Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Boomer's Ghost

Chapter 10: Flesh and Bone

by selenepotter 1 review

Flesh and Bone

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: Boomer - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2022-05-20 - 1357 words

Boomer’s Ghost

I do not own Battlestar Galactica or Frankenstein

Chapter 10: Flesh and Bone

Base Ship 3 - Resurrection Chamber

Three awoke submerged in the white goo of the resurrection pod. Once her face was out of the goo, she opened her eyes to see a One standing over her looking down at her. There were a couple of Eights on their knees learning over the pod to help her. Like her, the Eights were not wearing anything, which was normal for them. But Three was feeling underdressed when she compared herself to One, in his white suit with white shirt and white tie.

“Welcome back,” said One.

“You couldn’t have traded for me?” asked Three, as the Eight’s helped her to her feet. Most of the white goo slid right off of her. But it stuck to her black hair. She wasn’t looking forward to washing that out. But she was still thankful she hadn’t been put in a blonde body, like most of the Threes were. “They were willing to let us come back without downloading! All you had to do was stop shooting long enough to let them send us over!”

“And let them send over a squad of marines Marines or a nuke?” asked One. “Not a chance!”

By now, Three had climbed out of the pod and looked down on him. His eyes were looking straight ahead, which is not where her eyes were.

“I know what you did!” snarled Three, before grabbing his arm, twisting it behind him and slamming him face-first into the wall.

“What are you doing!?!” asked one of the Eights.

“Taking over!” snarled Three.

Glancing over, she locked eyes with the Two, Six and Eight who had also just emerged from their pods. The red-haired Six had been put in a blonde body and the Eight had lost in purple mohawk in the transition. She now looked like any other Eight. One one of the Twos had ben revived. The other would either be reviving later, or would be doing so on the other Base Ship.

“I’ll take him,” said Two, has he grabbed One’s arm and continued with her pressing of him against the wall.

“We’ll use storage bin 1 as our prison,” commanded Three “Put him in there. Now let’s go!”

“Wait! Aren’t we going to get dressed first?” asked Six.
“No time,” replied Three. “ We do this fast or not at all!”

And with that, the three of them ran out of the chamber. Two followed behind, his prisoner held by the arm he was twisting.

Battlestar Galactica - Pilot Briefing Room

“Another Cylon has turned up on the Gemenon Traveler,” Colonel Saul Tigh told Lieutenant Sharon ‘Boomer’ Tyrol. “You’ll go retrieve him, alone, so make sure his bonds are secure. The Psy-Op will begin the second you’re alone with him. You’ve been briefed on what you can tell him.”

“Yes Sir!” replied Boomer.

Raptor 8

The Cylon turned out to be a model Two who had greeted her with a “Hello Sister!” when he first saw her. She ignored him and made sure that there were cuffs on his hands, feet, connecting chains to both cuffs that went behind a bar under the seat, effectively chaining him to the seat. As they flew towards Galactica, the prisoner attempted to engage her in conversation.

“You know you’re a Cylon don’t you?” asked Two.

“You must not have been following the news,” teased Boomer. “Everybody knows I’m a Cylon! And soon, I’ll be two Cylons!”

“What do you mean?” asked Two.

“I’m going to have a baby,” replied Boomer.

“That’s impossible!” denied Two. “Cylons can’t have children!”

“They can with Humans,” replied Boomer. “And apparently, with the Final Five.”

“It’s forbidden to speak of the Final Five!” protested Two.

“Who says so?” asked Boomer.

Battlestar Galactica - Brig

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” cried Two.

Colonel Saul Tigh had been working on this model Two Cylon for 15 hours straight and had, by now, broken him from the hold of Cavil’s regime. After doing this, this many times, Tight was becoming an expert at turning Cylons over to the Colonial side. But this time, his work was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Colonel, we just got word,” said the guard. “Your wife has been located.”

“Ellen?” Tigh said, in surprise, before turning back to his prey. “Looks like another of the Final Five has joined our side.”

Base Ship 5 - Secret Resurrection Chamber

Doctor Galen Tyrol was working on a device when D’Anna Biers entered his prison/hideout followed by a Centurion dragging a model Eight Cylon.

“Let me go! Please!” screamed the model Eight who, as usual for her model, was not wearing anything.

As soon as she was over the threshold, the model Eight stopped struggling.

“Sharon?” asked Tryol.

“I thought she might make a good recruit for our side,” explained D’Anna, who was a model Three Cylon. “And since you married an Eight, I though you might like to be the one to explain it to her.”

“Chief?” asked the Eight. “What are you doing here?”

“I’ll just leave you two to get acquainted,” said D’Anna, as she and the Centurion left.

“Hi,” said Tyrol. “What do I call you?”

“Sharon is fine,” said the Eight. “Did she say you married me?”

“Not you,” explained Tyrol. “It was another one of your model.”

“You know, ever since I was first activated I’ve been fantasizing about you,” said the Eight, as she stalked forward and put her arms around his neck.

“Sharon, I don’t think we should do this,” protested Tyrol. “I’m married and-”

But she had cut off his protests with a kiss. He didn’t push her away and when she deepened the kiss, he couldn’t help but respond to this naked woman who looked and felt and tasted exactly like the woman he loved.

“This was nice!” signed Eight, as Tyrol held her in his arms after they finished.

“No. This was a mistake,” replied Tyrol. “I shouldn’t have done that to you and-”

“You didn’t do any thing to me,” replied Eight. “I was there too. We did it together. If anything, I did it to you!”

“Nevertheless, we should not have done this,” countered Tyrol. “I’m a married man. I love my wife.”

“And I can be her for you,” offered Eight.

“You might look and feel like her. But you are not the same Sharon that I married,” explained Tyrol. “No. We can never do this again. I had a moment of weakness, but I’m not going to do this with you ever again.”

“We’ll see about that,” replied Eight, with a smirk. “So, D’Anna said you were going to explain things to me?”

Battlestar Galactica - Life Station

Saul Tigh had been there to meet his wife, Ellen, when her Raptor arrived and he had taken her directly to Life Station, where a lateral skull x-ray was taken of her.

“You know we can’t keep doing this,” grumbled Doctor Cottle as he stepped out of the darkroom with her picture. “I only have a limited supply of X-ray film and I need it for my real patients. One of the chemicals used for this is silver-based, you know.”

“It’s all right,” said Tigh. “We know what they all look like now. There should only be one more you need to do this for.”

“One more what?” asked Ellen. “What’s going on, Saul?”

“Show her,” commanded Tigh.

“What is that? Is that me? Do I have cancer!?!” asked Ellen.

“That is proof that you are a Cylon,” declared Tigh. “Just like me.”

“But we can’t be Cylons!” protested Ellen. “I’ve known you for years!”

“And we’ve been Cylons for thousands of years,” replied Tigh. “We’re the original Cylons. The 13th Tribe from Earth. Only our memories of it all have been erased!”
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