Categories > Games > Pokemon > Pokèmon: Serene and Discord

Chapter Four - A Rotom for You

by CJWorthington 0 reviews

Chapter Four of Pokémon: Serene and Discord

Category: Pokemon - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2022-03-01 - 1841 words

“Alright Trainers, are you ready to start you new journey?” Professor Acacia asked.

Amelia, Riley, and Felix, as well as Athini Acacia and her husband Myron were all standing on the porch of Acacia Labs. The tall blonde had been so impressed by the maturity the three teens had shown in making up, and the writhing pit of worry in her had eased just enough, that she had agreed to let them continue that very same day.

“Yes!” Three eager voices said in unison, their excited eyes shining in the afternoon sun.

“Myron, are we missing anything?” She asked, turning to her beaming husband.

“Hmmm.” He thought out loud. “I don’t think we are. No, no wait! We haven’t given them their RotomDexes! Everyone hang tight, I’ll be right back.” The man bolted inside the door, his footsteps quickly growing quiet as he carried himself to the back of the lab.

“Mom, thanks again for letting us go.” Riley said, looking awkwardly at their mother.

“Yeah, Professor, we really are all sorry for getting into a fight earlier.” Amelia added sincerely.

“It’s alright, dears. These kinds of things happen. I’m just glad you three were able to get along again.” Professor Acacia replied. “But please, be careful the next time your partners get into a scuffle. I’ve raised those little ones since they hatched from their eggs and I am quite certain today won’t be the last time it happens.” She shook her head with a small smile as she remembered the other times that Vexling and Swindevil got up to no good.

“Here we are you guys!” Myron said, walking through the doorway with an armful of Rotom Dex cases in his hands, and one small Rotom floating by his head.

“Thank you, sweetie,” his wife said. “You guys go ahead and pick out which case you want.” She grabbed a few from Myron’s hands so they could all be displayed.

“Oh! This pink one is the same color as Vexling’s spots!” Amelia responded happily, picking up a light pink case and examining it.

Riley grabbed a dark teal case while Felix picked one out with the same color of orange as his adoptive mother’s.

“But Professor,” Amelia said, looking around the two adult’s heads in confusion. “There’s not enough Rotoms. How are we going to use these if there’s only that one.”

“Well, these Pokémon aren’t native to Kaneko, so it’s actually pretty rare to see a Pokédex with a Rotom in it. They will all function properly without them inside, but I was able to get this little guy here for you all. It’s your choice if you share it, or keep it in one case.”

“That one isn’t your’s though, is it mom?” Felix asked, looking at the orange creature that had been happily zipping around their heads. He’d never seen his mother’s Rotom outside of the case before.

“Oh goodness no!” Professor Acacia replied with a laugh. “I’d be at a complete loss without Rotom! This one was sent over from the Alola region.”

“I know a lot about Alola!” Amelia piped in with excitement. “If Kaneko hadn’t opened the borders, my family was going to move there instead.”

“My, that is interesting,” the tall blonde responded. “You know, my brother recently-“

“We should get a move on, Athini.” Myron interrupted. “It would be best for the kids to leave town before too long here.”

“Yes, that is very true. Now, where were we?”

“RotomDex.” Myron answered his wife patiently.

“Right.” The Professor nodded a thank you. “I will leave it up to you three to decide who has the Rotom. Your PokeDexes are able to function just fine without one.”

The teenagers all looked at each other for a moment before Riley spoke. “Amelia, why don’t you take Rotom. Felix and I already know a lot about the Pokémon in the region, so it would make the most sense for you to have it.”

“Well, alright then. If you two don’t mind.” The other teens shook there heads silently. “Rotom, is that okay with you?” She turned, addressing the small orange Electric type.

It buzzed happily in reply then shot straight into the Pink case Amelia was holding. After a few moments of fidgeting, it settled down and landed comfortably in the girl’s hand.

“Now that that is settled.” The blonde Professor began. “I cannot stress it enough how important it is that you keep those PokeDexes on you at all times. Not only are they for information, maps, and navigation, but they are also your Trainer Passports. There are stations throughout the region were they will be checked. If you intend to battle the Leaders, you’ll need to have it scanned then too. As well, you will be using your Dexes to store your krypto currency that will pay for all your needs. You won’t be able to buy food or items from shops without it.”

The three teenagers all nodded their heads seriously, as they stored their new devices inside of their pockets.

“Here.” Myron pulled three filled satchels off his belt and handed one to each kid. “These are a gift from me. There PokeBalls to start you out. You can buy more at the next town just down the road. Try to make it there before nightfall.”

“Thanks, dad.” Riley and Felix said in unison.

“Yes, thank you, sir.” Amelia added.

“Trainers!” The Professor called loudly. “Are you ready to finally begin your very own Pokémon Journey?”

“Yes!” All three teens said together this time.

Professor Athini and Myron both stood for a moment, watching the children with happy expressions.

“Well?” The blonde said, clapping her hands. “What are you waiting for? Go! Get out of here!” She shooed them off the porch.

The teens turned around one more time to wave at the Acacia Labs and the assistance who also called goodbyes from the open windows as they all slowly walked backwards. Then, turning around, the trio made there way, finally, towards the town entrance.

They walked in silence for a few moments, all three of them glancing over their shoulders to see the Professor and her husband watching them move off. The excitement buzzed in their ears as the anticipation to be outside of town filled their hearts.

After a moment of silent travel, past the few shops in the middle of Luconda Town, Riley looked over a couple times at Amelia with an awkward expression on their face.

The dark skinned teen caught the furtive glances, then spoke up. “What?” She questioned, a hint of annoyance creeping into her thoughts at being gawked at suddenly.

“Well,” Riley started, glancing at their brother for encouragement, but Felix merely turned his head away, already knowing what curiosity his sibling was thinking of. “I don’t want to sound rude or anything, but…well…” They hesitated once more before finishing. “What happened to your…you know?”

“Oh, to my arm you mean?” Amelia questioned, looking down at her right arm.

“Yeah,” Riley responded, gaining courage from the girl’s swiftly vanished irritation. They looked down at her once more, not taking their eyes off this time.

“I was born like this.” She said simply, holding it up so her two traveling partners could get a closer view. Where there should have been a forearm and hand hanging off her right side, there was instead a stump, cut off right before the elbow. There were no scars to show signs of injury marring her soft dark skin, but it still remained that the appendage was plainly missing.

“Does it hurt?” Felix asked in concern.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of amputees having phantom pains in their missing limbs.” Riley stated, having stopped the group to examine the stump more closely. They placed a couple fingers on the skin where the elbow should be, after gaining approval from Amelia by a nod of her head.

“Phantom pains usually only effect people who have lost a limb. Sometimes people born without one can experience pain too, but not me. It’s never bothered me before.”

“Does it make life more difficult for you?” Riley queried.

“Nah. Since I was born without it, it’s never been a new or different experience for me. I know people are supposed to have two, but I guess you don’t miss something you’ve never had.”

“That makes sense.” Felix said with a pondering look on his face.

“Anyways,” Amelia said, having tired of being gawked over. “I think I’m going to let Vexling out for the journey.” She said, taking a few encouraging steps forward to get the group moving once more.

“That sounds like a good idea!” Riley agreed. “We should let our’s out as well.” The red headed teen didn’t waste any time pulling out Foliroo’s PokeBall to release it. The small green creature took one look at the outside world and skittered over to it’s new Trainer’s legs, hiding between their feet. Riley laughed softly at the shy creature and picked it up in their arms.

“Felix, aren’t you going to let your’s out too?” Amelia asked, glancing at him.

The shy boy watched Vexling circle around the area a few times before it stopped up ahead of the group to watch a flock of Kanekan Pidgey fly overhead. “Um, no. It’s pretty quiet right now and I’d really hate for my Swindevil to ruin it by getting into trouble again. It’s a bit hard for me to control it just yet.” He confessed, awkwardly rubbing his hand on his arm and not meeting the eyes of his travel companions.

“That’s why you should let it out now. You’ll bond a lot faster with it if you let it walk beside you.” Riley said, stopping once more and looking back at their brother.

“No really, its alright. I’ll let it out later, when we aren’t in town.” Felix responded with a stutter, not stopping in front of their sibling. “But you heard what dad said, we need to get to the next town before nightfall and its already past midday. We should get a move on.”

Amelia and Riley exchanged a glance, the tall teen merely shrugging their shoulders in response.

It only took a few more minutes before the group reached the edge of town. With one final look over their shoulders, the trio finally stepped outside of the gates of Luconda and truly began their Pokèmon Journey.


Note from the author: Thank you all so much for reading. I have been drawing for my fan made region as well. Artwork for the book can be found on my Facebook, named, “Kaneko Region”, as well as Instagram, Twitter, or TikTok under the name The_Kaneko_Region
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