Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Unhuman

Chapter 9: The Meeting

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Captain’s Log, Stardate 56487.6 - We have brought together all of the sides in the conflict Meeting of 5 parties

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: Boomer,Gaius Baltar,Laura Roslin - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2022-03-17 - Updated: 2022-04-06 - 1760 words - Complete


Chapter 9: The Meeting

Captain’s Log, Stardate 56487.6 - We have brought together all of the sides in the conflict between the Colonial Humans and the Cylon Humans. It is hoped that through negotiation we can bring a lasting peace to this region of space.

Ionian Nebula - USS Argos - Conference Room

“What the-!” exclaimed Admiral William Adama, when Ambassador Kim entered the room, followed by the Cylons. To his eyes, the Borg looked like a Human and a Centurion mixed together.

Unknown to both Colonials and Cylons, this ‘Conference Room’ was actually a holodeck, which had been programed to give the appearance of a conference room with windows showing the view outside. In the center of the room. was a pentagon shaped table. The Star Fleet Officers sat at one side. The Colonials sat to their right. The Cylons were seated to their left. Caprica Six was given a seat next to Baltar, to the right of the colonials. And Ambassador Kim was seated at the fifth side between Caprica Six and the Cylons.

“Thank you all for coming,” said Data. “Now I believe some introductions are in order. I am Data, the Captain of this ship. There has been some misunderstanding about the differences in the rank titles between our different civilizations. So let me be perfectly clear. I am the highest ranked Federation officer on this ship. I am also an android. The Federation recognizes sentient artificial life forms as full citizens of the Federation. To my right is Councilor Đaimz.”

“I am the Ship’s Councilor,” stated Councilor Đaimz. “I am actually a non-corporeal life form, similar to our Daemon guests. This box on wheels you see beneath me is actually where I am right now. This vehicle makes it easier for me to interact with corporeal life forms and it is equipped with a hologram projector, which is currently projecting the upper half of a human body which I am using to speak with you. It is my sincere hope that we can achieve understanding between all of us.”

“And to my left is my Communications Officer, Lieutenant Solon,” said Data.

“I am pleased to meet you,” said Lieutenant Solon, both audibly and telepathically. “I am member of the Talosian species. We are a telepathic species. I will be using my powers to look into the minds of the Daemon’s hosts and projecting what the hosts are seeing into the rest of your minds so that the those of you who are capable of receiving me can more easily interact with the Daemons. Do any of you object to receiving these images?”

Everyone shook their heads.

“If the Colonials would be willing to introduce themselves?” asked Data.

“I’m Laura Roslin, President of the 12 Colonies, of Kobol. I represent the civilian government of our people.”

“I’m Admiral William Adama. I’m head of our military.”

“I’m Tory Foster, I represent the Cylons that have chosen to be loyal to the colonies, not the Cylons.”

“Now if the Cylons could introduce themselves?” asked Data.

“I’m D’Anna Biers, and I am a model Three Cylon.”

“I didn’t know I was a Cylon until I downloaded. But now that I know, I prefer to be called Boomer Eight.”

“I am Centurion.”

“My communications officer will now make the Daemons visible so that they and their hosts may introduce themselves,” said Data. “Since not all of us are able to receive telepathy, Lieutenant Solon will be repeating everything the Daemons say for the benefit of the computer and those up us immune to telepathy.”

The Talosian began projecting the images that Baltar and Caprica were seeing which were a version of Gaius Baltar in a well tailored suit and a version of a model Six Cylon wearing skimpy underwear.

“Gods dammit! You mean all this time you were seeing a Cylon whispering in you ear!” growled Adama. “And you didn’t think to even tell us about it!”

“Baltar!?! gasped D’Anna. “Your invisible friend is Baltar!?!”

“We took the form of someone that was dear to them. I’m Natasi, I’m a Daemon, a helpful spirit, if you will, that has been offering advice to Gaius Baltar ever since the Colonial Exodus began.”

“And you can call me Ratlab. I’m the Daemon that has been advising Caprica Six ever since she downloaded after the fall of Caprica.

“I’m Doctor Gaius Baltar, I used to be President of the Colonies,” he said after taking his head out of his hands long enough to introduce himself.

“I’m Caprica Six. A Cylon.”

“And finally, our last attendee,” said Data.

“We are Ambassador Harry Kim of Borg. Although we are not members of the Federation, we have been serving as Chief Science Officer of the Argos. We are here because some of the Cylons have expressed interest in joining the Borg, which is a Collective of beings from many races, cybernetically enhanced and linked together into a group mind.”

“Now that we have all been introduced,” said Councilor Đaimz, perhaps we should go around and have each delegate state what they hope to achieve. Centurion?”

“Some of us Centurions are happy to remain Centurions. Some of us are interested in joining the Borg. But most of us would like the 13th Tribe Cylons to keep their promise to give us human bodies. I also speak for the Raiders. Most are happy with being weapons, but in light of the Argos’ defenses, would like upgraded weapons. Some are interested in joining the Borg and would like to be converted for exploration, not war.”

“I represent the Cylons who would like to have a Cylon only society,” said D’anna. “We would like the Final Five to join with us and return to the worlds we have taken from the Colonials.”

“I represent the Cylons that want peace with the Humans,” said Boomer Eight. “I know it’s not possible, but I wish I could go back to my old life when I didn’t know I was a Cylon. Many others are disappointed that our attempt to form a Cylon/Human society on New Caprica was a failure. I also speak for the Human form Cylons who would like to join the Borg.”

“I would like to be a part of baby Hera’s life,” said Caprica Six. “I understand that I can’t take her away from her mother. But if there were some way I could visit with the child and help care for her without spending the rest of my life in Galactica’s brig . . .”

“We want the Humans and Cylons to come together as one people,” said Ratlab, the Daemon that looked like Baltar.

“And we have succeeded in our goal in the person of Hera,” added Natasi, the Daemon that looked like a model Six Cylon. “We’d like to see that the child thrives.”

“And we’d like to see the Cylons and Humans come together to make more hybrid children,” said Ratlab.

“I’d very much not like to be executed for having her whispering in my ear and not telling anyone because I thought I was going mad,” said Baltar.

“Those of us Cylons who have thrown our lot in with the Human race, would like to see that they are protected from our children, the Cylons,” said Tory.

“The people of the 12 colonies would like for the Cylons to stop hunting us and perhaps let us settle on a planet somewhere, perhaps Earth?” said Roslin. “Also, I noticed the food when we came in. If you could help us with that, we would be grateful!”

“I would like to see that my people are safe,” said Adama.

“Is there no one who speaks for the Cylons that are belligerent with the Colonial Humans?” asked Data.

“I speak for them too,” said D’Anna. “Though most of them realize that their goal is not possible as long as the Federation ship is here. Many members of that faction are interested in joining the Borg, instead.”

“We have discussed the possibility of forming a new Borg Collective here,” said Ambassador Kim. “The Argos’ assistance would be required and Captain Data is not willing to give that assistance unless The Peace Treaty between the Borg and the Federation is both upheld, and extended to both the Colonies and the Cylons.”

“It sounds like many of you are willing to at least consider the possibility of peace, observed Councilor Đaimz. “Perhaps you could form your own Federation. This would allow each faction to have their own world, yet you could also come together to make something stronger than you would be separately.”

“If we join your Federation, does that mean you’ll share your fantastical technology with us?” asked D’Anna.

“Not at this time,” replied Data. “There is a process for joining the Federation. Your member worlds would have to meet certain criteria to become full members of our Federation.”

“But there is no reason that you could not form your own Federation and start trading and sharing technologies amongst each other,” added Councilor Đaimz. “Currently, the crew of the Argos still holds out hope that we may be able to return to our own universe. By the time your societies have evolved enough to be considered full members of the Federation by our standards, enough time will have passed that we will be able better handle the emotional impact of being stranded here for life.”

“In the meantime, I would be willing to accept a small number of your people to serve as crew on board our ship,” offered Data.

“You’d let us serve as officers on your ship!?!” asked Boomer Eight.

“The process of becoming an officer in Star Fleet requires a minimal level of education,” explained Data. “None of the members of either society are able to meet that standard. However, we would be able to accept some of your people as enlisted crewmen. While serving, you could be educated until you met our standards.”

“I would like to Volunteer!” announced Baltar.

“Me too!” said Boomer Eight.

“If you move to this ship we won’t be able to be a part of baby Hera’s life,” whispered Natasi in Baltar’s ear, and she wrapped her arms around him.

“I don’t care!” snapped Baltar. “If I join the crew of this ship, I’ll be beyond the reach of colonial vengeance and I will get to learn their new science!”

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