Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Tale of the Outcast warrior. Part 1

The Tale of the Outcast Warrior Part 5

by Goreleech 0 reviews

THe Outcasts try to take a minor rest and resupply in Raylik before returning to Term and facing the wave....but this is Lectis. Nothing ever seems to go as planned.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2022-02-19 - 97452 words - Complete


Tyler opened his eyes to see Sallie’s green haired face next to his own. The adorable spirit was still sound asleep and he could feel her breathing on his face. She gets to have the adventure she deserved. HE heard a low squeak, and he lifted his gaze to see Sylvia wrapped in Kaori’s arms and pressed into her chest. And I’m sensing a definite faction split here. Sallie prefers me of Kaori, and Sylvia kaori over me. The battle lines are drawn. Tyler smiled as he gave Sallie a hug and she sighed.
“Feeling better daddy?”
HE started a little as Sallie’s brilliant blue eyes opened with a smile. He chuckled quietly.
“That’s gonna take some getting used to.”
She giggled as she cuddled into him.
“We got the time!”
He just hugged her tightly.
“Well, there’s that.”
HE rolled onto his back and pulled his HUD up, and Sallie rolled as well to looked at the news with him.
“To day in Vernillion. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Pope is dead. Rejoice for the Pope is dead. Killed by the Outcast himself with Lillica Von Vernillion holding the knife with him. As yesterday’s article reported, the pope had been arrested for the crimes of rape, Yalik’s Doppelgangers, and numerous atrocities. Last night, the Outcasts heard the call of battle as is the way of active adventurers, and took the job of slaying a Dragel. As ‘a bit of fun’ in Tyler’s words. The battle did not take long, with Lily, the elven princess taking the kill. The party then looted the trove of the cave as is the way of the Outcast, for once again his own words: Dragonkin and shiny stuff go hand in hand. Yer an idiot if ya fergit that basic tenet of adventuring. What they found within that cave, we know not, but it was severe enough to warrant a meeting with Tempesta, Ignatia, AND Furiosa. As the lord of blue was seen to tear through the region to the lair the Dragel was said to reside, and a few short hours later the lords of green and red arrived as well. The nature of this meeting is unknown, but the Red Lord, Ignatia, was then seen to fly off in a haste. Then we had reports from the capital city of Term of Ignatia tearing open the prison to retrieve the pope and fly off with the man. Ishtar’s calming words left no question WHO was going to be the pope’s executioner.
“That bastard pissed off the wrong dragon. Make a slow one lad.”
The pope did indeed die slow, as the outcast and the Princess got their due. How long that bastard screamed for we do not know, but Ishtar gave a statement.
“Do NOT make the Outcast long for your screams. He made a vow to me to torture the pope until he grew bored. So, since he can heal nearly fatal wounds now with ease. It was a long time.”
Enemies of the Outcast beware, for when he gets his knife in you, it is going to hurt. A lot. So rejoice readers the pope is dead at last. Now, the Outcasts are to present their bestiary to the guild to determine rewards and promotions. Tyler has elected to present it in Raylik. So, ladies of the Fox’s fair home? Prepare your bodies for the Outcast is returning. In other news, the Warrior faction under Max made a statement.
“We get brands, lost our coin and gear, and even are locked out of cities for just living as is our right. Yet that worthless retarded punching bag can kill a Pope and get off free? And the king calls himself a just man. Bullshit. Me and my Warriors will go to the wave, but we will NOT lift a finger to defend such a s how of favorites.”
That’s okay Max, we don’t really need you to lift a finger. Tyler’s got it well under control. Now, in the mining town of Valsask, the dwarven mayor as used the guild to send a message.
“I seek the Outcasts. Once the first wave ends, I humbly request ye pay a visit to me town. There’s something in the mine we need yer help with.”
Since Tyler reads these articles on the regular, a visit is more or less set in stone, if only for that gods awful curiosity in him. The purging of enslaved knights continues and the city is over halfway cleared. In Yalik, the pile is burning as the last banned item was found. The Outcasts are resting from a most hard days work, and reader? They’ve earned it.”

Tyler chuckled as he gave Sallie an affectionate hug.
“So, we swing south.”
She giggled.
“Just to see a mine.”
He snuggled the girl as Kaori yawned awake with Sylvia. Tyler smiled at them.
“Sleep well, ladies?”
The blonde cradled the red haired elf into her chest.
“Sylvia’s great to cuddle with.”
“We’re getting a picture with her, Sera, Melly, Sallie, Lily.”
She smiled widely now.
“That’s a lovely idea!”
Tyler was smiling, then he remembered something.
“Hey, girls, show some tail!”
They giggled as Kaori glared at him. Then the two girls stood up and glowed a moment as Kaori was still glaring at him. Then she looked at the girls and gasped.
“Sallie! Sylvia!”
The two girls had pulled out their fix Mimic ability Vulpix had given them and were now flicking their fluffy tails excitedly. Tyler smiled as Kaori looked at him.
“Vulpix loved them too. Shoulda seen her playing with them and hey tails. So she gave them the Fox Mimic ability.”
Kaori hugged Sylvia and stroked her new fur, making her giggle.
“It tickles!”
Tyler was happily holding Sallie, stroking her tail making her giggle as well. They played with the two spirits until Tyler’s stomach rumbled.
“Let’s get fed.”
The small family got up and dressed. Though, Sallie and Sylvia still took their usual spots on his shoulders. They went into the dining hall and found Ashy looking through her show collection, Wulf sharpening a dagger next to her, Vixen and Serafina were looking at their license rings, Lucy was looking over her greatsword, Thistle was drinking some wine, Sera and Lily were practicing their sword and shield, Lillica was running a comb through her long black hair as the group walked in. Wulf looked up smiling only to go mind blown when he saw the two spirits’ tails. Tyler laughed.
“They got Fox Mimic from Vulpix.”
Sera squealed as the two girls hopped off his shoulders to hug her.
“You look sooooo cute!”
Tyler smiled as the party were blown away by the overwhelming cuteness.
“Camp is going to be MUCH cuter now.”
They laughed as he pulled out the map. Wulf watched curiously as the leader looked to the town of Valsask.
“Something interest you there?”
“Their mayor sent a message through the guild news to swing by after the first wave. I guess they have found something in the mine they need our help with.”
Wulf became interested now.
“I’ve been to the town. The people there are used to hard labor and hardship. So if they need help it can only be something bad.”
“My thoughts exactly. The plan is to beat the wave, swing down there, clean house, and then swing north to give Sylvia’s parents their heart attack.”
That got a laugh and Sylvia hugged him.
“Sure. They are going to LOSE it.”
The ranger chuckled.
“We have a fair bit of road ahead. How are the horses?”
Tyler looked to Kaori.
“Lady of Horses?”
She smiled.
“Still weirdly good with titles. Our horses are fine. They’re still in the prime of their strength.”
“Alright then, she’s given them the green light.”
Tyler tapped Raylik.
“Yalik is clean. My vote is we spend the night and head to Raylik in the morning.”
The group nodded as Sera looked at him.
“Melly’s shells?”
“Me an you will visit the sea temple and see what we can get for her.”
The party all patted her head affectionately. Tyler smiled.
“We’re getting close to the wave now. Lillica, when is the ball?”
“we’ll get the Heads up at the two week mark, so, five days prior.”
“Okay. Sera, Lillica and Lily just need solo raid practice. Without me present. Then they’re set. That and new gear. I’m thinking of having Lily get a pair of spiked gloves.”
The ferocious elven girl smiled.
“I like the thought.”
“Lillica as well.”
She laughed and cracked her knuckles.
“I love the idea.”
“Sera? Hmm, spiked boots.”
The party burst out laughing as Sera tilted her head.
“Wouldn’t that hurt my horse?”
Kaori chuckled as she patted sweet girl’s head.
“Which is why he’s teasing you.”
“Oh. Okay.”
Tyler smiled.
“Rest of the day is to try and relax a bit. Sera, let’s go to the temple.”
She squealed as the party chuckled fondly. Tyler and Sere headed for the sea temple, the princess happily bouncing along beside him. They walked in and found Coral sitting in her submerged dais naked again. She arose smiling and donned her starfish and clam.
“Greetings, Blue Master. What can the temple of Leviathan do for you today?”
Sera was gazing at the beautiful, nearly naked mermaid with awe as Tyler smiled.
“We’re heading back to Raylik in the morning, and we promised Sera’s sister in the city we’d bring her some sea shells. But, well, we can do better an that.”
The lady smiled.
“We most certainly can.”
She looked to a conch clad member and she brought a small crown of grey coral.
“When she dons this, it’ll glow with her path.”
Tyler smiled as they also placed a small necklace of the same coral into his hand.
“The ring will do the same, plus, they are enchanted to not be able to be removed by any but their owner.”
Tyler and Sera smiled.
“Melly is going to lose it.”
“We’re still getting shells too! Just cause!”
The temple laughed as a handful of large, colorful seashells were added. Tyler added them to his pouch as he looked to the Sea caller.
“How much?”
“We do not have the time for a proper lay. So, my price is you return her for a lay with ME and Lymir together.”
“I’d happily do that for free. But you have a deal.”
The mermaid then leaned in and whispered low, that not even Sera heard her.
“So you know? I’ve made a few….crystals of my own.”
HE felt one get placed in his pouch that Sera missed.
“Do share that with the lady.”
“Oh, I WILL.”
Sera sighed.
“Damned lady killer.”
They lost it at her exasperated tone and expression. Tyler and Sera bid farewell before heading back to the mansion. Sera all smiles and joy.
“Thanks for the gifts for Melly.”
He patted her head.
“She’s your sister.”
The duo walked up the stairs to see Lymir lean in to give Malico a warm kiss, before taking the sexy cat by the hand to the mermaid’s room.
“Nice to see my kittycat’s getting action.”
Sera giggled.
“Lymir’s got a fetish for NekoPlesians.”
Tyler laughed as the sounds were heard.
“Good for them.”
Tyler said bye to Sera, who bounced off to go find Lily, and he went to find kaori. He found the blonde sitting in a small parlor brushing her hair with the repaired brush and kissed her.
“Did you find Melly something good?”
He sat next to her in the lounge chair, cuddling her.
“We did. A crown of coral and a ring that will glow with her path. Plus a bunch of shells.”
She laughed and settled into his shoulder.
“You spoil that girl mercilessly.”
“She’s Sera’s sister.”
They laughed att he logic.
“Not all I got.”
She looked at him curiously.
“well, don’t leave me hanging.”
He had her look down and she saw the new crystal.
“Coral wants me as the filling of a sandwich with her and Lymir. THIS is for US.”
He slipped it to the now smiling blonde beauty.
“I see. Well, we have to see it now.”
HE kissed her again as she hid it in her secret pouch.
“We’ll get our own house, Kaori. There we can play.”
She shivered as they got into their makeout session.
“I can’t wait.”
“I want you.”
She sighed happily.
“Lymir’s bed is taken.”
“Damn. Well, looks like we need to find an empty.”
That got a laugh.
“Let’s save it for now. I’m a little tired.”
He just snuggled her as Sallie and Sylvia hopped up to sit against them as well. There they relaxed together as one family for a while. Tyler even dozing off for a bit from just how peaceful it was. They sat there for an hour or so, just enjoying their company before Sallie’s belly rumbled.
“There it is.”
The group laughed and went to get the spirits fed. They reached the dining hall and fed on meat and ale as the party filtered through every now and then. Tyler pulled HUD up and scrolled through hie new music tab.
“Nifty, we got a playlist option.”
Kaori smiled and scooted closer.
“well, let’s see if you still got it.”
HE made a list or two for the party for various activities, from just riding horses and traveling, to open battle and fighting. The blonde beauty rested her head on his shoulder.
“Yup. Still got it.”
HE kissed her.
“Still love you.”
She smiled happily as Sallie and Sylvia were on either side of them. He looked to a window and saw the sunlight dimming.
“So, we’re heading back to Raylik in the morning.”
Wulf nodded as he pulled the map out.
“It’s a three day ride.”
“Mostly uphill. Thankfully, the road should be clear since ya know, we tore the way a new asshole.”
That got a laugh as he traced a finger from Yalik to Raylik.
“We’ll spend the rest of the time we have in Raylik. Then, it’s a week ride to Term. Plus, we’ll pass through Juniper’s forest and I’d like to spend a day there.”
Malico smiled.
“To see juniper or lay with the spirit?”
Lillica looked at Term.
“Where will we sleep in the city? We’ll be there for a few days.”
“I got a tavern that’s out of the way.”
Kaori smiled knowingly.
“No one would think to look there.”
The Outcast smiled.
“We’re set for the wave. Sera, Lily, and Lillica just need solo practice and they’re golden. Though, I’d still feel better if Sera and Lily stuck together.”
The elf girl smiled.
“I can do that.”
Sera hugged the ferocious elven girl.
“I can too!”
Tyler looked at the darkening sky.
“Well, I got nuthin. Wanna go commandeer a bed Kaori?”
The blonde smiled widely.
“Lymir gave me one.”
The two got up and left the room hand in hand as Ashy dragged Wulf to her own room. Kaori led him to her room and once inside she sighed happily as they stripped.
“No crystals or spells.”
He smiled at his love as she laid back and he entered her.
“I love you.”
They went at each other for a few hours before they were sated on each other and laid down. Kaori on his chest as Sallie and Sylvia clapped.
“Love you too.”
The spirits climbed up and cuddled up to the lovers, Sallie with Tyler’s free arm as a pillow, Sylvia with kaori’s leg.
“Good night ladies. I love you.”


Tyler next opened his eyes to see Sallie’s sleeping face next to his own still sound asleep. He smiled as he felt Sylvia was snuggled up between him and kaori’s body. He softly stroked Sallie’s green hair in her sleep, just loving that he could. I love this Greenbean. She sighed happily and opened her blue eyes.
“Morning daddy.”
He hugged her as she yawned.
“Morning Greenbean.”
She giggled before he looked over his shoulder to see Kaori had Sylvia snuggled into her cleavage with her arm holding her there. Sallie looked as well and giggled again.
“I see she has a favorite.”
Tyler lifted the girl on his chest and hugged her.
“Like you don’t?”
She sighed happily.
HE stroked her hair as kaori opened her green eyes.
“Morning Kaori. I love you.”
“Morning mommy.”
The blonde smiled as she saw she had Sylvia firmly nestled in her rack, and Tyler had Sallie on his chest. She spoke softly to not wake the still slumbering elf.
“Morning you two.”
They laid like that for a few minutes more until Sylvia woke to see she had gotten cradled into Kaori’s welcoming bosom as she slept. Seh rubbed her face in the soft flesh affectionately like a cat.
“Morning Sylvia.”
She hugged the blonde as Tyler sat up.
“We need a bath and food.”
The girls were in full agreement. Together they got dressed and went to Lymir’s indoor bath and soaked together. Although they did find Malico and Lymir cleaning each other up in the bath as they walked I, Lymir giving special attention to Malico’s long fuzzy tail. The two ladies smiled as Tyler and the girls joined them.
“Morning you two. Have fun?”
The mermaid sighed happily as Kaori played with the two spirits a little.
“I love a good NekoPlesian.”
“Oi! Malico’s the best!”
That got a happy purr at his indignant snap, and Lymir laughed as she gave the busty cat a most loving kiss.
“Oh she IS. So beautiful, such soft fur, long tail, and her breasts! Oh! I could cream just from playing with them alone! I love them.”
Malico pulled the also-busty mermaid into the breasts she loved so much.
“Well, get your fill! We’re leaving today!”
Lymir got right into loving the catgirl’s melons, suckling, caressing, squeezing, and just moaning into them. Tyler loved the sight of the two beauties getting their boob on as he cleaned up. Tyler, Kaori and the two spirits got cleaned up and left the two ladies to get their fill of each other as they headed down for breakfast. There they found Wulf and Ashy looking at their HUDs as they waited for the rest of the party. Tyler sat across from the ranger as kaori gave the other girl a warm hug. Tyler got some food and laid the map out as Wulf closed his HUD.
“Anything good?”
The elf chuckled.
“My perception has increased past the limit for an elf. And my mental fortitude as well.”
“Sleep well?”
He glared at him.
“I had nightmares from that one yesterday you bastard.”
“Makes you feel better? You can train you mental fortitude off them.”
Ashy burst out laughing.
“I’m showing him the legendary numbers later.”
Tyler smiled.
“Yet another rite of passage. I had no idea you were such a lady of culture, Ashy.”
The dirty blonde smiled.
“I look forward to showing you.”
“Challenge accepted.”
The rest of the party came in, including a happily flushed Malico, and Tyler outlined the day.
“We’re heading out soon as we’ve fed, horses readied, and Spirits secured. I’d like to make some decent time today.”
Lucy was looking at the map.
“Are we still bandit baiting?”
“We are. Whether we get any hits? I doubt it.”
Wulf sighed.
“I agree. We took out what? Two full camps on the way in? They’re more bandits then we’d like to think, but they take longer then three days to set back up.”
“Wulf, if we take a job here in Yalik from the guild, can we claim the reward in Raylik upon completion?”
“We can. It’s actually a common practice really. Take a job along the route you intend to take and have coin waiting for you upon arrival.”
“I’d like to see about a few Oricah camps, or maybe outright bounty hunting. We’ll take a look as the ladies ready the horses.”
They nodded. Tyler rolled the map up.
“Alright. Break.”
Tyler and Wulf headed for the guild as the ladies got their horses ready. The men walked into the hall and found it already full of rowdy adventurers. They walked over and looked at the board.
“Hey, got a troll camp maybe a few hours ride from the road.”
Tyler looked at the bill as Wulf pulled it down.
“Wanted killing of a Swamp Troll camp. Okay, that is just foul. Reward, 50 silver and a White license. Nice find. Nose killing smell aside, we need more experience with different creatures.”
the ranger nodded in agreement.
“Indeed we do. Only things we really have experience in are giants, orcs, and Goblins.”
Tyler looked up as he spotted a bill.
“Wanted: Killing of a rogue Blood Gangar. Reward…75 silver. What the hell is a Gangar?”
Wulf chuckled.
“It’s a member of the Ghoul Family. It’s a type of undead that’s like a Broken, only they come from an improper burial. Like say if you were to throw a corpse into a ditch, and piss on it. Or if a curse is placed upon a mortal by a deity for some slight. They’re as common as say….draugr. Only without the tomb.”
“We need undead practice as well. Says here it was sighted near the Yale river.”
Wulf took a look.
“It might have taken the cave those Hobs camped out in front of. It’s the same area.”
“I think we’d need Vixen’s input on this one. Much as I love fighting undead, we don’t really have the time for a straight up hunt.”
“Agreed. That would be wise.”
Tyler blew the note their Undead expert and she came soon after. She got a round of catcalls, leers, and whistles as she came sauntering into the hall. Tyler smiled as he pointed the bill out.
“Hey there Foxy. Have a look.”
She smiled as she examined the bill.
“A Blood Gangar? Interesting.”
“We’re wondering if it’s worth taking, since we don’t have the time for a full on hunt.”
“we’re thinking it may have settled in the cave from the hobgoblin camp.”
The beautiful black mage tilted her head as she thought it over.
“I’d say….no. Gangars like to roam. If it was sighted at all, then it has since moved on. We’d have to track it from foot prints and it’s aura alone in order to pick it up.”
“Damn. We need more undead practice.”
She smiled.
“Gangars aren’t all that strong to be perfectly honest. More hard to find.”
Tyler sighed.
“Nice to see you got brains and boobs, Vixen. Thanks.”
she chuckled.
“The horses are ready, and all we’re waiting on are you two. So, I’ll stick around.”
Tyler laughed as he looked back at the board.
“Gotta show me what they’re missin, right?”
She leered at him.
“I’m still waiting.”
“Well, We’ll make camp, and you can get a ride.”
She licked her lips seductively.
“Now I’m impatient.”
He gave her rear a fond pat as she came to stand next to him.
“So am I.”
The other men were glowering at them in open envy and jealousy.
“Bastard did that on purpose!”
“Aye mate, he knows what he doin.”
“I hate that guy.”
“I’m sure that’s what ALL the ladies of standards say.”
The jovial guild laughed as Wulf spotted another bill.
“That’s a rare beast.”
“Whatcya got?”
“Seems a Feral Basilisk was seen near the road by the fire we put out.”
“A Feral Basilisk? That some kind of snake?”
Wulf took the bill down as he looked at it.
“No. Basilisks are a member of the Wyvern family. Only not as rare but still rare. Think a ten foot long, 7 foot tall with a three foot head alligator that lives solely on land.”
“They any good?”
“Their meat is tasty when fired in oil and breaded. Think crispy and flaky. Their skins are good for leather, teeth decent arrow heads, claws good knives, and their eyes are even useful for brewing potions for eye enhancements.”
“That’s a thought.”
Wulf chuckled.
“Oh shit here we go.”
“Should we bother with potion brewing gear?”
The ranger looked to Vixen.
“That’s more your area then mine.”
The pale skinned beauty smiled.
“We’d need to visit an apothecary’s shop for the gear we’d need. That said? It might be a good idea for the road in case we’re in need of something your spells can’t cure but a potion can. There’s a rather good shop in Raylik.”
“We’ll pick up a kit then. You any good at it, Vixen?”
“Sadly, I am not. But, I think Serafina or Malico are.”
“We’ll ask when we hit the town. where was the thing last seen?”
Wulf took the bill.
“it say it made a den in a small hollow near the road. If it’s the spot I think it is, then maybe a ten minute walk?”
“We’ll take it then.”
Wulf smiled as he took it.
“We’ll have a lot to unload at the exchange.”
Tyler laughed.
“That’s the plan.”
Vixen tilted her head then.
“Huh. That’s something you don’t see every day.”
He looked as she passed him a bill.
“Wanted. Slaying of A Thrall bear. Thrall?”
“Looks like a vampire made a pet out of a brown bear.”
“Just when I thought a grizzly couldn’t get scarier. Reward is…..55 silver. So, just hit it’s heart right?”
“Yup. The thing’s pelt will be extremely soft and luxurious. As when an animal becomes a vampire, it’s body gets enhanced beyond that of a regular animal.”
“Says here it’s near that hill camp Lillica got her grand Lich. Nifty.”
He took it as Wulf spotted another.
“Wanted. Killing of a Stone ogre camp. Located near……the spot Vixen killed the Black on. Reward is…..45 silver.”
“Stone ogre? That the thing from the orc hunting party back in the Dark Forest?”
“I didn’t see it remember?”
Tyler chuckled.
“Ah yeah. That’s right. Well, shouldn’t be a problem.”
Wulf took it as Vixen looked at the four bills.
“we have the time for all them?”
Tyler pulled the map out and Wulf pointed to each spot.
“The trolls are near the second hollow from the Frost giant’s army, the Basilisk is a ten minute walk from here, the Thrall bear’s settled into this cave, and the ogres are here. We can clear these out easily enough, and the only one that’s kinda out of the way is the trolls.”
Vixen nodded as she saw it.
“I see now. Kinda odd how close they are to the road though.”
Tyler frowned now.
“Yeah, that IS odd.”
Wulf sighed.
“Not really. The wave is in what? Two and a half weeks? Monsters go wild at this time and attacks sky rocket.”
Tyler sighed.
“We’re going to reach Raylik, get paid, see Melly, maybe talk to Seline about a base, and have to take off the next day.”
The two sighed as well.
“Yup. It’s three days to Raylik. Then a solid week to Term.”
Tyler looked at the map as he traced a finger back along their route from Raylik to Term.
“Not a week, Wulf. Maybe four days. Look.”
The ranger watched as he traced a finger from Raylik to the Dark Forest, and a small road was seen exiting from the Forest’s western border to Term.
“Going off this, it looks like it’d take maybe four if we just ignore the bandits as we go.”
Wulf looked at the road.
“I know that one. It’s usually reserved for the nobility alone. But, you’re right as it’s the most direct route. Hell, that road is even better maintained then the King’s Road.”
“Okay. We’ll take it. We just got three days back.”
Tyler looked at their jobs.
“We’ll take one more and roll out.”
“I got one.”
Vixen pulled a bill down.
“Wanted; killing of a Kobold Den near Raylik. Reward 25 silver. Kobolds?”
“Rat-like creatures maybe the size of sera. They like caves and hollows. A decent cave can hold maybe thirty creatures.”
“Plus, the spot is the hollow we found the trove in.”
“That works. Nice one Foxy. Let’s move.”
The trio headed out to see the rest of the party on their horses waiting. Tyler mounted Thunder.
“Pass the bills around.”
Wulf handed the bills out as they rode towards the gate. Malico gave a disgusted groan when she saw the Stone ogre and Swamp troll.
“I hate these things.”
“I got water spells, kittycat.”
“I know. Still right nasty.”
Once the party had seen the bills, Tyler stored them with the map. They passed Vollock and Wallace as they went.
“Farewell mates!”
“Make em hurt!”
Tyler smiled.
“Keep the fakes out!”
The town gave them a hero’s departure as they then spurred their mounts to a light gallop, as kaori now had the road’s measure. Tyler had Sallie on his horse, and Kaori had Sylvia on hers. The two girls would stay spirits until camp was pitched, and the spells up. The blonde right beside Tyler was they neared the spot he’d met Vulpix at.
“So we’re clear, Vulpix shows up, I’m takin her again.”
The party burst out laughing as Sallie giggled.
“Oh, she’s up ahead!”
Tyler as sure enough, they came around a corner, and saw the lovely Fox Spirit in her Fennec form. The party laughed as they pulled over and Tyler hopped off to gree the spirit.
“Miss me?”
The small creature glowed before Vulpix stood there in her beauty.
“Oh hell yeah.”
She smiled.
The pair headed off into the forest as Ashy looked at Wulf.

Tyler followed the bear foot lady to the spot and she removed her gown as she used her power to remove his gear. Then she smiled at him.
“Of course.”
She got on her hands and knees with her five tails waving seductively.
“Favorite now.”
HE got behind her and gently slid into her rear button as she gripped the grass.
“Love it.”
He bent over her frame as she started bucking against her as he stroked her fur.
“Love you.”
she moaned and bucked back as she felt herself get filled as she herself blew.
“More please.”
and more he gave her, filling her rear a further four times before she sighed happily.
“Here now.”
She put his hand on her ridiculously tight slit.
“Clean first?”
HE smiled and used a water spell as he got an idea.
She squeaked as she rolled onto her back to look at him.
He looked at her slit and licked his lips.
“Taste it?”
Her yellow eyes went wide at this most sensual mortal.
She blinked and opened her legs a little wider.
“Then yes?”
He smiled eagerly as he placed his mouth to her entrance, making her jump a little from the new feelings.
“Love this too.”
He played with her slit, making her cream a further two more times before he placed his ready rod on her.
She smiled as she panted.
So, he filled her slit with his rod as she moaned and groaned with her favorite mortal. She orgasmed yet again as he filled her slit before going limp. She sighed happily.
He kissed her and she tasted herself.
“Me too. Loved you.”
She wrapped him in her tails.
“Love you.”
They cuddled for a bit as they kissed, recovering.
“Clean up.”
They used the same hotspring and Sallie and sylvia came out to play with the busty fox lady.
“Love them?”
The girls giggled as they used their fox mimic.
“Love them!”
“Very much!”
Tyler smiled as he watched them play. The two girls were trying to grab the tip of Vulpix’s tails, and she’f flick it out of reach as they giggled.
“Love you.”
She smiled as he kissed her again.
“Love you.”
He kissed her several more times before she sighed.
“Time up.”
He kissed her hard this time, and made out with her as well.
“Be back.”
She hugged her favorite Lover Mortal.
“Please hurry.”
“Just for you.”
She smiled and they got out of the spring. She dressed him as she put her white gown back on. He kissed her one last time before she had a fennec lead him back to his friends.
“Miss him already.”

Tyler walked back whistling to fins Ashy with her own happy flush.
“Atta an Elf.”
Wulf sighed.
“I hate you.”
Tyler and the spirits climbed back up on Thunder before they resumed their travels. Vulpix waving as they went.
“Please back soon lover!”
Tyler and his team made great time and by the time the sun had climbed above them, they were nearing their first raid. The thrall bear.
“Serafina, you with me, Lily as well, Wulf, Ashy, annnnd,”
He looked at his party.
The hunters nodded and dismounted. Then they followed Wulf as he led the way into the woods near the road.
“Serafina, thrall bears like regular bears?”
The cloaked wraith sighed.
“they are. But smarter. Not as smart as people, but more like a wolf.”
“Scary image.”
She smiled.
“Your undead spell, holy smite, will kill it outright.”
“No heart shot?”
She shook her head as they neared it’s den in the forest.
“No. It’s a common practice to use such spells if you’re after the pelt.”
The party reached the den, a small clearing with a cave set under the roots of a large tree.
“I’ll go first, Serafina my right, lily my left. Wulf go trail.”
They nodded as he drew Oblivion and Oathkeeper. Then the party headed inside, Lucy standing guard outside as he hadn’t considered a cave battle. Tyler and the wraith led the way into the small burrow and heard the thing breathing not too long after. Tyler smiled as they saw the thing laid in a ball of dark grey fur. He then silently swapped his blades for his bow. Nocking an arrow,
“Holy smite.”
He fired as the beast lifted it’s head as it detected danger too late. The shaft hit it in the red eye, and the powerful holy spell made it glow as it roared in pain before just dropping with a hefty thud. Serafina smiled, and her own fangs were seen.
“It’s dead.”
The party advanced cautiously until Tyler could slap the fallen teddy. No reaction.
“That was boring as hell. Lily, use prospect.”
“Already on it.”
“Ashy, you got your knives?”
“We’re making a new bed roll from this right?”
“My plan. Meat?”
“I wouldn’t recommend it. It IS a vampire.”
“Teeth and claws?”
Serafina shrugged.
“Not really. Their only real worth is the pelt.”
Tyler sighed.
“Better en nothing. Bear this size, I can make a decent bedding for the tent.”
Ashy got to work skinning the animal as Tyler used his detection to search for hollows and chambers.
“Hey, Tyler. Got a few veins of iron and copper here.”
“Yeah. Banks buy it to make coins with. Pretty well to.”
Tyler pulled his pickaxe.
“We’ll get you a pickaxe and mine skill as well Lily.”
She smiled as he extracted the ore.
“I wouldn’t get to stare then.”
“Eh. Fair. This the only veins?”
“Still looking.”
“That’s my favorite elf.”
Wulf snorted as he held the leg of the bear up as Ashy worked.
“Don’t worry Wulfy, you’re MY favorite elf!”
Ashy was smiling as she used a most sweetly teasing voice to toy with the ranger. Serafina was looking at the beast’s bedding as Tyler extracted the thirty foot veins of iron and copper.
“Got the ore Lily.”
The elven girl smiled.
“Thanks. I found a few more iron veins, and a rather decent tin.”
“You can have the tin ore, Lily. Unless I’m wrong……wait, we got copper AND tin?”
Lily looked over confused.
“Yeah, that bad?”
“We can make bronze now.”
She smiled as she understood.
“Not a bad idea really. I just need a decent campfire to make some really high quality bronze. But, to be perfectly frank? The coin we’d get from selling it to a bank is worth more then anything I can make.”
“You’d get to practice your craft though.”
She smiled proudly now.
“I can get better practice from the iron then I can from bronze. Even IF I’d have to field smelt it first.”
“Well, you’re the expert.”
She hugged him as he dug out the ore.
“Thanks though.”
Lily moved around the twenty foot chamber using her skill as Tyler followed behind her.
“We checking the way in?”
“Might as well.”
Ashy was nearly done with the bear pelt as Serafina finished her own search.
“It seems this Thrall is a stray. A prized pet like this would never be allowed to roam free.”
“We need to worry about revenge?”
“Not really. If the bear strays, it’s creator was killed.”
Tyler dug out the last of the tin and looked his pickaxe over.
“Hey, lily, when we make camp, think you can do something with this?”
The small smith looked over as he spoke.
“The tip’s bent to hell, and it’s nearly blunted.”
“If you want me to show off so much, just say so.”
HE smiled as he reached out to ruffle her hair.
“And where’d the fun be if I just did that?”
She slapped his hand away.
“hey! Stop messing up my hair! Do it the big brother shit to Sera!”
The party chuckled fondly as Tyler let her off the hook as she continued searching.
“Got a tin, wow another copper, more iron, huh. Nickel too.”
She seemed thoughtful now.
“Can you do anything with nickel?”
She rubbed her chin.
“Depends on the ore to be honest. If it’s good enough quality, the bank buys it for their Scales. Not sure why though. If not, we sell it to the exchange as it can be used to make armor.”
“Well, let’s see.”
Tyler dug the grey ore out and Lily sighed.
“Yup. That’s exchange quality. Too impure to really get anything useful after refining.”
Tyler added the five foot hunk to the pouch as Ashy spoke up.
“Pelt’s ready. I love how soft the fur is.”
“Thanks Ashy.”
She had the large item in a tightly bound wrap as she placed it in the crafting pouch. Lily gave the chamber the all clear and Tyler and her took different sides of the tunnel back up.
“More iron Lily.”
“got more tin.”
“Wow. Got a small bit of redsteel.”
They walked out to find Lucy sitting on a rock waiting patiently for them.
“Sorry Lucy. We caught it napping.”
The 7 foot tall barbarian laughed.
“No matter, lad. Was the trip worth it?”
“The animal itself? Not really. We did get a good amount of ores from the walls though. Hell, I think the cave itself was worth more then the thing.”
They returned to the others.
“Well, at least we got something of value.”
“I guess. If we weren’t on a time crunch I’d call that one a good run.”
The blonde fighter shrugged, seeing his logic. They found the rest of the party looking to their weaponry as they returned. Kaori smiled as Tyler swung back up onto Thunder.
“Was it fun?”
“Not really. We caught the thing napping. Ashy loves the fur, but that was really the only thing of value the animal had.”
The blonde beauty sighed as they headed off to the next raid.
“That sucks. So, what about the cave itself?”
“That turned out more profitable then the bear. Some iron veins, a few copper, some tin, a nickel, small bit of redsteel, and I think that was it.”
Kaori was a little amazed.
“All that from one cave? Anything we’re keeping?”
“The tin for lily’s smithing, same with the red steel and iron. Copper the bank with buy, and the nickel the exchange.”
She shook her head,
“I’d have though the bear would be worth more.”
“well, it WAS a single bounty. The fur looks good, I’ll show you at camp.”
She smiled as they rode.
“I’ll look forward to it.”
They rode along until they neared Yarrow’s village. As Tyler saw the smoke from the chimneys, he smiled.
“We are going to blow Clare’s mind again.”
The party laughed as they neared the small gate. There they got hailed.
“Hail travelers!”
Tyler looked to the town guardsman.
They slowed up as the man approached them.
“Be ye Warriors?”
“Aye, Sirrah. I be Tyler the Outcast.”
The man’s face went white.
“The Outcast? Again? Me apologies for holding you Sirrah.”
“Not at all. We’re headed back to Ralik, and thought we’d reblow Clare’s mind.”
The man smiled fondly as he waved towards the gate.
“I see the tales about the Outcast likin the play big brother be truth.”
Tyler and the party rode into the town, careful as they were mounted to not step on someone. Tyler spotted the small black haired girl feeding some chickens and giggling as they bobbed their heads.
“Hey, Clare!”
She looked up at her name, and froze as she saw the Outcasts waving at her. Tyler smiled as he saw her mind go boom! HE and Sera hopped off their horses to go give the small girl another hug as Yarrow, the blue mage from the fire, came out to check on her. The blue mage smiled as he saw Sera give Clare another doze of hug death.
“Me girl’s got a helluva tale to tell now.”
Tyler chuckled as he looked at the man.
“She a blue path as well?”
He nodded.
“Aye lad. And she be a right good un too.”
He reached into a pouch and pulled a spare blue path dagger he had and gave it to the girl.
“Here, Clare. Everyone needs a good dagger.”
She was on the verge of outright crying from joy as she held the dagger and it started glowing from her power. Yarrow was touched by the kind act.
“Thankee Sirrah. I’ll teach her to care for it and use it.”
Tyler hugged the smaller girl and she was able to speak at last.
“Thank you.”
“Sure thing Clare. Don’t lose it, alright?”
She nearly throttled him then.
“I won’t!”
HE let her go and Sera nearly killed her with a last hug.
“Take care! Oh, and you a cutie, Clare.”
The poor girl’s face went beat red as Sera said this before the pair climbed back up onto their horses to keep moving.
“Bye Clare! Nice to see you too Yarrow. Make sure some bastard don’t steal that thing!”
“Bye Clare!”
the blue mage and his daughter waved goodbye to the heroes.
“Farewell Outcasts! We’ll take good care fo it and her!”
“Bye Tyler! Bye Sera! I’ll miss you! Thank you so much!”
Soon as they were out of sight, Clare looked at the glittering blue dagger in her fist.
“I got a gift from the Outcast? ME?”
She looked at her father as if disbelieving it happened. HE smiled as he took a look at the dagger. Then he noticed something.
“Me girl, he just gave you a Magicite dagger.”
She started crying from just how overwhelmed with joy she was by the surprise from her hero. Yarrow hugged his daughter, as she felt her heart swell from the story she now got to tell.

Tyler and his party took off at a full gallop as the road was Kaori approved.
“That was so sweet, Tyler. That was a Magicite dagger right?”
HE smiled.
“It was. I made it LOOK like a water dagger to throw off the other villagers.”
Kaori had a happy smile.
“Her poor mind.”
The party laughed as Wulf spoke up.
“We nearing the basilisk’s sighting.”
Tyler smiled.
“We’ll take sera, kaori, Wulf, Lillica, annnnd, Screw it, Lily again.”
The elf girl smiled.
“I win.”
Kaori laughed.
“We BOTH win, Lily. BOTH.”
“Tch, fine!”
The party laughed as they hitched up and dismounted. Wulf led them towards the ditch they’d found the dead orc in.
“Hold, we got tracks.”
The ranger pointed towards a large five toed print maybe 12 inches across, Tyler sighed as he saw it.
“Things big. Wanna bet it’s scavenging the corpses?”
Wulf pulled his bow.
“Most likely. Let’s go take a look.”
The hunters followed the elf and Kaori as they worked together to track the prints.
“Look, Wulf. It must of just come through here.”
“I was thinking the same. Maybe….ten minutes?”
Tyler had his own bow out with four shafts on the string as they went. They found the rotting corpses of the orcs from their attempted raid, and they noticed a good number had been eaten. Wulf tilted his head.
“Either there’s multiple creatures, or it’s bigger then we thought.”
Tyler looked to the trees.
“Let’s just head for the camp.”
lily and sera got right up close to him as they neared the dried up river bed. As they did, they heard the unmistakable sound of bones snapping and meat getting torn. Tyler looked to his crew and they readied weapons as they came around the corner. Soon as they did, they were faced with the most putrid stink as the troll had bee left to rot and was doing so in the foul way imaginable. The smell reminding Tyler of fish left on a dock to rot in summer with some good old sewage. The crew were gagging and Tyler had to force himself not to.
“I’m incinerating that thing.”
The party then spotted the creature in question as it reared up. In size it was 15 feet long, 9 feet across the shoulders, and stood 7 feet tall with a 5 foot head. It resembled an alligator, and was a deep purple in color. Tyler smiled as he saw it.
“Looks like fun.”
The thing’s long jaws were stained red from it’s feeding as it looked at the group of hunters approaching it. The thing roared it’s challenge at the foolish things that interrupted it’s meal. Tyler looked to the rotting troll, and drew in a deep, most fouled breath.
“ocean dragon roar.”
He set the vile carcass aflame with the most searing flames he could, seeking to MELT it away. The thing now blazing merrily, Tyler drew his bow as the basilisk lunged at them, only for the far more agile party to roll out of the way and fire their arrows into the thing’s side. Tyler used piercing teardrop as he fired his white and blue bow, the enhanced dragon scale arrow punching straight through the thing’s skin and going deep. It shuddered and fell to it’s side as Sera fired her own piercer and hit the thing in the heart. Tyler kicked it a few times to make sure it was dead.
“Nice kill everyone. Knives out!”
The industrious party began butchering the animal as Tyler set the troll carcass aflame again.
“I hate these things.”
They laughed as The smell dissipated and the air was no longer foul. Tyler then pulled his own knife and aided in the butchering. The stripped it to the bone and looked it’s frame over as usual. Once they were satisfied with he harvest they returned to the others. They found Ashy looking through her crystal Minus had given her as the others all just relaxed on watch.
“See anything good on there Ashy?”
She smiled as the hunters returned.
“Just browsing your collections. I’m pressed you were able to get the dubs for nearly every on you have.”
He smiled as they headed out.
“I prefer dubs as it’s easier for me to connect with the characters.”
“I hear that. But, subs are better sometimes.”
“No argument there. Hey, I’ll put some tunes on. Requests?”
Sera smiled.
“Kaori’s favorite! I liked it too!”
“At once milady!”
She giggled as he hit the play and the music played. The party rode on until they reached their camp site in the alcove they’d seen the fire on the map at. They called it there. Tyler cast his spells as Lucy and Thistle saw to the tent, Kaori and Ashty the horses as everyone else was on watch till the spells were in place.
“kay! They’re set!”
Malico was naked the very next instant as Tyler built the fire and Sallie and Sylvia donned their shell forms. Once the camp was situated, Tyler sat against a rock and pulled his HUD up.
“Today in Vernillion. The Warriors under Max continue to pillage the land, as they paid the village of Trost a visit early yesterday morn. When they left, the women had been raped, treasury emptied, men tortured and a few children killed. They even saw fit to pour poison into the grain silos the small farming town sells as it’s life blood. The king has since sent knights to the smaller towns and villages to secure them from the marauding band, and render aid as needed.
“Max is not a Warrior. He’s just a mere bandit lord with better stats. We all know he’ll die horribly in the wave. So, as hard as it will be, my people I ask you to be patient. As he has less then 18 days to live.”
Kazuma and his own band arrived in Trost this afternoon to render aid and healing. The prince had this to say.
“At this point? Max, if we meet on the road, we will exact a Warrior’s Punishment upon you. You are NOT the strongest Warrior we have. You are not even a man at all.”
Max has issued a retort.
“Whatever blondie. Yer just mad I get action. Oh, and it must suck to know your just a puppet.”
Dear reader, we are eagerly awaiting the day his head is mounted upon a stake. In Term, the city is free of enslaved knights, and life is getting better on the daily. There are a few Warriors in the city, and they have been causing problems. But, for once it’s nothing more then the results of a few too many mugs of ale. Fights, light property damage, and the occasional vomit. In this writer’s own opinion? This kind of idiocy is just fine. We have news from the port town of Yalik as well. The city is clean of the banned items and the 50 foot tall pile is burning as we speak. Lymir the mermaid leader made a statement regarding the mess.
“Thank the gods for the Outcasts. They saved me and my city from a fate worse than death.”
When asked about Tyler himself, Lymir was witnessed to get most……flustered with a purple blush of longing.
“We NEED more men like him in this world! He outlasted ME!”
Reader, if the Outcast can outlast Lymir’s legendary appetites, may the gods have mercy upon the beauties of the realm. As for the Outcasts themselves? They departed Yalik this morn to continue their travels. Beyond that, we have no further stories. Perhaps they’re taking it easy this trip. Or are just in a hurry. “

Tyler chuckled as he closed the HUD and sat back against the warm rock. He looked over to see Vixen in her cloth bra and panty set and smiled.
“You wanna?”
She smiled and got up.
“In the tent please. I like privacy.”
Tyler got up and the camp laughed as he led the nearly naked beauty to the tent as kaori looked at Malico.
“Hey, lemme see that tail!”
Tyler walked into the tent and stripped as Vixen removed her cloth set.
“I’ve been waiting for this!”
She smiled as his sword was unsheathed for her.
“I have been as well.”
He loved how her massive double Ds didn’t sag and the look of her bald slit. She laid down and he mounted her, getting a gasp from the pale beauty as he slid slowly into her warm, tight tunnel. Then away they went, her flipping onto her side and lifting her leg in a display of surprising flexibility. HE loved it and drape her leg over his shoulder as he filled her slit hard before she licked her lips.
“I’m hungry!”
He laughed as she slid it into her mouth to suck his soul out.
“Yer a dirty girl, ain’t ya Vixen?”
She winked at him as she drank deep of him before rolling onto her belly and beckoning him with a lifted foot.
“My ass is ready now!”
“I love fuckin foxes.”
She moaned hard and thrust back as he fit into her rear.
“Oh yeah. Harder. I LOVE it in the rear!”
HE tapped her firm rear and she slammed back onto his spike as she exploded in her own cream. Then she got filled before flopping to the ground.
“I’m done. But finish yourself off in me. I like getting creamed.”
“I love you.”
He flipped her onto her back to kiss her as he finished inside her and went limp. She smiled as she used a spell to clean her mouth before they made out as they recovered from the sex. She sighed happily.
“I loved you. Can we do it again sometime?”
He kissed her soft lips.
“Oh hell yeah. Long as you let Malico and Kaori get a piece.”
She kissed him and he felt her rack against his scarred chest.
“Oh, I will. I just wanted you first.”
The kissed a few more times before she smiled.
“Okay, I’m hungry.”
“Want more cream?”
“Yes. But I need to recover first.”
HE let her up and as she bent over to pull her cloth panties up had gave her firm rear a loving caress, making her shiver.
“I loved you too.”
Once dressed they went back out to see Kaori getting stuffed with tail by Malico. He smiled as he felt himself harden again.
“Room for one more?”
They smiled hard.
“Get over here.”
“And FUCK ME!”
HE stripped as Vixen laid on her robe laughing.
“He really DOES have quite the appetite!”
The others watched as Tyler got behind Malico and stuffed her rear full. Ashy smiled as she then grabbed Wulf by the front of his tunic and dragged him to the tent. The lovers got their fills off each other and the air was filled with the sounds and smells of sex. Tyler and Kaori outlasting the others by a long shot. Then the blonde and her lover sat by the fire as the camp applauded.
“That’ll be ten gold!”
They laughed as he used a water spell to clean Malico’s tail nice and thoroughly as she purred the whole time.
“Thank you!”
“Love you too Malico.”
Tyler opened the map as Ashy pulled the bear fur out to show Kaori. Wulf sitting across from tyler as he laid out the bills. The two men brofisted before getting serious.
“Okay. The bear and basilisk are dead. Next we have trolls and ogres.”
Wulf tapped the trolls.
“We’ll need masks to fight these things. Smell is that bad.”
“I wonder. Hey, Malico, can I see the scroll?”
The cat passed it and he looked at it.
“Are gas masks from our world a banned item?”
The blue roll of parchment with wooden rollers pondered the question.
“Sadly they are. The pieces are indeed in this world, and truth be told the researchers are close to the needed breakthrough in order to make the rule unneeded. But, they have to earn this tool.”
“I see. Worth a shot. Thanks Minus.”
“As far as your questions have gone thus far Mortal. This one was a rather interesting one to consider.”
“I have a good one every now and then.”
The scroll went blank as he passed it back to Malico. Wulf sighed.
“The masks from your world must be very potent to warrant the rule.”
“Best way to make the comparison? Are you familiar with volcanoes at all?”
The mountain elf nodded.
“I am. There are a few in my home country.”
“You know the name Sulphur?”
“It’s a mineral that smells absolutely foul and is lethal to inhale.”
“In our world, people can put the masks on and walk around the most toxic vents around a volcano and breath the air of an open pit of the stuff.”
Wulf chuckled.
“Scary. I guess when you can destroy cities at will you need to find ways to survive.”
“Yeah, they made them to survive a time of war. As using poison gas was and still is a most beloved tactic.”
The ranger looked at him.
“How potent were the toxins?”
Tyler looked around for an example.
“Ah. Hey Lily, can you toss me that rock by her foot? Thanks!”
the small elf was comfortably snuggled with Sera, Sallie and Sylvia as she flipped him the 6 inch stone. Tyler set the 6 inch tall, and 1 inch thick rock in view.
“Okay, the toxins used were released in a cloud maybe 15 feet wide. They would be store in a canister this size and given to soldiers. Now. You remember how packed the battlements were in Cragspire when we rode up?”
HE nodded.
“Shoulder to shoulder.”
“How many would you estimate were up there?”
“If I had to put a number…..maybe 2500? The city has a total population of 350,000,000.”
“Okay. This single canister could kill them all. With a single lungful each. And it would be a nasty death too. Profuse bleeding from the eyes, mouth, ears, ass, slit, and hole in the body as you choke to death on your own blood.”
Wulf shuddered.
“The weaponry in your world is truly the stuff of nightmares.”
“Scary thing? That’s just ONE compound we use. We got one called white phosphorous that literally burns your skin until you die if you touch the flecks. Or breathe it in.”
He shuddered again.
“I need to sleep tonight.”
“Fair. What do we need for mask materials in this world?”
He sighed.
“Merely some cloth dipped in scented water will suffice.”
“Wow. Simple. Okay. Are trolls worth looting?”
“They are if you can handle the stench. We’re guaranteed a decent number of coins.”
“They have troves?”
“Not like the lisks, but yes. But again if you can manage the stench.”
Tyler set the troll bill aside and pulled the ogre out.
“They keep captives?”
“No. If they take prisoners, they’re raped then eaten. Usually the same day. Stone ogres like them prefer to just eat their victims.”
“Well. We’ll kill em. They got loot?”
“Not really. Most we can hope for is a few coins from their kills.”
“So just training dummies. Lily, how-“
“Fine. Me arm’s fine.”
“Just checkin.”
She smiled as Kaori chuckled.
“His snap made him worry for a good month AFTER our docs cleared him.”
Tyler winced as he rubbed his arm.
“Never really went away.”
The camp chuckled fondly as he felt a ping on tranquil waters.
“Heads up we got company.”
The party readied weapons as Sallie and Sylvia became spirits again. Tyler went to stand where he could see the road but they couldn’t see him with his bow. HE looked as he saw a party of five riders riding from the way ahead. HE used his Farsight and saw them as a party of adventurers.
“Looks like a party of adventurers. Not Warriors.”
The camp relaxed, but only slightly. Tyler watched as they moved when one man, a clear mage from his staff, gave a signal, alerting the party. From his movements, he was pointing towards the alcove as he picked up on Tyler’s spells. The party then discussed amongst themselves just what to do about the extremely blatant spells. Wulf came up to stand beside him.
“They stopped.”
“Yeah. They got a mage that picked up on my spells. Looks like they’re debating just WHAT to do with it.”
The party nodded and they swung their horses towards the alcove.
“Looks like they mean to investigate.”
Wulf sighed.
“If they’re just making sure a powerful enemy has not taken such a spot by the road, then that’s fine.”
“Wanna meet em halfway?”
“Seems best.”
The camp nodded as Tyler and Wulf dropped to go greet their guests. They moved quick as the cautiously approaching group of eight neared. Then the two stepped out into view of the party.
“Hail! Be ye friend or foe?”
The party reined in their mounts as the mage that had picked up the spell spoke.
“We be friend if ye be. We mean to investigate the source of these most powerful defense spells, Sirrah. BE they yours?”
“They be. Me names Tyler the Outcast.”
The men gasped.
“Hail, Outcast!”
the mage rubbed his head apologetically.
“We apologize for disturbing your rest Sirrah. The spells gave cause for alarm due to their potency and proximity to the road. I feared a bandit camp.”
“I understand. I’d have thought the same meself.”
The men relaxed. Then a broad shouldered man in fur armor spoke.
“We’ll leave ye to yer rest, Sirrah. Pray tell, though. How be the road ahead?”
“We didn’t encounter any bandits nor surprises on our ride from Yalik. Whether that’s changed in the hours since we stopped I know not.”
The man chuckled.
“I see the stories of your caution be truth. We be bound for the hamlet near the plains. BE it safe?”
“That wouldn’t be Yarrow’s home would it?”
The mage blinked.
“Indeed, Sirrah. I be his brother, Rowan. I take this to mean you know my brother?”
“I put out a fire on the plains three days back and met him then. Also we passed through the hamlet on our way to Yalik. The road was clear the last we passed a few hours prior. Hey, tell Clare I said hi.”
The man smiled.
“I see even the brotherly fondness your storied to have for the children is also truth. Aye Sirrah. I’ll do that.”
“Watch her mind just stop. Take care now.”
“Aye lad. Ye do the same.”
The party left as Tyler and Wulf returned to camp. The ladies still on alert as they reappeared. Kaori looked at him.
He smiled as he felt the pings vanish.
“They got nervous thinking a powerful bandit party had set up here. So, they felt the need to investigate properly before moving on.”
The camp relaxed and Sallie and Sylvia took their forms again. Tyler sat back down and Sallie joined him this time. The green haired girl sitting on his lap as he looked at the map and bills.
“The trolls and ogres are easy to kill. We made great time today.”
Kaori smiled as she looked up from brushing her golden hair.
“The horses are still in great condition. So, we can go a little faster tomorrow.”
“You’re the boss.”
They laughed as Sallie looked at him.
“Hey, can I watch one of those things you and Ashy loved so much?”
Tyler smiled as he patted her green hair.
“Hey, Ashy? I borrow your crystal?”
the dirty blonde smiled as she tossed it to him.
“Whatchya thinking?”
“For Sallie? Hmmm, Oh I know! Kill la Kill!”
Ashy’s eyes lit up like lights.
“Damn dude, that’s a classic!”
“I loved it for a reason.”
The party was now curious.
“Hey, lad, I be wantin to see it now meself.”
“Kill la Kill? Me too.”
Tyler looked around as Ashy smiled.
“It doesn’t need a wall or anything.”
“Well, alright.”
HE looked at the thing and tapped it. As he did he got a new tab added to his HUD. HE hit it and smiled as he saw the list of shows.
“Okay, Kill-la-kill. Gotchya.”
He hit the projection mode and it made a large ball form that provided a perfect image to the now stunned watchers as the show started. The party was blown away by the show and it’s jokes, pace and combat. Lily most of all, as she watched the black hired Ryuko raise hell the only way she knew how. They blew through the first 5 episodes when Sera yawned.
“Wow. That late already?”
The camp sighed as they called it for the night. Thistle, the blood dancer Was smiling widely as she saw just how much of the stuff the characters lost.
“I must say I am surprised. This Ryuko is most impressive.”
“Oh you have NO idea.”
The party moved into the tent. Tyler laid between Kaori and Malico as Sallie, sera, Sylvia and Lily all threw a fur blanket over them and formed a pile. Tyler smiled as Vixen prodded Kaori.
“I’d like to join tonight.”
The blonde smiled and climbed onto his chest as the pale beauty took his arm.
“Always comfier with a sexy Vixen.”
She smiled as she rested her head on his chest.
“Love you too.”
“Good night ladies.”
Wulf ignored him as he was too engaged with Ashy.

Tyler opened his eyes to see Kaori’s face above his own. He kissed her awake and she smiled.
“good morning Kaori. I love you.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him herself.
“Good morning Tyler. I love you too.”
They kissed a few more times before rising to start the day. Tyler looked back to see Malico and Vixen still out cold.
“I got an idea.”
Kaori watched curiously, as he, using all his stealth and strength skills, moved Malico without waking her towards the slumbering Vixen. The result was perfect, as the sound asleep cat the cuddled the pale beauty like a lover to her breasts. Tyler smiled as he walked to a silently laughing Kaori. Then he glanced over to the girls pile and smiled. Sera was in the center of a pile of cute bodies. Sallie was on her left arm, Sylvia her right and Lily was on her chest sound asleep. Tyler nudged Kaori, who got it. She used her photo crystal to sneak a silent shot before they left to get camp going. He lighting the fire as she got the food ready. Once the fire was relit he sat down and pulled the map out to look it over yet again. Kaori sat in his lap as the meat sizzle.
“How’s it looking commander?”
He kissed her.
“better since I’m looking at you.”
She glowed a little as she settled back. He heled her as they drank their morning coffee. He looked at the route and bills as Sera and her snuggle buddies came out yawning.
“Morning girls.”
That just got him a bunch of barely awake replies as the girls came and sat by the fire. Lily got her own cup of coffee before Sallie and Sylvia went spirit. Sera looked over and rubbed her eyes as she saw the two girls were gone. Then she remembered.
“Oh. Right. Spirits.”
Tyler and kaori patted her head as the required five minutes went by before the two girls winked back into view. Sera hugged them.
That got a laugh as Wulf came out and went about his morning rite as Ashy took a seat by the fire topless. Lily saw this and leered.
“Sorry, Lily. They’re a little raw this morning.”
Her disappointed grumbled putting smiles on their faces. Wulf finished his rite and accepted some coffee from Tyler as he sat across the fire.
“So, we got two camps to kill this time.”
Tyler shrugged.
“Shouldn’t be more an a light workout. If that that.”
The ranger looked over the bills and the map as Malico and Vixen came out next. The catgirl smiling as she got a hug off Tyler.
“That was sneaky.”
Vixen also had a knowing smile.
“Most sneaky indeed. Sleeping with three beauties, then being able to not only escape, but set one of the two others to cuddle in their sleep?”
Tyler chuckled.
“And did you like it?”
They smiled at each other now.
“Vixen is most comfy to cuddle.”
“Malico’s fur is very warm.”
Tyler chuckled knowingly now.
“Sounds like the Fox likes the Kitty.”
That got a snort as the rest of the party came out. The plan was made and camp broken. They rode as fast as Kaori would allow, and made great time as they went. The first target was the troll camp. They hitched up as Tyler looked at his party.
“Malico, Vixen, Wulf, Thistle, Annnd, Lillica.”
The black haired princess sighed.
The party moved off as the others stood watch. They had soaked long rags in scented water to counter the troll stench and it was a good thing they did as they smelled the putrid creatures long before they saw them. They crested a small boulder and found their camp. Tyler was silently lamenting taking the job as the smell was just plain numbing.
“Fuck practice, let’s just kill these things.”
They were ALL in agreement. Tyler took in a breath and stood on the rock to breathe the flames of Tempesta into the camp as Thistle walked into the camp swinging her Magicite axe at the things. Tyler was wielding Gliepnir and Fafnir as they slaughtered the camp of 25 creatures. Once the last fell, Tyler sighed.
“I hate these things. Loot em.”
The party were gagging hard as they worked as fast as they could. They loot the camp and came away 34 gold 65 silver and 78 copper richer. Tyler was looking around for a trove cave when he detected a spot behind a large boulder.
“Got a hollow feeling behind that boulder.”
They nodded and formed up. Tyler tore the rock aside to find a two foot pile of coins.
“Bingo. Load up.”
The troll’s trove netted the party a further 450 gold, 780 silver, and a rather surprising 1500 copper. They got the money and ran from the camp as their masks were failing fast. They ran until they couldn’t smell the things anymore and Tyler tore the mask off.
“Okay, we are NOT fighting those things again unless we have to. Deal?”
They nodded. Lillica was rubbing her hair.
“I need a bath!”
Wulf was in the same boat.
“Can you hit us with a water burst? I feel…unclean.”
He encased them in the spell, and he rotated it around them like a washer. He let it go and the hunters shivered.
“Better. Thank you.”
Tyler smiled.
“we’ll get a proper bath in Raylik.”
Malico shuddered.
“I can’t WAIT to have Seline again!”
Tyler smirked.
“You AND me.”
That got her purring as they returned to the party. The other members smiled as they returned.
“So, can you still smell?”
Tyler climbed up onto Thunder.
“Well, Kaori. You still smell wonderful, so I guess so.”
She smiled happily as they rode off.
“Last one is a stone ogre camp right?”
“Yeah. Then we’ll be in Raylik. We made really great time this trip.”
Kaori beamed happily.
“I know the road now. So we can go a little faster.”
“Love you too Shadow.”
The sun was directly over head when they reached the last camp.
“Wulf, Lily, Ashy, Serafina, Lucy, and Sera.”
The named fighters nodded and readied weaponry before headed off. Wulf guiding them towards the hollow the creatures had claimed. Sera and Lily right beside him as they went. They found the beasts rostering around a massive boulder at the edge of a river. There were maybe 35 creatures in all inside the camp. Tyler smiled.
“Let’s kick the door in.”
The hunters smiled as he pulled up his music tab.
“Today’s slaughter is brought to you by X.U.”
The sound played and they surged to battle. The 15 foot tall beasts had no clue what hit them, as Tyler swung his twin broadswords in their direction, as dragon scale arrows rain upon them, as a hulking lady swung a demon greatsword at them. Tyler carved through ten creatures before they knew they were in it, as Lucy scythed down a further 5. Sera was using her bow to knock creatures off balance as lily claimed the kill, her Mythril blade and Additite shield combo paying dividends. The powerful fighters made short work of the things. Then they fell to the looting with a speed born of practice. They walked away 55 silver richer for their trouble. Tyler sighed as they returned to the others.
“Wow, Wulf. Nearly not worth the effort.”
The ranger shrugged.
“For us at least. Some other less wealthy adventurer? That’s a week’s worth of meals, rooms, and maybe a bed mate.”
Tyler chuckled as he looked at Ashy.
“So you ARE chargin him!”
Lily busted up laughing as ashy and Wulf slugged him in the teeth.
“Fuck you.”
“Lily’s too small.”
Wulf groaned as Lily grinned.
“I hate you so much.”
“I love you too.”
They returned to the party and mounted up. Kaori got a kiss off Tyler and she sighed.
“How’d we do?”
“55 silver.”
She was taken aback.
“That’s it?”
Lily climbed up to join him on his horse and he hugged her. She smiled as they rode on. The Warrior party thundered along and by the time the sun had started to set the town walls were in sight. Tyler smiled as he saw the Sky Spear.
“Seline is going to LOSE it when Sylvia orders her to cuddle her tonight.”
Lily smiled as she licked her lips.
“I’ll order her as well.”
That got a laugh.
“Something tells me Seline’s going to be VERY busy.”
They approached the wallgate and got hailed.
Tyler looked up to see Lorgah on the walltop. He smiled.
“Hail! Lorgah! They musta bribed ya for YOU to do work!”
The burly guard threw his head back laughing as he waved to the gate keepers.
“The ladies won’t be walking much now. The Outcasts are back.”
The gates opened and the party rode on in. Ashy smiling as she too was permitted entry. Malico smiled at the pretty girl.
“You’ll love this town, Ashy.”
Tyler led his party to the stables and the Ferrier smiled as he saw them.
“Welcome back Sirrah!”
Tyler gave the boy 50 silver as the horses were settled. After he looked to his party.
“Kaori, Sera, Lillica, Lily, Vixen, Wulf, Ashy, and the spirits will bring Seline up to speed. Rest of you…..scatter.”
The party laughed and headed off. Tyler then led his friends inside the spear.
“Sallie, Sylvia, stay spirit till I say. We’re looking to surprise the lady.”
They giggled. The group walked in and he spotted the sexy raccoon girl Yoko looking bored in her bounty booth.
“Be RIGHT back.”
They smiled as he walked up to the booth.
“Hiya Yoko. Miss me?”
She looked up at her name and burst into happy smiles.
“Tyler! Your back already?”
He smiled fondly at his favorite raccoon.
“Just for you. Hey.”
HE leaned in and she did as well now, curious. He whispered in her ear.
“We’re looking to set up shop in town till the wave starts. So, prep that beautiful raccoon bod.”
She shivered.
“Oh I will!”
HE smiled as he reared back up.
“Well, I got nuthin else. Have fun Yoko. I look forward to getting behind you.”
She quivered a little as he left the now hot and bothered girl to her torment. Kaori was shaking her head as he returned to the group.
“Great. Now she needs a towel to sit on.”
They laughed as the lady behind the counter brought the lift down.
“Lady Seline’s waiting for you.”
They thanked her and took it up. They found the lovely fox lady waiting for them in a gown of blue that made her hair pop and her bust flop. She smiled as the party stepped out.
“Tyler! Kaori! Malico! There goes my ability to walk for the future.”
Ashy blinked and looked at Kaori.
“He’s had her too. Same with that raccoon girl he was chatting with.”
The dirty blonde shook her head as she watched Tyler steal a kiss off the lady.
“Yup. I lived this world wrong.”
That got a laugh as they sat down on her couch, and Seline dropped the shutters.
“So. What new mess did you find this time?”
Tyler sighed.
“There’s a Raiser loose trying to bring the black one that enslaved the dragons back.”
She went white.
“By the gods.”
Tyler pulled his HUD up and showed her a title.
“Have a look at what waiting for me when I double checked the cave.”
Seline took one look and gasped in shock.
“Lich’s Bane?”
She looked at Tyler with a look of fear, awe, and pity.
“You killed a Lich King single handedly? How long did it take you to throw off the mental attack?”
“Three hours. I was out cold for a further nine.”
Seline blinked.
“That’s it?”
“That’s what the lady at the guild said. I need to present my bestiary as well. Gonna be a fun one.”
The fox rubbed her temples.
“Anything else?”
“Sera here killed a Minotaur Balor.”
She looked at him.
“No friggin way.”
Sera giggled as she showed her HUD. Seline went white again.
“Sera, you really DID. What the hell?”
She smiled sweetly.
“I’m awesome!”
“Sera here can kill a 25 foot tall hill giant singlehandedly with that sword of hers.”
Seline hugged the small girl.
“Your mother will be so proud.”
Tyler smiled as he then looked to Lillica.
“Lillica has a grand Lich to her name.”
A HUD show later and Seline just looked at him.
“You turned two princesses that were raised all their lives and had never before HELD a sword into adventurers of THAT power in a mere 8 weeks?”
Tyler smiled as he patted Lily.
“They can also throw off mind subjugation spells and necklaces. Lily here still needs help, but she can throw off a demon of willpower.”
The girls glowed as Seline shook her head.
“We are in desperate need of more teachers like you, Tyler. And I heard what happened in Yalik. How is Lymir?”
“Fine, fun, and VERY satisfying.”
Seline burst out laughing.
“I heard you outlasted her. Any other lays of note?”
“I had Vulpix twice now.”
Seline got a most longing look on her face as her tails twitched.
“Ohhh, Vulpix! I’ve had her once and just the memory alone is enough to make me ache. You’ve had her twice?”
“She’s called me her new favorite mortal.”
Seline’s tails were swaying as she remembered her own lay.
“I miss her. Now I’m tempted to take a couple days off to go see if she’ll have me.”
Tyler smiled.
“Tell her you wanna compare notes on me. Something tells me she’ll jump at it.”
That made the sexy fox laugh. Then she looked to the royal girls.
“Have you told your father?”
Sera nodded happily.
“Uh-huh! Daddy says mommy will be jealous I killed a better monster then her!”
Lillica smiled as well.
“Father was a little disbelieving as well, so we had to show him our HUDs. Then he was proud.”
The two girls got a warm hug before she looked at him.
“IS that all?”
“Why don’t you give Sylvia a hug?”
Seline smiled and looked to where the two spirits were sitting. Soon as she looked at them, they glowed and Sera smiled.
“Bout time you came back!”
Seline’s mind went boom as she saw Sera nearly throttle both the spirits with hug death. Tyler smiled.
“Spirit Shell. Maximized.”
Seline just hugged Sylvia and Sallie tightly as she wrapped the two spirits in her tails.
“I’m so happy for you two.”
The girls were smiling as they got their hug.
“We get to go on an adventure!”
“With Tyler!”
Tyler got a hug as well.
“Thank you.”
HE just chuckled as he rubbed her back.
“Like I’d let a fox of your caliber down.”
She kissed him.
“That crystal still works.”
Kaori and Malico looked at Lily and smiled.
“Hey, Tyler?”
HE looked at the blonde curiously.
“Show her your new toys later.”
His eyes lit up.
“Oh hell yeah.”
Seline suddenly became VERY nervous.
“New TOYS?”
Tyler leered at her knowingly.
“You DO remember Lymir’s, ahem, appetites, right?”
Seline was seen to start shaking.
“Oh damn.”
Kaori, Lily, and Malico all leered at the sexy fox.
“we’ll get a turn.”
“I wanna her now.”
“Ladies. Pile?”
Seline gulped as she was fixed with three sets of hungry eyes. Tyler smiled.
“We have one last bit before you all lock her in the bedroom.”
The girls licked their lips as Seline looked at Tyler.
“That being?”
He smiled.
“If we wanted to ohhh, say, buy a house here in Raylik to use as a home base. What would that look like?”
Seline’s legs gave out as she sat on the couch in utter shock. Her face Was the physical representation of huh? The girls took this time to openly leer as Seline’s mind recovered.
“You’re looking to settle down?”
“Not settle. More a place to return to after a hard journey.”
She got it then.
“And having a place to call home would be a most powerful thing. Why my city if you don’t mind?”
“Melly lives here.”
Seline burst out laughing as sera stole the response. Her matter-of-fact tone putting smiles on everyone’s faces. Tyler smiled as she got her humor under control.
“Okay. How many people?”
She got up and walked to a desk that was set by a section of bookcases. She sat down and Tyler took the seat across from her. She took a tome down and flipped to a page.
“To buy property in Raylik, you need to be of good standing with me, the town leader, have the coin upfront or make regular payments, and the tax is 1/5 the initial payment. Since it’s YOU I’m dealing with, I assume you’d like one room per, you’ll pay upfront, and have the first year as well.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Sounds right.”
Seline’s tails were waving excitedly.
“I have a few places for sale that can comfortably house 12. 5 actually.”
She set a set of five crystals on the desk and waved her hand. They then produced 3D rendered manifestations of the buildings in question. She pointed to the first one.
“This here is a two story above one below open concept. Has 20 rooms, a full kitchen, bath house in he back, plus room for expansions in the future. Cost is 750 gold.”
Tyler looked to the second. Seline smiled.
“Oh right, I forgot. All the options first before a decision.”
She waved her hand over the next.
“This one is located near the river and forest in the town proper. Three story with a grand staircase, enclosed bathhouse, large kitchen, 25 rooms, stables, and room for expansion. Cost is 800 gold.”
Tyler smiled.
“This is kinda fun.”
Seline chuckled as she waved to the next.
“It is. This one is located by the shopping district. Namely Roxy’s shop. Three floors with a large courtyard set inside the building, 30 rooms, two kitchens, two full bathhouses, stables, small garden, full floor beneath, and even as part of the river flowing through one part. Cost is 900 gold.”
Tyler had a thoughtful look as she waved to the forth.
“This one has three floors above two below, full wine cellar, armory, two full kitchens, bathhouses, stables, 35 rooms, full library, garden, with room for expansions, and even has a wraparound balcony on the second level. Cost. 1000 gold.”
He smiled as he saw looked at it. Seline smiled as she pulled the last one up.
“This one is the best in the city. Three full levels above ground, two below, balconies on the both the second and third level with a tower in the center complete with sitting room, 40 rooms, three kitchens, two stables, two full bathhouses plus hotspring on the left wing, garden encased by perimeter wall with the river and part of the forest inside, plus room for expansion, and an enclosed open atrium. Cost 1200 gold.”
Tyler smiled as Seline looked at him.
“These are the ones that fit your needs best. Budgets mean nothing so go crazy.”
Tyler sat back.
“If we seek to expand?”
Seline smiled.
“You come to me. We’ll discuss the work, you pay the workers and I’ll front the manpower.”
“Come to you or in you?”
she licked her lips.
“for you? Depends. I may just have to impose some new rules.”
HE smiled.
“Now I’m interested.”
“Well, on top of the usual gold, you’ll have to lay with me. Or Kaori. Or Malico.”
“Or the pile.”
“That too.”
HE laughed as he looked to his group.
“So ladies, which do you like?”
Wulf rolled his eyes as they came over.
“I still hate you.”
Kaori went right to the fifth one and was looking through the rooms as it had the tour feature. The other were doing the same. Tyler had liked them all, and was happy to just let the group pick one they liked. After about ten minutes, Kaori and the ladies nodded and put the fifth crystal in front of him.
“We like this one.”
Tyler looked it over.
“Not bad ladies. 1200 gold, so a month is….240 right?”
Seline did a little math.
“That sounds right. 240 a month not including upkeep and other trappings.”
Tyler rubbed his chin.
“How much would it cost us to hire a cleaning crew while we’re roaming?”
Seline crossed her arms.
“Since it’s YOUR home, anyone you hire will most likely be on pins and needles since they’ll be terrified to really touch anything.”
Tyler’s eyes sparked with idea.
“How many would it take to keep the place clean?”
“Maybe ten?”
Kaori smiled.
“Oh shit here we go.”
“Love you too Barbie. My idea was when we leave, our friends can live in it so long as they aid in the cleaning. We’ll pay them of course, but it seems like a good idea.”
The group laughed.
“You just want to spoil Melly some more.”
HE shrugged.
Seline smiled as well.
“That’s a wonderful though. But who will clean THEIR homes?”
Tyler frowned.
“Damn. I forgot.”
He looked at the crystal.
“I’d prefer having people I trust in our home.”
Seline smiled.
“This is where the more experienced town leader shows she’s not JUST a bed mate.”
HE looked at her confused.
“Well, foxy, show me whatchya got.”
She smiled proudly.
“Have your friends live in the mansion. Their homes will be under MY servants preview while they do so. Since my servants are the best in the city and they love their work, they’ll leap at the chance to aid you as well.”
Tyler smiled.
“That works. So, we’d have to furnish the place ourselves, right?”
She nodded.
“You would. But I get the idea you’ll enjoy that most of all. I’ll give you a catalog of options. Or you can just go to the craftsmen around town to commission your own.”
He nodded.
“Sounds good. Okay. 1200 gold outright, 240 a month.”
He pulled the pouch out.
“We’ll take it.”
She smiled proudly.
“Okay the upfront cost first.”
HE took the 1200 gold out. Seline didn’t bother counting it as she poured the gold into a coffer by her chair. She then pulled a piece of paper out and heated a seal in a magic flame. She pressed it into the paper and had Tyler sign it magically using her own spell.
“And so it’s official. You’re now officially a landowning citizen of Raylik. Happy to lay with you. Here’s your deed and ring of keys.”
He smiled as he passed the deed to Malico who was beaming with pride as she stored the document in her pouch. Tyler then looked back at Seline.
“Can we pay the tax ahead?”
She nodded.
“As your Warriors, it’s a practice for you. How far ahead you thinking?”
“A full year.”
“Of course you are. So, 240 a month times 12 equals 2880.”
He paid the gold and they had 24,883 gold left. She smiled.
“Here’s the catalog crystal. Just walk into a room and it’ll have all the available options on what you can do with it.”
Tyler took the three inch red crystal and handed it to a glowing with pride Kaori. Then he looked at the fox lady.
“Thanks Seline. Just got a last question.”
She smiled.
“Oh shit here we go.”
“Love you too. We found a vein of skycite. Just wondering where we go to sell it.”
She sighed.
“Just take it to the exchange.”
“Typical. Oh, and last thing.”
“You fix that bed yet?”
She burst out laughing as Kaori leaned to his ear.
“We’ll go play with her for a while. Don’t go to the house without me.”
HE kissed her.
“Wouldn’t dream of it Kaori. It is OUR home after all.”
she hugged him as Seline got her mirth under control.
“Yes I fixed it. I even upgraded it and the tub.”
Seline was then grabbed by Malico and Kaori and dragged to the bedroom as Lily followed the lusty group. Seline laughing as she went.
“Oh my girls, you’re VERY aggressive.”
Tyler looked to the others.
“Me an Wulf will go do the selling, then I’ll present my bestiary to the guild. No one goes to the house before me and Kaori. Okay?”
They nodded with a smile as Sera perked up.
“We’ll go crown her after the work is done.”
She smiled.
They left and the party scattered as Tyler and Wulf went for the exchange.
“That mansion is beautiful.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Feels friggin weird though.”
The ranger was right there with him.
“Super weird. I felt the same when I got my first home.”
“It still there?”
Wulf smiled.
“It is. Tatiana has it under her own servants list of duties to keep it as I roamed a lot since I was ambassador.”
“Nice to see that’s not as weird an idea as Seline made it seem.”
The two men walked into the exchange and headed for the gnome they’d dealt with before. The place was still rife with the bickering of those seeking to hustle the buyers out of the last copper they could. They found the gnome in question sitting at an empty desk. Upon seeing the two he smiled.
“Welcome back adventurers. Do you have loot to sell?”
“We do. Basilisk, various ores, dragel, lisk, and some animal parts as well.”
Grilock smiled.
“For fairness sake I must see your permit again.”
Tyler passed the document and the gnome passed it back after looking at it. The gnome led he party to the scales and they unloaded their pouches. The gnome smiled as he saw the quality loot.
“Your party is truly amazing Sirrah. All told, the material you have brought me, I can give you 254 gold, 78 silver, and 89 copper. Sound fair?”
Tyler looked at Wulf.
“Another good deal.”
Tyler smiled.
They shook and the gnome gave them the coins. Tyler added them to the pouch as he looked at the gnome.
“Now I have a question.”
The professional smiled.
“How may I assist?”
“We have maybe three veins of good quality copper. I heard the bank buys them.”
The gnome nodded.
“Indeed they do. Just walk inside and look for the booth to the right of the main entryway. In all honesty they pay better for copper, silver and gold ore then we do.”
“Thanks Grilock.”
The men left to head to the bank as Wulf tilted his head.
“Will we be doing another conversion?”
“Hmmm. Might as well. We won’t get much but two birds one visit.”
They walked in and Tyler spotted the booth Grilock had told them about. They walked over and found a member of the dwarven race sitting in the seat. Tyler smiled as he was greeted.
“Well met adventurers. I be Orik Gemsmen. A pleasure. How may I help you?”
Tyler got right to the point.
“We have three veins of copper to sell. I understand you take them?”
“Indeed Lad. Amount paid depends on the quality and quantity provided of course.”
Tyler placed the three ten foot veins on the bench. The dwarven appraiser smiled as he looked them over.
“You are a very lucky lad. These are high grade. Okay. For ore of this quality I can give you….12 gold. Sound fair?”
Tyler did a little math as he looked at Wulf who smiled.
“That’s actually a pretty fair deal. Specially for mere copper.”
Tyler nodded.
They shook and he got his coins.
The dwarf chuckled.
“I see the tales of that curiosity are true. So, what’s the head ache this time?”
“Nice to see I’m bothering people. How many coppers can these make?”
The dwarf laughed.
“These will produce maybe 3000 good coins. The rest gets melted down and added to other leftover metal to produce more.”
Tyler smiled.
“Thankee kindly.”
Tyler and the elf headed to see Girplik for their coin conversion. They found the head gnome sitting at his desk and greeted the gnome.
“Hiya Girplik.”
The small man smiled as he saw them.
“The lisk slayers. Found another trove?”
“Yup. Not as big but we still got a few coins to convert.”
“Follow me please.”
They walked in and Tyler pulled his pouch out. The gnome waited patiently as Tyler poured the copper in. Netting them 63 silver 45 copper. The bank gnome smiled.
“Sounds right.”
Tyler then poured the silver in. The grand total being 46 gold, 94 silver. The number making Girplik frown.
“I hate fractions. 10?”
Tyler paid and they added up totals. 25,188 gold, 94 silver, 45 copper. Tyler smiled as they left.
“I’ll go present the kill count now.”
Wulf waved as he headed off to go find Ashy. Tyler had the two spirits on his shoulders as he didn’t want them in their shell forms until the house was set. The Outcast walked into the rowdy hall and headed over to were Verilica the feral imp was looking decidedly bored. She broke out into a happy smile as Tyler walked up.
“Tyler! Well there goes the town.”
“And your ability to walk.”
She smiled impishly.
“I do feel so much better.”
“We got the time.”
She sighed as her long spiked tail waved behind her.
“I don’t get off work till late tonight.”
“Well, we’re in town till the summons goes out. So, prep that diabolically devious bod.”
She blushed again and was witnessed to shiver. The other guild members sighed.
“It’s official lads. We suck.”
“Yup. That silver tongued bastard shows up and there go the pretty ones.”
“Funny. I heard somethin similar. Though in me case they run TO my bed, they run FROM yours!”
They lost it as he looked at the imp.
“I need to present my bestiary.”
The imp smiled.
“Follow me.”
“As command the Ferally Impishly good looking lady.”
She blushed hard that time as the men just raised a mug in honor of his word play. The pair moved into the small room and she brought the interface up.
“Just place your hand there.”
He did and the numbers exploded again. Verilica was smiling until she saw the types slain.
“A grand Lich? Minotaur Balor? Lich king?”
She looked at Tyler with a newfound awe.
“Titles. Champion of the People, damn right, Dragon Heart? Lich’s Bane? Flawless tactician, Guild Avenger, Champion of Minus? Scale Balancer? Warrior’s Runner, fitting,”
She looked at him in sheer awe usually reserved for a god.
“You have titles and creatures here that have not been seen in thousands of years.”
Tyler shrugged.
“I’m good at this.”
The imp burst out laughing.
“Okay, hero. The reward is 2000 gold. Promotions are right to high dragon across the board. Plus a new title the guild bestows for such legendary adventurers.”
“It’s called Legendary Adventurer. It means you and those in your party are of the highest tier of adventurers in the guild. And to make a point? You are the ONLY ones with the title.”
Tyler smiled.
“What about imp lover?”
She blushed again.
“I do not have to come into work till noon tomorrow.”
“Eh, I’ll fit you then.”
She gave him the gold and the medals.
“I look forward to see what else you do.”
“I’m looking forward to doing things TO you.”
She was blushing as they walked out and the guild cheered until she made the announcement.
“Let it be heard. Tyler the Outcast has slain a Lich King single handedly.”
The room went dead silent. Like so silent you could’ve heard a pin drop. Tyler shrugged.
“It had a bone to pick with me.”
Verilica snorted as the other adventurers just slumped.
“Lads, what the hells we doin?”
Tyler looked at verilica and she saw his plan. He leaned in and kissed the feral imp hard, getting a round of applause from the adventurers as a red dagger came flying from a corner. Verilica saw it coming and tried to move, but Tyler held her as he got deeper into the kiss, and caught the dagger with two fingers before letting the panting imp go with a twirl to pin Whisper the were tiger against the wall and shove his tongue in her mouth now. Verilica just burst out laughing as she her heart hammered as the men just hung their heads in shame. Tyler left Whisper breathless.
“Miss me?”
She licked her lips.
“Just a little.”
“Nice to see I make cats wet wherever I go.”
She grinned hard now, well aware of the bulge pressing into her thigh.
“I wonder what you’ll get off me this time?”
HE smirked and stepped back.
“Why don’t ya check?”
She was then aware of a slight breeze…below decks. She looked and saw he’d stolen her pants as she’d made them for with a grove for easy removal. He held them on a finger.
“Ya got nice legs, Whisper.”
she laughed as the men sighed again.
“Truly a devious man! Stealing a ladies pants off her in full view of other men? My poor virtue!”
Tyler smiled as he looked to her mail covered groin.
“Looks good to me. Nice to see the carpet matches the drapes.”
She put her pants on and kissed him again.
“I have a job.”
“Still waiting.”
She leered as they left the hall. He gave her firm rear a fond pat before heading off to see Tolic. I freakin LOVE Whisper. I kinda get the feeling she’d make a great Outcast. And an even BETTER bed mate. HE walked into Tolic’s shop to see the dwarven smith looking at some designs. For a sword. He looked up and smiled as Tyler approached his counter.
“Well met me boy! I heard ya had a spot of trouble in Yalik.”
Tyler and the dwarf clasped hands.
“Wanna get the drop on me? Get a beauty with a knife!”
HE laughed.
“A true man’s weakness and no mistake. So, need something?”
Tyler smiled.
“My crew needs upgrades again.”
The smith smiled.
“Ah. What’s yer fancy this time?”
“Swords for Sera, Lillica, and Ashy, a new bow for Ashy and Wulf and Lillica, a Vest for Ashy as well, and do you do infusions?”
The dwarf got a twinkle in his eye.
“Aye lad. I be most adapt at them. What materials?”
Tyler placed Glacious’ scales on the counter with their collection of demon horns.
“Sera’s and Lily’s upgrades are minotaur Balor horn and Tempesta scale.”
Tolic looked at the opal-like scales of Glacious.
“If I add these to the mix, her weapons would rival your own in terms of sharpness and strength. Plus look beautiful.”
“I’ll call muster for the girls.”
HE blew his whistle for Sera, Ashy and Lillica. As he already knew lily’s bow size. And for Wulf. The group came in and he looked at them.
“Upgrade time Ladies and Wulf. New swords, bows, and Ashy gets new mail.”
The dirty blonde smiled gratefully.
Tolic smiled.
“I see you took a new Warrior in. Pleasure to meet you miss.”
She smiled politely.
“Same here Sir Dwarf.”
“Tolic, miss. Nice to see there be more then three true Warriors out there.”
Tyler looked at Sera.
“Get this, your horn can be added to the scales.”
She smiled as she looked at the pile.
“I can’t wait to kill another balor!”
Tolic dropped the scale in shock! Tyler chuckled.
“Bragging time ladies!”
Sera giggled as she showed off her kills, and Lillica was smiling shyly as she did hers. Tolic just looked at Tyler.
“In 8 weeks you turned them from princesses into Adventurers that kill balors and grand liches?”
“Lily, Sera, and Lillica can kill a 25 foot tall hill giant single handedly with those swords of theirs.”
The dwarf shook his bearded head.
“You are truly an inspiring teacher. What is, pray tell, YOUR best kill?”
“A lich King.”
Tolic went white at the name. Tyler smiled as he showed the stunned smith the kill.
“By the stone. A Lich King.”
Tyler shrugged.
“I guess it’s that kinda big deal.”
Tolic just shook his head.
“So, Tempesta’s scales and Minotaur horn for Sera’s sword, Lily’s bow, and what will I do with the leftovers? Demon horn can’t be used for arrows.”
Tyler looked at the girl.
“Hmm. Oh. I know. Greaves and bracers for her fore arms and legs.”
Tolic smiled.
“I see your learning! I’ll need measurements,”
“Lily’s a little tangled up at the moment. But once she’s free she’ll come see you.”
Ashy smiled.
“Actually, she was finished an hour ago and is relaxing at the tavern.”
“Well that works.”
Tyler blew the note and the flushed elf came in smiling.
“Have fun?”
She nodded.
“Yup. They’re fun.”
She saw the materials and picked up on the call.
“What am I getting this time?”
“A new bow, and some greaves and bracers for those arms and legs.”
She hugged him before hugging Sera just cause.
“Our horn and scales?”
“With a few scales from Glacious thrown into the mix.”
She nodded as Tyler looked at his own arm.
“I think for me, maybe a set of greaves as well.”
Tolic smiled.
“In case you need to deflect a sword with an arm?”
“Pretty much. Mine can be Tempesta scale and Glacious scale.”
The experienced smith nodded.
“To mimic the appearance of Mythril. As no bandit would be able to turn such a treasure away.”
Tyler nodded.
“Any leftover scales, you know the drill.”
The dwarf understood.
“Are these the only upgrades?”
Tyler crossed his arms as he ran down the party’s gear.
“Yeah. Everyone else already has high grade weaponry and armor.”
Tolic did some math.
“I’d need two scales for the swords, maybe four of hers, the horn and measurements. Your graves, one scale and three of hers.”
Tyler put the scales plus one on the counter.
“Okay, the total is 780 gold.”
Tyler paid and the dwarf got his arm measurements before the ladies went in the get theirs.
“I’ll have it done by tomorrow morn.”
“we’ll be here a few days.”
“Well alright. I’ll send word when tis finished.”
Tyler smiled as Wulf stayed to look after the girls. He then left to go see Kaori. He headed for the tavern as Sera came sprinting up behind him.
“I got bigger again! Taller too!”
He patted her affectionately.
“Good for you, Sera. You’re gonna go from Camp Cutie to Camp Beauty.”
She giggled.
“That’s Kaori’s title!”
He hugged her as they headed for the tavern.
“Ready to make Melly’s mind go BOOM?”
She smiled sweetly.
“Oh fuck yeah!”
He swept her up into a hug.
“That’s my little sister!”
She laughed as he set her down again. They walked into Mia’s tavern to see Melly serving drinks to a table of men. She was smiling as usual, and was walking away when one man slapped her on the ass. Hard. Melly jumped and slammed face first into a post and started to cry as her nose went flat. The man was laughing hard as the others at his table just glared at him. Melly turned with blood tripping and tears in her eyes and spotted Tyler walking in the doorway. She pointed at the still laughing man.
“Kill him!”
The man laughed harder as Tyler cast holy relief on Melly. She burst out giggling as his spell took effect. Sera walked right over to the man and punched him so hard in the face his jaw shattered and he was knocked out of his seat. Mia came out then and saw Tyler wiping blood from Melly’s nose as Sera grabbed the fallen man by the shirt to continue beating the living shit outta him with a look or intense anger on her cute face.
“No one lays a finger on my sister!”
“Hey, Sera.”
She looked over with a raised fist. Tyler extended his finger and laid it on a giggling Melly’s head. Sera sighed as she slugged the guy a final time.
“Except big brother.”
Mia came over then and looked at the princess.
“I see you’ve been learning.”
She giggled.
“Yup! I’m tough!”
Tyler hugged Melly as she smiled.
“I just did the healing.”
Mia shook her head.
“He got a bounty?”
Tyler grabbed the man and looked.
“Let’s find out. Yup. Wow. Dale the Bully. Reward is…..150 gold alive. Dead….nothing. Oh. That reminds me. Sera, we’ll go turn this pissant in as he’s YOUR bounty, and then we gotta visit the guild.”
She smiled.
“Kay! But that first!”
“At once your tough cuteness.”
She laughed as Tyler pulled the crown and ring of coral from the pouch. Melly’s eyes went wide as he gave them to Sera.
“Here, Sera. These were YOUR idea.”
She giggled as she placed the crown on Melly’s head and the ring on her finger. They started glowing with her path and Mia was close to tears as her daughter got her own crown. Tyler pulled the shells out next.
“Sera got the crown and ring for you. These are mine.”
Melly was crying tears of joy and happiness as Sera hugged her.
“See? You got a crown too!”
The freckled girl was smiling so hard it hurt. Tyler looked at Mia.
“They’re enchanted that only SHE can removed them.”
He got a warm hug from the lady.
“Thank you for these.”
He patted her fondly.
“She’s Sera’s sister.”
That made her smile as Melly hugged him next.
“Thank you.”
He hugged her tightly.
“Of course. Your royal highness.”
She squeaked as Sera giggled.
“She IS my sister!”
Mia smiled as well.
“Next thing you’ll do is have her get brought into the royal family JUST to make it official.”
Sera gasped as her bright blue eyes flashed with idea.
“I can get daddy to do it! Bastard owes me anyway.”
Mia just looked at her. Tyler smiled now.
“Careful, Mia. Sera’s learning from ME.”
The inn keeper just smiled.
“And she be learning well.”
Tyler patted Sera.
“We got an idiot to deliver.”
Sera giggled.
Melly hugged the black haired girl again.
“You staying with us again?”
Tyler smiled proudly.
“We picked up that mansion near the forest. The one with the tower.”
Mia blinked.
“You’ve a beautiful taste in homes lad.”
Tyler smiled again.
“We still got to get the place ready an all. But thank you.”
Sera giggled.
“You can use my room Melly!”
Tyler chuckled.
“Something we’ll talk about after.”
Kaori came over and kissed him.
“Oh, there you are Kaori.”
She smiled happily.
“I can’t wait to see our home.”
Tyler lifted the unconscious bully onto his shoulders.
“We’ll check it out after. Okay?”
She kissed him.
“We better.”
Tyler and Sera headed off to the spear to deliver the bounty. Sera happily bouncing as she hummed.
“Hey, Sera.”
She looked at him.
“Kinda tempted to get you a set of spiked gloves.”
She giggled.
“As you wish milady!”
She hugged him as they walked into the tower. Yoko was sitting in her seat rubbing a brush through her raccoon tail when they walked up. She smiled as she saw them.
“That took longer then usual. Who got bagged this time?”
“Sera here beat the piss outta him bare handed.”
The raccoon girl looked and smiled at the small girl.
“I see YOU’VE been learning well.”
Sera giggled as Tyler set the idiot in the shackles. The vertical slab rotated and Yoko got the confirmation.
“Your total today is 150 gold, Sera.”
She took the money and Tyler added it to the pouch. They said bye to Yoko before heading back to the guild. There they walked up to Verilica’s booth. The imp smiling as she saw them.
“Miss me that much?”
“Yes, but we got some jobs to claim here.”
Sera passed the bills in and Verilica nodded as she looked at them.
“Okay. I’ve seen the prove of them. I am curious why you subjected yourselves to the trolls though.”
Tyler ruefully rubbed his lengthening hair.
“We needed practice killing different creatures.”
The sexy imp laughed.
“Fair I guess. Plus the white license was too tempting right?”
“Like your lips?”
HE leaned in through a space in the bars to steal a quick kiss from the surprised imp. Sera sighed as she tapped her foot.
“Ya done?”
Tyler patted her head affectionately.
“Just for you.”
Verilica smiled as she stamped the bills as complete.
“Okay, your total is 1 gold coin, 55 silver. Plus the White Spell Holy fragrance. Cost 3 mana, and makes the target smell like the scent the caster loves most on them. It’s a most romantic spell usually reserved for dates.”
Tyler and Sera looked at each other.
He took the reward and they left the hall to rejoin their crew. They walked in to see the whole party at the table with Melly pouring drinks. Tyler and Sera hugged her as they sat down. Kaori smiled as Tyler kissed her.
“Hey. Close your eyes and hold out your hands.”
She blinked, and the party became very attentive as she complied. Tyler placed the Scent license and the second front door key to the house in her hands. She looked and smiled sweetly.
“A beauty spell and the house key?”
He took her hand.
“When the time comes for the OTHER thing, well.”
She was shaking as he said this as Malico nudged Lily.
“He’s gonna get multiple.”
Tyler and Kaori kissed again before he looked at Malico.
“Well I already got ONE, so kinda have to.”
She jumped in surprise, before smiling widely as Kaori kissed the busty cat. Tyler smiled then.
“Wanna go check it out?”
The party ate their meal and paid before heading to their new mansion. It was a red brick construct that soared three full storied above them with a tower that was another two. The front door was a massive double door ensemble with a magically sealed door lock. The front of the building had small windows that had an enchantment to prevent others from being able to see inside, and was in the same cottage style of the other buildings in Raylik. Tyler and Kaori took the key in their hands to open it together. They put the key in the lock, turned it and pushed it open. There was a small tunnel-like walkway as they went through the gate like door. Thing shut without a sound and they got a good look at the interior. Directly in front of them was a large open area with a living area to the left facing the street, a parlor to the right, and a wide area leading towards a massive spiral staircase that went right to the tower. Tyler and kaori held hands as the party scattered to look around, leaving the couple to explore on their own. They walked along the hall, loving the enclosed outdoor area that was like a mini courtyard with a roof. They passed the kitchens, more living areas, one of the bath houses, and moved to another spiral stair case. They walked up kissing every few minutes as they went. The second floor was bedrooms and sitting areas with a library with the balcony. Tyler and Kaori were more lost in their own world as they entered the third floor. This one having more bedrooms and sitting areas. Tyler smiled as they found a large study with wall space for the map.
“I’ll claim this one for my office.”
Kaori kissed him as they looked around. The room had plenty of space for all Tyler would need when planning a journey. They moved on with the exploration. The next room they found was the master bedroom and they smiled as they saw it. It had a window looking out at the city with balcony access, room for an absolutely massive bed, a fifteen foot walk in closet for Kaori, a spot for a vanity for her, a weapons and armor stand for him, plus room for two smaller beds for the spirits if they wanted them.
“Even if we both know they’ll just crawl into ours, right Kaori?”
She kissed him as Sallie and Sylvia smiled knowingly. They walked around before heading up to the tower. The thing rose another two stories above the mansion with a parlor with a small wraparound balcony with a five foot railing.
“We’ll need to be careful with this thing.”
Tyler smiled.
“Yup. Wanna get to work?”
Kaori smiled as she pulled the catalog crystal out.
“Let’s go to the bedroom first.”
They headed down to the large room and found Lily poking around inside. The elven girl laughed as she saw them.
“I see you’ve got your room.”
He hugged her.
“You find a good spot for your smithy?”
“Yup. It’ll be near the left hand side in the corner of the wall. Out of the way and the smoke will be blocked from the rest of the mansion. I got to say, my to-be husband has great taste.”
Tyler smiled as Kaori looked at beds in the crystal.
“Happy to please you Lily.”
She shivered.
“Damn you.”
Tyler walked over as Lily went to go find Malico for a quick lay. HE hugged Kaori from behind and kissed her neck.
“We have our own house, Kaori.”
She was glowing from pride.
“Now we just need to make it a home.”
He looked as she flipped though the magical imagery.
“Hey. What’s that?”
She flipped back to a four poster bed with full canopy and curtains for privacy. She hit the feature to project the item into the room. It effectively split the room down the middle, and had enough space for 7 people. In style it had a large head board that could be emblazoned with a image, same with the foot board. The posts were made of a blue steel and the mattress of thick enchanted filling. Kaori smiled.
“I like this one. Good eye. It costs 10 gold.”
“Okay. Set the order.”
She hit the feature that would add the item to a cart for Seline’s city. They’d have to deliver payment in person before they could get the items, but since it was Tyler they didn’t really care. The image of the bed was then fixed in placed for where they wanted it as a reference for the movers. Kaori picked out a vanity boutique for her corner, a rack for her katana and bow, a dresser for her lighter clothes, and a small nightstand for ease of reach for those days when the didn’t want to get out of bed. The cost was 1 gold 25 silver. Tyler took the crystal and got racks for Gliepnir, Fafnir, Oblivion, Oathkeeper, and his bow Senkestu. He got himself a open up closet like Lymir had, with pins for his mail and drawers for his clothes. He then got a nightstand as well. He and Kaori then looked to the spirits who picked out their own beds, vanities, and dressers before Tyler looked for a small desk for him to count coin, look at bills, and other household things before bed. HE set it next the Sallie’s bed looking out the large window so he could see the town as he worked. Total for the room? 15 gold, 75 silver. The pair then went back to the office he’d picked out, and he took the thing. He put a large desk with drawers for references and information for a journey, bookcases for the same purpose, a board for their map, and a comfortable high backed chair. This room costing 2 gold 59 sliver. They headed out to the kitchen now. There they found Sera looking at the open space as if picturing how it would look when done. Tyler hugged her as she looked at a spot for the stove.
“Find your room, Sera?”
She smiled.
“Yup! I’m near Lily’s room!”
“We’ll set you up once the kitchens and baths are set.”
Kaori flipped her pony tail.
“Stables too.”
“Of course.”
Tyler let Sera help as they picked out a large oven that connected directly into the chimney, of which there were five, a enchanted box that kept meat cold, a center island for food prep, cabinets for spices and preserved foods, and hanging racks for birds. The other kitchen got the same treatment and in total it cost 15 gold. They moved to the baths and were amazed to find a large open pool like the ones they’d used previously. Kaori handled this one and got a sign for the two rooms. One for the men and the other the ladies. She got soaps, shampoos, lockers for bath gear, and a few stools. All told? 2 gold. Kaori led the way to the stables now. She got the best quality hay, feed, brushes, and other such gear associated with caring for horses. She smiled once she was finished.
“And THAT’S what a stable should have.”
All told? 20 gold. Tyler just patted her back, well aware Kaori did NOT compromise on horse care. And to be honest? He didn’t either. Sera led them to her room next, and they smiled as they saw she’s claimed a corner room with two windows looking out at the town with a balcony entrance. One window looked out over the town towards to spear, the other towards the gate leading out of the city. Sera took the crystal and got herself a cute canopy bed with curtain she placed in the corner, a vanity she placed near a window so that all she had to do was turn her head, a rack for her weapons and armor, a wardrobe like Tyler had, cushions galore, and a desk with papers and writing materials. Tyler rubbed her hair affectionately as she passed it back. Total? 13 gold. They went o Lily’s next, her room sharing a door with Sera’s. She had a window looking out at the wall gate and some of the forest in the city wall, and the room itself was of a decent size. Lily picked out a truckle bed with racks for her tools, sword and shield, bow, plus a few extra for any weapons she made or liked. She got herself a desk as well, for her designs. All told? 10 gold even. Tyler and Kaori moved on and found Wulf had picked a room near the part of the mansion the sun would hit first each morning with a sky light, balcony access, and a window looking at the woodland. The ranger picked out a simple bed and racks for his gear plus a mat for his morning rites, and that was it. 5 gold for him. They moved on to next find Thistle. The blood elf having taken a rather out of the way room near the back of the mansion with balcony access, plenty of floor space, and a window looking towards the river that ran through the garden. The sexy blood dancer choosing a wide truckle for herself, with a plaque for Limbsplitter, a rack for her current axe, weights for workouts, and a long lounge chair near the window. Her total was 12 gold. She was happy as they moved on. The next one they found was Lucy the barbarian. She had claimed a room with ten foot ceilings and the largest space besides the master to accommodate her frame. She was smiling as she picked out a massive bed with mounts for her sword and axe. Her room looking out at garden without balcony access for once. She got racks for trophy weapons and armor and a chair for her. The styles all barbarian in nature, as the bed and chair were bone with then racks as well. Her total 12 gold. Kaori was smiling as they left.
“This is fun too.”
Tyler kissed his love.
“It is. And we’re not even halfway yet.”
They came across Malico’s room now. The sexy cat having claimed the room near their master. She smiled as she got her turn with the crystal. Her room had two windows looking out at the streets with access to the wraparound balcony. The catgirl picked out a three person bed and set it against the wall with a vanity in a corner, small mounts for her daggers, a wardrobe for her clothes, and a long couch she could stretch out on. Tyler kissed her before moving on. Malico spending 13 gold on her room. Serafina was the next to be found, and Tyler smiled as he saw her room. Hers was by the stairwell to the tower, had a skylight, two windows facing the street, and was rather bright.
“I’d have thought a Wraith would prefer the basement.”
The beautiful cloaked lady sighed.
She picked out a canopied bed with a thick curtain, small desk facing the wall between the two windows, a vanity in the corner OUT of sight of the windows, a thick padded recliner facing the window, and a bookcase. Her total was 15 gold. They found Vixen next, and smiled as they saw her room was near the garden. Her selections were a large poster bed with a mannequin for her robe, a wardrobe for her other clothes, a desk near the window, a vanity in the corner looking out the window, mounts for her axes, and a small vault for her licenses. Her total 19 gold. Ashy was encountered next, and the dirty blonde was smiling hard as she showed her room near the street. It had three windows. Two looking at the town, one down the street. She picked out a small bed for two, a desk with writing materials near the window, a wide couch for two she’d use when watching her crystal, a vanity surprisingly, mounts for her bow and mail, and a wardrobe. Her total was 15 gold. Last they found Lillica near Serafina’s room. The princess smiled as she picked out a large bed with canopy and curtain, a vanity near her single window, a front open wardrobe, mounts for her weapons and armor, a desk for writing, and a large chair. Her total being 12 gold. The total thus far? 179 gold, 34 silver. Tyler then collected Lily and she led him to her smithy spot. It was a tucked into a corner of the grounds out of smoking distance and spark distance. She got herself a forge for herself, with better tools, racks for gear, and benches for finished products. Her total? 25 gold. Tyler patted her as she passed the crystal back.
“Well, Lily. You got your own smithy now.”
She hugged him tightly.
“Love you too.”
Tyler and lily then walked to the main dining hall and found Kaori looking at the space. She smiled as he passed her the crystal.
“Looking to make it home?”
She kissed him as Lily wandered off to do something. They picked out a grand table with room for them all plus others, a mantled fireplace hooked to the chimney, and racks for weapons. Kaori smiled.
“We can always had decorations later.”
“Right? We’ll go to the gardens next and see what we can do with it.”
The dining room cost 12 gold. Then they walked hand in hand to the large garden with the river flowing through it. Tyler smiled as Kaori placed a small bridge over the flowing water, and a gazebo in the center with an enchantment to keep the bugs out. Next she picked out a small patio set for the party to relax outside. Grand total? 30 gold. They walked back inside to see the party gathered in the small central yard. Tyler walked over.
“What’s up?”
Wulf just smiled.
“Just wondering what else we need.”
Tyler crossed his arms.
“Plan was to set up one of the large sitting rooms for the crystals, maybe get the cellar ready for drinks or something.”
Vixen smiled.
“We can add a brew station for Malico. She says she’s pretty good at it.”
That got the busty cat a warm kiss, making her purr. Serafina perked up next.
“I can do decent poison.”
Tyler smiled at her.
“Want one too?”
She blushed a deep purple and threw her hood up in embarrassment.
“Not in front of others please!”
“Sure. Kinda cute to see a bashful Wraith.”
“She is.”
“Another decent Yoda.”
They smiled as Wulf tilted his head.
“Didn’t we have a job to kill Kobolds?”
Tyler blinked.
“Oh shit we did.”
The party burst out laughing as Tyler looked at the darkening sky.
“How far is it?”
“Maybe an hour’s ride?”
Tyler sighed.
“Serafina, Wulf, and I will kill em.”
The party smiled. Lily looked at him.
“I’ll go as well.”
“Lily too. Go ready the horses as I go pay the fox.”
The group laughed as Tyler took the crystal to the spear as the raiders headed to the stables. The rest of the party would go keep Mia open until they got back. Tyler walked into the spear and walked to the counter where the lady sat. She smiled as he placed the crystal on the desk.
“Looking to furnish your home?”
“Yup. Is that something I need to do with Seline?”
“She’d prefer it if you did the transaction in person.”
“Of course she does.”
Tyler rode the lift up and found Seline waiting for him in her blue gown. She smiled as he stepped out.
“Work I take it?”
“We missed a den of kobolds on our way in. So, we’re heading out to kill em. Once we get back, well.”
HE smiled.
“Keep the door unlocked.”
The sexy fox licked her lips.
“I live up here.”
“Of course you do. Now. The mansion.”
She took the crystal.
“I’ll have the furniture in place by morning. Coin?”
HE gave her 180 gold.
“Fractions suck.”
She smiled as she placed the coins in her town pouch. Then she squeaked as he kissed her softly.
“I’ll be BACK for you.”
HE left her quivering as he rode the lift back down. The lady was a little surprised.
“That quick?”
“Got a raid to go on first.”
She laughed as he waved to Yoko in her booth as he went. He found Wulf, Serafina and Lily with the horses. Lily astride Thunder as she was still too small for a horse. He climbed up behind her and they headed for the gate, Tyler holding lily around her small waist just to make her smile.
“Spoiling. I like it.”
HE smiled.
“I’m imposing upon Seline tonight, Lily. So, go cuddle Kaori for me.”
The elven girl licked her lips.
“I think I will.”
Wulf took the lead, pointedly ignoring the conversation. They left the gate and thundered along towards the spot as Kaori had given the all clear for a full gallop. Tyler was smiling as he held the giggling Lily against him, loving the girl’s joy.
“Up ahead we’ll pull off the trail.”
They rode to where the ranger pointed and they stashed the horses in some bushes as they went to the den. The party found the burrow easily enough, and Tyler drew his twin short swords and Wulf his own blade. Serafina her daggers, Lily her sword and shield. They walked in and heard the rat squeals nearly immediately. Since they had night sight, the creatures were as easy to see in their cave as in bright daylight in a field. In height they were the same size as Sera, so 4 and a half feet tall, and were merely rats that walked like people. Tyler smiled as they charged the things.
“Let’s build a better rat trap!”
The fight took less time then it took to walk to the burrow. As the creatures were weak to the point of helplessness, and stupid to the point of idiocy. Fifteen minutes later they were looting.
“Lily, prospect.”
She smiled as they looted the creatures. They walked away from the fight 25 silver richer. Then Tyler used his own detection skills to search the cave. HE smiled when he did.
“Got a hollow feeling behind that slab there. Lily?”
“Got a few decent veins of iron, tin, one really big copper, even some coal.”
Tyler looked at her.
She smiled.
“Yup. I can make some really good stuff from steel. I haven’t finished looking yet.”
“I’ll get the ore before we open the hole.”
Tyler used his pickaxe to extract the ore as Lily went around the tunnel.
“Wow. Found more copper, tin, a rather thick bit of iron, zinc, some more nickel, and some Watercite.”
“Zinc valuable?”
“Not really. More used for alloys. Airships use it for something. If I recall right, they use it for their balloons. Not sure how though.”
Tyler shrugged.
“Coin’s coin in the end. Can you use the Watercite?”
“Not yet. I’d need some lessons from Tolic on just HOW to smelt it and work it before I can use it. Right now I can do decent steel work, but that’s about it.”
“Steel’s good enough Lily.”
She smiled as he dug the metal out. Once they were done with the chamber, Tyler walked to the ore.
“We ready to open the door?”
Wulf had his bow up.
“Throw it wide.”
Tyler tore the slab aside to show another tomb. He smiled.
“Nice. Another payday.”
They stepped inside and Wulf looked at the runes on the walls.
“Wow. We have a Elven ruler this time.”
They took their positions, Tyler by the lid, Serafina the side with a clean view, Wulf with at the foot, and Lily the side.
“Wake em up!”
Tyler tore the lid aside and jumped back to avoid the first shot. Serafina got a good look.
“Lesser draugr! Cut the head off!”
“Pff. Weak.”
Tyler waited as the thing sat up and nodded to Lily. She smiled as she swung her Mythril blade and severed the head completely. It rattled a little before just flopping back down. They looted the coffin as Lily used prospect on the walls.
“Holy hell.”
Tyler looked at her shocked voice.
“Watchya got?”
“We got a three foot thick vein of pure platinum.”
Tyler blinked.
“In my world Platinum was more valued then gold. Is that true here?”
Lily smiled.
“It is. Platinum is sold to banks for offerings to the goddesses and gods of the scale. Minus herself is said to be most fond of the metal for some reason. Plus, they use it to make scales for the exchange. A vein this thick is rare.”
Tyler went over and dug it out as Lily kept looking around.
“Coffin’s clean.”
“Anything decent?”
“Well, we’re 75 gold richer, we got another sapphire, and found a pink Magicite bow.”
“Magicite comes in colors?”
“It does. Like Watercite. Or Embercite. This one is called Pearlcite.”
Tyler looked over. The bow was too small for Lillica, and was a pretty pink hue like a rose.
“Sucks it’s too small for Lillica.”
Wulf smiled.
“Plus that bow she’s getting made is stronger and better.”
“Wanna just sell it?”
“Might be the best idea.”
Lily spoke up now.
“I’ve got a small vein of silver over here.”
Tyler had dug out the platinum and walked over.
“Wow, Lily. I’d say the ore we got is nearly worth more an the creature. Excuse me.”
HE dug it out as Wulf nodded.
“The platinum alone will fetch maybe 30 gold at the bank. Plus the copper, and silver? We’ve made more from the ore then the raid itself.”
Tyler smiled.
“Not a bad way to make money really. Least the ore won’t try to…..nah I shouldn’t say it.”
Wulf laughed.
“Indeed. Never a good idea to tempt fate.”
“Lily’s looking at me. Fate’s tempted already.”
She smiled as he took the foot long ore out of the wall.
“Love you too. That was it for the ore in here. Not bad really.”
They left the tomb and prospected the way out.
“Got more tin, zinc, and wow, coal.”
“I got some iron, a noddle of copper, more nickel, annnnd wow. Lead.”
Lily smiled.
“Lead’s sold to the exchange. It’s not really worth much though.”
“A few coppers is never a bad thing.”
They dug the ore out before keeping moving.
“Wow. Found a rather large vein of iron this time.”
“Nice Lily. Got some redsteel here.”
The left the cave after strip mining the place. They mounted up and rode out to return to town. They made great time back and Lily went to go get under Kaori as Wulf and Serafina went to the tavern. Tyler walked into the spear to see Seline. HE rode the secret lift up and found her sitting on the couch staring at the lift longingly. He steps out and she was smiling.
“I’ve been waiting for you!”
They hurried to her bedroom where she had indeed replaced the bed. They stripped and she laid back as she welcomed the man into her folds. Sallie and Sylvia were in spirit form as they watched him lay Seline till she couldn’t handle anymore. Then they laid in the bed as she panted from the sex.
“Oh my gods. You are my favorite man.”
HE kissed her warmly and lovingly.
“Vulpix is my second favorite fox.”
Seline flicked him with her tails.
“Behind Vixen?”
That got a smile.
“Love you too. How was you raid?”
“Boring really. We found a tomb with a lesser draugr in it, but all it needed was a mere beheading.”
Sallie and Sylvia climbed up to snuggle into Seline’s thick fox fur tails. She smiled and wrapped then up nice and warmly.
“How much did you walk away with?”
“Maybe 75 gold?”
He rolled onto his back and she rested her head on his scarred chest with the spirits between them.
“That’s not too bad. The actual target?”
“Kobolds. A mere 25 silver.”
“How much is the bill worth?”
“25 silver.”
She smiled at the sight of the two small spirits cuddling her tails.
“That sounds about right for a kobold den actually. Why’d you take it? Those kinds of creatures are usually for rookies.”
“never killed a kobold before. So, wanted to try it. We needed more practice with different creatures.”
She smiled.
“Wanna take a bath? I heard you killed a troll and ogre camp.”
“Only if YOU join me.”
“Oh HELL yeah!”
The spirits grumbled a little as Seline and Tyler dragged them to the tub. Whereas it had been a five person affair, now it was a ten that was five feet deep. They got in and he groaned as he felt the soothing waters soak his travel worn body. Seline was right there with him as she rested her head on his shoulder.
“ Was there anything else in the cave?”
“Some ore veins. Lily prospected the tomb and we walked away with a platinum vein and a silver vein as well.”
She smiled as Sallie and Sylvia cuddled her wet tail in the bath.
“You girls love my tails a lot.”
Tyler smiled.
“Show em girls!”
The two girls stood up on their benches and used their fox mimic power to let their own tails be seen. Seline gasped as Sallie and Sylvia grew tails and ears.
“Awww, they look so cute!”
“Vulpix hooked them up.”
Seline petted the girls fur.
“Wow, girls. Your tails are better then mine.”
They giggled. Then the sexy fox lady laid back.
“You said platinum right?”
“Yeah. Lily said it’s rare stuff.”
“Sell it to the bank tomorrow.”
“We will. We also got like five more copper veins, some zinc, Watercite, coal, iron, tin, and some lead.”
“Wow. The ore alone was what made the trip worth it. How long are you in town for?”
“We’ll say two days. So, tonight, tomorrow night, and the next night. Then we head for Term.”
Seline sighed.
“Then the wave comes and goes. The staging ground will move, and you’ll have to follow it.”
HE kissed her hard.
“we have a house in the city, Seline. We’ll be back sooner or later.”
She kissed him right back.
“Will you visit before you go?”
“Of course. Once the first waves ends, we’ll come here to relax before we head out to Valsask.”
She looked at him now.
“Why there?”
“The miners found something in the mines they need our help with.”
“Ah. Then where are you headed?”
“Cragspire. Sylvia’s parents deserve to hug their girl again.”
Seline smiled fondly.
“That they do.”
They cleaned up before returning to bed. They climbed under the covers with Sylvia and Sallie between them. The two girls happily nestled in Seline’s warm fox tails.
“Good night girls. I love you.”
They smiled as he kissed Seline.
“Good night Seline. Love you too.”
“I love you too, Tyler.”


Tyler opened his eyes to see Seline’s sleeping face next to his with Sallie and Sylvia still cuddled in her fur. I LOVE this world! HE leaned over and kissed her awake, getting a happy sigh.
“If that is how you wake Kaori in the morning, I’m jealous.”
HE kissed her again as Sallie giggled.
“He loves waking Kaori like that.”
She smiled up at them from her spot nestled in Seline’s fur. Sylvia woke up next with a yawn.
“I MISSED her fur!”
They laughed as they got up. They bathed and he geared up. Seline took her spot at her desk as he came over to kiss her lovingly.
“Go see Verilica for a morning lay.”
HE smiled as he kissed her again, just cause. Sallie and Sylvia got a warm hug before they became spirits and climbing up onto his shoulders.
“So you know. Next time, show me the crystal.”
HE smiled.
“I was gonna, but, well, YOU.”
She just flicked the tip of her tail at him.
“Get out of here.”
Tyler winked at her as he rode the lift down.
“See ya later Seline.”
She laughed as he vanished from sight.
“I love that man.”

Tyler walked out and spotted Yoko in her booth. He smiled as he walked over to her.
“Hey Yoko.”
She perked up.
“Got a new bounty or just here to ruin my underwear?”
“When do you get off work today?”
She laughed as her tail twitched.
“Ruin it is. I get off at noon.”
“Nice. I’ll bed you then.”
She sighed as he left her with that.
“Great. Now I’m STUCK with it!”
The Outcast headed for the guild and spotted the feral imp walking out the door.
“Hey, Verilica.”
She looked over and smiled happily as she saw him approaching.
“Need me or want me?”
“Want. Got a place?””
She licked her fangs as her tail danced behind her.
“Oh follow me.”
HE took her hand and she led him to her small home near his Mansion. They walked in and she locked the door before leading him to her bedroom. There they stripped and he got a good look at her naked body. Her skin was pale, her breasts perky enough to not need support even though they put Malico’s to shame, and her slit was bald. She laid down as he mounted her and she sighed hard as he entered her slit.
“Oh, I’ve ACHED for this!”
HE kissed his first imp as they got to it. Him loving her tight tunnel and her going wild for her longed for lover. She got her morning cream and orgasms as her ability to walk that day was taken in full. She fell to the bed satisfied and he kissed her happily many times.
“I loved it.”
“I love you. We’ll do this again.”
She wrapped her tail around his waist and he stroked it.
“So, how was your first devilkin?”
He kissed her again, and dragged his tongue over her fang.
“Simply diabolically divine.”
She moaned hard as he teased her.
“I LOVE you!”
They kissed a bunch more times before she smiled.
“I’d like to sleep now.”
“Sure. Good thing I live next door, eh?”
She looked at him shocked.
“You bought Spearview manor?”
“Umm, If the place is that one there, yeah.”
HE pointed out the window and she smiled.
“Well. I like where that’s going.”
He kissed her one last time and got dressed as she sighed.
“I’ll look forward to next time, love.”
He smiled.
“As will I lover.”
She shivered as he left.
“Damn him! HE just might be part Incubus!”

Tyler walked into Melly’s tavern and found his party already eating breakfast. Kaori smiled as he sat next to her.
“Seline THAT good?”
HE kissed her and she sighed.
“Oh, I see. You paid Verilica a visit this morning.”
“She’s not leaving her bed today. I’ll see Yoko later as well.”
That made the table whistle appreciatively as Wulf just sighed.
“I STILL can’t win.”
Ashy patted her lover’s hand comfortingly.
“It’s okay Wulfy, we play plenty.”
Tyler smiled as he pulled his map out while he ate.
“Okay, the order of the day is practice. We got three days till the two week heads up. So. Plan is to spend tonight, and tomorrow night here. Then we’ll head for Term with a one day buffer.”
Wulf crossed his arms as he looked at the map.
“What do you mean by practice?”
“Close raids. We’ll look over the job board and take those in a four hour hard ride. This point we’re polishing our skills. Sera, Lillica and Lily need a single solo raid before they’re up to par. That said, in Term they do NOT go ANYWHERE without myself, Kaori, or Wulf. ESPECIALLY once the other Warriors show up. Actually. No one goes anywhere alone.”
Lily flexed her arm.
“I’d like to kick Max in the balls.”
“We’ll get you spiked boots.”
Lucy was curious.
“Ye don’t think they’d attack ME do ya?”
“You they’d see as a mere conquest. You being bigger than them by a good foot just paints a target on her back.”
The barbarian sighed.
“I see ye point lad. Scum everyone of them.”
Tyler shrugged.
“It’ll be fun to watch Max get deballed by Lily.”
They laughed as he hugged the girl. Then he became serious again.
“Wulf. If we see my family in the city, we let them die in the waves.”
The Ranger smiled darkly.
“I whole heartedly agree. We swore a Bloodoath to kill them in as painful a manner as possible, and this is indeed a painful manner.”
“If in the EXTREMELY unlikely scenario they survive, well, we’ll get the knives out and the spells.”
Vixen smiled.
“I’ll look forward to it.”
Sylvia smiled darkly now.
“If we get to cut them, I demand a stab myself.”
Tyler and Wulf looked at her.
“She gets the killing stab.”
Kaori hugged the elf.
“Love you too, Sylvia.”
Tyler then frowned.
“Hey, Malico, can I see the scroll a sec?”
She passed it and he looked at it.
“Soo, question. Are Sallie and Sylvia allowed to kill in the Shell bodies?”
The scroll burst out with lines of laughter.
“You are a most amusing mortal! Sensing issues in the most unlikely of places. Yes, Mortal. They may kill in their Shell forms. That said, once the deed is done, they’d need to return to spirit form for a period of two hours as is a trade with Death itself.”
“A trade?”
“Indeed, Mortal. Spirit Shell is Death’s own creation. As such, to prevent abuse, it placed this rule upon it: if a spirit takes the Shell form and kills another Mortal being, it must sacrifice time from it’s Shell form to atone for the act as it is an insult to Death for the dead to kill.”
“So, how does that fit with Undead then?”
The scroll frowned now.
“That’s……a good question. These creatures are indeed dead, yet still kill.”
Another set of writing appeared under Minus’ neat words, and these had a most unnervingness to them.
“Undead are Mortals that refused to accept it’s absoluteness, and clung to their bodies upon entering it’s embrace. Thus, they are excluded from the rule as they were never spirits to begin with.”
“Hmm, That makes sense, I guess. I still feel like I’m missing something here though.”
The words continued.
“That perception is terrifying even to Death itself. Shades are created from when a spirit kills and ignores the rule. As they ignored Death’s trueness twice.”
“There it is. Thanks Death.”
The writing left and Minus’ returned.
“Well, that was enlightening. Never thought Death itself would come to explain itself to a mere Mortal.”
Tyler shrugged.
“Death is unpredictable, unfair, and cruelty itself sometimes. Yet always keeps its word. So, how can it keep its word without properly explaining the terms it made itself. Do you follow me or I lose you?”
“I follow you fully Mortal. And thank you for both the new information and the most amusing turn of events.”
“Glad to amuse you. Till the next head splitter.”
The scroll rolled up and he passed it back to Malico. Vixen chuckled.
“It’s a little scary how well you seem to understand Death.”
Tyler smiled as he rubbed Sallie’s hair.
“It kept his word thus far.”
She shook her head as he looked at Wulf.
“We’ll go grab some bills.”
HE looked at Kaori.
“The mansion should be ready by now, but we’ll see it later.”
She kissed him.
“We’ll sleep in OUR bed!”
“In OUR mansion!”
She was smiling as Mia came out with some more coffee.
“I remember you said you had something for us last night.”
“Ah yeah.”
Mia sat at the table as he explained Seline’s deal.
“So, we’d get to live the life of luxury in that mansion while you’re away and as long as we keep it clean, we get the run of the place?”
“That’s the idea. Seline says it’s a common practice for Warriors.”
She rubbed her chin.
HE crossed his arms.
“Let’s see. We have no idea how long we’ll be gone for. So, let’s say 300 gold when we leave. And, when we get back, 400. Sound fair?”
Mia just looked at him, stunned. Melly smiled as she was at the table and poked her mother’s nose.
It restarted her fired brain.
“Yer willing to pay us a king’s ransom just fer cleanin?”
“And to keep secret whatever you may see in there. Plus, we could be gone for years, so it seems fair.”
She smiled then.
“Will it be just us?”
“Well, I was planning to ask Yoko.”
Kaori flipped her hair.
“I wouldn’t. It doesn’t seem right, hiring her as a mere maid.”
Mia looked at Melly who was comparing dagger with Sera.
“I see now. I’ve seen the place. How many did Seline say were needed to clean it?”
“Ha. We three can do it easily enough. Plus Melly gets to live like a wealthy girl.”
He smiled.
“Seline says she’d let her own crew handle your place while you’re in mine.”
“We live here in the tavern, so not needed but appreciated. So, we have a deal.”
Tyler and the burly lady shook hands.
“We’ll be in town for the nest two days, so we’ll pay you when we leave for Term.”
She nodded.
“Aye. Be interestin to see how the Outcasts live.”
Tyler paid for the meal and he and Wulf left to go look at jobs. They walked in and tyler went to turn in the kobold bill as Wulf looked at jobs. The lady behind the counter was another elf, and she paid the 25 silver with a smile.
“Here ye are, Sirrah.”
HE nodded and went to look with Wulf.
“Anything interesting?”
HE pulled a large bill.
“Wanted: Slaying of a Fire drake. Reward 3 gold. A drake is dragonkin, right?”
The ranger smiled.
“Indeed they are. Best part? This one claimed the cave you killed that Balor in.”
“Cool. We’ll take Lily, Sera, Lillica, you, and……Kaori. Since it’s a dragonkin we can expect a moderate payday.”
“Fire drakes prefer gems to coins, but you’re not wrong.”
Tyler took the bill as the elf from the booth came over.
“Sirrah. I must inform you of that one.”
HE looked at her.
“Very well.”
“15 adventurers have fallen to it already. As such, the reward was raised to 5 gold with the title guild avenger, which I am aware you already have.”
“I see. Well, thank you miss.”
“Sirrah, please, my name is Brook.”
“My name’s Tyler, Brook. Nice to put a name to the face.”
Wulf just shook his head as he pulled another bill down.
“Found one for a goblin camp.”
Tyler became deathly serious with a hint of anger as he looked at the thing.
“Wanted. Killing of a goblin camp. Reward 55 silver. Wulf?”
“Near the bandit camp we got that torment off.”
“We’re leveling it.”
“Of course.”
Tyler took the bill with a trembling fury that made the other adventurers a little nervous.
“Never seen him THAT pissed.”
“He must HATE them things.”

Tyler took a breath.
“Mine. I will kill them all.”
The sheer fury and hatred in his voice sent a shiver down the backs of the others in the room, excluding Wulf, who shrugged.
“They killed his little sister.”
They got it then. And mugs were filled and drained in the fallen’s honor. Even though Sallie was giggling in her spirit form right beside him. Tyler looked back at the board and spotted another large one.
“Wanted: Slaying of a Hook Wraith. Reward…..30 gold? Wulf?”
The ranger smiled.
“Now that’s a decent find. A Hook Wraith is a large beast, maybe ten feet tall. Think massive owl with ruined wing feathers that has long talons on the feet, long arms that can’t be used to fly with hook-like claws, and a nasty beak.”
“They valuable?”
“Not really. Their talons and beaks are pretty decent, but their true worth comes from their dens. They collect shiny stuff as you put it.”
“Nice. Where’s this one?”
“Oh, I know that spot. It’s maybe two hours from the eastern gate, and is nestled into a small alcove under a rock formation.”
Brook spoke up next.
“That one also as an update, Tyler.”
“It kill people?”
“More special request for completion. Upon slaying, the talons and beak are to be presented upon the turning in of the bill for payment.”
“I see. Well, we’re more practicing so that’s fine.”
She smiled as Tyler added it to the bundle. Wulf smiled widely now as he pulled another down.
“Got one for a Golem.”
“A golem?”
“An earth spirit that possessed some nonliving thing. This being a rock formation so it’s a Golem.”
“How the hell to you fight a rock?”
“Shatter it. Rock smasher works perfectly. Plus, the stone they use is valued by construction companies due to it’s strength and durability.”
“Wow. Nice selection of beasts. A golem, fire drake, goblins, and a hook wraith. Not bad for a days work.”
Wulf chuckled.
“Should see the variety in my homeland. TopLeaf alone as Orcs, Goblins, Stone giants, Wraith bears, Silisks, Broken, the occasional Harpy, and rock drakes.”
Tyler was looking over the board when he spotted one that made him frown.
“Wanted. Slaying of a Werewolf. Reward is 25 gold.”
Wulf chuckled.
“Not what you’re thinking. Weres are more common then you’d think, but the ones that get a bounty on them are the ‘feral’ weres. Or, ones that couldn’t control the beast within them and as such are were taken over by it.”
Tyler took it down as Brook spoke up.
“That one has an extra request as well Tyler.”
HE looked at her.
“It bad?”
“The request is for the pelt Sirrah. Upon completion and the turning in of the pelt, you’ll receive the gold, and a license from the brown path along with the white. Sadly, I cannot tell you what the spells are.”
“Sounds right. Wulf?”
“It’s near the spot we met the army at. Werewolves are nocturnal, so we should catch it napping.”
“How do you get the affliction?”
“A bite or a cut from the teeth or claws. If we get hit, we’d need to visit the Purity temple before the next full moon or we’ll become a Were ourselves.”
Tyler smiled.
“We’ll take it. And NO Wulf I do NOT want to be a Werewolf.”
The ranger breathed a sighed or relief.
“Oh thank the gods.”
Tyler just shook his head.
“Okay, we’ll start with these for now.”
The ranger nodded and they left the hall.
“Later Chain!”
Tyler smiled at the chain mail wearing beauty sitting in the corner. She smiled at him as he went. They reconvened at the inn with the party, and Tyler opened the map.
“We got a fix on a Fire drake, a Hook Wraith, a goblin camp that is MINE, a Golem, and a werewolf.”
Serafina looked at the were bill.
“A werewolf. I’d like to go for this one.”
“Vampires and werewolves not get along?”
She smiled.
“You and goblins.”
“Yeesh, fair enough. Okay, these are new creatures, as such I don’t feel comfortable sending Sera, Lillica and Lily alone to kill them.”
The girls nodded.
“Okay, so, we’ll ALL hit the Fire drake. As the Were is on the way, we’ll kill it first. We’re to skin the thing and deliver it’s pelt to the guild for a new brown spell and a new white spell. Issues?”
Serafina sighed.
“I will admit their fur is soft.”
“The Hook wraith has one as well. Only the beak and talons are to be taken.”
Vixen crossed her arms.
“Such a creature is easily beaten, since their heart is just under their right shoulder like a person.”
“Sera’ll take the thing out easily then. Her cuteness is heart piercing.”
Sera was beat red at the sudden shout out and the table patted her fondly. Tyler placed a hand on the goblin camp.
“This one is mine. I’ll have Wulf, Kaori and Malico go with me in case of surprise, but it’s MINE.”
The party nodded as Sallie and Sylvia shuddered.
“We can feel your hatred like a knife.”
“It’s a little scary.”
Tyler forced the hate down and sighed.
They smiled.
“Thank you!”
He smiled as Wulf placed the Golem bill on the table. Lily smiled now.
“An earth Golem? I’d like to go please. They usually have really good ore in their bodies.”
“Sure lily. We’re prospecting the caves we’re going into as well.”
“Alright. Let’s get to work.”
The party downed their mugs as Tyler put the silver in a giggling Melly’s hand.
“Make em hurt!”
“Just for you, Melly.”
Tyler walked out and bought a news crystal off a passing runner before they went for the stables. They mounted up as the ferrier came over.
“Sirrah. A moment.”
Tyler looked at him as he was saddling Thunder.
“What can I do fer ya?”
The man smiled.
“I heard you bought ole Spearview, be this true?”
“Indeed I did. It be a fine home.”
“That it be. If I recall, it has two sets of stables, correct?”
Kaori smiled as she sensed where this was headed.
“Indeed it does.”
The man looked to the party horse expert.
“I be wonderin if ye lookin fer hands to care for your mounts when yer in town.”
Tyler looked at Kaori.
“Yer the expert.”
She smiled prettily.
“I’d say we are. Are you aware we won’t be in town very often?”
“Aye Milady, I be. As I’ll work here when you off making the land rumble, and when yer in town work fer the party.”
She looked at Tyler.
“The horses were well cared for while we were here.”
“Should I look?”
“Might be wise for anyone we let in our home.”
Tyler turned to the now curious man.
“C’mere a sec. Since yer lookin to enter our home I need to use a skill I have.”
“Aye, Sah. I understand. Is it that readin thing I heard you can do?”
“It is.”
Tyler looked no longer an five seconds.
“We gots ourselves a fanboy. Sure lad, we’ll hire ye. What’s your current pay rate?”
“I get 10 silver a day, Sah.”
“10? We’ll pay 30 a day, sound fair?”
The lad smiled widely and held out his hand.
“Mighty fair Sah. I’ll get right over to see how they look.”
Tyler clasped hands with their new ferrier.
“Good man. So yer aware, when you work in our home, what you see and hear does NOT cross that threshold, we clear?”
“Crystal Sah!”
The man left to go see the Outcasts’ stables as Tyler and the party mounted up. Kaori was smiling as they left.
“That boy is a great horse tender.”
Tyler kissed her.
“You’re still the best.”
She smiled happily as they left the gate. Then they rumbled along to kill a werewolf.
“Serafina, anything in particular to hit with a werewolf?”
“Just the heart. Just think of it as a wolf on hind legs.”
“Good enough.”
They thundered along as Tyler played some of the tunes for roaming for them. Lily on his horse again as he loved having her there last night. They reached the spot Tyler and Wulf had hitched horses for the army in a mere hours ride. Tyler, Wulf, Serafina, and ashy were the hunters this time, and they moved through the woodland to reach the last seen spot. Serafina with a most giddy expression at the thought of killing such a creature, Ashy for her animal knowledge, Wulf as tracker. They arrived at the field and Wulf looked at the ground still trampled pretty badly from the army.
“Did they hit ALL your traps?”
Tyler smiled.
“To reach the wall, they would have HAD to. I may be an evil genius, but I don’t leave potential landmines everywhere.”
The elf breathed a sigh of relief as Ashy looked at Tyler a little amazed.
“Surprised you didn’t use it as a chance for a prank.”
Tyler smiled at the kind hearted girl.
“I bust his balls all the damn time, but I don’t do evil pranks like that. Plus, well, I gotta be careful just WHAT door I open.”
Wulf got it.
“Especially since Sylvia and Kaori are so close.”
They laughed as Serafina sniffed the breeze.
“I can smell the beasts odor.”
“Wow, Serafina. Lead the way please.”
She smiled and they were off. They moved at a light trot for maybe five minutes before they came over a hill to see a ball of curled up fur five feet tall in the center of a field. Serafina snorted softly.
“Lazy mutt.”
Tyler smiled as he fitted arrow to bow.
“We’ll surround it. Arrows only.”
The party moved as silently as a Wraith to take the snoring beast in a four corner box. Tyler smiled as he looked around at the hunters. Seeing they were in position, he blew a sharp whistle that wakened the beast. It surged to it’s feet, only for Tyler’s arrow to slam into it’s chest with a vicious impact. It grunted before dropping to the ground dead as a doornail. Serafina snorted again.
“Worthless dog.”
Tyler and Ashy just laughed as they approached the fallen creature.
“Hey, Ashy.”
“Vampires and Werewolves hating each other. We’ve seen that a time or two before.”
“It’s a trope for a reason!”
Tyler kicked the thing before letting Ashy get her knife out. He retrieved his arrow and she had the pelt off in ten minutes. She whistled.
“Wow. Fur IS soft.”
They added the pelt to Tyler’s craft pouch, and they were off. The party were looking at the bills as the hunters returned. Kaori smiled as she got a kiss.
“Got the thing napping in an open field.”
she snorted.
“Wow. Lame.”
They rode to the hollow to kill the Fire drake. The ride was a gallop as the group had three full bills to do before the sun went down. They reached the hollow after a half hour and they could already smell the stench of rotting meat from the drake’s meals. They hitched up and moved to the rim. They found the drake resting in a red ball, sound asleep. The thing was maybe 15 feet long, and stood 9 high. It had now wings, and a long spiked tail. Tyler drew Gliepnir, Lucy her axe and Thistle her axe, Vixen and Serafina readied spells, as the rest put arrow to bow. Tyler and the two ladies dropped to the bottom of the hollow and the drake woke with a roar of challenge. Tyler smiled as he and the blood dancer and the barbarian surged forward as the beast readied it’s breath, only for a well aimed arrow to slam into it’s throat.
“Nice shot Sera!”
The thing swung it’s tail at the melee fighters, but Tyler swung his broadsword in an upward stroke, severing the section of tail completely as Lucy swung her Magicite axe into the thing’s leg as Thistle did the same but from the opposite side. The thing howled in pain and fell to it’s side. Tyler was right there to pierce it’s scales with Gleipnir and stab it’s heart. It died with a rattle.
“Nice work everyone! Lily, we’ll go look over the cave as they butcher the thing.”
The elf girl gave Kaori a smug grin.
“Actually. Kaori’s got prospect too. Hey, Kaori, wanna come?”
The blonde smiled.
“Sure. Be a nice change of pace.”
She hoped down as Lily fumed as she knew she’d done it to herself. The elf girl sighed as she followed. Tyler and the two girls walked in to the former trove cave.
“We heading right to the main chamber?”
“We’ll start in the tomb Lily got her high draugr kill.”
The mountain elf smiled as she remembered.
“I killed with me shield.”
He patted her head affectionately.
“Love you too Lily.”
The trio found the tomb and the corpse still there. Lily started using prospect as Kaori did on her side. Tyler looking in another wall.
“Hey, got more tin.”
“Nice, kaori.”
“Wow. Found a twenty foot silver. Might be a gem in it.”
“Nifty. I got some iron, lead, and a bit of zinc.”
They did a circle and once finished the pickaxes came out and the ore extracted. They then moved to the trove cave. They walked along the wall with the skill searching for ore.
“Got iron, some good coal, lead again, wow, Oremicah.”
“Dark grey metal. Used for making grey path weaponry. It’s kinda rare actually.”
Kaori was running her hand on the wall when she stopped.
“The hell?”
Tyler looked at her.
“Find something?”
“I got another hollow feeling.”
HE frowned and used his detection on it.
“I can’t sense anything behind it. Okay. Guards up.”
Tyler blew the whistle and the party came running. Tyler took Lily’s sledge as he explained.
“Kaori found another hollow spot but my detection didn’t pick up on it.”
They nodded and weapons were readied. Tyler used his rock smash on the spot Kaori marked, and the wall just exploded. Once the dust settled they were faced with another room with benches, a circle, beakers, and a slab. Vixen sighed.
“Another Raiser lab.”
Tyler and Vixen walked in cautiously, and she snorted.
“It’s not his. This one is far older.”
HE looked at the dust.
“Or is a backup lab. Search the place.”
Vixen burned the circle away as Tyler pulled the search gloves on and began poking around.
“Lily, keep using prospect.”
Tyler opened a drawer, and found more notebooks.
“Heads up, got three more books.”
“I got a few licenses.”
“What are they?”
“Umm, Lich leash, Demon Call, and Shade Collar.”
Vixen whistled.
“The summoner’s toolkit. They each summon the creature named and forces it to obey a command.”
“Probably explains the Pride balor.”
“Not really. That thing was a fresh summon, this lab is maybe a few decades old.”
Tyler nodded as they finished looking over the lab.
“Got a mass of iron, copper, tin, lead, coal, some redsteel, more Oremicah, some decent quartz, and a rather thick vein of corundum.”
Tyler looked at her.
“It’s another ingredient for steel besides coal. Honestly? Coal’s better.”
“I’ll get the ore out before we give Tempesta the update. Hoe’s the drake looking?”
“About halfway. That meat pouch is half way full by the way.”
“Well, least we won’t go hungry.”
That got a laugh as he tore the ore from the walls. Once the cave was clear he walked out and looked at the sky.
“Tempesta, we found another lab.”
The wing beats were heard a few minutes later as the lord of blue flew to land on the rim of the hollow. Tyler explained as the others finished the drake body.
“We took a job killing that thing, and as we were prospecting the cave, Kaori found a hollow feeling my detection did not. I tore the wall open and sure enough, we found another lab.”
The dragon rumbled as he looked at him.
“I sense you waited to inform me.”
“The layers of dust on the bench was a centimeter thick. Very best it’s a backup lab. Worst, abandoned. These were also inside.”
He laid the three notebooks out. Tempesta’s eyes glowed and he looked at Tyler.
“They are not his.”
“No. I looked them over before calling you, and they spoke of a mere summoner. That said, I felt it best to at least let you know we found it.”
The blue dragon nodded.
“A wise move. I would have preferred to have been told immediately, but understand the reasoning. So, the lab will be destroyed.”
“Good. I got in contact with Minus, and in turn Death itself.”
Here, Tempesta fixed him with a most intense look.
“What was the outcome?”
“I gave Minus the heads up on the raiser, and she in turn alerted Death. There was a hole in Death for a resurrection to be performed. It was plugged by Death, and the thinner areas shorn up.”
Tempesta breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank the scale. We have time. Plenty, if Death itself is aware now.”
“My reasoning exactly. That said, my thoughts are to act as if we expect him to achieve his goal next month.”
Tempesta scratched his chin.
“I understand you had the king of humans operate as if he were going to be killed by the pope before you killed him, is that correct?”
“It is. I honestly thought Ishtar would be killed before we got the bastard.”
The dragon nodded.
“I agree. Plan for the worst possible outcome as if it were a certain thing.”
“While working now to at least mitigate the problem the best you can.”
The dragon sighed.
“We’ve flown far and wide and have yet to find a trace of this monster. Across other territories as well.”
“Well, that lends credit to my traitor theory.”
Tempesta blinked.
“How so?”
Tyler smiled.
“well. Such an endeavor to make a hole in Death itself leaves feelings in the world itself, right?”
The dragon settled down to listen most attentively.
“Indeed it does. It targets the veil between this world and the next like a thinning.”
“Okay, let me ask this. Can it be hidden from DRAGONS, by a dragon.”
Tempesta gasped.
“It…can. For the dragon in question would know just HOW to fool us!”
“And since no one, dragons included would think to look in an already clean region,”
“We’ve not even eliminated a single area.”
The dragon sighed now.
“We’ve been approaching the search wrong. We were operating under the assumption that there were NO traitors. Okay, Ignatia, Furiosa, and Glacious are NOT traitors, right?”
“No. I’ve seen their eyes, and seen neither lie nor deceit in them.”
“So every other dragon in the realm is a potential turn scale. Great.”
“Well, we got Glacious. They fucked.”
The dragon burst out laughing inspite of the tense conversation. Tyler smiled as he looked at his party.
“How’s the drake looking?”
Kaori smiled.
“We’re nearly done. Pouch had a decent amount.”
“What we make?”
“We got maybe 100 rubies, and 55 silver.”
“Not bad.”
Tyler looked back to the dragon as it got back under control.
“Well played that. Okay, is the cave clear?”
“We ran a fine tooth comb through it.”
The dragon nodded as he placed some more scales on the ground.
“I’ll destroy the lab.”
“Thanks Tempesta.”
Tyler added them to the pouch as Wulf nudged Ashy.
“You can stop staring.”
The girl just looked at him with huge grey eyes.
They laughed as Tyler got to work beside them to take the bones as well, since the whole animal was valuable. Once done they climbed out of the hollow and Tempesta sent his flames into the cave. The party mounted up as the placed was left a scorched area. Tempesta spread his wings.
“I’ll go give the word.”
“Watch yer ass up there.”
“And you down there!”
The dragon flew off as Tyler and the party rode off to the goblin camp two hours from the front gates of Raylik. Tyler fighting to contain the hatred for the vile creatures as they went. Sallie winked into her physical form to hug him tightly.
“Can you calm down? It kinda hurts.”
HE sighed.
“I’m trying Sallie. I really am.”
She smiled as Kaori leaned over and kissed him.
HE kissed her this time.
“Much. I’ll go demon on them. In the event of captives, we’ll share horses and get them to Raylik.”
They nodded as they went. The war party reached the spot in two hours. Tyler, Wulf, Malico, and kaori went to level the camp. Tyler was now feeling the hate building in him again, and when they reached the rock they’d used to scout the camp again, he was already white fisting Gleipnir’s hilt. He used Farsight and didn’t see any captives.
“Okay. I’m going in.”
The others just sighed as he walked towards the front of the camp.
“Demon’s Wrath.”
HE vanished and the creatures were seen to just drop as he surged forward fueled by the hatred for the things. The camp was silent after five minutes, and they looted it in another ten. Once the pile was made, and Tyler regained his breath he looked to the sky.
“Got a pile for you, Furiosa.”
The forest dragon flew in a few minutes later. She lit it on fire as Tyler kicked the thing just cause he hated it. She sighed as she gave him the scales.
“You hate these things even more an I do.”
“They made Sallie cry.”
She snorted.
“Fair. Thanks for this.”
She flew off as the party walked away 50 silver richer. They joined the party as Sallie sighed in relief.
“The hate is gone. Thank Kaori.”
The blonde looked at Sallie’s now sweetly smiling face in surprise before smiling herself.
“Love you too sweetie.”
She giggled as they went for the Golem next. The sun hadn’t even reach noon when they reached the last seen. Wulf led the party to the last seen and Tyler, the ranger, Lily, Lucy, Sera and Vixen were the hunters. The area was a rocky one, with protrusions of stone jutting from the ground forming alcoves and above ground caves. Tyler followed the elf as he led them along.
“Hey, Vixen? What DOES golem look like?”
The pale beauty smiled as he spoke.
“Depending on the strength of the earth spirit, 10 feet tall, long arms, shorter legs, and made of stone. I can’t really say what KIND of stone as it again depends but we’ll see.”
Lily spoke up next.
“Momma told me a Golem is good to get rare ore from. Since the spirit enhances the stone it uses, we might score some actual Magicite.”
Tyler smiled at that thought.
“Might be a decent haul then.”
They hunters walked along until Wulf spotted tracks.
“Hey, got fresh prints.”
Tyler looked and was a little surprised.
“No clue what I was expecting, but square prints was NOT one of them.”
They moved along faster drawing weapons as they went. They felt the ground shaking a little before long and as they crested a small rise they found the creature. It was ten feet tall, 9 feet wide at the shoulder, was weirdly box shaped, and was a dark grey in color. Tyler drew Gliepnir as he looked at the lumbering thing.
“Soo, we’re fighting a walking rock.”
Lily was smiling as she looked at it.
“If I had to guess, it’s made of good granite. We can use it for the mansion.”
“Wow, lily. Good idea.”
Vixen had been observing the thing.
“I’d say it’s weak point is the center of the chest.”
“Well, let’s kill it.”
the fighters charged as Sera and Wulf fired arrows. The shafts got it’s attention and it turned with a chest rattling rumble as Tyler and Lucy smashed their weapons into it’s legs. Lily did as well, but the triple threat attack only scratched it. Tyler smiled.
“Lily, drop back and shield up.”
“Got it!”
The elf dropped behind Tyler and raised her unbreakable shield as Vixen cast a Black stunner on the thing. It stomped the ground with a leg three feet thick, setting off a small earthquake as it raised it’s rock fists. Tyler and Lucy looked at each other.
“Rock smash.”
The barbarian nodded and they charged as the stun spell hit it but had no effect. The thing swung a fist at Lucy but she rolled out of the way, then it tried to hit Tyler, who merely ducked under the swinging hunk of rock. Tyler planted his feet as the thing’s arms were thrown wide and pushed off for a vicious thrust.
“Icy pierce!”
The tip of his broadsword was encased in magic ice for extra penetration as he stabbed the thing in the center of the chest. The thing rumbled again before falling flat. With Tyler underneath it.
“Oh shit.”
The thing hit he dirt with a nasty thud that shook the ground as the rest of the party gaped in horror as Tyler was caught under the bulk of the multi ton creature. They watched as he was lost to sight and the ground stopped moving. The hunters were frozen in shock at the thing now with Tyler underneath it. Lily recovered first and ran over to the fallen thing and pressed her ear to the stone. She then used her sword to knock on the stone. After a second she laughed.
“Idiot’s stuck.”
The hunters laughed in relief before going to the Outcast’s aid. Lucy used her own tremendous strength to lift the thing an inch and that was all the momentum Tyler needed to force the thing up. He tore Gleipnir from the beast’s chest and set his feet as he lifted it high enough for it to rest on it’s stone arm. HE then walked out and fell to the ground covered in dirt, dust, and panting like an overheated dog.
His words were coming out in between pants.
They laughed as he and Lucy popped potions and recovered.
“Anyone hurt?”
Wulf smiled as Sera came over and hugged him.
“No. Just a nasty scare.”
Tyler smiled apologetically as he hugged Sera.
“Sorry, everyone. Forgot for a second we were fighting a rock.”
Sera giggled as her shaking died down.
“You okay?”
He hugged her again.
“Yeah. I used an ice spell to make struts to keep it from crushing me, but my arms were still pinned. Gliepnir was pushed even deeper into it so it couldn’t help me. I was wondering just what to do to get out. Was tempted to use that ice wall spell to try and lift the thing but Lucy gave me the wriggle room to get my arms under it. Thanks Lucy!”
The hulking barbarian lady laughed.
“think nothing of it. Must say it be a right odd feeling knowing I saved YOUR life for once.”
He laughed as he got up.
“well, think how odd it’d be to explain I was done in by a mere rock.”
Lily snorted.
“Yer not going down that easily.”
He hugged her tightly.
“Just cause you said so.”
Vixen smiled as they then looked at the thing.
“So, Lily. Prospect and I’ll get me pickaxe.”
The elf smiled as she walked up to the legs first. The black mage came up behind Tyler.
“The stone is also valuable as it’s used in fortifications.”
“Really? Well. Load up!”
Lily spoke up then.
“We got gold ore in this one! A lot.”
Tyler looked at the others.
“I’ll get the ore out if you collect the stone as we go.”
They nodded as he pulled the precious metal from the creature. They got a ten foot knot of gold ore, a five foot knot of Magicite, and five tons of Golem Granite. Tyler whistled as he looked at the pouches.
“This thing isn’t even half full yet. Scary.”
Wulf chuckled as they returned to the party.
“You’re carrying 5 tons of stone in that thing. Let that sink in.”
“Wulf, at this point? Just going to say fantasy world and go with it. My head will hurt just that much less.”
The natives laughed as they regrouped with the party. Kaori was brushing her hair as Tyler came back with a sheepish grin. She was on edge when she saw his dusty clothes.
“Oh shit what happened this time?”
Tyler swung back up onto Thunder as he explained.
“I killed the thing easily enough. Then it up and fell on me!”
She blinked and burst out laughing.
“Your telling me, that you, Tyler the Outcast, he who slew a Lich King, was nearly a pancake because of a dead rock?”
HE kissed her.
“Laugh it up.”
She did, and as they rode to kill a hook wraith she couldn’t look at him without laughing. Tyler just sighed.
“Nice to see the barbie is still amused by a good flattener.”
Sallie giggled.
“She’s got a lot in common with a ‘flat’ rock too!”
Tyler went stone faced as Kaori got a look of strained fury as she looked at the green haired spirit.
“What was that sweetie?”
Even her voice was a strained chord. Sallie giggled again.
“Mommy! You need to accept your body! I know I do. Even if the boobs will come from HIS side.”
Sylvia nodded sagely.
“This is true Momma.”
Tyler sighed.
“And that was how I was murdered on the trail.”
Wulf, Malico and Vixen were trying hard not to laugh, but were losing the battle fast as Sera looked at them curiously.
“What’s so funny?”
“Sallie and Sylvia are trying to get me killed again, Sera.”
Kaori was looking in another direction as she started to calm down, when
“She called Kaori flat again?”
Sera’s innocent question brought it right back. Tyler sighed as the two spirits burst out laughing as Kaori looked at him with a look of pure murder.
“Why to they have to bully the pretty ones? Kaori’s beautiful, yet these two just pick on her all the time.”
He had such a sad voice the two spirits felt horrible and Kaori was smiling now. Sallie looked over at the blonde.
“Sorry, Kaori.”
Sylvia was right there with her.
“Sorry. We’ll stop with the boob jokes now.”
Kaori sighed.
“They hurt, girls. I’d appreciate it. And Tyler?”
She kissed him.
“Nice safe.”
HE sighed with relief as Wulf took the lead now.
“We’re close to the thing’s den. We need the beak and talons right?”
Tyler pulled the bill out.
“Lemme check. Hook wraith, yup. We need the beak an talons to get paid. So, we’ll go arrows only.”
They nodded as they neared a small copse of trees. Wulf smiled.
“This is a decent hitch spot.”
Tyler looked around.
“Okay. Ashy, Wulf, Sera, Lillica, annnnd, Lily.”
They nodded as Kaori smiled.
“You’ve been spending an awful lot of time with Lily lately.”
HE kissed her lovingly.
“We’re in the bed alone tonight, Kaori.”
She sighed happily.
Lily sighed as they went.
“I’ll just barge in Malico’s room then.”
Sera huffed.
“I wanna cuddle!”
Lily patted the black haired girl.
“We’ll cuddle later.”
She hugged her with stars in her eyes.
Tyler and the rest of the hunter party smiled fondly. Wulf led then to the spot described in the bill. To Tyler it resembled Pride rock from a movie he’d seen a few years ago. The place was a massive rock formation a hundred feet tall, with layers of stone another two. Tyler smiled as he saw it.
“Ashy, remember the trope in video games for formations like that?”
Tha dirty blonde smiled.
“We’ll look it over most carefully.”
The party looked at the duo curiously but let it go as they saw a cave entrance maybe ten feet high. Tyler and the other pulled their bows and fitted arrows as the Outcast approached cautiously. He could hear a bizarre whistling snore from within the cave, but did not make a sound until the party was in a semi circle facing it. Once they were in position, tyler gave a yell.
“hey bird brain!”
There was a hooting roar as the now angry creature came out running. It was indeed a large owl with flightless wings. The thing was a sky blue with bars of black and two huge golden eyes. The wings were held out like arms and the feathers were dull and lifeless. Tyler and the party fired their arrows and scored direct hits in the chest. The thing dropped like a log with a pained screech. Tyler walked over and kicked it in the shoulder to get no response.
“Well. Boring. Ashy, Wulf, think you can handle the beak and talons?”
The couple pulled knives.
“You looting the den?”
“Yup. Lily, you’re with me Sera, Lillica on watch.”
The elf girl smiled as she followed him into the thing’s den.
“You have been spending a lot of time with me of late. Got a confession?”
HE smiled as he used his detection on the walls.
“perfectly honest, Lily? I like being around you. You’re fun.”
She smiled at this as they went right to the back of the cave. HE chuckled.
“Got a hollow.”
They then split the cave to use prospect.
“Got copper, tin, a lot of tin, some good coal, more corundum, and Oremicah.”
“Nice, Lily. I got more lead, tin, zinc, Annnd, wow. Some good sandstone.”
She looked at him.
“How good?”
“Says in appraisal it’s Blood Sandstone.”
“Wow. Blood Sandstone is used in construction to build red hued homes and decorations. I’d collect it if I were you.”
They walked away from the first batch with four more veins of copper, six of tin, a five foot pile of coal hunks, a two foot corundum, a four foot Oremicah, and half a ton of Blood Sandstone.
“hey! We got the beak and talons.”
Wulf and the three girls came in as Tyler finished digging the stone out.
“Nice. We got another Hollow feeling back there so we’re looking for ore now.”
Wulf looked at the large hole.
“Anything good in that one?”
“Blood Sandstone.”
HE chuckled.
“Nice find. It’s rather valuable for masons.”
Tyler and Lily scoured the cave and came away with five more copper, another ten foot pile of coal, another mass of iron, zinc and lead, some Pearlcite surprisingly, some more Blood Sandstone, and a good bit of Skycite. Once the cave was clean Tyler and the party went to the slab in question. Tyler tore it aside and they found another tomb, with a twist.
“Bird brain hid it’s trove inside. Not a bad move really.”
Indeed. The hook wraith had stashed it’s trove inside the tomb. Tyler and his looters got to work gathering the two foot tall mound of coins. It did not take long for the last copper to be collected, resulting in another 250 gold, 340 silver, 500 copper. Tyler chuckled.
“Well, wanna say high?”
They smiled.
“Sure. This point we can more or less figure out how to kill it.”
Tyler placed his hand on the lid of the coffin.
They nodded and he tore it aside and jumped back as the thing rose. Tyler smiled as he recognized the feeling.
“High Lich! Crush the skull!”
Tyler pinned it against the coffin as the others rained hell upon it. The head shattered and it died again with Lillica getting the kill. They patted her back as Lily got the prospecting as the rest looted the coffin. Tyler was smiling until he went to touch the thing’s sword.
“Hey, it’s got a short-ouch!”
HE yanked his hand back as he’d gotten burned badly from the item. Ashy, being a black/brown path picked the weapon up and Wulf gasped.
“That’s a sword of Wailing Torment!”
Tyler looked at him.
“Like enchanted with a banned spell?”
The ranger nodded.
“Exactly. Such a weapon is banned period from being forged as it is a truly EVIL weapon. Explains why there was no writing this time. We found a cursed burial.”
Tyler looked at Lily as she finished her sweep.
“A vein of rose gold, a pure silver vein, and a black Sliver.”
Tyler tore the veins out as they finished looting. The coffin giving 350 gold, the sword, 465 silver, and another 650 copper. Then they left to go see Vixen. They returned to the party grim faced and the others were on edge. Tyler sighed as he looked at Vixen.
“We found another tomb. High Lich. We killed it and this was it’s weapon.”
Ashy held the sword up and Vixen went white.
“You that set foot in the tomb need to go to the Purity temple for a Purification Spell. That was a cursed tomb.”
They mounted up and took off as Vixen pulled up beside him.
“Why didn’t you send for me like usual?”
“Wanted to see if we could take a tomb WITHOUT you.”
She smiled.
“A test. I understand. But in future, please let me examine the tomb BEFORE you throw the lid.”
“Understood Vixen. It seems we forgot just WHAT can be waiting in there.”
They rode hard until the got back to Raylik. They got waved through and headed right for the purity temple. Tyler led the hunters to the door where they met Brother Mark again.
“Welcome White Lord. What brings you to the Purity today?”
“Greetings Mark. We need to see the father for a purification Spell. We found a cursed tomb.”
“At once Lord of White.”
The brother led the inwardly cringing party to the father. They found Maxus as he finished a healing spell on a young girl. She hugged him before running off. Tyler smiled as Maxus noticed them.
“Ah! Greetings outcasts. What brings you to the White today?”
“Found a cursed tomb, so we need a Purification Spell, Maxus.”
He chuckled at this.
“It seems you looked under the wrong rock.”
Tyler smiled.
“It happens from time to time.”
Maxus spread his arms and cast the spell.
“Holy Purity.”
The party glowed, and Tyler, Wulf, Lillica, Lily, Sera and Ashy had a small cloud of black mist rise off their bodies. Then it was over. Tyler chuckled as he felt lighter for some reason.
“Thanks Maxus. How much?”
He smiled.
“60 silver.”
Tyler gave him the coins before getting serious.
“We also found a weapon in there after we killed the thing.”
Vixen presented the black sword and Maxus gasped.
“A Sword of Wailing torment? We shall destroy it at once.”
The Father had a Monk with a case take the foul weapon and set it in a spot of light from a window as Maxus used another spell.
“Holy Wrath.”
The case glowed purest white before dissipating into black mist. Tyler whistled.
“Those are some gnarly tricks Maxus. You wouldn’t happen to sell them would you?”
The Father smiled.
“Holy Wrath yes. Holy Purity I’m afraid cannot be cast outside of a temple. As it is a Divine Spell.”
“A Divine spell?”
“Ah. My apologies. I forgot your not a native. Divine Spells are spells that can only be cast in the sight of a deity in a temple. Holy Purity is a Divine Spell of Laxos the White God. As such, you need to visit our temples to have it cast.”
Tyler sighed.
“If it were THAT easy. Well, I’ll take a Holy Wrath please.”
“Of course. That will be 3 gold.”
Tyler handed the coins and he got the spell. Then he looked to the spirits.
“You two okay?”
They giggled.
“It felt like a hug!”
“We’re good.”
He smiled in relief.
“Thanks Maxus.”
They left the temple and Tyler took the bills.
“I’ll take Wulf to get paid and visit the exchange again. Rest can relax for a while.”
Serafina looked at the sun,
“It’s not even noon yet. We going on another set today?”
“I’m planning to yes. We really can’t afford to go easy at this stage of the game.”
The Wraith smiled.
“I understand. Just checking.”
They scattered as Tyler and Wulf headed for the guild.
“Hey, Tyler. I was curious of something.”
“Oh shit here we go.”
“Jackass. Why is it when we go to collect coin or sell things you only pick me?”
Tyler chuckled.
“Well, your ranger knowledge helps with the selling as you know the stuffs worth better then me. The other is if I were to take one of the girls to get the coin, it presents a target. We have women AND coin. Follow?”
The experienced ambassador did.
“So having the men go makes it seem we’re just a pair of lonesome adventurers rather then a fully formed party. Thus discouraging the uninformed. Brilliantly cunning and weirdly obvious when you go to say it.”
“I know right? Even if I brought Lucy, it paints the same picture.”
The elf chuckled.
“Indeed it does. Capable as we and her are, better to NOT draw attention if we can avoid it.”
Tyler smiled as they walked into the hall. HE spotted Whisper looking at the job board and Chain next to her. HE chuckled as they headed for the booth. Verilica was sitting in it and she smiled happily as they approached.
“Well my day just got better.”
He smiled at her.
“And MINE got more impish. Oh, and better looking too.”
She blushed happily as her spiked tail danced behind her.
“Come for me or?”
“Sadly, we have bills.”
HE passed the ones they’d taken and pulled the pelt, beak and talons out. He placed them on the corresponding bills and she looked them over.
“Okay, these are legit kills. Fulfilled. Your total is 80 gold 55 silver. Plus the White Spell Turn Cure. It cures vampirism and Were Affliction after the bite so long as it is cast before the first full moon.”
Tyler smiled as he took the money.
“Thanks Verilica.”
Tyler and Wulf left the hall to go unload their loot pouch and he waved at the two beauties by the board. Getting smiles from both as he did. They walked in and walked to the gnome they’d dealt with previously. Grilock smiled as he saw them.
“Well, again in two days? Another lisk?”
“Not today, Grilock. Fire drake, Golem stone, more ore, Blood Sandstone, and I think that’s it.”
The honest gnome tilted his head.
“I’d suggest the Local masonry shop for the stone. They’d pay more at least.”
Tyler smiled.
“Thanks Grilock. You need to see my permit again?”
“Indeed I do.”
Once the look over was done they went in back. The gnome whistled as the items were placed on the scales.
“Your party works mighty quick. All told I can give you 235 gold, 43 silver, and 66 coppers.”
Wulf smiled.
“That’s a pretty good deal really. Especially for the things we brought.”
Tyler shook the gnome’s hand and got their money. Next they headed to the mason yard Grilock suggested. They found it without much hassle, and walked over to the foremen running the place. A tall, broad shoulder man with a fire beard and blue eyes. He eyed the two as they approached.
“Och, wa brings a wee lad and an elfy to me yard today?”
tyler smiled politely.
“We lookin to sell some Golem Stone and Blood sandstone.”
The man smiled eagerly now.
“Well laddee, right this way to the scales.”
They followed the man to the scales. Then Tyler anjd Wulf poured the stone from the pouches into the large bin and the man was amazed.
“What a find. This be good Golem Granite and even better Blood. I can give ye 50 gold for the Blood and 150 for the Granite. Sound fair?”
Tyler looked at Wulf who nodded.
“that’s good gold for that kind of stone.”
“Still a weird mismatch. Hearing an elf talking about good stone.”
The man burst out laughing as Wulf just sighed. Tyler took the deal and the last stop was the bank. As they walked a runner came up.
“Sirrah. I seek the Outcast.”
Tyler smiled.
“Ya found him.”
“Sah! Tolic has finished yer order.”
“Good lad!”
Tyler gave him twenty silver and the boy ran off. Wulf chuckled.
“The girls will love their new gear.”
“Plus with the mansion they can mount their first partners.”
“You really need to watch how you say somethings.”
Tyler chuckled as they walked in.
“I probably should.”
They walked to the booth from their last visit and the dwarf smiled as he recognized them.
“Well, looked what the vein spit out. The Outcast and the Ranger. What can I do ye for?”
“Got fifteen veins of copper, ten silver, three gold, one platinum.”
The dwarf smiled widely as Wulf looked at Tyler.
“I’m wondering why your not selling the rose gold or the black silver.”
“was wondering if a jeweler would take them.”
The dwarf smiled.
“They would. But to be frank, sirrah? The bank would pay more. We use it to decorate the statues to the Goddesses of the Scale.”
“Well, we got two rose and one black silver then.”
The dwarven appraiser looked the veins over and shook his head.
“Ya found a mighty fortune here. I can give you 450 gold, 43 silver, 89 copper for the lot.”
Wulf smiled widely.
“That’s a very good deal.”
“Nice to find a world where the banks DON’T seek to screw people over.”
They got their coin before heading to Tolic’s shop. The dwarven smith was eagerly waiting for them when they walked in.
“Well, lads, your weapons are ready.”
Tyler blew for the girls on the whistle. Tolic smiled as the girls came in smiling. Sera got her new sword first. The thing was a deep blue with a slight curve like her old sword, only slightly longer with a longer guard. She took it and glared at it as she held it in her hands.
“Get out of my head!”
There was a small yell of pain before a breaking glass sound and she giggled.
“Better! You mine now!”
Tyler patted her head.
“Well done Sera. I was half-expecting to have to break it’s will myself.”
She giggled as Lily got her new greaves and bracers. They were of the same deep blue, but with the opal-like gleam of Glacious’ scales. She put them on her arms and legs and grunted as they too were broken.
“Momma didn’t raise no weakling!”
Tyler hugged her.
“Damn right she didn’t.”
Lillica got her bow and sword next and successfully broke them as well. She got a hug as Tolic gave Tyler his greaves. Them being a deep opal color reminiscent of his Mythril vest and similar to armguards in a game he played. He put them on and found they bent around the wrist like they WERE apart of his wrist. He chuckled.
“Neat trick.”
Ashy got her vest and bow before hugging Tyler and Tolic.
“Thank you! I’ll work harder I promise!”
Tyler chuckled as she went to go get dressed.
“Ashy is a very kind girl.”
The dwarf smiled.
“That she be lad. She be a fine lass.”
Wulf was testing his new bow and smiled.
“That she is, Tolic.”
The dwarf lifted the multicolored arrows up as Tyler, placed an extra hundred on the counter this time.
“Thanks Tolic. Question though.”
“Oh shit here we go.”
“Wow, that’s widespread? We got a decent vein of Magicite off a Golem today. Was wondering how long you’d need to work it.”
HE crossed his arms now.
“I’d need to see the ore and hear your plan.”
Tyler placed the three foot white rock on the counter and Tolic whistled.
“That be the purest of Magicite veins, lad. Your broadsword, Gliepnir, was made from this when it was Fenrir.”
Tyler smiled now.
“I wonder.”
He reviewed his party as he sought new holes and oversights. Then he chuckled.
“I think, a Magicite bow for Ashy. Her original got stolen from her and she had said she loved the thing.”
Wulf frowned.
“Right Wulf? Wasn’t that what you told me?”
The ranger got it then.
“I remember now. Indeed. She said she missed it.”
Tolic understood as well and smiled.
“A bow eh? I need a few hours. Leftover ore?”
“How about, a set of matching greaves.”
Wulf came over now and smiled.
“Ashy likes birds, so I’d appreciate an eagle engraving please.”
The kindly dwarf nodded.
“That will be 300 gold.”
Tyler placed 350 on the countertop as Ashy came out then.
“Wow, I know I’m wearing a vest yet it don’t feel like it.”
Tolic took the ore and gold out of sight as she came over to get her new arrows.
“Thanks again.”
Tyler patted her back.
“Nice to see you properly dressed for once Ashy.”
She smiled.
“Nice to BE properly dressed.”
Sera and Lillica looked at each other.
“I feel stupid now.”
The gear situated, Tyler left to go find Yoko at her booth. Wulf came up next to him real quick however.
“Thanks for that. Ashy loved that bow.”
“Sure, Wulf. Watch her mind go boom.”
the ranger ran off to go be with the girl as Tyler headed for the spear. He spotted Yoko as she walked out the door.
“Hey Yoko.”
She looked up smiling as Tyler approached.
“Well well. Nice timing. Here for my ability to walk for the rest of the day?”
“Yup. And to do this.”
He kissed her and they headed to her house. They walked in and she led him ot her bedroom where, once naked they commenced with longed for sex. Sallie and Sylvia watching as Tyler and Yoko got their fill of each other while sitting on his gear. They fell to the bed finished and laid together smiling. Tyler on top of Yoko and kissing her repeatedly. She wrapping him in her tail.
“I love you, Tyler.”
HE kissed her again.
“I love you too, Yoko.”
They laid next to each other on the bed and she smiled.
“I got a news crystal if you wanna look at it.”
“I have one myself. Wanna look together?”
“Only if you kiss me again.”
He kissed her good and pulled his HUD up.
“Today in Vernillion. Tyler the Outcast has slain a Lich King. Singlehandedly. That’s right mortals of Lectis. A Lich King. Such a feat has only been preformed ONE other time with the hero walking away. This makes Tyler the SECOND person in ALL of recorded history to have felled such a creature and lived to tell the tale. His titles now include Lich’s bane, Dragon heart, Guild Avenger, Legendary Adventurer, Scale Balancer, Champion of the people, Champion of Minus, and Warrior’s Runner. Readers, there are titles in this list that have not appeared for thousands of years. Champion of Minus proclaims the Outcast to be a most favored Mortal to the Deity Minus of the Scale. Scale Balancer is bestowed by the other deities of the Scale upon only those who preform a great feat in the service of the Scale. In other words? Tyler has gods and goddesses on his side now. From wrongly convicted murderer to a champion of the gods. His story will be sung of for centuries for this feat alone. Yet, the title Dragon heart. This is the highest honor the Sky lords can give to a nondragon. It signifies Tyler is no less then the most trusted friend to the dragons period. At this point, reader, just what the hell have we done with our lives? He’s accomplished more in a mere two and a half months then entire generations combined! His party are no less as storied. For Sera Von Vernillion has slain a Minotaur Balor, Lillica Von Vernillion a grand Lich, and Lily of the Mountain Elves has giants to her name. Plus shares credit with Princess Sera for the Balor. In the coming wave, this party will not break a sweat. King Ishtar made a statement in regards to the Outcast and his feats.
“That boy is what Warriors are supposed to be. He goes where he will, sets up shop in the town or city or wherever he puts his tent, and cleans house until he is happy. He has his friends and lovers and needs no other form of help.”
The king has bestowed upon Tyler the titles of Champion of the People and Warrior’s Runner. Kazuma the kind spared a few words.
“That’s a mighty mismatch. Tyler a champion of the people? Ha. Bastard. I wanted that one!”
It seems the Outcast and the Kind One are either rivals trying to coexist, or brothers that are stuck with each other. In this writers own opinion? I’m betting stuck with each other. Max has also disgraced us with a few words.
“If that worthless coward can kill a Lich king and get such awesome sounding titles for doing next to nothing of real value besides bedding whores and screwing around, then I should be getting some epic ones for doing the real work.”
Reader, we’re just going to stop taking interviews from that boy. We lose brain power every time we listen to him. Yalik’s Lymir gave an update on her town following the Outcasts departure.
“Our city is safe again. To the outcasts I say thank you. To Tyler, I say I’ll show you THOSE the next time you’re in town.”
Words cannot express just how jealous I am of the Outcast reader. They have settled into Raylik until the wave call goes out. But they are NOT relaxing, as of the writing of this article they are still practicing their skills. The creatures this time? A golem, a werewolf, a goblin camp which the Outcast still carries a most festering hatred for the creatures, a Hook wraith and a fire drake are the targets this morning. These powerful creatures are mere practice for the Outcasts. In Tyler’s own words regarding the lich King? A fun fight. Fun. He had fun fighting one of the ten most feared and powerful horrors that stalk this land readers. His bestiary told of how he threw off the mental attack of the thing in a mere three hours. With a nine hour rest. We need more like him. Desperately.”

Tyler smiled as he closed the HUD and kissed Yoko again.
“Nice to see I’m riling people.”
The sexy raccoon girl sighed happily.
“I’m riled.”
“Another round?”
She he mounted her again and she welcomed him with a warm hug and a ready slit. She got more cream and another set of orgasms before they fell satisfied again. She smiled.
“Bath time!”
He laughed as they cleaned up. Yoko sighed after.
“I need to rest and eat now.”
HE kissed her again.
“We leave for Term day after tomorrow.”
“Will you come back after the wave?”
HE kissed her lovingly.
“We own Spearview. So, yes.”
She smiled happily as her raccoon tail flicked him.
“A fine home.”
“A fine raccoon.”
She sighed.
“I’m hungry and tired now.”
They dressed and he said goodbye before heading out. He rubbed his chin and noticed something.
“I need to clean up and get a hair cut.”
The spirits laughed as he said this. Tyler thought for a moment before heading to the tavern where kaori was. He found the blonde playing with a giggling Melly when he walked in. She looked up at his approaching footsteps and smiled.
“Have fun with Yoko?”
HE kissed her.
“yup. Now, I need a favor.”
She smiled as she looked at his head.
“That time already?”
Melly giggled.
“He has you help him with his hair?”
The blonde smiled fondly.
“Yeah. I’d cut his hair and he’d tie mine up. It was kinda our thing back in our world.”
“Aww that’s romantic!”
Tyler patted the girl on her head, seeing she still wore her crown of coral. Then the couple headed for the mansion to see if it was ready.
“I got a spell for haircuts.”
He kissed her.
“Of course you do Shadow.”
She smiled as they walked through the main door and headed to their room. They walked in and gasped in happy shock. The furniture had been delivered and the room set up perfectly. Tyler walked to his side of the massive bed where the racks were and kaori looked through her vanity. Sallie and Sylvia donned their shell forms to lay in their beds before Kaori pulled a small stool to the center of the room.
“Alright. Assume the position.”
He laughed as he took his shirt off for her and sat on the stool. She pulled the spell up.
“The usual right?”
“Yeah. I get six months out of it each time.”
“Alright. You need to shave by the way.”
“Well, wanna use our hotspring together after?”
“Oh HELL yeah.”
She cast the spell and his hair burst into flames. He trusted her enough to let her do her thing and when the flames went out, his mangy looking hair had been replaced with his usual shirt cut. Sallie and Sylvia giggled.
“He don’t like hair.”
The couple headed to the indoor hotspring and got in together. She sighing with relief as he used a steam proof mirror with his Sgian Dao to shave the telltale black mess on his face. She smiled as he finished.
“Wow, Tyler. You looked years younger.”
HE chuckled as he cleaned the mess.
“And you still look beautiful.”
She sat by him and they cuddled in the hot water.
“We have our own mansion Kaori.”
She smiled.
“We have our own HOME Tyler.”
He kissed her and she sighed.
“Let’s wait for the sex until tonight. Seems right that way.”
“Our first time in our new bed during our first night in our first home?”
The lovers bathed together before getting dressed and leaving the house.
“You getting another set of bills?”
“Yeah. We need the practice.”
She kissed him hard.
“Have fun.”
They parted and he headed off to the guild. He found Wulf and Vixen already looking at bills as he walked over.
“See anything good?”
The black mage passed him one.
“This seems promising.”
He looked at it curiously.
“Wanted: Killing of a Gnoll camp. Reward 65 silver. Gnolls?”
Wulf chuckled.
“A member of the troll family just minus the smell. Think those hobgoblins but with a dog’s head. A camp could hold up to 50 creatures, and they collect coins.”
Tyler smiled.
“This one is?”
“Three hours from the south gate.”
“Nice. Anything else in that way?”
Wulf passed him another.
“Wanted: Slaying of an Orc camp. 35 silver reward. Decent. I think we can send the girls on this raid with you Wulf.”
The ranger nodded in agreement.
“My thoughts exactly. Especially since I’d take Lucy and Thistle too.”
“Just in case. Alright they do well here, they’re just need experience.”
HE took the second bill as he saw one that made him smile. He took it down.
“Wanted: Slaying of a Nightmare. Reward 55 gold.”
Vixen smiled now as well.
“A Nightmare? A rare beast indeed.”
“A horse?”
“Indeed. An undead horse. They’re created when the noble beast is used in a necromantic summon for a stronger undead. But the spell always backfires and the poor creature gets cursed instead. In terms of strength, their more high lich.”
“They worth anything?”
“Not really. Just undead practice as you put it.”
“Plus Kaori would feel better putting such a tortured steed to rest.”
He added it as Verilica came forward now.
“That one has an update Tyler.”
HE smiled at the imp.
“What we got?”
“The bounty was increased to 60 after the last adventurer fell to the beast. Plus, upon completion you get the Brown spell Horse Relief. Think Holy Relief but for horses.”
Tyler smiled as he looked at Vixen.
Wulf smiled as he pulled another down.
“Got one for a Tyrant.”
Tyler looked at him.
“A tyrant?”
Wulf smiled.
“Think large bipedal creature with short front legs, long back legs, massive jaws and a long sinewy tail.”
Tyler reached into his pouch, pulled a piece of paper and used an enchanted pencil to draw a quick sketch of a T-rex.
“Like this?”
Wulf chuckled.
“Exactly like that. I assume you had them in your world too?”
He laughed as he put the diagram away.
“We did millions of years ago. I saw them in a movie and loved them. Can we eat them?”
“Oh yes. They’re right up their with Wyvern. This being a plains Tyrant, we can expect good meat, scales, bone, teeth, and claws. Reward is 30 gold too.”
Verilica smiled now.
“That one has an update as well.”
“How bad?”
“it has killed the last ten adventurers that have gone after it. As such, the reward is now 50 gold.”
“Got one for a Death Gaze.”
Tyler looked at Vixen.
“That is a….?”
She chuckled.
“A type of serpent. 20 feet long, two feet thick, venomous, and prowls the plains. Reward is 15 gold. The meat is nasty, the skin is valuable, the fangs too, and the venom even more so.”
Verilica chuckled.
“When the Outcasts need practice they don’t go easy. There is a stipulation on that one. The venom must be presented for payment. Plus it comes with the Black Spell Adder Bite.”
Vixen’s eyes lit up.
“A rare one indeed.”
Tyler added it to the pile. Wulf whistled next.
“There’s a rare beast.”
He pulled a bill for a two legged thing that reminded Tyler of a two legged hippo that stood ten feet tall.
“What is it?”
“A Durandal. It’s hunted for its meat, skin, and bones as they’re great supports. Reward is 10 gold.”
“Wow. Weird bunch. Okay, we’ll take three more and get to it.”
Vixen pulled one down.
“Wanted: Destruction of a bandit camp here the south road. Reward 75 silver.”
“Nice. Bandits are fun.”
Tyler added the bill and looked at Wulf as he pulled another one down.
“Wow. Another golem.”
“I will try NOT to get caught under the thing.”
They chuckled. Wulf passed the bill.
“20 gold? Not bad for fighting a rock.”
“Got one for a Dreidal.”
“What the hell?”
Vixen smiled.
“A bird the size of this hall. Think vulture but that big. Things are native to the plains and are valuable for their feathers, beaks, talons and nests. Reward is 80 silver.”
Tyler tilted his head.
“Now that I think of it, we haven’t fought a straight up flyer yet. Closet we got was the rock drakes in TopLeaf. We’ll take it and get to it.”
They nodded and went to the mansion to setup the hunt. Tyler walked into his office and laid the bills on a board as they waited for the rest of the party to arrive. Wulf chuckled as he saw the setup.
“It weird this fits you way too well?”
Tyler smiled as he opened the map up on the desk.
“I know right? Feels weird though.”
The party came in a few minutes later and Tyler passed the bills around. Kaori took one look at the nightmare bill and got teary eyed. Tyler patted her hand.
“We’ll put it to rest.”
She smiled as she put the bill in her pouch.
“I’ll do this one.”
“I’ll lend my undead spells.”
She kissed him for that as Sera and Lily looked at the Orc camp with Lillica.
“So, we’re hitting this one alone?”
“With Wulf, Lucy and Thistle.”
The girls nodded.
Tyler smiled as the party were brought up to speed.
“Mount up.”
The party got their horses before riding out to the first target, the Orc camp on the way to the Gnoll camp. Wulf beside Tyler as they went. Kaori was on his left. The creatures had set up their camp near a small cave, and Tyler chuckled as Wulf led them to the spot.
“Once the things are dead blow the whistle. We’ll loot the things together.”
The girls nodded. The ranger had them hitch up next to some trees as he took Sera, Lily, and Lillica on their raid with Lucy and Thistle. Kaori pulled up beside him as the shapes were lost.
“Seems a little wrong doesn’t it?”
He chuckled.
“right? Goes against the grain, not going with them.”
He pulled the catalog crystal out and Kaori chuckled.
“looking to upgrade already?”
“More looking just to see.”
She smiled as they looked.
“That plaque could be a great mantle piece.”
“Especially if we get a decent head to mount on it”
Tyler flipped to the next room. As the crystal could be used to view the options room by room without having to be in the mansion.
“Hey, we should set a room up as an actual armory for the weapons we DON’T want to sell.”
Kaori nodded as she went to the stables.
“Still not happy?”
Tyler kissed her warmly.
“Love you too.”
She sighed happily as they looked at more rooms. Then their whistles vibrated. The party dismounted and headed to see the mess. Tyler was happily whistling as they walked into the remains of the camp. HE saw Lily, Sera and Lillica smiling as they wiped weaponry clean in the center of the piles of bodies. Wulf came over smiling.
“How’d they do?”
“They formed a triangle in the center of the camp. Not a scratch against 75 orcs and a 20 foot hill. Lillica got it with a bow.”
Tyler smiled as he hugged the girls.
“Well done ladies. This camp and job’s yours to claim.”
Lillica was smiling widely as they got to looting.
“It was a little nerve racking. Not having you looming around us, but we did our best.”
Lucy and Thistle laughed.
“We didn’t even have to lift a finger.”
“Aye, the lasses be learning well.”
Tyler patted Lily and Vixen.
“Let’s go look at that cave.”
they nodded and headed inside the small tunnel. They headed right to the back of the cave as Tyler used his detection for hollow feelings.
“Got one. Lily that large boulder, don’t touch it.”
The girls nodded as he lifted the 600 pound rock and put it aside. They got a mild surprise inside the hollow.
“Wow. We found a minor trove. Nice.”
It was true. There was a three foot pile of coins and a few gems glittering in the hidden alcove. Tyler looked at Vixen confused.
“I didn’t know Orcs kept troves.”
She smiled.
“They don’t. This must be a forgotten trove of some other creature.”
Tyler shrugged.
“Theirs now.”
That got a smile as they got to looting. Lily prospecting the walls as Tyler and Vixen collected the last copper. Grand total? 150 gold, 500 silver, 865 copper. Lily chuckled.
“Got some more coal, iron, a thick vein of tin, and a good bit of Malachite.”
Tyler blinked at that last one.
The elven smith smiled.
“Yeah. Used to make sea green glass. Or VERY sharp swords and beautiful armor. I can’t work it just yet, but that was my next level of metal workin. I’d appreciate keeping it for me smithy.”
“This is YOUR raid, Lily. Of course.”
She smiled as he tore the valuable ores from the walls before examining the cave. Tyler used his detection on the rest of the cave and found no more hollows. Then he joined Lily in using prospect.
“Got some good clay here.”
“Clay’s sellable?”
“To masons. They use it in brick works. It’s maybe worth a few coppers but hey, better an nothing.”
“You’re the expert.”
Tyler dug the seemingly worthless mineral from the cave as Lily kept going.
“Nice. Got some Andesite.”
“used as a decorative stone. Think marble but not marble.”
“Weird world this. Just walk into most any random cave and BANG some kind of valuable ore or mineral. Are they that common?”
The two natives chuckled.
“Most don’t bother to LOOK. In truth we have no idea what really IS rare or common. As no one bothers to look in the first place. You find these so easily because you’re so thorough. Most just look for the blatantly obvious and don’t look deeply.”
“Eh. Their loss.”
That got a laugh as they walked out with the Andesite, 300 lbs of clay, which Tyler still thought was a waste of space, the coal, iron, Malachite, tin, a few veins of zinc and lead, and a random vein of copper. Tyler walked over to where Sera and Lillica were looking their gear.
“Well girls, there was a mini trove in there.”
Sera’s blue eyes lit up like lights.
“How much?”
“150 gold, 500 silver, 865 copper.”
She hugged him with a happy squeal as lily brought her up to speed on the ore. They then went back to the horses. The next was the Gnoll camp and Tyler smiled as they went.
“Wulf, Kaori, Malico, annnnd, Serafina.”
The names smiled and readied weapons. The party hitched up as the hunters moved off into the small forest of rocky protrusions. After a ten minute one they reached the camp and Tyler got his first look at a Lectis Gnoll. The things were 9 feet tall, were covered in short matted fur of a shit brown color, had bushy tails that made Tyler rather angry for their insult to the tails he loved, and had the heads of German shepherds. Tyler smiled.
“Well who-“
“Shut up.”
The group looked at him curiously. Kaori sighed.
“I have the song.”
“Oh, there’s an idea.”
HE hit the song Who let the dogs out, and they launched their attack. There were approximately 40 creatures in the camp, all armed with various spears, axes, and the occasional long pike. Wulf shot arrows from a rock on the edge, Tyler and Kaori waded into the middle of the pack, and Malico and Serafina hunted along the outsides of the group and kept them off balance. Tyler wielded Oblivion and Oathkeeper, his twin short swords, and Kaori her katana Dawn. The fight lasted all of ten minutes before the last beast fell. Tyler and Kaori were smiling as they sliced the last dog headed thing before looting. Tyler prospected the small rock wall and came up with more clay, tin and zinc. They walked away with 65 silver. Tyler was whistling as Wulf chuckled.
“I see Kaori’s issue with the song.”
“Oddly enough, in our world when it came out it was a massive world wide hit.”
“Your world is most bizarre.”
“You ain’t seen NOTHING yet.”
The next task in this direction was a bandit camp on the way back in. Tyler had a thoughtful look as they neared it and Kaori noticed.
“Thinking of sending the girls again?”
“Yeah. Only Vixen and Ashy have yet to get any action. Eh, I’ll send them as a group.”
The group smiled as Wulf led them to the camp for their raid. Tyler pulled his Bestiary up and was looking it over as the kill party left. Malico was curious.
“What are you looking for, Tyler?”
“Looking to see there a way to make a book or some kind of compendium of the things we’ve killed for references in my office.”
Kaori chuckled.
“Of course you’d think like that.”
Lucy smiled,
“Aye lad, there be a service fer that at the guild. That Imp can make such a resource for coin.”
“Thanks Lucy. We’ll have a decent number of creatures to start with so most any in the region will be more or less accounted for.”
Malico was happily basking in the sunlight on her horse as she watched him work. Kaori had a thought.
“Hey, is a there a codex?”
“Damn, Shadow. Good question.”
HE went back to the main HUD and flipped through the tabs.
“I got a prospector’s guide.”
He opened it and chuckled.
“It’s for minerals, ores, gems, and other raw materials. I can add these to our references. I don’t think we got a codex though.”
The blonde sighed.
“That sucks.”
“I guess since the only things we really need to keep an eye on are the monsters and minerals. Oh, that’s the bell.”
They headed off as the whistles were blown. They found the camp dead to the last man and Lily standing triumphantly by a man with a red sword and shield. Tyler smiled as he went over to the small elf girl.
“Well, Lily?”
She flexed her shield arm.
“I killed me first Shielder. And you were right, the key was the feet. He was the leader, so can you see if he’s got a bounty?”
Tyler lifted the man’s face.
“Let’s see how bad they want to find you. Yup. Markus the Wall. Reward dead is….75 gold. Sword and Shield together another 150 gold each as they are stolen goods. Nice one Lily.”
She beamed with pride as he collected the head and weapons for her. Vixen came over next.
“We found a few banned as well.”
“Wow, been a while hasn’t it? Malico!”
“Got em.”
“Love you kittycat!”
She purred as Tyler looked around.
“So, how’d it go?”
The beautiful black mage smiled.
“Flawlessly. Lily walked into the camp and got their attention as Ashy and Wulf fired arrows, Sera and Lillica were moving along the rim of the tents with the bows, and I dealt with their mages. Her fight with the leader was rather beautiful to was, as she danced around his sword like it was not moving.”
“I taught her myself.”
Lily was smiling as she helped loot.
“Momma didn’t raise no fool.”
“Damn right she didn’t.”
Tyler spotted a rocky outcrop by the back of the camp and shrugged.
“Worth a shot.”
They laughed as he used prospect on the monoliths.
“Camp’s clean!”
“What we get?”
“10 gold, 98 silver, and 150 copper. The head, sword and shield, a few potions and poisons, them, and that’s it.”
“Nice job everyone. I got a hunk of granite here and some more tin.”
They smiled as he extracted the stone and ore. Then they mounted back up to move on.
“Let’s see. The next kill is….wow. the Durandal. I wanna fight that thing.”
Wulf smiled.
“Just watch it’s kicks and body tackles. It and crack the walls of Raylik with a single charge.”
“Sounds like a fun fight.”
They laughed as they rode along. They stowed the horses in the shelter of a small forest as Tyler looked at the party.
“Lucy, Thistle, Wulf, Annnd, Hmm. Malico.”
They nodded and hopped down got to moving through the woodland. They felt the heavy footsteps before they saw the beast, and as they came around a bend, they saw the thing. It was 12 feet tall, stood on two legs three feet thick, was a deep blue oddly enough for a plains dweller, had the head of a hippo, and that head seemed to be directly connected to the legs. Tyler rubbed it his.
“Okay, we’re fighting a hippo on stilts.”
The party moved in for the kill. Tyler had Gliepnir ready as Lucy and Thistle their large axes. Malico and Wulf had their bows up as they waited to take the eyes. Tyler and the two melee fighters got the things attention and it pivoted on a leg with a avalanche roar before it tried to kick at them with a thick leg. It was faster then it’s ungainly posture would suggest, but Tyler ducked and slashed the other leg with Gliepnir, as Lucy slammed her axe enhanced with rock smash and Thistle followed suit. Result? The leg being severed neatly at the top of the strange hoof like thing it used as a foot. The beast toppled with a bellow of pain and Tyler was right there to plunge the 5 foot broadsword into the beast side. It sputtered and died. Tyler smiled as he pulled the dripping blade free.
“That was kinda fun, even if a little quick.”
The party was summoned and the butchering underway. Tyler noticed the thing had blue blood for some freakin reason, and that Vixen collected as much of it as she could. When asked,
“It’s an ingredient for blue dye in clothing and cosmetics for women.”
Tyler had just shrugged and looked at Kaori as she lifted a leg bone into a pouch. She smiled, having heard the conversation.
“Looking to make me prettier again?”
“Like you can GET any more beautiful. Just picturing you with blue hair.”
She’d blushed happily before giving him a kiss as they literally took the ENTIRE animal. The next was the Nightmare and kaori was on the raid with Vixen and Ashy. Wulf would help track it, and provide watch as they put the poor beast out of its misery. They did not have to look far. The hunters found the wretched thing butting its rotting head on a tree in an attempt to do something. It was the size of thunder, but was a rotted corpse that still moved. Kaori took her bow as Tyler placed Holy fire and Holy Smite upon her bow. She took aim and fired. It hit the once-noble animal in the shoulder and it screamed in relief as its tortured soul was purified and it’s agonized existence ended. It dropped to the ground with a dull thud and Tyler retrieved the arrow as Kaori was just saddened for the thing’s fate. Tyler hugged her until she felt better and they moved on. The next kill was the Plains Tyrant. Tyler’s eyes were lit up with the fire of facing such a beast in open combat. Ashy was as well.
“Can I join this one?”
“Sure, Ashy. It’ll be you, Kaori, Wulf, Annnd Sera.”
The girl giggled as he said her name. They moved into the plains as Wulf led the way. The ranger showed them to a series of tracks that tyler just smiled at.
“I’d know these anywhere. Tyrannosaur.”
Ashy smiled as she pulled her bow.
“So you know? Next time we get a boon like the crystal, I’m asking for our movie collections.”
“I fucking love you Ashy.”
The ranger smirked and stole a kiss off Ashy’s surprised lips, and Tyler retaliated with a makeout session from Kaori. The girls just looked at each other bemused as the men played their little game.
“I think we were just the objects of a little competition.”
“I think so too.”
“What will we do in retaliation?”
“What will we do indeed Ashy?”
Sera giggled as they moved after the fell creature’s tracks. Tyler took the lead this time.
“These things are minutes old. From the depth it’s more roaming that hunting right now, so it’ll pick our scent up. We should hear it’s bellow in 3…2……1…….”
A loud, deep, trumpeting roar of warning was heard from ahead. Tyler smiled as he heard the sound.
“We got five minutes of running before we sight the thing. It knows its being hunted and will move to attack us first. Once we feel the ground shake, we got thirty seconds.”
Wulf blinked at his rather astoundingly deep knowledge of the creature.
“Where did you get ranger training?”
“I didn’t. these things were a native of our world before they went extinct. Everything I know came from books and a few movies I memorized. I always wanted to kill one.”
The elf shook his head as they felt the ground shaking. Tyler chuckled.
“Ashy, your left!”
She jumped as the massive predator came tearing out of the small copse of woodland they were passing with a nasty snap of branches and crunching jaws. In size it was 20 feet tall, stood and two hind legs with a rigid tail for a counterbalance, two tiny forearms, and a 5 foot head with large jaws with rows or backward pointing razor teeth. In color is was a dirty tan with darker brown tiger stripes along the back, red eyes, and had a two foot horn on the snout. The party smiled as Tyler’s surprisingly in depth knowledge was on display.
“The heart is just above the forearm! Same with the lung!”
They heeded his words and as the thing sought to distinguish a target, Ashy fired a Dragon scale arrow into the thing’s side enhanced with Death’s Pierce. Just a penetration shaft. It struck home and the beast dropped dead from a perfect heart shot. Tyler clapped her on the back as the rest of the party came to get to work. However.
“Kaori, the crystal please.”
She laughed and set it to get a shot of the party taking poses around the creature. Sera and Lily were leaning against the head, Sallie and Sylvia took Shell Form to join them, Lucy was resting her hands on her hands ion her axe beside the beasts back, Wulf and Ashy were sitting on the thing’s back, Thistle was by the neck, Vixen and Serafina were leaning on the tail, Malico was stretched out luxuriously on the neck, Kaori was standing on the neck and Tyler had Gliepnir slung over a shoulder as he perched on the head with Lillica by Sera. The shot was taken and they loved the way it looked.
“Gods the jaw alone could swallow poor Sera alive whole!”
They saved it to Kaori’s crystal and got to work butchering the beast. They took the entire animal again, and Tyler smiled as he looked at the skull.
“We’re putting THAT thing in a trophy room at the mansion.”
Ashy nodded.
“Damn straight we are.”
Once the beast was stored away, Tyler looked at their leftover bills.
“Okay, the Orcs, Gnolls, bandits, Nightmare, Durandal, and the Tyrant are dead. Next we have the Dreidal, Death gaze, Golem annnnd, that’s it. Not bad for a few hours rampage.”
Wulf looked at the Death gaze bill.
“I hate them things. Pain in the ass to track.”
“Well, let’s kill it then.”
They laughed as they moved on. The snake was said to have denned up in a small ring of rocks near the road to the west as easy access to food. They moved along at a decent clip until they found the last known spot.
“Okay, Vixen, Lillica, Lily, Annnd, Wulf.”
They nodded and got to it. The ranger popped a stamina potion and sighed.
“Been a while since I’ve had to work this hard this long.”
“Good practice for Ashy then.”
“Fuck you.”
“We’ve been over this.”
They found the ring in question and Tyler chuckled as he saw it empty.
“Really? Thing’s gone pit viper.”
He pulled a fist sized rock from the ground and hurled it into the sandy area with a grunt of effort. The result was painfully predictable, as the sand exploded in an enraged hissing as the merely-a-giant cobra rose in a huff. Tyler sighed as he pulled his bow and shot the thing with an arrow in the center of it’s body five feet from it’s head as it reared. He hit it’s lung and it dropped as it choked to death on it’s own blood. Wulf looked at him.
“And you learned that from?”
“Snakes were a favorite creature of mine in my world.”
“Just gonna smile and nod.”
They laughed. Vixen used her training as a black mage to collect the venom as the others skinned the thing. They didn’t take the meat, as according to Wulf.
“It’s poisonous to us.”
They walked away with a twenty foot snake skin, the venom, and the foot long fangs. Next up was the Dreidal. Tyler smiled as he picked the crew.
“Sera, Lillica, Ashy, Kaori, Annnd. Sorry, Wulf again.”
He chuckled.
“I get it. I’m the only real guide we have out here.”
They smiled at that. They rode to the spot the bill said to look, and Tyler smiled as he saw the 300 foot rock face.
“20 gold says it’s nest is at the base.”
The blonde sighed.
“Been a while since you’ve rigged a bet.”
They laughed as they neared the face. The thing was to be brought down with bows, so the party had theirs up and ready. Tyler was watching for a surprise diving attack, as Wulf pointed to the base of the cliff.
“Got it.”
The Outcast looked, and sure enough, the giant bird was sitting in it’s nest. Tyler smiled.
“Let’s get it airborne BEFORE we bring it down.”
The party walked into view and the beast shrieked. In appearance? It was an over sized turkey vulture. The thing flapped into the air and was circling to gain height when the arrows found it. It came down with a squawk and hit the ground a heavy impact. Tyler smiled.
“I’ll clear the nest if you wanna pluck the bird.”
The tasks agreed on, Tyler climbed into the thirty foot nest. He spotted maybe twenty eggs in a neat circle and smiled.
“Hey, Wulf. The eggs any good?”
The ranger laughed.
“They are. They make great breakfasts. How many you got?”
“Twenty so far.”
“Nice haul.”
Tyler collected the eggs and scrounged about in the mass of sticks, mud, dirt, and rocks. He came up with a few gems, and 35 silver coins. He shrugged.
“Not a total waste I guess.”
The bird was plucked and the party moved on to the golem. As they went, Kaori made a call.
“When we get back to Raylik, we’ll need to let the horses rest a while.”
“Kay. We’ll do a bit of selling and rest for a while as well.”
The party nodded as they moved to the Golem’s last seen. Tyler brought the whole party this time in case of the thing falling again. They found the golem easily enough, and Tyler noted the red color. Lily smiled as she saw it.
“Looks like it’s made of red quartz.”
Tyler led the attack as usual, and the ten foot thing spun to kick him. Only for a mass of arrows from the archer’s bows to slam into the thing’s chest. It rumbled and fell backwards this time with an earthshaking thud.
“Nice kill Ashy!”
Lily got to prospecting as Tyler took his pickaxe out. They walked away with ten tons of red Quartz, three veins of gold, and one four thick vein of Blood Platinum. The red metal getting whistles of awe from the natives.
“Watch that dwarf’s eyes bug out when he sees it.”
Tyler mounted up and rode back to Raylik. They got back late in the afternoon and they stabled the horses in their mansion under the care of the newly hired hand. Then Tyler went with Wulf to collect payment with Sera and the two girls as two jobs were theirs. Verilica was sitting in her booth and smiled as they approached.
“Back already?”
“Just for you.”
She smiled as they laid out the bills.
“The orcs and bandits are claimed by Sera, Lillica and Lily here.”
“Well done girls. Your total this time is 125 gold, 175 silver, Horse relief, and Adder Bite.”
Tyler smiled as he added the coins to the pouch.
“Lily, we’ll go collect your bounty now. Sera and Lillica go relax.”
The elf girl smiled as the two princesses headed off. Wulf smiled as they went.
“You trust their strength enough to let them go alone now?”
“In Raylik? Yes. In a new city? No. Not until I’ve looked it over myself.”
Wulf chuckled as they walked into the spear.
“Fair policy.”
They found Yoko in her booth, and the pretty raccoon smiled as Tyler came up with the two elves.
“Miss me?”
He leered at her.
“Only a lot. Lily’s got a bounty.”
The girl placed the head on the tray.
“Markus the Wall.”
Yoko smiled as the elf placed the sword and Shield on the rack. The raccoon waited till the identity was confirmed.
“Well done Lily. Your total today is 375 gold.”
She took the pouch and gave it to Tyler. She smiled proudly.
“I’ll use it to get materials for me smithy.”
“Can’t wait to see what you come up with.”
Lily headed off to the mansion as the men headed for the exchange. The found Grilock and the gnome laughed.
“You work hard. What are they this time?”
“Tyrant, Durandal, Dreidal, various ores, and that’s all this time.”
“You know the drill.”
Once the permit was seen and verified they went to the scales. Grilock just shook his head at the amount.
“Still keeping the meats I see.”
“We eat a lot.”
The kindly gnome laughed.
“Okay, for what you have given me, I can give you 453 gold, 86 silver, and 46 copper.”
Wulf chuckled.
“This point, why bother asking me?”
Tyler got the money and they went to the mason yard. The same man was working and he laughed as they approached.
“Lookin to be my new supplier?”
“Not sure yet.”
The man chuckled.
“Well, whaddya got this time?”
“More golem stone, Andesite, Clay, Annnd I think that’s it.”
“Nice to see good stone and clay for once.”
Tyler and Wulf added the material into the bucket and the foremen shook his head.
“You have a keen eye for stone. I can give you 350 gold, 55 silver and 43 coppers.”
The last trip was the bank. They went to the dwarf’s booth and he laughed.
“Whatcha got this time?”
“Gold, copper, Blood Platinum and silver.”
The dwarf blinked.
“Blood Platinum ya say? I haven’t seen such a treasure in three hundred years.”
Tyler placed the ores on the slab for appraisal. Soon as the dwarf saw the red metal he shook his head.
“Blood Platinum it be lad. A most precious metal indeed. Okay, for the lot, I can give you 850 gold, 87 silver, and 65 copper.”
Tyler whistled in awe in awe at the number.
“Outta curiosity, what’s the Platinum worth and used fer?”
“That much? 600 gold. It’s used for high level offerings to the Scale. They say if you make an offering of Blood Platinum to the Scale, they get tipped ever more in your favor.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Good to know. Deal.”
Tyler and Wulf walked out of the bank with a new grand total of 30,255 gold, 2,256 silver and 2,967 copper. Tyler shook his head at the sum.
“We have enough to buy a country, Wulf.”
The ranger laughed.
“An interesting spot right? We have wealth akin to a capital city, and yet we just use it for bait really.”
They laughed as they returned to the mansion. Wulf went to go rest, and Tyler headed for Lily’s smithy to give her the ore before he accidently sold it. HE smiled as he heard the elven girl working on her craft, as the sounds of hammer blows and her humming in time to the blows made him happy for her. She scares me sometimes with her intensity, but I love her to death. HE saw her with a billet of some metal in her large oven-like forge and was removing it with a small pair of tongs. HE leaned on a post to watch her work. She placed the metal on her hundred pound anvil and was hammering the yellow metal into the shape of a single edged sword. HE smiled as he saw the shape. Interesting choice Lily. A Falchion. Wonder who that’s for? He happily watched as she worked the metal into shape before putting it back in the forge to reheat. She grabbed a cup of water as she waited.
“You can come in now.”
HE chuckled fondly as she spoke.
“I can’t sneak up on eh?”
She chuckled.
“Nope. Ya got five minutes before the metal be ready. What’s up?”
“Just dropping your ore off.”
She gestured to a small pile.
“Coal there. Iron there, tin in that pile there, and the Malachite in this one here please.”
He seperated the ore as she asked, and her piles doubled. He gave her a happy hug before heading inside and leaving her to her work. He headed up to his office to store the bills they’d completed as a reference. He sat in the chair and pulled the large ledger he’d gotten for the party’s stats. First he opened his own, and smiled as he saw he’d had over 500 to throw. Holy shit. When was the last time I did a stat ANYTHING? He looked at his previous numbers, and found them to have been boosted significantly. His strength was at a staggering 600 now, agility 550, stealth 450, physical defense 650, speed 500, magic 600, stamina 750, and mana 800. BEFORE his 500 extra. He put an extra 100 into strength, putting it at 700, 50 into agility, stealth, physical defense, and stamina. Bringing them to 600, 500, 700, and 800. He still had 200 points left. So, he split them between magic and mana. Giving him 700 magic and 900 mana. He smiled as he saw his CLEARLY overpowered character build. I went from being an overweight, out-of-shape shut-in Neet, to freakin badass. He had the sheets from the others, and found them all stacked as well, but lower then his skills by a hundred plus each. Once their pages were done, he sat back and filed their small stack of completed bills away before looking at his HUD. He remembered the compendium idea and headed to the guild. He was walking down the staircase to the door and saw Sera resting in the grass of the enclosed mini courtyard. He smiled as he waved at her. My little sister is a freakin PRINCESS! He walked out whistling as he went to the guild. He walked in and the guild roared.
“Hail Outcast!”
He walked to Verilica’s booth and she smiled.
“What is it this time?”
“Well, I heard you make compendiums from bestiaries.”
She laughed.
“We do. We just need to see your Bestiary.”
HE pulled it up and she placed a crystal into it. She counted to three and placed the formerly clear crystal into a receptacle and the thing churned out over a hundred books from their creatures killed. He tilted his head.
“I can’t buy one of those for the mansion, can I?”
The feral imp smiled with bared fang.
“You can. But you need to buy it here.”
“Sweet. So, how you want you payment? Coin or lay?”
The guild busted up as Verilica gave him a rather intense pair of bed eyes.
“For you? BOTH.”
“Well, let’s get wicked.”
She blushed and smiled.
“I get off work in fifteen minutes.”
“Well, I’m sure I can waste that kinda time here. So, the fee for the crystal thing and the compendiums?”
“The compendiums, 95 silver, the Oracle? It’s called an oracle, by the way. That’s 2 gold.”
“And laying with you is priceless.”
She blushed again as her tail waved happily behind her. The men just applauded his word play as he placed the coins on the tray. He added the books and the breadbox sized Oracle that just looked like a weird slot machine to his pouch. Then he walked over to the job board as a way to pass the time. He looked at the never decreasing amount of jobs and smiled. This is REAL work! HE looked up and spotted a large poster that made him grin. He took it down.
“Wanted: slaying of an Ice Drakolisk. Reward 50 gold.”
Tyler smiled.
“I LOVE fighting these things.”
Verilica came over now.
“That one is a Guild Avenger quest. Last count, forty-three adventurers have fallen to it.”
“My party’s horses need a break for a bit. But, we’ll still take this as we’ll be ready for another round in a few hours. Plus, the mention of a Lisk fight is PLENTY for them.”
That got a round of laughs.
“The Outcasts fight Drakolisks for fun lads!”
“Aye mate, it a little scary!”
Tyler chuckled as another poster caught his eye.
“Wanted: Slaying of a Grand Wyvern. Last seen near the Pride Mountain. Pride Mountain?”
“The spot the Hook Wraith lived.”
HE looked over to see Wulf come walking over. Tyler chuckled.
“Am I THAT predictable?”
The ranger snorted.
“Yes you are. Plus, I figured we’d be headed out as much as we can often as we can until the wave starts. So, any of note thus far?”
“Got this for an ice Lisk.”
Wulf smiled hungrily as he looked at it.
“An Ice DrakoLisk? We’re going to need a bigger meat pouch.”
“My plan here was to fully stock that meat box.”
His red eyes lit up.
“It holds 10,000 pounds of meat and it won’t go bad, even if it’s left for ten years!”
Tyler then looked at the Wyvern poster.
“Kinda odd how fast this thing took the den over. We just killed it, what? Yesterday?”
“That was a prime den, so it is highly sought after property in nature.”
“Makes sense. We’ll head out in a few hours, or when Kaori says the horses are good to go again.”
The elf laughed.
“We’re doing this again tomorrow right?”
“Yeah. That was my plan at least.”
Verilica smiled.
“The Grand Wyvern’s reward was increased to 35 gold due to it killing the adventurer that went out this morning after it.”
“That sucks.”
Wulf looked up at one bill.
“Got one for another giant camp.”
“Those are fun. Where is it?”
“North gate and an hour’s ride. Says here reward is 5 gold.”
“Decent. Hey, that’s an odd one.”
Tyler pulled the bill down.
“Wanted: Destruction of a Cursed Wall. Reward is 25 gold. The hells is a Cursed Wall?”
Wulf chuckled.
“A living wall. Usually stone, that got possessed by a demon for some odd reason. They can be anywhere from ten feet tall to 150 feet tall, and stretch 300 feet wide. Why a Demon possessed a wall is a mystery every time they’re found.”
“I wonder if this falls under my deal with Tempesta? Since it’s a demon and all.”
Wulf crossed his arms.
“I’d say….no. It’s not. As this is merely a Possessor Demon.”
Tyler frowned.
“I wanna ask him, but same time don’t wanna bother him for something like this.”
Wulf shrugged.
“Your call.”
Tyler looked at it, when he felt a weird vibration in the pouch he kept the catalog crystal.
“The hell?”
He reached in and pulled one of the blue communication coins Tempesta had given him to contact the king. He lifted the vibrating thing in his palm, and the image of Tempesta’s eye was seen.
“I heard you have a question.”
“Wow. Nifty. Just wondering if a Cursed Wall falls under the Demon thing we got going.”
The lord of blue’s image was seen to burst out laughing at the most unusual question. Then he recovered.
“You’re insane. No it doesn’t. They are in the same vein as Doppelgangers.”
“Thanks big blue. Better safe then angry dragon.”
“A wise policy.”
Tyler put the coin away and took the bill.
“Wonder if Holy Sanctity would do the trick?”
Wulf thought for a moment.
“I’d say yes it would, as the spell was made to kill these kinds of creatures.”
Tyler looked around as Verilica leered.
“When you’ve finished with the board, I’m free.”
“Nice. I’ll finish this and then in you.”
She shivered as he walked to another spot and smiled.
“Wow. Got one for a Thunder Toad. Reward is 50 silver.”
Wulf chuckled.
“Thunder toad? Nice find. The things are 12 feet tall, 20 long, 15 across, and their slime is worth a lot as a skin cream for women. Makes the skin softer and more radiant when refined.”
“Wow, Wulf, you know a lot about women’s products and what their made from. Got a confession?”
Oh the guild LOST it! Wulf for his part walked over and hit Tyler in the face.
“I hate you!”
“Well, we got a gift for Kaori and Ashy then.”
“That’s better. Fuckin asshole.”
Tyler laughed as he took the bill. Funny enough, he spotted three more for the same creature in the same vicinity. He took them as Wulf pulled one down himself.
“Got one for a Wraith bear. Reward 90 silver.”
“Wraith bear? I thought those were native to your homeland, Wulf.”
“They are. Sometimes one wanders down here for whatever reason. Think that Thrall bear but this being a natural beast.”
“Compared to juniper’s teddy, how big?”
“Hmmm, maybe the same size? With dark grey fur, yellow eyes, and moves silently. They have an ability to turn invisible for a short period.”
Tyler’s brow furrowed.
“Wow, Wulf. Come to thing of it, we haven’t really fought anything with abilities yet.”
HE shrugged.
“Well, to be fair? We usually kill most things before they get that far.”
“Yeah that’s true. Can we eat the bear?”
“No. The pelt, however, is simply divine as a bed roll.”
“Add that to out Thrall bear pelt.”
Wulf was witnessed to get a most wistful look.
“Okay, just for that kind of comfort, I’ll take this one.”
“Nice. Hey. That’s different.”
Tyler took down a bill for a cat-like creature that was like a massive leopard with a pair of long tendrils extending from the muzzle.
“Wanted: Slaying of a Leopold pack. Reward: 2 gold.”
Wulf smiled now.
“Leopolds are very good for their pelts. They’re even better then most bears. Their meat is worthless, claws valuable, pelts the main target, and those long tendrils can be used for lashings. Plus a good pack has 10 creatures. They range in size from that table in length to me to you.”
“So, 9 feet long and maybe 5 high. Not bad for a kittycat.”
He took it as well, before looking over what they had thus far.
“Okay, we got a lisk, wyvern, Wraith bear, a giant camp, these Leopolds, four toads, and a Cursed Wall. We’ll get one more and call it.”
Wulf nodded.
“Then in the morning we do it all again, right?”
“Yeah. One last hard push before the wave hits.”
they looked for a good one to round out the stack. Tyler smiled when he saw one.
“Hey, got one for an Earth elemental. Reward is 15 gold.”
Wulf whistled.
“Damn. Those are rare. We kill it we’re guaranteed at least some good quality stone, ore, and maybe a pair of gems for the eyes.”
“That works.”
Tyler took the last bill and Wulf headed off to go rest some more before the next rampage. Tyler added them to the pouch before looking at Verilica.
She smiled and they left the hall together. The pair made their way to Verilica’s home where they stripped and he fitted into her warm entrance as they basked in their lust. He loving the imp girl as she bucked him and rode him in turn, filling her with cream as she got her next set of orgasms of the Outcast. They played for two hours before she was finished.
“Go on, finish is off.”
HE kissed her as he did indeed finish. She sighing happily as her slit got it’s latest cream filling. Then they laid together was they got their breath back. Tyler chuckled.
“I love this world.”
Verilica smiled as she kissed him again.
“I love you.”
He kissed her back.
“I love you too.”
She sighed.
I’d like to sleep now. I have to work all day tomorrow.”
“I’ll go get our next raids set up.”
HE kissed her goodbye and headed for his mansion. He walked in and went to his office and set the reference books on the shelves before placing the Oracle on his desk in easy reach. Then he laid the map out with the stack of bills on a nearby peg board for easy referring.
“Whatchya doin?”
HE looked up to see Sera poking her head in curiously. He smiled at her.
“Planning the next batch of raids.”
“We’re going on more?”
She walked in and hopped up to sit on a smaller chair next to his desk.
“We are. Those over there are the next targets.”
She looked over and smiled.
“Another lisk? Yay! Food!”
HE rubbed her hair as Sallie and Sylvia took their shell forms.
“We’re gonna go explore now.”
HE looked at them.
“Be careful. I got the spells hardwired into the place, but you know.”
Sallie giggled.
“we’re gonna go take a dip in the hotspring!”
“Have fun girls.”
The two spirits ran out of the office as Sera smiled.
“Now I wanna go.”
“Well, make it a sister thing.”
She hugged him.
“Kay! Sallie! Sylvia! Wait up!”
He shook his head as he heard the three sets of footsteps running down the hall. He looked at each bill and examined the spots they were to be found. The map had the majority of Vernillion filled in on the eastern side all the way to Yalik, plus the near entirety of the Elven Kingdom from Wulf’s ranger map, plus the area around Term from the knights’ maps, and now a massive area around Raylik from the maps from the store, bandits, and others. I kinda feel like I run more a business then a adventurers’ party. He had a song playing in the background as he looked at the books,
“Still at it eh?”
He smiled as Kaori came in and kissed him before sitting next to him.
“Yup. We got our next set of targets there.”
The blonde beauty looked at the peg board and smiled.
“Another Lisk and Wyvern? Just like our first adventure.”
HE hugged her.
“Why I grabbed em. Though, this time? Please don’t show off the goods to the Wyvern, okay? Beautiful as they are.”
She hugged him as she watched him work.
“When do we ride out this time?”
“Once you give the clear on the horses for another run.”
She smiled.
“They’re fine. Just needed to get their breath back.”
“Well, Sera and the spirits should be finished their bath by now.”
“They are. They’re cuddling in Sera’s room. I got a picture.”
She showed her crystal and he just smiled as he saw Sera entrenched between the warm bodies of Sallie and Sylvia.
“Nice one Shadow. I’ll call muster.”
He blew the whistle and the party came in after five minutes. He pointed to the peg board.
“We got our last batch for the day. After this we’re done for the night. But, tomorrow we’re doing just as many.”
Lily saw the Cursed Wall and Earth Elemental.
“we can get good ores from those.”
She then placed a small list on his desk.
“I be needin these for me smithy.”
Tyler took the thing.
“I’ll get to this after we get back. Anything else we need/want?”
Vixen smiled.
“I made a list of things I need to craft my own spells.”
He took the list and smiled.
“Nice to see you using that Foxy nature I love so much. Oh, and here.”
HE passed her the Adder’s Bite in a small wrapping. Her dark blue eyes lit up.
“Thank you. I’ve been looking for this for a few years now.”
Tyler passed Kaori the Horse Relief.
“Allow me to present the Lady of Horses her newest spell.”
That got him a warm kiss as Wulf placed a list of his own.
“The garden has room for targets.”
“No shooting from windows, but sure.”
They laughed.
“Was think YOU’D do that!”
HE chuckled as Ashy made a request.
“I’d like to add a set of chairs on me balcony.”
“Sure, Ashy. That sounds kinda nice actually. Reminds me, I need to invest in some enchantments for the place in the event of idiot.”
Malico smiled.
“My father Houndra has our tavern enchanted against spells with a reflect spell, so I’d ask Seline.”
“Nice to see my favorite kittycat’s still got boobs and brains, Oh, and a sexy tail.”
She purred as the requests stopped.
“We good?”
They nodded.
“Alright. You know the drill.”
They got their horses and rode out to kill the lisk first as it was the biggest thing on their list. The beast had taken up residence in a cave in a large range two hours from the front gate. The range was able to be seen from the wall tops of Raylik was a tall set of rocks. As they rode, Tyler thought of something.
“Hey, Wulf, I was wondering something.”
The party replied en mass.
“Oh shit here we go.”
The ranger laughed.
“What surfaced this time?”
“Drakolisks and Wyverns are considered royal beasts, right?”
“They are.”
“Then how come their bills popped up in the adventurer’s guild?”
The native chuckled.
“Because they are usually restricted to those select few that have both the permit, rank, AND approval of both the town leader and the drown to hunt them. We, or I should say YOU, don’t bother to really read the fine print since you both don’t care and it’s useless information.”
“Huh. So, they post the bills in full view as a slap in the face. Nasty.”
Wulf laughed merrily.
“You’d see it like that. Or, they post it as encouragement to both ingratiate themselves to the crown and town leadership with the benefit of improvement to one day challenge such a beast.”
Tyler shrugged.
“I see that side as well. Having a bar to reach for is a powerful motivator.”
“That it be.”
They rode to the spot Wulf had pointed out for hitching, and the whole party readied for a fight. The place was a cold area, even though it was high summer. Tyler chuckled.
“Guess it uses ice breath.”
Wulf smiled as they approached the wide open area.
“It does. Plus they coat their dens in ice as well. But, once it dies, the ice melts in a cloud of steam.”
Kaori smacked him.
“Do NOT use that line.”
He was indignant.
“I wasn’t! I hate that song too!”
Ashy giggled.
“I have it!”
“Don’t you DARE.”
She bawled.
“Hey! I was six!”
The couple’s condemnation of the girl sent a wave of curiosity through the group. And Sera asked the question.
“What song?”
Tyler patted her head affectionately.
“You are better off not knowing Sera.”
They became nervous now as they looked at Ashy.
“It’s not like that!”
Tyler chuckled.
“We’ll show you later.”
They shrugged as they walked out into the wide open area the lisk had made around it’s den. There were pillars of ice sticking from the bodies of those that had already tried to kill it, and failed. Tyler chuckled.
“It worth looting them too?”
Wulf smiled.
“It is. As most will have coin, weapons, Licenses, gear. It’s a common practice to loot the fallen on a hunt.”
They spotted the beast as it reared to address it’s newest group of visitors with a bellow. This one had wide white wings instead of the mere stumps Tyler had expected. The thing was smaller then the black Lisk but bigger then the red. But those were the only true differences in appearance besides its pure white scales. Lily smiled as she saw the color.
“I be wanting those for me smithy.”
“That’s me elf.”
She grinned now as the party moved to attack. Tyler, Lucy, and Thistle charged with their swords and axe as Vixen and Serafina cast spells, Lillica, Sera, Wulf, Ashy, Kaori, and Malico fired arrows, and Lily looked for an opening. The lisk drew in a breath, only to grow a mass of arrows from it’s throat.
“Nice shot ladies! And Wulf!”
The ranger just sighed as he fitted another arrow.
Tyler smiled as he swung Gliepnir into the right leg of the lisk, cutting it clean off. The massive thing fell onto it’s side with a bellow as Lucy stabbed the thing through the groove Tyler had pointed out to her from their last lisk. The heart was pierced and it died. Soon as it did, the ice around the battlefield rose in a mass cloud of steam. Tyler groaned.
“Great. Wulf, Ashy, on watch. Loot the bodies around the outer rim to the last and move inwards. Every fucker with eyes is going to see that for miles. Lily, Serafina and Vixen we’ll work the den.”
They nodded and got to work, as the steam cloud rising above them was now a bright neon sign saying HEY! I’M HERE! Tyler and the three ladies dove into the ice free den and went straight to the back. There they found a four foot tall pile of coins. Tyler smiled.
“Nice haul this time. Okay, prospect the walls. I got no hollows but ya know.”
Serafina and Vixen got to collecting the loot as Tyler and Lily used prospect on the walls as they searched. The industrious group cleared most of the wall rather quickly, finding veins of coal, copper, iron, tin, a rather thick one of Malachite, a new ore called Embercite, lead, clay, Andesite, a mass or granite, Quartz, and even a five ton slab of Blood sandstone.
“Hey! Tyler, we got idiots!”
Tyler sighed and left the cave.
“Keep at it ladies.”
He left the cave to see a group of riders headed for the carcass the ladies were in the process of butchering. Tyler counted maybe twenty and walked over to stand between them and the lisk. HE drew his broadsword and planted the tip in the dirt as the group reached him. The man in the front was clad in gleaming plate mail and bore royal insignia. He looked at the group butchering the lisk.
“Sirrah. I be Captain Wulfgar of his royal majesty King Ishtar’s Knights. Be ye the leader of this rabble?”
“I be. Name’s Tyler the Outcast.”
The man went pale.
“My apologies Lord. I meant no disrespect.”
“Yeah, whatever. We’re busy, sooo piss off.”
The man pulled a scroll from his belt pouch.
“We be here on orders sah.”
He gave the scroll to Tyler and he sighed as he looked at it.
“By the order of Vilisk Ligermen, fifth in line to the throne, the lisk and it’s trove are to be retrieved from the adventurer or adventurers that claim it. Riiiight.”
Tyler just tossed it back to the man.
“Sera! Lillia!”
The two royal girls hopped off the things back came over, making the Knights go white in the face.
“You’re highnesses!”
They ignored him as sera came bouncing over for a hug.
“What’s up?”
“Does the name Vilisk Ligermen mean anything to you?”
Lillica groaned and rubbed her eyes.
“I hate that guy. Likes to bully those under him to get his way. He owns an airship company out of Term.”
“Airship company? Ya don’t say. Yo, Wulfgar, lemme see that scroll a sec.”
The ashen faced man promptly handed it over and Sera giggled.
“I know where this is going!”
He rubbed her hair.
“Love you too Sis.”
she smiled as he pulled a blue coin out.
“King Ishtar.”
There was a flicker before the king was seen in a hologram-like image. The knights got off their horses and knelt before the image of the King. Who sighed.
“I see the Lisk behind you, Tyler. What happened this time?”
“More practice then anything really. Just this idiots used this to try and steal it out from under us. Since this provides an opportunity for some gutter cleaning, well, you know the drill.”
The king got a look at the scroll and burst out laughing.
“I see where you’re going with this you wily bastard. I know that worm, and have been looking for an excuse to do something about him. And before you start, I’d like to retain my image of a fair ruler just a bit longer.”
“Wow. Was gonna say why didn’t you just have Kazuma ‘stumble’ upon some incriminating evidence?”
The king burst out laughing again.
“Because this one’s more fun. Watch for the news crystal.”
“Oh this oughta be good.”
“So, how’s me girls doing with their training?”
“Pretty good really. They had their first solo raids today on bandits and an orc camp. I stayed out of it, and they went with the Ranger, Lucy and thistle for the orcs, then Wulf, Vixen and Ashy for the bandits. Did just fine too.”
The king beamed with pride.
“They’re their mother’s daughters.”
“She lose it when she heard?”
“Oh she DID! Get this, she’s currently sailing to Yalik to be here for the ball!”
The girls gasped in joy.
“Mother’s home!”
Tyler rubbed their heads.
“Lymir’s gonna have fun. That’s for damn sure.”
They laughed. Then Tyler looked at the knights.
“Yer good. We’ll handle the rest.”
Wulfgar kept his head bowed.
“My apologies for the rudeness Sah.”
“Forgiven. Just, don’t do it again.”
The knights mounted back up and rode off as Tyler passed the scroll through the image to Ishtar. The king smiled.
“That it?”
“For the next five minutes. Oh, and we bought a mansion in Raylik.”
“A beautiful town. The place have a name?”
“HA! You jest!”
Tyler frowned.
“No, seriously, we bought Spearview. Why, something bad happen there?”
Ishtar wiped a tear from his eye.
“That was ole Gru’s first base as well. Him AND Erica’s. When we were running together, we used it as our base for two hundred years. Kinda fitting you’d buy it for your party.”
“Kaori loves that master.”
“I bet she does. Ser most likely took that corner room, and Lillica took the one by the street.”
“Wow. Good calls.”
“Who picked the place?”
“I let the ladies deicide, and that was what they picked.”
“Of course you did.”
“Well, that’s all I got.”
“Aye, Tyler. I’ll go make that pompous prick cry.”
The image died and Tyler put the coin in his pouch.
Ishtar smiled as the coin went dead.
“The boy bought Spearview.”
The king got up out of his chair and looked at a phot of him, Gruven, His wife Erica, and Kaori’s Mother Erica with Lyrica and Houndra standing outside the mansion.
“It’s come full circle. I wonder how long until she finds it?”

Tyler looked to Sera and Lillica.
“Back to work you two. I’ll go help the cave out.”
They nodded and ran off as he headed back into the cave. As he did, he spotted Kaori’s blonde hair by a leg. He smiled as he came up behind her and stole a kiss off her.
“Hey, guess what?”
She smiled as she set the knife down.
“You want me?”
“Always. But, Spearview? That was Gruven’s first base with his party.”
She gasped.
“You mean?”
“There might be something in there. Knowing YOUR mother.”
Kaori was shaking hard, and he held her tightly.
“Use your detection when we get back, please?”
HE kissed her.
“Of course, Kaori.”
She sighed as she stopped shaking.
“Thank you.”
“I love you.”
She shivered as he breathed it into her ear.
“I love you too.”
He kissed her again before heading back to the cave. There he found Lily waiting for him.
“Got a bunch for you.”
“Love you too Lily.”
She smiled and showed him to where he’d left off. Vixen and Serafina were still loading coin, but were half way done.
“Okay. We got more iron, granite, some good tin, copper, a lot of coal, more Malachite, some corundum, and even ebony.”
Tyler looked at her.
“Ebony? What’s that used for?”
She shrugged.
“Decent weapons and armor. Sometimes decoration. Me? I can’t use it yet as I need training in smelting it and working it. So, sell it.”
“Sure Lily.”
He dug the ore out with the Mine Skill as the body looters came in led by Malico.
“We’re done with the bodies.”
“Atta cat. Haul?”
“A few maps, 89 gold, 234 silver, 432 copper, some good armors, weapons as well, mostly steel with a few Magicite daggers and a spear, a few rings of licenses, but we’ve yet to really go through them, and a few pouches of potions.”
“Damn Malico. That’s a raid maker right there. Okay, go help Kaori with the butchering, please.”
“kiss me!”
He kissed her sweetly, and she purred.
“I want you tomorrow at some point. Been a while.”
He patted her back.
“Sure kittycat. We’ll play tomorrow.”
She smiled and went with Lucy and Thistle to help Kaori. Tyler and Lily stripped the cave clean of ore and went to help Vixen and Serafina with the trove. The party took the entire lisk as this point why not? The skull would be mounted in a trophy room with the Tyrant skull. The trove was cleaned to the last copper, and then the go over was performed. The trove? 3678 gold, 12432 silver, 5653 copper. Tyler whistled as he saw the number on the pouch.
“Damn. Now THAT’S a trove!”
They laughed as they left the stripped cave and helped clear the lisk away. Tyler and the party mounted up for the Wyvern raid next. And he and kaori shared a glance.
“Me, Malico and kaori will kill it.”
The other smiled widely. Wulf chuckled.
“The first three, right?”
“Yup. Plus the Wyvern was the first creature we killed together. Hell, it WAS the first thing we killed together. Me, Kaori and Malico.”
The party smiled as they headed for the Hook Wraith cave. Vixen had a thought.
“Once you kill it, I’d like to examine the cursed tomb.”
“Sure, Vixen. We need to finished mining the thing too.”
That got a chuckle. They hitched up at where they’d stopped the last time and the three went hunting. Tyler in the lead with Malico to his left and Kaori to his right.
“Been forever since we did a job together!”
“I know right?”
“Tyler, me, and Kaori. The original party. Brings back memories don’t it?”
“Sure does kittycat. Once kaori here was a prim and proper poster child for purity. Now look at her.”
“Right? A wild hearted sexy badass!”
“With the best and worst friends.”
They laughed as they neared the place. The Hook Wraith was still there, and was very clearly being used as a food source by the Grand Wyvern. Tyler and the two girls took up spots as he threw a rock into the cave. HE smiled as he got a dull thud indicating he’s hit the thing. The 20 foot long beast came sprinting out of the cave as he drew Oblivion from his back and dodged to the side. The two girls fired arrows into the side of it’s head, confusing it. The moment’s hesitation allowed Tyler to race in and stab the thing in the side of the head where the pine was in it’s body. It died instantly and dropped with a thud. HE smiled as they came to look at it.
“Looks like the one that attacked you two.”
“Yeah. I guess we got lucky.”
Tyler leered at Malico.
“More ways an one that day. Right, Malico?”
She smiled as she remembered.
“That was a fun day.”
The party got to work butchering it under kaori and Malico’s direction as Tyler took Lily and Vixen into the cave. Lily got to prospecting as he showed the black mage the tomb. She chuckled as she cast a spell and the same black fog that had come off the hunters the last time was seen.
“You found the tomb of a fallen ruler. A human too.”
He smiled as he stole a kiss off her surprised lips.
“We’ll remember to include you the next time.”
She smiled happily.
“Thanks. For that.”
He hugged her and kissed her again.
“Can’t have my favorite Vixen feel left out.”
She kissed him this time.
“I’ll join Malico tonight.”
“As will I!”
Lily’s eager voice was heard and it made the busty mage smile.
“Of course Lily. And so you know? They’re very soft.”
The poor elf shivered.
“Oh, you’re MEAN!”
Tyler chuckled.
“Find anything?”
She recovered.
“Some Diorite, more Andesite, granite, iron, more Clay, and a bit of redsteel.”
“Nice Lily. How far you get?”
“Maybe, halfway?”
“I’ll need a new pickaxe.”
She smiled as he started digging.
“I’ve got one ready to smelt for you.”
“I fucking love you, Lily.”
That set her glowing with pride as he dug the two tons of stone from the wall. Vixen went to join the others cleaning the carcass. Tyler and lily finished the cave properly, and walked away with more granite, clay, iron, redsteel, Blood Sandstone, Diorite, copper and even a good bit of Oremicah. The Wyvern was dismantled and stored before they rode to the next kill, the giant camp. Sera was curious.
“What type of giant this time?”
Tyler took the bill out.
“Says here, wow, Stone.”
She smiled.
“Bout time I get to kill one MY way!”
“Damn fuckin RIGHT Sera! Hey, there’s an idea.”
The party laughed. Tyler looked to Lily on Malico’s horse.
“Think when you get the time, you can make mini figurines of the creatures we’ve killed?”
Lily’s red eyes lit up.
“Like mini trophies! I’d love to!”
He smiled.
“Good to hear. I’ll got us a hutch for them.”
Kaori smiled.
“Plus with how your memory works, all you’d need to do is see the thing and you’d remember every detail of the battle like it was yesterday.”
They rode to the nearest safe spot to the camp and dismounted to go kill the things. The creatures had made their camp in the shadow of anther outcrop of stone and had it set like a fence. There were maybe 25 creatures inside, and all 30 feet tall. Tyler Lucy, and Thistle had their weapons out and were walking right up to the front door as everyone else took up spots for the bow. Tyler smiled as the party took their spots. The creatures had no idea until the arrows slammed into the things, dropping four as Tyler and the two axe wielders surged forward to cut the legs out from under the beasts as the giants struggled to react. Ten minutes later they were dead and the looting began. Tyler walked to the back of the camp and used prospect on the rock faces with Lily right beside him. He touched one and smiled.
“Got a hollow. But the rock is solid. Lily, your hammer, please.”
She chuckled as she gave him the 10 pound sledge.
“Make a hole.”
“Yes, your grace!”
“Eep! Bastard!”
HE chuckled as he drew the thing back, and then smashed it into the X Lily had drawn on the rock. It exploded into dust with a loud crack. Tyler waited for the dust to settle before looking inside.
“Vixen, got another tomb.”
The black mage finished with her current giant and came to look. She held up a hand and tilted her head.
“Odd one this. We’ve found the resting place of a Gnome ruler.”
“Really? Nifty.”
Tyler looked around.
“Lily, YOU, Sera, annnnd, Lillica. I’ll stand right here.”
The girls smiled and went into the small chamber. Tyler leaned on his broadsword and watched as Lily threw the lid aside and dodged the initial shot. Vixen got a look.
“Minor Lich! Cut the head off!”
Tyler watched closely as Lily used her unbreakable shield to pin the thing against the lip of the coffin, as Sera and Lillica swung their blades to sever the thing’s head completely. Tyler clapped as he walked in.
“Nice teamwork girls. This tomb’s haul is yours.”
Vixen was in agreement.
“Indeed. Well done.”
The girls smiled and they got to looting as Tyler prospected the walls. As he did, Lily gave a noise of huh? He looked over as she lifted a two and a half foot weapon from the coffin. Tyler smiled as he saw the shape. It was straight for the first five inches, then formed a crescent moon shape with the blade and was made of Magicite. Lily looked at it before looking at Tyler.
“What is this thing?”
HE chuckled.
“I forget just WHAT it’s called, but that’s a anti-shielder sword. See that curve? It’s meant to reach AROUND a shield. Here, I’ll show you.”
Lily took her stance as he took the small sword. HE then lightly swung the blade, and she tilted the weapon like she’d been trained, only for the more hook like part to grab onto the lip of her shield, and yank her off balance. She also felt it touch her greave.
“I see now. I’d like to try both making one, AND learning to counter it.”
“Sure. You can keep it as a blank. But as to countering it? Let’s swap.”
He took her shield, and she took the blade.
“Now, BOTH sides of the blade have an edge. Remember that.”
She nodded and swung at him with the weapon. Instead of tilting the thing AWAY from him, he tilted it DOWNWARD, and gave a slight push. Result? The blade caught, and was nearly pushed out of her hand as the thing was then directed downward, leaving her wide open for his own blade. HE smiled as they traded again.
This time he tried an overhead shot, and she stepped under his swing to push him with the shield and ruin his stance before jabbing him in the vest with her own weapon. He patted her as she retook her spot. This time he swung the weapon from under and she kept her eye on the hook like tip as she used her shield lip to both lock his own weapon down, and transfer the momentum into her own shot. She smiled now.
“I get it now. The hook tip is the most dangerous piece of the thing to me. Plus it’s also the thing’s weakness.”
“Yup. These types of swords are more suited for hide shields as they usually cut right through em. But against metal? Not as effective. So, lily, think you have it?”
She nodded.
“I do. It’s kinda an odd looking thing though ain’t it?”
HE chuckled affectionately as he gave her the weapon.
“No arguments there.”
“Hey, that was cool and all, but the camp and coffin are clear!”
Sera’s cute voice was heard then.
“What’s the haul?”
“Umm, 156 gold, 213 silver, 121 copper, that sword, a two foot Sapphire, and a weird dagger.”
She held up the foot long thing. It had a similar shape as the sword, and Tyler smiled.
“That served the same purpose, Sera. Nice finds. I’ll get back to rock looking.”
Lily joined him, and they found some good red sandstone, black marble, a rather nice vein of Rose gold, and a five foot thick vein of silver. Tyler tore the stuff from the walls and they left to go kill the Leopolds. Lily was riding Tyler’s horse now and was loving the attention. The leopard things were to be found on a large patch of grassland, and were active predators. As such, Tyler had chosen, Wulf, Ashy, Kaori, Malico, and Lucy as the hunters. They reached the place Wulf indicated and moved carefully to both not spook the things, and to get the drop on them. They crested a small rise and saw the pride of 15 beasts all longing around a small rock outcrop with a truly magnificent specimen perched atop the rock. Tyler smiled as he saw them. In looks, they were merely massive leopards with long tendril things on their faces. He looked at Kaori and shrugged as he pantomimed a picture. She smiled and winked at him as she tapped her eye. Fucking love you Shadow! HE pulled his bow, and so did the other hunters as they made a semi circle around the basking beasts. Once in position, they each picked a target, and took aim. They fired and six creatures dropped from the arrows and spear Lucy threw. The surviving creatures were on their feet, just to get another volley to drop the next 6. The one on the rock roared as it’s tendrils sparked with electricity as it tried to ready an attack, only for Tyler’s arrow to hit it in the heart as the two survivors were dropped as well. They moved in and the rest of the party joined them for skinning the beasts. Tyler took the big beast off the rock and Wulf commented.
“That’s not a Leopold. It’s actually a Tigeria. Same thing, but uses electric attacks.”
Tyler looked at it, and smiled as he saw the evident black and orange stripes of the Tiger.
“Oh, I’m keeping this one.”
They laughed as Wulf tossed him a knife.
“Their pelts are extremely soft and thick. Plus the claws and eyes are valuable too.”
Tyler aided the party in skinning the creatures and storing them in the pouches. Lily then prospected the rock outcrop as it had become a habit to look at every rock they found now.
“Got something Lily?”
She smiled.
“Got more marble, iron, and another Malachite vein.”
Tyler dug em out for her and she watched happily.
“Hey, Tyler? What’s our next kill?”
“Umm, the thunder toads, Sera.”
She smiled now.
“Their slime makes skin softer and brighter!”
Kaori blinked and Tyler sighed now.
“I know it does, Sera.”
She squeaked as she saw his secret plan now. Then he smiled.
“But hey, nice to see you know.”
Sera felt bad now, but Kaori hugged her for him.
“It’s okay.”
He patted her head.
“Yeah. I WAS planning to give it to YOU after all.”
Sera squeaked hard as she blushed in embarrassment. Tyler and the party mounted up to kill the toads as Kaori rode up beside him.
“Another gift?”
“Yeah. Was hoping to surprise you, but well.”
HE shrugged.
“Always next time.”
“Yer good, Sera.”
The sweet girl got a bunch of reassuring pats from the party. They reached the more marshy area and they all went this time since they were facing a group of larger creatures. Tyler snorted as they went.
“Great. Now what?”
“Hey, Ashy! PLEASE don’t pull an Aqua!”
“Fuck you!”
She was PISSED! Kaori looked at her before busting up laughing as it clicked.
“Damn that was a good one!”
The party was so confused. So he explained.
“The name of a Water goddess in those shows we loved was named Aqua. She was stupid. Like walk face first into a wall after seeing it ten feet away stupid. She gets eaten by large frogs like four times. Right, Ashy?”
“I will shove this arrow so far up your ass YOU will be shot from my bow!”
“Yeeesh, Ashy! Ya got Wulf for that kinda thing!”
They lost it at his dumbfounded response, and his now scaredly confused expression made even Ashy bust out laughing. Tyler chuckled as they kept moving as they recovered. They spotted the toads soon after. Tyler tilted his head when he saw them.
“Wow. They’re blue.”
Ashy sighed as he looked at the large toads.
“Don’t say it.”
“Hop to it!”
He got a smack from everyone in hands reach. Sera sighed.
“Wow, that was as bad as Momma’s.”
Tyler chuckled as they fitted arrows to bows as the things waddled around.
“Just wait till we meet, Sera.”
The poor girl cringed so badly she had to renock her arrow!
“My soul hurts.”
They smiled as they took aim at the four toads. They’d enhanced their arrows with piercers as to get through the slime and the skin. They fired and the things dropped with a oddly disturbing plop. The next task was the collection of their slime and slime glands. THAT was a dirty job. Then they were off. Tyler pulled the bills out.
“Okay, the lisk, Wyvern, giants, Leopolds and the toads are dead. So we have an earth elemental, a Cursed Wall, and a Wraith Bear. The Wall I’ll use Holy Sanctity on.”
Vixen smiled.
“That’ll kill it outright. Plus the stone it used will be very good quality.”
“We’ll see what it gives us as it’s our next hit, right Wulf?”
The ranger nodded.
“Yeah. Should be interesting.”
They rode to the spot and hitched their horses as the whole party went due to it being a type of Demon and Tyler knew better then to underestimate the Demonkind. They spotted their quarry after a ten minute run from the road.
“What the hell?”
There was literally a 50 foot tall, 65 foot wide wall of solid stone just dragging itself across the plains. Tyler just sighed.
“Fuckin fantasy world.”
They moved in to pick a fight with a rock. They moved in front of the thing and Tyler blinked as he saw the large dog-like face on the front.
“Yeah. Just gonna smile and nod.”
The wall picked up speed as it saw the party. Tyler just cast his spell.
“Holy Sanctity.”
The dome spell slammed into the Cursed Wall and it rumbled like an avalanche before falling over with a thud of thunder. Tyler just sighed.
“Okay. It’s dead. Get the pickaxes out.”
They laughed as Lily used prospect. She smiled.
“We got a mass of gold, silver, copper, more platinum, Blood granite, black marble, white marble, a mound of Blood Platinum, Black silver, and Pure Magicite.”
“Damn. Okay, we see another one of these on the board we take it.”
The party snorted as they collected the multi-ton mass of stone and ore. Once the thing had been collected, they moved to go kill the earth elemental. Lily riding Tyler’s horse again.
“How’s your arm, Lily?”
She flexed it.
“Fine. A little tired, but that’s all.”
Kaori smiled fondly.
“Still worried?”
Lily pressed into him.
“Thanks for worrying. Will-be Husband.”
“Sure, Will-be lover.”
She shivered and Kaori laughed.
“Oh he’s got you figured out!”
Lily just smiled at the blonde.
“Love you too!”
Wulf sighed.
“Just gonna pretend to NOT hear anything.”
“Ashy, if ya please.”
The dirty blonde lip locked her elven lover at the behest of Kaori as they rode along. The ladies cheered the act, and Wulf chuckled.
The jovial party laughed as they crested a hill and Wulf called the halt for the actual hunt. Again they all went in case of another near flatten. Tyler and Lily were eager to get more ore and goods to sell. They found the creature and Tyler tilted his head.
“So, we’re fighting a giant Golem?”
The thing did indeed resemble a giant golem. As it stood 40 feet tall, was 25 feet across, had box like appendages, and shook the earth with each lumbering step. In color it was a deep brown with large glittering eyes. Tyler looked at Vixen.
And we kill it how?”
The black haired black mage smiled.
“Just shoot it there, center of the chest.”
“Great. Yeah. I’ll do that.”
The party pulled their bows and Tyler got it’s attention.
“Hey! Clayface!”
Ashy and Kaori snorted.
The thing turned around with more heavy stomps to see what dared challenge it’s bulk, and found itself looking at the bows of a dozen adventurers. Tyler fired and the shafts grew out of its chest. The thing dropped to its knees with an impact that shook the ground very badly. Sera was caught off guard and fell with a squeak, right under the bulk of the thing’s torso. The party were riding the waves and couldn’t reach her. Tyler, however, could.
“Demon’s wrath rage!”
He was under the thing as it was about to slam into Sera’s tiny body. He caught it on his shoulders, and held the thing up with a look of such enraged hate sera ran from him screaming. Once she was clear of the bulk, Tyler threw it up and dove out from under it as it slammed back down, sending another ripple of an earthquake outwards. Tyler then dropped to the ground on his back panting. Sera was shaking horribly from the look on his face. Kaori was holding her as she asked him.
“What was that?”
HE was panting too hard to speak, so Sallie winked into view to do it for him.
“That was Demon’s Wrath rage. It feeds directly off the rage in his soul he stockpiled for the Roar of the Forest. Basically, even if he’s used the full power of the Demon’s Wrath, as long as he has this rage, or an equally powerful feeling, he can FORCE it to work again. But, the strain is extreme, as he won’t be able to move for the next 15 minutes, the rage twists his face into the look that terrified Sera, and this CAN’T be used again this week. It is, well, I keep hearing tell of this monster.”
Kaori and Malico started shaking.
“It’ll come back?”
“Stronger, and more vile then ever. Plus, it will KILL the Tyler we all love.”
Tyler got his breath back enough to speak.
“What they said. This one is NOT one I had intended to use. PERIOD.”
HE got his strength back and sat up to look at Sera.
“But, it’s Sera. Can’t lose my little sister to a mere rock, right?”
She gulped.
“IS it gone?”
“It is. And is NOT coming back. I promise by the spirits. I admit I panicked.”
That got a look of awe from Kaori.
“Been years since ANYTHING rattled HIS cage.”
Sera giggled.
“It’s ME we’re talking about! Course he lost it!”
Tyler got up as Lily was prospecting the thing.
“Well, I’m awake now. Kinda sorta.”
Sallie got a hug from everyone before winking back to safety. Tyler popped a restore potion and got his pickaxe out.
“Well, Lily, what we got?”
She smiled.
“a lot. Blood platinum, black gold, a diamond the size of Sera, ten tons of red marble, some gold, silver, regular platinum, adamantite, and the outer coating is all red quartz.”
“Did you say adamantite Lily?”
“I did Uncle wolf.”
Tyler looked at the ranger’s awestruck face.
“What? It special?”
“Yeah. It’s used to make Adamant weaponry. You know Lily’s Additite, right? This is that, but can be WORKED.”
“How much Lily?”
“Umm, maybe, thirty feet of it?”
Wulf and the other natives gasped. Tyler looked at them.
“I take it this is beyond Tolic’s skills.”
The ranger sighed.
“Indeed. We’d need the flames of a High dragon like Tempesta to melt the ore, then a team of master smiths from the dwarven race to work the metal.”
Tyler sighed.
“We’ll hold onto it for now. We might find a way to use it.”
They nodded and got to mining the dead thing. Once it was done, the party went to kill the Wraith bear. Tyler popped a High stamina potion as they went.
“You okay?”
HE smiled as Kaori pulled up next to him.
“Yeah. Just tired. I got enough in me to get the work done, have you, and that’s it.”
She smiled.
“If you can’t muster the energy to lay with ME, you’d have to be dead.”
“Damn straight.”
The last bill they had to collect was near the northern gate and an hours ride. They made it in half an hour. Tyler, Kaori, Wulf, and Thistle went to kill it as the others rested in the saddle. Tyler followed the ranger to the thing’s den. It had chosen to settle in a small hollow by the road with an alcove under a tree. Tyler and the other fitted arrows to bows as he flicked a rock in the alcove. The thing came out using it’s invisibility trick, but Tyler smiled as his extreme perception made it merely a darker color. The thing moved as it tried to sneak around, only for Tyler’s arrow to take it in the shoulder with a heart shot. It dropped dead and the spell was broken. The others just sighed.
“Of course he can see though an invisibility ability.”
Kaori and Wulf skinned the thing as Tyler and Thistle looked around in the den. They came up empty and the bear was skinned, the claws collected, and the teeth taken. Tyler and the hunters returned to the party and they set out for Raylik. Tyler smiled at their haul.
“we made some really good coin today.”
Malico smiled.
“We did. Best thing about the guild is just how easy it is to make good coin in a single day. Most people in the towns are part time adventurers, as the best way to make ends meet is to just go kill a few monsters.”
Tyler nodded as they rode into the town.
“I hear that. Look at me and Kaori here. We went and turned 5 gold coins, into whatever’s in here now. I mean you all helped, but you get my point”
They stabled their horses, and Tyler paid the lad his thirty.
“We’re done for the day.”
“Thankee kindly Sah.”
Tyler dropped the Adamantite, tin, coal, iron, Malachite, Drakolisk skull and the wyvern skull off in the mansion before he and Wulf went to get their coin from the bills. They found Brook in the booth and she smiled as he laid out the bills.
“well done. Completed. Your total is 132 gold, 290 silver.”
Tyler took the coins and they headed for the exchange. Grilock was seemingly waiting for them as they walked to his desk. The gnome just waved them to the scales.
“Surprise me this time.”
Oh they DID. They laid out the lisk, wyvern, ore, and tendrils, Grilock just sighed.
“Well, I’m surprised. I’ll give you 657 gold, 78 silver, 89 copper.”
They agreed and went to the mason yard. The man just sighed as he waved them to his own scales.
“Your party is a better supplier of stone then the ones I get my stone from.”
The dumped the minerals in and he smiled.
“I’ll give you 1,232 gold, 43 silver, 1 copper.”
“Damn. Deal.”
The last stop was the bank, and when they laid out the ore, the dwarf slumped.
“What the hells? Your party makes finding the rarest of the rare look like art. I can give you 1243 gold, 54 silver, 99 copper.”
“Wow, Wulf. I’m thinkin we’re a little TOO good at this shit. Deal.”
They walked away and tyler spotted Girplik at his desk.
“Might as well.”
Wulf looked at the conversion desk.
“You need me for this?”
“Not really. You can go see Tolic.”
The elf smiled.
“Plus the slime I’ll take to the apothecary.”
“How much does it cost again?”
“Maybe one gold tops?”
Tyler flipped him two.
“When WE seek to spoil our girls, we do it right.”
The elf clapped his back and off he went. Tyler walked over to the desk and the gnome smiled.
“Another trove already?”
“We’re a little TOO good at it.”
The gnome laughed and they went into the small room. Tyler emptied the coppers in first and the total was 93 silver, 62 copper.
“I hate math.”
The gnome laughed again. The total for the copper? 74 silver, 62 coppers. Tyler next dumped the silver coins in. That got them 158 gold, 68 silver. Girplik smiled.
“So, 159 gold, 30 silver.”
“Sounds fair.”
The total? 127 gold, 30 silver, 62 coppers. Tyler said farewell and headed for the spear to discuss enchanting his home. He waved to Yoko as he walked in and walked to the lady at the desk.
“What can I do for you, Outcast?”
“Looking for home enchantments.”
“You’ll want to talk to Seline then.”
She brought the lift down and he smiled.
“Thanks Roxette.”
She smiled as he rode the thing up. Seline was waiting for him in a gown of white and he smiled.
“Hey Seline. I promised kaori a full load tonight, so, sorry.”
She sighed, and her tails drooped.
“Damn. I got my hopes up!”
He patted her rear as they walked to her desk.
She smiled.
“Ya better.”
HE chuckled as they sat down. She fixed him with her ice blue eyes.
“So, home enchantments?”
“Yeah. Looking to keep the fire off, idiots out, sounds in, and not show those on the street more an they deserve.”
She flicked him with her red fox tails.
“Well, those are easy enough.”
She placed a set of crystals on the desktop.
“Place these in the walls. That’s really all there is to it.”
“Nice. How much? Besides your ability to walk?”
“50 gold.”
He gave her the money and as he took the crystals, he stole a kiss off her.
“I WILL have you tomorrow.”
She shivered as he left her with it and rode the lift down. He walked back into the mansion and went to see Malico and Lily. He found the two girls in Malico’s room cuddling and smiled.
“Hey, just saw Seline. She’s feeling….lonely.”
The two girls looked at each other, licked their lips, and left.
“Love you too.”
“Very much.”
He smiled as he then went to find Kaori to set the crystals up and use his detection. He found her in their room brushing her golden hair. She smiled as he came in.
“Seline still able to walk?”
“I told her I promised you a full load. Don’t worry, I sent her Lily and Malico.”
That got a smile as he hugged her from behind. She’d changed out of her leathers and armor in favor of a light shirt and shorts. He placed the home spells in front of her and she laughed.
“So, where we putting them?”
“Seline said to just stuff em in the wall. So, Shadow, where they going?”
Kaori got up to get on their bed and place a hand over the spot directly above the head board.
Tyler smiled and got up beside her.
“I love the way you think.”
HE placed his had on the spot and frowned.
“The hell?”
She looked at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“The damned thing gave a little.”
He tapped a knuckle on the spot and it sounded hollow. He looked at her and nodded to the open door. She nodded and closed it before they sat together as he now ran his hand on the spot seeking a grove.
“Got it.”
He pushed a smoother spot, and there was a click, followed by a one square foot panel slid out then to the side.
“If you were not looking for it, or KNEW it was there, you would not find this.”
Kaori was shaking as he pulled a small sealed envelope, a wrapped frame, and a locket from inside the hidden alcove. He passed the envelope to Kaori and she took it with a shaking hand. He sat against the board and she sat against him as she open it. There was a letter written in a neat hand.

Dear Kaori.

If you’re reading this really tropey thing, then welcome to Lectis. Fact you found this damned letter shows you’ve probably done VERY well for yourself, as that wily bastard Gruven has it enchanted to only open for the OWNER of the mansion we had built for us and our party. I love that idiot. I really do. But seriously? Having me write a letter to my daughter in another world in the hope she finds it? Whatever. Him and his batshit insane ideas. Well, sweetie, I’m sorry I up and left you to that father of yours. Why the hell did I marry him again? Eh, no biggee. You’re readin this and in Lectis. Since you’re MY daughter, you’re bound to do just fine here. Hells, just tell you’re the Fireball’s daughter. Watch em shit themselves, I dare ya. I got a boon recently from a goddess I’m the Champion of the other year, and got a look at what you’ve been doing these last years decades. You look beautiful. Oh, and that ugly lug beside you, he BETTER fuckin take good care of you or I’ll set his bitch ass on fire! But, I showed Gruven the image she gave me, and he just burst out laughing. Guess that runt’s the son he had to let that whale of a girlfriend he’d had at the time we got summoned raise. Says his names was…..Tyler? Piss poor name, but whatever. That anger in his face is a little worrisome, and I se a shadow in his brown eyes that makes even MY blood run cold! But your smiling so he wins. So, since yer here, I guess you already know not to trust the church. Crown’s bearable but only just. Ishtar’s an idiotic, kind jackass with a wife FAR too good for him, but least he’s on my side. Erica’s a hottie! Weird when we’re in bed though, since ya know, same name and shit. I love you sweetie. Okay? I really do. If your in Lectis readin this, odds are I’m still floatin about somewhere. So, just hold it together and I’ll come see you eventually. Well, if YOU don’t find me first that is! Oh, and if that lug came with you, well, Gruven’s yer daddy. When he was a freshman he’d had the singularly BRILLIANT idea to sell sperm to a bank for some money. So, you popped up what? Five years later? Said they tracked him down since he and you shared blood. Gru wasn’t in the best place to really raise a kid, as he’d gotten into some trouble and had to live with his then girlfriend. Yeah, kid. Your life’s a mess from the start. But if you’re reading this thing, well, that fire in your eyes, the fact you’re Gru’s spitting image, and you’re next to MY daughter will all but ensure you do well here in Lectis. Just you BETTER take damned good care of kaori, or I’ll deball you with a rusty draw knife! Oh, and before I fergit, you suck. Yeah, I’m THAT kinda MILF mom! Kaori sweetie, I look forward to seeing you again. I love you.

the Fireball
Erica Von Lectis.

Tyler held Kaori as he tried not to burst out laughing at the letter’s way of writing. The blonde was shaking hard, and seemed on the verge of a breakdown.
“I got ya.”
He held her tighter and she just burst out laughing. HE looked at her confused as she just cracked up laughing from the letter. He calmly waited for her to recover before she turned around and kissed him hard.
“Thanks for not laughing.”
He held her tightly.
“I love you.”
She smiled and then looked at the letter.
“I guess she IS a fireball!”
“And YOUR beautiful!”
She smiled again and kissed him hard.
“Wanna see the picture?”
They opened it and smiled, as it showed Kaori’s mother, Erica, Gruven, Ishtar, Lyrica, Sera’s mother Erica, and Houndra all standing around a fallen dragon Tyler didn’t recognize. Kaori flipped it over and read the caption.
“Our adventurer party. Me and me lover Gruven. We decided to NOT get married as it would just make things difficult for you two.”
Kaori just shook her head. Then she popped open the locket. She smiled as it was a picture of her as a child the last time she’d seen her mother. Tyler looked at it and chuckled.
“Wow, Kaori. You were cuter then Sera!”
She smiled hard at that one. Then she had a thought.
“Gruven was your father.”
Tyler looked at her.
“I guess so.”
She looked into his brown eyes.
“Are YOU okay? You killed your own father.”
“To save YOU.”
She gasped and smiled.
“Right. Sorry.”
HE kissed her again.
“So, Kaori, what do you want to do with these?”
She put the locket on and placed the photo of the party on her nightstand. She then placed the letter back in the cubby, and the crystals as well. Soon as they were placed, they flared to life as the spells took effect. He closed the thing and he smiled.
“Well, we got quite the task ahead of us.”
She hugged him.
“We’ll find her.”
“Damn right we will.”
Then Kaori felt she had to make a point.
“No mother daughter threesomes.”
“Umm, Kaori? The HELL?”
She just smiled sweetly.
“You ARE a lady killer.”
He sighed and flopped down onto the bed.
“Let’s just take a bath and get some food.”
They headed out and heard Melly’s giggle from Sera’s room, and it made them both smile. They took the hotspring bath and relaxed together as Sallie and Sylvia played together beside them in the pool. Kaori resting on his chest as they soaked.
“I love you, Kaori.”
She smiled.
“I love you too, Tyler.”
Sallie and Sylvia snuggled up to them as well in the water. Once they’d soaked enough the pair went to the now well-stocked kitchen and made their favorite lisk recipe, with a recipe for ketchup Kaori had found. The hungry duo loaded up and went to their own little sitting room Tyler had set up as THEIR spot outside the bedroom. The two spirits had gone to play with Sera and Melly so they were alone. The pair ate as they rewatched old shows from their world, just loving the other’s presence. Kaori cuddled up into his chest as they finished a rewatch of their favorite show and she yawned.
“Ready for it?”
She licked her lips.
They cleaned their dishes in the sink before sprinting to their bedroom and slamming the door before stripping and jumping into bed. He mounted his love and they went at it. Her screaming hard as she was loved by her lover and him making her scream. The two lovers made the walls echo for four hours before they collapsed to the bed exhausted. There they lie with him beside her as they recovered. Kaori smiled as she snuggled up to him.
“I got a crystal on the stand for us.”
He kissed her as he added the news crystal to his HUD.
“Tonight in Vernillion. The wave is in two weeks plus 4 days. The ball is five days before the start of the wave. And reader? The Outcasts are STILL going strong. Today alone they took no less then TEN different bills from the board in Raylik. The creatures ranging from an ice drakolisk and a grand wyvern, to a Durandal, Cursed wall, and all the way down to orcs and goblins. Tyler was quoted to say.
“We’re just practicing now.”
Reader if these creatures are just mere PRACTICE for them, then we’re safe. Kazuma the kind has also been polishing his skills, but in his own words?
“I’m just going to get behind Tyler’s line. Knowing that guy? Ha, he’ll have ten.”
The Viscount is kind to a fault, and it would seem that kindness came back to haunt him a little. Not a bad thing, really, but sometimes it’s okay to say no. Ishtar made a statement regarding the pair.
“Tyler and Kazuma are polar opposites. But, since Tyler and his sister are lovers, they tolerate each other. Tyler’s party is ready. Kazuma made the mistake of getting too wrapped up in helping people, but he’ll be fine. The others will die. And I cannot WAIT to see their grave plots filled.”
The world feels the same way, Your Highness. In other news, Queen Erica Von Vernillion is set to return to Term in three days for the Warrior’s ball, and, in her own words.
“See just what’s become of me girls under the eyes of this so-called Outcast. Oh, and I PRAY the stories of his bedroom prowess be truth.”
Reader, that Outcast is the luckiest bastard alive. Lymir was seen to be prepping her room for the high Queen’s return as it is an open secret the beautiful, feisty queen loves a busty mermaid. Max of the bandit brigade has been haunting Term as he and his band await the gates opening to let them back in. Ishtar was also heard to make a statement to them.
“The Outcast will be in the city, boy. Piss em off and he WILL kill you. And he has the full permission of the crown to do so. Though, knowing him? It is going to hurt. A LOT.”
The king is eagerly waiting to see Max scream. And so aren’t we all. Of other note, is the replacing of Vilisk Ligermen of the South Term Airship company. It seems the man had overstepped his bounds in the court by suing his position to steal the trove and Lisk carcass from the Outcast party after they killed it. Ishtar humiliated the weasel of a man in front of the court using both his failings to in the king’s words,
“do something of actual worth.”
The king used this incident to both remove the man from the line of succession, and his airship company. He then placed the company under control of the crown as the rules for the ships put in place by the dragons are still in place. In other news, Queen Willow Hammershot made a statement as her city has thrived under her rule.
“It seems me girl is doing just fine. Hey, Outcast, Warlund and Marlene wanna see their girl some point after the wave.”
“The Queen of the elves refused to elaborate as to WHO she meant. In world news, a legend that has been silent for the last few decades has made waves in the distant land of Yaeger. Who might this legend be? None other then the Fireball herself.”
Kaori was shaking again, and Tyler hugged her.
“We got a place to look now.”
The blonde kissed him gratefully before they kept reading.
“That’s right, readers of Lectis. The Fireball was made an explosion yet again. She is being hailed responsible for the mass slaughter of a Giant army numbering in the thousands as they attempted to attack the capital city. Eyewitness reports state her trademark explosion spell, which according to legend killed a high dragon, was seen before the army was turned to dust. She has since disappeared again as she does every time she appears. Though, this time? She was seen riding that white stallion of hers in the direction of Vernillion. Whether she keeps this path is most likely not going to happen. If the Fireball is headed for Vernillion once more, well, it can be for only ONE reason: She’s heard of Ole Gruven’s fate. If that is the case, then Outcast? RUN.”
Tyler smiled in the dark as he closed the HUD.
“run? Nah. I’ll sit right here and wait fer her.”
Kaori smiled as well.
“We’ll be waiting.”
He took her hand.
she rolled onto her side and snuggled into her side with her head on his chest.
“Good Night, Tyler. I love you.”
He held her tight.
“Good Night Kaori. I love you too.”

Tyler opened his eyes to see Kaori in the bed beside him, and as he smiled, he heard the soft breathing of Sallie and Sylvia in their bed as well. Knew it. He looked and saw the two spirits had taken a small cavity between them in a warm cuddle. HE kissed Kaori awake and nodded to the sighed. She smiled and the couple just watched the cuties as they slumbered in each other’s arms. Kaori used her crystal to get a picture and the girls giggled.
“Stealing photos of a pair of sleeping girls?”
“I’m not surprised!”
Tyler and Kaori looked at each other.
“Shall we?”
“Yes my love.”
She shivered as they fell upon the two spirits for a tickle punishment. Tyler had Sallie and Kaori Sylvia as the spirits got their due. They played with them until Kaori’s belly rumbled.
“That’s the bell ladies.”
They laughed as they went to take a bath and get dressed. Sallie and Sylvia returned to spirit form as they cleaned up for the day. Kaori looked at him.
“we doing more bills?”
He was rubbing the cloth into her back as he spoke.
“Yeah. Same amount as yesterday if possible. Plus I’d like to have Yoko tonight, and I promised Seline I’d visit her today.”
“We’ll busy. Then we ride for Term in the morning.”
“Yup. We’ll hit the Dark forest, and IF we have time swing by Malico’s village.”
She smiled.
“Just to give Miyuki a hug and let her see her sister.”
“Keep tellin you. I like cats.”
She laughed.
“Okay, your turn.”
They cleaned up and went to the kitchen. There they found Wulf and Ashy making food. Ashy had a wide, happy smile and a deep flush on her face as they walked in. Wulf looked over and gave a subtle thumbs up, and Tyler did the same as they made food.
“So, we’re getting another set of bills today.”
Wulf nodded as they worked.
“Anything in particular?”
“I’d prefer creatures we haven’t fought before or those we’ve only fought the once.”
“Makes sense. We getting the same amount?”
“I’d like to if possible. Only without the close calls.”
“I hear that. So one more good days raiding, a good nights sleep, then we ride for Term.”
“Yup. We’ll go through the dark Forest, and IF we have the time, swing by Malico’s village.”
“That was a days ride from Term, right?”
“If I remember right. Yeah it was.”
The ranger thought for a moment.
“If it’s the place I’m thinking of, that small road the nobility take merges with the main road just outside the main gate.”
“Well, what a coinkidink.”
Ashy was just happily humming as Kaori stood beside the topless girl. They made their food and were happily munching as Tyler looked over his HUD and Wulf did the same. Once they ate Tyler and the ranger headed for the guild hall as the girls went to get ready for the day. They walked in and the hall was already full of other adventurers. Once at the board, the men looked around.
“Hey, got a bill for a pack of Dire wolves.”
“Dire wolves? How big?”
Wulf looked at a table.
“Maybe 5 feet tall and 7 long? Their pelts are soft and make good blankets.”
“Says here, 1 gold.”
“Neat. Oh, hello.”
He pulled one down.
“Wanted: Slaying of a Fire Wyrm. Reward 90 silver.”
“A fire Wyrm?”
“Yeah that’s what it says.”
The ranger looked at it.
“Wow, that’s an outsider. They usually live in Erolagard and never cross the mountains. Think drake but not dragonkin.”
“More or less. Their scales make great arrows. Oh, and she loved them.”
“Nice. Kaori’s?”
“Hers are here.”
The ranger passed the small jar and Tyler hid it in his pouch faster then near any eye could follow.
“We’ll take the Wyrm. Should be fun.”
Tyler looked up and smiled again.
“Got one for a Plains Strider.”
Wulf chuckled.
“That’s a fun fight. It’s a large creature with a trunk, long ivory tusks, and a nasty temperament.”
“reward is 2 gold. Not bad.”
“Got one for another hobgoblin camp.”
“Nifty. Reward?”
“65 silver.”
“We’ll take it. Found one for a Gigas.”
Wulf blinked.
“A Gigas?”
“Um, yeah. Says Wanted Killing of a Blood Gigas. Reward 40 gold.”
“They’re a form of enslaved spirit. Unlike demons, think a ghost that got forced into the body of a living creature.”
“We’ll have Vixen help with this one.”
“Good call. Wow, found another Nightmare.”
“Kaori gets that one. Reward?”
“25 gold. Plus the title Horse friend.”
“Yup. That’s hers. Hey, got one for a Slythnier.”
“A Slythnier?”
“Yeah, you know it? Says the reward is 5 gold.”
“It’s a breed of horse with metal skin. They’re relics of a bygone era that tried to make the animals more durable weapons. They’re both rare and hard to kill, as their hides are literal metal. But, the hides are valuable to smiths for the reworks they can do with the metal.”
“Lily gets a gift and Kaori to see another poor beast put to bed.”
Wulf chuckled.
“And they’d love it.”
Tyler smiled as he kept looking.
“Well, hello.”
He took down a bill for a bizarre looking creature.
“Wanted: slaying of a Broadhorn. Reward 75 silver.”
Wulf smiled now.
“Large bull looking thing. They’re good eating, the horns are good sales goods, and the pelt makes good leather too.”
“Nice change of pace.”
Tyler added the bill to their stack. Wulf whistled as he pulled another down.
“Damn, that’s a mean one.”
“Whatchya got?”
“A Gildhorn. Basically a 7 foot tall, 10 long beast with a great sense of smell, a bad temper, a four foot horn, and four legs. It’s horn, meat, and hide are valuable. Rewards 65 silver .”
“Sounds like a rhino. Nice.”
The ranger added the bill.
“At it already?”
Tyler smiled as he looked at the voice.
“Hey Vixen. Come to flaunt it to the unworthy?”
The beautiful black mage smiled.
“That was harsh! I mean Wulf’s right there!”
Tyler and the guild hall lost it as Wulf just sighed.
“Hello indignation. I was wondering where you went.”
Vixen patted the ranger’s back soothingly.
“At least Ashy sees something in you.”
Tyler snorted, and Wulf slugged him.
“I WILL kill you one of this days, you infuriating prick.”
Tyler then stole a kiss off Vixen’s lips, and she smiled.
“Still great.”
“Still my favorite fox.”
He then passed her the Gigas bill.
“Friend o yours?”
She took it and smiled.
“A Blood Gigas? Well, I haven’t seen that in a few years.”
“Anything special to kill it?”
The black mage shook her black haired head.
“No. Just stick it with swords until it stops moving.”
“Love you too.”
“Hey, this could be a fun challenge.”
Tyler looked at Wulf as he took down a two foot poster.
“Whatchya got?”
“Wanted: Slaying of an Admantoise. Reward: 250 gold.”
“Wait, an Admantoise?”
“You know it?”
“If its what I think, it’s a large land turtle think that can be the size of Thunder to the size of half the town.”
Wulf smiled.
“Indeed, that is the Admantoise. Are they native to your world as well?”
“Not really, but it takes too long to explain. Best way to put it? Remember the crystal Ashy has?”
“I do.”
“We play games on such viewing things with a controller and sometimes fight monsters like that.”
The ranger and black Mage looked at each other.
“Indeed. The entertainment in their world is incredible.”
Verilica came over then.
“The Admantoise has an update.”
Tyler smiled as he stole a kiss of HER lips too.
“Well, good morning to you too, Verilica. Whats the impish word?”
She blushed as her tail danced behind her.
“The reward has increased to 300 gold, and upon completion the title of Guild Champion gets bestowed upon the party. It has killed at the last count, 132 other adventurers.”
“Challenge accepted.”
Wulf added the thing to the pile. Tyler smiled.
“We’ll call it there. It the turtle is that hardcore, we might break a sweat this time.”
They laughed as they returned to the mansion. Tyler took the bills to his office and set them to the peg board has he looked at the map.
“Got new targets?”
HE looked up to see Kaori smiling as she walked in.
“Yup. We got a doozy too.”
She looked and saw the turtle.
“An Admantoise? I don’t think I know what that is.”
She sat beside him in the chair as he explained.
“Think giant tortoise. Can be anywhere in size from the size of Thunder to the size of Raylik itself.”
Her green eyes went wide as she pictured it.
“We’re FIGHTING that?”
“That was the plan.”
She sighed as she rubbed her eyes.
“Can we WIN?”
“Oh yeah. Worse case I’ll use the Roar. Not even a high dragon can survive that headon. Plus I have my usual Demon’s Wrath.”
She sighed again.
“I love you, Tyler. I really do. But your insane.”
“Well, thank heaven for that cause otherwise this’d probably never work.”
She just kissed him again as Ashy came in. Still topless.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“He wants us to fight a turtle.”
She looked at the board curiously, and burst out laughing as she saw the bill.
“An Admantoise? Dude you know a fight when you see one! We know how big?”
Tyler looked at the bill.
“It says size is…….tch, unknown. Typical.”
Ashy threw her head back laughing, and it made her perky rack bounce.
“Well, we’ll be fine.”
Kaori was smiling as well, when.
“Hey, Ashy? Your skin seems like it’s glowing this morning. What’d you do?”
The dirty blonde’s fair skin had a slightly luminous glow that morning, and when Kaori touched her arm.
“It’s so soft!”
Ashy blushed now.
“Wulf gave me a jar of Thunder Cream.”
Kaori smiled and hugged the girl.
“Good for you, Ashy.”
Tyler caught Ashy’s eye and smiled. She took the hint.
“I’ll go put the girls away, and wax me bow.”
Kaori smiled as the friendly girl left. She looked back to say something and noticed a jar she didn’t remember seeing on his desk. She walked over curiously.
“What’s that?”
He smiled.
She was confused and then she opened it to see the cream. Then she smiled.
“I see now. Thanks.”
She kissed him and he hugged her.
“I love you, Kaori.”
She held him a moment longer before taking the jar.
“I’ll go put this away.”
“Should put some on Sallie’s skin.”
Her green eyes light up like stars.
“Or Sylvia’s! They’d look beautiful!”
“They already are, but ya know.”
That got him a hug from the spirits as they winked into shell forms and headed off to get creamed. Tyler smiled as he had a thought. He reached into a sealed drawer he kept the scroll of Minus and set it on the desk.
“Sooo, question.”
The scroll burst out laughing.
“Oh shit here we go.”
“Nice to see we’re starting to understand each other.”
“What’s the question THIS time?”
“If the spirits use the living’s beauty products, and they return to spirit form, will the effects still be there?”
The scroll lost it laughing. Tyler, now used to such reactions, patiently waited for the Goddess to recover from her humor. It took five minutes.
“Indeed, Mortal. Since the shell is a physical representation of what they look like, if you were to cut their hair for example, the change would follow them. And before you ask, as I know your about to, injuries do NOT. If they get anything from a scratch to lose an arm, if they return to spirit form they’ll be healed. Plus the next time they return to shell, the injury will be as if it never happened.”
“Thanks Minus.”
“I do look forward to these questions, Mortal.”
Tyler put the scroll away and resealed the drawer with his finger print, as when they went on a journey they would take it with them. HE looked at the bills and marked each one’s spot on the map. Sallie and Sylvia came skipping into the room with smiles on their faces. Tyler smiled as he saw Sallie’s pale skin was nearly shining, and Sylvia’s dark grey had a soft glow. He hugged them as they hopped up on his lap.
“See? Beautiful.”
Kaori came in and his jaw dropped. Her fair skin was also glowing, but as she looked there, framed by her golden lockes, the light from the enclosed courtyard, and with her smiling emerald eyes, she was to him what the angels wished they could be. HE used his own camera tab on his HUD to take the shot with his eyes and she smiled.
“That good?”
“Words have failed me, and would not do you justice.”
She smiled and gasped a little when she saw the photo through his eyes. She kissed him then as the two spirits giggled.
“Momma’s gorgeous!”
That got the girls a hug before Tyler looked at the board.
“Okay, muster.”
Ten minutes later the party were looking at the bills. Tyler tapped the Adamantiose.
“This one’s dangerous. That said, more workout.”
Lucy the barbarian smiled.
“Aye lad. They be common in me homeland. Just watch out when it rears on it’s hinds.”
“We’ve no idea how big it is, so that’s gonna be fun to find out.”
Tyler smiled now.
“We good?”
They nodded.
“Load up.”
The outcasts went for their mounts and ten minutes later were riding out the front gate.
“Our first kill is the Admantoise.”
Wulf took the lead now. The pack followed the ranger towards the spot the thing called home. The spot was a massive area that had been pounded flat by the thing’s movements, and as they rode over a hill, they got a good look at it. Tyler smiled.
“Oh NOW we’re getting somewhere.”
The tortoise was a hundred feet long, stood maybe 150 tall, and was 60 across. It looked like a Galapagos tortoise from his old world, and was a deep red. Tyler smiled as he looked at the thing.
“If it goes south, I’ll use the Roar.”
They nodded as he continued.
“Sera, Lily and Lillia stay AWAY from it. Bows only with at least three tree lengths of distance.”
“It’s just way too big!”
“Not touching that Sera. But yes it is.”
The princess blushed at Lily’s comment. Tyler drew Gliepnir and Fafnir.
“Okay, Lucy, you’ve fought them before right?”
The barbarian smiled as she hefted her demon sword.
“Aye. It’s faster then you’d think, and when it rears jump just before it hits the ground as it will make the ground ripple like a pond. It uses tackles, roars, and kicks.”
“Alright. Should be fun. Lets do this.”
Tyler, Lucy, and Thistle surged forward as the turtle looked at them curiously, as if wondering why such small creatures were approaching it. It got it’s answer the next instant.
“Ocean dragon roar!”
Tyler breathed Tempesta’s flames at the beast and it roared with pain as it’s head was set alight. Then the arrows from the dragon bows slammed into it’s shelled back, punching little holes as they sought the flesh beneath.
“Try to punch a section out for me blade!”
Sera, Ashy and Wulf, being the best shots in the party, took the task. Vixen had her newest spell, Adder Bite ready. It unleashed a spectral snake that would bite a single target and flood it with venom of a toxicity equal to the caster’s path power. But, downsides were it could only be used once per fight till upgraded. The Adamantiose swung it’s burning head and threw the flames off, only for the black snake to sink its fangs into the soft flesh of its neck and flood the wounds with poison. Tyler and the two melee fighters reached it tree trunk like leg and Tyler used his own spell.
“Water Slash! Icy Gash!”
The dual blades were then coated in the extra cutting power of water and ice. The spells could be used a total of ten hits per blade, and he smashed the first pair in the right leg of the beast, cutting deeply. Lucy used her own skill.
“Rock Smash!”
She slammed her sword into the same cut as Tyler’s broadswords, and added another two foot cut that was nearly to the bone. Last was Thistle, the Blood dancer using a skill.
“Blood Smash!”
She had gotten splashed with the bl9ood of the creature, which her skills required to work; blood on her skin. She was smiling with a most intense glee as the liquid coated her frame as she swung her own large axe into the cut and felt it hit the steel-like bone.
“I got bone!”
“I still wanna bone YOU Thistle!”
She laughed as she pulled a back spring to avoid a sudden kick.
“I’m a patient one!”
“Love you too!”
The turtle lowered its head and Lucy saw this.
“Cover you ears!”
The party did just that, and the beast let loose a roar that sounded like a million tubas, and the sound rattled chests, and Tyler laughed as he saw Malico’s lovely breasts rippling from the noise. The thing roared for a minute before lowering it’s head and lowering it’s shoulder, only it’s tortured right leg buckled under the added pressure, and snapped with a disturbing sound of shattering wood. The turtle fell with another bellow to the ground with a thud that made the earth ripple like the rings of a pond after a rock got thrown in. The party rode the waves by dropping into a crouch as the earth recovered. Then Tyler moved to the now crippled beast.
“Do it! We got it!”
The party went to it. The turtle was struggling to rise, but it’s leg would not support it’s weight anymore, and it was effectively helpless as Tyler moved under it’s head with the two ladies.
“Sync up! Rock smash!!”
Tyler still had five hits from his cutting spells left, so adding the strength boost sent his mythril blades diving into the things exposed neck, then once his cut was completed, he dove to the side and Lucy came over.
“Rock smash! Steel cutter!”
Steel cutter was the grey path blade enhancement. Basically? Water slash but grey. The hulking Barbarian smashed her 7 foot greatsword into Tyler’s cut and it deepened considerably. Last was Thistle, and she swung her greataxe in a wheel under her shoulder to bring it over her shoulder and add more force.
“Blood Cutter! Rock smash! Blazing Smash!”
Blood Cutter was the same as Rock Smash, but since it came from the Blood Dancer tree, it was able to be stacked with Rock Smash, and Blazing Smash added fire damage to her axe. The result? The turtle’s head being completely severed at the neck. Tyler was smiling.
“Nice job everyone! How’d we do?”
The party came down and gathered around the fallen behemoth. Sera was bouncing as usual.
“That was fun!”
Vixen was drinking a mana potion as she made her report.
“Adder’s Bite takes a lot of Mana. But I’m okay now.”
Wulf was rubbing some wax on his bowstring.
“I’m okay. That was an exhilarating fight.”
Lily shrugged.
“Eh, I’m good. Weird seeing a turtle that size.”
Serafina had her hood up as she replied.
“I too am fine. I’m sorry I wasn’t really able to assist much.”
Tyler patted the shy wraith.
“We have our roles, Serafina. You did what you could.”
She smiled as she blushed a little. Malico purred next.
“I’m good. It put up more of a fight than that Ice Lisk, so there’s that.”
Kaori was rubbing her fingers.
“Yeah, odd a turtle put up that kinda fight.”
Lillia was looking at the beast’s head, and it was taller then she was.
“Hard to believe we killed it. I’m good too, by the way.”
Ashy was tapping a knuckle on the thing’s shell.
“Sooo, how we moving it? I’m good too, in case you’re worried.”
Lucy smiled.
“We use pickaxes, as the shell make mighty fine armors, housing, and can be used to reinforce our tent. Plus, the lass here can work the material rather easily.”
Lily walked over now to tap a small hammer on the shell.
“If I had to put a label on the hardness, I’d say close to Steel. So, if I were to treat it like say regular turtle shell, I can make some good stuff with it.”
“Well, alright then. Can we eat them?”
Lucy licked her lips now.
“They’re right up their with Rock drake in terms of taste and tenderness. I’ll cook it as I have most practice with the things.”
“Wow, sounds fun. Get to it.”
Tyler, Lily, and Lucy pulled pickaxes and got to mining the shell, as the others cleaned the meat and butchered the animal. The industrious party had most of the animal ready for moving in the pouches, and Tyler was now working to get the rest of the shell,
“Hey, we got riders!”
Tyler sighed and walked out of the cavernous shell to see a small group of ten riders in light armors approach the still working crew. Tyler walked over to the group as the man in the lead introduced himself.
“Hail, Sirrah. I be Wollock. We’re from the village over yonder, and felt the ground quaking, so we came to see if there’d been a Quake. Be ya the leader of this party?”
Tyler smiled.
“Aye. I be Tyler the Outcast. These are me party.”
The men gasped,
“Hail! Outcast!”
Wollock looked at the rapidly vanishing creature and chuckled.
“I see the stories of your party’s might be truth. That was the Adamantiose, correct?”
“It was. The thing falling was the quake your village felt. No injuries, I trust?”
The man smiled.
“None Sirrah. More a nasty vibration and nerves.”
“Bet the ladies were grateful!”
The men lost it as Kaori walked out of the shell, smacked him hard enough to make him see stars.
And walked back inside. Tyler was laughing as she went.
“Love you too barbie!”
She gave an offended hip swing that just made him chuckle as he looked back at Wollock.
“Well, So far no quake. But a big damn turtle.”
The man breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank the gods for that Sirrah. I also see the stories of your companion’s beauty and fire be truth as well.”
“It is!”
Lily’s voice was heard as she stole Kaori’s complement, and the men laughed again as Kaori sighed.
“Well, Lily, not everyone can look as good as you do.”
Tyler just looked at Wollock.
“Yeah, sooo, was there anything else you needed? Ya might wanna hurry, since ya know, a fight to the death’s bout to break out here.”
They laughed as Wollock looked around the area.
“We’re satisfied Sirrah. We’ll leave ya to yer work.”
“Take care!”
The men rode off as Tyler walked back inside as Ashy took up a lookout spot. Tyler gave lily a fond pat as he retook the spot inside the shell. He had a playlist from his tab playing as they worked, just enjoying the labor.
“What the hell?”
Tyler had nearly cleared the last of the shell away when Wulf’s confused voice was heard.
“Find something?”
“Yeah, I think a cave.”
Tyler walked over to where the elf had been working at collecting the long spike like protrusions from the top of the shell. The ranger had pulled a longer spike from the ground, and was now looking into the hole. Tyler took a spot beside him.
“A cave?”
“Yeah, look.”
Tyler got down flat and looked into the two foot wide hole. It dropped five feet before opening up rather drastically. HE whistled.
“Yeah, I get that feeling as well. Watch your step everyone. We’re on hollow ground.”
They heeded the words and hurried to extract the turtle. The last of the shell was cleared away, and they got back as Tyler looked to Wulf and Ashy.
“Okay, we can try to open the cave up, warn the village there’s a unopened cave here, both, or just leave it.”
Wulf looked to the direction the villagers had come from.
“we should warn them, if only so we can sleep better at night. I know YOU will regardless, but ya know.”
Ashy was in agreement.
“Yeah. Kids fell in caves like that all the time back in our old world.”
Tyler nodded.
“Both it is then.”
They mounted up and rode to the nearby village. The small hamlet had maybe ten buildings and a mere fence around it as they rode up. Tyler spotted Wollock talking to a tall man with a long beard in front of the largest hut and hailed him.
“Hail, Wollock!”
Both men looked and went pale as they saw Tyler swinging from his horse. Wollock was a tall man with a wiry frame like an elf’s, had short cut black hair, black eyes, and wore lathers. The other man was tall as well, broad shouldered, had a fire beard, green eyes, and was clad in a plaid shirt and blue pants. They were a little nervous at having the Outcasts in their village, and the Outcast himself approaching them. The named man gulped.
“Trouble Sirrah?”
“We found an unopened cave under the turtle. No clue how big the entrance is, but thought you should know that land’s hollow.”
The red bearded man looked to a few other men.
“No leaves the village till that cave is explored and opened up properly.”
They nodded and went around as he faced Tyler.
“Lord, me names Yark Loggermen. I am afraid I must ask a boon.”
“You want us to open the cave and clear it?”
“Please, Lord. Since it’s so close to the village and you can tell we’re not fighters.”
“Sure. Was gonna anyway, but sure. Just be sure to keep everyone from the area in case of a nasty surprise.”
The men breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank the gods. We don’t have much, but we’ll scrape together something for you.”
“Not needed. We’ll see what that caves got. If it’s useful to us we’ll take it, if not or we just can’t use it well, we’ll let you have it. Sound fair?”
The big man smiled as he held out his hand.
“Aye Sir. We got a deal.”
They shook and Tyler mounted up.
“Just be on watch as we’ve no idea just HOW big the hole is.”
“We will. Should we evacuate?”
“Hmm. I wonder.”
“Oh shit here we go.”
The collective groan from the party set the two men on edge as tyler took his magic map out.
“Now I’m scared.”
Tyler looked at the spot the battle took place, and Ashy caught on. She rode up and smiled as she looked as well.
“You think if it’s massive the gravity of the planet will make a dip?”
“And since this map uses exact measurements, we’d be able to tell.”
Kaori smiled now as well.
“Oh, I get it. Like how the ground radar is used to scan for potential earthquakes in our world.”
“Yup. Looks like the entrance is a good size too.”
The blonde came over now.
“How big?”
“Look. The ground is pretty stable in terms of elevation and levelness. But here.”
He used a small pen for the map to trace a circle around the battle site.
“Maybe…..400m across it dips by maybe five centimeters. That’s not a normal dip from settlement or erosion.”
“I see what you mean. My dad worked landscaping and construction for years after the war, and he told me that just a dip is neon sign for a cave or river or something else entirely.”
“Yeah, good think is the village is on the OPPOSITE direction from the main dip.”
Kaori frowned.
“How are we going to open a cave of that size?”
“We’ll use the lava field/water wall trick. The blast should be enough to trigger it.”
“That’s a good idea. Plus, we don’t really NEED to be near it to work.”
“My thoughts exactly. See this rock formation? It’s maybe a hundred feet tall, and has a clean sightline to the center of the dip. Oh, and we WILL record this.”
“Oh hell yeah. It’s gonna look AWESOME.”
Tyler closed the map and smiled at the visibly confused men.
“Knowledge from our world.”
“Explains how you three young ones can figure all that out in mere ten minutes with a single magic map.”
“We’ll get to it. Wulf, we have a spot we need to get to.”
The ranger saw the circle and smiled as he led them to the indicated protrusion.
“I see your world has a better understanding of the world then we do.”
“You have no idea. We get another hook up from Minus I’ll ask for my TV show collection.”
Kaori laughed.
“He had an even LARGER collection of those. And most were really good. A few were blah, but whatever.”
“Says the girl that was obsessed with those reality dating shows.”
“Oof, Kaori! Why?”
The blonde blushed and went silent as they approached the rock. Tyler and her climbed it to stand atop the point with a clear look at the spot.
She smiled eagerly as she hit record.
“It’s using my eyes.”
“Love them. You too.”
The rest of the party had also climbed up to watch the result. Tyler and Kaori timed it perfectly.
“Water wall!”
His spell created a 50 foot tall, 400 foot wide wall in the center of the field.
“Lave field!”
Her spell brought a 100 foot wide, ten foot deep pool of white hot lava.
“Water fall!”
Tyler’s spell tipped the frigid water over onto the white hot lava, and the resulting bang was felt by the party a good 400m away. They watched as the ground rippled again, before the center of the area just gave way. From their view point, the center dipped in like a piece of paper with a stack of coins in the center supported by a pencil under the coins, and the pencil removed. The ground folded inwards as it fell with a sound of dull thunder and cracking rock. The party watched awestruck as 400m of ground just dropped in the newly opened cave. The collapse sent a pillar of duct thousands of feet into the sky, and was visible for miles as the Outcasts waited to see the result. Tyler was eagerly waiting as the dust cloud cleared. Then he got a good look at the result.
“Hooooolyyyyyy shit.”
The ground maybe thirty feet out from their perch was now a vast crater 400m across, and dropped out of sight in a oddly gentle slope. The yellow grass of the plains was now slopped down like a giant slide into a vast darkness that reminded Tyler of a crescent moon. He shook his head as he saw it.
“Well, we got a job to do.”
Kaori whistled.
“I saved it. We just made a new cave.”
“Yeah, not sure if it’s a good thing yet. Hey, Ashy, we’ve seen this movie a bunch a times right?”
That got a groan.
“I HOPE we didn’t just find one of those!”
“Well, we got Lily and Sera, so we’re set!”
That got a laugh from the two girls as they dropped to the forest floor to begin the exploration. Tyler in the lead with his perception, mythril, and his demon as they advance cautiously. The collapse started at a very gentle slope from their rock as it led into the blackness. Tyler had Serafina right beside him as the Wraith was the most experienced in caves. They reached the stone floor and got their first good look at the underground area they’d discovered. The opening was 300 feet tall and extended straight into the dark beyond their eye’s range. Tyler used his Farsight and peered as far as he could, and whistled.
“I can see easily eighteen miles with my Farsight skill. Yet I can’t see the end of the cave. Hey, Wulf, weird question.”
“There wouldn’t happen to be a history of oh, say, deep roads that ran underground in the distant past, would there?”
The ranger’s red eyes went wide as he looked at the entrance with new eyes.
“By the gods. We found an untouched entrance into the Underdark.”
Tyler and Ashy looked at each other alarmed.
“I sincerely PRAY these are just a mere roadway.”
“And NOT populated by those.”
Tyler looked at Wulf now.
“What is said to be down there?”
“Untold riches. As far as denizens go? Cave trolls, orcs, goblins, a few giants, and maybe a Fallen Dragon or two.”
“Fallen Dragon?”
Tyler’s never blunting hatred for the things was heard as Wulf sighed.
“It’s said these are highways for the creatures to get into previously clean territory. As for the Fallen Dragon? They’re dragons that were banished from the sky.”
“Wait, those are a thing?”
Wulf blinked as Tyler’s gears were now turning.
“Yeah. They were hunted to extinction millennia ago.”
“Yeah, okay, we need advice now.”
Tyler pulled a blue coin out.
The dragon’s eye was seen.
“You have need for council?”
“Yeah, have a look.”
The dragon was the shown the entrance and his eye went wide.
“I’ll be right there.”
There was a loud flapping as the lord of blue landed in the entrance. Tyler waited as the dragon took the scene in before the dragon addressed him.
“Explain how you found this.”
“We took a job to kill an adamantiose. Was a fun fight and no issues. We had cleared it away, when Wulf here found that one of it’s spikes on the thing’s back had pierced into the ground and into a large cavern. We got the hell out of there as we realized we were standing on hollow ground. We then went to the nearby village to warn them, and to keep them clear as our intention was to open it up and see what was down here. I used knowledge from our old world and the magic map to get a fix on the size of the entrance. Kaori made a recording of the actual breaching if you’d like to see it.”
“I would.”
The blonde brought her crystal out and played the video back for the dragon. HE chuckled.
“I see that lava trick is most useful.”
“Oh yeah.”
He watched as the ground gave way and the dust cloud cleared. Then he looked at Tyler.
“And the reason for this council?”
“Just learned of Fallen Dragons that might live down there.”
That got his attention. Tempesta looked at the cave with new eyes as he now understood Tyler’s concern.
“You think the Raiser was saved by a Fallen Dragon, and is using these as a means to travel.”
“That, plus you missed one since Wulf here said they were hunted to extinction.”
The dragon sighed.
“I see now why you called. The truth is? Fallen Dragons are all too common. As they refuse to acknowledge me as Highscale, and just do as they please. That said, they flee whenever we of the color appear in the sky.”
“Their colors are?”
“Black. If a dragon goes evil or refuses to acknowledge the rule of the current Highscale, they lose their color and their scales become black. Plus their breath becomes tainted as well.”
“Okay, so we have our suspects for dragons aiding the raiser.”
“Indeed we do. I and the other colors are actively hunting them as we speak, but it seems we forgot to look in the sewers as you would put it.”
“Usually the best place for rats to hide. Oh, I got an idea!”
Tempesta blinked, and burst out laughing.
“I think I know where you’re going with this! Do it!”
Tyler looked to the cave entrance, and took in a deep breath.
The echoes were heard as his taunt was heard for the first few miles as Tempesta used a spell to hide his presence entirely. Tyler took in another breath.
That got a low rumbling growl that they just barely heard, and Tyler smiled.
There was now a loud trumpet of pure fury from with in the cave as the ground started to rumble. Tyler just chuckled as he winked at Tempesta, who was nearly on the verge of bursting out laughing.
A massive black shape came hurting out of the cave with all the fury of an enraged dragon. As it WAS an enraged dragon. The thing came out like a freight train, as Tyler just flipped it off, smiling insolently.
“Gotchya bitch.”
The thing roared, only to FINALLY notice the blue bulk of Tempesta standing behind him with bared fangs. The lord of blue grabbed the now panicked dragon by the neck, and tore it into the sky as Tyler and his party were secure under a barrier he’d erected as The party got their first look at the fallen dragon in daylight. The thing was maybe a hundred and fifty feet long, stood 75 feet tall, had 50 foot across wings, and was jet black from tail to the tip of it’s snout. Tyler laughed as the thing’s blood fell from the sky as Tempesta show just WHY he was the Highscale of the dragons.
“Hey, big blue, before you kill it let me look in it’s eyes.”
There was a low grunt before the blue dragon slammed the black into the dirt with it’s head pinned to the ground in his near house sized jaws, with the fallen dragon’s wings and tail pinned beneath his own. Tyler smiled as he walked over to the still struggling dragon and looked into his eye.
“Checkmate bitch.”
He needed no less and thirty seconds.
“Ohhh, so THAT’S your play? Not bad really. He’s yours big guy.”
Tyler and his party watched as Tempesta bit down and the other dragon’s neck snapped like a dead twig. Then the lord of blue roared his victory to the heavens with wings spread wide in a show o absolute power. Tyler looked at Kaori who jabbed a thumb to her eye and he smiled at her. I fucking LOVE you Shadow! Tempesta cut his victory roar off with a snap and looked at Tyler.
“I trust you understand this is my kill, baiting it out as you did.”
“Sure. It cool if we get some of the scales?”
“The black? Sure. This one was once a White so once they’re removed they’ll regain their former color.”
“Really? Neat.”
Tempesta used a 6 foot claw to remove over a hundred scales from the carcass which Tyler added to their collection before Ignatia and Furiosa arrived as well. The red and green saw the dead black and blinked.
“Highscale, how did you lure a coward black out of it’s den?”
The lord of blue burst out laughing as he flicked a claw at Tyler.
“He got it out. Tell it boy.”
Tyler shrugged as he looked at Ignatia.
“That prick of a butler taught me a lot about dragon pride. So, I used my unmatched ability at enraging another to PISS. IT. OFF. Worked like a damned charm.”
They laughed as Tempesta blinked before looking at Tyler.
“Wait, were you PLANNING to do that to ME?”
HE shrugged again.
“Eh. Backup plan in the event of asshole dragon. Nice to know it works.”
The other dragons lost it laughing as Tempesta didn’t know WHAT to do with that statement. Ignatia then looked at Tyler.
“I see you’ve been paying attention when we meet.”
“Kinda have to. I’ve met what? 4 good dragons in this world thus far? Stands to reason there’s bad dragons as well.”
Tyler smiled as he looked at Kaori and Ashy’s now traumatized faces.
“Wow, ladies. Did not expect YOU to know what bad dragon was. It fits for Ashy for some odd reason, but Kaori?”
Ashy shot an arrow at him.
“I am going to slit your throat.”
Kaori was right there with her.
“Hey, Lily, c’mere a sec.”
“Play that card, Kaori, and no rides for a month.”
Malico giggled.
“From ME either!”
Lily just shrugged.
“Eh, not in the mood.”
The dragons were extremely confused as to just what happened, and Tyler was laughing as he explained.
“Bad dragon is a brand of toys for lonely women. Some rather…..fucked up toys. Like, really bizarre shapes, creatures, oh, hol up.”
Tyler smiled as he pulled the photo tab up.
“If we got our photo collections, then the screen shots I used for pranks should till….yut. Here, get scarred for life.”
He showed them, and the dragons just looked at Kaori and Ashy with abject shock and horror.
“What the fuck?”
“Your world is truly depraved.”
“I need a bath.”
Tyler showed it to Wulf, and he too just looked at the ladies.
“And I thought HE was depraved. What the hell?”
The two girls bawled.
“Hey! I didn’t buy them!”
“Yeah! We were scarred too when he showed them to us!”
Tyler shrugged as they looked at him now.
“I knew a guy that made them and sold them. Was good money in it.”
The party got a look and just sighed.
“Okay, for the sake of our sanity, we’re going to just move on.”
“Big brother’s a fucked up pervert.”
All eyes looked to Sera as she shuddered. Then Tyler looked at the dead black dragon’s claws.
“So, the deal with this thing?”
That snapped them out of it. Tempesta bared his blood stained teeth.
“As it is my kill, food for a while. I saw you looking att he claws.”
“Yeah, I mean I’m sure we’ll run into another one soon enough, since these bastards are working for the Raiser.”
The dragons looked at him intensely now.
“You read his eyes. Tell us everything you got.”
Tyler sat down.
“Okay. From what I got it seems the Fallen Dragons are tired of the Highscale crap as a whole. As they seem to believe that since their dragons they have the right to do whatever they please. Kinda fitting if you ask me but hey that’s just me. So, since they live in these highways, and unless I’ve missed my guess, they run throughout Lectis as a whole. Now, the ultimate goal here is simple, revive the black one, enslave IT, enslave YOU, then reverse the hierarchy as a whole. They on top you on the bottom. Problem is the dragons loath following his orders, and are planning in secret to both double cross him, and enslave him as well. I think this dragon was the one that was assisting him in this region, but that idea doesn’t hold water as if it had, the adamantiose would have been eaten to avoid drawing attention. When we found it’s hole it panicked, and was now trapped as this was a dead route in the roads mainly used for storage. Oh, that reminds me. This thing had a trove.”
The dragons snorted as Tempesta chuckled.
“I am willing to let you have HALF the trove. Sound fair?”
“Sure. We’ll find it and go from there.”
“Now, since it was trapped, it was contemplating whether to just kill us and escape, or try to contact him for aid. My taunts enraged it to blindness so the choice was made. Now, the Fallen Dragons were also responsible for the survival of the last guy, as they used a bait and switch.”
Tempesta’s 5 foot blue eyes flashed as he spoke.
“I see now! We tracked him to a small field and we set it aflame the only way dragons can, and his body was so badly burned, we couldn’t really tell the difference.”
“The field, it have a slight dip?”
The dragon blinked.
“A slight dip?”
“Here, I’ll show you small scale.”
The dragons snorted at his pun as he took out his map. He looked for a minute and smiled.
“Got another one.”
he then let Tempesta look over his shoulder as he pointed to a spot in another field a few hundred miles from them.
“Okay, my map uses exact measurements to tell elevation and levelness. Se how it’s more or less flat all around this area?”
“I do.”
“Well, in the center of this spot here, it drops by maybe a few centimeters. It won’t seem like much, but.”
He took out a piece of thin leather and set a diagram with some flat rocks, dirt, and a pencil. HE set the rocks in a ring, with the dirt holding the leather in place. Once he was satisfied he explained.
“Okay, these happen all the time in our world in roads. The use a mixture of gravel, cement, and tar to make a semi stone surface for our horseless wagons to ride on. Now, sometimes the earth underneath erodes for whatever reason, and the roads dip ever so slightly, like so.”
He used the pencil to make a small dip in the leather.
“Now it might even be as little as a few millimeters, but the presence of ANY dip in the ground means there’s a hole under there. Are you with me so far?”
The blue dragon blinked.
“I am. So, by using this knowledge, it is possible to locate every possible opening.”
“Not every opening. Just the most likely spots. This one here in the plain is a likely candidate, but the only way to sure is to make the hole open up.”
“Ignatia, you know the spot?”
“At once Highscale.”
The red dragon flew off as Tyler looked at the area.
“Wow, I got one here, here, and this rather large one near the cave we found that cursed tomb.”
Tempesta blinked.
“Was a demon involved?”
“No. Just a dark ruler. He had a sword of wailing torment.”
“Ah. I see.”
Tyler closed the map, and reopened it.
“Yup. It’s a hole.”
ignatia returned not long after and made his report.
“I found the hole, but it is as the Heart said, it was not an entrance.”
“More mere cave?”
“Exactly. Maybe a hundred feet deep if that.”
“Great. Needle in a damned haystack.”
Tyler rubbed his eyes as he looked at the dead dragon Tempesta was using as a perch.
“I wonder what we’d need for a magnet?”
The dragon tilted his head.
“A magnet?”
“Best way to find a needle in a haystack? Bring a magnet. You know what they are right?”
“I do. So, you mean bait.”
“Yeah. Bait. Problem is, I don’t have the information I need just yet to make a detailed dissection. I’d need another set of his books before I can make a better profile.”
The dragons sighed.
“You’ve given us much information. Yet, we agree it is pitiful in the grand scheme of things.”
“At least we have a few details, and the holes in Death plugged. We have time to do this properly.”
They nodded, and Tyler looked at the cave.
“Okay, we all have work to do. Let’s clean the cave up, and see if that bastard had any contact with this one.”
Tempesta looked at the cave.
“I’ll ask to borrow your eyes.”
“Umm, okay?”
Tempesta blinked, then Tyler’s eyes became blue like his orbs. The dragon chuckled.
“Weird, right?”
“I can hear you in my mind.”
“Yeah, don’t worry as I’m not IN your head, more in your eyes.”
“Yeah, this is fuckin weird. Okay let get this done before I go insane again.”
The party loaded up and walked into the cave with Tyler in the lead.
“Lily, prospect the hell outta this place.”
Tempesta’s voice was heard around them.
“The ores and minerals of the cave you may freely have.”
“Thanks Tempesta, but we’re more looking for pockets my detection missed.”
“A most interesting strategy.”
Tyler smiled as he and the party could see in then pitch black darkness like it were broad daylight from their night skills. Lily would mark a spot with her mythril sword for ore to be dug out as they moved into the darkness.
“Hey, got a hollow feeling ten feet ahead.”
They drew weapons and moved cautiously. Tyler smiled as they looked in.
“Bingo. We got the trove, Tempesta.”
The dragons’ voice was full of laughter.
“Well, let’s see what we got.”
They walked into the 100m chamber, and Tyler whistled.
The pile was ten feet tall, and was maybe thirty feet across. There were gold, silver, copper coins, gems of every variety, precious metals, weapons and armor too, even some rather odd placed furniture for SOME freakin reason. Tyler walked over to the long couch that looked to be made of pure gold, and sat on it.
“Holy shit. Kaori check this out.”
She sat on the red cushion, and moaned.
“Oh, GODS that’s comfy!”
Tyler smiled.
“Dibs on the furniture.”
Tempesta’s rumble was heard.
“Agreed. Truth be told, I have NO idea why a dragon had these.”
Tyler shrugged.
“Weird collector?”
Tyler used an empty loot pouch for the furniture, and they were able to get a four person couch made of pure gold, a silver table, a high backed throne made of gold and silver, and a two person lounge chair made of some pelt that felt like heaven to the touch. Tyler then looked at the ores.
“Lily, anything decent?”
She smiled.
“Gold, silver, platinum, some good obsidian, there’s a vein of pure Magicite, a large noodle of Rune.”
Tempesta’s shocked voice made them all look over. Tyler looked at the blue metal.
“It rare?”
The dragon burst out laughing.
“It’s the single strongest metal out there that can be worked by man. But, to do so, you need to have a dragon of my power aiding the smelting, and a master smith with decades of experience to make the metal able to move. Even then it’s a two month process to forge a dagger. A sword like oblivion takes five. Gliepnir? 1 full year.”
“Scary. We found adamantite yesterday.”
“Of course you did. What did you do with it?”
“It’s sitting in our mansion for now.”
“Of course it is. The rune I’d like to claim, as I myself have never seen a vein. Anything else?”
Lily was pulling another pile of rock out.
“Got some more blood platinum, Lord Blue.”
“Eh, I got four tons.”
“Nice flex.”
They laughed as Tyler noticed a sword hilt in the pile. Curious he pulled it out. It weighed less then Oblivion, was a light pearl in color, and was the same size as Lily’s sword. He looked at it quizzically as he waved it.
“This an Additite sword?”
Tempesta looked at it through his eyes.
“By the scale it is.”
“We still got Opals, Tempesta.”
That got a laugh.
“The weapons and armor are yours to claim as I prefer coins and gems.”
“Neat, Lily, ya got a new friend.”
The elf girl smiled as she placed the small sword on her shoulder, as she carried her shield on her back. She now had a mythril sword, an Additite shield, vest, and now a sword as well. Tyler hugged her.
“You’re better equipped than I am!”
She smiled proudly as she got back to work. Tyler walked around the pile letting Tempesta get a good look at the thing in whole before they got to actual looting,
“What’s that atop the pile?”
Tyler looked up to see a sword hilt poking out from the top like the toothpick in a sandwich.
He hopped up the pile of coins and took a hold of the hilt before pulling it out. The blade was a deep blue, was the same length as Oblivion and was a curious wavy pattern. Tyler sighed.
“I think I found a rune scimitar.”
Tempesta was in agreement.
“It is indeed rune. A most precious artifact. My mythril is still the better blade though.”
“Course it is. That said, I know someone that can use it well.”
He looked around to where Ashy was lo0oking at a spear.
“Hey, Ashy, you still need a sword, right?”
She blinked as she looked at him.
“Um, yeah. They still make me nervous, but I’d like to learn to wield one.”
“Gotchya a friend here.”
HE dropped down and gave her the rune blade. She gasped as she saw it.
“But, this is rune, right?”
She had tears of gratitude in her grey eyes.
“I’ll learn well, I promise!”
“Just don’t cut yourself.”
She hugged him as he gave Wulf a subtle thumbs up.
“Thank you.”
“Sure, Ashy. Wulf said you were looking to learn the sword, so he asked me to keep a look out for a good one.”
She smiled and gave the ranger a loving kiss, and this time Tyler got the thumbs up as he laid the credit for the idea at the ranger’s feet. Tyler then looked at the spear Ashy had been examining.
“well played.”
Tyler chuckled as he replied to the dragon.
“I bust his balls all the damned time, but I got his back. Now, the is this thing made of?”
HE used appraisal and tilted his head.
“Seriously? They made a spear out of solid yellow topaz?”
He pulled it free as Tempesta explained.
“It’s a common practice really. As a weapon from a gem gets it’s strength for the wielder’s path. Topaz is the yellow path.”
Tyler smiled as the rest of the party also smiled.
“Of course.”
The dragon chuckled fondly now.
“you sure do love that child.”
“She’s Sera’s sister!”
That got a laugh.
“I’d like to meet this girl now. I think I’ll go with you to Raylik.”
“We have a few more bills to complete before we head back.”
“Of course you do. I’ll go rest outside the wall then.”
Tyler put the spear in a pouch as he spotted a long tube of wood.
“The hell?”
He pulled it out and found it a scroll tube.
“Hey, Vixen, think this is your area of expertise.”
The black mage came over from examining an axe to look at the tube.
“Oh my, a magic scroll tube. This oughta be good.”
She opened it and pulled the roll of paper out. Soon as she saw the spell she gasped in shock before looking at Tyler.
“Lord Blue, we found a Gold Path Scroll.”
Tyler felt Tempesta’s shock.
“What spell, child?”
“Dragon Surge.”
“By the scale. Tyler, I must ask you to bring that to me at once. And for the love of the sky, to NOT read a single word.”
“Sure. Everyone else, guards up.”
Vixen resealed the scroll and tyler took as he sprinted from the chamber.
“What’s it do?”
“It uses the power of the path that casts it to fuel it. Think Roar of the forest, but can be used by ANYONE, WITHOUT fuel. It can destroy thirty square miles with the power of a mere candle lighter.”
“So if it got into the hands of anyone of any REAL power.”
“All of Vernillion would be a crater.”
“Yeesh, that’s freakin gnarly. I love it.”
The dragon sighed as he ran.
“Gold Paths are rare in the extreme, as they possess the power of a god. Basically, gold paths ARE the children of the gods.”
Tyler reached the opening and Tempesta took possession of the tube.
“Thank you. We dragons seek out the gold spells, as to prevent a catastrophe.”
“What about the ones given to then towns?”
“WE give them to the towns.”
“Ah. I’ll head back now.”
Tyler hopped down and ran back to the chamber. The rest of the party had found a few more good weapons and had them laid out for him to look at. The first one he saw made him smile. The weapon was a double bladed staff sword with short swords for blades. He picked it up and chuckled.
“Been a while since I held one of these. Let’s see if I still got it.”
He began twirling the thing faster then the others could see and Kaori laughed.
“HE learned how to use that after seeing a movie. Guy can hit you 10 times in 5 seconds with it.”
Tyler was smiling as he spun the thing before twisting and it became two weapons. He twirled the blades a few more times, before reattaching them and bowing to a round of applause. He then looked at the material.
“Wow, Mythril. Not bad.”
Sera was smiling with admiration.
“Can you teach me to do that?”
“Sure, Sera. Looks fun don’t it?”
She nodded eagerly as he set the weapon into his own pouch. Next thing was a shield made from a lime green metal. Tyler blinked as he lifted it. The thing was 5 feet across, circular, with a center boss with a vertical eye. HE smiled.
“We found an Adamant Shield.”
Lily tapped it with her knuckle.
“It’s too big for me, and weaker as well.”
“I know it’s too big. And it’s plenty strong.”
Wulf sighed,
“please not where I can see?”
They looked at him.
“We’re…..talking shields here Wulf.”
“Yeah. For once we’re not being dirty.”
“Get yo damned mind out the gutter ya dirty minded jackass.”
Wulf just sat against the wall, and slumped.
“And it continues.”
Tyler smiled as he looked at his party.
“We could use another shielder honestly. Hmm, hey, Lillia, try it on.”
The princess came over and part her arm in the straps. She then struck various poses with her blade.
She tilted her head.
“I kinda like it, feels awkward though.”
“me an Lily can teach you to use it right.”
She smiled as she hugged him.
“Thanks. I’ll do my best.”
They patted her as they looked to the weapons again. Tyler looked at the pile when he noticed a vest of metal in the bunch. He smiled as he lifted it and saw the metal closely.
“Kaori, this is about your size, right?”
The blonde came over and looked at it.
“Yeah, it is. Why?”
“It’s Mythril.”
She smiled and they looked away as she changed, swapping her dragon scale for Mythril. Once she was dressed, she did some movements and chuckled.
“I can’t feel it. Period.”
“Feels weird right?”
“Super weird.”
He kissed her and looked at the dwindling pile. HE saw a billed spear that he liked the look of and picked it up. The man laughed as he saw it was made of Mythril as well.
“I think I’ll take this one for me. Never go wrong with a good spear.”
They chuckled as he noticed a small groove in the haft. HE twisted on it, and it collapsed inward on itself like Lymir’s trident had to a mere foot long rod he slotted into his quiver.
“Hey, Tyler.”
HE looked over as Sera lifted a cloak up. HE narrowed his eyes as he saw it.
“Whatchya got there Sera?”
“I have no idea.”
She gave it to him. The thing surprised him as it weighed less then a feather, was made from some luxurious fur, was deep blue, and seemed to be stronger then it was.
“Hey, Tempesta, what is this thing?”
The dragon looked with his eyes, and chuckled.
“You found a Dragon wing cloak.”
“Wait, dragon wing? It’s made of fur.”
“A gifted wing cloak. It’s texture is the same as our own wings, as you’ve never touched them you wouldn’t know.”
“This yours?”
“No, actually. My sister dragon, Leviathan the Sea Dragon. She rules the oceans, as I rule the sky.”
“Ah. Now that I remember, Sea caller Coral and her temple worship a Leviathan.”
“They are one and the same. As you were not the one that gift was meant for, I’d suggest NOT wearing it until she gifts it herself.”
“Never a good idea to piss off the oceans. We’ll store it in the mansion until we head back to Yalik. I think it would be a good idea to put it back in the ocean.”
“A wise move, but I’d suggest the pool in the temple itself. As the waters were gifted from the ocean by her personally.”
“That works too.”
Tyler put in his pouch as Wulf lifted a bow up.
“Got another prophesied bow Wulf?”
“Shove it. I think I found a bow made from Lady Glacious’ scales.”
“Let’s see.”
The ranger tossed the thing over and Tyler took one look with Tempesta.
“Yup. That’s her scale alright.”
“Indeed. No mistaking that color pattern. I saw you used hers at last.”
“Looks like Mythril, don’t they?”
“They do. A good bait and I also sense them in a few other pieces.”
“Like I said, not useless, just hard to use best.”
That got a chuckle from all. The weapons and armor were divvied up amongst the party, and everyone got something they either liked or could make use of. Once the weapons were gone, the ore was looked through next. This dropped the pile by a good three feet as they laid the metals out. Tyler set the Rune aside for Tempesta as they looked the leftovers over. Lily was going through and using her own Appraisal as it boosted her smithing skill. She tapped a vein.
“This be light steel. Good practice ore for me smithy.”
She tapped another two foot vein.
“This be more Blood Platinum. We’ve got maybe four veins of this size.”
“We’ll bankrupt the bank.”
“They laughed as the elven girl then moved another bit forward.
“we got more Rune, Lord Blue.”
“You may have that one, as I have one.”
“Thanks Tempesta.”
The ore was gone through and loaded up. Then the pile of gems was next. This dropped the now 7 foot pile of coins to 5 feet. Tyler chuckled as he saw the mass.
“Other then dragon bribes, what ARE we going to do with our gems? I mean, I need a few for, well, a few. But, yeah.”
The ladies smirked as Kaori glowed. Wulf rubbed his chin.
“We can use them to commission custom crystals or spells or items.”
“Yeah. If we take say a diamond to Seline, and ask for a pouch that holds meat,”
“She already stores meat WITHOUT a bribe. Very well I might add.”
Oh, Lily hit him with her hammer for that one! He dropped as he laughed in pain as the elf bounced her smith hammer on her small hand.
“Tell another joke like that and I’ll hit you in the balls with this.”
Tyler let his knee go as he patted her head.
“Sure, Lilly. I got it out of my system anyway. Sorry everyone!”
Kaori sighed dejectedly.
“Once an immature jackass always an immature jackass.”
“Love you!”
“Love you too! What hey!”
Her near reflex response undermined her condemnation and she knew it. The others laughed as he looked at Wulf.
“So they use gems to commission pouches and crystals.”
The ranger nodded, as the moment of idiocy had passed.
“They do. Opals, for example, yield extremely potent pouches and crystals.”
“Nifty. We got like 27.”
“Love you!”
“Love you too sis!”
Tyler looked at the mass.
“We’ll give the opals and Sapphires to Tempesta right off the bat, and divvy the rest up between us. Sound good?”
The dragon’s rumble of a voice was heard.
“Agreed. Opals I give to Glacious as gifts and treats, the Sapphires I collect as my own.”
They seperated the gems and placed them with the rune vein the dragon had claimed. Tyler then spotted one gem that made him blink.
“Wait, is that an Onyx?”
Wulf looked as he lifted the smokey grey gem up.
“Wow, it is Onyx. Those are really rare.”
Tyler turned the fist sized gem this way and that he looked at it.
“I’ll take this one. Kinda love how it looks.”
They smiled as he put it in his pouch. The gems were divided up between party members, dragon bribes, and mansion funds. Then all that was left was the mound of coins. Tyler crossed his arms as he looked at it.
“So, how you wanna do this?”
Tempesta looked at the pile through Tyler’s eyes as he thought it over.
“By my estimate, there is 56,654 gold, 67,776 silver, 143,243 copper.”
“Is that a skill or just dragon?”
The response was full of amusement.
“Never doubt a dragon when it comes to treasure.”
“tru dat. We can split the gold and Silver neatly, since their even numbers. Wanna flip the last copper?”
“Ha, that’s actually a neat idea. Agreed.”
“Wow, we got a helluva payday here.”
They did the gold first, and put their share of 28,327 in their pouch. The rest they put in an empty pouch Tyler used as bait with the ore and gems. Next was the silver. Again, they split it right down the middle, netting them 33,888 coins.
“We’re going to need a bigger pouch.”
They laughed as the coppers were last. Tyler took one coin and tossed it to Sera, who giggled as she held the last one. That made the split even, netting them 71,641 coins. The pile was cleared away, and tyler looked at the now empty chamber.
“Once over before we get the ores out.”
Lily looked at him.
“I’ll take a look at the walls.”
The chamber was gone over with a fine toothed comb. Resulting in a few more coins being found in cracks, and the split was even again, netting another 2 gold, 4 silver, 10 copper. Lily had Lucy and Wulf following her with pickaxes extracting ore and minerals as they went. The party did the once over twice, and worked the walls until they reached Tempesta. Tyler placed his pouch on the ground and he added it to his belly pouch.
“Nice to see fairness in an adventurer party.”
“Nice to see a not as greedy dragon.”
“Pissant human.”
Ignatia and Furiosa had flown off to go look for entrances and the dead black dragon was mysteriously gone. Tyler took the last copper, and Tempesta fixed it with his eye.
“Heads it’s yours, tails ours. Deal?”
The copper coins had the royal seal affixed to one side, and the image of a king on the other. Tyler flipped it up, and it landed sideways in a crack in the dirt.
“You’ve got to be shitting me.”
Tyler and the dragon looked at each other and burst out laughing as Ashy looked at Kaori incredulously.
“Did he just No Game No life him?”
Kaori was in the same boat.
“I don’t THINK so!”
Tyler was laughing as he picked it up.
“I think the land won this bet.”
The dragon nodded.
“I think she did. A most entertaining flip of the coin.”
“right? Alright, we’ll call this a tribute to the nature gods.”
Tyler buried the coin under a tree and Tempesta spread his wings.
“I’ll go rest by the Raylik wall. I am most eager to meet this Melly you all seem to love so much.”
The dragon was about to fly off, but tyler remembered something.
“We clear to explain the hole?”
The dragon nodded.
“As long as you don’t talk about the raiser. The black dragon is free to be bragged about.”
“Now I can say I enraged a dragon into suicide.”
That got a laugh as the blue dragon flew off. Tyler looked at the party.
“We’ll go warn the villagers this is a death trap for the children, but a good source of coin for their town.”
They nodded and made their way to the town. They found Yark and Wollock with a small group of ten militia waiting at the gate as they rode up. Tyler hopped down and pulled the map out.
“That cave leads into the Underdark.”
The man blinked in shock.
“The Underdark?”
“By the gods.”
Tyler smiled.
“It’s clean for now though. We had to call a friend to deal with a traitor dragon, but it’s safe for the moment.”
The men went white.
“Lord Blue you mean?”
“Yeah. Now, we did a little mining in there, and we walked out with everything from iron and tin to gold and silver. We’re heading out, and leaving whatever else is in the walls to your village. That tunnel is a deathtrap for the children, but a literal gold mine for your village.”
Yark smiled now.
“Thankee kindly Warrior. We’ll send word to lady Seline for both guards and manpower to properly search the cave.”
“Oh, you’re under Seline’s preview? I’m a Warrior’s Runner and we’re in Raylik for the next day if you’d like me to bring word meself.”
Yark ran to his longhouse as Wollock bowed.
“We cannot thank you enough for these gifts, Warrior.”
“Eh, no need really. Was a bit of fun for me and my party.”
Yark came back with a sealed tube that Tyler took.
“We’ll most likely head back this way on more jobs so I’ll give her reply.”
The red bearded man was beaming gratefully.
“Thank you, Lord.”
“Sure. Let’s go kill the next target.”
They rode off as the men waved. Tyler pulled the leftover bills up.
“Okay, a blood Gigas. A Slythnier, another Nightmare, a Gildhorn, Broadhorn, a hobgoblin camp, dire wolf pack, fire Wyrm, and a plains strider. We’ll hit the gigas next as it’s the toughest sounding of the ones left.”
Vixen rode up beside him now.
“I’d like to take part please.”
“You know this thing best, Vixen.”
“Thank you. And I’d suggest YOU kill it, as it has a nasty mental attack upon death.”
“Understood. Heads up. Wulf, you will guide us to it, but NOT attack it. It’ll be me, Lily, sera, Lillia and Vixen for the fight.”
The mage smiled.
“Another lesson?”
“They broke a subjugation necklace, and Lily fought off a willpower demon right after. They can handle this thing.”
“Thanks for the faith!”
“Love you too!”
The party rode to the spot, and found it to be another cave. Tyler sighed as he dismounted Thunder.
“Why is it always a cave?”
The hunters walked in and found the beast just standing there inside the thirty foot chamber. The thing was 6 feet tall, bloated hideously in the torso, had blood red skin, was headless with a small hole on the center of the chest with straps coming from it, and wielded an axe. Tyler pulled his new spear and set his feet. The hafted weapon was feet long with a 2 foot spearpoint. The thing flared out on one side for extra slashing ability, was a pearl color and had a needle point. Lily pulled her new Additite sword and her shield as Sera and Lillia took up their bows as Vixen readied a spell. Wulf stood at the entrance as a lookout as his willpower still needed work before he was ready to face such a creature. Tyler smiled as the thing stumped towards them and raised it’s axe.
“Holy Sanctity!”
The dome spell tore outward and set the beast aflame as it cleansed the evil of it’s being. Vixen smiled.
“Not a bad idea, but that spell is best suited for outright demons. Holy smite or fire is the better choice. Poison Fang!”
Vixen threw a black dagger at the thing with a poison spell on it as the white flames went out, enraging the fell beast. It charged and caught her dagger in the shoulder, allowing the poison to enter its tortured body. Sera and Lillia fired their arrows now and the dragon scale shafts hit it in the small hole in it’s chest. Tyler planted his feet and thrust the spear with his lower body strength.
“Holy Smite!”
The spear tip glowed white as he impaled the thing through the middle and forced the White spell into it’s core. The thing roared in a peculiar multi-toned squeal before bursting into white flame as it’s body was consumed. It vanished as a black cloud latched itself onto Tyler’s head. HE sighed.
“Fuck. OFF.”
The cloud shattered like glass leaving only the axe on the cave floor. Vixen held her arm out as they moved to collect it.
“It’s a cursed weapon. I’ll handle it until we can have the Purity cleanse it, as I am immune to curses.”
“Love you Vixen.”
The black haired mage took the weapon and stored it in her robes as they inspected the cave. Walking away with merely a few hundred pounds of clay. The victorious hunters mounted back up as Tyler looked at the next kill.
“We’ll put the Nightmare to bed next Kaori. That’s your job.”
She smiled as he passed her the bill.
“Thank you.”
“I love you.”
This time they found the poor beast running in circles as the agony of it’s existence prompted it to flee. Tyler placed the Holy Smite spell on her bow, and Kaori hit it cleanly with a tear in her eye for the once graceful animal. It dropped and he retrieved the arrow before they moved on. Tyler patted kaori’s back reassuringly.
“We got another horse to put down.”
She looked at the bill.
“The Slythnier?”
“Yeah. Lily gets the hide, you get the kill.”
She smiled.
“Thank you.”
They were led to the place in question by Wulf, and found the creature to be a most bizarre one. It was the size of Lucy’s Clydesdale, so 6 feet at the shoulder, maybe ten feet long, and had a long swishing tail with a mace on the end. It’s hide was a steel like color and was made of metal that encased the entire animal. Most intriguing was the head; as the three foot thing had a four foot metal crest like a helmet on the head with a five foot spike. Tyler blinked as he saw it.
“Kaori, Lily, and Lucy.”
They nodded and moved to kill the thing. Tyler had his new spear out as Kaori wielded her bow, Lucy her throwing spears, Lily her Additite gear. Tyler and Lucy got its attention and it screamed like a horse as it charged them. Kaori had her bow ready as Lily raised her shield. The blonde fired her dragon scale arrow, and it punched right through the thing’s metal hide to drop dead from a clean heart shot. Tyler had to hold her as she was teary eyed at the kill, but she recovered and aided in the butchering of the beast. Lily was happy as they walked away with several hundred pounds of easy to work metal for her smithy and Kaori was happy to put another tortured steed to rest. The next target was the dire wolf pack, and Tyler was looking forward to seeing a dire wolf with his own eyes.
“So we’re clear? The wolf pelts, Leopold pelts, and bear pelts are our new bedrolls and blankets.”
The party laughed as they neared their den. The plan was for the archers to bring the animals down as a bit of target practice. The wolves had made their den in a small hollow with easy access in or out. Tyler, Sera, Lillia, Kaori, Ashy, Serafina, and Malico followed Wulf as he led them to an overlook that got a full view of the pack. The wolves were five feet tall, 9 feet long, and were of an orange and white pattern. Tyler and the archers fitted arrows to bows, and took aim at the slumbering animals. There were maybe 15 wolves in the hollow, and seven twangs later, there were eight. The wolves leapt up as seven died right beside them, but another seven were hit as the alpha tried to run, only for Sera to prove her spot as the best shot in the party with a running shot to the eye on a dire wolf at 50 feet. First shaft. Tyler patted her hair proudly as the beast dropped.
“Nice kill Sera. That one’s yours.”
She giggled happily as they got the collecting pelts. Tyler looked around the hollow after the pelts, hearts, and teeth were collected. Once satisfied they’d gotten everything, they mounted up and rode on.
“Next is the hob camp. I want Sera, lily and Lillia with Kaori, Ashy and Wulf to hit it. I’ll sit out for this one.”
The girls nodded, as Kaori chuckled.
“I see your pitting them against creatures bigger then them now.”
“Indeed. This bit of training is to teach them how to stand alone.”
“I loved that song.”
“Me too.”
Lily smiled.
“So, what will be THIS final exam?”
“killing a giant camp. Just you three.”
The team went silent as they processed what he just said. Then Sera laughed.
“Kay! I’ll work hard!”
“Atta girl! It’s not for a good long while yet, as you need to get stronger, but you’ll get there.”
There was a collective breath of relief from the party as Wulf chuckled.
“Gradual difficulty increases. By the time they reach the level YOU feel comfortable to send them at such a camp,”
“It’ll be just another day on the trail for them.”
They reached the rest point and the hunters moved off to go kill the creatures. Tyler waved as they went before taking out the Onyx he’d claimed from the trove. He smiled as he saw the softball sized rock.
“Whatcya planning for that one?”
Malico came up to look at the smokey grey gem.
“I’m thinking of getting it refined and polished for my office desk with the opal from our first Lisk kill.”
The catgirl waved her long orange and black tail as she remembered.
“That was a fun trip.”
“I had you and Kaori in the hotspring. Yeah, fun times.”
She leered at him now.
“This time you will HAVE us alright.”
“Damn right kittycat.”
HE rubbed her cat ears the way she loved and she purred.
“You haven’t petted me in a while.”
“We’ll play together soon, Malico. Just you an me.”
She kissed him as before looking at the gem.
“That will look so pretty on your desk.”
“Not as pretty as me favorite kittycat.”
She purred hard as he put the gem away and pulled the map out. He chuckled as he saw the landscape now dotted with dozens and dozens of new holes as the dragons searched for more entrances.
“I should have given them a size reference. But, then again, better a honeycombed countryside that’s safe then a solid one that’s a death trap.”
He closed it and looked over the leftover bills.
“Okay, the wolves, Gigas, horses, and the turtle are dead. The hobs are getting killed, the next will be the fire wyrm. That’s the bell.”
They answered the buzzing of the whistle and headed to the camp. They found the hunters all looting as the three girls had frustrated looks on their faces as he walked up. Wulf sighed.
“What happened?”
The ranger gestured to the camp.
“The fight was going well. This camp had 43 creatures, and the girls were doing very well, forming a triangle to kill them. Well, one fell the wrong way and it broke their triangle and we had to save them. A well-formed and executed plan,”
“But bad luck. A lesson as well. As sometimes the best laid plans get waylaid. So, we have a hole in their training.”
The more experienced elf nodded.
“Indeed we do. Once their first plan fell through, they had no real backup plan. Which became evident as they were quickly overwhelmed as they tried to regroup.”
“I’d call this test a half-failure. As they both found their current limit alone, and a blaring weakness in how they approach fights. And a third as well: for sometimes we ALL need to be rescued.”
The ranger nodded as Tyler walked over to the girls. They sighed as their teacher leaned on a rock.
“We’re sorry we failed.”
“We’ll do better next time.”
“We got screwed.”
Tyler nodded.
“You will do better. Now, what is the lesson here?”
They each replied in turn. Lillia first.
“We need to have a set batch of backup plans for the worse case.”
Sera spoke next.
“We can’t overestimate our enemies. Plus, even though our plan, teamwork, and way we did it was flawless, plans go bad sometimes.”
Lily took her turn next.
“We all need to be rescued sometimes. Plus, we need to approach each fight like it’s our last.”
Tyler was nodding as he listened to them.
“Well done girls. You’re learning just fine. You even picked up on two extra lessons here I did not. Now. In the future. What will you do differently?”
Lillia smiled.
“We’ll set a few plans in place before just going in swords swinging.”
Sera tilted her head.
“We’ll have a clear escape route ready if we need to run.”
Lily looked at the things.
“We’ll take the high ground with me on the ground floor as they rain arrows at them. I can kill these things easily enough, but with them covering me from above and our backs to the way we came in, we’re set.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Not bad, girls. Not bad at all. Lily’s got a nasty mind for strategy. Lillia’s a great one for caution. Sera is good on safety. I’ll call this test a half-failure; as you didn’t complete the task, yet still got valuable experience for your efforts. Alright, loot the place, and we’ll get moving.”
The girls got a reassuring pat before they got back to it. The camp yielded 55 silver and 87 copper. They mounted up and rode out to kill the fire wyrm. The three girls were down as they’d failed their test, and the party let them sit in it as another lesson to move past their own failures. They found the thing roaming along a stretch of the plains and Tyler smiled.
“I’ll take Serafina, Ashy, Malico Annnd Thistle.”
The girls nodded and they went to where the thing was roaring at then from. Tyler was smiling as he saw it fully. It stood on hindlegs with a pair of red wings for forearms. The thing was 9 feet tall, with a 20 foot wingspan and was covered in deep red scales with a snakes head. Tyler drew his spear as he sought to master his newest weapon. The ladies all drew their favorite weapons, Malico and Serafina their daggers, Ashy her bow, and Thistle her axe. Tyler and the blood elf ran forward as Ashy fired arrows with Malico right behind Thistle as Serafina used a Wraith skill to hide her presence as she ran silently behind Tyler. The thing screeched at them with a cry like rusty hinges, and Ashy’s first arrow hit it in the chest, and it retaliated with a lunge at Tyler, who jumped to the side as Serafina went to the other side. The thing missed as Tyler planted his feet as he landed and thrust the billed spear into the thing’s side. It screeched in pain, and tried to pull away, but Tyler twisted the spear hat and locked it in place.
“I got it!”
Malico came up then and did a spinning wheel as she carved ten slashes with her green daggers on the thing’s flank, as Serafina came in behind her to stab it deep with her poisoned weapons. The Wyrm swung a wing and it caught the slender wraith in the stomach, launching her into a tree with a heavy thud, but her mail absorbed most of the impact as she got right back up to reattack. Ashy was firing arrow after Arrow into the thing’s chest as Thistle saw an opening. She surged forward and swung her large broad-axe over her shoulder and slammed it into the thing’s neck with a nasty crunch as her axe snapped it’s spine with a single smash. The thing dropped with a thud and hissed as it died. Tyler smiled as he tore the spear free.
“Good kill Thistle. Serafina, you okay?”
The pretty wraith smiled as she pulled a potion from her pouch.
“I’m good. Just a little rattled is all.”
“Take it easy. We can’t lose Sera’s favorite Wraith, can we?”
She pulled her hood up as she blushed a deep purple.
“No we cannot.”
The rest of the party appeared and the efficient party butchered the wyrm for their mansion’s supplies.
“Next up is….the plains strider. Should be a fun one.”
They laughed as the party thundered along the plains. Kaori was rubbing her horse Gloss as she spoke up.
“Once we’re done with this set of bills, I’d like to rest the horses for a while. They’ve been doing a lot of galloping outta nowhere, and they need to adjust.”
“Sure, Kaori. I need to give Seline the update and Ishtar as well as to why the dragons are digging holes all a sudden.”
Sera smiled.
“We’ll come too!”
“Sure, Sera. Lillia as well, and Lily. Just cause it’s Lily.”
“Love you too.”
The party rode to the stretch of plains the large beast was said to be roaming. Tyler’s sharp eyes picked it out first.
“Wow, it’s just an overgrown elephant with four tusks instead of two.”
Lily smiled.
“Can I get the tusks? I can make some good stuff with ivory.”
“Sure, Lily. We still got that stone as well.”
She smiled as Tyler looked at his party.
“Okay, Wulf, Ashy, Lillia, Annnd, Kaori.”
The named hunters rode on their horses as Wulf said it was the best way to hunt the thing. Tyler had his bow up and had a set of three shafts enhanced with piercing teardrop as they rushed the trumpeting thing. Tyler waited as it tired to swing it’s head at him to fire his arrows into it’s forehead. The shafts punched right through, and it dropped to the ground with a heavy thud as he swung his horse to the side of the creature. The party laughed as they got the butchering the beast.
“Why’d we come again?”
Tyler just smiled as they moved to the next kill. Wulf smiled as he led the way as usual.
“The Gildhorn will be a good one. It’s meat is better off sold though. For us? This be a sell animal. Same with the Broadhorn.”
“Nice change of pace though.”
“Oh absolutely.”
They found the Gildhorn, which was just a yellow rhino, in a small field near the road. A single spear thrown by Lucy dropped the large animal, and the butchering too less and half an hour. Tyler killed the Broadhorn, which was just a larger bull with his spear bullfighter style, getting a round of applause from the leering ladies. Once that one was collected they set off for Raylik. They reached the town as the sun reached high noon, and smiled as they saw Tempesta resting by the walls clearly chatting with someone on the walltop. Tyler used his far sight, and saw it was Melly having her first chat with a high dragon. Her mother, Mia, and her father, Elirch were right beside her as well, and as tyler rode up the dragon chuckeld as he looked at him.
“I get it now. I like her too.”
Tyler laughed.
“Just wait till sera gets to her.”
“I shall. She’s very charming.”
Poor Melly was now openly gaping as Tempesta himself complemented her. Tyler and the party stabled their horses before going to see Melly on the walltop. There Sera got Melly with hug death, getting a rumble of amusement from the blue dragon. Melly opened her own small HUD, and he saw she had the titles of Dragon’s Tear and Dragon friend in her list of titles. Tyler hugged the freckled girl, seeing she still had her yellow crown. He leaned on a battlement as he smiled.
“we found something Sera and me thought you’d love.”
Her blue eyes went wide as he pulled her topaz spear from his pouch. The glittering weapon was 5 feet long with a forked head two feet long. Melly was only 4 feet tall, but she gasped with tears in her eyes as he gave it to her. Soon as her fist wrapped around dit, it started glowing with her yellow path like Magicite. She just started crying from the joy in her heart as Mia and Elirch just held each other.
“Our wee gal’s better equipped now then most adventurers!”
“And she’s not even an adventurer! Yet!”
Sera hugged her sister tightly, as Tyler chuckled.
“She’s her sister. Gotta make her smile a lot ya know.”
The got a laugh as Tempesta rumbled.
“So you are aware, child.”
Melly looked at the blue dragon with nervous eyes.
“Lord Blue?”
“I gave you my flames as well. But, you are not ready to wield them. So, they will appear when you can.”
Her eyes went wide, and she tried to hug the dragon’s snout, but Tyler put a hand on her shoulder.
“His scales feel like a lit forge, Melly. I took it as I have high fire resistance, you touch him you’ll lose a hand.”
She nodded as Tempesta chuckled.
“That spear is as strong as Magicite. And the stronger your path becomes, the stronger it will become.”
She held it tightly.
“I’ll get strong Lord Blue! I promise!”
Sera smiled.
“Course you will, Melly!”
The dragon looked at Tyler.
“I have to get to work.”
“I as well. Thanks for this, Tempesta.”
The dragon chuckled with amusement.
“That look in children’s eyes when they first meet a dragon never gets old. Take care Melly.”
HE flew off as Melly looked at her family.
“I got titles from a dragon! Me!”
Tyler patted her red hair.
“And now you have a mighty spear.”
She passed the long weapon to her mother and hugged him tightly.
“Thank you, I love it!”
HE hugged er tightly as Mia spoke now.
“we’ll make sure it don’t get stolen, and she learns how to wield it.”
Tyler nodded as he let the girl go.
“Now, I gotta go see Seline. You go put the spear up.”
They nodded as he hopped off the wall and went with Sera, Lillia, Lily, Kaori, Ashy, Wulf and Malico. The rest went back to the mansion to rest. Roxette was behind her desk, and waved them to the lift.
“She’d like a reason why Lord Blue landed outside her front gate.”
Tyler laughed as they went up. They found the sexy fox lady sitting on her couch and she sighed as thye joined her.
“What the hell did you do? Lord Blue up and lands outside my front gate, and says he’s looking for Melly of all people! That poor girl nearly had a heart attack!”
Tyler chuckled.
“We mighta told him how much of a little sister to Sera she is. Plus, well, we need the king to fully explain just WHAT happened out there.”
She nodded and dropped the shutters as he used the blue coin again. HE also flipped one to Seline.
“For payment.”
She flicked him with her tail as he used the projection to contact Ishtar. The king appeared, and Tyler spoke first.
“What’s our phrase?”
The king sighed.
“Oh shit here we go. It is better to be feared then loved, if one cannot be both.”
“Correct. At this point, BOTH of those work.”
“Great. What will I be losing sleep over tonight?”
Tyler sighed.
“We had an encounter with a Fallen Dragon today.”
They both jumped.
“A what?”
“Fallen Dragon? Tell me everything.”
“We got a job to kill an adamantiose. Fun fight no issues. Well, as we were collecting the thing, Wulf found that one of it’s spikes had punched a hole into a cave under us. So, we clean up, warn the nearby village. This is for you, Seline.”
Tyler gave her the tube Yark had given him and she nodded.
“Thank you. I’ll look it over after.”
“Then we blew the cave open. Kaori, the crystal.”
She showed them the recording of the blast, and they whistled.
“Wow, so THAT was what the dust cloud we saw was.”
“we saw here in Term as well. I’ll explain it to the public as a mere landslide.”
“We have a better tale, as that cave had a denizen. Now, as the size and scale of the cave was made apparent, plus the design of it as well, I asked our ranger here about the legend of a deep road.”
Wulf took the thread now.
“Lord, the cave was an unknown entrance into the Underdark.”
The two leaders were awestruck.
“A new entrance,”
“Of that size?”
Tyler took it up now.
“Now, Wulf was explaining the things that could be down there, and he made mention of a Fallen Dragon. Yeah, I called Tempesta for that one, for if there’s a chance an enemy dragon was down there we’d need some backup. Plus, the mess with the Raiser.”
Ishtar gasped.
“You mean to say the Fallen Ones are AIDING this Raiser?”
“They Are, Ishtar. But, not yet. Now, after explaining my suspicions, I had an idea.”
“I recorded the entire thing.”
“I fucking LOVE you, Shadow!”
The king and Seline got to watch as Tyler roared his taunts into the cave, thus enraging the dragon inside into blindly charging straight into the waiting jaws of Tempesta. They then got to watch as the dragon king killed the thing after Tyler got a look into it’s eye. Tyler chuckled as they looked at him in equal parts awe, equal parts fear as he’d enraged a dragon into suicide.
“Pissing off dragons isn’t all that hard. Plus, well, it’s a passion.”
They sighed.
“Did you find the thing’s trove?”
“We did. We split it with Tempesta and all, but we got half.”
The king rubbed his beard.
“Anything good?”
“Ashy, your blade.”
The dirty blonde smiled as she drew her Rune sword. Both natives stopped.
“Rune. I’ve seen living rune.”
“Same here.”
“Lillia’s got an adamant shield.”
The princess came forward and presented her shield to her beaming father.
“I trust you’ll teach her?”
“Me and Lily will.”
Seline looked at him now.
“Anything else?”
“A few bits of furniture. Yes, I know it’s weird.”
the fox lady smiled.
“Can you show us?”
He set the pieces out, and the king and fox gasped.
“a golden couch? Silver table? Royal chair?”
Tyler chuckled.
“We’re placing them in the mansion. Throne’s my new office chair.”
Kaori looked at the two person lounge chair.
“That’s for our bedroom.”
Malico eyed the couch.
“I’d like the couch please.”
Lily smiled as she saw the silver table.
“I’d like the table for me room.”
They laughed as the furniture was divvied up. Once they’d seen the things he put them back in the pouch. Ishtar looked at him.
“What other priceless artifacts did you find?”
“I got a new spear, and Lily an Additite sword.”
Lily drew her blade and the two were blown away again, and Tyler pulled his spear. Though, this time, the king’s eyes flashed.
“I know that spear. It belonged to Erica’s, me wife, ancestor Priscilla the lance. She was a gold path long ago, and her last resting place was lost to time.”
Tyler looked at him.
“She was a gold path?”
“Indeed. Her mother was Vulpix herself. She was last seen transporting a gold spell to a dragon’s meeting for safe keeping when she disappeared.”
“Oh shit. That spell wasn’t Dragon Surge was it?”
Ishtar looked at him.
“How do you know that name?”
“we found it, Ishtar. The scroll I mean.”
The king became very serious.
“What did you do with it?”
“I gave it to Tempesta.”
The king breathed a sigh of relief.
“Oh thank the gods. Tempesta has the gold scroll at last. We can rest easier. Now, the spear’s name was Heart Piercer. But, I think you have a different name.”
“This? I think….I’ll name it….Zankestu.”
Ashy smiled widely.
“Wolf piercer of heaven. Beautiful.”
The king smiled widely now.
“Indeed. Any other weapons lost to time?”
“Just this.”
Tyler pulled the double bladed staff swords out and Ishtar’s eyes went wide.
“Lionheart and Tigerclaw?”
Tyler looked at him now.
“Wait. Those names. Where’d you hear them?”
The king was smiling now.
“Those weapons belonged to a friend of ole Gruven’s. Guy by the name of Alex. Said he named them after-“
“Warrior cats from a book series in our world, right?”
“Indeed. I see you know them.”
“I do. Very well. So, it’ll pain you to hear that Tigerclaw was the name of the evil cat in the books.”
Ishtar laughed.
“I know. Alex would go on for hours about them. Appreciate the warning though.”
“Sera wants me to teach her to wield it.”
The king smiled widely.
“That fits her too well. Can YOU wield it?”
Tyler responded by spinning the weapon around in a blinding flurry of dancing lights as he smiled widely doing it. He spun the thing vertically as he twisted, and the blades came apart and he twirled them separately before reattaching them. HE got a round of applause as Ishtar got a strange look in his eye.
“Does the name Alex Yuto mean anything to you?”
Tyler laughed.
“Ole Al? yeah, I taught that rat bastard everything he knew on this weapon. Jackass. He up and vanished what? Five, six years ago? Wait, was he a tall lanky fuck with brown eyes, ginger hair, white pasty skin and a weirdly angular face?”
Ishtar sighed.
“It seems we have a mutual friend. You described him to a tee. I guess Warriors get plucked from different time periods as well.”
“I’d say within maybe five years of each other. But, what gave it away?”
“You spun the thing in his style. Only far faster, stronger, and more skill. It was clear watching you were the master of it. He the student.”
“What got him?”
“We never found out. All we found was his horse, torn apart from some attack and his body torn to high hell. We tried to hunt the thing that did it, but just could not find it.”
“well, we got em. So, that bastard gets to rest easier now.”
Ishtar sighed sadly.
“Indeed he does. He would also go on about this kid he knew in hie old world that would LOVE Lectis. Said that his own skill paled in comparison, and that if I ever met him to NOT piss em off. I see why now.”
“Well, Alex, ya rat gingersnap. Nice to know you were spreadin the bad word everywhere you went.”
They sighed as Tyler set the weapon aside. Then Ishtar spoke up now.
“Was that is?”
“Another vein of rune, more ores, the usual coin, gems, and the like. Oh, and Kaori got a new mythril vest.”
She smiled as Tyler looked at the king.
“So you know, the dragons are digging holes everywhere. If anyone asks, tell em their hunting fallen dragons for sport.”
“I will. Now, how are their lessons going?”
Tyler crossed his arms.
“Well, they had to be rescued from a hobgoblin camp on a raid I was not a part of.”
The king looked at him.
“Umm, before I order your head on a pike, explain.”
“I sent them with Wulf, Kaori, and Ashy to kill a hobgoblin camp without me as part of their solo training. From Wulf’s description, they had a solid plan and were doing well. Then a hob fell the wrong way and it threw their plan off. So, they floundered and had to be rescued by the others.”
Ishtar got it then.
“So, they didn’t do the job ALONE, but just without YOU. The lessons learned?”
“They went in without a solid backup plan, so now they’ll learn to make one, have a handy escape route for the same reason. Plus, they learned the more valuable lessons that sometimes we ALL need to be rescued sometimes, and that sometimes even the best laid plans get waylaid.”
The experienced king and Seline were nodding sagely.
“Wisdom indeed. I’m relieved they did not go as alone as I thought.”
“Indeed. They have learned great lessons there.”
“They’re not done yet. Their final exam for this course is to kill a full giant camp. Without ANY of us present besides Wulf to guide them to it.”
Ishtar blinked.
“And just WHEN is this exam?”
“Not for a good long while. Right now, their limit is the hobgoblin camp. So, back to practicing.”
The king shook his head.
“Harsh yet fair. When they get that far, they’ll be strong enough to kill a few dozen giants with ease.”
“That’s the plan. I want them to be at least Lucy, our barbarian axe wielder’s level by the start of the next wave. Right now, they’re decent. And can even walk freely in the town here. But not yet up to snuff.”
The girls nodded.
“We’ll get strong Daddy.”
“Yes. We will.”
“Pff, I’ll get stronger an him.”
They got nods of approval. Tyler smiled now.
“I marked their task as a half-failure. As they both learned good lessons there, which is the whole point really, but ultimately failed to kill the camp alone.”
Ishtar had a thought.
“When they succeed, what do you do for them?”
“I let them claim the job, coin, and whatever we find as they see fit. They’ve handled an orc camp of what was it, Wulf? 50 creatures?”
“75 orcs, and a twenty foot hill. We didn’t have to lift a finger.”
Tyler nodded as the king and Seline were awestruck>
“Ah. That’s right. That they killed a bandit camp with minimal aid as ya know bandits. Next, I had the three of them, and Vixen our black mage kill a tomb guardian. Vixen’s role was to id the thing for them to kill it. It was a minor Lich, so an easy kill for them. Now, they’re rewards? They’re picks of the hauls. We get the leftovers.”
Ishtar smiled proudly.
“A mightily just system. Rewards effort with good loot, while supporting their failures to succeed the next time. How many creatures for the hob camp?”
“43. Plus them being bigger than them.”
“I see. So, an obvious disadvantage right out the gate.”
“That’s how my training works. Once you get comfortable with the current level, I raise it above your head and let you work to get to it again.”
Ishtar looked at Sera and Lillia.
“It’s working.”
“Sera caught a bounty by herself barehanded yesterday.”
He laughed.
“What happened?”
“We walked into Mia’s Tavern, and her daughter, Melly, who is Sera’s other sister got shoved face first into a post by a man that slapped her ass as a bit of fun. Well, Sera marches right over and nearly kills him with a single PUNCH! She beat the piss outta him with her bare hands! It was awesome.”
Sera smiled as she cracked her knuckles.
“Don’t fuck with Melly.”
Ishtar just looked at Tyler, both impressed with his daughter’s fire, and appalled by her language. Tyler shrugged with a smile.
“Sera’s MY sister too. Soo, yeah.”
Sera giggled as Ishtar sighed.
“She’s learning from the best and has become the worst.”
They BOTH became indignant.
“Oi! I’m the WORST, and she’s the BEST!”
“Daddy! Mean! I’m awesome! Tyler’s the one that’s the worst!”
They near in sync response made the king slump even further. Then Tyler had a thought.
“Hey, Kaori. Should we tell em?”
She looked at him, and smiled.
Tyler looked at the king.
“We found the Fireball’s letter.”
The king burst out laughing as Seline went a little pale. Tyler patted the sexy fox.
“We get it.”
She breathed a sigh of relief as Ishtar looked at Kaori.
“See Miss? Your mother’s just fine.”
“We read in the news article she might be headed this way.”
Ishtar and Seline looked at each other.
“If Erica’s headed this way,”
“Then she’s heard Gru’s dead.”
they both looked at Tyler.
Tyler laughed and held Kaori.
“We’ll wait right in the middle of the road for her.”
Ishtar smiled now.
“She is going to like you. AFTER she tries to kill you.”
“Eh, I got Kaori. I’m set.”
That got him a warm kiss and a hug as the others awww’d. Ishtar looked at him.
“Anything else I’m to lose sleep over?”
Tyler rubbed his chin.
“Fallen Dragons are common. Plus, now that the other dragons have an idea of what they’re looking for now, the battles between dragons will pick up.”
Ishtar sighed.
“I’ll explain it to the people that the dragons got bored.”
“And warn them about the new holes.”
The king smiled at that.
“Not even. More we’ll send in miners and see what’s down there.”
Tyler laughed.
“Nice to see your thinking like me for once!”
The king went white in the face.
“Oh shit.”
“Thanks for the vote of confidence.”
The king sighed.
“Was that it?”
“All I had this time.”
The king looked to his girls.
“I’m happy you’re learning well. Oh, and your mother’s ship landed in Yalik this morning. Guess they got a good head wind behind them.”
Tyler chuckled.
“I wonder if Leviathan helped a little?”
The others smiled at that. Sera and Lillia looked to their father.
“Will she come here?”
Ishtar sighed.
“She said as much as she wanted to lay Seline again, she wanted to go home to Term. So, sadly not.”
They sighed as Tyler pated them.
“If it were THAT easy.”
They hugged him as he looked at the king.
“We ourselves set out for Term in the morning.”
The king smiled.
“with a one day buffer. We’ll expect you.”
“Make it a loud one.”
The king got a most…..eager light in his eye.
“We will make SUCH a scene!”
“And those other bastards purple with envy.”
“Damn straight!”
Sera’s outburst made them all laugh. Ishtar sighed now.
“Well, sweetie, I have work to do. You do as well.”
“Bye daddy!”
“Goodbye Father.”
The image went dead and Seline looked at Tyler with a pointed gaze.
“So, me?”
“We’ll unload, then I’ll take you. Work before pleasure after all.”
She smiled as she lifted the tube.
“I’ll look it over.”
“We’ll get paid and bankrupt the bank.”
That got a laugh as Tyler and Wulf headed for the guild as the girls went for the mansion. They walked in to the guild rowdy as ever.
“That took longer an usual!”
“What, nearly got yer ass beat by a turtle?”
Tyler chuckled.
“Did ya see the dust cloud?”
They went silent, as Verilica came over.
“We did, and I’d like to ask for what happened.”
“For the news crystals?”
“We’ll cash in the bills, unload our loot and we’ll talk, sound good?”
The feral imp nodded and she went back to her booth. Tyler laid out the bills. She looked them over.
“Okay, good kills all. Your total today is 373 gold, 230 silver, plus the titles of Guild Champion and Horse friend for the party.”
“Thanks Verilica.”
She smiled as they went for the exchange. Grilock just shook his small head.
“What now?”
“A mass of ore, fire wyrm, Gildhorn, Broadhorn, and I think that’s it.”
Tyler showed him the permit and they went to the scales. They unloaded and Grilock’s eyes went as wide as they could go.
“By the gods, how is it your party finds such amazing loot like it were as easy as tripping on a rock?”
“We flip over every rock we find.”
“Scary policy. For this, I can give you 1321 gold, 32 silver, 43 copper.”
Wulf and Tyler whistled.
“Good deal.”
Tyler took the money and they went to drop of the stone to the mason yard. The foreman laughed.
“Let’s see what ya got today!”
The emptied the pouches, and he nodded.
“Not bad. I can give you 432 gold, 56 silver, 97 copper.”
“Nice. Deal.”
The last stop was the bank, and the poor dwarf, Orik nearly fainted as they placed the mass of gold, platinum, silver and copper on the slab. HE looked at them.
“Lads, what temple did you rob?”
“Found an unopened hole. Be amazed what you can find down there.”
The dwarf laughed.
“Aye, that’ll do it! I can give you 3215 gold, 65 silver, 99 copper.”
“Holy shit.”
“We need a bigger pouch.”
That got a laugh as Tyler looked at the elf.
“I’ll go do a conversion, you go play with Ashy.”
Tyler laughed as he walked over to Girplik and the gnome shook his head.
“How big this time?”
The went in, and the gnome just gaped as he saw the numbers.
“What the did you find?”
“A Fallen Dragon trove. Scary bit? This be only HALF.”
The gnome gulped.
“The other half?”
“we split with Tempesta for his aid in the kill.”
The gnome started shaking as they got started with the coppers. Tyler dumped the coppers in and they got 718 silver, 90 copper. Tyler tilted his head as the gnome used magic to calculate the tax.
“144 sound good?”
The gnome blinked as the thing was still doing the math. Then it dinged.
“Wow. You’re right. 144 is most fair.”
That got him 574 silver, 90 copper. Tyler dumped the silver in next, and the amount was 348 gold, 89 silver. Tyler did the math as the gnome plugged numbers.
“I’ll say, 70 flat.”
The gnome watched the result come in.
“I agree. You have a scary mind for numbers, there.”
“I did tutoring for Kaori a lot back in our old world as her and math just didn’t click.”
Tyler got his coins, and the total was 71,316 gold, 663 silver, 90 copper. Girplik saw the leftover silver and chuckled.
“If you convert the silver, it will only be 6 gold and not come with a tax.”
“Why not?”
That got him 6 gold, 63 silver more. Tyler left the bank and headed back to the guild and his interview with Verilica. The imp was waiting for him and they went into the small room again and she pulled her interface up.
“Okay, Tyler the Outcast, do you know what caused that dust cloud that we all saw?”
“I do. Me and my party caused it as we sought to open up a newly discovered cave.”
Verilica nodded as she wrote in the interface.
“Was there any reason other then exploration for such an act?”
“After we killed that Adamantiose, which by the way was a fun fight, Wulf our elven ranger discovered that one of it’s spikes had punched a hole into the ground and into a unknown cave. Yeah, we hurried the hell up as the land we were standing on was hollow. We warned the nearby village as to the danger and the chief asked us to open it up properly and clear it for any nasty surprises.”
He let the beautiful imp catch up and ask her next question.
“How did you open the cave?”
“we used my water spell and Kaori’s lava to create a mini underwater volcanic eruption like we used in then battles here. The result was an area of land 400m across just dropping. Looked freakin awesome from our vantage.”
“the entrance was 400m? that’s a rather massive cave.”
“It’s an untouched entrance to the Underdark.”
She gasped.
“The Underdark? Was there anything living in the cave?”
“A Fallen Dragon.”
Verilica went white at the name.
“You’ve seen a fallen Dragon….and LIVED?”
“We called for some help from Tempesta himself. I guess the Color dragons have a particular hatred for the Fallen.”
“How did you get the thing out of the cave? Especially with the Lord of Blue sitting right there?”
Tyler chuckled.
“I can taunt a pride demon into a blind rage with a few sentences and a well placed finger. I can piss off a dragon just the easier. I had even Tempesta nearly busting up laughing as I roared into the cave with my favorite of skills: royally getting under your skin.”
“Your telling me, you taunted a dragon into such a blind rage, that it ran straight into the jaws and claws of Lord Blue?”
“Bragging more like, but yeah.”
Verilica just sat back.
“You’re insane.”
“Well, thank heaven for that, cause otherwise this’d probably never work.”
She shook her head,
“Use that one in the article.”
She laughed.
“Just to piss off the other warriors?”
“Nah. Hey, Kazuma? In yo face! I saw a dragon battle I started!”
The imp was laughing hard as Tyler sent the long distance jab. She wiped a tear from her face as she asked her next question.
“Why did Lord Blue want o meet with the child Melly?”
“We might have been bragging about just how sweet and fun she is. That and she’s Sera’s sister got him curious. Big blue’s got a fondness for kids, so he wanted to meet her. Plus, well, it’s Melly!”
Verilica smiled fondly as she put the response in.
“I trust you saw yesterday’s article?”
“I did.”
“So, you’re aware the Fireball is headed in this direction?”
“Oh, you mean Kaori’s mother? Yeah.”
Verilica sat back now.
“She’s. her mother?”
“Her name’s Erica, right? Golden blonde, green eyes, fierce temper and a busted sense of humor and speech?”
The imp was now a little nervous.
“Yeah, that’s the Fireball. And you’re in love with her daughter.”
“And she’s in love with me.”
The Imp sighed.
“So, you must be aware of why she’s coming?”
“She’s heard Gru’s dead.”
The imp looked at him.
“Are you scared?”
HE laughed.
“I fight demons for fun, I’ve looked angry dragons in the eye, and on occasion have to fight for me life with an overly ferocious elf girl with a hammer. Am I scared of meeting the mother of the love of my life? Batshit terrified.”
The imp burst out laughing at that one. Tyler just calmly waited until she recovered and sighed.
“When the Fireball meets the Outcast, well, it’s either going to be the stuff of legends, nightmares, or both.”
“Yeah. Kaori’s fierce enough. Her mother? Yeesh.”
Verilica wrote a few more lines before closing the thing.
“Thanks for this. The readers are going to enjoy it.”
“Sure Verilica. I’m headed to see Seline now.”
The imp smiled lewdly.
“I think I’ll go pay Kaori a visit.”
Tyler stole a kiss off her before he left the booth. HE walked into the spear and spotted Yoko in her own booth. HE smiled and walked over to make her night. The pretty raccoon girl smiled as he walked up.
“Tyler, come to bed me or get paid?”
“Just letting you know I’m taking YOU tonight.”
She sighed happily.
“I’ll look forward to you.”
“Same here.”
He left her with that and rode the lift to Seline’s room. He found her waiting on her couch and as he walked in as she sighed happily.
“I saw you headed back to the guild after the bank.”
They walked to her bedroom as he chuckled.
“Verilica wanted an interview on what the dust cloud was.”
“Did you have her?”
They were naked and he pushed her onto the bed.
“Oh no my dear fox. I saved it ALL for you.”
She shivered as he entered her slit.
“Oh, THANK you!”
She started bucking her hips as he thrust into her as Sallie and Sylvia watched in their spirit forms as he got his fill off his third favorite fox. The outcast filled her slit before she was flipped and her face in the pillow as she moaned from pleasure as it was fitted into her rear.
“I LOVE you!”
That got her a kiss from behind as they went at each other.
“I love you too.”
They finished each other and laid together as they recovered. Him snuggling her warm fox fur with her head on his chest.
“So, what’s next?”
He kissed her.
“I’ll go unload the rest of our new treasures, file away the bills, and set the newest sets of compendiums for our monster collection.”
She smiled as she looked at him.
“You sound more like a business owner then an adventurer.”
“Love you too. My other plan was to get their requests for the mansion set up.”
The fox lady smiled as Sallie and Sylvia took their shell forms to get wrapped up in her tails.
“What kinds of requests?”
“Ore and tools for Lily, spellcrafting for Vixen, some balcony chairs for Ashy, targets for Wulf, and that was it. “
The blue eyed fox lady smiled as she kissed him again.
“If you have the lists, I handle the requests for the purchases.”
“You want another round?”
She licked her lips.
“Oh hell yeah.”
HE mounted her again and away they went with their second time as Sallie and Sylvia got off the now bouncing bed.
“They sure do love it.”
Sylvia nodded as she watched Tyler mounted the eager fox from behind.
“He loves her, sex, and is not shy with either.”
Her sister spirit Sallie giggled.
“Wow, Seline. I didn’t think you were that flexible!”
“She’s very flexible, Sallie. She does odd exercises naked all the time just for this.”
The green haired spirit watched as Seline got mounted from behind and twisted around to kiss her lover as he pounded her.
“Damn. She IS flexible. Oh, there’s her cream.”
Sylvia sighed.
“She likes getting made a mess, and he loves MAKING them a mess.”
The two lovers dropped again, and she was under him again. The sexy fox smiled.
“Okay. I’m full.”
He kissed her and they madeout for a little bit.
“Yes you are. I’ll leave the lists on your desk.”
She smiled.
“I’ll send for the gold once the deliveries are made.”
“And here I was worried I’d just have to pay you in cream.”
She flicked him with her tails.
“Maybe next time.”
“Sooo, got a question.”
she rubbed her double D breasts.
“I heard you do gem commissions as well.”
She leered at him.
“I do. Another round?”
“Oh hell yeah.”
And away they went yet again. The spirits sighed and shook their heads as the two lovers fully sated thir lust for each other.
“Tyler’s got a massive appetite.”
“And she loves feeding it.”
The two didn’t last as long before they were done, and she sighed.
“What were thinking?”
“I wanted a meat crystal for the box, a coin one for the mansion, some bigger pouches for our travels, and this onyx and opal I got polished for me desk.”
She smiled as they got out of the bed to take a bath with the two spirits following them. Seline and Tyler got into the water and she placed a waterproof ledger on the rim as she did the math.
“How big for the meat crystal?”
“Maybe 25,000 pounds or however big it can go.”
She smiled.
“I’d need a ruby for that level.”
“What about an opal?”
“How many do you have?”
“Like 27 we can use.”
She shook her head.
“Of course you do. An opal would get you 150,000 pounds of meat.”
“I’ll give you one opal for that.”
She put the type in.
“That would cost 150 gold. I’ll add it up afterwards.”
“Fair. Next is a water pouch.”
“Never have too little water. For that I’d recommend a sapphire.”
“I got one the size of a watermelon.”
“That will yield a pouch that holds 10000 gallons. Plus would purify it as well. Cost 50 gold.”
“Coin pouch and crystal.”
“For the crystal, it would hold 2,500,000 coins. That’s maybe a tenth the yearly yield of the kingdom of Vernillion. The pouch would hold 150,000 coins.”
“That will cost 350 gold for the pair.”
“Next is s pouch just for more….sensitive items. Like the banneds.”
“I’d recommend using a black gem.”
“We have a few jets.”
“Wow, those work perfectly. The pouch would hold 100,000 pounds of items, and would be the same size as a mere grapefruit.”
“Malico can hide it well.”
“She can. Thanks for the other day. We had fun.”
“Love you too.”
“The cost here is 85 gold. And it would only open with a fingerprint.”
“I’ll have it be mine or Malico’s.”
“Next is a loot pouch.”
“I’d say an opal, and it would hold maybe 250,000 pounds of loot.”
“I’ll give you two.”
“That’s another 500 gold.”
“what’s the total thus far?”
She did a little math.
“About 985 gold.”
“Okay, next is a crystal for ore for Lily.”
She smiled.
“A diamond will provide 150,000 tons of space for her.”
“Damn. She’ll love it.”
“That will cost 100 gold.”
“Next we need a fruit pouch.”
“Emeralds work best.”
“Got one two feet across.”
“That will hold maybe 25,000 pounds of fruit. Cost is 95 gold.”
“hmmm, a spice pouch.”
“Clever man. I’d say……a topaz.”
“I got a yellow topaz the size of your lovely breasts.”
“Love you too. That will hold maybe 10,000 pounds. Cost is 35 gold.”
Tyler crossed his arms now.
“What else is there? Oh! An arrow crystal!”
Seline laughed.
“Most parties have a good sized one. Rubies with hold ten thousand shafts. Cost is 5 gold.”
Tyler thought for a moment.
“We need new pickaxes, but that’s a town gimmick. Oh, Kaori will love this. Horse feed crystal.”
“she will indeed. Another emerald. It will hold 2,000 pounds. Cost, 5 gold.”
“next is a potion pouch.”
“Smart. Another diamond and it will hold 900 potions. Cost is 25 gold.”
“Next is…….hmmm. I think I’m set now.”
Seline smiled and crunched the numbers.
“The total is 1255 gold. Plus the gems in question.”
They cleaned up and got dressed as they sat at her desk. He placed the gems and coin on the desk. He then pulled the Onyx and Opal he was keeping and she smiled.
“You said you wanted them polished, right?”
“Yeah. The opal was from the first lisk me, Kaori and Malico killed together. The Onyx I just like.”
She waved her hand and the basketball sized opal went from mere rock to smooth sided ball with a flat bottom for placing. He smiled as he saw the way the light played across it’s multi colored surface, and the Onyx was now a tall blunted arrowhead shape that glistened like wet rock in the light.
“Thanks Seline.”
She kissed him.
“I love you too. The pouches and crystals will be ready in a few hours.”
“Nifty. I’ll go set the rest of the gear up.”
She looked at the lists of requests.
“These will take maybe, 100 gold.”
He placed the coins on the counter and she got a kiss as he left. Tyler returned to the mansion and went to Lily’s smithy. He found the elf girl putting the finishing touches on a newly forged pickaxe and he smiled as he leaned on a post watching. HE then noticed the tool was a deep sea-green metal that seemed to be wet, and the wooden haft was made from a white wood he didn’t recognize. HE smiled as she finished it.
“Enjoy the show?”
He patted her as he walked in.
“With a leading lady like YOU Lily, ya damn right I did.”
She smiled as she hugged him.
“Love you too. That’s your so you know.”
HE lifted it and smiled.
“Damn Lily. It feels lighter then me other axe. I love it. Thanks.”
He hugged her tightly as he added it to his pouch and took his old battered one out.
“Toss that un in the pile of reworks.”
He did as requested and added her other roes to her piles, more then doubling their sizes respectively. He then took her silver table out,
“That can go here.”
He placed it by her workbench, she placing her small chair in front of it and laying out various designs and sketches. As she sat at it, the table glowed, and shifted to better suit her needs, growing drawers on the sides, slots for tools, small catches to hold papers steady, and other slots for pencils.
“Of course its magical.”
He hugged her before heading up to Malico’s room. He found the door open and her naked on her couch resting. She started purring as he walked in.
“Come to pet me?”
HE smiled and closed the door.
“I got the time to make my favorite cat happy.”
She pounced on him and hew as naked an instant later as he laid her on her bed and slid inside her tight slit, making her moan.
“I MISSED you!”
He kissed her as he bucked into her while stroking her sensitive tail, making her scream as he kissed her. She got her filling and blew her top before just laying together in her bed. He happily petting her soft fur.
“I love you Malico.”
She was purring from satisfaction.
“I love you too, Tyler.”
he kissed er as she smiled.
“So what was the REAL reason you wanted to see me?”
“Dropping off your couch.”
She laughed and pointed to an open spot.
“There please.”
He gave her succulent nipples a loving suckle as he got up.
“There too!”
He laughed and set her golden couch in the spot. She laid out on the red cloth cushions and it glowed again. The thing became big enough for two to lay side by side, had pillow like armrests, and could fold down like a futon. He chuckled as he saw it.
“Well, guess you don’t need a bed, Malico.”
She purred as the golden futon was now brightly polished and the red more like velvet.
“I love you too.”
He dressed and left her on her new bed to go find Kaori. He found her in their bedroom at her vanity running a comb through her hair. She smiled as he came up behind her.
“Hey, Love. Need me?”
He kissed her.
He hugged her as she sighed happily.
“We going out on more bills?”
“In a bit. More dropping off our newest furniture.”
She got up and looked around.
“The chair I’d like to put here, by the window.”
He set the two person lounge chair in the spot. It was a golden thing with white cushions and they sat in it with Sallie and Sylvia to test it out. Then it glowed. Kaori laughed as the thing became rounder at the back and stretched out more. Result? Plenty of cuddle room for both lovers or the whole family. Tyler also noted a slot for their viewing crystals and kissed Kaori.
“I think we got a new relax spot.”
She nodded.
“I love it!”
“I love you.”
Kaori stayed with the two spirits as he went to put his new throne in his office. He set the high backed chair on the other side of the desk for meetings or if Sera wanted to watch him work. He set the gold and silver chair down and sat in it. Sure enough, it glowed and got smaller to better fit his desk. The arm rests were raised a little and got a thick padding of black cushion, the back of the throne was crested with his and Kaori’s Warrior’s Insignia, and the sides of the regal seat had slots for bills. He shook his head as he set the newly finished bills out.
“We need to keep an eye out for more of these things.”
He took the oracle from the corner, and placed his hand on the compendium maker and got another mass of books on the creatures they’d killed thus far. He placed them on the shelf before taking the bills and adding them to their completed bill file. He then took the Onyx arrowhead and sat it on the corner of his desk in a small slot for books. The opal ball he placed in a spot on the right. Next he took a blue communication coin and used his Magicite dagger to carve a small grove in the center of his desk before slotting it into the oaken wood. He had to tap it into place, but he was happy with the result. Next he took out the catalog crystal and walked to a large thus far unused room and set up mounts for skulls, Lily’s figurine hutch, pedestals for stuffed creatures the party had killed, and a few racks for claws and bones. He then walked to another unused room on the ground floor and set racks for pole arms, mounts for swords, axes, bows, armor, and shield, cases for daggers, and other such things a fully fleshed trophy weapon room needed. The cost for both rooms? 5 gold. He would pay the gold when he got the reply for Yark from Seline. Tyler smiled as he went up to Sera’s room to give his little sister her newest weapon. Her door was open and he tapped a knuckle as she was cleaning her sword. She smiled happily at him in the doorway.
“Brother! Need me or want to spoil me?”
“Wow, extortion much? You cute so I’ll let it go.”
She giggled fondly as he pulled her staffsword out.
“Just came to give this to you.”
She smiled as she took the dual weapon and placed the two swords in a rack.
“I’ll practice later.”
“You need a hands on teacher to use it right, Sera. If you start spinning it without really knowing how you WILL lose an arm. I’m going to ask Lily to make us a pair of blanks without blades for the time being. Okay?”
She nodded, still smiling.
HE hugged her affectionately before heading to the kitchen to drop off the mountain of meat. He found Vixen making a sandwich inside and he stole a greeting kiss off her soft lips.
“How’d it go at the temple?”
She smiled as he added the several thousand pounds of meat to the enchanted box.
“I was hoping you’d go with me.”
“Sure. We don’t really spend a lot of time together. Plus we can get the next batch of bills.”
She laughed.
“Never take a break.”
“We will after the wave.”
She ate her snack and they went off to the temple. The mage walking along with her hidden clicking heels and rattling buckles on her robe making him smile as they went. They were met by brother Mark outside the temple.
“Greetings White One, what brings you to the temple?”
“we need a weapon purified.”
Mark bowed.
“Of course White master.”
Tyler looked at Vixen bemused as they followed the monk.
“And yet it gets MORE racist sounding.”
She laughed.
“They do it intentionally. As an inside joke to the Warriors as the founder of the White path of Purity sect was a Warrior.”
“Wow. Well played.”
They found Maxus as the father was casting a holy relief on a burn a small child had on her arm. She giggled and ran off once it was done. Maxus smiled as the pair approached.
“What brings you to the Light today?”
Tyler smiled.
“Wow, heard that line in my world from some REALLY creepy priests. Got an axe off a Blood Gigas and Vixen here says it needs to be purified.”
The Father sighed sadly.
“A truly tragic fate, the Gigas. Place the weapon in the light, miss.”
Vixen did as requested and the Father used his spell.
“Holy Purity.”
The double headed axe burst into white flames as a mass of black mist was burned away by the cleansing light. As Tyler watched he had a thought.
“Huh. There’s an idea.”
The temple replied en mass.
“Oh shit here we go.”
Tyler laughed.
“Nice to see that’s a thing now.”
Maxus looked over as the axe was burned.
“What’s the newest gem that’s surfaced?”
“You have any cleansing spells? Like ones like Purity we CAN cast?”
Maxus burst out laughing as Vixen retrieved the now safe axe.
“we have two. The more powerful one is just a step down from Holy Purity and is called Cleansing Light. The other is not as strong but accomplishes the same task. Called Holy Cleanse.”
“I’ll take one of each.”
“Very well. That plus the purifying is 4 gold.”
“Thanks Maxus.”
The Father said farewell as Tyler paid and left with Vixen.
“So, is that axe worth anything?”
She smiled as she hefted it. It was solid gold with a gem encrusted haft.
“It’s a gilded Axe. A rare artifact really. I’m keeping it as I love the design.”
“Great. A lady with ANOTHER axe to grind.”
She laughed as she kissed him.
“Love you too.”
They walked into the guild and headed for the board. Tyler smiled as he saw Whisper the were tiger looking at the bills. He snuck up behind her and tapped her on the shoulder, only as she turned around he moved the same direction, and when she finally DID see him, he was holding her upper tunic on a finger.
“Hiya Whisper. Miss me?”
She laughed and kissed him hard.
“Such a bold man! Stealing a lady’s clothes as a greeting!”
“I didn’t steal anything.”
She blinked, and looked down to see her shirt had been replaced as she’d been tongue deep. That got him another kiss.
“You’re good.”
“Still waiting Whisper.”
She smiled as she ran a finger over his chest.
“Well, I got a job. So, you’re going to KEEP waiting.”
He kissed her again, and she felt something get slid into her belt.
“Well. Have fun.”
She walked off, and saw she now had a bright blue dagger in her belt. She looked back and smiled.
“I WILL claim you some day.”
“I’ve already claimed you, so, I’ll be patient.”
She laughed and walked out as the other guild members chuckled.
“Whisper be in love mates.”
“Never thought I’d life to see the day.”
“Wasn’t that the line you said to the girl AFTER you paid her?”
They lost it as Vixen smiled at him.
“You do have a way with the ladies.”
HE kissed her, and she got a taste of Whisper as well.
“Just the real beauties.”
They then looked to the still plastered board. Tyler smiled as he pulled one down.
“Got another Durandal. Reward this time is 10 gold.”
Vixen had one as well.
“Got one for a cave.”
“A cave?”
Tyler walked over to read the fine print.
“Wanted: Adventurers to clear a cave on the outskirts of my home. Reward is whatever you find inside the cave. Sounds like a rather nice change of pace.”
“these are the usual kinds of jobs most adventurers start off with.”
“Seems risky to me. Least with an orc or bandit camp you know what you’re walking into. Then again that’s just me.”
She smiled at that as he pulled another one down.
“Got another Cursed Wall. Reward is 25 gold.”
Vixen looked at it.
“That’s kinda strange how we’ve found two Cursed walls, two golems, and an earth elemental in three days.”
“Maybe the summoning of those demons brought unintended others?”
Vixen shrugged.
“It fits at least. Or it’s just because the wave is in 16 days.”
“we’ll say both. Least for us we get a decent payday again.”
They had three bills now and were looking for a forth. Tyler spotted a larger poster and took it down.
“Wanted. Slaying of a Diadore. What’s a Diadore?”
Vixen tilted her pretty head.
“If I recall right, a twin headed tyrant.”
“Reward is 100 gold. Must be a tough one.”
Brook was on duty now and came over to explain.
“It is tough. That one has an update as strictly guild avenger. As such, the reward is 150 gold, plus a skill.”
“Wow. Dibs. Okay. We’ll get a few more.”
Vixen pull one down.
“Hey, got one near Yark’s village.”
“Nifty. Whats the creature?”
“It’s another Durandal. They’re pretty common actually. Reward is 10 gold.”
Tyler spotted another poster.
“Wanted. Slaying of a Fell Falcon. Reward is 50 gold.”
Tyler frowned.
She shrugged.
“I know the name, but no clue what it is exactly.”
“Wulf will show up in 3..2…….1….. hey Wulf.”
There was a startled gasp of shock from the ranger that made the duo laugh. Tyler chuckled as he looked at the white faced elf.
“Called it.”
The elf just sighed.
“Perception. Okay. What have you found thus far?”
“Two Durandals, another Cursed Wall, a Diadore, and a request to clear a cave.”
Wulf looked the bills over, and chuckled as he saw the Diadore.
“Been a few years since I’ve seen such a beast.”
Tyler looked at it.
“Vixen said it’s a twin headed tyrant.”
“That’s exactly what it is. Two heads and a lot bigger.”
“Sounds fun. Now, I found one for a Fell Falcon.”
Wulf whistled as he saw the poster.
“That’s an outsider if I’ve ever seen one. They usually live far to the west on the border of Erolagard and then Gnome Fiefdom of Gnomeland.”
“Gnomeland? Seriously?”
“Everyone says that when they first hear of it. So it’s a bird the size of the Adamantiose, with a 100 foot wingspan, 9 foot beak, 3 foot talons, and loves all things shiny.”
Brook spoke up now.
“That has the guild avenger label as well, as it’s killed the last fifteen adventurers that have gone after it. The reward is now 100 gold with a pair of skills.”
“Thanks Brook.”
“Got one for a Plains Wraith.”
Tyler looked at the mage.
“That like a tiger?”
Wulf chuckled.
“Good guess actually. It’s maybe the size of Lucy’s horse, and the length of the table in our dining hall.”
“It is. The pelts are usually used for bedrolls, claws knives, teeth same and the meat is quite tasty.”
Vixen looked at the bill.
“reward is 9 gold.”
Tyler crossed his arms now.
“Okay, we got bills for a Fell Falcon, a cave dive, anther Cursed Wall, a pair of Durandals, a Plains Wraith, and a Diadore. Let’s get one more big one and two smaller and we’ll call it.”
The two nodded, and Vixen pulled a bill down.
“Got one for another Hook wraith. Reward is 25 gold.”
Brook smiled.
“That one has a stipulation. Beak and talons be presented for payment.”
“That works.”
“Got one for a den of Plains crawlers.”
“They are?”
“Giant spiders. Maybe 6 feet across and 9 long? A good den holds 15 creatures. Reward is 5 gold.”
“Okay. Time to test the girls mettle against the creepy crawlies.”
That got a laugh as Vixen pulled another bill down.
“Wanted: Slaying of a Titan. Reward is 12 gold.”
“A titan?”
“Think the Durandal but bigger, longer and four legs.”
“Well, that does it. We got our kills set up. I’ll go set the map before getting Seline’s reply to Yark.”
“we’ll go rest a bit more.”
Tyler took the stack of bills to his office and set them on the peg board. He then opened the map and placed their locations on it. He shook his head at the sheer number of small black dots now pockmarking the landscape from the dragon’s search.
“There are going to be some VERY happy miners now.”
HE looked to the first, and chuckled as he saw it was the size of a copper coin on the map. He looked up at the sound of footsteps to see Sera walking in.
“we got a fresh set?”
“On the board.”
She walked over humming happily when she noticed the plains crawler bill.
He looked at the now shaking girl.
“Yup. We got a den to clean out.”
She looked at him with huge blue eyes.
“Please don’t make me fight them! I’m scared of spiders!”
Tyler patted her head.
“Then you need to get over this fear Sera.”
She looked like she was about to cry when Kaori came in.
“Why is she about to cry?”
“We got a spider den to clean out.”
The blonde sighed.
“Of course we do.”
She walked over and patted Sera as well.
“Are you scared?”
She nodded.
“I’m scared of spiders. Have been since I got bit.”
“well, Sera, you have to get over it. You’re an adventurer in a Warrior party. We’ll have to fight things that even scare HIM at some point.”
Tyler smiled.
“We all have things we’re scared of. For me, it’s making Kaori or Lily angry.”
sera giggled inspite of herself.
Tyler then hugged her.
“But, when it comes to monsters? Plant your feet and face the fear.”
She was still shaking but nodded.
“I’ll try.”
“Just wait, sera. Something tells me he’ll have us fight slimes next.”
Her disgusted reaction made the pair laugh at the cuteness. Kaori sighed before looking at him.
“Seline sent a runner looking for you.”
He got up.
“I’ll go see the fox then.”
He left the girls to the bills as he headed to the spear. Roxette waved him towards the lift with a smile and he waved at Yoko as he went. Seline was sitting at her desk with the pouches and crystals as he walked out of the lift. She smiled as her tails started waving happily.
“I got your order here.”
He kissed her lovingly before setting the catalog crystal out. She shook her red haired head.
“Two birds one visit.”
“I’d bed you too, but we got bills.”
She smiled lewdly.
“I got Malico, Vixen and lily coming to visit me.”
“Lily wins that boob off.”
That got a laugh. Tyler placed the gold for the new furniture for the mansion on her desk as he took the pouches and crystals. She then placed a long tube in his hand.
“That’s for Yark.”
“Sure. We’re headed that way ourselves.”
They kissed a little more as he fondly stroked her soft fox tail.
“Love you Seline!”
he left the sexy lady sighing happily with her tails dancing behind her. Tyler put the crystals away in the mansion before heading to the office. There he found the party looking over the bills waiting for him. He gave Lily her new ore crystal, Malico the dangerous item pouch, Ashy the arrow crystal, Vixen the potion pouch, he took the new coin pouch and put their fortune in it before setting half their entire coin in the crystal and sealing it inside the drawer he kept the scroll Minus had given him. Wulf chuckled.
“We have nearly the yearly yield of Vernillion and we’re just sitting on it.”
Tyler chuckled.
“Strange is it not?”
Tyler looked to the peg board.
“we’ll head right to Yark’s village first, and work from there.”
Wulf tapped the crawler bill.
“This one will be a nasty one. I’d suggest using your flames to burn the webbing away.”
Vixen had some input.
“I’d like to request I get the venom of the bugs, as me and Serafina can make some truly nasty poison from it.”
“Sure ladies. We got what we need?”
They nodded.
“Mount up.”
The party went for their stables, and Tyler passed Kaori the horse feed crystal, earning him a warm kiss.
“Love you too, Kaori.”
They rode for Yark’s village as they had a Durandal to kill there as well. They made great time and found the village still with armed militia at the small gate as Tyler and his party rode up. Yark came out and Tyler passed him the tube.
“Here, Yark. Seline says hi.”
The man laughed as he looked at the scroll.
“The lady’s sending us men and guards to properly mine that tunnel. Thankee kindly Outcast. You’re always welcome here.”
“Sure thing Yark. Just watch out for more dips in the ground.”
“Aye lad, take care!”
The party then moved to kill the Durandal. Tyler smiled as he pulled his bow.
“This one will be, Sera, Ashy, Wulf, and, Malico.”
The named moved off with bows ready. They found the hippo on stilts as it ground it’s weird shaped head on a large rock. It turned to face them with a rumble, and Tyler aimed for the open mouth as the others all drew their strings back. The volley was fired, and the charging beast dropped with arrows in it’s mouth. Tyler patted Sera as the party took the entire animal again.
“Next is……wow, that Hook Wraith.”
Tyler looked at the map.
“Wow, this time the things are centered around Yark’s village.”
Wulf chuckled.
“This is good habitat for a lot of different creatures. Should see TopLeaf’s selection during a busy season.”
“If the staging ground gets moved to Cragspire, we will get to see it.”
Ashy snorted.
“We all know it’s going to. Tropes, remember?”
He chuckled as they rode to the spot. This one having made it’s den in a large clearing with a cave that tunneled into a large rock face. Tyler smiled.
“We’ll use the same crew as arrows worked well last time”
They nodded and hopped to it. Tyler took point with his bow up. The others in a semi circle behind him as he gave a yell.
“Hey! Feather head!”
The thing came racing out angrily hooting as the arrows pierced it’s heart with enough force to lar it out flat on it’s back. The party joined them to collect the beak and talons as Tyler and Lily explored the cave. Tyler scanning the place with his detection as Lily prospected behind him.
“Got a hollow here.”
Tyler smiled.
The mage came in and she smiled.
“Found another tomb?”
“Maybe. But, better to outfox them.”
She kissed him for that one. He tore the slab aside and she chuckled.
“Yup. Another tomb.”
Tyler looked at the room.
“No. This is a clean burial.”
“I’ll take it then. Come to think of it, I’ve never really cleaned a tomb solo before.”
The mage smiled as he walked in.
“So, a test for YOU?”
“Yup. Can’t very well ask the girls to do something I can’t do myself, right?”
She nodded sagely.
“No you cannot.”
Tyler drew his new spear and tore the lid clean off as before leaping back. The thing was clearly female from the rotting cleavage.
“Didn’t need to see that.”
HE stabbed the thing in the eye with the spear using his lower body strength, and split the head cleanly. The thing rattled as it kept rising.
“Plan B!”
Tyler jumped back and thrust into the thing’s ribcage. He pierced it’s heart as it was about o rise from the coffin and it flopped back inside with a clack of bones. He chuckled.
“I guess I AM a lady killer!”
Vixen laughed heartedly before speaking.
“That was a greater Lich. That one needed both skull split and heart pierced.”
Tyler put the spear up.
“Kinda fun to go one on one from time to time. I’ll try to kill a giant camp solo next.”
The mage came in to aid in looting as he lifted another spear from the coffin.
“Wow. Great minds I guess.”
He looked at the white metal, and as he held it the thing started glowing with his white and blue paths.
“Nifty, pure Magicite.”
Tyler put the spear in his pouch and collected the coins. Walking away with 250 gold, 750 silver, 15 copper, plus a few sapphires, another opal, and a rather large bit of obsidian. He then used prospect on the walls, and found more gold, silver, copper and a rather large vein of pure Watercite. Lily came in next.
“Got clay, granite, Diorite, andesite, some good red sandstone, and even a bit of marble.”
“We’ll take the marble for the mansion.”
Lily smiled.
“We can use it to decorate the garden with some of our best kills. Oh, and I’ve got the first batch of figurines for the hutch ready.”
“I love you, Lily!”
He patted her as he dug the ores and minerals from the walls of the cave while The others looted the cave. They walked away from the cave with an extra 50 gold, 354 silver, 12 copper. Tyler had split the party’s coin in half between the mansion and what they roamed with. So, the mansion had 34,982 gold, 11 silver, 90 copper. The party had the remaining 34,981 gold and no other coins. Tyler didn’t like the idea of just roaming around with nearly a hundred thousand gold on them, despite them being as capable as they were. Seemed a good way to tempt fate. So, the split. The party’s total coin now was 35,281 gold, 1104 silver, 27 copper. The party’s next kill was the cave job. The party found the small farm without issue and Tyler showed the bill to the farmer.
“To think I just wanted some peace of mind by posting the bill, and I got the Outcasts themselves doing the job!”
Tyler laughed as they found the ten foot entrance. Tyler and his team dropped down the 5 foot drop without issue. Lucy finding the cave a little TOO small for her 7 foot frame and opted as lookout. Tyler pulled Oblivion and Oathkeeper and led the way with Serafina as they explored the subterranean world. Lily prospecting as they went. The cave was maybe 8 feet high, 12 wide and seemed to be an old underwater river that dried up at some point from how smooth the dirt underfoot was and the abundance of roots overhead.
“Lily, if we find ore, I’ll ice my ice to shore up the cave. I’m getting some serious cave-in vibes here.”
Lily and Serafina were on the same wavelength.
“I’m feeling that way as well.”
“Most I’ve found is mere clay and some low quality tin. We’ll take it, but ya know.”
They smiled as they came to a dead end. Tyler used his detection, and found a hollow.
“Okay, there’s a cavity behind that pile of rocks. Your call. There’s a chance it’s blocked the river, and a single hole will release the river.”
Serafina and Lily walked over to get a closer look.
“Look at the dirt. I’d say it’s NOT the river on the other side.”
Serafina placed her hand on the stone.
“I agree. If there was water on the other side, such loosely packed stone would be washed away.”
Ashy came up now. The outdoorsy dirty blonde took a look at the rubble.
“I’m on your side in this. The rocks are too loose. Plus, I can see through some smaller holes.”
“Open it?”
The three girls nodded.
“We think it’s safe.”
“Get back then.”
The girls did, and he used Lily’s hammer to smash the pile with rock smash. The pile was blown inward, revealing a larger chamber. Tyler walked in blades ready. This chamber was solid stone, and dropped another ten feet below the hole they’d made. The ceiling was now a good 17 feet above them, and the entire room was maybe thirty across. Tyler looked at Ashy.
“Boss room?”
“Boss room.”
Tyler jumped in first, as he was strongest. HE landed and the room lit up with fires around the rim of the chamber.
“Wow, been a while since we found a demon chamber.”
There was a burst of evil laughter as a ten foot demon dropped to the floor across from the Outcast. This one was white with black hooves, black wings, and black horns atop it’s wolf’s head.
“It has been far too long since I’ve had such willing prey.”
Tyler tilted his head.
“And just what the hell are you?”
The thing pulled a flaming whip as Tyler thought it over.
“A Wolf Balor? What’s the name…..Lupus Balor!”
The thing cackled.
“How amusing. A mere human knowing of the lower realms.”
“Must suck to know your only redeeming quality is a good doggy style fuck. I mean you a bitch an all, but still.”
The thing had a single vein bulge comically on it’s forehead. Tyler just swapped his short swords for Gliepnir.
“So, if you wanna howl at a moon, I got one. As you can KISS MY. ASS.”
The thing roared in enraged fury, and went to lunge at this most infuriating of mortals, only Tyler, now well versed in killing demonkind, had moved as the thing threw it’s head back roaring. It looked to see Tyler flying through the air with a most gleeful smile as he impaled the thing through the chest.
“Gotchya bitch.”
The thing bellowed in defiance of death as it’s chamber shattered like glass. Tyler was now standing on smooth white stone with a black circle carved into the floor as the demon burned out of existence. He took the 5 foot white horn and flipped it.
“Nice. Clear!”
The rest of the party hopped down and Vixen burned the circle away. Lily prospected the white stone and whistled.
“What we got?”
“An old Pure Marble mine. We got maybe 15 tons of good stone here.”
“Axes out!”
The party laughed as they went to extracting the beautiful white decorative stone from the cave. Once the white rock was collected, Tyler used his detection on the now grey walls.
“Got another hollow feeling behind that slab to your right Sera.”
She nodded as he tore it aside to reveal a small tomb. Vixen shook her head as she saw it.
“We found a Halfling tomb.”
“Another race of people that life in Lectis. They’re small in number and stature.”
“Sera, lily, and Lillia kill it. Vixen and I will observe.”
The girls nodded as Tyler and Vixen leaned on the entrance. Lily threw the lid and dodged the first shot. The rotting creature sat up and Tyler chuckled as it was smaller then Lily. The elven girl used her Additite shield to pin the thing as Sera hit it in the head with an enhanced shaft, as Lillia did as well. The skull split, and it fell back dead. Tyler looked at Vixen.
She smiled.
“Mere Draugr. Well done though ladies.”
They smiled as Lily pulled the thing’s weapon up.
“Hey, it used a Magicite anti shield sword.”
She was holding a mini sickle shaped sword, and Tyler smiled at her.
“Guess you got another blank.”
She put it in her loot pouch as Sera and Lillia came with the coins.
“It only had a 100 gold, and 50 silver.”
“Not bad ladies. Coin’s coin in the end.”
The cave now safe they climbed back to the tunnel and headed back to the entrance. They found Lucy patiently waiting with the farmer as they climbed out. Tyler took the horn out and looked at the sky.
“We found an underground demon chamber.”
The farmer was confused until Tempesta was seen flying towards them. The poor farmer dropped to his knees as the blue dragon landed before the party. Tyler chuckled as the blue looked at him.
“I see you didn’t call me.”
“Lucy couldn’t fit in the hole. Plus by the time we found it, we were deep underground maybe, fifteen minutes that way.”
Tyler pointed towards a small forest. The dragon nodded.
“I see. An underground battle in its entirety. Was it slow?”
“Painful. It was a Lupus Balor.”
The dragon blinked.
“That’s a rare demon. Even IN the lower realms. Well done.”
“I pissed it off in what? Three sentences?”
The dragon laughed. Then he became serious.
“Was it one of that?”
“No. Way it spoke made it seem it had been there for a very long time. Vixen ruined its circle, so she’d have a better idea.”
The mage stepped forward.
“It is true Lord Blue. The circle was ancient indeed. Maybe thirty thousand years. Plus, the methods used were insultingly crude and poorly implemented. My opinion? Some idiot apprentice dabbled in something they really shouldn’t have.”
The dragon sighed now.
“Idiots and magic.”
“A most terrifying combination.”
The dragon gave them the twenty scales as the farmer was just awestruck by his first close up look at a high dragon. Tyler added the scales as Tempesta looked at the cave entrance.
“why’d you go down there in the first place?”
Tyler shrugged and held up the bill.
“We took the job as a change of pace and build experience doing different jobs. We even got one to clean out a den of Plains Crawlers.”
Tempesta blinked at that.
“Plains crawlers? Those nasty spiders?”
“Haven’t killed any yet, so we need the practice.”
Tempesta snorted.
“Furiosa HATES them things. So, my advice? Let her know you torched a den.”
“Now I know what color flame to use. Nifty.”
The dragon spread his wings.
“I’ll get back to the hunt.”
“If you find anymore of the furniture, can we have it?”
He snorted so hard he blew smoke.
“You and those batshit questions. Sure.”
“Later big blue!”
The dragon flew off as Tyler patted the farmer.
“So, now you’ve seen Tempesta up close.”
HE just shook his head.
“I just wanted a cave cleared. Now I’ve met the Outcasts and seen Tempesta in the scales! Is the cave safe?”
“It is. But I’d fill it in as there is no escape for rainwater in it.”
The man nodded.
“Thankee kindly. I’ll get right on that.”
Tyler and his party said goodbye before riding off to their next kill.
“Let’s see. Closest one is……ha. The Crawlers.”
Sera shivered as they moved into a stretch of woodland.
“I’ll do my best.”
she got pats from the others as wulf had then stop the horses.
“These things are just plain nasty.”
“Nice pun.”
The elf chuckled.
“I got a few every now and then.”
“Ya know somethin? I can turn that into a hilarious dirty joke, but I’ll leave the dirty to the blonde over there.”
The party just looked at him. Kaori was a little impressed.
“Damn, Tyler. That one was pretty good actually.”
Tyler shrugged as he pulled Oblivion and Oathkeeper.
“Eh. I got a gem too ya know. I mean, I got YOU Kaori!”
She glowed at that as Wulf just sighed.
“Silver tongued bastard.”
The party walked along the woodland floor cautiously with Sera up front with Tyler, as this was part of her training as well. The trees became more web encrusted as they neared the den, and Tyler sighed.
“I see why Furiosa hates these things.”
Wulf chuckled.
“Lady Green hates those that ruin her forests.”
They found the den after ten minutes of walking. The thing was coated in pure white webs to the point Tyler had to use his fire breath to burn it away. Once the entire entrance was opened up, the party drew weapons. The hole was 10 feet tall and eleven wide.
“Lily, watch yourself in there. Sera stay close.”
They nodded and moved in. Tyler using his flames to burn the webbing before them as they went.
“No prospecting until the last thing dies.”
“Got it.”
They moved deeper inside as Tyler used both his detection and flames to clear the way.
“Got movement.”
The way was blocked by a thick patch of webbing. Tyler burned it away and they were confronted by the sight of 15 giant spiders looking at them. Sera fired her bow and killed one with a shot to the face. She had another arrow ready as her training kicked in and she was on autopilot. Tyler moved and set two on fire as the party charged the bugs. Sera stayed in the entrance with Ashy as the two girls fired arrows into the pack. The fight lasted all of five minutes with the last creature falling with a metallic squeal. Sera walked over and kicked one of the things.
“Fuck you.”
She got pats as Vixen got to extracting venom as Tyler and Lily prospected. The rest of the party searching for other loot. Wulf was looking at the abdomens of the things.
“We can get some good spider silk from these things. It’s great for making clothing for women, lines for fishing, bowstrings, and lace.”
Tyler smiled.
“Wulf, I got an idea.”
The ranger picked right up on it.
“On it.”
Ashy and Kaori looked at each other.
“what did they just come up with Ashy?”
“I have no idea Kaori.”
“We shall find out right?”
“Oh we shall.”
The work went quickly and the party walked out with fifteen vials of spider venom, and a ball of spider silk ten feet across. The walls were clean of ore for once and so they just left the things to rot. Once in an area of open sky, Tyler looked at the sky.
“Hey, Furiosa. Heard you hate the Spider kind.”
The green dragon soared in laughing as she landed.
“I heard from Tempesta you were hunting the things.”
“We torched their den.”
She bared her fangs.
“I’ll amend our deal.”
“On top of goblin piles, I’ll reward you with scales for every den torched.”
“Sweet. I hate spiders.”
She laughed and placed ten scales on the ground.
“Thanks Furiosa!”
She chuckled and flew off as the party mounted back up.
“Okay, next kill is…..that other Durandal.”
The party rode out to the kill site. The is one being in a dried river bed of all places. The thing fell easily to the party’s arrows and was collected. Tyler smiled as he saw the next closest kill.
“Heads up. We’re killing a Fell Falcon.”
The party nodded and put multiple arrows to strings as Wulf led them towards a small mountain range the bird was said to be residing. They left their horses under the cover of a large overhang of rock and moved towards the mounds of rock. Tyler had his four shafts enhanced with ChainShot, Piercing Teardrop, Icy Punch, which tripled the impact of an arrow, and one that was coated in a nasty paralyzing agent the party had been sitting on. As they neared the face, there was a loud cry from above as the massive Falcon dove from a high peak. In appearance it was just a peregrine Falcon the size of a small jet liner. Tyler noted a massive nest at the base of the cliff it had dove off and smiled.
“We either got breakfast or a payday!”
That got a laugh as they aimed bows. The thing was diving at Tyler with talons outstretched, and as it passed the point of no return on the dive, they fired their bows and Lucy threw her spear. The bird grew several dozen shafts out of it’s feathery chest and Tyler’s paralytic arrow did it’s job as the beast slammed into the ground with a pained squawk. Tyler was on it a moment later stabbing it in the neck with Gliepnir thus killing it. The party dusted themselves off and got to plucking the bird as Tyler and Ashy looked over the 50 feet nest. Tyler smiled as he saw three foot eggs in the thing.
“Hey, Wulf! We can eat the eggs rights right?”
The elf laughed.
“They’re a royal delicacy!”
Tyler collected the eggs as Ashy came up with a small pile of coins.
“we got 60 gold, 150 silver and about 50 copper.”
“Wow. Wasn’t expecting much but that bits it. Good eyes Ashy.”
He added them to the pouch. The bird was collected as a whole due to most of it being useful to some degree, and tyler took the skull for the trophy room which got a few laughs. As they rode to the Cursed Wall, Tyler had a thought.
“Hey, Kaori. I got an idea.”
She rode up.
“Oh shit here we go. What is it?”
“When we go through the dark forest, lets visit the Lisk clearing. For old times sake.”
She and Malico smiled.
“I love that idea!”
“Me too! The bones will still be there since we’re the only ones dumb enough to actually try an use em for anything!”
Tyler smiled at the thought.
“If the skull is there, we’ll take it as our FIRST trophy. Oh, and we’re stopping at the spot we killed the wyvern.”
The girls smiled.
“A trip down our first adventures.”
“Plus a night at our first campsite.”
“It will feel so weird doing this, but a good weird.”
“Yeah. We got Lily now!”
They laughed hard at that. The Cursed Wall was found carving a path by a river south of Raylik, and this time Tyler just cast Holy Sanctity and was done with it. They were able to mine several tons of Blood Sandstone, more Blood Platinum, gold and another Pure Magicite vein. Tyler was loving the idea of just outright hunting the beasts of the land, and so were Sallie and Sylvia as they sat in front of him in spirit form on his horse.
“Next is…..the Titan. Should be amusing.”
They laughed as Wulf led them to the spot. They felt the ground shake even BEFORE seeing the thing. Then the party crested a rise and Tyler got his first good look at the thing. It was maybe 30 feet tall, walked on all fours on legs three feet thick, was weirdly camel shaped, and had a hippo head. Tyler looked at Ashy and Kaori incredulously.
“Am I going crazy or we seen this movie?”
“Luke. I. am you father.”
“We’re fighting walking At-Ats now. Fucking perfect.”
The party looked at them.
“A movie from our world.”
Tyler looked at the think’s knee joints.
“Sera, Lily, keep back. Arrows only for you. Lillia too. Thistle, Lucy, we’ll try to take a leg out.”
They nodded and dismounted. Tyler drawing Gliepnir. The others would fire arrows over their backs as they chopped it down to size. Tyler had a cut enhancement on his blade as the beast roared with a low bellow that reminded Tyler of a ship’s horn. The melee fighters followed him in a line as he reached the thing’s leg as it tried to step.
“Rock smash!”
Tyler’s blade cut deep into the 4 foot thick ankle of the beast. Lucy was right there with her own rock smash, and Thistle finished the trifecta attack. The result was the foot being fully severed and the thing starting to topple.
Tyler pulled them under the falling beast as he’d anticipated the way it’d fall: forward as it missed it’s step and landed on it’s face with an earth shaking thud. The spot they had taken shelter under was propped up by the hind legs and was a ten foot spot like a bridge. Tyler looked to his two friends.
“You two good?”
Lucy nodded.
“Aye lad, was mighty quick thinking.”
Thistle was chuckling as she looked at the beast above them.
“Indeed. The thing fell most oddly.”
They walked out from under it to find the party pulling blades from it’s neck. Kaori and Ashy just looked at the thing.
“It even FELL like one too.”
“Weird, right?”
Tyler looked at the things face down ass up posture.
“We’ll tip it over before we butcher it.”
The party nodded and took the position on the other side as Tyler took a deep breath and set his strength against the side of the animal. HE was standing on a rather conveniently place slab of rock and pushed with all his strength. The stone under him cracked as the dead animal fell over with the creaking one would expect from trees. It hit the dirt with a heavy thud, and when he moved from his spot, the imprints of his boots were visible in the solid stone. Even the treads were visible. HE dropped from the effort and drank a quick stamina potion before getting back up. The hardworking party got to the task of butchering the massive animal. In the end they were able to take nearly everything from the carcass, and tyler looked at the ten foot skull.
“I kinda wanna make a trophy outta this but not sure how.”
Wulf tapped a knuckle on the steel-like bones.
“Could always make it so it’s like an archway people have to walk through to enter the mansion. Its certainly tall enough.”
“That works!”
The party laughed as he put the massive skull into the trophy pouch. The thing using magic to store the massive object in such a tiny package. Tyler looked at the bills now.
“Okay. The Durandals, Fell Falcon, Hook Wraith, Titan are dead. The spiders toast and cave clean. All that’s left is the Plains Wraith, and the Diadore.”
Malico perked up.
“Can I get the pelt from the Wraith? I can make a really nice blanket with it.”
“Sure Kittycat!”
She purred as they went to kill the Diadore. Tyler had his spear this time as a challenge for himself. They found the T-rex like tracks and followed them as they moved along. They heard the dual roar and Tyler chuckled.
“I love that sound.”
They chuckled as the ground started to shake. They’d left their horses maybe a hundred meters back, an were on foot when the beast attacked. It came tearing out of a patch of woodland bellowing it’s challenge. The thing was 35 feet tall, 50 long, with a pair of 6 foot heads. The thing was a deep orange like the fruit with a pair of black stripes on the twin heads that moved independently of each other. They party moved around the dual heads as the thing missed it’s lunge. Tyler thrust with his spear and the mythril head punched deep into the thing’s shoulder. It recoiled with a snarl of pain, only for and arrow from Sera’s bow to pierce it’s hide on it’s other side and hit it’s heart. Tyler tore his spear free and the thing fell with a thud. Tyler walked over and gave Sera a warm pat, getting a happy bawl from the ever-cheerful girl.
“Good kill Sera.”
The party took the entire animal before setting out for their last kill. As they rode, Kaori came up beside Tyler.
“Is this our last bill for the day?”
Tyler looked at the sky and noted the sun was maybe 5 hours from setting.
“We’ll see how we all feel when we get back.”
She nodded.
“The horses need to rest for a while.”
“Okay, YOU give the word when we can go out if they want.”
She smiled as Wulf led them to a small patch of grassland with rocks and single trees everywhere.
“We’ll have to track it a little.”
“Kaori, Ashy and Wulf lead. Best trackers in the party.”
They smiled as they dropped down. Tyler had the party split in case the thing came for their horses.
“Lucy, Malico and Serafina stay with Lillia with the horses. We’re dealing with a tiger.”
They nodded and Lillia got on Lucy’s horse as he was the tallest for a vantage point. Tyler took the others to go kill the cat. The hunters cut a trail quickly enough and followed the plate sized paw prints in the soft dirt towards a small patch of large stones.
“Watch your asses.”
Sera and Lily were placed in the center of the party as they ran along the matted down grass and prints. The trackers found the cat lounging on a large rock sunning itself. Tyler smiled as he saw it was just a massive tiger with two tails. He pulled his spear as the cat leapt to it’s paws with a thunderous roar. It was about to bolt when a well-aimed arrow from Sera’s bow took it in the mouth with an enhanced piercer. The cat dropped dead with the feathered flights sticking out of it’s muzzle.
“Damn Sera. Nice shot.”
She giggled as he called the rest of the party. They took one look at the tiger that had swallowed an arrow and patted Sera as well.
The animal was skinned with the teeth, claws, and even the eyes collected. Malico was purring as she got her tiger pelt.
“The tent is going to be SOOOOOO comfy!”
Tyler hugged his favorite kittycat.
“It already IS comfy, Malico. We got a kittycat like you in it!”
She kissed him for that before they mounted up and rode back to Raylik. The horses were stabled and Tyler brought the bills with Wulf for payment. Brook was still in the booth and she smiled as they laid the bills out.
“Okay. Confirmed. Your total today is 346 gold and the skills Double shot, which adds an extra arrow when fired, Aerial Detection, which is used for hunting birds and relies on perception, and Fast flight which doubles the speed of an arrow shot.”
Tyler took the coin and they headed to the exchange. Grilock was waiting for them as he’d heard they’d taken another batch of bills.
“Well, what rare beasts did you fell today?”
“Fell Falcon, Diadore, more ores, a Titan, another pair of Durandals, and a Plains Wraith.”
Grilock blinked.
“Those aren’t as exotic as I was expecting, but good finds nonetheless.”
The men unloaded and the gnome nodded.
“Okay, I can give you 564 gold, 64 silver and 13 copper.”
“Good deal.”
They got their money and headed for the mason yard. The foreman just waved them at the scales.
“Ah, let’s see what ya got this time.”
The men dumped the stone and clay into the forty foot scales that reminded Tyler of industrial dumpsters and the red bearded man nodded.
“More normal for once. I can give you 354 gold, 62 silver and 5 copper.”
“Deal. Now I’ve a question.”
“oh shit here we go.”
“Wow. If I wanted something carved from marble, do I come to you?”
“Aye lad. If you bring the stone and the design it costs less and is done quicker. Have ya a project in mind?”
“Looking to decorate our garden with statues of our best kills.”
The man busted out laughing hard at that one.
“A true Warrior’s Decoration and no mistake!”
Tyler took the money as Wulf held up the pouch with the spider silk.
“I’ve a friend that does enchanted ladies wear. Wanna pay a visit?”
Tyler smiled.
“like I said, Wulf. We spoil our girls RIGHT.”
The two men headed to the ranger’s hookup and Tyler chuckled when they found the shop behind Twink’s magic shop.
“I need to explore more.”
The elf laughed as they walked into the clothing shop and the lady behind the counter spotted them. Tyler blinked as he saw her, as her skin was a deep blue, her eyes red with a golden slit iris, long flowing red hair, massive flopping breasts barely contained in a white strapless gown and no finned ears or fingers. HE walked over as she greeted the ranger.
“Wulfy! It’s been decades!”
She had a warm voice that had a hint of seductiveness and Tyler chuckled.
“Wow, Wulf. Didn’t tell me your friend was a half Succubus half mermaid.”
The lady gasped in shock.
“The Outcast himself? In MY store?”
Tyler smiled kindly at the lady.
“Nice to meet you miss.”
She relaxed at his friendly tone and looked at him more closely.
“My, the stories didn’t say you were a handsome lad. What a nice surprise. As to your guess? You’re right, and I must say I’m impressed you knew.”
“The undercurrent of seductiveness in your voice reminded me of the last succubus I dealt with. Kinda hard to forget when she tried to hit me with her spell.”
Wulf blinked at him.
“right. Willpower.”
“Actually, Kaori snapped me outta it.”
The lady laughed.
“I’ve heard the miss is a fierce one. Nice to see the rumors be true. Now, my name’s Sylica. What brings you two men to me store?”
Tyler placed the large ball of spider silk on the counter.
“I’m looking to spoil Kaori a little. Wulf? I guess Ashy?”
“Do you WANT me to kill you?”
Sylica smiled widely.
“I can make them some new enchanted clothes that fit perfectly. Styles?”
Tyler’s eyes flashed with inspiration.
“Can I borrow a piece of paper, a pencil, and the colors sky blue, pure white, and fire red?”
The lady had seen his eyes flash and handed him the items as Wulf just looked at him.
“What the hell?”
“Watch Wulfy.”
Tyler spent no less then ten minutes at the piece of paper before smiling widely.
He got up and placed the image on the counter. Wulf and Sylica both stared. Tyler had drawn a strapless dress that would hang to Kaori’s ankles with a long slit up the side for both movement and leg with a pair of white gloves for her arms that would end at her elbows. The thing was belted around the middle with a sash of red that would hold her Katana and Wakizashi, with a small ring enchanted to replace her dress with her battle attire with a mere tap or word. The dress was a deep blue that would make her golden blonde hair pop like sunlight, with a ripple of fire wrapping around her body like a protective barrier. On her breast over her heart was his insignia in the pure white. Upon her feet would be a pair of simple, white, one inch heels. Tyler was smiling as he finished explaining his vision to the stunned pair.
“So, think you can do it?”
The lady just broke out into a wide, happy smile.
“Lad, I just need a decent gem for the ring.”
“Wooould a diamond work?”
Wulf and the lady gasped, before smiling widely.
“It would. But, my advice as I’ve lived through several sets of waves? Wait until AFTER you beat them for a diamond ring.”
“Eh. FINE. Let’s see, her favorite was….ah, I remember, Ruby!”
Sylica smiled.
“That will work perfectly.”
Tyler put a stone the size of a softball on the counter and she shook her head.
“I heard from ole Tolic quality matters.”
“If you’d like, I got one three feet across.”
“That would just lead to waste material. No, this will make the enchantment work perfectly.”
Wulf just looked at him.
“You’ve ben planning this one for a while now. Haven’t you?”
“Years, Wulf. Years.”
The ranger drew a simple shirt and pants for Ashy, as the dirty blonde was a more simple soul that preferred use over flare. Sylica looked at Tyler’s design and smiled.
“For a true masterpiece, 3 gold.”
He put 10 on the counter.
“I’m looking for master work.”
She nodded approvingly.
“Now THAT’S a man. I’ll have this ready in four hours.”
Tyler smiled hard now.
“I can’t WAIT to see her mind go boom.”
Wulf just shook his head again.
“I still can’t win. I’m gonna catch up with Sylica here, you go do whatever.”
“Have fun you two.”
The two laughed.
“She only likes women!”
“An beauties at that!”
“Oh. An I’ll have Malico pay a visit.”
She laughed as he left.
“I love me a busty cat!”
Tyler headed back to the mansion to unload the stuff they were keeping, and laughed as he set the titan skull outside the front door. He set it in such a way you’d have to walk through it to get inside, and since it was so big it wasn’t an issue. Next he headed to Lily’s smithy for her ore and ivory. She was hard at work on the Falchion he’d seen her working on yesterday, and waited until she set it in the forge again before bothering her.
“Got your ore Lily.”
She smiled as she drank some water and waved him to her piles. He dumped the ore out and gave her the ivory when he had a thought.
“Hey, Lily. You wouldn’t happen to be able to carve marble, would you?”
That got a smile.
“I can. Which was why I said we can use it.”
Tyler placed the pouch with the 15 tons of marble on her silver desk.
“Well, I can’t Wait to see what you can do with it.”
She gave him another pouch as well.
“That’s got the first batch of figurines.”
“Love you too.”
He left her to her work and went to the party trophy room. The new furniture had been delivered and now he put the Tyrant, Diadore, Fell Falcon, and Ice lisk skulls on the pedestals before going to the rotunda style hutch and started placing the figurines of those the party had slain inside. Orcs, Oricah, goblins, which even the mere sight of the figurines was enough the enrage him, giants, the lisks, Dragel, Liches, draugr, bears, various beasts and birds, and the demons thus far were all placed inside the thing. Each figurine made with exacting detail and skill. Tyler emptied the first batch and shook his head as the large hutch wasn’t even a quarter full of the things. We’re going to have SUCH a collection by the time we’re done. He then headed to his office to put the bills away and add the newest set of books to the compendium. He sat down and put the bills in the file as he placed his hand in the Oracle interface. He got another set and placed them on the shelf.
“Still working?”
He looked over to see Kaori walking in.
“Yeah. Just finished unloading the skulls and books.”
She hugged him as they kissed.
“You know you CAN take a break every now and then, right?”
He smiled as he held her now.
“I know. I like being busy though. Plus with the first wave coming up, kinda feel like I need to go just that much harder.”
She kissed him again.
“Well, I got todays news crystal when you’re ready to look at it.”
HE held her tightly.
“We’ll look at it before I head to Yoko’s.”
She smiled.
“I’m joining Malico, Lily and Vixen as they invade Seline’s room.”
“Should invite Verilica.”
She gasped.
“Oh my gods, that’s a great idea!”
HE kissed her warmly.
“Well, I’ll finish up in here.”
“The horses need to rest for the rest of the day. They’re tired too.”
“As my LOVER wishes.”
she shivered hard.
“Oh I LOVE it when you do that.”
He let her go as he sat back down and took out the map. He set it in the small grooves and was looking at it as he planned the route to Term. He traced a finger from Raylik to the Dark Forest,
“Okay, we were going at a light pace as we went the first time due to Lillia and Sera never having traveled like that. It took us maybe, two days for the full trip. Now, I’m certain we can do it in one.”
He smiled as he saw the Dark forest. Be great to see juniper and Slyvien again. Then he followed the road the nobility took to Term, and found it did indeed merge just outside Malico’s village. It is going nice to see Myuki again. Love me a cute kitten. Happy with the route, he put the map in his pouch and went to find Kaori. She was in their room sitting on the white lounge chair looking at her HUD when he walked in. She smiled as he sat beside her.
“Missed you.”
He kissed her as they settled.
“Love you.”
She passed him the crystal and they looked at it together.
“Today in Vernillion. Well, it’s official. The Outcast is insane. As most of the nearby region saw, earlier today a massive dust cloud was seen near the small hamlet of Loggervile, prompting worries over a massive landslide or collapse. Well, reader, I sat down with Tyler the Outcast as the cloud was HIS party’s doing. These are his words and mine.

“Okay, Tyler the Outcast, do you know what caused that dust cloud that we all saw?”
“I do. Me and my party caused it as we sought to open up a newly discovered cave.”
“Was there any reason other then exploration for such an act?”
“After we killed that Adamantiose, which by the way was a fun fight, Wulf our elven ranger discovered that one of it’s spikes had punched a hole into the ground and into a unknown cave. Yeah, we hurried the hell up as the land we were standing on was hollow. We warned the nearby village as to the danger and the chief asked us to open it up properly and clear it for any nasty surprises.”
“How did you open the cave?”
“we used my water spell and Kaori’s lava to create a mini underwater volcanic eruption like we used in then battles here. The result was an area of land 400m across just dropping. Looked freakin awesome from our vantage.”
“the entrance was 400m? that’s a rather massive cave.”
“It’s an untouched entrance to the Underdark.”
The Underdark. That long forgotten highway of tunnels that crisscross the land in hundreds of directions for thousands of miles. Tyler and his party had stumbled upon an untouched entrance purely by chance. And after fighting an Adamantiose no less! Reader, the outcasts are true legends if fighting such a beast is a bit of mere FUN. Yet the true insanity of the Outcast was yet to be seen, as when questioned on whether anything lived in the cave, his casual, matter0of0fact reply made my blood run cold.

“Was there anything living in the cave?”
“A Fallen Dragon.”
“You’ve seen a fallen Dragon….and LIVED?”
“We called for some help from Tempesta himself. I guess the Color dragons have a particular hatred for the Fallen.”
“How did you get the thing out of the cave? Especially with the Lord of Blue sitting right there?”
“I can taunt a pride demon into a blind rage with a few sentences and a well placed finger. I can piss off a dragon just the easier. I had even Tempesta nearly busting up laughing as I roared into the cave with my favorite of skills: royally getting under your skin.”
“Your telling me, you taunted a dragon into such a blind rage, that it ran straight into the jaws and claws of Lord Blue?”
“Bragging more like, but yeah.”
“You’re insane.”
“Well, thank heaven for that, cause otherwise this’d probably never work.”
The Outcast is out of his damned mind, readers of Lectis. Who would be so brash as to taunt a DRAGON? The Outcast was also able to bare witness to a battle of dragons with a front row seat. And he had this to say.
“Hey, Kazuma? In yo face! I saw a dragon battle I started!”
The theory of Kazuma the Kind and Tyler the Outcast being brothers stuck with each other seems to hold water now reader, if this jab was anything to go by. The Viscount of Dragul was quick to issue a reply.
“Kaori, since the odds are you’re reading this beside him, or if you do read this, cooould you smack him for me please?”

The blonde did indeed smack Tyler as she was laughing hard at his cross Lectis taunt.
“You rat bastard! That was a dick move!”
“But freakin hilarious though!”
“Besides the point! Asshole!”
They were still laughing as they started reading again.

“Since the Lovely Kaori will most likely have smacked her lover by now, let me just say, atta girl! The Lord of Blue then made a most surprising of visits: Landing outside the gates of Raylik looking for a local girl by the name of Melly. The sweet girl holds a special place in the Outcast party’s heart, and I asked Tyler about it. This is our conversation.
“Why did Lord Blue want o meet with the child Melly?”
“We might have been bragging about just how sweet and fun she is. That and she’s Sera’s sister got him curious. Big blue’s got a fondness for kids, so he wanted to meet her. Plus, well, it’s Melly!”
Sera Vin Vernillion, the royal princess, has taken Melly as her newest sister. And readers of Lectis? You do not know the meaning of the word ‘cute’ until you’ve seen those two girls playing together. Sera is as sweet as a girl can get, and Melly is just as kind. When they’re together walking around town, you just can’t help but smile at them. Tyler has taken a most brotherly affection to the girl as well, often spoiling her with gifts just because he can. If this is how he spoils his little sisters, then how must he spoil the one he loves most? Perhaps the Lady Kaori would know better?”

Kaori tilted her head now.
“Huh. Verilica’s got a point there. You spoil the ever loving hell out of Melly, yet you’ve only gotten ME a ribbon.”
Tyler smiled as he kissed her.
“I guess that means I need to step it up then.”
She blinked.
“Oh shit. I know that look. What did you do?”
“I have no idea what you mean, Kaori. Shall we keep reading?”
“Jesus that just as scary now as it was then!”
Now effectively terrified, Kaori resumed reading with Tyler.

“Whatever Tyler may choose to do for the one that holds his heart, we can only assume it will be as overly outrageous as he himself is. Now, readers of Lectis, in our last article, we made mention of the Fireball last seen riding in the direction of Vernillion. The only reason for such a direction is her having heard of Gruven’s death. I asked the Outcast about this. His response was unexpected.
“I trust you saw yesterday’s article?”
“I did.”
“So, you’re aware the Fireball is headed in this direction?”
“Oh, you mean Kaori’s mother? Yeah.”
“She’s. her mother?”
“Her name’s Erica, right? Golden blonde, green eyes, fierce temper and a busted sense of humor and speech?”
“Yeah, that’s the Fireball. And you’re in love with her daughter.”
“And she’s in love with me.”
“So, you must be aware of why she’s coming?”
“She’s heard Gru’s dead.”
“Are you scared?”
“I fight demons for fun, I’ve looked angry dragons in the eye, and on occasion have to fight for me life with an overly ferocious elf girl with a hammer. Am I scared of meeting the mother of the love of my life? Batshit terrified.”
“When the Fireball meets the Outcast, well, it’s either going to be the stuff of legends, nightmares, or both.”
“Yeah. Kaori’s fierce enough. Her mother? Yeesh.”

Reader, The Fireball’s daughter has come to Lectis. May the gods have mercy upon the rest of us. The Lady Kaori has the blood of one of the most powerful of red path mages in her veins, and since I know her personally, ALL of her mother’s fire. The Outcast will have his most ferocious battle to date when he meets KAORI’S mother!”

Kaori looked at him. He then felt an icy chill.
“Did… not want me to tell?”
She just burst out laughing at his expression of OH FUCK. HE just sat there with a hammering heart rate as she recovered. Then she kissed him and he deflated from the breath of relief.
“I’m not mad. I’m happy you did it like this, as a outright fuck you to my father. Thank you.”
“Oh thank you Kaori’s not mad.”
She kissed him then before they returned to reading.

“The Fireball was sighted again this morning astride her white steed riding east towards Vernillion. Knowing her pace of travel? Ya got a week to live Outcast! Use it well! Queen Willow of the Elven Queendom made a statement regarding the Outcasts description of her most fierce daughter, Lily.
“Ahh, it seems me girl’s teachin him well. Ya best remember she knows how to use that hammer lad!”
Lily keeps him in line when Kaori’s not around, Willow. Let the guild assure you of that. King Ishtar has made a statement regarding the newly discovered tunnel.
“The dragons are now searching for more entrances to the Underdark. For the first time in centuries, they have the scent of Fallen Dragons in their noses, and as such seek to have a little fun hunting the black dragons for sport. If you see a dragon dive into a hole, RUN!”
Reader, we have a dragon hunt underway in Vernillion. The wave is in 16 days, the Outcast has a week to live, and the Fireball has a daughter. An eventful day in Vernillion.”

Tyler sighed as he closed the HUD and looked at Kaori.
“How much ya wanna bet she crashes the ball?”
That got a laugh.
“Wow, nice to see you’re still rigging bets.”
Tyler hugged her tightly.
“I love you, Kaori.”
She smiled and settled against him.
“I love you too, Tyler.”
Sallie and Sylvia giggled from the doorway.
“And we love our spirits!”
“Our girls too!”
The two girls came over and joined the lovers on the chair and got a warm hug.
“Daddy, a runner was at the door saying your order is ready!”
“I’ll be right back Kaori.”
She sighed.
“Still working? Relax for once!”
He kissed her hard.
“I was with YOU. Relaxed as I can get.”
She shivered as he headed off the Sylica’s shop. Wulf passed him in the doorway and the men high fived as they passed.
“She’s going to LOSE it!”
“She is too!”
Tyler walked to the seamstress’s shop and walked in. The lady was smiling as he entered.
“Lad, this was a true masterwork.”
He took the small velvet box and looked inside to see the ruby ring.
“She’s going to love it.”
He place another 10 gold on the counter and she nodded approvingly.
“Nice to see a man that understands the workings of the world.”
He chuckled and left as he was now in a hurry to see Kaori’s reaction. He walked into the mansion and up to their room. She was sitting on the chair playing with the two spirits when he walked in. She looked up smiling as he closed the door.
“Want me?”
He smiled widely as he pulled her to her feet.
“Close your eyes, and hold out your right hand.”
She gasped, and closed her eyes and held out her shaking hand. Tyler took the ring out of the box, and slid it onto her ring finger.
“You can look now.”
She looked and gasped as she saw the glittering gemstone on the band of gold.
“It’s beautiful!”
“Tap it.”
She blinked, and did as requested. She tapped a finger on the gem and she was encased in heatless, roiling fire for a moment. Then it was out and she was clad in her new dress. She gasped at the beautiful gown and he held her mirror up so she could twirl in it. Her hair was made to pop like pure gold against the blue of the dress, and when she spun it looked like she was wearing the ocean with a ring of fire burning around her. She had tears in her green eyes as she saw it. HE was smiling as well.
“Everything landed exactly as I wanted it too.”
She looked at the ring and saw it was till on her finger, and she tapped it again. She was encased in the fire again, and was redressed in her light shirt and pants she wore around the mansion. Then she was kissing him hard as they fell to the bed.
“Thank you.”
“I love you.”
it was all he had to say as they kissed and held each other. She then laid beside him with her newly adorned hand on his chest in his own.
“It’s enchanted to never come off unless you or I remove it, and it’s nearly unbreakable.”
She hugged him.
“I’ll give it to Sallie to hold onto.”
HE looked at the green haired spirit, and she giggled.
“It’s allowed! Since we’re attached to you like we are, and NO those attachments can NOT be severed by any force, we can hold small items for you.”
“Love you too girls.”
Kaori just looked at her new ring.
“Was this one of YOUR designs?”
“It was. Glad to know I still got it.”
She kissed him.
“I love you. And, I’ll LET Yoko have you tonight, as I kinda promised Seline my last night before hand.”
“We got a long time Kaori. We’ll get plenty of chances to sleep together in our HOME.”
She smiled.
“We will. Even AFTER you meet my mom.”
“Yeeah, that’s gonna be a good bit o fun!”
She snuggled up against him.
“I’m surprised it wasn’t a diamond.”
“I’ll save THAT one for a more…..spectacular occasion.”
she shivered again.
“I’ll let it go. Thank you.”
He kissed his love softly.
“I love you.”
She sidled over into his arms, as he chuckled.
“Malico is going to LOSE it when she sees your new dress and bling.”
Kaori smiled.
“I’ll go show off!”
“I will……dunno. Maybe look at bills?”
The blonde beauty just kissed her never ceasing lover.
“Go sit in the tower. We furnished it too.”
“That’s a great idea.”
He walked out as Kaori went to go show off her new bling and dress to the ladies as he climbed up to the tower that over looked the entire town. The small room had been set up as a relaxing room with a couch facing a large window that looked out at the town, lounge chairs here an there, a coffee table with a slot for the view crystal, and since the windows were enchanted to look right through the five foot railings on the wraparound balcony, the tower had a nearly panoramic view of the town. Tyler laid on the couch with his feet on the thickly cushioned armrest as the sounds of awed reactions to Kaori’s beautiful dress were heard. He smiled.
“I still got it.”
He smiled as he looked at the roof of the tower, which was ALSO enchanted to show the sky like it wasn’t even there. He watched as cloud and sky sharks drifted along on their paths to there and relaxed. He felt someone else near him, and he looked to see Sallie climbing the stairs with her usual happy smile.
“Hi, Daddy, mind if I join you?”
He smiled at the cute spirit and held out his arm.
“Sure, Green bean. C’mere.”
She giggled and climbed up beside him on the couch.
“Mommy’s new dress is beautiful, and the other ladies are jealous.”
Tyler hugged her to him.
“Nice to see I still have it.”
She settled down beside him and he wrapped an arm over her small waist.
“You should take a nap, I’ll look out for you.”
“Love you too, Sallie.”
“I’ll ALSO wake you when Yoko gets off work.”
“There it is.”
She giggled as he closed his eyes and drifted off with the spirit resting right beside him.

He woke to a poke from Sallie. He opened his eyes to see the smiling sprit looking at him.
“Get up, Yoko’s about o get off work.”
He hugged her tightly as he sat up on the couch. Sallie smiled as she winked back to spirit form as he headed back into the mansion. He was then cornered in the doorway by a foot tapping Lily. HE gulped.
“Um, Lily, hi.”
She had an intense look in her red eyes.
“So you know? That dress is beautiful.”
“She loves it.”
“She does. And I want one too.”
HE blinked.
“Um, okay, Lily. I did that for Kaori. You may want to be with me as much as you do, and that’s fine, but that’s HER gift.”
Lily blinked now herself at his tone, and shook her head.
“I see. And I’m sorry for that. It wasn’t right of me to try and steal her gift.”
HE hugged her tightly.
“I love you too, Lily. And I’ll see what I can do for you. But the enchanted dress thing is Kaori’s.”
She hugged him back.
“I understand.”
He patted her as he then walked out the door. Soon as it shut, kaori came out of a door in the hall smiling.
“Pay up.”
Lily just shook her small head as she now had to help clean the sheets after their pile wit5h Seline.
“Scary how you predicted that.”

Tyler walked to the spear with Sallie and Sylvia in spirit form on his shoulders as usual. He spotted Yoko walking out the glass door of the spear and smiled.
“Hey there my favorite raccoon.”
She smiled happily as she saw him and her tail was waving wildly as well.
“Tyler! You come to walk me home?”
“And to your bed.”
She smiled and took his arm.
“I’m a mite hungry.”
“Well, you got a place in mind?”
“Ohhh, just my house.”
“Well, alright. Shall we get to the feast? Oh, and the food?”
She laughed as she saw the two spirits on his shoulders.
“I have plenty for you two as well.”
The two smiled at the spirits happy voices. They walked into Yoko’s home and she set some food to cook as he helped with the table as Sallie and Sylvia took shell form to help as well.
“Kinda feels like we’re a family.”
Tyler came over and kissed her.
“And you the beautiful wife, Yoko.”
She smiled as Tyler made a subtle gesture to the spirits and they glowed again. Yoko watched as they grew ears and tails of their own and she looked at him in shock.
“Vulpix hooked them up with Fox Mimic.”
Yoko smiled then.
“They look adorable!”
The girls giggled as they ate together, feeding on some meat and potatoes with light milk and juice. Tyler did the dishes as Yoko readied the bath for them all, and he set a hidden surprise in her knife drawer for her, 5 gold coins as thanks for the meal.
“Bath’s ready! And so am I!”
“Love you Yoko!”
He went in and found her already in the five person tub, and she leered over her shoulder as she extended a long, slender leg to beckon him with.
“Huuuuurrrry! I’m weeet!”
He laughed as he stripped and got into the bath with his favorite raccoon girl. He mounted her to a bunch of splashing as Sallie and Sylvia did each other’s hair on the other side of the tub.
Sylvia closed her eyes as Sallie dumped a bucket of water on her head to rinse her long red hair. Tyler was deep inside Yoko as she used the lip of the tub to add extra force to her railing from behind as she grunted in pleasured effort from her love making.
“I’ve ACHED for this ALL DAY!”
He smiled as he filled her eager slit full of cream.
“I got PLENTY for you Yoko!”
She kissed him as they went wild for each other, her getting creamed over and over as she orgasmed just as much. Then they fell into the water with a last splash as the two spirits applauded the show.
“Love you too girls!”
They giggled as Yoko rested her head on his chest, smiling as she saw the locket that never left his person even during sex, as it was Sylvia’s.
“I’ll miss you when you follow the waves.”
“We’ll be back.”
She smiled.
“So you know? My people, Raccons? We’re immortal like elves. Same with Seline’s vulpine race.”
“I look forward to getting behind you for hundreds of years, Yoko.”
She kissed him.
“We need to clean up.”
“Yes my beautiful raccoon.”
She shivered as they cleaned their sex drenched bodies. The raccoon girl didn’t bother getting dressed as she walked naked to her bedroom as he brought his gear with him in case of anything. She laid in her bed and held the blankets open for him as he set his equipment down. He got in beside her naked as well, and they cuddled the two spirits between them. Tyler smiled at Yoko as they hugged the two girls between them.
“Good night girls, I love you.”
Yoko kissed him.
“Good night, Tyler. I love you too. I love you girls too.”
They giggled as they all drifted off to sleep.

Tyler next opened his eyes to see Yoko’s slumbering face beside him, and he had Sallie and Sylvia’s warmth between them. I love this world. He kissed Yoko awake, and she smiled.
“You need to get going?”
“Sadly, I do, and so do these two cuties.”
The girls sighed sadly as they winked back to spirit forms as he kissed Yoko. She sighed as well.
“Be careful in the wave.”
HE smiled as he got dressed.
“Just because you asked me to.”
He left her alone in her bedroom then, and she sighed as she buried her face in the pillow he’d used.
“I’ll miss him.”

Tyler walked to the mansion and spotted their ferrier walking out from the front door. The lad greeted him as he approached.
“Sirrah. I hear that you be leaving for Term this morn.”
Tyler gave him 30 silver.
“Aye lad. We’ll be gone for a while.”
The man tipped his hat.
“The miss already paid me, but thankee kindly. Take care in the wave.”
“You take care as well.”
He walked off as Tyler headed inside to the kitchen for food before heading to his office. He sat in the chair and unrolled the map which he set in the grooves as he looked at the route.
“Everything set commander?”
He smiled as he saw Kaori walking in with a noticeable wobble. He gave her a kiss and she sat next to him in the smaller chair.
“For now. You have fun last night?”
She smiled and placed a crystal on the desk.
“Seline and Verilica wanted to say good bye. So, they helped.”
“You show them your new dress?”
“That’s there too. Seline was wondering if she could commission you to design her next ball gown.”
HE kissed her lovingly.
“That’s YOUR thing.”
She smiled as she kissed him again.
“Melly and her family are headed over.”
“I’ll give them the tour.”
Kaori smiled.
“The master is OUR bedroom.”
“Understood. Gotchya covered.”
She shook her blonde head as Mia, Melly, and Elirch came up to the front gate. Tyler patted Melly as he gave the pouch with 300 gold to Mia.
“The master’s me and Kaori’s.”
The married couple smiled,
“Aye lad, we understand.”
Sera came in giggling to hug Melly.
“You can use MY room!”
Tyler took her parents to the well furnished guest room he’[d set aside just for them. It overlooked the street on the third floor, had a master bed like the one in his own, a large couch looking out the window, two full wardrobes, dressers and nightstands and a walk-in closet. Tyler had a third key to the front door and gave it to Mia.
“Place is enchanted to keep the fire off, idiots out, and to not show anything in the windows. Any dangerous items we’ve got in a sealed drawer or with us. Just watch the blades as most be sharper than her Magicite daggers.”
They nodded.
“We appreciate the warning. We’ll take good care of your home.”
“Well, that’s it I guess.”
Tyler left the couple and headed to the stables where he found Sera hugging Melly goodbye before the party mounted up.
“We got everything?”
The party ran through a list of their equipment.
“I’m set.”
“Same here!”
“Aye lad, I be ready.”
“I’ve got my gear.”
“I’m ready!”
“Nice spongebob Ashy.”
She laughed as Serafina spoke up.
“I’m all set. Feels weird to be heading back to Term.”
Vixen smiled at the shy Wraith.
“It is weird, NightFang. I too am ready.”
Lillia gulped.
“The pope is dead. I’m set too.”
The rest all nodded. Tyler smiled.
“Alright. I want to be at the Dark Forest by the end of today. Outcasts, move out!”
The party laughed as they walked their mounts to the front gate as the town started chanting.
“Outcasts! Outcasts! Outcasts!”
Tyler breathed his blue flame as they exited the front gate and got more rousing cheers as they then brought their horses into a full gallop as the road ahead was as level as Kaori could hope for. The twelve strong party broke out into a thunderous rumble as they tore along the road with Tyler and Kaori in the lead, with Wulf and Malico right beside them, Sera and Lillia in the center of the diamond, Lucy and Thistle on the side tips with Serafina at the rear. Lily was riding Tyler’s horse, and Ashy was right beside Serafina. Tyler smiled as he looked at Kaori.
“We ran from Term as hated murderers, Kaori. How we return as conquering heroes!”
The blonde’s ponytail was streaming out behind her as they went.
“I know right? Now we could probably kill the entire town!”
“So you know? We ARE visiting Burlock and Lyrica’s shops.”
She snorted.
“You want to bed Lyrica and break that curse on the sword.”
“Ya damn RIGHT I wanna bed a succubus! What straight man WOULDN’T? Right Wulf?”
The elven ranger smiled as he recalled.
“Let me say from experience, Tyler, short of a goddess herself, NOTHING compares to a Succubus!”
“I will most definitely put THAT ascertain to the test Wulf! I’ve had Kaori!”
She laughed as Ashy smiled at the back of her elven lover.
“Wow, Wulf.”
The elf was then witnessed to go absolutely white as he remembered Ashy could hear him. The party busted up laughing as he looked to Tyler, the only other man in the party, for help. Tyler just laughed.
“Well, Wulf. Looks like YOU have a problem.”
Tyler then leaned over and kissed Kaori as the now in the doghouse Wulf had to figure out a way to make Ashy like him again. Lily giggled.
“At least Tyler knows what NOT to say in front of the ones he loves!”
Tyler patted the fiery elf girl.
“When they wield hammers like you do Lily, it’s a matter of self-preservation.”
She hugged him best she could for that one.
“Love you too.”
The party rode hard for the first leg of the trip as Kaori was confident in the road ahead. Tyler smiled as they passed through a familiar stretch of road.
“Hey, Sera! Lillia! Place look familiar?”
The royal girls laughed as they tore through the place they first met Tyler.
“To think I once was scared of you!”
“And to think we once couldn’t even HOLD a sword!”
“Now you fight giants for reps and gut moose with your bare hands!”
They laughed at the absurdity of their journey.
“Hey, we still bandit baiting?”
Tyler smiled.
“If we find a camp me and Kaori will hit it alone.”
The party smiled widely at that one. They rode till the sun was high overhead before stopping for lunch by a stretch of road with a rock ring for seats. Tyler had a clean view of the road in both directions for a good few miles as he rolled out the map and shook his head.
“We’re literally over half way to the dark forest.”
Kaori looked at the map and chuckled.
“Our horses were fresh, and we know what we’re doing this time.”
Tyler tapped Term.
“No one goes anywhere without a group of three or more. Sera, Lillia and Lily groups of five. That town is going to be a hellscape as long as the other Warriors are within those walls.”
Lily sighed.
“I hate them.”
Wulf smiled darkly.
“If we encounter them in the streets? Well, just don’t make a mess. I’d prefer to let the wave get them though.”
Lily smiled now herself.
“Let the wave get them. If they survive, they’ll think they’re on top of the world. Then we skin them alive. For once the shield lowers is when the dagger gets you.”
Tyler and Wulf patted the little elven girl.
“I like this idea Lily.”
“I love it. She’s a scary one alright.”
“love her to death though.”
“Me too.”
“Hey! Do the big brother shit to Sera!”
They laughed at her indignant bawl. Tyler looked down the road as they finished their break.
“Well, we’re still clear. We ready to ride out?”
The party nodded.
“When we reach the Dark Forest, I will set a rule in stone here: anything we take is to be used to its absolute limit. No waste. No leftovers. We clear?”
Another set of nods as Lucy smiled.
“There be a nature spirit residing in those trees?”
“Indeed. Our friend Slyvien and her apprentice Juniper. Malico’s sister.”
The party smiled as they looked to an eagerly smiling Malico. Tyler then tapped a small village.
“We’ll be passing through Malico’s home village. PLEASE don’t piss off Houndra.”
They laughed as Malico blinked.
“Just wait, Sera, you are going to LOVE Myuki!”
Tyler blinked now himself.
“Oh. MY. Gods. Sera, Sallie, Sylvia and Myuki in the same room.”
Kaori and Malico just looked at each other.
“That is a level of ‘cute’ that just not be possible.”
“My heart hurts now.”
Sera tilted her head.
“Myuki is?”
“Malico’s younger sister. She’s a kitten still.”
Sera’s blue eyes lit up like lights at the word ‘kitten.’
“can we hurry? Please?”
The party laughed and mounted back up. They tore off back down the road as the image Tyler and the two girls had put in their heads was too precious. Tyler had a song playing and Sera was curious again.
“What’s this one called, Tyler?”
“It’s called Go by Bump of Chicken.”
She giggled.
“I like it!”
Tyler chuckled.
“One of the best songs I have for just roaming on a nice day like this.”
Kaori had a thought.
“Ya know something? We’ve been in Lectis for three months and I don’t think we’ve even seen a single rain cloud. That normal?”
Wulf chuckled.
“Vernillion has three seasons. A dry season. Which is the one we are in right now. Little rain, moderate temperature, and beautiful nights. Then it has the wet season, which is near constant storms, rain, and miserable weather. Everyone hates it for just how muggy, humid and just nasty it feels. That lasts three full months. Then there’s the cold season. Snow, frigid temperatures, and blizzards. That lasts seven usually. Sometimes longer. The dry lasts a full 12 months.”
“Wow. And when did the dry start?”
“About six months ago? We’re at the height right now.”
“Lets HOPE the next staging ground is NOT in a swampy area.”
The party laughed as they rode on. Tyler looking ahead as usual, and he smiled as he spotted a line of trees ahead.
“Hey, I think I see the dark forest.”
Wulf looked and smiled.
“It is. We’ll reach it by dark. We made really great time.”
“It took us what? Two days to get to Raylik the last time?”
Wulf tilted his head now.
“Your right. I wonder if it’s because we’re a Warrior party headed to the staging ground?”
“Maybe. You did say the trip to Raylik takes less time to actually travel it then it looks on the map.”
“Might be the reverse is true as well.”
“Weird place Lectis.”
The natives laughed as Tyler looked towards the horizon. He chuckled as he spotted a flash of red.
“Looks like Ignatia’s busy.”
The party looked over and saw the red dragon diving into the ground before flying off again.
“Guess that one was a dud.”
Wulf watched as Ignatia dropped onto another spot and smashed the ground like a polar bear searching for seals.
“Never thought I’d live to see the day the when the dragon lords would dig holes looking for other dragons.”
Tyler smiled as the party thundered along. The sun was touching the horizon as they reached the tree line. Tyler and the party walked in slowly as he looked to the forest.
“Hey! Slyvien! I’m back! Where’s me favorite teddy?”
There was a rustle from the trees as a massive fifteen hundred pound brown bear appeared on the trail as the forest burst out laughing.
Tyler hopped off Thunder and ran to give the big bear a hug as she roared with joy as her friend had returned. She slammed into Tyler with a tackle, and he held her tightly as he wasn’t moved.
“I’ve gotten a bit too strong to get tackled now! C’mere!”
He hugged her as she rumbled happily before he lifted her clean off the ground, eliciting a grunt of shock from the teddy before he set her back down. Tyler then nodded to his party.
“Juniper, Slyvien, these are my friends. And I’d appreciate it if we can spend the night. We’ll leave no trace of our presence.”
The Lady of the Forest laughed.
“Have fun Sallie, Sylvia.”
The girls giggled as Juniper led the party through the forest as Tyler walked beside her.
“So how have you been Juniper?”
the bear nuzzled him fondly as they went through the wood.
“That much? Well, we got a day to spend. We’ll stay here tonight, do a little foraging, I’ll show them the lisk clearing and we’ll head out in the morning.”
The voice spoke again.
“Oh hell yeah.”
The trees were heard laughing as Kaori spoke up now.
“As long as me, him, and Malico get to play in that hotspring!”
The trees burst out laughing as Juniper looked at Tyler with an intense eye. He rubbed her fur.
“You’d have to take your catgirl form, Juniper.”
The bear snorted as Malico laughed.
“Wow, Tyler. Hitting on my sister too?”
“If she’s your sister Malico, good looks all around!”
That got him an affectionate swipe from the big bear. Tyler then glanced at Sera and smiled.
“Hey, Juniper, Sera there loves thick fur.”
His voice was just enough for the brown bear to catch it, and she rumbled in understanding. The party were led to the rock face where Tyler, Wulf, Malico and Kaori had spent their second night in the forest. Camp was set up as he cast the defense spells before lighting the fire as Juniper underwent another shift as sera watched mesmerized. The apprentice to the Lady of the Forest’s new form was a massive tiger 10 feet long, 5 high, with a 4 foot tail. Sera’s blue eyes went wide as she saw the beautiful cat.
“Juniper you’re beautiful!”
That got a low rumble like a purr as Sera was then wrapped up giggling by the massive cat. Tyler chuckled as he then looked at Kaori and Malico.
“Let’s go see the Lisk.”
The entire party smiled and followed to see the first three’s kill. Sera was happily skipping with a hand firmly planted on the soft tiger fur of Juniper. The clearing had once been a scorched, foul smelling field the last time Tyler and the girls had stood in it, now however, it was a lush green meadow with tall grass, flowers and bushes taking route. The tall ribcage of the first lisk Tyler, Kaori and Malico had ever killed was still there, and the party smiled as Tyler walked to the 8 foot skull and took it. Now with his second trophy ever in the pouch, he nodded to the cave.
“Wanna see Vernillia?”
The party got stars in their eyes as Tyler led them to the fabled king’s last rest. The cave was still there and Tyler didn’t hesitate to just drop right in with the two girls right behind him. The others followed and he led them to the small hidden room that if you were not looking for it, as thorough as Tyler is, or knew it was there, you would not have found it. Tyler led them to the back of the chamber and there lay the skeleton of the lost king with the arrows still in his ribs. Tyler smiled as he saw the shafts.
“Wow. They used black dragon scale.”
The others all knelt as Sera and Lillia came forward with flowers to lay before the body. Tyler looked at the thing.
“Looks like the legend got me after all. The pope is dead, hope you enjoyed the show there, I got these two running with me and I still don’t want to be king. Yer last reference still sucked though.”
Ashy looked at him.
“What he use?”
“He quoted terminator. Here, Malico.”
The cat let the others read the scroll for themselves and Ashy burst out laughing.
“What a jackass! You have ONE last reference to end your life with, and you use THAT?”
“What would YOUR last one liner be, Ashy?”
She smiled.
“Let’s go to hell together!”
Tyler just slapped her on the back.
“I fuckin love you Ashy!”
The dirty blonde smiled.
“What’s YOUR last one liner?”
“Me? After saying I love kaori? Hmm, Oh, I know! I’m on the highway to hell!”
Ashy and Kaori just burst out laughing at that.
“I loved that band. And oddly fitting.”
The others were just shaking their heads.
“Idiots. They’re all a bunch of idiots.”
“What band?”
Tyler smiled as he played the song.
“This is ACDC’s song called Highway to Hell.”
The group smiled as Tyler looked back at the skeleton.
“Well, be seein ya.”
Tyler led the party from the chamber and deeper into the cave to do his usual recheck as the skull of the skeleton had a fresh drop of water run from it’s empty eye sockets and the jaw fell open again, as if laughing along with the bunch of jackasses that now held the fate of the world in their hands.
“I’ll use my detection, Lily prospect.”
The party smiled as Tyler went right to the back of the cave with Lily as he felt a hollow feeling.
“Ha. Knew it. Got one!”
Tyler used Lily’s hammer and smashed the wall open. Inside was a tomb, and Vixen held up a hand glowing black.
“Is this one cursed?”
“It is. But only with a low level curse I can dispel.”
Tyler waited as the black mage dispelled the curse before he set foot inside.
“Me, Kaori and Malico. Seems right.”
They nodded and took spots as Tyler grasped the lid of the coffin.
“Do it.”
“I’m set.”
He threw the lid and leapt back as the thing tried to punch him. He had Oblivion out and slashed the thing’s skull as it rose from its coffin, the thing rattled as Kaori hit the thing no less then fifteen times in 12 seconds with a rapid attack as Malico came in with her daggers. Tyler pivoted on a foot as the thing was lifting itself over the rim of the stone coffin and smashed the skull with all his strength, splitting it like a gourd hit with an axe. The thing flopped back down dead again as Tyler and the girls high fived.
“Kickin it old school!”
Sera was curious.
“Why didn’t you use Gliepnir or your skills?”
“Because Sera, at this point Gliepnir was still a foreign weapon to me, I only had maybe 6 spells, most of which were bow with NO sword spells, and had the single blade and bow. This was how me and Kaori started out.”
He laid Oblivion on the floor, his bow, five gold coins, and his mail vest.
“These, our horses, a single quiver of arrows, and the basic camping gear we had when we met were all we had. Period. Koari had her katana, a bow, and no mail, Malico her daggers and a bow. That’s it. Plus, my mail was mere steel, Oblivion was dragon scale, and my bow a simple recurve. I didn’t get my mythril vest, Crystalline Bow, and Gliepnir until we found this trove. Plus the 6k gold came from this as well.”
Wulf chuckled.
“I remember. We met as you were butchering the Lisk.”
Sera looked at the ranger.
Wulf shook his head at the memory.
“I was asked by Ishtar to guide a group of hunters to the clearing before my next task as ambassador. So, we get to the village on the outskirts, and they warn us a group of Warriors had been through just two days prior and had gone into the forest. We didn’t think much of it as the Warriors by that point had just BARELY gotten past Malico’s village. Well, I led them to the clearing, and what do we find? Three people, a beautiful blonde lady, a just as beautiful catgirl, and a boy with the most intense gaze I’d ever seen were butchering the beast we’d been sent in to kill! The boy was covered in the thing’s blood, and was standing on it’s back as he waved at us like it just another day on the trail!”
Tyler chuckled as they looted the coffin.
“The leader of the party, Duke, was an idiot of such a degree it was painful talking to him. Plus, that was the first time we found a banned black spell.”
Wulf smiled as he recalled.
“A single river of torment License kicked off our journey to see Tatiana.”
Tyler smiled as they walked away from the tomb 500 gold, 654 silver, 875 copper richer. Vixen took possession of the dead thing’s Magicite spear as it was cursed.
“We got some more iron, coal, a thick gold vein, and a rather massive vein of copper.”
“Nice. I’ll dig it out as you look the tomb over.”
The elf girl smiled as he got his new pickaxe out and started digging.
“Got a platinum vein, Magicite, and a rather interesting vein od Black Magicite.”
“Black Magicite?”
Vixen was a little surprised. Tyler looked at her.
“It hard to find?”
“Indeed. Pure Black Magicite or Pure White Magicite are very rare, as since they’re usually so pure the veins get tainted by other colors. I’ll need to handle the ore after you dig it out as it’ll burn you pretty badly.”
“Sure, Vixen. We can use it to get you a new axe to grind and Serafina, hmm, maybe, oh! I know! A kukri!”
The natives tilted their heads.
“What’s a Kukri?”
Tyler pulled a piece of paper from his pouch and used a pencil to draw a rough sketch.
“It’s a type of sword, maybe 3 feet long with a moderate curve in the spine with a belly in the blade. Nasty as it is both a short sword and is effective against shields.”
He showed the natives and they blinked.
“That’s a weapon from the Gnome homeland.”
Lily took a look at the design and tilted her head.
“Ya know somethin? That’s not all that difficult to make really. Plus, I can get more practice with curved weaponry. Can I have this?”
“Sure. I get time I know a few more variations you might be able to use.”
She smiled as she placed the design in her pouch.
“Thanks. Have YOU ever considered being a smith?”
“A few times actually. Looks like fun.”
Lily’s red eyes flashed with idea.
“I can teach you if you like.”
“Really? That’d be awesome! Thanks Lily!”
She started glowing as he dug the black colored ore from the wall. Vixen placed the Black Magicite in her loot pouch and the cave was his level clean. They returned to camp and Juniper was resting by the fire with the beautiful human form of Slyvien. The Lady of the Forest was still beautiful, with her golden hair that nearly out shown Kaori’s golden tresses, faintly luminous skin, massive rack, and bright blue eyes. Juniper was back in her bear form and was curled up beside the lady as the party returned. Slyvien looked up smiling as Tyler approached her.
“Shall we?”
He smiled widely as Kaori just shook her head.
“Go on. Make another spirit obsessed.”
The Lady of the Forest tilted her golden head.
Tyler smiled.
“I’ve lain with Vulpix twice now.”
Her blue eyes went wide with happy surprise.
“Sister Vulpix? Oh my, Warrior. You are quite lucky indeed to have HER willing to lay with you a SECOND time!”
“She’s called me her new favorite mortal lover. Oh, and girls? Show em!”
Sallie and Sylvia glowed and let their tails and ears be seen. Slyvien’s bright blue eyes went wide in shock now.
“She LOVES you!”
Tyler smiled as he patted the two spirits.
“Everyone loves these two.”
That got a giggle as Juniper lifted a bear and drew both small girls towards her before wrapping her bear form around them. Tyler smiled as Kaori used the crystal to take a photo as he looked at Slyvien.
“Ready when you are.”
The Lady of the Forest led the eager Warrior into the forest with a spring in her soft step. She brought him to a large meadow with thick moss as she used her power to undress the both of them. She smiled with a blush as she saw his sword as he licked his lips at her body. The laid back and welcomed the Mortal into her tight slit as she bucked to meet him.
“Oh I’ve been looking forward to YOU Slyvien!”
She sighed as he started the ride.
“As have I!”
She hugged him to her as she felt the length of steel inside her and was loving it immensely as she got her first cream quickly followed by her own orgasm. Then she was face down getting fitted from behind and loving the new position immensely! She got filled again and again by this most hungry of lovers before sighing.
“My poor slit, as you say, can’t take anymore. A shame you’ve outlasted me as well.”
He hugged her onto his haunches.
“Now we can play a bit. Since your Vulpix’s sister, you’ll love this next one.”
Slyvien looked at him curiously.
“What do you plan to do to me?”
HE poked her button on her rear with his spear, and her blue eyes went wide.
“There? Very well, but be easy as it’s my first time there.”
He lowered her onto his still hardened spear as her rear was stretched by a new feeling of penetration. She moaning hard as she sat on it.
“Ohh, I LOVE this! No WONDER Vulpix loves you!”
He dropped his tone to whisper into her ear.
“Wait until I go to taste this.”
He used a small water spell to clean her oozing slit and she gasped at the feeling.
“You are a most sensual Mortal! Please!”
He laid her on her hands and knees as he gave her now full rear a soft first ride as the Nature Spirit rocked on her all fours posture to add force to the thrusts.
“Yes! I love it! More!”
She got another cream filling before her next orgasm tore through her body, and with a new force and she lar panting as he kept riding for his last cream. Once he went limp, he rolled her gently on her back and she opened her long legs to grant access.
“You are a truly incredible specimen.”
He kissed her slit, making her shiver at yet ANOTHER new feeling.
“And to think, we’ll pass though here again when then wave passes!”
She fixed him with an intense gaze.
“If you seek to rest beneath my trees in the future, then a lay with me is the price.”
He just smiled at her and set his lips to her entrance, making her buck.
“One I AND Kaori and Malico will be most eager to pay! Lily too, oh, and Vixen.”
The Lady of the forest was brought to two more orgasms by this most sensual of Mortals and was then just laying there with him cuddling her while showering her with soft kisses as she recovered. She got her breath back and smiled at him.
“I LOVE you too!”
He kissed her soft lips and she tasted herself on his.
“I love you too, Slyvien.”
She sighed happily.
“Never have I been so…..satisfied by a male lover, and NO female lover has so utterly left me feeling so full!”
HE smiled as he kissed her again.
“Well, Slyvien, what can I say, except thank you?”
she laughed.
“I need to clean my body now. And so do you.”
HE kissed her again, and she sighed.
“there’s a small stream over there.”
“Lead the way.”
She got up and was wobbling a little as she led him, both still buck naked, to the stream. There they cleaned their sex covered bodies before she redressed them.
“I will look forward to next time. And, the hotspring is ready for you and the other two.”
“I’ll give them the forested word.”
She shivered as he kissed her yet again, before a three foot tall red squirrel appeared to lead him back to the others. He chuckled as he saw it.
“Well, nice to see you again, Guide.”
Slyvien blinked.
“You two know each other?”
Tyler gave the Guide to the spirits another handful of walnuts as it chattered to the nature spirit. She became sad now.
“I see. I’m sorry for those two girls.”
Tyler sighed,
“so am I. But, we can hug them, so they win.”
The squirrel chattered as it nodded in agreement. Slyvien smiled.
“That we can and that they do. So you know? In MY forest, they can walk in their shell forms freely as the ENTIRE forest will defend them.”
HE set the massive squirrel on his shoulder as he looked at her.
“No offense, Slyvien, but unless they are in MY sight, in our camp with the spells up or our home, they are not safe enough.”
That got a happy smile.
“I see. A father’s protection is a terrifying thing.”
HE kissed her again as she sighed.
“alas, I must return.”
“As must I. I hope Juniper has survived Sera’s hug death.”
That got a laugh as the Guide led him through the forest from its perch on his shoulder with a chatter.
“So, I guess you spirits can go wherever you please?”
“Chatter chatter.”
“Good deal. You and Slyvien close?”
the squirrel rubbed it’s head on his.
“Wow. Admit it though, you just here for Juniper’s squirrel form!”
The thing looked into his eye, and Tyler and it bro fisted.
“Atta a squirrel.”
They laughed, well, he laughed. The squirrel just chattered with amusement. They heard the squeals of Sera, Sallie and Sylvia before they heard them, and Tyler chuckled.
“Should say hi to the girls.”
The Guide chattered.
“Good to hear.”
He got a flick from the long fluffy tail for that as Tyler walked into the fire light. Kaori was laid out by the fire with her HUD open, Malico was naked by the fire relaxing, Vixen had taken her robe off and was laying on it by the fire as well, Wulf and Ashy were nowhere to be seen, but there were sounds coming from the tent, Lucy was honing her axe as Thistle did the same, Lillia was sitting against a rock without boots on letting her bare feet get warmed by the fire, Lily was looking at Tyler’s Kukri design and making notes on the production of such a weapon; which sparked an idea in his mind for another one, Sera, Sallie and Sylvia were playing a game with Juniper where the apprentice, clad in her Fox form this time, would poke one of the girls, and they would try to poke her back in a heart wrenchingly cute game of tag. Tyler smiled as the squirrel chattered and the two spirits looked over and smiled as their friend came to visit. Sera was enraptured by the three foot tall squirrel’s soft fur as Juniper also took her own squirrel form. Her’s being a sleek black squirrel that was simply beautiful to look at. Tyler walked over and sat beside kaori’s head. The blonde smiled and rested her head on his leg as he rested against a well-placed stump.
“Did you have fun?”
He rubbed her belly.
“Slyvien’s added a stipulation if we want to stay here again.”
That got a chuckle.
“We heard. Well played.”
“Love you too.”
She sighed as he opened his HUD and looked to skills. HE found he had a mere hundred to distribute this time, and chuckled.
“My stats ALONE will make the other Warriors piss themselves.”
Kaori laughed.
“Ashy’s have skyrocketed as well. Her numbers are at my level now.”
“I guess we work hard.”
She smiled as he split the 100 between strength, stamina, agility and speed. Bringing the totals to strength 725, agility 625, stamina 825 and speed 525. Once he was finished with his stats, he moved to the news tab as Kaori shifted to get a better look.
“Today in Vernillion. The dragons still continue their hunt for their Fallen prey. Ignatia was sighted earlier today moving through a large field to the west and diving into the ground at regular intervals in his efforts to find the treacherous Black dragons. Thus far we are unsure if any have been found. This writer prays she is able to witness such a spectacle. In other news, the wave is in fifteen days, and the Outcasts are on the move. The party departed Raylik this morning bound for Term with sad hearts as they had to leave their friends, and in Tyler’s case various lovers, behind to once again ride into danger. But, this is the outcasts we’re talking about. They’ll be JUST fine in the wave. The other Warriors, still unable to access the city of Term until the two week horn, are milling around making life miserable for any who choose to enter the capital to the point the royal guard has to now stand watch from the walls with arrows on bows as a discouragement to this mere bandits. Kazuma the Kind has entered the city, and at the time of writing, is currently meeting with the king to discuss wave preparations. The Warrior’s ball is in six days, and with the exception of the outcasts and Kazuma, ugh. Although, in this writer’s own opinion? Tyler’s title collection is going to scare. The other Warriors. Absolutely SHITLESS. If his numbers don’t, the titles will. Of the Warriors currently awaiting reentry into the city are Max the Rapist, Charlotte the Coward, who is just a broken women now selling her body to the other Warriors for her coin rather then draw her sword, the Monsters that are the Outcast’s family, and the other less noteworthy. May they die screaming in a goblin camp. Queen Willow of the Elven Queendom has also made a statement.
“If the staging ground for the next wave be in me Queendom, and the Outcast has not killed me daughter’s rapists, then he be barred from entering me lands till he does! But, me girl will most likely do it fer him now. Just curious if she favor the hammer like her momma. Hey, Outcast, next time you play the interview, lemme know.”
Willow has laid a most unneeded ultimatum to the Outcast, as Lily will kill em herself! His royal majesty king Ishtar has also sent a message to the Outcast via our news board. When did our trusted guild news get transformed into a means for the realm to contact the Outcast like a damn runner service?
“It will be a loud one Lad. Oh, and their mother’s in the city. Sooo, brace. And if ya would be so kind as to bring me girls to the palace, Kazuma would like a word with Lillia.”
It would seem Kazuma has his gaze fixed on a royal girl of his own. Alls we at the guild will say? Don’t piss her off, Kazuma! She’s got the Outcast fer a brother!”

Tyler and Kaori were laughing as he closed his HUD. Tyler stroking Kaori’s warm cheek as he wiped a tear from his eye.
“Kazuma you wily bastard.”
Kaori was smiling widely.
“I’ll go have a word with Lillia.”
The princess looked up at her name as Kaori walked over to her.
“Come with me, Lillia. WE need to have a little chat.”
The girl gulped as Kaori took her by the hand and led her beyond the hearing range of the camp with a now scared look in her eyes. Tyler chuckled as he watched them go, feeling their steps in his Tranquil waters spell. He pulled the map out and opened it up as Malico stole Kaori’s spot with her head on his leg. He stroked her large melons instead of her belly, making her purr.
“we heard about the hotspring.”
“We’ll have a round in the waters before we leave tomorrow.”
She smiled as she looked at the map best she could from her spot.
“We’ll get to see Myuki!”
“Oh hell yeah. Can’t wait to hold that kitten again.”
The sexy catgirl flicked him with her tail.
“She’s not going to recognize you!”
“Right? I went from freezing at the sight of two naked beauties in the bed beside me with her naked beside you, to just playing with you all the time. And did you use kaori’s cream on your breasts? They feel softer then usual.”
She smiled widely.
“Yup! Like it?”
He gave her marvelous orbs a thoughtful squeeze.
“I do. They feel really good, Malico. Should make it a habit to hunt the toads now.”
She was purring so hard she couldn’t speak. Then Tyler got an idea and looked at her naked slit. Malico blinked.
“Oh shit. I know that look.”
“Just wonderin if the cream works there too?”
she burst out laughing as the other ladies just looked at him like he was insane. Malico wiped her eyes as she replied.
“There’s a DIFFERENT cream for that. Oh, and it makes it tighter too while cleaning it as well.”
“Huh. Nifty. What creature does that come from?”
Malico smiled.
“Another toad. I think it’s the Gigantoad?”
Vixen smiled as she added her input.
“It’s the Gigantoad, Malico. There’s also the slime from the Larsh Toad that makes a cream that makes the breasts bigger for a short time.”
Tyler leaned against the stump now.
“How much bigger, Vixen?”
The mage smiled as she saw his line of thinking.
“Half a cup bigger. So, example would be Kaori would be Ashy’s size.”
“Kaori’s already perfect as is, but at least I know she can at least try it to see if she even LIKES a big chest on her frame.”
The ladies just smiled as Malico kissed him.
“Well said.”
“But that OTHER toad? Yeah, We’re keeping an eye out for it!”
The burst out laughing as Juniper snorted hard in her latest furry form she was using to play with Sera and the spirits in, a bushy furred Fennec 5 feet long with a three foot tail. Tyler looked at Lily then, and she snorted.
“No. I will NOT get creamed up for you!”
The ladies lost it laughing as Tyler shook his head.
“Again. Perfection. Was wondering if you wanted to see more designs for weapons from my world.”
Malico chuckled as she pulled the scroll out and passed it to him.
“Will you need this?”
“might as well.”
He set the thing out and the writing was seen.
“Oh shit here we go.”
“Nice to read you Minus. I got TWO this time.”
“The first is the bladed weapons from my world. I have a good selection of various designs I can draw up. Yet, just for safety’s sake, is that allowed?”
The scroll scrunched up in a smile.
“Indeed it is Mortal, as we’ve seen the weapons from your world, and I must say they are most exquisite. And before you ask, the forging methods are as well.”
“Wow. I’ll teach Lily Damascus forging then.”
“That will produce truly beautiful weaponry. Now, the other question?”
“Just wondering if I’m allowed to make offerings to you, since ya know, GODDESS on speed dial.”
The scroll frowned.
“These are too easy. What gives? You are Mortal, and banks are the place to do so, as they are under my sphere.”
“Neat. Will anything really work, or is it just things to do with a scale?”
“Seriously, Mortal, what is up with these easy questions? Are you ill? Anything works, as long as it HAS value.”
“Sooo, how many jars of the slit cream, breast cream, and skin cream we talking here?”
The scroll was blank for a good few minutes, as what he just said processed with the goddess of the scale. Then the scroll just burst out laughing so hard it was flopping around like it was alive as the other ladies just sighed.
“He set her up.”
Tyler was smiling as the scroll was literally flopping like a fish as the letters ahahahahha were seen in an never ending line as he made a goddess nearly laugh to death. It took her a solid ten minutes to recover enough to speak again.
“There’s the insanity that makes my eternity worthwhile! As for the answer? Three of each!”
“Six it is!”
She lost it again, but not to the same extreme.
“You are a most entertaining mortal. Most entertaining indeed.”
“Should experience the pleasing part too.”
This time the scroll smiled in a seductive smile.
“Oh, NOW you have my attention! So you are aware, I’ve spoken to the lady Vulpix.”
“She good?”
His use of the Fox Spirit’s manner of speech, using the bare minimum or words to convey her point made the scroll smile in appreciation.
“I’ll be paying your mansion a visit in the near future to ‘sample’ this pleasure you seem so adapt at giving.”
“Sounds like a truly divine experience.”
The scroll was witnessed to shiver.
“Oh Mortal, you ARE an incubus! Anymore, I’ll have to kidnap you for a few centuries!”
“Wow, Minus, I had no idea you were so spiritually possessive. I fear my lover may have to partake of this heavenly boon, to…..BALENCE the scales!”
The scroll was shivering hard.
“I’m going to go before I just jump you!”
“as the GODDESS says!”
The scroll rolled up as the ladies of the camp applauded his near seduction of a goddess with mere words. Kaori was also heard applauding.
“Damn dude. You just made a goddess need a release without even LOOKING at her.”
He smiled as he saw Lillia now had a nervously excited expression on her pretty face. Lily sat down next to him with a few sheets of paper.
“So, these designs? And Damascus forging?”
Tyler smiled as he set the paper under some rocks.
“Damascus forging takes multiple layers of the same material, for this example we’ll say steel, and forges them together into one billet. Done right, it adds a wavy pattern to the piece that is simply beautiful to look at, as well as increase the strength of the piece as well. Now, it cannot be done in any fire other then forge fire as the welds between the billets of steel need to be airtight. Are you with me so far?”
Lily nodded, as she jotted down his words and her own expertise.
“I see. This is a good challenge.”
“Best part? There are three different styles of Damascus besides the simple layer.”
She blinked.
“I’d like to learn these styles.”
“Sure. First is the Ladder pattern. You grind little grooves into the metal BEFORE you heat it, result if done right will add lines to the piece like there’s a ladder within the steel.”
“Scary how you know so much about smithing, yet can’t work metal to save your life.”
“Right? Next, is tear drop Damascus. You take a hammer and a punch to poke dents into the heated metal. Done correctly it will add the dots like the blade is crying.”
Lily smiled at that one.
“Now that sounds beautiful.”
“I’ve remembered another form, but the next is the jelly roll Damascus. Basically? You take a regular Damascus billet of layers and roll it as tight as you can before hammering it out.”
Lily blinked.
“That sounds hard. I’d need to experiment with it before I attempt it. The last?”
“Canister Damascus. Take a tube of metal like say iron or other scrap metal, and fill the tube with different type of the material you wish to use. Once full, you weld the thing shut and add a rod to the end for easy removal from the forge. Done right, the outside metal is then removed to reveal a solid billet of the steel you’re looking to use.”
Lily tilted her head.
“That’s actually the same process used to add infusions, but not as efficient. So, these methods sound simple on paper, but until I set hammer to metal I’m not sure.”
“Good ways to test your skills with steel though. Now. A point.”
“These methods were developed with cold steel in mind. In my world we had different kinds of steel. I’ll admit to not really knowing if you have them nor would understand my phrases. Closest comparison I can make to the type of steel I mean is the kind used for that sword you were looking at in Tolic’s shop. You remember? That curved cutlass?”
She nodded and jotted down the note on the paper detailing the forge methods.
“I see now. That kind of steel in our world is called Forged Steel. It’s the most common kind and easiest to make in bulk. That said, it’s considerably weaker then the steel I use right now. Even if the heat treat and forging process is the exact same.”
“My suggestion?”
“Start off small scale. Like see if the billets even forge together period. They do, congrats, you have a billet of workable metal. If not, well, least you didn’t waste too much.”
She hugged him.
“Thanks. I was thinking the same thing, but hearing the words helped me make the call. Now, the designs?”
“Oh these are fun.”
He drew a sketch of a throwing weapon with three blades on a handle. The blades were bent in different directions, and Lily scratched her head as she saw it.
“What the hell is that?”
“Believe me I had the same reaction when I first saw one too. I forget the name, but down right it makes a nifty thrown weapon.”
Lily shrugged as she looked the drawing over.
“Well, it’s unique. That’s for sure. I can use it as practice for curved blades.”
“This one is a bit simpler.”
she watched as he drew a strange looking dagger. It was 2 feet long, with teeth along the blade with a flare in the teeth and a ring hand guard. Lily just looked at it.
“Same question?”
“It’s called a Sword Breaker. See these teeth? If you catch a sword in it, and twist hard, it’s supposed to snap the thing.”
Lily looked at it now with new eyes.
“Scary. But if I add this to my shielder gear, I can add sword breaking to my list of tricks. I’d have to use higher grade metals, but no biggee.”
Tyler patted her head.
“Love you too.”
She set it to the side as he drew another weapon. This time a greatsword with a wavy blade. Lily blinked as he drew dimensions for the 7 foot blade.
“This is called a Defender. See these waves and grooves?”
She smiled as she did.
“Fullers and waves reduce the overall weight of the weapon. With that many, the thing would weigh maybe a mere 15 pounds instead of the 20+ expected of a sword that size. I’d need a bigger forge for the metal, but not an issue.”
She added it to the pile as he dug inside his archive of weapons. Then he smiled.
“I got a goodie.”
He drew a spear head with a hook on one side, an axe head on the other, with a one foot spear head atop the thing. Lily blinked as she saw it.
“Nasty. Put that on a spear haft and you have a truly nasty mixture of tricks available. Plus it’s simple enough to be mere practice for me.”
“I can show you a few arrowheads next.”
“That sounds like nightmare fuel, but sure.”
He drew a few designs and Lily smiled.
“That diamond head looks like it’s more a hunting tip then for killing men.”
He chuckled.
“That’s cause it is. These heads are made to penetrate hides with minimal resistance without overly damaging the pelt. This one here.”
He tapped on that was more spear tip then arrowhead.
“See how it looks like a nail made form a spear? That will punch a hole in three inch steel at a hundred yard. Punch through the metal, man and poke a hole out the back plate.”
She whistled.
“With that shape? Damn right it would. Scary bit is just how simple to make it is. Alls I need is decent steel. Hell, I can make a few right here in camp with this here fire.”
Tyler rubbed her back as he pointed to the last design.
“See this? Doesn’t it seem rather flimsy to you?”
Lily looked at the thin, triangle shaped head.
“Yeah, a good impact would break it entirely. Wait.”
“Yup. This one is a infector shaft, that if you were to coat the tip with a nasty poison, and hit say a running deer,”
“It’s kill the animal without really damaging the pelt or meat as the tip would break off, and you’d still be able to find it. Nasty, scary, and brilliant. That said, I don’t like this one as you only get one use per head.”
“True. But good for practicing.”
“Not really. It’s more a lesson for a beginner.”
“Fair enough. Lets see, what others can I remember? Oh, I know!”
He drew another sword, this one with a slight curve along the spine, but as he reached near the tip, he made the blade drop into a belly before rejoining the tooth like tip. Lily blinked as she saw it.
“That’s a scary image.”
“right? I forget the name, but when swung, the goal is to get that belly into the flesh, as hit will rip right through whatever it hooks onto.”
“That’s just plain scary.”
“I got another scary one. But it’s a dual wielder set.”
She watched as he drew a pair of fish hooks with a hand guard with a set of blades. Lily’s red eyes went wide as she saw the fearsome looking weapons.
“Okay. What. The hell?”
Tyler chuckled.
“That’s a hook sword, Lily. When used by one that knows how to use it, every pointy piece on it can either kill you, or royally fuck you up. That said, you have to wield them together or it don’t hook.”
Lily shook her head.
“That one will be a fun challenge.”
“Right? I’ll show you another one from a country in our world.”
He drew a short haft with a wide blade with a curve in it. Lily tilted her head as she saw it.
“Huh. That looks rather beautiful. You know what it’s called?”
“A naginata. The thing itself is as long as my spear is. Blade included.”
“Ohh, I get it. A close range spear with slashing abilities. Interesting.”
“Another option is adding serrations like a saw to various weapons like say an axe head.”
Lily blinked as she sat back.
“That’s a pretty good idea for practice. I’m currently struggling with adding serrations period, so having an excuse to perfect it is a good idea.”
Tyler hugged her affectionately.
“Happy to help. Wanna see some shields, now?”
She yawned.
“Two shields, and that’s all I have the attention for.”
He drew a round shield with long spikes jutting from the boss.
“This is called a berserker shield. Its more geared toward offense, but a shields a shield.”
Lily looked it over, and smiled.
“That’s a nasty piece of work. Plus it can come in any size.”
Tyler chuckled as he then drew a peculiar shield. It was small with a hand grip sideways, with the length of the shield covering his forearm rather then anything else. Lily took one look and smiled.
“I see. A small shield made for deflecting while on the move.”
“Simple enough to make many, yet with plenty of room to play with it.”
she nodded and set the small stack of designs away.
“These are some scary weapons and armor you have here. I’ll look them over on the trail. The forging patterns I’ll leave till we’re back at the mansion.”
Tyler looked around and saw the looks of tiredness.
“That’s the bell.”
Sera and the two spirits looked at Juniper.
“Join us in the tent!”
“It’s warm!”
Juniper had no choice, and morphed into her fennec form, which made the girls giggle happily as Tyler walked in with Kaori and Malico. Tyler removed his shirt and mail as Malico and Kaori waited on their new Thrall bear, Wraith bear bed roll. Tyler laid between the two girls, and as they were getting comfy with their heads on his chest, Lily came over and laid on his chest.
They laughed hard as the feisty elf got comfy. The camp settled down and Tyler smiled.
“Good night ladies. Love you Lily. Love you too, Kaori, Malico.”
The tent chuckled as Wulf was too entangled with Ashy to really hear him.
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