Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Unhuman

Chapter 17: Vulcan

by selenepotter 0 reviews

Captain’s log, Stardate 57356.8 - We have journeyed to the planet: Vulcan,

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: PG - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Saul Tigh,Tyrol - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-03-25 - Updated: 2022-04-06 - 1136 words - Complete


Chapter 17: Vulcan

Captain’s log, Stardate 57356.8 - We have journeyed to the planet: Vulcan, whom we intend to offer Federation membership. Vulcan was a founding member of the Federation in our native universe, so it is important that we bring them in to the Federation in this universe.

“Standard Orbit achieved,” reported Lieutenant Pram, the Andorian Helmsman.

“Initiate planetary scans,” commanded Worf.

“Detecting a large number of radioactive sites indicative of thermonuclear weapon impacts,” reported the Chief Science officer, Lieutenant Commander Harry Kim of Borg. “Their age ranges from hundreds of years old to less than a year old. Approximately 100,000,000 life signs detected, all Vulcan.”

“Let us see if we can make contact with the surface,” commanded Captain Data. “Open hailing frequency. “This is the USS Argos from the United Federation of Planets. We wish to establish peaceful contact with your planet.”

“Greetings? . . . Where are you located?” said a voice.

“We are currently in orbit above your planet,” replied Data. “Are you authorized to speak on behalf of your people?”

“No . . . I am definitely not authorized,” said the voice. “I was not expecting to hear anyone on this frequency. I will have to find someone with the authority to speak with you.”

Captain’s log, Stardate 573459.3 - It has taken three days, but we have finally arranged a face to face meeting with the Vulcan leadership. I am beaming down to the surface to meet them along with Doctor Salar, Lieutenant Commander Kim, and Ensign Tarsa.


After the transporter beam finished, the landing party found themselves face a trio of Vulcans. One of them stepped forward, raised his hand in the Vulcan salute and said:

“Peace and Long Life.”

“Live Long and Prosper,” replied Data, who had raised his hand in the Vulcan salute.

“You are familiar with the forms of our greetings? Fascinating. I am Surak, these are my advisors, Tumlak and T’prug.”

“I am Captain Data. This is my Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Commander Kim, my Chief Medical Officer: Doctor Salar, and Security Officer: Ensign Tarsa.”

“The presence of two Vulcans amongst your people is surprising to us, as is the manner of your arrival,” replied Surak.

“Although Doctor Salar is Vulcan, Ensign Tarsa is not,” corrected Data. “He is a Rigilian, from a species that you have not yet encountered. We are an ethnicaly diverse crew as we follow the Vulcan Principle of IDIC or Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.”

“Since it is logical to assume your learned of my philosophy from your Vulcan crewman, my question becomes how did Vulcans come to become a part of your crew when this is our first known contact with another species?” asked Surak.

“We have traveled here both from another universe, but also from what you would consider the future,” explained Data. “In our native universe, your people were one of the founding races of our Federation and have had a great effect on its’ culture. Since we have arrived in this universe, we have attempted to recreate the Federation. We have already have four worlds come together to join our Federation. We would like to invite you to join us also.”

“All of our current members, like you, are in the process of rebuilding their civilization,” offered Doctor Salar. “If you join us, the resources we are using to rebuild could be shared with you, to help clean up and undo the damage that the war did to Vulcan.”

“This sounds intriguing,” said Surak. “I would like to hear more.”

Captain’s log, Stardate 57362.9 - after several days of negotiation with the Vulcans, they have expressed reservations about joining the same Federation as the followers of Tarquin, the Vulcans who have rejected logic. But Surak has promised to give serious consideration to the prospect of joining the Federation and will be discussing it amongst his people.

Deep Space - USS Argos - Main Engineering

“Crewman! Clean this up!” yelled the Chief Engineer: Lieutenant Commander Svino, who looked to Starbuck’s eyes like a bipedal pig-man.

“Aye sir!” yelled back Kara ‘Starbuck’ Thrace, as she grabbed the mop and ran over to the puddle of what ever that strange fluid is, before grumbling to her self: “Frakin’ pig!”

“What did you say!?!” screamed Svino. “Do you have some complaints about me!?!”

“You’re damn right I do!” yelled back Starbuck. “You seem to think that every frakin’ thing I do is wrong! There’s no frakin’ pleasing you!”

“Why would I tell you when you’ve done it right!?!” yelled back Svino. “I only need to correct you when you’ve done it wrong! And if you’d pain attention in you Federation Culture classes, you’d know we Telerites, prefer trading insults over false courtesies! For it is only when you make someone angry that their true face is seen. Now, get to work!”

“Aye Sir!” screamed back Starbuck, before she resumed mopping.

Deep Space - USS Argos - Hanger Bay

Two model Eight Cylons: Crewman Boomer Eight and Crewman Valerii Eight were removing the dust from the interior of a shuttle craft and discussing their studies.

“Are you still planning to become a pilot?” asked Valerii.

“Of course! I can’t wait ‘till they let me pilot one of these babies,” replied Boomer. “You?”

“I’m thinking about becoming an engineer,” replied Valerii.

“How’s married life treating you?” asked Boomer.

“It’s great!” gushed Valerii. “Nog is very generous with his affection. I guess we both are. And after I make officer, we plan to have a baby.”

“I didn’t know Cylons and aliens could make babies together,” replied Boomer.

“We can’t the natural way,” explained Valerii. “Doctor Salar says that it’s not possible for different species to produce offspring without medical intervention. When the time comes, she’ll have to use her magical technology to make an embryo from our stem cells and implant it in me.”

“If different species can’t make babies together, then how did Athena and Helo make Hera?” asked Boomer.

“I guess we really are just augmented Humans,” mused Valerii. “So what’s up with you and Luziana?”

“We’re just friends,” replied Boomer.

“Friends with benefits, maybe,” joked Valerii, as she saw her sister blush.

Kobal Science Institute

“Can you believe this stuff?” asked Galen Tyrol.

“We’re just damn lucky that the Tarquinian Representative happens to be a scientist and she’s willing to share her people’s knowledge with us,” replied Saul Tigh.

“This Warp drive thing is going to change everything!” agreed Sam Anders. “And I think the warp core is the basis of all the Argos’ other fantastical technologies like replicators and transporters.”

“It’s just too bad that the warp drive and the Jump drives are not compatible with each other,” mused Tory Foster.
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