Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Unhuman

Chapter 11: Earth

by selenepotter 0 reviews

First Officer’s log, Stardate 56487.8 - I am leading an expedition to investigate the current state of planet Earth.

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Saul Tigh,Starbuck - Warnings: [!!!] [?] - Published: 2022-03-20 - Updated: 2022-04-06 - 751 words - Complete


Chapter 11: Earth

First Officer’s log, Stardate 56487.8 - I am leading an expedition to investigate the current state of planet Earth. This is a combined operation consisting of my own own shuttlecraft and it’s crew, as well as several Colonial Raptors and Cylon Heavy Raiders. Due to the differences in our faster than light drives, the others were asked to come here after us, as their ship can make the trip in a series of instantaneous ‘jumps’ while we had to travel the distance at warp. Arriving first allowed us time to make sensor sweeps. The planet is an uninhabited, radioactive ruin! The others do not have sensors as sensitive as ours, and they still want to land on the planet and see for themselves. I have therefore picked a site were the radioactivity is low enough for them to safely spend small periods of time on the surface.


Both the Colonials and Cylons were stumbling around in shock at the devastation that greeted them. They were in the bombed our ruins of a city on the coast of a sea. Everywhere they looked: land, sea, ruins . . . all of it was a dull gray colour.

“What was the name of this city again?” asked Apollo.

“Vancouver,” replied Worf, as Saul Tigh nodded along with him.

“I remember! This is were we lived!” said Ellen Tigh.

“Look! A Centurion,” said Caprica Six, as she pointed at the remains of a robot that though different looking, clearly resembled a Cylon Centurion.

“It’s like an angry god came down and ripped this place apart!” mused Leoben Two. “Do your people believe in god?”

“My people killed our gods long ago!” snarled Worf. “They were more trouble than they were worth.”

“Sorry I asked,” replied Leoben Two.

“Where are you going?” asked Lieutenant Schist, the Horta Chief of Security.

“Just over there,” replied Starbuck. “I have a feeling.”

Leoben and all three of the Star Fleet officers followed her as she wound through the ruins until they came to the remains of a Colonial Viper. Climbing up on it to look at the pilot, the body was burned beyond the recognition. But when Starbuck looked at the tags, she saw that they were her own.

“How is this possible?” asked Starbuck.

“Scanning . . .” said Lieutenant Hex, the Trill Scientist, as she operated her tricorder. “Commander, I’m reading a high concentration of Q-bosons permeating the viper and the body.”

“You can detect me?” asked a middle aged man wearing a white robe that just suddenly appeared in their midst.

“Who the frak are you!” yelled Starbuck.

“It’s Q, sir!” announced Lieutenant Hex.

“Q!” snarled Worf.

“Who is Q?” asked the being. “My name is Iblis, Count Iblis.”

“What is your game this time, Q?” snarled Worf.

“What have you done to me!?!” demanded Starbuck.

“I couldn’t let you die in that gas giant,” replied Iblis. “I find you too amusing to let you just die like that. So I brought you back, and gave you the ability to find this place.”

“Are you an angel of God?” asked Leoben Two.

“I can be an angel, if you like,” replied Iblis. “If your people agree to serve me I can guaranty peace between your peoples. You will be safe.”

“We can already do that for ourselves!” growled Worf, as he reached into his bag and pulled out a device. “And . . . We have had enough encounters with the Q to have developed a defense.”

When Worf activated the device, Count Iblis collapsed to his knees screaming. He thrashed around for a few seconds before climbing back to his feet, taking a few steps away and vanishing.

“WHAT DID YOU DO!?!” demanded Leoben.

“It emits the subspace equivalent of a loud sound,” explained Lieutenant Hex.

“He won’t be bothering you for a while,” assured Worf.

“You drove away the angel of God!” accused Leoben.

“He is NOT God,” countered Worf. “If anything, Fek-lar, the devil would be a more apt description.”

“Well, he’s gone now,” said Starbuck. “Can you help with this body?”

“Just a second,” asked Lieutenant Hex. “I want to scan it first. . . . It is your clone or twin. The DNA matches.”

“I can dig a grave for you,” offered Lieutenant Schist before instantly plowing through the Earth creating hole 2 meters by 3 meters by 2 meters deep.

“Wow! That was fast!” exclaimed Starbuck.

The Humanoids helped her place the burned corpse in the ground before Lieutenant Schist filled the hole.
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