then just defy them.”
Lillica smiled a dark smile.
“Why do the work when you can get some other idiot to do it for you?”
“Damn Lillica, haven’t heard you talk princess in a while.”
“Sis likes to boss people around.”
“That right?”
Lillica’s smile died and now she was red faced at Sera’s statement. Tyler just chuckled as he looked through some more drawers.
“Well, we have a means to attack the pope indirectly now. If we can give this to Ishtar, we can blame the entire mess in Yalik on him.”
The sisters and Wulf nodded as Ashy was poking around in Lymir’s weapon closet. Serafina for her part was just holding Lillica around her waist. Tyler set a now miffed sera on her feet as he walked over to look at the weapon’s closet himself. Soon as he took a good look at it, he chuckled.
“Of course.”
HE tapped a small spot about the size of a coin near the center and the whole closet slid into the wall with a slight grinding sound before parting in the middle and opening. Ashy watched the movement and just sighed.
“Seriously? How tropey can ya get?”
“I don’t think we really want that one answered.”
Tyler and Ashy looked into the secret room and Tyler gave a low whistle.
“Damn. Looks like we found the town treasury.”
It was true. Inside the stone walled room were piles of coin four feet high of gold coins, gems of every variety, a few documents, and a license. Tyler took the license and whistled.
“Nice one. Got a gold path license.”
Wulf and the other three natives came over to get a better look. Tyler tilted his head quizzically.
“That rare?”
The ranger was looking at the thin piece of paper with open awe.
“It is. I know sera here is a silver, but the Gold path is rare in the extreme. It is said that a gold path appears in one out of every 3 hundred million births. As it is such a pure path, it is the single most powerful out there. Even more powerful then the five principle colors. If a Gold path appears, they are raised by the dragons themselves, for THAT is the type of power they possess.”
Tyler looked at the spell.
“Dragonic Roar. Costs 250 mana, and allows one to use the dragon flame most suited to their soul with the full force of the caster for five attacks. Only useable once a day. Damn that’s hardcore.”
Tyler looked to the documents as Wulf placed the spell back within the vault reverently.
“Okay. Wulf can you do that trick again?”
Wulf used his skill and the pages glowed before going back to normal. Tyler looked at them.
“Okay, these are just things like births, deaths, important details about the town, shipping lanes. Just the kinds of things you’d expect a leader of a town to use as a reference.”
Tyler set the papers back inside the vault as they heard footsteps behind them. Tyler looked and saw Lymir walking into the room with a most satisfied flush of purple on her blue face as she came in. Still wearing her sweaty nightgown.
“I see YOU had fun. You outlast them?”
She smiled as she looked at him.
“I did. But only just. That Lily has quite the appetite. She outlasted them both by at least two hours.”
“Great. A royal spear breaker.”
They lost it. Even Wulf was laughing hard as Lymir looked at the vault.
“I do trust you didn’t take anything.”
“Nah. Got a question on that spell though.”
Lymir smiled secretively now.
“A lay is my price.”
“We been over this, Lymir. More fun if not as a form of payment. Oh, and YOU need to fully recover first.”
She licked her lips now.
“Deal. I’ll be ready in two hours.”
“Oh, and Malico’s are simply wonderful, aren’t they?”
That made her quiver at the memory.
“They ARE. So soft, yet hard, warm and heavy! Ohhh, I want her again!”
Tyler chuckled.
“Let her get her steam back before you jump her again.”
Lymir then walked over with a stride that set her unsupported breasts bouncing to lean into his ear.
“And so you are aware? That blonde? She’s got something for you.”
“I fuckin love her. I’ll go see her AFTER she wakes up. Oh, and how’s Lily?”
Lymir smiled fondly as she rubbed her glorious blue skinned orb.
“Out cold. Her arm is fine, as she, well, I don’t think she’d appreciate me talking about it. But, her arm is in a sling for now. It’s not injured or anything, just my own idea. Oh, and she had fun.”
“Okay. So, the license?”
“Every town and city leader gets one bestowed upon them when they take the office. As both a symbol of status and as a last means of defense. Or in the event of a dragon attack.”
“They attack cities?”
“Some do. They’re rare in the extreme, but not all dragons are as, shall we say, tolerant of anything that is not a dragon.”
Tyler now looked at the spell.
“Asshole dragons. Hmm. Interesting.”
Wulf could see the gears turning now, and sighed.
“You’re not considering taking that, are you?”
“No. More, doing a quick rundown of my own skills.”
Lymir seemed shocked.
“You’re not seriously considering fighting them are you?”
“It’s not a question of if I fight them, Lymir. It’s a question of will I walk away.”
Her bright purple hued eyes went wide with horror and awe.
“are you suggesting you can FIGHT them?”
“I can. I have a few tools for just such an emergency. The only question is if they WORK.”
Wulf smiled now.
“All part of the plans, eh?”
“Yup. For now though, it’s merely a backup plan.”
Tyler closed the vault as Lymir sighed with relief.
“I know you wouldn’t take anything, but was a little nerve raking seeing the lifeblood of my town exposed like that.”
Tyler smiled as he patted her firm rear as he passed her, making her groan a little.
“we got gold enough. Now, go cuddle Lily some more.”
She smiled and walked off with an extra sway in her hips.
“So you know, I’ll be ready in two hours.”
“Yer gonna need a new bed.”
She flashed him an eager smile as she headed back to her room. Tyler then looked down the hall Serafina and Lillica came from.
“Where are we with the search?”
Serafina peered in the direction.
“That side is clear.”
“Okay, then the other floors?”
Ashy rubbed her chin.
“Lucy and the others are hitting them now.”
“Good, I’ll go check in then.”
He headed down with Sera bouncing along beside him happily humming as she went. Tyler just smiled at her usual cheer.
“How are you holding up Sera?”
She smiled at him.
“A little tired, but I’ve been drinking stamina potions, so I’m good.”
“well, go easy on them. You fall over I’ll put you in Lymir’s bed.”
She giggled as she blushed a little.
“I’m curious!”
Tyler walked into a door at that one. Like full blown bang. He then looked at a now shyly shuffling her feet Sera, and sighed.
“I think you need to talk to Kaori about that one, or Malico. Or Lily.”
She blushed harder.
“Kay. You’re not mad, are you?”
he tilted his head.
“Why would I be mad?”
She looked up at his confused expression.
“Because I might not like boys. So you wouldn’t get to have me.”
HE blinked in shock at her, then he sighed.
“I think…..I’m in over my head on this one. So, here goes.”
Sera gulped as he led her to a room and shut the door. He sat on a small bench and patted the spot next to him. She took the seat and looked at him with huge blue eyes.
“You okay?”
He patted her head reassuringly.
“Just want to make something clear.”
She gulped now.
She had a small voice, and was very nervous.
“Sera, I see you as my little sister. NOT a lover.”
She gasped in shock, and blinked really hard. Tyler rubbed his hair awkwardly as she recovered from her shock. Then she stood to look him in the eye.
“You…really think of me as your little sister?”
He smiled at her.
“Yeah. Sera, I do.”
She looked at him really intensely for a moment before hugging him tightly, and breathing a hefty sigh of relief.
“Oh thank the gods.”
He hugged her tightly as he stroked her back affectionately.
“You thought otherwise?”
She was smiling as she hugged him.
“I just thought you were buttering me up. I mean, you always play with me, and you were teasing me more then usual, so I got a little worried. I mean I love you, but not like that.”
He chuckled.
“I love you too, Sera. As my little sister.”
She giggled.
“I guess I read a little TOO into it.”
“Well, sometimes it’s just a good idea to clear the air. Assuming can be a two edged sword you know.”
She let him go and snuggled her head into his chest a little.
“I guess sometimes thinks ARE as they seem!”
He laughed as he hugged her again.
“Yeah, and often times the most obvious things are missed since there a little TOO obvious, ya know?”
She nodded sagely.
“I get it. Like how much you love Kaori, yet she didn’t really grasp the fullness of it.”
“Ya got all the pieces of a hilarious dirty joke there, but if I tell it they’ll know.”
She giggled.
“Oh, she knows ALLLL about the ‘fullness’ now! And the ‘grasp’ of it too!”
Tyler leaned back to look at her with awe in his eyes.
“Damn Sera, that was my joke exactly. Well done.”
She just settled into a another hug.
“I learned from the worst.”
“And it made you the best.”
“Damn big brother, that was a good one.”
“Just for you lil sis.”
He hugged her tightly as there was a loud thud on the door.
“Tyler, you better NOT be doing anything in there with her!”
Tyler and Sera looked at each other and smiled.
“Dear sister,”
His voice a mere whisper.
“Are YOU thinking what I’M thinking?”
She smiled widely.
He started tickling her hard and she let out a loud squeal.
“it tickles! Hey! Stop that!”
“Gotcha now!”
“Eeeeeeeee! Help!”
The door flew open to show Wulf and the ladies minus Kaori, Lily, Malico, and Lymir come barging into the room with weapons drawn, just to see Sera in a very intense tickle session with her brother. Tyler looked at them and smiled.
“Hey everyone!”
Sera was squealing as he teased her sides and her arms as Wulf sighed.
“You bastards.”
Tyler and Sera looked at each other.
Vixen was smiling now.
“All we heard was sera say it tickles, the you say gotchya now then her squeal.”
Sera and him looked at each other.
“That’s twice now.”
“That really what they think of me?”
“Sadly. But hey, we had fun right?”
“We did didn’t we?”
“We’re doing it again right?”
“Oh hell yeah.”
Wulf was slowly drawing his sword as Sera giggled.
“What’s your problem wolfy?”
“What she said?”
The ranger sheathed his sword as Ashy just groaned.
“Alright. I’mma take the bait. WHAT was so fun?”
“His hug.”
“Yeah, we good?”
She looked at him.
“Hmmm, you can tell em.”
Tyler then faced the now on the verge of murdering him group.
“Sera just had to have something cleared up. She’s my little sister, and that’s ALL. Oh, and she wants to have a chat with Kaori about something.”
Lillica smiled proudly.
“I see she’s learned how to ask too.”
The group understood then the need for privacy. Tyler then got up as each lady gave Sera a hug before just looking at him. He shrugged.
“I’ll go see if Kaori’s awake.”
He left as the group including Wulf all stayed to play with Sera as he walked to the room. He walked into the hall as the door opened and the blonde in question came out with a most flushed face and a satisfied smile. She was wearing her usual adventurer gear and Tyler blinked as he remembered something. She smiled as she saw him.
“hey, Tyler. Need me?”
He smiled as he kissed her softly.
“I always need you. Want you too.”
She sighed happily.
“I love you too. But, I’m a little too done for you right now.”
“Hey. I got something to show you.”
He took her hand and let the now curious blonde back to Lymir’s office. He walked her to the window and pointed to see as he reached into his pouch.
“Look. Beautiful isn’t it?”
She smiled as she saw way the sun bounced off the ocean and the town.
“It is.”
“Hold still.”
She froze and her heart rate exploded as she felt him undo her hair tie. Then she watched as the small black cord she’d been using was tossed to the desk as a long light blue ribbon was seen and she gasped as she felt him tie up her single pony like he’d used to for her in her room. Then he patted her shoulders.
“There. Much better.”
He took a small mirror he’d found in the desk and showed her what he’d done. She gasped as she saw he'd tied her golden hair with the blue ribbon and the way it fell looked like steamers. Plus, he’d even done a small bow in it that made her seem just that much prettier. She looked up at him in shock.
“That shop back in Term before we left. I meant to give it to you, but never got to it and then I forgot it entirely.”
She hugged him hard now.
“I love it.”
He smiled with relief as he hugged her back, stroking her blonde hair.
“I hoped you would. I’m kinda angry I forgot, but hey, you still got it.”
She kissed him then and then they just held each other for a little bit, gently swaying to their heart music.
“Thank you.”
“I love you.”
She was smiling hard and it kinda hurt.
“Was that why you were looking for me?”
“That. And Sera needs a word with you on….the bedroom.”
She looked into his eyes.
“Ummmm, before I lose it. Explain.”
“I asked her how she was holding up, and she told me she’d been popping stamina potions. So, I made the joke that if she falls over I’d put her in Lymir’s bed. Then she said she was curious. I shit you not I walked into a door.”
That made her snort inspite of herself.
“And then?”
“I told her she needed to talk to you, Malico or Lily on that one. Then she asked me if I was mad.”
Kaori narrowed her eyes now.
“Your response?”
“I asked her why would I be mad, and she said if it turned out she don’t like boys, I wouldn’t get to have her.”
She now pulled his face down to look directly into his eyes. Like inches apart.
“What did you do?”
“I took her into the nearest room to make something clear.”
“That being?”
His eyes became a little harder.
“I told her she’s my little sister. And that’s all.”
“Her reaction?”
“Relief. Sheer relief. And plenty of pride and happiness. She admitted to having read too much into my recent teasing, and then we hugged.”
Kaori had not even blinked.
“Is she okay?”
“She seems it. Her eyes were clear. I think she just needed to know where we stood better, ya know?”
Kaori breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
“You handled that very well. So, you came right to me after, and then remembered the ribbon.”
“Pretty much.”
“I love it. And yes We’ll talk to her.”
“Shoulda seen the looks on the other’s faces when we pranked em.”
Kaori smiled a narrow smile.
“You, Sera, a closed door, and your mind. I bet they nearly killed you.”
They chuckled as Tyler looked at her now.
“I heard from Lymir, you had something for me?”
Kaori got a seductive grin.
“Close your eyes and hold out your hand.”
“If you kick me in the balls, you’re sleeping outside.”
She had a most….nerve rackingly innocent smile now.
“Oh dear I would never!”
“I’m trusting you on this.”
He closed his eyes and held out his hand. HE heard a giggle that made his blood run cold. Then he felt a few pieces of paper get placed in his hand along with a heavier object.
“Okay, it’s safe.”
He opened his eyes to see a recorder crystal on top of three licenses in his hand. He blinked as he looked at Kaori’s sexy grin.
“It safe to look at?”
“Only the first few minutes. You’ll understand then.”
He looked at her as he tapped the thing, and it showed the view from Lymir’s headboard and in the bed was Lymir and Lily as the group all walked around searching. He blinked and killed it there and then.
“Is this?”
Kaori came over and kissed him most sweetly.
“A gift from the four of us. And, Malico will hold it in her secret pouch.”
“I love you all.”
“The licenses, I will hold. I trust you know what they are.”
“I do.”
She smiled and took the items herself now.
“I will put a few rules in place for these.”
“The crystal is OUR, you, me, Lily, Lymir, and Malico’s secret. Not a soul is to know it exists.”
“Sera spotted it on the headboard.”
“I know, as I pointed it out to her.”
“The thing is NOT to be viewed outside a inn room with a solid door.”
“And it is NOT to be shown to anyone that was not a part of it’s making. And, I mean THAT making.”
“I know. But thank you.”
“The spells are JUST for US. NO one else with the exceptions of Yoko, Seline, Verilica, and Aqua. Oh, and Lymir.”
“Thank you, Kaori. I love you.”
“We all love you. Oh, and this is just for Lily. NO sword play when viewing.”
“So you’re aware? It can’t fit her just yet, but that is all. And, she fully intends to play in ‘other’ ways.”
“Oh fuck.”
“yeah we said the same.”
“I agree to YOUR rules, kaori.”
She smiled as she took the items back and hid them in a secret pouch in her pants.
“Lymir gave me this one.”
They kissed again and he smiled as she pressed her into him.
“Now we just need that photo skill and spell.”
She smiled as they swayed again.
The two lovers looked to see Sera taping her foot.
Tyler smiled and gave a subtle nod to Kaori’s hair.
“I remembered something, Sera.”
The black haired princess then noticed the light bule ribbon in Kaori’s hair and squealed.
“Kaori that ribbon looks soooo pretty!”
That made the blonde blush as Tyler took his leave.
“I bought it for her back in term before we left, and forgot to give it to her.”
Sera smiled as he walked out, guessing his ploy.
“It looks beautiful in her hair. And close the door ya barn raised peasant.”
“At once Milady.”
He shut the double doors as a yawning Malico came walking out of Lymir’s room with a sticky tail and matted fur. Tyler smiled as he saw her.
“Hey, Malico. Thanks for them. Oh, and Kaori’s in there with Sera, think ya can help her out/”
The catgirl was instantly awake and alert as Tyler walked away.
“Yer welcome!”
“Love you kittycat!”
The busty cat snuck in and shut the door quietly to see what the talk was about, even though she’d guessed. Tyler rejoined the group and Lillica looked at him.
“Getting her interview.”
That got him a hug.
“Thanks for looking after her.”
He smiled as he rubbed Lillica’s black hair.
“She’s my sister too, ya know.”
That got a warm glow from the party. Then he looked to Wulf.
“Where are we with the search?”
“Clear. We just wrapped up the last room.”
“Anything of note?”
Vixen chuckled.
“A few rings for summons in the basement, some hidden record crystals, and just more keepsakes.”
“The crystals were found?”
“Headboards mostly. I found one on a bed post though. It was disguised as an ornament though.”
“Okay, nifty idea. I’ll cast the spells then. We’ll use the mansion as a base of operations while in Yalik. And, Ashy, close the door. We got an update.”
The dirty blonde closed it and leaned on is as Tyler took the documents he’d taken from the desk out and passed it around. Once the group had seen it he hid them back in his pouch.
“We now have evidence to incriminate the pope. That said. Lillica, your father’s days are numbered now.”
She gasped.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because this is another trope from our world. We finally get a weapon to use against our enemy, only for our greatest ally in the place he lives in to die. Thus, we lose the ONE leg we have to stand on.”
Lillica sighed now.
“I see. So, what do I do?”
“My advice? Make peace with it. I’ll tell Sera this myself. Now, we-actually. I wonder. Be right back.”
The room looked at him as He left. Then Wulf chuckled.
“I bet he’s looking to see if Lymir has a similar spell to contact the king.”

Tyler walked to Lymir’s bedroom door and tapped a knuckle. He got a slight hmmm? So he opened it slightly and saw Lymir sitting at her desk brushing her long blue hair. HE saw lily was still sound asleep, and was swathed in blankets and pillows. He smiled as he walked over to the mermaid.
“You wouldn’t have a spell to contact Ishtar directly, would you?”
She blinked in surprise.
“I do. It’s for emergencies only.”
“It like Seline’s?”
“Come on then. We need to give an update.”
She nodded and got up. Tyler walked over to check on Lily. The little mountain elf was sound asleep with her sword arm in a sling and from the lack of sleeves was naked underneath the blankets. She had a flush on her dark skin and her hair was sweaty. He gave her a soft, loving pat before casting his three defense spells.
“Thank you.”
Lily opened her red eyes to smile at him as he finished casting. HE smiled as he sat beside her.
“Sorry to wake you, Lily.”
He patted her head as she chuckled weakly.
“doting care and loving attention. No less then I would expect from my future husband.”
“Love you too, lily. Go back to sleep.”
She took his hand and squeezed it faintly.
“We’ll still cuddle right?”
“You are NOT leaving that bed until you can wack me again. So yes, we’ll cuddle.”
“Yay. Her bed is really comfy.”
He gave her a light hug before she laid back and passed out again. He placed the blanket higher up her small body before leaving with a glowing Lymir.
“She means a lot to you.”
He closed the door and smiled as they walked down the hall.
“She does, Lymir. She may want to be my wife, and to be honest, in a few years, who knows. But, right now? I love that wildcat every bit as fiercely as Sallie or Sylvia or Sera.”
That got a smile.
“Lily is a very fierce girl. Plus is just sweet.”
They collected the group and knocked on the office door.
“Kaori? It safe?”
They walked in to see Sera safely snuggled into Malico’s soft hug. Tyler took a spot against Lymir’s desk as he gave the reason.
“We’re contacting Ishtar.”
Sera smiled as Lymir cast the spell. The cloud appeared and the king was seen. Tyler looked at him.
“What is our pass code?”
The king blinked, and sensed it was serious.
“It is better to be feared then loved, if one cannot be both.”
Tyler held up the documents.
“Yalik was a mess, Ishtar. Still is.”
The king looked at Lymir and then to Tyler.
“How bad?”
“Only t 250 people in this city had NOT been replaced with a doppelganger. Lymir herself here was one of them.”
The king gasped in horror.
“Ohh, Lymi, IO am so sorry.”
“My party was very nearly captured and enslaved this time Ishtar. Thank the gods for Sera, Lillica and Lily.”
Tyler retold the story of the party’s near capture, rape, and enslavement. The king had a single tear fall.
“So. Let it be known that the Outcasts were nearly wiped out. And only the strength of Sera, Lillica and Lily saved them before myself and Wulf got back.”
Ishtar sighed deeply.
“It seems even YOU are not invulnerable to mistakes.”
“Never said I was. But, then again. I never make the same mistake twice.”
That got an approving nod.
“I will forgive the endangerment of my daughters due to your arrogance. On the grounds that you have never lied to me nor them, and the fact you have given me good council.”
Tyler shrugged.
“On the bright side? I have nothing more to teach them. All they need now is strength and experience wielding it.”
That got a beam of pride now.
“They have grown so much and gotten so strong. Thank you.”
“This will NOT happen again Ishtar. I swear that to you.”
“Indeed. I will hold you to this oath. Now, how bad is the damage?”
“Still taking a tally. We have a new rule for the seas as well.”
“I see. What is this new rule?”
“Any ship seeking to dock has a holy sanctity cast upon her and her crew. At this time that is our most plausible theory on just how so many of the damned things got into the city. Any refuse either get a faceful of cannons or just turned away.”
Ishtar rubbed his beard.
“I like this rule. However, the reality is most white paths haven’t the power to cast such a spell.”
Tyler frowned now.
“I see. Then we have a major problem here. If it happened once, it can happen again.”
“And if not in Yalik then somewhere else.”
Vixen stepped forward.
“A suggestion my lord.”
The king smiled at the black mage.
“Of course miss.”
“If Holy Sanctity is not an option, what about Holy Dome? It has a similar effect yet is not as widespread in it’s dome.”
Ishtar thought about it as Tyler himself weighed the idea.
“That is a most acceptable compromise, Miss. I am familiar with holy Dome, as it was a favorite spell of ole Gru back in the year. As I recall, the White path of Purity’s brothers are easily capable of casting Holy Dome. Holy Sanctity is just a little too hardcore.”
Tyler chuckled.
“I need to remember not everyone is a powerhouse.”
Ishtar chuckled as well.
“It is never a bad thing to have faith in the abilities of others. Just try to NOT put too much faith in them.”
“Fair. So, the rule?”
“I shall make a decree. On the grounds of what you have told me.”
“Spare no detail. The girls can handle themselves now.”
Sera and Lillica gasped.
“Are you sure?”
“You really want to go public with having us in your party?”
Tyler smiled at them.
“If you can throw off a mind subjugation necklace in thirty seconds, and kill a 25 foot giant single handedly, you’re ready. You’ll still be getting lessons and practice, but so won’t we all.”
Sera was now smiling with pride as Lillica still seemed nervous.
“It seems risky.”
“Trust yourself, Lillica. We all believe in you. So, try to as well.”
She nodded as Ishtar smiled was proudly.
“It seems you are a truly great teacher, Tyler the Outcast.”
“I had the best students.”
Kaori smiled as well, knowing she was amongst them. Then tyler sighed.
“We had another reason for this council Ishtar.”
The king became serious.
“What is it?”
Tyler held up the documents.
“These outline the Pope’s step-by-step instructions on how to fool me and my party, how to enslave us, and the orders to do so.”
Ishtar’s eyes flashed.
“You mean.”
“we have an arrow pointing directly at him now.”
“So, what do you propose we do with this evidence?”
Tyler smiled darkly.
“If I were to give it to you, can you arrange it to be ‘found’ by Kazuma by way of oh say, a rogue courier?”
Ishtar burst out laughing.
“I see your plan you wily bastard! Have Kazuma expose the corruption in the church and set himself up as a hero.”
“All the while the pope knows both EXACTLY where they came from, who found them, and HOW Kazuma got them.”
“And he won’t be able to do a thing.”
“And give Kazuma more brownie points with he people.”
“Thus solidifying my continued wisdom in adopting him before the court while at the same time undermining the church. Brilliantly devious. Now, before we proceed.”
Tyler looked at him.
“You have a request.”
“I do. The Warrior’s ball.”
“I think I’m gonna like where this is going.”
“I want to see my daughters.”
“Oh. Okay. Just show up to the ball.”
The king blinked.
“The hells didn’t I think of that? I’m THROWING the damned thing.”
Tyler smiled ruefully.
“Too easy?”
Ishtar was right there with him.
“I guess so.”
“Well, by that point, they’ll be even stronger. Oh. And. A two part warning.”
“go ahead.”
“I want you to be on your guard now. Once I give you these papers, until Kazuma accomplishes the task, you’re very life will be in danger and so will his.”
“I see. I have picked my sword back up, secretly of course, and as such my strength has returned.”
“I am glad I CAN pick it back up again after me and Kaori. Later. So, anything missing?”
Kaori was glowing hard now, and the other ladies were as well. Ishtar smiled.
“Nothing is missing. I just look older. So, on the front of a sneak or direct attack, I’ll go to battle once more. Now, the second?”
“Don’t you DARE die before you get to hug them again. ESPECIALLY after telling them to their faces you wanted to see them at that ball. Since we’ll be there.”
The king was taken aback by the sheer force in Tyler’s voice now, and by the sheer fury in his eyes. Sera and Lillica both looked at kaori for an explanation. She shrugged with a smile.
“He hates false hope with a burning passion.”
“Makes sense.”
Ishtar smiled now.
“I am not as weak as you might think lad. But, fairly warned and fairly heeded.”
“All alright then. Now how am I getting these to you?”
The cloud form of the king just held out his hand and Tyler shrugged as he gave them to him. Soon as he had them, Ishtar looked them over and nodded.
“I see. Okay, this is exactly the thing to pop the church open like a gourd. Kazuma will have these within the hour.”
“A last warning.”
Tyler fixed the king with his Demon’s Glare, with everything he had in it.
“Do not let that fall into the wrong hands. Do NOT think of a double cross. And DO NOT THINK OF A SCREW JOB.”
Ishtar was shaking now, and so was everyone in the room, including kaori and even the two spirits. Tyler spoke another line, and it had all the coldness of a midnight storm in the frozen north.
Tyler glared at the trembling king as kaori recovered first.
“He’s put his faith in you for this Ishtar.”
The king understood then.
“I will not fail.”
Just like that the tension was gone, and Tyler was his usual cheerful self. Ishtar chuckled.
“Scary mood swing. Now, I have a question.”
“You used the point that Sera and Lillica can kill a giant 25 feet tall, did you not?”
“I did.”
“Soo, they’ve faced such a creature?”
“In single combat with their swords. Bows were not allowed for this exam.”
Ishtar blinked.
“And you were?”
“Observing from a rock. With the entire party as well.”
“Soo, let me get this straight, you pit Sera, alone, against a 25 foot tall hill giant. With that sword in her hand.”
Ishtar was somewhere between a father’s anger and sheer awe.
“How’d they do?”
“Lillica sliced her giant’s ankle away until it dropped ot a knee, then she leapt up it’s back to stab it in the base of the neck. Sera used a dagger to climb up the back on the beast where it couldn’t reach her to do the same.”
“I am both horrified you pit them against such stacked odds, and at the same time impressed by the fact they accomplished this feat.”
“Makes you feel better, ya remember that elven girl, Lily? The one with the hammer?”
“I do.”
“She’s done it. Twice.”
Ishtar just slumped in his chair.
“You’re insane.”
Sera giggled.
“We’re awesome!”
Ishtar smiled on reflex.
“Is your training usually this harsh?”
“When we get serious? Yes. Their next challenge is to kill a tomb guardian with Vixen, WITHOUT me present.”
the girls gulped.
“We’ll do our best.”
Ishtar gaped at him.
“but they could face anything from a mere draugr to a grand Lich!”
“Lillica’s already killed a grand Lich. So, now she just has to do it alone.”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“Ladies! Bragging time!”
Sera went first and showed her bestiary to her father. He went white when he saw the thing.
“A Minotaur balor? How?”
“Her and lily baited the thing into a blind rage. It charged lily, who has an Additite shield, and Sera popped up with those dragon scale arrows to pierce it’s heart in a tag team attack.”
The king glared at him.
“Where the hell were you?”
“Three feet to the right. Lily’s learned the fine art of getting under another’s skin. Seriously, thing drops, spits a single line, Lily pissed it off, and Sera popped it. Total time? Less an 5 minutes. Hell, they caught ME off guard on that one. Well played though.”
Ishtar looked at the sweetly smiling Sera.
“Your mother is going to LOSE it when she learns her little girl killed a monster stronger then HER best kill.”
Sera was glowing like a light now.
“I did better then Mommy?”
“You did sweetie. Your mother has only killed a lesser demon of War. And, has NEVER faced a balor. So, well done.”
“Best part is she’s NOT done. Not until she can kill a lisk alone. WITHOUT aid of ANY kind.”
sera giggled.
“I’ll make HIM piss himself!”
“Atta girl!”
She hugged him as Lillica showed hers next. Ishtar gaped as well.
“You really DID kill a grand Lich. Well done Lillica.”
“That was a triple threat attack with me locking the beast in place against it’s coffin. Her, Sera, and lily faced that thing in perfect sync. Right now their teamwork is flawless. It’s just their solo work that needs work.”
“He’s a very harsh and unforgiving teacher Father. But fair. If he thinks we’re ready for a challenge we have not faced yet, he’ll sit there on watch as we complete it. If we get into trouble, he’ll help us and teach us better so we CAN handle it the next time.”
“I see.”
Tyler chuckled.
“My lessons include first watching to see how everyone works together and seeing where they fit the best. Next, is to find a way to make the most of whatever skills and abilities they already have to their best. My way is to THINK in a fight on HOW to win the fight. Once you have the mindset down, it’s onto the practical skills, like bow or sword. You learn from those in the party that have the best skills and most experience with your chosen weapons. Once you can swing a sword with confidence, it’s on to the blood. I started them off on goblins and orcs in the battle of TopLeaf. AFTER they proved their mindset with the stone giant. Then I brought them individually on camp raids. And it gradually increased from there.”
Ishtar was nodding along as tyler laid out his training regiment.
“A very firm yet effective strategy. See where they fit best and have them maximize their skills there. Before this mess, my knights were trained in a similar fashion, only not as harsh.”
“The tougher the test the more fulfilling it is when you succeed.”
“Agreed. May I ask how they’re outdoorsmanship is coming?”
“Sera can drop a running hare with a single shot to the eye at 60 yards first shaft. Lillica, 75.”
“Damn girls. You’re better shots then your mother!”
They were glowing hard at that one. Tyler chuckled.
“They got a long way to go though.”
Their glow of pride died as they sighed.
“He doesn’t let our successes go to our head.”
Ishtar was a little shocked.
“You’re growing up splendidly.”
“Wait till the ball. Ya not gonna recognize em.”
That got a proud smile.
“I can’t wait to see how far they’ve come. So you know, the documents are already en route to Kazuma.”
“Understood. We’re going to go aid the clean up.”
“I trust you saw the last article.”
“The robberies?”
“Indeed. Plus I also understand you’ve taken a new Warrior into your camp.”
The dirty blonde walked forward and bowed.
“Your Majesty, a pleasure to meet you.”
Ishtar smiled happily.
“A Warrior with proper manners. Refreshing.”
“Ashy here is a kind hearted girl with a spine.”
“You trust her?”
“I do. She’s proven herself thus far.”
“Then if she’d like, I can reinstate her weekly ten gold.”
“Thank you sir. But, I’m afraid it really wouldn’t be fair.”
“Actually, hold on Ashy. You told me you only returned to term the once, right?”
She was confused.
“Yeah. I got my ten gold coins and just left town once my gear was set. Why bring that up?”
“Because the other Warriors besides me and Kaori all got the same amount each week.”
She looked at him.
“See? Ashy had NO clue just what was going on in the world.”
Ishtar smiled now, understanding exactly where he was going. Ashy was now a little sad.
“You mean I missed out on the gold? That would have made it so much easier to get places it’s not even funny.”
Tyler patted her.
“She missed out on, what? 90 gold?”
Ishtar did a little math.
“Closer to…..50. As the first wave is in three and a half weeks.”
“Wow. My math is a little rusty. Would that be more then fair?”
Ishtar smiled as he took a pouch, added a few coins to it and passed it to a stunned Ashy.
“Here miss. On behalf of the crown, we expect great things from you.”
She was crying from the gift.
“Thank you sir, I promise I’ll do my best!”
Tyler patted her back reassuringly as she gave the pouch to him. Ishtar raised an eyebrow.
“Either I just got hoodwinked or you hold the coin for your party.”
“I’m the strongest in the party so I hold the coin.”
“Ah. A wise strategy. I trust you’re holding my daughter’s coin as well.”
Tyler pulled his shirt down to add the new coins and Ishtar saw he had the main pouch hidden under his mythril mail.
“Ah! I see now. Crafty to the extreme. I also assume those on your belt are empty?”
“And make the best kinda bait.”
“Scary. I must get to work. Do you have any other news?”
“Just a request now.”
“Oh shit.”
“Nice to see we’re starting to understand each other!”
“There goes my nights sleep. What is it?”
“I understand there is a skill for deciphering coded documents.”
Ishtar raised an eyebrow again.
“There is. May I ask why you need such a skill?”
“As my perception is the highest in the party, and that packet I gave you was encoded, makes sense for me to have it.”
“I see. Yet, the Elven ambassador next to you possesses the exact skill.”
“As does the Wraith in the corner. TWO out of 11 is not a good ratio. Plus, I’m just better at finding hidden motives and other deceptions.”
Ishtar just chuckled.
“I understand. I can bestow this skill, but you may not like now it’s given.”
“Let me guess. I have to become an official somehow?”
“Sadly yes. The skill is a bonus to the title of Human Ambassador.”
Tyler’s brown eyes flashed with inspiration.
“I do believe I smell an opportunity here.”
“Oh shit here we go.”
“Is it possible to add a special purpose to my title?”
The king’s eyes narrowed now.
“Like what?”
“Wandering Ambassador. I go where the winds blows me with the authority to make deals and look into matters in towns such as Trost for example and see if anything is amiss.”
“That mind is absolutely terrifying. As a matter of fact, there is a such a title. And it comes with that skill plus the one to encode a document as well. It’s called Warrior’s Runner. Basically, it means you’re the very best at sending sensitive information through dangerous country. Now that I think of it, you basically already do that anyway. So, all of you, open your HUDs.”
“Lily, you can come in now.”
The door opened and the small girl came in tiredly and yawning. Tyler walked over and picked the still exhausted girl up and carried her.
“Why are you up, Lily?”
She smiled tiredly.
“Momma didn’t raise no weakling. I can help.”
“She didn’t raise a weakling, but even you have a limit, Lily.”
She smiled as she opened her Hud as well.
“Just shut up and hold me.”
He just shook his head.
“That’s my favorite wildcat.”
They all had their HUD’s open as Ishtar plucked hairs from his beard and placed them in their HUDS, Though Sera squirmed.
“I see she’s learned from you.”
“In all the best and worst ways.”
They got the title which boosted Willpower, mental fortitude and Perception. Afterwards Tyler looked at Ishtar as Lily fell back asleep in his arms.
“Thanks. That was it.”
“I shall get to it then.”
“I’ll go put her back to bed.”
The cloud dissipated and the others all looked at him.
“I’ll go rest with Lily for a little while. She’s FAR too weak to be left alone right now. Rest of you can rest or help the town. Sera and Lillica need to rest as well. They’re about to drop.”
“No I’m not!”
“I’m still good!”
Sera and Lillica were guided by Kaori, Malico, Vixen and Serafina to a room for a group cuddle. Tyler looked to Lymir.
“We’re gonna be in town for a while, so our play needs to wait until lily is back to normal.”
She smiled fondly.
Tyler carried Lily back to Lymir’s bedroom and settled her back into the bed. The spells were up and active so he shut the door as Sylvia and Sallie spoke up.
“We’ll keep watch.”
“Yeah. So, relax.”
“Love you two.”
Tyler removed most of his gear and Sylvia sat on it as he placed it near the bed. He then climbed up next to lily in the bed and cradled the smaller girl against him as she slumbered. He pressed her face to his scarred chest as he drifted off himself.


Tyler next opened his eyes to see he had not moved an inch, and found Lily was still sound asleep in his cradle. He smiled as he saw her and frowned as he saw her arm in the sling. This is just wrong on so many levels. Lily is easily the most spirited and fierce girl I have ever met, and yet now she’s so weak. He sighed to himself as he laid beside her. He looked over and saw Sylvia was seated on his gear and Sallie was sitting on the bed. The red haired elf smiled as she saw he was awake, and Sallie came up to lay beside the sleeping Lily.
“She seems so small now.”
Tyler sighed as he gently brushed her black hair.
“Yeah. It’s bugging the hell outta me too. Girl’s easily the fiercest I’ve ever met and now seeing her like this is kinda making me mad.”
The green haired spirit smiled.
“You love her spirit.”
“I love her.”
“I love you too.”
lily opened her eyes to lift her head groggily to smile at him.
“How are you feeling?”
she laid on her back.
“Still exhausted.”
“I’ll cast a remedy. Just to be sure.”
He cast it and felt nothing and then a holy relief. Still nothing. She smiled as she looked at him.
“Lovingly overbearing. I picked my future-husband well.”
“We’ll see in a few decades. For now, lily, you’re my sister.”
She gasped, then smiled with pride.
“I’d prefer friend with benefits.”
“I see the girls have been teaching you too.”
Lily gigged softly.
“They’ve taught me…a few things.”
“Well, good for you. You’re still too weak to do them.”
She sighed.
“I hate this too.”
He wrapped an arm over her tiny waist.
She smiled and snuggled closer.
She closed her eyes again and was out like a light. He looked at Sallie.
“is she JUST tired?”
Sallie smiled.
“Yes. Her exhaustion is just that extreme.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am. I can tell from her life essence which a spirit can see. Her’s is still strong and vital. Only just tired.”
“Oh thank the gods.”
He settled down and relaxed again to sleep. He was lulled back to sleep by the soft breaths of the small elven girl next to him.


The next time he opened his eyes he was looking into Lymir’s face on the other side of lily’s frame. Tyler blinked in surprise as he saw she was under the covers as well, cocooning Lily’s body in a warm tunnel with their bodies. Well, this IS her room. Makes sense she’d want to sleep in HER bed. He then looked down to see Lily was now comfortably entrenched in Lymir’s soft breasts with his arm around her waist. He smiled as he looked up to see Lymir smiling at him.
“She hasn’t moved in four hours.”
He looked at the girl now a little concerned.
“Relax. She’s fine.”
He sighed with relief.
“She means a lot to me.”
Lymir placed her own arm over Lily’s waist now over his own.
“She means a lot to me too. She looks so small and fragile like that.”
He smiled at his favorite wildcat.
“I hate this look for her. Small and weak just does not work for her.”
The mermaid nodded as Lily stirred. She blinked open her red eyes and yawned. She looked at Tyler and smiled warmly, only to give Lymir a leer as she looked at her massive breasts that were even bigger then Malico’s. Tyler smiled now.
“Get better Lily. Heal first, sex after.”
“I know. More messing with her.”
Lymir smiled knowingly.
“He’ll learn soon enough.”
“I am looking forward to it.”
Tyler smiled as he looked at her.
“How are you feeling now?”
She looked at her arm in the sling.
“Still tired. But my arm feels much better. So, getting there.”
“I’m not going anywhere till you can chase me down that hall.”
“As I would expect from my to-be husband.”
She drifted off again and Tyler looked at Lymir.
“And I am MOST looking forward to your….performance.”
She quivered as he settled back down, leaving the now hot and bothered mermaid to her torment as he drifted off again himself. He woke to a red hued room and to see Lily was still in one spot. Lymir had been replaced by Sera and the smaller girl was cuddled up against Lily like he was. He smiled as he looked at the elf girl. Her arm was still in the sling and Sera was holding her hand. He relaxed and closed his eyes to doze now.

HE musta fallen asleep because when he opened his eyes it was dark out and now he was looking into Vixen’s face. Well. THAT’S a first. He then noted she was NOT wearing her usual buckled robe and was in her cloth bra and panties. He looked to check on Lily and found her still out cold. She’s starting to scare me here. He looked up again to find himself looking into Vixen’s dark blue eyes. She smiled sweetly.
“This is a first for us.”
He chuckled.
“It is indeed. Not the first time I’ve slept with a fox though.”
She smiled as she rested an arm over Lily’s frame as well.
“But, still nice right?”
“I’ve got a hot Vixen in bed with me. Course it’s nice.”
She had a happy smiled now.
“She’s getting better.”
he looked at the small girl.
“You sure?”
The black mage placed a black glowing hand over Lily’s forehead and smiled.
“She’ll be back to strength in the morning.”
“Oh thank the gods. Her arm?”
“Same. That’s already back to normal. Now her energy just needs to replenish.”
“was she THAT drained?”
the pale skinned beauty sighed.
“She was. Her willpower alone was what kept her going AFTER the mind necklace. Yet she killed it too. When she wakes properly, her will is going to be nearly as strong as your own. And here.”
She passed him a news crystal.
“I know how you look forward to these.”
“How’s the town?”
“Still going crazy with the search. Vollock and Wallace were wondering where you were, but when we told them you were watching over the elven girl they just dropped it. Though, Wallace did comment saying that he respects a man that looks after the ones that need him the most.”
Tyler smiled as he rolled onto his back and put the crystal into the HUD.
“Today in Vernillion. It would seem that Tyler the Outcast is still a human afterall. As has been reported the past few weeks, The Outcast Warrior party was set to travel to the port town of Yalik with the intent to render aid to the Lady Lymir. Well. They arrived. Tyler and his party arrived with the usual brazenness we have all grown used to and love. He went straight to the mansion of the Lady Lymir and began to clean the city gutters, for even her servants were corrupted beyond redemption, and to the point that Ignatia himself had to pay a visit. The Outcast and the Fire Dragon King then spoke at length regarding an issue. What this issue is, this writer is not aware. The Red king flew off as tyler and company returned to the task at hand and met with the Lady Lymir. Her beautiful city at that moment was under siege of a bandit lord and his followers. As is the Outcasts way, he took Lymir to task over her failings before offering his aid, which the Mermaid leader was ready to accept and assist in. Tyler being the tactical genius he is was then seen prepping the town guard and walls for a defense he is most skilled in preforming. As is also his way, he sniffed something was amiss and left with his ranger friend for scouting. Alas, dear reader, treachery struck the outcasts. For unbeknownst to them, and utterly missing the legendary eyes of Tyler himself, Lymir was the puppeteer behind the mess. For recently she had taken leave of her senses, and has since been abusing and raping the more pleasing to the eye ladies of her fair city. The resistance fighters, led by one Captain Vollock, confronted the treacherous lady on the battlements of her city, pinning her between the Outcasts and them. The Outcast has trained some truly dangerous apprentices, for his students were the first to detect something was amiss even BEFORE he did himself. And WHO are his students? None other then Lily, princess to the Elven kingdom, who is said to be the one that first smelt a falsehood, and the first to it. His other two apprentices? Sera Von Vernillion and Lillica Von Vernillion the royal girls themselves! That’s right reader. The royal princesses are NOT in Raylik as was originally claimed, but are both traveling and being trained by the Outcast himself! And from the feats on the battlements, are heeding his lessons. For, Lymir had given the party a set of necklaces from her faith to better command her guard with; only for them to turn out to be Necklaces of subjugation. Lily, Sera, and Lillica were utterly unaffected by these most vile tools, as were the two black mages the Outcasts travel with. They then rallied their flagging friends with incensing words and taunts. Lymir then threw her guard at the brave fighters, and reader? The Outcasts were caught in the worst type of position to fight in: a battlemented walltop with banks of men on either side. They did what they could, but in the end were restrained by sheer weight of numbers alone, and lack of maneuvering space. This was no doubt the darkest hour they have faced thus far in their journey. Yet, they still won the day with the return of the Outcast and his Ranger friend. Then the real work began. For, now having realized his own mistake, Tyler saw that Lymir had been replaced by a doppelganger. Which he promptly killed. Setting the true Lymir free. It would seem that Tyler’s one true weakness is, in his own words: a Pretty face. You heard it right, reader, Tyler the Legendary seeker of truth, and one who throws deceptions into the light like it’s a sport was lulled so utterly into a state of complacency by this most vile of creatures, and all it had to do was be a right beauty! But, reader, Tyler also freely admitted this. And in this writer’s own opinion? This is a weakness one would expect from such a confirmed lady Lure! Seeing his err, Tyler then sought to put it to rights the only way he knows how. By hitting the problem with a hammer. He went straight for the temple of the White path of Purity only to discover a most sickening truth. The entire populace of the city of Yalik, minus 250, had been replaced by doppelgangers. That’s right, reader, this is the single largest gathering of such creatures in recent memory. Upon procuring a spell from the Father of the temple made solely for such creatures, the town was purged of the things to his levels. That was not the end of his day however, for there was still the means as to how the creatures got into the city in such mass numbers. So, he sought he audience of the King himself. Upon hearing his daughters near tragedy, the king admonished the Outcast, for afterall. A man’s daughters are the most prized things in his life. In his own words, Ishtar made this own.
“Tyler made a mistake here. He freely admits this. He ALSO admitted in the same breath that my daughters and this elven girl Lily saved his party, and in his mind? Have completed their training under him. He also swore a Warrior’s oath that such a mistake will NEVE happen again. His entire party along with the lady Lymir bore witness to this. So, I absolved him of guilt due to the fact his own words are he never makes the same mistake twice. That and he’s PISSED he got duped period.”
Tyler continues to amaze, for even when he makes a mistake he is all too ready to step up and do better, and take the consequences for his actions. Now, the TRUE reason for the council, beyond giving a father the chance to see his daughters’ growth with his own eyes, was to propose a new rule for the sea faring vessels entering our ports. As such, if a ship wishes to dock now, a brother of the white path must first cast Holy Dome upon the vessel and her crew before entering the port and leaving. If they refuse they get turned away, as the Outcast and his party are using the known fact of a ship’s crew and how often it changes as the reason son many doppelgangers got into the city. A most reasonable conclusion in this writer’s own opinion, as I myself am a sailor. The shipping companies have thus far agreed to the new regulation, having learned from the ongoing airship debacle that such rules WILL be heeded. So, it would seem that the Outcast himself is still human enough to blunder every now and then. This is oddly reassuring to us all. Strange as it might be. The Pope has also made a statement regarding the matter.
“How obscene. The royal girls were nearly enslaved due to the arrogance of the Outcast, and yet not a single merit of punishment was issued? When the other Warriors have done far less evil then endangering the lives of royalty? Why were they punished and he was not?”
Ishtar has settled the matter.
“I’ve seen my girls bestiaries. Sera, has a Minotaur Balor, over fifty giants of the hill variety, over 250 orcs, goblins and Oricah to her name as confirmed kills. Plus a Liches. Lillica, has a grand Lich, 49 giants of hill AND stone, 250 orcs and goblins, and have slain between them over 150 men. As far as I’m concerned, if they were truly in danger, the city of Yalik would be a glowing crater. Sera herself can kill a 25 foot tall hill giant singlehandedly with a mere shortsword. Lillica as well. THAT is the type of teacher Tyler is to them. And as such has my blessing to keep my girls safe. That, and Sera has a new older brother she absolutely adores. Lillica s well, but ya know, SERA.”
In this writers own opinion? If Tyler can transform a pair of palace raised princesses that had never before held a sword or bow into these caliber of fighters in a measly couple weeks, then we are in desperate need of more teachers like him. AND if his regiment lets them keep their hearts and personalities then he is truly something special. The viscount of Dragul has also made a statement in the matter.
“Tyler is the type of guy that once he sees he’s fucked up, he’s ready and willing to break his back to fix it. Plus, if KAORI was the one in trouble, well, not even the gods can help you. If she was with them, then they were NOT in any real danger. The fact he’s traveling with the royal girls is oddly fitting to me for some odd reason. Oh, and if you read this, Tyler, tell Lillica I said hello. Tyler is a very patient teacher. I myself have witnessed him going over the same math problem no less the twenty times with my sister before she understood it. Hmm? No she’s not stupid. Her and math don’t get along.”
It would seem that Kazuma has his eye on the royal princess. And in this writer’s own opinion? Goof for him. Just don’t maker her brother angry. The queen of the elves, Willow, was also able to make a comment.
“I didn’t raise no slave. Lily’s always been a very fierce girl. I heard from Lymir that right now, Lily is unable to even MOVE, and the outcast has not left her side for the last 9 hours. Hell, according to the lady, he was CARRYING her asleep in his arms until he found a safe enough spot for her to sleep. So, boy? I will let you off me hook for the mistake. Oh, and since I know you’ll read this, Tatiana’s looking forward to your next visit. As for Lily? She’s a lot stronger then you know. So, have faith in her.”
The Outcast even cares for his own like a father. Now, the Warriors. It would seem that Max and his faction just refuse to listen to the rules of the land. As they sought to force their way into the kingdom of Erolagard. The dwarven homeland. Well, they left with arrows, spells, and burning pitch as the race of dwarves are among the fiercest defenders of their homes. Rolic king Under the mountain made a statement as well.
“It would seem event he mighty Outcast was vulnerable to a woman’s tears. This both immensely reassuring, and utterly terrifying. Mostly reassuring, as his backers are just clucking their tongues at him like it were him just spilling the water for the forge. So, I am most looking forward to meeting this boy. Though, I now fear for the good looking ladies of me realm, or more accurately, us ugly bastards.”
Rolic seems most interested by the Outcast. It will be most interesting to see what he will do once the first wave passes. Another story we are following is the continued problems regarding the airships. Yet another had to be taken out of the skies for ignoring the new rules. This time, it was brought down by Ignatia the flame lord. He granted an interview and had a cutting line for humanity.
“It would seem that the one in the tower has forgotten who that Tower was built for. And WHAT we ARE. So, a lesson is in order.”
Reader, let us PRAY the Outcast can reason on our behalf. Or, at least barter for our lives.”

Tyler smiled as he closed the thing and looked back to Vixen.
“Seems we’re famous now.”
The pale beauty smiled as she hugged Lily tighter.
“Plus, sought after.”
Tyler smirked as he rolled onto his side and placed his own hand on top of Vixen’s and intertwined his fingers with hers on Lily’s small chest.
“By many and by me.”
She smiled as they got comfy again.
“I am patient.”
“I am looking forward to you.”
They drifted off with the sound of the elven girl’s breathing between them.

Tyler opened his eyes again to see Lily sitting up rubbing her arm with Vixen beside her. HE sat up and was looking at her concerned.
“How are you feeling Lily?”
She looked at him and flexed her arm.
“Pretty good. Me arm feels better, and it don’t hurt when I rub the muscle.”
He cast a relief and she smiled at him.
“Were you THAT concerned?”
“Of course I was. That was the first time I’d ever seen you look so vulnerably weak, Lily. And to tell the truth? It was scaring the hell outta me.”
She smiled as she hugged him tightly.
“I love you too.”
HE held her as well.
“Like I said, Lily. My sister.”
“For now.”
“We’ll see. Who knows? Could wind up a group thing.”
Vixen smirked as Lily chuckled herself.
“I could live with that.”
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
Lily smacked him.
“Momma didn’t raise no fool! I know me body!”
“There it is! Nice to have the Lily I love and fear back!”
She laughed as her belly rumbled.
“At once, my to-be lover.”
She shivered.
“Ohhh, okay. You win.”
Vixen smiled as she gave Lily a hug.
“He really does love you a lot. You wouldn’t really remember much, but he hasn’t left your side since the title.”
She squeaked in shock. She looked to see Tyler gearing up again.
“You were with me the entire time?”
“I woulda been there the first time you went down too, but we had work to do.”
Lily smiled as she hopped out of the busty mage’s arms to give him a hug.
“I love you too.”
He smiled as he patted her red hair.
“Let’s get fed and get a bath.”
She nodded.
The duo walked out with Vixen tagging along as they went to the kitchen. They walked in to find Wulf sitting with Kaori with a platter of food between them. Tyler chuckled as he saw the sight.
“Now that’s not suspicious or anything.”
Kaori and the ranger looked over to see Lily sauntering along with her usual fire and they smiled. Tyler gave kaori a morning kiss as Lily got a hug off Wulf. Then he sat down and Lily got up to walk around the table to sit on his leg. Kaori hugged her too, and Tyler looked at them.
“So, what happened after the doors shut?”
Kaori chuckled.
“They’re still searching the town and the current pile is ten feet tall.”
“Damn. Well, lily’s feeling better so we win.”
that got a nonchalant shrug from the girl as Wulf smiled himself.
“Nice to see you’re feeling better Lily.”
“I was until I saw you uncle Wolf.”
“And so it resumes.”
Tyler smiled fondly.
“Okay, the words out about the girls. So, we’ll need to reoutfit them.”
Wulf looked at him.
“They got the vests.”
“Now we give them weapons. Lily’s got her shield, Additite, and her mythril blade. Sera has her silver bow, so now we give them scale weapons.”
That got a nod.
“We turned in the heads for you.”
“What’d we get?”
“A lot. 4250 gold.”
“Yeesh. I hope you didn’t collect it alone.”
“No, we had Vixen, me and Lucy get it.”
“Good call. Okay, our total is 26463 gold, 1066 silver, and 1959 copper.”
Wulf crossed his arms.
“What ARE we saving all that coin for? Or are you just amassing it for a rainy day?”
“Mostly the latter. For as it stands it’s just too dangerous to openly purchase a permeant house.”
Wulf nodded now.
“I see the reasoning. Since we roam so much it wouldn’t really make a lot of sense anyway. Still though, it'd be nice to have a place to return to after each adventure.”
Tyler crossed his arms now himself.
“Ya know something Wulf? I kind like that sentiment. We got the coin.”
Tyler pulled his map out and set it on the table. Kaori was shocked.
“Are we doing this?”
Tyler smiled at her.
“I’m seriously considering it. That’s for sure.”
She was the wreathed in happy smiles as he looked at the places they’d been to,
“Term’s out. So, places we could get a place that are safe enough are Raylik, Cragspire, TopLeaf and MAYBE Yalik.”
Wulf tapped Cragspire.
“There are some truly beautiful homes in the capital you’d love. Some are even inside that mountain.”
Tyler rubbed his chin.
“I wonder. It might be a good idea to have MULTIPLE homes. Like say one here, in Raylik, one in Cragspire, and maybe one in TopLeaf. So, depending on which way we roam, we’re never TOO far from a haven.”
Kaori smiled.
“Plus with how often we make large sums of coin, we won’t really have to worry much about taxes or the outright cost.”
Wulf then smiled.
“In Cragspire, the taxes are very fair actually. All they ask is maybe 25 percent of the house’s outright cost a month. So, say if it cost 10 gold, you’d have to pay 2 gold, 50 silver a month.”
Tyler did a little math.
“That’s not bad at all really. What’s the usual wage paid to say a runner or laborer?”
“depends on the job really. But, the lowest? At least in my country? Maybe 5 silver for a days work?”
“So, if you’re smart, or just really good with money most anyone can buy a home provided they work hard.”
“That’s how it is in my homeland yes. Since elves are immortal, we can afford to take our time.”
Tyler looked at Raylik.
“I kinda like Raylik as the first base, as it’s literally right in the center with like four roads in different directions. Plus, with just how many friends we have in the city itself, makes the most sense.”
Kaori smiled now.
“Plus, it’ll give Sera a chance to see Melly a lot more.”
Tyler lo0oked at Wulf.
“Okay, in your country, what would the cost of a house big enough for the party to use comfortably cost?”
Wulf became thoughtful.
“Depends on what you’re looking for really. If we go with a room each, maybe 650 gold?”
“That’s it?”
Wulf laughed at their incredulous expressions.
“Remember, most folk never see more then 90 gold coins in their lifetimes. Remember how you gave Seline that pouch of what? 3500 gold? She said she’d be able to upgrade her walls, pay her soldiers, healers, and repair the damage from the merc attack. Well, that would all cost 2500 gold. That plus the other pouch of 3000 on top of it? You gave away her city’s monthly gross in two pouches. So, essentially, you just gifted her city an entire new budget. Let that sink it. You gave 6500 coins and it’ll do all that. WE have 26000.”
Tyler and Kaori looked at each other.
“Frugal still?”
“Yes, kaori. If it goes to our heads we lose it all. That said, we can get a nice place. We’ll need to talk to either Lillica or say Malico for the details, but it shouldn’t be a hassle.”
She smiled and hugged him.
“Are we really doing this?”
“AFTER we get this mess cleaned up. We’ll head back to Raylik to both buy a house, and give Melly her seashells.”
She smiled as the rest of the party came in next. Tyler looked to Lillica.
“Hey, Lillica, Malico, got a question for ya.”
“Oh shit here we go.”
The two girls sat across from him as Sera hopped up beside Lily on his leg and hugged her.
“What’s your question this time?”
“In Vernillion, if we were to buy a house in say Raylik, what would it cost?”
The table just looked at him, shocked. Then Sera looked at him.
“Are we settling down?”
“More setting a place in city as our own. Like a haven in the haven. And a place to rest after a hard journey. Like a homebase.”
They got it then.
“I love the idea.”
“I do too.”
“Much fun as going form Inn to Inn, having a place to call home be a powerful thing.”
Lillica was looking at the map.
“Why Raylik?”
“We all have friends in the city. Plus it being in the middle of everywhere makes it a great place to start a travel.”
“Okay. So, if you wanted to buy a place, I assume one room each?”
“That was the plan.”
“Soo, a room for let’s see.”
She looked at the heads.
“Me, Sera, Lily, Kaori, Wulf, Ashy, him, Lucy, Thistle, Vixen, Malico, Serafina, and Sallie and Sylvia at some point as well. So, twelve people. I’d say in the region of 550 gold. With a tax of 137 gold, 70 silver.”
Tyler rubbed his chin.
“We can use that as a jump off point.”
Malico was looking at the map.
“Did you have any other cities in mind?”
“My plan was to have a place in the towns or cities we go to a lot. That way we have our own beds waiting when we blow through.”
That got a round of nods.
“We were looking at TopLeaf and Cragspire as well. Maybe Yalik after the mess is cleaned up. Not hundred percent yet though.”
Kaori had a point.
“We’d also have to take into account different tastes in everything from furnishings to décor too.”
“That’s more fun than a hassle. Be kinda cool to see the end product though.”
Lily crossed her arms.
“I’d like me own smithy. So I can practice me craft.”
“Plus a decent sized bath house with two sides.”
“right. Hmm, how about we shelf this until we head back to Raylik and have Seline to talk to?”
Vixen nodded.
“I think that would be wise, as right now we don’t really know if she HAS any property for sale.”
Tyler nodded.
“Okay, but are we in agreement to find a place as a base?”
Vixen was looked to for speaker.
“We are. Frankly I love the idea.”
“Alright. Sera, you okay with heading back to Raylik so soon?”
She smiled as she hugged him.
“Yup! Long as we get Melly seashells!”
“Oh we can do better then that. We got a sea temple nearby.”
That got a round of fond chuckles. Then he looked to sera.
“You and Lillica are getting new weapons. Except your bow.”
The girls blinked.
“Okay. Why?”
“Words out you’re running with our crew. So, upgrade time. Your vests are fine, as only mythril is above them. Sera’s bow is in the same boat. So, now we put the scales to work. We can’t go easy anymore. Wulf, I’m sorry, but your bow needs to be upgraded as well.”
The ranger sighed.
“I understand. And don’t blame you in the slightest.”
“Another benefit of the base is we get to store true treasures there.”
That made him smile.
“I agree and thank you.”
Tyler patted the elf.
“Look, I may bust your balls all the damn time, but I got your back. Ashy, that lisk gear’s great, but your getting an upgrade too.”
She gasped.
“Are you sure?”
“No risks.”
“Can I choose my color?”
“we got a few to choose from. Blue, Green and red. We got the crystal scales too, but I’d like Tolic’s opinion on them first.”
“Tolic is?”
“A dwarven smith that made your bow and mail.”
“A dwarven smith? Ha, none-“
“Agreed, but Lily’s getting there.”
That got him a hug and Ashy a breath of relief from what she nearly just said. Tyler rubbed his chin as he looked at his party. Wulf spoke up now.
“Glacious’ scales are on par with your bow, Tyler.”
“Okay. So, compared to say Tempesta?”
“Close second. I’d recommend arrows.”
“If Tempesta sees an issue, I’ll just have to explain this was the best we could come up with. Now, the demon horns. We got like ten now, but also better materials.”
Vixen spoke up now.
“The equipment made from the balor horns we have can rival dragon scales at times.”
“The stuff we got any good?”
“The minotaur, pride, and war demons are the ones we want. Plus, you can see if Tolic can do infusions.”
“Like twin metals. For example, your vest is Mythril Magicite. If he can, then use the horns and scales to outfit the party, for then only mythril itself is above the strength. Well, and Additite.”
Tyler looked to sera.
“We’ll use your balor horn and scales for your gear.”
Sera smiled as she saw he remembered.
“Kay! Lily gets to use it too since she helped!”
“Fair. Today’s plan is damage control. Until the girls get their gear up to snuff, groups of two. Lily is with me as that arm is still worrying me.”
“Wow, overbearing much?”
Tyler sighed and rubbed his own arm.
“More a lot of nasty memories from my world.”
Kaori and Ashy winced.
“I remember that.”
Kaori told the story.
“Tyler’s tendon snapped from his family. It was bad, and he was placed in the hospital until they could surgically repair the muscle. It was as good as new, but that was the first and only time he’s EVER passed out from pain.”
Tyler winced again.
“So, yeah, Lily. Been there and done that. Never going back. Plus, if your tendon snaps, I don’t think even Divine Resurgence can heal it.”
Lily shuddered now.
“I understand. Okay, I’ll be careful.”
Vixen smiled now.
“This might be a relief to you, but if you upgrade Holy Relief to it’s absolute maximum, it can even reattach snapped tendons and torn ligaments.”
“Oh thank the gods. Since it’s my go-to for healing that’s a good thing.”
Lily hugged him as Wulf had a thought.
“What about the girls?”
“Town’s still too dangerous right now. But, once we get a place, they’d get free roam.”
“Good to hear, and I agree.”
Tyler nodded.
“At some point, I’m gonna take Lymir’s ability to walk, but until then we get to work. Any questions?”
Sera looked at him.
“You said groups of two.”
“You and Vixen or Lillica and Kaori.”
“Okay. So we’re still not able to go solo yet?”
“Not JUST yet. You just need new gear and to go on some solo raids. Just to see if you CAN. Do that, and you’re set.”
Lily was massaging her arm.
“Is there a store in town that sells healing ointments?”
The group looked at each other, and shrugged.
“Not sure.”
“I’ll ask Lymir. Where is she?”
Malico smiled.
“In her office. I guess her morning routine is to look over the daily numbers.”
Tyler looked to Lily ands Sera on his leg.
“I’ll go see her. Lily?”
The elf girl smiled as Sera grumbled at having to get up. Tyler and the elf girl walked to the mermaids office and found her looking at papers and ledgers for her town. She even had a pair of square framed glasses that Tyler found to be rather pretty on her face. She looked up to see Tyler and Lily walking in and smiled fondly.
“Good morning. Lily, I’m glad your feeling better.”
She smiled as she got a hug from the sexy mermaid.
“I hope you’re not here to bed me, as I’ve got a lot of work to do this morning.”
Tyler smiled at her.
“Not yet. Just wondering if you have a store that sells healing balms. Lily’s arm is still worrying me.”
Lymir sat back in her chair, and Tyler was happily surprised to see she worked naked for some odd reason. Lily took the opportunity to climb up to sit in her lap and rest her head in her large breasts, making her smile.
“we should play together Lily. Just you and me next time.”
“Sounds fun.”
Lymir looked out her window towards the sea.
“I think, the sea temple might sell them. That ore Rue’s potion shop near the Purity temple.”
Tyler nodded.
“Thanks Lymir.”
Lily hopped down and they walked out as Lymir chuckled.
“So you know, I’m usually done with the paperwork around noon.”
Tyler looked at her and smiled.
“well. Prep that body, as when the next I come through this door, you’re getting PLANTED on that bed face down.”
Lymir was seen to quiver from that attack.
“Oh, and so you know? Look to your pencil beside you, and you remember how….thick around your trident handle is?”
She put the pieces together blushed a deep purple.
“I also am…..fully loaded.”
She was panting now as he leered at her before licking his lips seductively.
“Oh, I am going to ravage you!”
Poor Lymir was now sweating bullets as her groin exploded in fresh need from his teasing. Then he smiled.
“You’ll going to lose it. But, later!”
He and a now giggling Lily left the now hot and bothered girl to her torment as they left her office. Tyler and Lily returned to the group to see them all eating their food as they looked over their gear. Tyler sat back with a now happy Sera and they ate together before heading off to their tasks. Tyler and Lily headed to the sea temple first to get her ointment. Lily had her shield and sword over her back as they rode Thunder to the large conch shell temple. There they were met by a group of men in their odd shell armour and were escorted inside. The inside of the temple smelled of sea air and was filled with the sounds of rushing waves. Tyler and Lily were rubbing their eyes as the whole interior was filled with the light rippling effect from when light bounces of water. The duo were shown to a small pool of sea water and as they peered into it they saw Sea caller Coral sitting naked on a submerged dais. Tyler and Lily looked at each other and shrugged.
“I guess they worship a Sea Goddess.”
“Or mermaids themselves.”
“Can’t blame them there.”
They smiled as the blue skinned mermaid rose from the water and donned her clam and star fish. She smiled as she saw her visitors.
“Welcome Outcasts to the Temple of Lady Leviathan. What brings you to her embrace today?”
“Looking to see if you sell healing ointment. Lily’s arm is worrying me.”
Coral smiled as Lily rolled her eyes at this.
“I see. We do have a balm for sale.”
Tyler smiled at her now.
“How much?”
“How is Lymir?”
“well, she seems to be back to normal. I don’t really know what normal was for her, but she’s in her office again.”
That got a relieved smile as Lily smiled now herself.
“She’s fun.”
The mermaid looked at her now, before looking at Tyler, who shrugged.
“I guess she’s fine now.”
That got a fond chuckle.
“She always was an odd one. As for the price, I request to see YOUR blue path.”
“Okay, and what did you have in mind?”
The mermaid gestured to the pool.
“Cast your favorite blue spell on the water. It gauges just how powerful it truly is.”
Tyler just smiled.
The spell rose the wall of water a good 75 feet now, and it molded itself along the insides of the conch walls. The entirety of the inside of the temple was then surrounded in his roiling waves of blue. Coral was amazed as she looked at the water now surrounding them.
“Do you have the follow up?”
“I do.”
Her purple eyes lit up.
“Cast it!”
Tyler and Lily looked at each other, a little incredulously. Coral laughed.
“Trust me.”
“Eh. We needed a bath anyway. WATERFALL!”
with a sound of rushing water the 75 foot tall wave dropped to slam into the floor of the conch and splash like a surging ocean surf. Tyler and Lily were at the center of the splash, as well as Coral and they were surprised to NOT get drenched by Tyler’s water. Then the waters receded into the small pool that reminded him of a tidal pool as Coral moaned with a distinct flush on her face.
“Such force! Such power! I have not felt such a water spell since my ascension to Sea caller.”
Tyler and Lily just shrugged as they went with it. Coral waved her hand at the pool.
“We have a smaller pool filled with healing and cleansing waters beyond the doors there. You may use them as you see fit.”
Lily looked at Tyler.
“You’re joining me.”
He blinked and shrugged.
“If it’s allowed.”
Coral smiled.
“It is. We even have a much smaller one for two, behind that small door.”
“We’ll use that one.”
“I’m just gonna go with it.”
Lily grabbed his arm and all by dragged him to the door and shoved him inside. Tyler locked it and smiled as he saw the room. It was little more then a sea cave with a tidal pool with some small fish swimming in it with the lights of rippling effect on the walls and roof. He and Lily stripped and got in and he was amazed by how good the waters felt. He also noticed they were adding an odd blue hue to his scars, as if to add emphasis. He looked over and saw Lily was sitting up to her neck with a look of relief on her small face.
“You good?”
She smiled.
“Yeah. Just my arm feels great.”
He smiled as she said this. He dove un der the water for a moment and popped back up and found his vision was both clearer and his earing better. Tyler rested his arm on the lip as he relaxed. He heard some soft splashes and saw Lily as she came to sit beside him and rest her small body against his side. He shrugged and just went with it. This point, fantasy world. Just gonna go with it. HE caught her head turning to look at his sword and saw her smile.
“Wow, lily. Remember it won’t fit.”
She patted his leg.
“Oh, I know. Just happy to know it’s bigger then the last guy.”
“Glad you approve.”
She snuggled up against him and he draped an arm over her shoulders as they cuddled in the water. Lily was rubbing the water into her arm and he smiled.
“How does it feel?”
She clenched a fist and unclenched it.
“Good. Like really good.”
She held out her slender arm for inspection and he rubbed her muscle the way the docs in his world had taught him to check for both wear and pain. Lily blinked as he did, and giggled.
“That feels kinda good.”
“It doesn’t hurt?”
She shook her head.
“Not even a little. It tickles really.”
HE smiled as he let her go.
“Well, lily, you’re back to full strength now.”
She hugged him, and he hugged her back.
“Every time.”
She then looked at him,
“So you know, I got the okay from Wulf.”
Tyler jumped.
She smiled and kissed him. Hard. He gave it right back before she pulled back.
“for this. We can’t do much, and the deal is OUT of his sight.”
“Umm, WHEN did you get this approval?”
“While you were out, he came in and we chatted fro a little bit. We made a deal and he left.”
“Wow. Musta been more drained then I thought.”
She smiled happily and snuggled his chest.
“Well, thanks for looking out for me. Oh, and I am looking forward to showing you the crystal.”
“I am looking forward to seeing it.”
They soaked for a little longer before Lily sighed.
“okay. I’m feeling restless.”
“Wanna go help out?”
They got out and she flashed him own bald treat as they dressed. They walked out and Coral had a spell from Tyler in her hand.
“This will turn a pool of water the size of that one in there into a mini version. It lasts for two hours, and it’s potency can be upgraded. At it’s base however, it eases sore muscles. I would not recommend another soak in it for a period of three days, as it makes the body lose strength.”
Tyler smiled inn thanks.
“Is this freely given?”
“It is in repayment for both saving us all and my sister.”
“Thank you Coral. We appreciate it.”
He added it to his ring when he remembered something.
“are there any ice mages in the temple or town to your knowledge?”
Coral tilted her blue head.
“Rue is an Azur Path, so is an ice mage. Her shop is near the Purity temple.”
“I appreciate the spell and the info. Take care.”
They left the temple and Coral was smiling as they went.
“I will have to ask my sister how he is.”

“Why are we going to see an ice mage?”
Tyler patted her head.
“I want o add some ice to my arsenal. Plus, if we can eat it we get ice for our drinks.”
Lily burst out laughing at that.
“You’re insane.”
“Love you too!”
The two walked hand in hand as they passed through the town as it tore itself apart looking for the banned items. As they neared the temple they spotted a tall pile with three men standing by it with clipboards. Tyler chuckled as they approached them.
“Wallace, Vollock and Father……I never got your name.”
That got a laugh as the leaders looked at him. The head white path was smiling as he looked at him.
“Laxus. I am father Laxus.”
“Ah. So, how bad is it?”
The Marine captain sighed.
“We’re just little over halfway. And we have a 15 foot tall pile.”
Tyler whistled.
“Well, at least it’s getting done.”
Vollock showed him a map.
“We haven’t even TOUCHED the ships yet.”
“We’ll help out once we visit Rue.”
That got a smile.
“Her shop’s over there, lad. Oh, and be warned.”
“She fierce?”
The men just smiled.
“You’ll see.”
“Well THAT’S not ominous or anything. Eh, I got Lily. I’m set.”
She laughed and so did the men as the duo walked towards the indicated shop. They walked in and Tyler looked around. The shop wasn’t too special, as it rose two floors with a living space on the second with a store on the bottom. The store itself was simple, with walls lined with bookshelves with spellbooks upon them, a few barrels of staves, a class case with various wands, and a few boxes of single spells. Tyler and Lily walked to the nearest book shelf and Tyler spotted a blue book near the top. He took it down and started flipping through.
“Greetings customers.”
They looked and Tyler blinked. The lady behind the counter was a most interesting character. Her skin was purest white like snow, her hair, teeth and eyes deepest blue like the late day sky, and her breasts were massive like Lymir’s. She was clad in a white gown that seems to just ripple in an unfelt breeze and there was an aura of cold beauty about her. He smiled as he got it.
“I see. An Ice Spirit.”
She laughed.
“Not exactly, young Warrior. But a very good guess. I am an Ice wraith.”
“So, a type of vampire?”
“More or less. Only, I do not require blood to live. Indeed I subsist on the consumption of ice.”
Tyler was rather surprised.
“Kinda curious how that works. But, not important.”
He put the book back walked to the counter.
“So, I take it your name is Rue?”
She nodded.
“Indeed Sirrah.”
“My name’s Tyler, that’s Lily.”
The elf girl had a red book and was flipping through so she just gave a wave. Tyler chuckled.
“So, I got a question for you.”
That got the Ice wraith’s attention.
“Oh, this should be amusing.”
“Ice magics. Is it safe for a human to eat the ice they conjure?”
She blinked, before bursting out laughing with deep blue tears in her eyes as Tyler, used to such reactions, patiently waited for her to recover. She recovered and smiled again.
“Indeed it is safe. Most would never consider it as they think it’s unclean. But the ice used in the spells is of the purest there is. May I ask why you asked?”
“Looking to add some ice spells to my blue path. So, since ice is useful for a wide variety of purposes, just getting the details.”
“A most interesting boy you are. I have an Azur tome upon that shelf by the elf girl.”
“Thanks, Rue.”
Tyler spotted the book in question and took it down.
“Okay. Ice Spike. Costs five mana and launches a shard of ice like a spear. Effective against Ifrits. Nifty. Icy Coffin. Metal name. Encases a single target in a box of ice before shattering. Nasty. Frozen Wind. Okay, sends out a cone of cold that slows movement and causes severe frostbite. Potency is dependent upon Magic skill, path power, and spell upgrades. Frigid Hell. Love the name. Encases an area in a ice dome that then sends shards of ice into the dome for a period of ten minutes. Nasty. Oh, here we go. Ice wall. Raises a ten foot wall of ice 2 feet thick 15 feet wide. Useful for locking an area down. Okay, we got some good toys here.”
Lily held up her own book.
“I got a few goodees here too.”
“Any you can’t use or don’t want we’ll give to our other reds.”
“Agreed. Hey, can we visit a smithy after? I want to see if they have any good skills.”
“Sure lily.”
She smiled as he pulled the blue down again.
“Hmm. Got an upgrade to tranquil waters in here. Makes any enemy that enters the field affected move slower. Good one. Watery Pain. Adds a poison like effect to an Arrow, as it uses fouled water to infect the bloodstream. Hmm. I don’t think I can cast that one. I think I’d need to ask Vixen to be sure though.”
“I can answer that Sirrah.”
Tyler looked up from the book to Rue.
“I’m a blue/white. Yet this one sounds like a blue/black mix.”
“It’s not actually. It’s a blue green mix. As some poisons fall under the path of green. It will not damage your soul to cast.”
“Well, nifty. Thanks Rue.”
He flipped to the next page.
“roiling Surf. A secondary affect to Water Wall. Adds extra force to the Fall. Useful I guess. So, I’ll take this one as well.”
Tyler paid for the things and it set them back 1 gold. Then they headed out with Lily happily bumping along beside him. They found the town smithy and walked in. there they found Lucy talking to a hulking man behind the counter with a suit of mail on his large frame. Tyler chuckled as he approached the barbarian.
“Hey Lucy. See anything interesting?”
She snorted as the man laughed.
“I see yer in a good mood laddee.”
He chuckled as he saw Lily looking at the certificates.
“Lily’s looking for new skills, you find anything useful?”
The man behind the counter blinked.
“Och, laddee, no offense meant, but don’t ye think she be a bit small for fighting iron?”
“Not at all. She made this a while back.”
He pulled the sludge net she’d made them when they dragged Eustein’s well.
“Kinda surprised you kept it. I mean we found Sylvia’s body with it.”
“It’s a useful tool. Plus, a good net like this can be used in fishing as well.”
Lily shrugged as the man looked over the metal net.
“I see now. She be a fine smith. May I ask the material used?”
“This chain link.”
He pulled a link from the bandit chain and the man used his own Appraisal to examine it.
“Impressive. Fire?”
“In a mantle fire of a traveler’s rest half a day’s ride north of TopLeaf.”
“Aye, I know the place. She’s a most impressive girl then. Thankee kindly.”
Tyler smiled as he put the things away.
“She’s our camp smith for a reason.”
That got a laugh as Lily came up with a certificate.
“I got one.”
“Okay. Efficient Smithing. Uses strength, smithing skill, and agility to reduce waste material. Upgrades through use and once fully upgraded all waste materials can be used as a second item. Damn, Lily. Good find. That it?”
She shrugged.
“For now. I saw two more boxes, but this was the first we can actually use.”
“Well, you’re the expert.”
“Love you too.”
She walked to the next box as Tyler noticed a large greatsword hanging on a peg. The thing was jet black and reminded him of the cursed greatsword in Burlock’s shop.
“What’s the deal with that one?”
The man smiled now.
“That’s a cursed blade. It’s something of a shop challenge. See how deep you can get into it and still crawl your way out.”
“Record gets?”
“A freely forged item with the material of your choice.”
Lucy chuckled.
“If we bring our own?”
“Same. Now ye got me curious.”
Tyler walked over and took the thing off it’s peg. He hefted it and tilted his head.
“Hold up. I know this feeling.”
He felt a rather peculiar sinking feeling that reminded him of the demon of willpower he killed but different.
“I wonder.”
HE slammed into it with his will and there was the sound of shattering glass and a scream of agony.
“Ah! A Demon of Despair!”
The sword’s jet black color was now softly luminous and was rippling as well. Tyler chuckled as he looked at the now white faced man.
“This sword was cursed with a Demon of Despair. It’s dead now.”
The man just shook his head.
“Lad you just broke a curse the white path of purity couldn’t even working together for three months straight. So, I’ll keep me word.”
Tyler tilted his head as he looked at the 7 foot long blade.
“Umm. I wonder.”
“Oi, Lad, that sword.”
Lucy was eyeing the massive weapon and he passed it to her. The 7 foot tall woman held the point straight out and smiled.
“I like how this feels. I think I’ll take it.”
Tyler chuckled as he looked at the now intimidated man.
“We’ll take the sword and call it fair trade. Deal?”
“Deal lad.”
Lily was shaking her head as Lucy took the sheath and placed it over her other shoulder.
“scary lady.”
Tyler patted the elf girl as she pulled a Certificate out.
“Anything else?”
“I found this. Double Shot. Adds extra impact to the hammer when forging. I think I can use it, but it’s a risky one.”
“I see. Hit it too hard and you risk ruining what you were making.”
“Exactly. I got a few fire protection skills, plus a skill that lets me better fold the metal, but not sure what else we need.”
Tyler crossed his arms.
“At this point? Not much really. As far as camp goes, we pretty much set. Only thing I can think of are molds.”
“And those aren’t really practical for a camp.”
Tyler looked around and shrugged.
“I guess we only got one skill this time around.”
Tyler paid the 45 copper, then he and Lily went to go help with the search. They got a map off Vollock and got to it. In the space of two hours, Tyler and Lily cleared two houses, and found over three hundred banned items, him getting burned and Lily doing the moving. Tyler then just said screw it and put a pair of thin gloves on and the industrious pair got to it. Now not getting burned every three minutes, Tyler and Lily cleared three more buildings by noon. Then they broke for lunch at a small tavern. Tyler and Lily sat near the window looking out to sea as they fed on meat and ale. The small elven girl smiling as they did.
“Feels like we’re a couple, don’t it?”
HE chuckled as he patted her.
“Kinda does.”
They ate and he paid before leaving. As they walked out.
They looked as a runner came up.
“Outcast, the Lady Lymir requests your presence sirrah.”
Tyler gave the boy ten silver as he looked at Lily.
“Guess she’s ready now.”
The elf girl licked her lips.
“I’ll come too.”
“I’d like to show her how I ruin a lady. YOU can have the leftovers.”
“I’m still going with you.”
They headed back to the mansion and headed right for Lymir’s office. They walked in and the mermaid was squirming on her chair.
Tyler smiled widely as he walked over, and picked the lusty mermaid up and set her on his shoulder. Lily leered at the mermaid.
“I’m gonna watch.”
The blue skinned lady was already panting as the door was shut and locked. Then she was indeed planted face down in the bed as Tyler stripped behind her.
“Not this time.”
HE laughed as he pinned her as she tried to roll over.
“So, you want it nice and gentle?”
She growled.
“Let’s see what ya got!”
He spanked her and she arched her back, only for her to get shoved down flat and filled in the rear and getting ridden like a horse. Lymir was bucking hard like one as well.
“Ride me like that horse!”
She he grabbed her hips and thrust into her harder as Lily watched with Sallie and Sylvia on either side of her in their spirit forms. Tyler filled Lymir from behind and she lost it in her own explosion, only to get flipped onto her back and his face buried into her ample breasts with a grunt and a scream. Tyler was loving his second mermaid, the fact Lymir was as wild and dirty as he was making it all the better. She loved it when he shoved the sword in her mouth and he cleaned her kitty. The wild duo went at each other until they collapsed and She was oozing cream from mouth slit and ass as she panted hard. He, on the other hand was still hard and ready.
“Done so soon?”
She licked her lips.
And again they went. Lily giving Lymir a drink from a cup of water to clean her fouled mouth as she got a fresh creaming from her most voracious lover. Then she fell to the sweat soaked pillows as he kept riding her soft, warm slit. She was happily grunting as she felt herself get creamed again and again before he went soft again. Then she looked at him.
He grinned and it was ready again, making her purple eyes go wide.
“I am FAR from done with you!”
She smiled then and waggled her butt.
“Pour water on it first. It’ll clean it!”
Tyler smiled as he used a water spell.
“My room is water proofed!”
He grinned and sent a stream of water up inside her ass as he rode her slit. The duo went at each other until they fell together again. This time, Tyler got up only for her to still lay there.
“Seriously? That’s it?”
She was once again oozing, and smiled ruefully.
“I got one more good one in me before I black out.”
“Blackout it is!”
He fit into her again and pounded her until she did indeed blackout from her orgasm, and he filled her hard. Then he laid beside her smiling.
“I fucking LOVE this world.”
He heard a giggle and looked over to see Sallie and Sylvia applauding as Lily got upu to climb onto the bed on Lymir’s other side.
“So, once she wakes, I get her right?”
“Sure. I think she’s done though.”
Lily fondled the unconscious mermaid’s raw rack.
“I just like getting played with. So, she can go easy.”
“Wow, lily.”
She smiled as she suckled a little.
“It’s fun. Plus, well, I like it. Wait till you see.”
He smiled as Lymir came to again. She was happily purring as she saw Lily playing with her breasts and looked to see Tyler grinning at her.
“want more?”
Her eyes went wide.
“You’re worse then I am! Yes I do!”
Lily sighed.
“great. I’ll go watch again.”
Lymir looked at her.
“Lay down dear.”
Tyler smiled as he saw her plan.
“Should be fun.”
Lily smiled as she hurriedly stripped and got underneath the taller lady and spread her small legs for treat access.
“It’s ready!”
Lymir dove onto the smaller girl’s slit with an eager mouth as he mounted the mermaid’s curvaceous ass once more. He pounded her as she fed on Lily for another few hours before Lymir collapsed again on top of a happily flushed lily. Then she sighed.
“It has been YEARS since I’ve been so….satisfied by a lover.”
He kissed the mermaid and tased Lily on her lips.
“Are you full?”
“Yes. And, sated fully. I can’t go anymore if I wanted to.”
Lily looked at him.
“Wanna taste it yourself?”
He looked at her small treat and shrugged.
“Eh, sure. Only fair.”
She bucked hard as he set his own mouth on her now and got his tongue on her grove. Lymir settled for letting the girl suckle on her nipples as Tyler made her cream four times in a row before she too was finished. Then the happy trio laid with the smaller girl between them as they recovered. Tyler and Lymir were running a teasing finger up the naked frame of Lily, and she was loving it.
“So, Lymir. As good as they bragged?”
The mermaid was full purple in the face.
“Words do not do you justice.”
“Happy to please you.”
That got a laugh as Lily’s belly rumbled. Tyler made her giggle with a quick kiss on the complaining part and then she sighed.
“That was fun. Can’t wait till I’m bigger to take it right.”
“It’ll be a fun one alright.”
Lymir kissed the smaller girl herself now. Then the loving pair traded kissing their favorite wildcat before the mermaid sighed.
“We need a bath.”
“There’s one on this floor for me. Come on.”
The trio got dressed, well, Tyler and Lily did. Lymir was happy to just flaunt it naked as they walked to a door in her office with a small tub for three. They got in and Lily sighed happily.
“I am glad my to-be lover is learning well.”
“Just wait, Lily. When the time comes, well, I’ll shoe you just how GOOD I am.”
That got a happily eager sigh. The trio got cleaned up and dressed, though Lymir still did not get dressed and they went to her desk. She passed him a report as she sat down with Lily happily suckling on her nipples.
“We’re just over halfway now.”
He looked at the paper and sighed.
“We’re looking at a good three days all told.”
“Yup. But, well, we’ll only have to do this the once.”
“That’s a plus I guess.”
Tyler smiled as he saw lily loving the large breasts of the woman.
“She seems comfy.”
Lymir patted the girl affectionately.
“She loves my boobs. Like a lot. And I love getting sucked on so, win/win.”
He looked at the town.
“I’ll go help out more, if you want to indulge her more.”
“Oh, we’re going to lay down after this.”
“I think I like this town.”
He left the ladies to themselves as he returned to the town. He joined a crew and together they worked for the rest of the day clearing four more buildings. Once the sun touched the horizon, Vollock and Wallace called the day and the night teams came out as the day crew went for rest. Tyler went back to the mansion and found Kaori sitting with Malico in the dining hall. He smiled as he joined them and they looked at each other knowingly.
“So. Lymir can barely walk.”
He shrugged.
“I’m good at what I do.”
That got a laugh as he gave kaori a kiss, making her glow. Then he put the news crystal he’d grabbed off a runner into his HUD.
“Today in Vernillion. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Pope has been placed under arrest by order of his royal majesty King Ishtar Vernillion. As of this publishing, he is awaiting trial and sentencing for crimes against the realm. But, dear reader, let us back up. As yesterday’s article reported, the Outcast party, led by Tyler, had their closest call thus far in their adventure in the city of Yalik. Plus the doppelgangers over running the city and the reports of wagons of banned goods being uncovered. Now, as the Outcast was watching over the rest of his small elven friend, the Warrior Kazuma stumbled upon a most happenstance horror. He was dealing with a small bandit group as is the Crown Prince’s favorite training regiment, when one such man had on his person documents outlining the entire operation in Yalik to both deceive the Outcast party, separate them, and wear the women of the party down to both capture, rape, then enslave them. Amongst the Outcast’s party, are three princesses. Sera Von Vernillion, her sister, Lillica Von Vernillion, and Lily of the Elven Kingdom. The documents had the Pope’s seal, hand writing, and his signature ordering it of the Doppelganger in charge. Along with the orders, were also a highly detailed plot to increase the numbers of the imposters throughout the realm, and even replace his imperial majesty. Upon discovering this most heinous of plots, the noble prince brought the incriminating evidence straight to his Majesty with all the haste he could muster. Upon reading and verifying the authenticity of the words, the king had all the grounds to both remove the treacherous pope from power, and place him under arrest. Kazuma was then given leave to search the pope’s chambers, and dear reader. The horrors that man is responsible for are simply appalling. Everything, from the rape of poor Lillica Von Vernillion, to production of banned items and spells to SELLING them to the creatures of the land and bandits at a measly 10 coppers per. The most disturbing piece, however, was the discovery of the vast majority of active knights in the kingdom were enslaved to the pope using the most vile of spells in a plot to overthrow the king and start a Holy March. Reader, we nearly saw the beginning of a new age of misery. All due to one power mad old man. Ishtar has also placed half the credit for this find upon the Outcast Tyler.
“That lad has been fighting the church since he set foot in Lectis. Plus, he was the one that first stood up to Skyr, and the first to act. Kazuma may have lit the fuse, but Tyler gave him the match.”
If that means what we assume it means, then Tyler the Outcast is a truly deviously brilliant strategist as well as a most terrifying enemy. As for Skyr, the King has made a most….intriguing decision.
“His head was claimed by another. So, to honor a Warrior’s Oath, Skyr will remain chained to a wall until his executioner sees fit to drag him down into the depths of hell. He’s waiting for you.”
One can only shudder at what that man’s killer is going to do to him when he sees him again. Kazuma is now hailed as a Warrior hero. He spared a few words before getting back to work.
“well, looks like that sneaky bastard’s still got it. Yeah, I know you’re game. I’ll keep playing it, so long as you keep her happy.”
Kazuma and Ishtar seem to be hinting that the fall of the pope was orchestrated by a most secretive force. And in this writer’s own opinion? I’m placing my gold on it having been the Outcast. That boy is a far more cunningly brilliant mind than any but Kaori can hope to understand. As such, the capital of term is in a state of chaos as the enslaved knights are being purged and replacements being procured. The Warriors were enraged by this turn of events, and in the loud words of Max.
“You imprisoned such a noble man like Skyr on the words of a few easily forged pieces of paper? Yer all daft. Skyr is a most noble, kind hearted, honorable man.”
Ladies and gentlemen, we need new Warriors. In the city of Yalik, cleanup continues as the pile of banned goods at last reporting stands at a staggering twenty feet tall. Lymir was able to spare a few words before getting whisked away to her bedchamber by the Outcast himself.
“We’re maybe halfway through the town. But, we’ll clean it right. We got the outcast helping after all. Oh, there’s the door. Well, farewell walking!”
Dear reader, Lymir’s appetites are legendary and her stamina terrifying. Yet, this article was published 7 HOURS after her doors shut. And from the sounds emitting from within? She’s losing this one folks. The pope is in a cell, and his plots fallen apart. We are most looking forward to tomorrow.”

Tyler just burst out laughing as he closed the HUD. HE looked at Kaori, and she smiled now as well.
“We got em.”
They high fived before he got serious again.
“Alright. Pope’s been kicked from his chair and the puppets are getting replaced. Term is still a death trap, and we don’t set foot in the city till the ball. Now, we ARE going to kill that bastard. Slowly.”
Kaori nodded.
“Agreed. Any chance he escapes?”
“A very good one. But, right now, he’s hanging on a wall.”
Malico’s tail was lashing back and forth happily.
“Do you think it’ll be that easy?”
“I hope so. But, well, usually in this situation, the main bad guy get’s a screw job is when they go for broke.”
Kaori nodded.
“He’s got nothing left to lose.”
He looked to the table.
“I think. I’ll call muster and give the update.”
“That would be a good idea.”
Tyler blew on the whistle and his party came in a few minutes later, including a groggy Lily. Once the party was seated he passed his HUD around to the members. Lillica seemed about o cry as she saw he’d been caught, but she got a hearty thump from Lucy.
“Hey, Lass, no tears yet.”
She smiled gratefully. Then Wulf sighed.
“So, he’s been backed into a corner.”
Tyler nodded.
“Yup. Badly. Right now he’s got two options: be killed by me when we meet, or play whatever his secret ace was.”
Ashy tilted her head.
“Hey, Tyler. This whole mess is kinda reminding me of something.”
“Okay, Ashy. Whatcya got?”
“Okay. What if, the pope HAS no secret ace? Like he was so convinced of his own success-“
“He didn’t even have a single backup or really pay attention!”
The dirty blonde nodded.
“My thoughts exactly. His most effective countermeasure against us was Yalik itself. Yet, from a realistic stand point? It was pitifully weak. Enslavement? That’s not the ploy of one that feels like his plans are threatened.”
“it’s the ploy of one who is so deluded with their own arrogance that they’ve utterly failed to see their enemy’s true danger.”
“Like how in movies or Anime the main bad guy allows the protagonist to get strong enough to kill him because they’re so convinced it’s impossible they’d lose.”
“And when they do, they lose it all.”
“Yup. I think the pope was like that as well.”
Tyler smiled as he saw it now.
“You’re right Ashy. That’s another trope as well. Okay, so, let’s review. The pope sent a party of knights to kill me and capture Kaori beside the Skystream, which when we pass by again we’re camping there.”
“Seems right.”
“It does. Then, we didn’t have an issue with the church until we found that first River. Next, was Sera and Lillica. Again, not aimed at us. Now that I think of it, we didn’t get attacked by the church until TopLeaf. And their orders were to STILL capture Kaori and kill me. He used, what? 15 men?”
“Sounds about right. Plus the bounty.”
“Yeah. If he was serious about the bounty, then he’d have made it 2500 like that rapist bastard or the black. Plus, the capture order. Then, we didn’t have another run in with the church agents until Cragspire. They were more a hit squad. But again, what? 10? To kill ME? Even AFTER my strength was widely known? That’s not a hit squad but an insult. Oh, and Sera, Lillica and Lily, I feel like I should teach you how to survive when you get surrounded.”
The girls nodded as Thistle spoke up.
“I can handle the lasses training there. As it was a part of my blood dancer training.”
“Thanks Thistle. So, as we continued to both openly defy and oppose the church, and build our strength, the pope refused to acknowledge it. Plus, from what I got from his statements in the articles, he was already so conceited in his own understanding of me, that he was now just blind. Now, after Cragspire, we went to Ralik, and no church attack. Next we were on the trail. Then we hit Yalik. As close as we came to defeat here, the methods STILL revolved around killing me and capturing them. So, since this was the single most effective countermeasure he’d yet attempted, we can infer he hadn’t considered us a major threat to him. Plus, he had a few weeks heads up we were headed here anyway.”
Wulf was nodding along now.
“I see where you’re going with this. He was overestimating his own position and was ignoring us completely. So, as you laid the groundwork and undermined his church from both the inside out and outside in, he was just incapable of seeing it.”
“And in doing so we wound up playing a most bizarre game of chess. He’d move his piece, or his schemes forward, and I’d advance my own strategy. It became a duel of the better schemer.”
Wulf titled his head.
“I am not familiar with Chess. IS it a game from your world?”
“It is. You have sixteen pieces with different abilities and ways to use them. Hey, Malico. Can you pass me the scroll?”
“The rules?”
“Yeah. If it’s allowed, I can teach Wulf here in ten minutes.”
Malico passed him the scroll and there was a single line as he opened it.
“We are aware of your worlds games. Allowed. Including this Chess. I must admit they are quite fun. If in the future you have a specific question, speak it aloud to the scroll for an answer.”
“Thanks Minus.”
“You are Welcome mortal.”
Tyler passed the thing back and pulled various pieces of metal from his crating pouch and set them up.
“Okay, these little guys are pawns. They can only move forward one space. Okay?”
He set up an eight by eight grid with cord. Wulf watched as Tyler set the board.
“The whole point of Chess is capture the enemy king. This tall piece here. While at the same time defending your own king. Now, if the king cannot move in any direction in a box pattern, you lose. Okay? Are you with me so far?”
“I think so. The king can only move one space at a time right?”
“Exactly. The king is the most important piece on the board. It falls games over. Now, you cannot jump over your own pieces, as only the Knight can do that. But we’ll get to that one in a minute. Next we have the Queen.”
He moved a slightly shorter piece forward.
“Now. The queen is the most powerful piece on the board. She can move in any direction as far as it can go.”
“I see. Willow would love this already.”
“Yeah, we ain’t done. Okay. This one here, is the bishop. You get two on either side. The bishop can only move diagonal in a straight line. So, see here?”
Tyler moved the darker piece of metal in indicated direction.
“the board is usually a checkered pattern, but for the sake of this lesson it doesn’t matter. Just makes it easier to learn. Now, the next piece is the Knight. This bit here.”
He pushed a smaller bit of redsteel ore forward.
“This is a unique piece and you get two. It moves in an L shape. Up one over two, or up to over one. It can also jump over you other pieces. Are you still with me?”
“I am. It’s rather scary this is a mere game in your world.”
“You have no idea. Last piece for the back is the Tower or Rook. It can move up or down, left or right as far as it can go. Very straight forward. Last we have these guys. The Pawns. They can move two squares for the first move, but after can only move one square at a time. But they cannot move backward. They can only advance. That’s the game pieces. Questions?”
“Not yet.”
“Okay. We’ll move on to capturing pieces.”
Tyler took one of Wulf’s pieces and placed it near his pawn.
“For the pawn to take a piece, it has to be diagonal to it’s forward move, like so.”
“Okay. So, if the piece is in it’s field of movement, it can be taken?”
“With the exception of the knight. They can only take a piece if it lands on it. Follow?”
“I do. I must admit the rules seem rather simple when spoken.”
“In reality, they really are. Easy to learn, difficult to master. Now, there is a special move the king and Tower can do if they haven’t been touched that game. I’ll set it up.”
Tyler removed the Queen, Knight and Bishop from the side near closet tower.
“Okay this is called ‘castling’. It allows the king to move two squares and place the tower here.”
Wulf’s red eyes sparked.
“It created a defensive wall.”
“Indeed. But also a two edged sword.”
“Oh, I see it. If say a Rook gets in here, it’s a game over.”
“Exactly. Now. Winning the game.”
Tyler placed his Queen in a line with Wulf’s king.
“this is called ‘check’. As in, your king is in danger. You now have one turn to either rescue the king with another piece, or move the king. Like so.”
He moved the king one square to the right.
“And your out of check. A good strategy is to try to frustrate your opponent with repeated checks, or to manipulate the movements of the enemy king into a better spot. If you’re in check, and the king can’t move out of a piece’s line like so,”
HE placed the King between a rook, the queen, a pawn, and a bishop.
“If the king can’t move out of check, it’s called checkmate. Or game over.”
“A very interesting game. I think I have it.”
“Okay, we’ll play a few rounds and you’ll understand what I meant with our schemes.”
Tyler and Wulf then set their pieces moving. Wulf using his newfound knowledge of the game to build a defensive wall as Tyler used his greater experience with the rules to more or less pin Wulf’s king. The game lasted ten minutes before Tyler got the elf with a Tower he’d wormed behind his line.
“And, that’s checkmate. Not bad Wulf.”
The elven ambassador was shaking his head.
“I get it now. You would move a scheme forward while at the same time he would. It became a battle of the minds.”
Tyler smiled.
“yup. We get the time I can make us a better set. In our world, entire wars have been won or lost over a chess board.”
Tyler cleaned up as Lily spoke up.
“If you want, I can use this as an excuse to practice me craft.”
“Good idea, lily. I’ll draw the pieces and you can use that fire over there.”
That made her laugh as he drew the simplistic designs for the various pieces and gave Lily three types of metal, the Black iron from a chain, the more white metal from another vein, and a larger piece of redsteel. She took the materials and headed to the hearth fire for her work. Wulf chuckled.
“I’d like t practice this game more. It was strangely entertaining o match wits.”
“Sure. Set’s easy enough to set up. So. The pope lost his chess game. If we’re dealing with the trope, then we won. Completely. Only thing left to do is kill him. Yet at the same time, I worry if it was a little TOO easy.”
Ashy smiled again.
“Maybe it’s cause we’re still on floor ONE?”
“Oh I see your point. Didn’t have you figured for a gamer girl.”
She smiled sweetly now.
“I had a few hobbies you woulda liked.”
“Well, Ashy. Seems like WE need to have a chat at some point. Just, ONE question.”
“Rias or Zerotwo?”
Ashy smiled widely now.
“Rias for the win.”
“Very well. We will have this debate at a later time.”
Wulf was holding his head now.
“And I still lose.”
“Nah. More a thing from our world.”
“Yeah. She’s still yours bro.”
The elf smiled as Malico looked at her legs now.
“Umm, what the hell?”
“You okay?”
“I’m vibrating.”
“Check the scroll.”
Kaori looked at him.
“I am amazed you didn’t make a dirty joke outta that.”
“Nah. Malico’s already a sexy kittycat. She don’t need things like that.”
Malico was purring as she passed him the scroll. Tyler opened it to see a single line again.
“We goddesses of Balance have reached a decision.”
“Should we start praying?”
The scroll was then filled with lines of laughter. Tyler chuckled.
“See? I got jokes.”
Kaori just groaned as the scroll started writing again.
“We have reached an agreement on a reward for your efforts to protect this realm from the Pope. As unbeknownst to you, Outcast, YOU were Chosen as MY champion to defeat the pope and his machinations.”
“I hate to break it to you, Goddess, but as long as he lives he hasn’t lost.”
“Indeed, Mortal. We agree and the fact you have even sought to argue a reward from a deity period on an as-of-yet incomplete task is more proof to the justness of a reward.”
“Okay, still feels a little wrong to get paid for a job that’s half finished. Thank you, Goddess.”
“The reward is to the three Warriors of your party, and it is thus: You may choose ONE item from your world, and we will adapt it to this one.”
Tyler, Kaori and Ashy’s mind’s just went boom. Everyone at the table was witness to their minds just getting up and killing itself in shock and surprise. Sera poked Tyler’s nose.
It restarted their brains. Tyler shook his head.
“Is that even possible, Goddess?”
“it is. Now, name the items. And yes we are aware of your world in full.”
Tyler smiled.
“I had an item that had my music collection. I would most like to have that back.”
“A music crystal? That’s it?”
Tyler shrugged.
“I got everything else I could want in Lectis already. Just miss the tunes from my world.”
There was a glow and a blue crystal appeared on a chain necklace.
“It is unbreakable and contains every song from your collection, and the ladies collections.”
“I humbly thank you Goddess. We will take our time skinning that bastard.”
“We look forward to it.”
Ashy spoke next.
“Sasha! Please!”
The scroll was seen to laugh.
“Miss, we cannot bring something to this world that already IS in this world.”
Ashy’s breath of relief was immense.
“Oh thank the gods. Is she safe?”
“She is. Sadly, as I am a goddess of Balance NOT of nature, I’m afraid returning her to you is outside my sphere.”
Ashy looked at Tyler.
“We’ll find her, Ashy. You got my word on that.”
She smiled at him.
“Thank you. As for MY reward? I had a similar collection to his music, only it was viewable on a screen.”
“Lady you got issues. Like legit issues. But very well.”
A brown/black crystal appeared on a chain and the scroll was witnessed to shudder.
“Your collection, HER collection, and HIS collections are in that thing. And, after this I need a bath.”
Tyler and Ashy were laughing hard as the scroll shuddered again.
Kaori just shook her head.
“Goddess, do you know if my mother still lives?”
“Erica? HA! That fireball is still running wild. Where, I have no idea. And am not able to locate her. But, we does still live, and so you know? She’s heard the rumors of the Outcasts. But just that. Rumors.”
Tyler smiled.
“That’s a decent amount of information on it’s own, Goddess. Thank you.”
The scroll’s response was a giant ?
“She’s far enough away that all she’s getting are rumors. So, since the Queen Erica has been hearing of us by name across the sea of Yalik, we can safely assume she’s on the other side of the world.”
Kaori smiled.
“And now we have a region to look in.”
“Like I said. We’ll find her.”
She smiled before facing the thing.
“My request is like a photo crystal.”
“I was expecting weapons. Not such humble requests, nightmare fuel aside.”
The blonde got her crystal, and it was as red as her path. Tyler smiled as he looked at the scroll.
“We thank you.”
“A warning.”
“Go on.”
“These boons are JUST for your party. As such, not another soul is to touch them. They are unbreakable, and in the red crystal’s case, can be used to store infinite images. They are not to be sold, lost, or misused. Even though the things on HER crystal WILL be. Lady, you need to talk to someone.”
Ashy smiled sweetly.
“What about HIS tastes?”
The scroll scrunched up shivering.
“HIM we are just going to pretend to NOT know ANYTHING. YOU have issues. HE is just depraved.”
“Eh, it’s a hobby.”
“I feel unclean now. You are freely able to share these with those you would trust with the lives of the spirits. Now, the pope must die.”
“He’s gonna.”
“If he does, we may see fit to bestow another such boon.”
“We thank you, Goddess Minus. And, question.”
“Whatchya think of the music?”
The scroll was then seen to form a smile.
“YOU my boy have exquisite taste.”
“So didn’t that dude with the drool fetish.”
The scroll made an arrow that pointed at Kaori, who promptly smacked Tyler hard.
“Miss, thank you. I have accomplished my goal. Now I need to go purify my soul.”
“Enjoy the Numbers.”
The scroll rolled itself up as Kaori smacked him again.
“Ya done scarring them for eternity?”
Tyler and Ashy burst out laughing at the looks of both fear and nerves on their friends faces. Tyler put the necklace on and as he did he saw a new tab added to his HUD.
“Okay, battles are going to ROCK now.”
he smiled as he scrolled to a favorite of his.
“Ah, here we go. Kiss Of Death.”
He hit it and the song was heard easily in the room and the group just looked at him. Sera was smiling as she happily hummed the haunting tune. Ashy was nodding as well.
“Good choice.”
it ended and Sera clapped.
“That was great, Tyler. Got anymore like it?”
“Oh hell yeah. Okay, ashy, watchya got?”
She passed her HUD over and his smile was of the most joy.
“We got your anime and hentai collection, MINE, and Kaori’s. Nice.”
Kaori then passed her HUD over and he got a look of shock and then smiled.
“Our first photo together. I get it now, kaori.”
The party all looked at her.
“Hey, show us too!”
Tyler chuckled as he slid the thing to them. It was a shot of him with Kaori with a game board between them. Tyler and his blonde friend were less then half the size they were now, and Tyler had a look of anger on his face as Kaori was smiling. The party just laughed as they saw it.
“He was an angry one as a wee lad!”
“Kaori looks really cute!”
“He seems more dead.”
“He does, and it’s kinda hard to believe.”
Tyler gave kaori a kiss and then Lily came over.
“Got your game ready.”
She’d made the pieces and board perfectly.
“Thanks Lily.”
He lifted her up and sat her on his leg. She smiled as she got to see the shot.
“I’m bigger then she was at my age. Good.”
Kaori just looked away as Lily patted her own still developing chest. Tyler chuckled as he saw the bumps.
“And THAT’S everyone was how I got murdered.”
Lily then patted kaori’s back.
“it’s okay, Kaori. He loves your rack more then Malico’s.”
Kaori smiled.
“I know he does.”
She hugged the smaller girl and Tyler pulled the map out now as Malico put the scroll away.
“Okay, are we still set with he house plan?”
They nodded.
“Term is still a death trap. As such, until I say it’s clear, we avoid the place unless it becomes absolutely necessary. I wonder if I should consult Ignatia on the Pope’s arrogance?”
Wulf crossed his arms.
“I think that might be wise, as if the pope dies, then I think there goes the main issues.”
Tyler rubbed his chin.
“Might be better to, just in case a decision was reached before this. Oh, and Sallie? Syliva? If Ashy’s crystal comes out, WE decide what you get to see. Okay? There are things on that thing that will scar you for both afterlife and life.”
The two spirits giggled.
“We already got warned.”
“Plus we got our OWN sets!”
Wulf was now looking at Tyler.
“Ummm, I know I’m gonna regret this. But, how bad?”
Tyler smiled as he looked at Ashy.
“I was thinking more…..Hell knight.”
“jesus, yeah that’ll do the trick.”
“Wulf, if you’ll please follow me.”
The elf was now terrified.
“It’s a rite of passage, Wulf.”
Ashy led the elf to another room and shut the door as Kaori looked at Tyler.
“Is that the one with the horse?”
“If it’s the one I think it is, well, think long wiggly slimy things.”
Kaori shuddered.
“Okay. Girls, please, let us choose your shows.”
Sallie and Sylvia giggled.
“I wanna watch that one, High school DxD?”
tyler lifted Sallie up and hugged her tightly.
“That’s my girl.”
Kaori was nodding as well.
“Not a bad first ecchi Sallie. Good choice.”
Sera came over and climbed up to sit beside Lily on Tyler’s leg.
“Can I see it too?”
“Sure Sera. We got a few you’d love.”
She smiled as Tyler looked at Lucy.
“we got a few YOU’LL love too.”
The hulking barbarian laughed.
“Aye, now I be curious.”
Tyler was smiling as Wulf and Ashy came out. The girl busting up laughing as Wulf was pale. HE had a thousand yard stare as he sat down at the table and Ashy patted his back.
“Well, he got through it!”
“It the tentacle?”
Tyler smiled as he looked at the elven ranger.
“Good LUCK sleeping tonight.”
The elf just looked at him.
“What the fuck is wrong with your world? I feel like I need to go to a temple.”
Tyler just laughed.
“Scary thing? That’s not the most fucked up one I had.”
Ashy was nodding.
“I gotta say, Tyler. You have quite a rather beautiful collection. Most of these I have never seen, and some only had like what? 300 copies?”
“I’ve always been good at finding rare gems. I mean, I found Sylvia here.”
She giggled at that as Wulf looked at the spirit.
“You get to watch what I select.”
“Relax Wulf. Ashy, go show him some eyebleach.”
“Okay, any in particular?”
HE thought for a moment.
“I know. Show him Girls Und Panzer.”
“Nah. That’s a good one. But I’m thinking….K-on.”
“Ohh, good call. That works. Binge the first…four episodes. That should do it.”
“Oh, if that’s the type of brain wipe we’re going for, then we need to show him Takagi.”
“Damn Ashy. You are good. Make it happen.”
Wulf was then guided into the room and the door shut. Tyler laughed.
“The road is going to be so much more fun.”
Kaori smiled as well.
“Hey, you have my favorite?”
Tyler frowned and pulled the music up.
“I should. It was…..Psi Missing, right?”
HE hit play and the girls where blown away by the beats and sounds. Sera was smiling again and Vixen was nodding along. Once it was over the group clapped.
“Your world has a most amazing collections of sounds.”
“Sadly it would take far too long to explain how they did it. And, even if I could explain, you’d still not fully grasp it since it’s so foreign to this world.”
The black mage smiled.
“We understand. Now, I am curious as to what other sounds you have.”
Tyler smiled.
“Oh, I got a good one. Linkin Park.”
Kaori’s green eyes lit up.
“New divide?”
“Oh hell yeah.”
He hit play and Lucy and Thistle smiled as the drums heavy riffs hit them. Tyler was grinning hard as well as he too felt the rush the song gave him. It ended and the two ladies were still smiling.
“I feel like I could kill a dragon.”
“I do too.”
Tyler chuckled.
“That’s nothing. Hey, Malico, I got a question for the scroll.”
Malico just laughed as she pulled it out.
“I think she guessed.”
The thing read.
“Yes, you can play it in battle.”
“Nice to see we’re starting to understand each other. Thanks Minus.”
Tyler then went to another song.
“Ohhh, now we getting somewhere.”
Kaori looked over curiously.
“what is it?”
He hit it and Kaori gasped.
“Oh my gods, I forgot you liked Charlotte.”
The group looked at her.
“The Coward?”
Tyler turned up the music.
“Name of a show. This song came from it.”
Sera was swaying back and forth.
“It’s very relaxing.”
“I got a few that served no purpose other the to help me unwind.”
Lily was also enjoying the music.
“A good taste in the arts. As I would expect from my WILL-be lover.”
“Scary part Lily? You’re not wrong. On either account. Tyler may have a questionable taste in viewing, but when it came to music? Guy knew the good stuff.”
Lily smiled as she hugged Kaori.
“We’ll share.”
They laughed as Wulf and Ashy came back. The elf had more light in his eyes and Ashy was humming the tune to the show.
Wulf nodded as he sat down.
“Much. I can’t believe you loved it.”
“I may love the depraved, blood soaked stuff, but I also like to relax every now and again. Should check out the one called Wolf’s Rain.”
Ashy smiled.
“That tent is going to be great fun on a rainy day. There’s a projector function.”
“We got the go ahead to blast tunes in battle.”
“Now I wanna kill somethin to Megadeath.”
“ya know what? I do too. Anyone up for a raid?”
The party looked at each other, and grinned.
“We’re in.”
“The guild hall is where?”
“Right this way.”
The now hungry for battle party got up and left the mansion to head to the town guild. The sun was going down, but the party all had night sight. So, they were not afraid. They strode into the hall and the guild members saw their looks and laughed.
“Oh shit, they’re feeling it!”
“Some poor bastards are done for!”
“When the OUTCASTS get the blood hunger, gods help us all.”
“Right? But, we all know the greatest thing they can do to help us is FIX THAT FACE!”
They lost it as Tyler and Wulf looked at the board as the other party members readied weapons and gear. Tyler smiled as he saw a large poster.
“Wanted. Killing of a Dragel. Reward. 25 gold. Wulf?”
“A Dragel is another member of the dragonkin. Basically? A female lisk.”
“That works!”
Tyler took it as the guild busted out laughing as a lady in a red suit with a single horn on her forehead came forward.
“Sirrah. I am obligated by guild rules to give further details.”
“So, what are we dealing with?”
“Sirrah. Thirty five adventurers have fallen thus far to thus job. As such, the reward has increased to 50 gold. As well as a new title.”
“What’s the title?”
“Guild Avenger. It boosts strength, physical defense, and stamina by 75. And, grants access to other such tasks as this. If a member of the guild falls to a job, the Avenger may choose to take first pick.”
Tyler smiled.
“We have a few that are not guild members. I think it’s time we add them.”
Serafina, Lily, Thistle, Sera, Lillica, and Ashy smiled. The lady chuckled.
“The elven girl is too young. But, since she’s a member of YOUR party. We’ll accept her.”
Lily snorted.
“Ya didn’t really have a choice.”
Tyler smiled.
“Lily is MY apprentice. I taught her myself.”
The guild had a collective gulp. Tyler laughed.
“You have NO idea.”
The ritual was preformed, though when Sera was proclaimed to have a Minotaur Balor as a confirmed kill, the guild was then seen to go white in the face. She giggled.
“Don’t fuck with the Outcast’s Little sister!”
Tyler jabbed a thumb at her.
“I taught her too. Not as much though.”
Lillica got no less fear as her grand lich was listed. Then Lily’s killing of giants and her other feats just made the guild look at tyler.
Tyler looked over curious.
“What’s up?”
“Those three ARE princesses, right?”
“Yup. Sera von Vernillion and her sister. Lillica von Vernillion. Oh, Lily’s Queen Willow’s daughter.”
The guild was now swept with a new wave of respect. The man that had spoken spoke again.
“Pray tell, how long did it take you to train them?”
“Bout, what? Three weeks?”
Sera thought for a moment as she got her medal.
“That sounds right. We met you maybe a week after the first summoning, and our training began that day. So, maybe closer to 8?”
Wulf did a little math.
“That seems right to me as well. The first wave is in less then three weeks, so 8 seems right.”
“You transformed two princesses that were raised all their lives in luxury into adventurers capable of killing Minotaur balors and grand Liches in just 8 weeks?”
“They’re still learning, but yup. Awesome aren’t they?”
The guild just slumped.
“I feel inadequate mates.”
“As to we all.”
“The hells we been doin these years?”
Tyler smiled as they finished.
“We good ladies?”
Sera nodded.
“Let’s go kill a Dragel! I’m hungry!”
The guild laughed.
“Ah that’s why! Girl’s got fire!”
Lily smiled as they walked.
“Momma didn’t raise no coward!”
That got a lot of appreciative nods as Tyler and the party left to mount up. As they finished, Wallace and Vollock came up.
“New crisis?”
Tyler smiled.
“Nah. Just heard our blades saying they’re bored. You know how it be.”
The sea rovers did.
“Now that is something to aspire to. Aye lad, we get it. Make em hurt.”
“What’s the unlucky bastard this time?”
“A dragel”
“Of course it is.”
The party rode out through the gate as the town’s people shook their heads smiling.
“Hot blooded Warriors. We need more of them.”
Wulf was leading the way to the thing’s lair. Tyler playing a song for riding to war, Crossing field, and the party was getting eager.

The thing’s lair was set with in a small rock hollow they smelled before they saw. There were scorched out trees, rocks, and the smell of rotting flesh. They hitched their horses and drew blades. Tyler using Oblivion and Oathkeeper with Lily right beside him. They walked along with Wulf and Ashy wielding loaded bows, Kaori and Malico as well, Thistle her Magicite axe, Lucy her new two handed greatsword, Vixen and Serafina their spells, sera and Lillica their bows as well, and Lily her mythril sword and Additite shield. Tyler spotted the blue bulk of the creature curled up in a ball and smiled.
“Lily, stay close. Archers circle and rain hell, Mages try to blind the thing, Lucy, Thistle, keep it off balance.”
They nodded as he looked to one song.
“Tonight’s asskicking is brought to you by, Rob Zombie’s Dragula.”
They then ran forward as the thing rose to it’s feet and spread wide wings. Tyler smiled as Lily shadowed him with Lucy and thistle beside them.
“Looks like fun ladies!”
The thing went to flap it’s 60 foot wide wings, only for the first volley of arrows to slam into it’s arms, eliciting a loud bellow of pain. The thing drew in a breath for an attack, only for a blue scale arrow to hit it in the throat, and explode with a red enhancement.
“Helluva a shot Ashy!”
Tyler and the melee fighters reached it’s legs now and Tyler smashed his dual mythril blades into a leg as Lucy and Thistle took it’s other. Lily, on the other hand, saw an opportunity. She sprang onto the back of Tyler, and used him like a spring broad to launch herself up to the small grove he’d pointed out in the black lisk he’d killed. She then used her upper body to slam her small mythril blade in the hole, and she pierced it’s heart. Tyler was right there to catch her as she tore it free. The thing hissed, and fell to the ground with a heavy thud that shook the ground as the party regrouped. Tyler was hugging Lily as she basked in her kill.
“Atta girl Lily! You just killed a Dragel!”
the party all took turns congratulating her on a clean kill. Then Tyler smiled.
“Now, let’s get paid!”
They laughed, for with their night sight skill, the after dark looked like high noon sunlight. Lily was seated on Tyler’s shoulder as she was the heroine of the hour. They walked around the outside of the hollow and found the thing’s cave easily enough, and Serafina and Tyler went in first, having the most experience in caves. The party found the trove and whistled at the three foot tall pile.
“You know the drill ladies.”
They got to work stripping the cave to the stone. Tyler walking around the cave walls using his detection skills to search for tombs.
“Wow. Been a while since we walked into a cave and NOT found a tomb.”
They laughed as he then turned to aid in the looting. Tyler was loading coins into the pouch, when he heard a huh? He looked, and Sera came out of a small nook with a vest.
“Whatchya got Sera?”
She looked at him.
“I think Mythril.”
Tyler walked over and lifted it.
“I thought so too, but it doesn’t feel like Mythril. Here.”
Tyler took his own vest off and let Sera hold it.
“Oh, I see. Mythril feels slightly….smoother I guess.”
Tyler put the thing back on.
“I’ll try appraisal.”
He lit his eyes up and smiled.
“We got ourselves an Additite Vest here.”
Wulf shook his head.
“Of course we do. We make finding priceless treasures look like an artform.”
Tyler looked at Lily.
“Hey, Lily. Let’s see if it fits.”
She smiled and changed as Wulf made Tyler turn around.
“Not where I can see, PLEASE?”
“Eh, fair.”
Tyler looked, and it fit her body perfectly.
“Well, whaddya think?”
She moved around a bit and shrugged.
“It feels lighter, like I’m not really wearing a vest.”
“Like it?”
“Well, you got an upgrade.”
She smiled and hugged him.
“Hey, Tyler? We got a problem.”
He looked over to where Malico was hold a license, and was shaking in terror. He was beside her the next instant.
“What’d you find Malico?”
She gulped.
“Dragon’s leash.”
The natives gasped in horror. Tyler looked at it.
“What does it do?”
“It’s the spell the black one used to enslave the dragons.”
“That’s it. Everybody out. We are WAYYYYY in over our heads on this one.”
They ran out as tyler looked to the sky.
“Tempesta, we got a problem. A BIG problem.”
There were wing beats the next instant and Tempesta landed in the hollow.
“I am here.”
“Malico presented the license.
“It has resurfaced, Lord.”
He took one look at the thing, and growled in fury.
Tyler nodded.
“We took a job to kill that Dragel over there, as a bit of fun. No issues in the fight and Lily here killed it. We’re looting it’s trove and Malico finds that. Where was it?”
“Near a pile of gold coins. Just sitting there.”
“So, once she told me what that thing was, I called you.”
The dragon nodded.
“A very wise move, boy. Have you finished looting?”
“We have not. No. Soon as I understood what we were looking at, we dropped what we were doing.”
“I see. I cannot fit in the cave. Finish the search.”
“The thing?”
“I’ll destroy it myself.”
Tyler placed it down and the blue dragon set it on fire. Tyler nodded to the dragel.
“Appreciate it if you’d not eat that one.”
Tempesta flicked him in the vest, sending him flying into the cave.
Tyler was laughing as he hit the stone. He was getting up and dusting himself off, when he felt a familiar feeling. He dove to the ground as an arrow whizzed over his head. He was up and with his blades out as he spotted a cloaked skeleton with a jet black bow readying another shot. He sighed.
“I get it now.”
Tyler blew a loud whistle on his lips that echoed around the cave.
“Demon’s Wrath. Second Rage.”
He flew at the thing with Gliepnir and Fafnir, his twin mythril broadswords, twirling as he charged the fell thing. The creature went for a sword, only to get hit in the face with his blades.
“Holy Smite. Holy Fire.”
The anti-undead spells engulfed the now screaming creature as Tyler kept up slashing and stabbing as his party tried to reach him, but were blocked by a barrier they could not breach. Tyler was slashing and hacking the thing between stabbing it in the heart, using all his strength and Demon wrath power. He was not letting the thing even move as he tripped it to the ground and was using his undead spells against it.
“Rock smash.”
He leapt into the air as he used the spell on both blades to slam them into the thing’s head. Shattering it outright. It shirked as a black mass rose up to engulf Tyler’s body. HE then dropped to the ground as the single largest pressure was forced onto his mind.
Tyler opened the torture chamber that was his mind and shoved the force inside and locked it tight. He then held it shut as his mind did it’s work, tearing the force apart in as agonizing a manner as conceivably possible. The thing fought hard, and then it just dissipated entirely. He then found his eyes were closed, and when he opened them, he was looking at the bright blue sky, with Tempesta’s wing over his face.
“What the hell?”
The wing lifted and he sat up to see the Dragel was fully butchered, to the bone no less, and camp had been set up. He got up and saw his party all looking over the body as he looked at the dragon.
“Um, 1 explanation please.”
Tempesta chuckled.
“You my boy, just killed a Lich King.”
Tyler rubbed his head.
“That skeleton?”
“Was a resurrected undead of the Black One.”
Tyler gulped.
“No fuckin way.”
The dragon chuckled again.
“You were out maybe twelve hours. I could not assist you, as to enter YOUR mind was to enter the torture chamber. Your friends all relaxed when I told them you killed it, and were just tired from the battle. Though, I must admit, it’s a little scary just how easily you threw it off. Once a Lich King dies, it latches onto the one that killed it and attempts to take full control. Yet, you killed it in under three hours of fighting. Then rested so deeply I thought it had shattered your mind for the further nine.”
Tyler stretched and his back popped.
“So, the Lich Kings here are that kind of hardcore. Was a fun fight.”
He then looked at the dragon.
“How’d the search go?”
“they found no less then three more Leashes.”
“I myself will do a once over.”
“I was going to ask you.”
Tyler looked to the skeleton.
“We need to get a helluva lot stronger.”
“Boy, I am forced to agree. You should NOT have won that fight. Period. A Lich King is one of the most feared creatures in this world. Not for it’s physical form’s attacks, but it’s mental. Not even I am confident enough to say I can best such a willpower battle. Yet, YOU did. Now, are there other creatures like them? A scary amount. Are they rare? Extremely.”
“We’ll trip over them sooner or later. I’ll go look the cave over, and go from there.”
Tempesta nodded.
“Indeed. Once you’ve approved it clear, we need to discuss the next move.”
Tyler blew his whistle and the party came running. He hugged kaori and the girls as they got their shock out of their system.
“Okay, all of you on guard, as I triple check that cave. We may have found our next task after the wave.”
They nodded and he kissed Kaori, just cause. Then he dove back into the cave.
“Okay bone man, the fuck you come from?”
The cave floor had even been swept with a broom, and he laughed.
“Sera came up with that one.”
He then turned all his skills at detection and perception to the room. He walked over to the pile of bones and placed a hand on the stone he’d pinned it against. The wall was covered in deep gouges and rents from his attacks with his blades. He then noticed something.
“Fuckin hell.”
There was a small hollow behind the slashed walls. He was now incensed as he called his team. They saw it and gasped. Vixen then sighed.
“An anti detection spell made to utterly neutralize any and all perceptive skills. Not even YOUR perception could see through it.”
“Someone got a big hammer?”
Lily snorted.
“Ye can borrow me sledge.”
“Love you Lily.”
“Love you too.”
Tyler took the ten pound hammer and gripped it.
“Rock smasher.”
He hit the wall with everything he had, and it shattered like glass. The wall gave way to a small antechamber with a large circle in the center with a clear laboratory. Vixen started shaking.
“we found a Raiser’s Workshop.”
Tyler looked at her as he gave the hammer back.
“What’s it for?”
“To raise the dead. And before you get the idea, they are revived as monsters.”
“Vixen, and me only. Serafina too. Rest of you, on guard. Ashy, you’re part black right?”
“You too. Just be careful. Sera, go give Tempesta the update.”
She balked,
“You cute.”
“Teehee! Kay!”
She took off running with Lily as volunteered escort, and the ploy was then obvious. Tyler stepped in first, as he was the strongest and toughest. The room had shelves lined with black books, beakers filled with various fluids, wands everywhere, some even on podiums as if in the middle of production, and licenses as well. Tyler just sighed.
“Vixen, the circle.”
She nodded and burned it away. Tyler spotted a slab in the back of the room with a sheet.
“Shit. Sheet.”
They nodded and surrounded it as Tyler neared it. Tyler looked at them.
They nodded and he threw it back. Underneath was one of the Broken restrained to the slab. Now that it’s eyeless sockets beheld people, it began to strain to get at them. Tyler sighed.
“A labrat. Fuckin perfect. Holy smite.”
The creature was then bathed in his power as it’s shattered soul was soothed and purified before it turned to ash. The group then began a most pain staking search of the room, with Tyler not even being able to really touch the counters without getting burned.
“This is an evil place.”
The black mage nodded.
“It is. For to revive and enslave the dead is the depths of evil.”
Tyler sighed as Sera and Lily came down.
“What’s the blue word?”
“He say’s he’s going to stay until this cave is sanctified by the dragonkin. He told me that once you’re done with it the Sky Lords will destroy this place themselves.”
Tyler nodded.
“Okay. You are NOT allowed past that hole.”
They nodded as they worked.
“We’ll look the cave over again.”
“Lily, you got prospect, right?”
“I’ll use it on the walls.”
“That’s my girl.”
Kaori smirked as Lily blushed a little.
“Oh he’s got you now.”
The party finished looking over the room after two hours, and Tyler sighed.
“Alright. Let’s show em what we got.”
“We got a few veins of good ore here.”
“Those first.”
They laughed as he pulled his pickaxe.
“What you find?”
“A few veins of Watercite, a rather nice vein of redsteel, SkyCite, which I highly recommend we sell in Raylik, and a very thick vein of good old iron.”
Tyler smiled as he extracted the ore.
“We should make it a habit to examine every cave we go into now with prospect.”
Lily nodded sagely.
“It’ll get me materials to practice me trade.”
“Plus net us some good sales goods.”
They laughed as he strip mined the cave to his level of empty before they left for daylight. They found quite the sight awaiting them upon exiting the cave. For, Ignatia and Furiosa had joined Tempesta outside the cave entrance. Tyler blinked as he saw them.
“Um, hi.”
They chuckled.
“Greetings indeed.”
“So, you found another threat to my kind.”
Tyler shrugged.
“I guess at this point, it’s a hobby?”
The dragons laughed as Tempesta looked at him.
“What did you find?”
“right now we have no idea WHO’S lab that was. They left no hint of their identity. And, that damned thing was hidden from MY level of perception and detection. There was a circle in the room and a Broken on a slab. Vixen can do a better job explaining as she knows this better then I.”
The black mage came forward and presented the ring of licenses they’d found.
“Lords and Lady of the sky, we have found a Raiser’s Workshop. And a most advanced one at that.”
The dragons drew in a sharp breath in shock.
“How advanced child?”
“Lady Furiosa. Advanced enough to raise another Lich King. With minimal effort.”
Ignatia looked to the blue.
“we need to find this one Highscale.”
“I agree. But, not even I can pick up a scent here.”
Tyler was in thought as they spoke.
“I wonder if this is the bastard that helped summon the doppels.”
Vixen blinked.
“With the evident power on display in that room, such a thing would be simple.”
Tyler sighed.
“I hate these. Okay, those note books we found.”
Kaori gulped.
Tyler pulled a pair of gloves out as Tempesta looked to the blonde.
“What is he about to do?”
“He’s going to read the notebooks to fuel his soul dissection trick. It’s….NOT a pretty sight when he does it.”
Wulf shuddered.
“I remember what he did to the councilmen.”
Tyler looked at the dragons.
“I’ll look these over, and depending on how thorough the bastard was in his notes, I should be able to build a profile of just WHAT we’re dealing with here. Time frame? Maybe two hours.”
The dragons settled in to wait as Tyler took the three books and sat against a rock. He took the first and started reading. Kaori sighed and poked a staring Ashy.
The dirty blonde just looked at her.
“but look! DRAGONS!”
The party laughed as they settled to wait.

Two hours later.

Tyler closed the last book and rubbed his eyes as he sighed.
“Oh we got a monster this time.”
HE got up as the dragons looked at him. Tempesta was spokes dragon.
“How bad is it?”
“This bastard worships the Black One as a god, and is actively seeking to bring it back to life as a complete being.”
The dragons rumbled in anger.
“Is that all?”
“we’re looking for a highly intelligent, highly educated monster, Tempesta. He knows exactly what he is doing and why. From the way his notes were written, he, it is a man, is very neat, organized, and has a scarily scientific mindset. To him, bringing the black one back is just a mere puzzle, and he sees it as his life’s mission to bring it back. He is a black/white mage, and as such is using both paths to achieve this goal. As for personality? Outside a very calm, kindly, straight up gentle soul. Inside? He is possessed of a rot the likes of which I understand far too well. He’s got the soul of the Monster.”
Kaori gasped and started shaking as Tyler said this. Tyler continued.
“The only difference between him and MY Monster, was he was BORN this way. As such, is the kind of evil that is born. Now, from what I gathered, he has broken the process down into terrifyingly easy to achieve steps. The first was to raise a Lich King of a similar power level to the Black one. That was a success. The next was to try and merge the Broken with the Lich King to create an enduring body. The next was to raise the soul from the depths of Death itself to create a spirit like the two girls. The last phase was to put the pieces together as a whole being.”
Tempesta had a faraway look in his eyes now.
“This procedure.”
Ignatia looked at him.
“Highscale, I see it too.”
Furiosa spoke next.
“as do I.”
Tyler looked at them.
“Is it that legend of that guy that brought the dead back?”
Tempesta looked at him.
“It is indeed. We were there for it, and were the ones that erased it from time.”
Tyler sighed as he rubbed his eyes.
“Okay, let me ask this: Did you kill the one responsible?”
“We did.”
“Are you sure?”
They blinked before Tempesta looked at him.
“I swear by Glacious we all used our flames to kill him ourselves.”
Tyler nodded.
“Then you got the wrong guy. This bastard is OLD. Like really old.”
The shock the dragons felt was so intense the entire hollow felt on edge. Tyler then looked att he books.
“Okay, my reasoning. The way he talks, it sounds like this version of Lectis was not the one he was born in. Easiest comparison, our old country and England.”
The dragons nodded.
“we are familiar with your world’s dialects.”
“Okay. So that gave me the first clue. Second was how familiar he is with this kind of work. We have three books here, yet I got the impression this was a lifelong passion. And, he is also a Warrior. If the references and seemingly random quotes to Frankenstein were anything to go by.”
Tempesta sighed.
“The pieces are fitting with a terrifying precision. Why did he resurface period?”
“I think, the fields were ripe. Look at the world right now. We just had a pope get kicked out for being power mad and his resulting schemes, most…of….which. Oh SHIT.”
Tyler went white as something clicked. The dragons were now on edge.
“What just clicked?”
“The pope wasn’t all that interested in me or my party for our open defiance and hostility. He was FAR more focused in pissing YOU off. The rigged meeting, the sky sharks, the insolent nature towards the dragons as a whole, either I’m going insane again or the Pope’s got a dark friend.”
The dragons were now shaking with some feeling and Tyler was now flipping to the last book. Tempesta growled in a fury most terrifying to behold.
“I see how you came to that point, and agree.”
“We got a bigger issue then. From here, maybe, a week ago, the writing takes a drastic turn from mere observation and testing with some minor journal entries, to lamenting choosing such an incompetent ‘pawn’. He never outright says WHO this pawn is, but it’s pretty freakin obvious who he means.”
Tempesta snarled, and it sounded like a thunderclap.
“Lay the books out, lad, we’ll see for ourselves.”
He placed the tomes side by side as the dragon’s eyes glowed and the books glowed. Then the dragons were giving off waves of enraged heat. Tempesta then fixed Tyler with a blazing eye.
“I am aware of your eye reading skill.”
“Put the pope in front of me. I’ll have EVERYTHING out of him in ten minutes or I have no business next to her.”
“Ignatia. Go.”
The red dragon tore off the ground with all the force of a hurricane as Tyler looked to Tempesta.
“we should warn Ishtar.”
The blue used his communication power to project the king onto the dirt.
“What is our passcode?”
“Oh by the gods. It is better to be feared then loved, if one cannot be both.”
“Correct. We got a serious fuckin problem Ishtar. Ignatia is inbound to retrieve the pope for MY interrogation. There is a raiser in play looking to raise the Black One.”
The king went white in the blue hologram.
“By the gods. There was just an explosion in the prison, and Ignatia flew off with the pope. What do I do to explain?”
“Tell the people the pope pissed off the wrong dragon.”
They all laughed. Then Ishtar became serious.
“What about the raiser?”
“we found his lab. Right now, best we can do is let me interrogate the Pope.”
There was a loud woosh as Ignatia returned with the Pope. The old man was then dropped in front of Tyler and the hologram. The old man looked up and gasped in horror as Tyler grabbed his skull and forced his eyes open.
“Look into my eyes, BITCH!”
Ashy snorted.
“Ghost rider? Seriously?”
Tyler gazed no longer then ten seconds before throwing him to the dirt with disgust.
“Okay, we overestimated his worth. He was indeed the Raiser’s pawn, but just to keep the dragons occupied. Plus ruin the Warrior summons with repeated summons and bad crops. The puppeteer was just a puppet himself. He’s never seen his face, nor stood before the man, as his communications were all via image crystals. The pope here was just a loud attention grabber, nothing more. He fully expected his gambit to fail, and from what I gathered, the ONLY wrench in the gears was ME. As everything I chose to do undermined the Raiser’s carefully laid plans. So, since the pope’s a corpse now, the Raiser will go to ground. Hard.”
The dragons then looked to the cowering old man.
“How was he contacted?”
“That? The Pope was already on this path with his march plot, so all it really took was a single crystal and the aid of the demons. Yeah, he wasn’t summoning them, the Raiser is in his experiment to raise a soul. Yalik was the Pope’s doing hands down. But, the others, were all this new bastard.”
The pope was looking at him in horror.
“How? How can you read the mind of a Holy One like me?”
“Plus, the Pope is utterly convinced of his own, what’s the word? Piety?”
Ignatia chuckled.
“I think Saintliness is a better fit.”
“Thank you! Shit, that fits way to damned well.”
They all chuckled at this. The pope got to his knees and started to pray, only.
“Someone got a mana killer? Bastard’s casting.”
Tempesta up and spit on the man, and the party lost it laughing as the pope was now covered in dragon spit. Tyler was holding his ribs as he dropped to his knees laughing so damned hard as the pope’s eyes were twitching from the utter ridiculousness of the situation. Tyler recovered and had to take a few deep breaths to regain his composure.
“Okay, nasty. But effective. Now here was I? Ah yeah. The banned spells were also the idea of the Raiser, as a means to destabilize the region. But, this plan fell through once I started flipping rocks. Now, something to make note of. I do not think he is in the country anymore. My guess is this is just ONE lab he has, so, going from that theory, we’re looking at a world wide search.”
Tempesta was nodding.
“I agree there. If he was still in the country, it would be far too easy.”
“It would.”
Furiosa then looked to Tyler.
“Will you assist us in this hunt?”
Tyler sighed.
“Look. I can only do so much. I also have to worry about the waves. I promise to do what I can, but please try to remember we’re a small group and I’m only one man. The other Warriors except Kazuma will die, and then our workload will triple.”
Tempesta sighed as well.
“Indeed. The waves are a more pressing issue at the moment. Okay, we need to make a decision. How do we handle this?”
Tyler thought for a moment.
“My suggestion?”
The dragons looked at him.
“Go ahead.”
“My party is going to be free for the next three months after this wave. So, I propose have the dragons take wing to get a feel for how the air tastes in the neighboring nations. If one feels foul or disturbed, me and my party will swing in that direction. Since we ARE such a small group, we can get into the cracks others can’t.”
The three dragons looked at each other.
“This seems to be the most we can do for the time being.”
“Infuriating as it may be, I agree.”
“Oh. And, I feel like I should make this point.”
The looked at him.
“What point?”
Tyler frowned.
“just something that was bothering me about the kill. Tempesta said you ALL used your flames to kill him, right?”
“I did.”
“Okay, bare with me. How many dragons were present for the kill?”
Tempesta’s eyes narrowed.
“I have been around you long enough to guess. You are thinking we have a traitor in our brethren.”
“I do. It just fits way too damn well.”
The other two dragons growled. Tyler sighed.
“And NO I do NOT think it’s either of you two, NOR Glacious, as I’ve seen your eyes.”
The dragons snorted.
“Why the hells do I feel better now?”
“Agreed. I too feel…oddly relieved to know I have his trust.”
Tempesta laughed.
“I too feel relieved as well. Strange as it seems.”
Tyler looked at the cowering pope.
“I think…..we’re still missing pieces here. Something’s just not adding up.”
Tempesta looked at him.
“Can you elaborate?”
“I can try. It’s just more feeling here then certainty. Why is he going to these lengths? I got from the books he worships the Black One. Yet, the whole time the worship was NOT that of a god-being or icon. It was more….personal.”
Tempesta gasped.
“I got the same feeling from them as you did!”
Tyler blinked.
“A child?”
Tempesta nodded.
“I think so. If that is the case, and he was a Warrior, which the black one was as well, then we have a descendent.”
“Not necessarily.”
The dragon looked at him quizzically.
“Okay. In our world, Kaori’s mother disappeared ten years ago. Her name is Erica. The two are spitting images of each other. Ishtar here, you traveled with her for how long?”
The king laughed.
“Was starting to worry I was forgotten. We traveled together for two hundred years.”
Tyler looked to Kaori.
“She’s only fifteen years. So, time here moves faster in relation to our own.”
Tempesta blew smoke from his snout.
“I see your reasoning. If they were father and son in their old world and came here separately, it would account for the vast time between them.”
“Exactly. And, is we’re talking family issues, then the motive is simple enough to figure out. Idolizing son arrives in Lectis to find the one person he loved is dead and is now spending his life to bring him back sorta thing.”
the Blue lord sighed.
“So, we now have a reason why. Not sure why that really matters.”
“It matters because if we have the reason WHY he is doing this, we can determine just how FAR he is WILLING to go to achieve his goal.”
That got the dragon’s attention.
“I realize I was mistaken.”
“Not mistaken per se, this is just a kind of work more specialized for someone like me.”
Kaori snorted.
“It’s called psychological profiling. It’s a method used in our world to catch criminals. Take the pieces of what you know of the target, and try to build an image of that person in your mind. Tyler here is just scary good at it.”
The dragons laughed.
“Scary lad indeed.”
“Okay we have our task.”
Tyler nodded as Tempesta looked at the pope.
Tyler looked at the Pope. And smiled.
“Him? He’s MINE.”
Tyler looked to Vixen.
“So, shall we?”
He pulled his Sgian Dao and Malico passed the now grinning Black mage the ring of banned spells. The dragons and the king were horrified.
“You intend to use those on him?”
“Just deserts.”
Tyler was now smiling with a wicked light in his eyes that made Wulf spring into action.
“Get Sera, Lillica, Lily and the spirits out of here! This is going to be BAD.”
The girls planted their feet.
“We wanna watch!”
“That bastard raped me! I am going to hear HIM scream now!”
“Momma didn’t raise no weakling!”
Tyler was now tearing the man’s robes open as Vixen hummed as she flipped through the ring. Ishtar then burst out laughing.
“I, King Ishtar Vernillion, do hereby pass sentencing upon the Vile Skyr. He is to receive the Outcast’s Punishment.”
The dragons all looked at each other, and nodded.
“As Dragon king, I Tempesta Of the Storm, condemn this wretched human to the Outcast’s Punishment.”
Tyler was not hearing them as he proceeded to cut as Vixen cast Willing Torment.

For the next four hours, the pope screamed in agony as the one called Outcast delivered on his promise to make him scream until he grew bored, as he would heal the man when he was about to pass out or die, only to keep going. Tyler was laughing as he did so.
“I told you I would kill you, Skyr.”
Tyler was truly enjoying himself as he made the bastard scream and plead like no doubt hundreds of others did to him. Then, at the six hour mark, Tyler sighed.
“Hey, Lillica. Want a turn?”
The princess smiled sweetly and came over to take the knife.
“You bored?”
She placed his hand on the handle with hers.
“Well, so am I!”
“Atta girl!”
The pope was still screaming as Vixen had cast a Wailing Agony, which made him feel old wounds, as Tyler and Lillica stabbed him in the heart with his dagger together. The pope died then and Lillica hugged Tyler tightly.
“Thank you. I have longed to hear him scream like that.”
Tyler chuckled as he stroked her hair.
“Like I said, Lillica. We’ll hold the spike. Together.”
The king was also grateful.
“Boy, I was there with you vicariously. Thank you for this. Expect a hero’s welcome when you return to term.”
“We won’t be back until the Ball, Ishtar. City isn’t safe yet.”
The king chuckled fondly.
“I understand. Nor will I relax.”
“For now, keep pulling weeds as we prep for the main mess.”
The dragons all lowered their heads.
“We owe you Outcast a great debt for your actions here today.”
Tyler smiled as he faced them.
“Well, I look out for my friends.”
Tempesta chuckled now himself.
“Well said. Though, now I’m kinda scared as to just WHAT you’ll ask in return.”
Tyler became thoughtful.
“Our current deal is just fine. Hmm, Ignatia, Furiosa, do YOU have any creatures in particular you hate?”
The green dragon bared her fangs.
“I think we can make a deal, as I myself have sworn to hunt them to genocide for what they did to Sallie.”
Furiosa rumbled.
“I am aware of your deal with Tempesta. So, these will be mine. Scales for every camp eradicated.”
“Done! So, do I call to you when I light the pile up?”
“I would prefer to do it myself.”
“That works too.”
Ignatia tilted his massive head.
“I do not think you have encountered the things, but I have a particular distain for Draugs.”
“Those undead dragonkin that the demonkind keep as pets?”
He looked at him.
“I see you HAVE encountered them.”
“Just the one. The doppelganger that replaced Lymir thought that a single Draug was enough to do me in.”
That got a laugh. Ignatia blew smoke.
“My deal is a trade. Their coin pouch for scales.”
“Would you be willing to let me have any opals they have? I collect them for some odd reason.”
The dragons looked at each other and then back to him.
“Opals? You collect, opals?”
Tyler shrugged ruefully.
“They’re fun to look at?”
Tempesta sighed.
“Opals in this world are considered true treasures by the dragonkin. The bigger they are, the more sough after they become. As such, they are not usually seen by human eyes.”
Tyler blinked.
“Wow. We got like what? 30?”
Lillica sighed.
“Dammit, I liked that one!”
The dragons laughed. Then Ignatia looked at them.
“Agreed, Outcast. The opals are yours.”
Tyler smiled as Tempesta’s eyes flashed with idea.
“I am willing to make a deal with you, Outcast.”
“oh shit here we go.”
“Hey! That’s MY line when YOU say that!”
“And HOW often have we found we think alike?”
The blue dragon blinked now himself.
“Oh shit your right.”
Furiosa and ignatia looked at each other in alarm.
“You don’t think?”
“I heard the tales, but seeing it first hand? I’m scared now.”
Tyler looked at them.
“Am I missing something?”
Tempesta was on the same wavelength.
“What he said?”
Furiosa groaned and covered her eyes with a clawed foot.
“We think he’s your reality double, Tempesta.”
Tyler and Tempesta looked at each other.
“Umm, why the hell does that fit so freakin well?”
“And WHY am I suddenly so damned-“
They were now talking in unison and the watchers all took a collective gulp. Tyler shrugged,
“They were also saying I was your son for SOME freakin reason.”
Tempesta lifted his head in shock.
“What the hell?”
“I know right? Kinda cool though.”
“I must admit I do like the prospect.”
“Wanna just run with it?”
“It’d save our heads.”
“Nifty. So, your deal?”
Tempesta bared his fangs.
“In exchange for opals, Mythril.”
Tyler frowned as the other dragons gaped at him.
“To be honest? The opal thing just kinda happened. Lillica has one that calms her down when she looks in it, and the one I have was from the first lisk trove me, kaori and Malico ever claimed. So, beyond those two,”
“I want one!”
“Love you too Sera!”
The dragons chuckled fondly themselves now.
“So, beyond those three, we really don’t have a use for them. If they’re that kinda precious to dragons you can have em.”
The three dragons laughed.
“Tempesta can get a little….overzealous with things.”
“Plus Opals are Glacious’ favorite snack.”
“Ya don’t say.”
They looked to see the gears now CLEARLY turning in is mind. Tyler smiled then.
“Explains her scale color.”
Tempesta looked at their gear.
“I see you have not used her gifts.”
“Not yet, no.”
“May I ask your plan?”
He crossed his arms.
“Her scales are very high grade, don’t get me wrong, but we just have better materials to work with. We were planning on using them for arrows, as we have high dragon scales and balor horns for materials.”
Tempesta looked at Sera.
“Her horn and scales?”
“Used for her and Lily. Since they killed the thing. Lily doesn’t really NEED an upgrade as she’s got the Additite vest and Shield.”
The dragons were shocked.
“We’re going to need to see them with our own eyes please.”
Lily came up and held her shield up. The dragon’s eyes lit up and they blew smoke in shock.
“By the scales, Additite.”
Tyler patted Lily’s hair as she walked by. Tempesta just shook his head.
“So, you have a truly precious treasure, and yet it is nearly useless to you.”
“Not entirely useless. More, hard to use to it’s best.”
“I understand. Arrows seems a waste.”
“Oh, it’s a waste alright. I’d…..hold up. I wonder.”
Tyler took a scale out and was now looking at it intensely. Kaori sighed.
“Now we say it.”
“Love you too kaori!”
Tyler turned the scale this way and that.
“Hay, Kaori? Should we bother with horse armor?”
She jumped.
“Made from dragon scales?”
“If not that, then I can see if Tolic can use these to reinforce our current gear. Or you know, greaves and bracers.”
Tempesta sighed.
“The things that boy’s mind will come up with on the fly is simply terrifying.”
The other dragons were in wholehearted agreement. Tyler sighed.
“We could always use these for infusions.”
“That would be the best course, as Glacious’ scales do make for beautiful armor.”
“We have an option. Okay, the pope is dead, we got a new idiot in the shadows, the dragel is dead, I’m hungry, and I need to look at that skeleton. Is there anything else?”
Ishtar rubbed his beard.
“The church has lost all it’s power and influence in my kingdom. And Kazuma is now a hailed hero.”
“And he knows exactly who set him up as a hero.”
“He does. And he asked me to pass along a few words.”
“Oh tis oughta be good.”
“You sneaky bastard. I see you’re still as wily as ever. I’ll play you’re game so long as you look after kaori. She better be smiling when we meet up, or I’ll start using that nickname again.”
“Kaori, if you play that prank, you’re sleeping outside.”
“Hey! I wasn’t gonna!”
She stomped her foot in fury.
“I wasn’t going to!”
Tyler smiled as Ishtar looked at Lillica.
“He passed along a message to you too, Lillica.”
She became rather…flustered.
“Oh, he did, father? What’d he say about me?”
“He said he’s looking forward to seeing you at the Ball.”
Lillica got a happy smile, and Tyler looked at Kaori.
“I think you need to have a wee chat with the lady.”
“And YOU need to have a wee chat with the boy.”
“So we’re in agreement?”
“We are.”
Lillica looked at them with a pleading expression.
“Please don’t ruin it for me!”
They patted her affectionately.
“We won’t ruin it.”
“More make a few things clear to Kazuma. Oh, and give him a warning to NOT make my OTHER sister cry.”
She gasped, before hugging them both.
“Love you too, brother and sister.”
Tyler smiled as he and Kaori hugged the princess. Ishtar had a happy tear in his eye. Sera sighed.
“I’m here TOO ya know!”
Tyler looked at her indignantly.
“Oi! I play with you all the damn time. Let Lillica get a hug every now and then too!”
Lily sighed.
“Sera’s the jealous type.”
Lillica smiled.
“Greedy too.”
“Heeey! Mean!”
her indignant whine making even the dragons chuckle. Tempesta looked to the other dragons.
“we have work to do.”
They nodded. Then Tempesta looked at Tyler.
“I have a new title for you, Outcast.”
“It is Dragon Heart.”
Wulf jumped in shock. Tyler looked at him.
“You okay?”
The elven ranger was a little pale.
“Someone with Dragon heart is basically the most trusted ally to the dragons. Unless I am mistaken, it is the single highest honor a dragon can bestow.”
Tyler blinked and looked at Tempesta.
“Thank you, and we will do what we can.”
All three dragons bestowed the title upon the party, including the spirits. Then Ishtar looked to Tempesta.
“Lord Blue. A request.”
“Speak, king of Humans.”
“My humble request is if you could grant the Outcast the power to use this communication image you yourself are using.”
“I see. Very well.”
Tyler blinked as Tempesta placed a translucent scale the size of a gold coin in Tyler’s hand. Ishtar also was given one on his end. Tyler looked at the blue coin.
“We’re gonna have to watch we don’t mistake this for a real coin.”
They laughed as Tempesta looked at them.
“To activate it, simply state the name of the one you wish to contact. It works both ways.”
Tyler placed it in Malico’s hand for her secret pouch. Then Tempesta placed an extra four sets on top of a pile of 50 scales, which the other two dragons also placed on the ground. Tyler smiled.
“Thank you. We’ll put them to the best use we can.”
They added the comms coi8ns and scales to pouches as the dragons readied to take off.
“We shall get to our search.”
“we’ll go get our reward off the guild.”
The dragons flew off as Tyler placed the comms coin on the ground and called Ishtar’s name. The king appeared and he sighed.
“We went from a known enemy to a shadow.”
Tyler rubbed his eyes.
“well, at least the pope is dead. That’s a victory.”
Ishtar smiled.
“Indeed it is. I wish to bestow a title myself.”
“it’s Champion of the People. Boosts strength and stamina.”
“We’ll keep at it.”
Ishtar smiled as he added more beard hairs to their HUD’s.
“Still ew.”
“She’s still learning.”
“My poor soul.”
Tyler smiled as he then remembered something.
“Oh, hey, Ishtar I got a question for ya.”
“Oh this oughta be good.”
“Okay, me and my party are planning to purchase a house in Raylik. Now, we don’t need anything special from the King for this do we?”
Ishtar just blinked as what he just said processed.
“Are you seeking a base?”
“Yup. Plus, since we roam so much, the plan was to have a haven in the places we go to the most.”
“I see. Well, it really depends on the city itself. Though, as far as the crown is concerned? Long as you pay your taxes, we have really no part to play there.”
“Okay. Just needed the info. We’ll go finish up with the job and get paid.”
“I’ll go give word that the pope is dead.”
The king vanished and Tyler flipped the coin to Malico.
“Let’s get this done.”
They walked to their camp and were tearing it down when Tempesta came in to slam in front of the cave.
“Now that you’re out of the way.”
The blue lord threw his head back as he drew in a massive breath of air before sending his raging breath into the cave. The heat was so extreme Tyler and his party were sweating a good hundred yards away. The dragon breathed his flames for a solid fifteen minutes before leaping to the side and Furiosa took her turn pouring heat and flame into the melting rock cave. She went for the next fifteen, and then Ignatia was last. Tyler and his team watched as the three dragons worked in tandem for fifteen minute intervals for two hours straight. Then Tempesta looked at the party.
“Brace for the cold!”
The dragons flew of laughing as the heat died as suddenly as it began. And even though they were standing in direct sunlight in summer, with the exception of Tyler and Lucy, everyone started shivering. Tyler chuckled as he saw the cave was now just molten rock a hundred feet deep.
“So, that’s their flame.”
Sera was shaking as she looked at a still fine Tyler.
“How the hell are you not cold?”
“I’m from a colder region. Plus, I’ve never really FELT the cold.”
Kaori was shivering.
“he was a freak like that. There’d be a blizzard outside and he’d run around like that.”
Ashy was in agreement.
“Whereas everyone else would be bundled up, he’d just come waltzing in wearing maybe a thicker shirt.”
Tyler shrugged as they finished tearing down the camp.
“You don’t feel the cold if your disciplined.”
Lucy burst out laughing.
“That was exactly the line me father gave me in the tundra.”
The rest of the party were glaring at them as they moved to the Dragel skeleton. Tyler took one look and smiled.
“Wow. I see nothing we can use. Well done everyone.”
They smiled as they then mounted up.
“What was the haul?”
The girls smiled.
“2500 gold, 3500 silver, 4300 copper. Kaori placed them in the pouch while you were out.”
“Another across the board mass. Plus a few daggers and the vest.”
“Not a bad haul.”
They rode back to town and found the pile of banned goods was now close to thirty feet. Wallace and Vollock greeted them as they returned.
“Bit off more an you could chew?”
Tyler sighed.
“More we found something worse. And, we can’t say anything more about it.”
Wallace tilted his head towards the pile.
“It have to do with that?”
“Worse, Wallace. FAR worse.”
The two sailors nodded.
“We understand lad. Take care out there.”
“Aye, Cap’n.”
They laughed as they returned to the guild hall. They walked in and the rowdy bunch hailed them.
“Made ya work for it, didn’t it?”
“Not really. Lily killed it.”
They went silent, and the lady they’d talked to before saw her bestiary.
“Confirmed. Lily killed the dragel.”
Tyler sighed as the lady looked to him.
“Sir, we request you present your bestiary.”
“we’ll do it in Raylik.”
She nodded.
“Very well. But, may we at least ask what the strongest thing you’ve killed is?”
“A Lich King.”
The room went so silent you coulda heard a mouse fart. Tyler brought u-p his HUD and showed the kill.
“By the gods. Confirmed. Tyler the Outcast has killed a Lich King singlehandedly.”
Tyler shrugged.
“It had a bone to pick with me.”
Not a sound was heard from his joke as the other adventurers just looked at him. Tyler looked to his crew.
“It wasn’t THAT bad.”
The lady gulped.
“Sir, the joke was funny, but so you are aware, you are only the SECOND to kill a Lich King and live to tell the tale. Period. In all of recorded history, only ONE other being has killed a Lich king and lived.”
“oh, really?”
“Yes. As such, look at your titles.”
Tyler did and he tilted his head.
“Lich’s Bane?”
She nodded.
“This the SECOND time that title has appeared in Lectis. It boosts willpower, mental fortitude, perception, and strength by 250. As only one of the most extreme will can conquer such a fell creature. How long did you take to kill it’s mental attack?”
“All of three hours. I was out for a further nine.”
She started shaking now.
“Sir, please that’s just not possible.”
“I got Tempesta as a witness.”
The name drop made the room go even more quiet before he pulled up his HUD and went to his other stats.
“Plus. I am NOTHING’S puppet.”
She looked at his stats.
“Perception: 900? Mental fortitude 2500? Willpower….5000?”
She looked at him in awe and with more then a little intimidation.
“I see. So that’s why.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Enter MY mind and you will never come out.”
She gulped.
“Okay, it’s undeniable. He killed a Lich King singlehandedly.”
Tyler smiled.
“So, Lily’s gold?”
She smiled and gave the reward. Then the party got the Guild Avenger title. Tyler smiled now.
“Okay, let’s regroup at the mansion and go from there.”
He bought a news crystal and off they went. Soon as they left, the lady looked to the hall.
“That’s a party of gods and goddesses.”

Tyler and his party walked in to Lymir’s mansion and headed to the dining hall to plan their next move. As they sat down, Lymir herself came in wearing a mere slip to join the table. She smiled as she joined them.
“I take it your midnight adventure had a little more then you bargained for?”
“Tyler had to kill a Lich King, Lymir. Alone.”
She went white with shock.
She then got his bestiary shown to her, and looked at him with awe.
“Lich’s Bane.”
“We found something in that Hollow Lymir. And it was dark.”
She gulped.
“How bad?”
“The puppeteer was a puppet himself.”
She had to hold the table as she understood.
“By the gods.”
Tyler looked at Malico.
“I need a question answered, Malico.”
She nodded and she took the scroll out. The first line read.
“Can she be trusted?”
“With the spirits.”
“Very well. What is your question?”
“Is it possible to return the dead to life as that Raiser is plotting?”
The scroll went blank for a moment before asking a question.
“Why do you seek this answer?”
“To see if we are on a time limit. If it can be done, then we’re racing to kill him BEFORE he can complete his goal.”
“A most astute question then. It is NOT possible. It was only done the once, and Death itself plugged the hole.”
“Is there ANOTHER hole?”
The scroll went blank again.
“We see your reasoning. Death has been informed and is searching as we speak. If such a hole has appeared, he will find it soon.”
“I’d ask to look for, ‘thinner’ areas as well.”
“Death is most thorough. He will do this as well.”
Tyler crossed his arms as Lymir was brought up to speed by Kaori.
“Did you enjoy the show?”
The scroll scrunched up into a happy grin.
“ALL the deities did. We thank you for that.”
“Even though we found an even worse problem behind it.”
“That is the way of the world Mortal.”
“True. As exhausting as it is, trouble never stops coming.”
The scroll was seen to pantomime a sigh.
“Indeed. And for what it’s worth, you have our sympathies.”
Tyler smiled.
“Appreciated. But, at least it keeps life more interesting.”
“That it does mortal. That it does.”
Tyler was rubbing his face when he felt a familiar unsettling presence in the room.
“Death has arrived.”
He got up and faced the specter with the scythe, standing between it and the group.
“Was there a hole?”
It spoke in it’s bone rattling voice.
“There was. No more. And the ‘thinner’ areas in your words shorn up.”
Tyler sighed with relief.
“Okay, we have time.”
Death chuckled.
“This is twice you have looked Death in the face, mortal. Most impressive. Now, I owe you a debt for finding this plot to spit in Death’s face.”
“I see.”
Tyler felt the presences of the two spirits behind him, and he sensed Death look at them.
“I sense Spirit Shell. MY own ability. Your boon, will be their gift maximized.”
Tyler tilted his head.
“If I recall, then they get to run in the flesh and only need to swap out for five minutes once a day, right?”
“Yes, Mortal. You are indeed correct. Plus, all the trappings of a mortal bond.”
“Very well, Death, I thank you for this boon.”
“Step forward spirits.”
The two girls stepped to stand before Death, and it waved it’s arm. They glowed and as it vanished they looked at their HUDs.
“We only need to stay spirits for five minutes total once a day!”
Tyler waited until they were back behind him before addressing Death.
“Fair warning, but I fear there my be more attempts at a hole in the future before we find this bastard.”
It chuckled.
“I am aware. You have alerted Death to a challenge to it’s absoluteness, now it is answering this insult.”
“We will do what we can on this end.”
“I have done what I set out to do. Farewell Mortal, May I never find you beneath my blade.”
Death left and he sighed with relief.
“That guy is intense.”
Tyler then looked to see Sallie and Sylvia sitting in their Shell forms with Sera and Lily. Wulf was smiling as tyler sat back down by the scroll.
“They’re going to love their adventure.”
“Oh hell yeah.”
Tyler looked back at the scroll.
“Okay, Death plugged the hole.”
“we are aware, Mortal. Death is now on alert. Well done.”
“We do what we can.”
“And that is all we ask. Now, Death granted his boon. Now, We of the Scale will as well.”
“We all thank you.”
“As a reward for your outstanding feats to defend this world, we bestow the title of Scale Balancer upon the party. This title signifies you as a friend to the Scale and Justness deities as a whole. It boosts willpower, Mental fortitude and Perception.”
Their HUDs all glowed and the title was seen. Tyler smiled.
“We offer our thank, Goddess.”
“This simply a balancing of the Scale. I also name YOU Tyler the Outcast My champion. As such, the title Champion of Minus is added to your list. It bestows the ability to contact me, you patron Goddess at any temple dedicated to the Scale. Or a bank.”
Tyler smiled.
“That fits more then it should. We can still use the scroll, though right?”
“Indeed. It’s just easier to talk in a temple.”
“I will do what I can.”
“Farewell, Mortal. Until the next crisis.”
“Or the next batshit question.”
“I freely admit I look forward to those.”
“Nice to see I’m entertaining at least.”
The scroll rolled up and Tyler gave it to Malico. Then he sighed.
“If the bastard is on the other side of the world, we can’t reach him.”
Wulf sighed as well.
“Not necessarily.”
Tyler looked at him.
“The waves?”
“After the first, the next wave’s staging ground moves. So, we’d have three months to get there and set up.”
Tyler sighed again.
“Of course it does.”
He then looked to a pale faced Lymir.
“You good?”
The mermaid blinked.
“Just a little shocked I looked Death in the face and lived.”
“I’d say you get used to it, but then the next deity shows up.”
They chuckled as Tyler rubbed his eyes.
“Where are we with the search?”
“They have maybe ten buildings left.”
“Let’s get this done first.”
The party nodded. Tyler looked to Sallie and Sylvia.
“You two go spirit. Until we’re either in camp with the spells up or in Raylik you’re not safe.”
They nodded.
“I’ll keep watch when you ‘occupied’ as well.”
That got a chuckled as the two girls glowed and turned into spirits. Tyler smiled as tey walked out.
“We need to schedule a trip to Cragspire Wulf.”
The ranger nodded.
“We do. Warlund and Marlene will lose it.”
The party returned to town and joined the search. Tyler putting on gloves to prevent burns, and together they cleared the last ten buildings in2 hours. As Tyler threw the last wand onto the pile, Vollock came up.
“We’re searching the ships now.”
“That shouldn’t take too long, no one knows these vessels better then those that sail em.”
That got a smile.
“Aye lad.”
The he looked at the now fifty foot pile.
“A bonfire. A BIG bonfire.”
The sea captain sighed.
“We found so much it’s scary.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Least it’s getting done right.”
The man nodded as Tyler joined a crew searching a ship. We went from the pan to the fire here. Now we have to hunt down a Shadow Lord. One I have not seen the once. Fuckin perfect. Tyler then pushed the worry out of his mind to better focus on the task at hand. There were maybe three dozen ships of varying sizes in the harbor, but, the industrious sailors that walked their decks for weeks on end along with the Outcasts cleared then all in a mere three hours. Then the once over was given, and the double check and triple. By late afternoon the town was declared clear. Lymir came to watch the match get thrown, and she was actually clothed for once. Her outfit being a light gown and sandals. She came and stood beside Tyler and looked at the pile. It stood 55 feet tall, and was a good 15 feet across. Tyler chuckled.
“We ready to light it up?”
The people got back as Tyler took in a breath.
“Ocean dragon Roarrrr!”
He breathed Tempesta’s blue flames and started at the base. HE walked in a slow circle around the base of the pile, pouring his flames into the pile as he went. The flames caught, but he kept pouring the fire on until he was satisfied it was good and set. He drank a mana potion and looked at his handiwork. The flames were a deep blue, and bathed the blue hued town in it’s light. Tyler walked to where Lymir was standing with Kaori and sighed.
“It’ll burn for a good while.”
The mermaid nodded.
“We’ll keep adding flames until it’s destroyed.”
Tyler kissed Kaori just because he wanted to, and chuckled.
“I think I’ll go power down for a bit. Wanna join me?”
The blonde beauty smiled.
“We’ll commandeer her bed again.”
The mermaid laughed.
“This point it’s your bed too.”
The duo returned to the mansion And went right for her room. Tyler removed his gear and flopped into her soft bed as Sallie and Sylvia sat on it to keep watch. Tyler had a thought and cast his three spells.
“Wanna join us girls?”
They squealed as used their Shells as Kaori smiled as well. Tyler had Kaori resting her head on his Shoulder and the two spirits between them. He snuggled the two girls into Kaori’s welcoming body as they wrapped them up tightly.
“This feels nice.”
The girls smiled as he drifted off.
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