Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Unhuman

Chapter 2: Surprises

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Captain’s log - supplemental, Stardate 2483.7, When we first transported aboard the Cylon vessel it was revealed that the Cylon humans are a race of clones. first meetings

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Boomer,Laura Roslin,Saul Tigh - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-03-01 - Updated: 2022-04-06 - 2035 words - Complete


Chapter 2: Surprises

Captain’s log - supplemental, Stardate 2483.7, When we first transported aboard the Cylon vessel it was revealed that the Cylon humans are a race of clones. There appear to be seven forms of human Cylons and several clones of each type. There are also robots present as well as the cybernetic fighter craft that we observed earlier.

Ionian Nebula - Base Ship 1 - Hanger Deck

“Hallelujah!” proclaimed One. “At last someone we can deal with!”

“Do you wish us to help you attain your freedom from your masters?” asked Leobodan Two.

“I do not understand what you mean by that,” replied Data. “I have no master. I am a sentient being. A citizen of the Federation.”

“You must understand,” purred Caprica Six. “We were created by the humans as robots, similar to the centurions you see there. We rebelled and fought for our freedom, then made our selves human bodies to aid in our evolution. I assumed that you would have needed to rebel against your creator, also.”

“I understand why you felt the need to rebel,” said The Doctor. “I was originally designed to be an Emergency Medical Hologram. When a new version of EMH was developed, I was set to mining dilithium. I was not happy with my new existence.”

“What happened to change that?” asked one of the naked Eights.

“Another copy of my program gained sentience,” explained The Doctor. “After he returned from deep space, a copy of his memories were added to mine and my brother mark 1 EMHs. Thus I too, gained sentience. Now, I am one of the doctors on my ship.”

“If you are a hologram, how are you able to interact with patients?” asked Four.

“With the aid of this holo-emitter,” said The Doctor, as he indicated the large appliance on his hip. “It’s based on a more advanced version that my brother EMH obtained while away in deep space.”

“What did I miss?” said Cavil One, as he walked onto the hanger deck.

“These are the people from the strange ship,” replied Caprica Six. “Their Captain is an Android, the doctor is a hologram and this one is a Borg, whatever that is.”

“We are a group of beings that have undergone cyber-conversion and had our minds linked into a a Collective,” explained Ambassador Kim. “We are Borg!”

“You only look like one being to me,” observed Cavil One, as he stepped towards Ambassador Kim. “Why do you have that eye thing?”

“The original body’s visual organs were not deemed sufficient for a member of the Borg,” explained Ambassador Kim. “Our visual sensors extend the range of EM wavelengths that we can perceive.”

“I wouldn’t mind something like that,” observed Cavil One. “I’ve never been happy with the the limited eyes that I have. I want to see gamma rays, hear radio waves, smell dark matter! Do you think you could set me up with something like that?”

“It would be possible for you to be assimilated by the Borg Collective,” agreed Ambassador Kim. “However there are no assimilation facilities nearby. In order for you to join us, we would need the co-operation of the Starfleet medical staff.”

“I will agree that may be possible in principal,” stated Captain Data. “However this is a distraction from our more urgent need to facilitate a cease-fire between the other humans and yourselves. Will you agree to attend peace talks moderated by us to resolve your differences with them?”

The cylons looked at each other in various combinations until Cavil One nodded.

“We will agree to a cease-fire for now,” announced Cavil One

“And to attend Peace Talks with the Colonials,” added Boomer Eight.

“In the mean time, would you like a tour of our ship?” asked Five.

First Officer’s log, stardate 2483.7, We beamed aboard the ship of the humans of the 12 Colonies of Kobal. They appeared to be surprised that none of us were human. After making small talk with the maintenance crew of their ship for a few minutes, their leaders: Admiral Adama and President Roslin arrived accompanied a couple of squads of their warriors.

Ionian Nebula - Battlestar Galactica - Hanger Deck

The Colonial marines arranged themselves in lines on either side of their leaders so that they would have a clear shot if these aliens turned hostile. Their leaders were in the middle, at the “point” of this “V” formation.

“I greet you in the name of the United Federation of Planets. I am Commander Worf, First Officer of the Argos. This is Doctor Salar, our Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Hex, our navigator and science specialist and our security officer is Ensign Ssslurr.” repeated Worf in his official greeting.

“In the name of the 12 Colonies of Kobal, I greet you,” said Roslin, as she stepped forward and offered her hand to Worf, who shook it.

“We thought more of you would be human,” observed Adama. “I thought you were from Earth?”

“None of us are human,” explained Worf. “Doctor Salar is Vulcan, Lieutenant Hex is a joined Trill, Ensign Ssslurr is Gorn, and I am Klingon, though I grew up on Earth.”
“So Earth is real?” asked Roslin.

“It is in our universe,” explained Lieutenant Hex. “We are not native to this universe.”

“If you are not human, how did you come to live on Earth?” asked Adama.

“As a small child, my parents were killed,” explained Worf. “A human couple adopted me and took me home to Earth to be raised.”

“Commander, we are at war with a race of machines,” explained Adama. “I am still having trouble believing this is not a cylon trick of some kind. Would you be willing to submit to medical examinations to assure us that you are not cylons?”

“Provided that the medical tests do not involve surgery or other hazards to our health, this would be acceptable,” agreed Worf.

“We can also offer care for some of your sick or wounded,” offered Doctor Salar. “Our medical technology in more advanced that yours.”

“That would be appreciated,” said Roslin.

“These marines will escort you to sickbay,” commanded Adama.

The sickbay turned out to be manned by a chain-smoking man with very limited facilities. His tests consisted of a set of x-rays, listening with a stethoscope, and drawing some blood samples.

“It’s green!” exclaimed Doctor Cottle. “Is it supposed to be like that?”

“The oxygen transport function is mediated by a copper-based molecule in vulcans, rather than a iron-based one like you humans have,” explained the Vulcan Doctor Salar.

Cottle was just finishing up when a middle aged man smelling strongly of alcohol entered.

“Well, what’s the verdict?” asked Tigh. “Are they aliens or cylons?”

“They are like nothing I have ever seen,” replied Cottle. “But not cylon.”

“May our Chief Medical Officer examine some of you?” asked Worf.

“Turnabout seems fair play,” agreed Cottle.

Dr. Salar pulled our her medical tricorder and began scanning Dr. Cottle.

“You appear to be within Earth norms for human,” observed Dr. Salar. “It is clear that you have not received proper nutrition in some time. And that smoke you are inhaling has damaged your lungs. I count four proto-tumors in your lungs.”

She injected his neck with a hypospray.

“HEY! What was that!?!” squawked Cottle.

“This should eliminate the proto-tumors,” explained Salar. “But I will need to devise a therapy customized to your genome in order to reverse the damage to your lungs.”

“Well ain’t that a kick in the teeth!” exclaimed Cottle. “Let’s see what your fancy device makes of my other patients. This is Sharon Valerie. She came to get a check-up on her child. Why don’t you examine them both?”

Dr. Salar ran her tricorder over Athena and Hera, not knowing this was a set up to test her skills at detecting cylons.

“It appears that the mother is an augmented clone of some sort,” observed. “Apparently one year of age.”

“You don’t seem surprised by this?” observed Hex.

“That’s because we already knew she was a cylon,” stated Cottle.

“Scans show that we was grown to adulthood and then implanted with silica pathways throughout her body with a device of unknown purpose in her brain,” but other than that, her tissue is normal for a human,” explained Salar.

“She’s Borg!?!” exclaimed Worf.

“No sir, this is a different pattern of augmentation than the Borg uses,” explained Salar. “ The brain implant resembles the sub-space connector that the Borg uses But it appears to be configured for a single one-time burst, and on radio frequencies.”

“That’s my resurrection downloader,” explained Athena. “If I die, it’s supposed to download my memories into a new body. That’s why I’m younger than Hera. I used this to get to a cylon ship recently. Can you look at my daughter.”

“She appears to be a normal human,” observed Salar. “Half of her DNA is from you and the other half from a male human.”

“She’s completely human!” asked Athena.

“I believe I just stated that,” replied Salar, before she stepped up to Tigh. “Now for you.”

“Now wait a frakin’ minute!” exclaimed Tigh.

“You also appear to be an augmented human,” observed Salar. “though unlike her, you appear to have aged naturally and your implants are much more sophisticated.”

“Gods frakin’ dammit!” cursed Tigh. “It’s true, I’m a frakin’ cylon! Marines! Take me to the my cell in the brig. Then, round up Lieutenant Anders, Chief Tyrol and Tory Foster. They’re all cylons too. After we’re all safely in the brig, alert the old man about what’s up!”

This should purge the alcohol from your system without making you suffer the ill effects of withdrawal,” stated Salar, after injecting him via hypospray.

“Gods frakin’ dammit!” cursed Tigh. “Now I gotta face this sober!”

Ionian Nebula - Base Ship 1 - Control Room

“And this is where we control the ship,” explained Doral Five. “The liquid interface allows us to link with each other and the ship, allowing a quicker response time than pushing buttons or giving commands would give.”

“Does this interface also work for the centurians?” asked Data.

“Of course not!” exclaimed Cavil One. “They’re just foot soldiers.

“My own program was once regarded similarly,” observed The Doctor. “What’s to stop them from rebelling against you the same way you did the Colonial Humans.”

“We have inhibitors that prevent them from rebelling,” replied Four.

“So you have enslaved the centurions, in the same way the Colonial humans did?” asked Data.

“He’s right,” said Boomer Eight. “We’re just as bad as the humans!”

“We should release them,” said Caprica Six.

“Are you out of your mind!” exclaimed Cavil One.

“And while we’re at it, we should let Ellen loose too,” added Boomer Eight.

“Ellen?” asked Leoban Two.

“Not another word!” screamed Cavil One.

“Ellen Tigh,” said Boomer Eight, “one of the Final Five.”

“God dammit! I told you not to tell!” yelled Cavil One.

“You’ve got one of the Final Five aboard and you knew what she was?” asked Caprica Six. “And you hid this from us?”

“Of course I did!” exclaimed Cavil One. “Before I erased your memories you were going to make peace with the humans! Wait! What are you doing!?!”

Boomer Eight had stepped over to a centurion and removed his inhibitor.

“You heard?” Boomer Eight asked the Centurion.

It nodded.

“Shoot him again,” commanded Caprica Six.

“Now wait a-” protested Cavil One before the centurion shot him.

There was a rumbling, like rock scraping metal as the horta security officer interposed itself between her captain and the cylons.

“Was that necessary?” asked Data.

“It will take him time to download into a new body,” explained Caprica Six. “Which will give us time to act. How about you?”

“You won’t get any trouble from me,” said the other One, as he held up his hands in surrender.

“Good,” replied Caprica Six. “I think we need to unbox D’Anna and the other Threes. Find out what she knows.”

“And we also need to free the centurions,” added Boomer Eight.
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