Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu Yu Hakusho > Another Day that May Only be a Dream, KuramaxOC

Misleading feelings, or truth?

by PiNkBuN17 0 reviews

Aisha continues with her crazy school day.

Category: Yu Yu Hakusho - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Kurama - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2022-05-26 - 3277 words

Another day that may only be a dream, A KuramaXOC


Disclaimer: I don't own Yu Yu Hakusho, or Code Geass, but I wish I did. And if you paid to read this story, good luck getting your money back! Ya got SCAMMED!

YusukexKeiko, KuwabaraxYukina pairings supported! ^^

Please Review, they force updates! Flame on! They amuse me greatly. Construction criticism is always appreciated!

Genres: Paranormal, Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Dark, Drama, Lime, General, Hope, Horror, Musical, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Tragedy, Friendship, and Violence!

Re-edited: 5/22/20

*Take a look at this! *

Youko's Thoughts: ^Your human matters are quite boring. ^

Kurama speaking to Youko in his head/his own thoughts: No one is asking for your opinion, Yoko.

Inner thoughts of other characters: 'I never thought it was possible to bicker with yourself. Oh, wait, Sensui's a thing. Ya know with 7 different personalities and all.' 0-o

A Few Inventions from the Spirit Lab! (Really my creations...-cue evil laugh-)

Sprit Box Tracer: A special device that can locate any soul so long as a fragment of the soul itself is available, DNA also counts as a fragment. Able to produce images of a soul's shell. (current or final appearance, unless in limbo)

Articulation gum: The user gains the ability to speak any language temporally as long as it is carved into the gum itself and spelled properly. This gum requires a bit of spirit energy. Over time it is possible to gain the ability semi-permanently. The downside is a horrible lingering bitter taste, and must be swallowed at exactly the right time otherwise one will speak the language backward. (The same thing will happen if it is spelled incorrectly)

Chapter 3: Misleading feelings, or the truth?


Kurama's POV:

As the class period continues, I can't help but notice my classmates' outlandish glances. Especially from that boy, Derek. The expression on his face may screech boredom, but his eyes are undoubtedly reflecting detest, and it's directed towards me. Does he blame me for his punishment? Either way, I don't really care for such trivial matters...


I glance up, and now the entire is class staring at me. How...inconvenient.

"Yes?" I ask, calmly.

"Everyone is being assigned partners for a project on the book we're reading right now, To Kill a Mocking Bird. You'll be working with Aisha since you can't seem to stop staring at her." The teacher teases, laughing as some of the students join in, several making rather immature comments. Embarrassment is apparent on Aisha's face and she sinks in her desk, attempting to hide her face behind a curtain of her dark wavy hair.

"That guy looks like a girl anyway; he hasta be gay!"

"Why would he go out with such an ugly bitch? He can so do so much better than her, anyway..."

Anger stirs above my normally numb emotions, but I don't allow myself to express it.

I must be making things more complicated for her... I sigh, noticing some girls glaring crossly at Aisha. Youko chuckles, seeming to find this predicament entertaining.

"Shuichi, please try to pay attention next time." Mrs. Havrilchak says, a mockery of a smile set upon her face.

I didn't even realize I was staring at her....

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again." I say coolly.

"It's okay. So long as you don't space out too much and do your work, I'm sure you will be fine."

^This is...quite amusing. I never would have thought I'd see the day little Shuichi wasn't pretending to pay attention. ^ Youko adds in randomly, and I don't bother to reply.

I exchange a fake smile with Mrs. Havrilchak and turn my desk around to face Aisha's. By now, only a few students are staring at us, pretty much everyone has been paired off. Random expressions of unhappiness, to those of sorrow, or boredom display themselves evidently on the students.

^A sly one you are, already unable to quell your curiosity? ^

Quiet Youko. Don't you dare add any more to your already bothersome commentary.

^Heh. I am going to truly enjoy this...^ Youko hoots in a dark manner, and that worries me a bit. Oh, the irony of having to worry about one's former self doing something stupid without the consent of their current self.

As I try to discuss the project with Aisha, the fox is attempting to fill my mind with many perverted thoughts...

Bastard fox testing my temperament...

Once again, I begin fighting against him and attempt to push him back into the darkness of my mind.

Youko...leave me be.

^I would rather see everything up close, besides I don't want to become lost in your thoughts. They are rather boring. ^

Well I apologize for not being a complete rock star, it's too bad you feel that way.

^You and your aggravating sarcasm. Do something of interest. I will die of boredom, and you will be at fault. ^

You are being an overly dramatic fox. Well, what do you want, then? And will it keep you quiet?

^I am not being overly dramatic; in fact it is quite the truth. My request will keep me least for a while. Release me for a moment. I wish to speak to the woman in front of you. ^

I don't think that's a wise thing to do, right now....

^ Why not? None of these humans will even notice. ^

Youko, I'm warning you...

^ Tck. You're never any fun, Shuichi. Perhaps I should force my way out? ^

Don't you dare...!

^ I won't. On one condition. ^

And what is your condition? I gulp mentally and struggle to keep my internal conflict from displaying upon my face.

^Let me speak to her, face to face. I want to find out more. ^

Youko...She is nothing but a normal human girl. Why are you so fascinated?

^Do you not sense her strange aura? I don't think she's completely human... ^

Alright. I will agree to your terms, but not right now. You, however, better hold your part in this.

^Yes, yes I will. No need to be such a stick in the mud, Shuichi. ^ He states with a crafty grin.

What exactly is he planning? I can't help but fear, when it comes to this fox, he's significantly unpredictable. My taste for thrill and risk has faltered greatly over the years, and his childish persona is irksome. I would have never guessed my former self could act like an actual teenager, such a foolish defect.

This is going to be quite a long day... I exhale.

^Appears so. ^

I thought you agreed to stay quiet.

^Fine, fine! You should realize by now that I get bored very easily...^

Just...keep quiet, Youko... I sigh again, this time in defeat.

Aisha's POV:

"Hey! Shuichi...? Hello...? Are you there?" I question him, yet still don't get an answer.

'What the hell? Why's he spacing out? After all, he's supposed to be 'Mr. Perfect.' I wonder why he was staring at me...weird.

'If he really is Kurama, he's probably holding an inner conflict with himself? HA! Yeah right, that only happens in fanfictions...Either way, he should be helping me...'

To be honest, here, I don't really remember how exactly Kurama came to be, it has been a while since I've seen the anime, and I haven't finished reading the manga. I think the story about Human Kurama and Demon Kurama was that his soul was split, but they merged over time. Don't quote me on that-I blame reading too many fanfics for my own confusion, especially those crazy Out Of Character (OOC) ones...

I shiver at the thought and then try to brush it off.

'The story in the anime didn't really go into much detail about Kurama anyway. Hmm...maybe I should have finished the manga when I had the chance? Wait...why am I thinking so deeply about this in the first place?, who am I kidding? I really need a new hobby...I do know for a fact he is super intelligent and fiendishly cunning. Not to mention, an excellent liar... Obviously knowing all those languages just proves this guy's a genius! Then again... how would I know if he didn't bullshit it all?'

'Come on snap out of it! Anime characters aren't's not even scientifically possible! Man! What am I thinking? I nearly called him Kurama!'

To get the ridiculous notion out of my head I pretend to stare out towards the direction of the open classroom door and fake a bout of amazement. The redhead glances at me, suspicion flickers momentarily in his eyes, and I can't help but wonder what was that look for?

"Hey, did you see that?" I ask quickly.

"See what, exactly?" He questions.

"Hm, maybe I'm seeing things...never mind." I forge a smile.

What do you think you saw? Sometimes the mind plays tricks, but you never know." Kurama responds a glint in his eyes.

'Did he catch my lie?' I mentally choke. Whoa! Hold the phone!

"Dude, it's nothing, it was just a weird-looking....uh, bird."

'Oh, wow a bird. Who the hell's gonna believe such a lame excuse?'

"What did it look like?" He chuckles and plays along.

'He's laughing at me! I need to make something!'

"I don't think you would believe me if I told you anyway...Besides, shouldn't we be working on the project thing?"

'I need to remember: this is the REAL WORLD. Kurama can't be real. It's freakin' impossible.'

"Oh, right. My apologies. What exactly are we doing on this assignment, Miss Aisha?" Shuichi graces me with his focus, by not prying about my fake bird. I almost sigh in relief, but my face is still warm.

'Maybe I should just come out and ask him if he knows about Yu Yu Hakusho? He's got to be a cosplayer. I seriously don't wanna be considered a nut-case.'

"Well, we have to make our own book of Life Lessons. It can be a personal experience, or not. However, whatever it is, it needs to make sense. For example; 'The book is always better than the movie.' " He appears slightly confused, so I decided to hand him the instructions worksheet.

'I don't think using my own made-up saying was the best thing to use as a sample for this crappy project.' I sigh to myself. 'Did I explain it wrong?' When our hands brushed, I had the weirdest feeling of...something, but I don't know how to explain what it was... 'An internal burning tingle? Wait-Didn't I feel this before?' Whatever this is, it's creepy...I'm able to brush it off as I'm reminded that I have work to do; though I still shiver mentally.

Not to mention I have a damn nasty case of butterflies in my stomach! At least I don't stutter when I talk to him, and I can look him in the eyes, unlike...well, Derek, beforehand. Speaking of that asshole, I keep noticing he's constantly glaring at Kurama (I mean Shuichi). What a freaking loser! He has got to be one of the strangest guys I have ever had a crush on.

As Shuichi reads the paper for a minute, Derek notices me noticing him glaring at the new guy, and I flip him off with glee. I mouth the words "Jealous freak!" He growls and attempts to throw something at me, but the teacher catches him before he is able to do it.

'Serves you right, jerkoff.' I think to myself and stick my tongue out at him. 'Finally, he gets what's coming to him.'

"...Aisha?" Shuichi snaps me out of my thoughts.

'Well, now I feel like a hypocrite.'

"Yeah?" I lock gazes with his gorgeous green eyes, I don't think I've ever encountered such a bright green unless I notice baby grass starting to grow.

"Did something happen?" He looks at me with concern.

'Is he really that worried, but why? ARGH, Stop it! He's not the real one, he's not the real one! I still can't get the idea out of my mind, damn it all.'

"It's nothing...though I am worried about a test I have coming up for 5th period." I lie once again. (Sometimes I can lie well.) He glances at me for a moment, as if deciding if I'm being honest or not. Whatever's on his mind, he doesn't voice it.

"Oh." His voice sounds fairly robotic. "I'm sure if you study, you will do perfectly fine."

'Yeah of course. That's what you would say...Tch. Sounds way to freakin' "perfect."'

"And about what you said earlier, you're right, the only reason why books tend to have an improved, more thought-out plot, is due to movies having less time to show the same story; they usually cut out information they feel isn't necessary or they simply replace things."

"Yep! That's why I'd rather watch the movie first, then read the book later; most of the time I just end up disliking the movie. I try not to, but I guess I can't help it, even if the movie was pretty good." Shuichi then chooses to chuckle softly, his hand somewhat over his mouth.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"It's nothing, really. I just find the way you reply amusing, not to mention how serious you sound."

"..." I'm left kind of speechless since his smile is so pretty. Even so, as bright as his expression is, it feels forced.

'Why would you force yourself to appear happy when you really aren't? Simple. To hide how you truly feel. Question is: how much is he hiding? Man, he's a lot like Yu Yu Hakusho's Kurama.... He must be a really good actor or something. Now that I really look at it...his hair is just perfect. Vibrant, flowing, shiny, and even in the right shape, and it's extraordinary how it suits him so well. It's strange that it doesn't look like he put a ton of gel in it to get it to stay perfectly shaped.'

"Exactly how much class time do we have to work on this project?" Kura-I mean Shuichi questions me. For some reason the jerk of a teacher FORGOT to write the due date on the assignment paper.

'Stupid Havlicrap.' I grumble in my head. I love to use nicknames for my lame teachers.

"Not much, most of it is on our own free time." I say in a monotone voice. "It's due next Friday."

"So, can you stay after school today? We can work on the project in the school library."

"I can't. At least, I don't think I can today." He calmly states. "I need to finish unpacking all of my things, and run some errands."

"Oh, okay then. Do you want some help? 'Cause I wouldn't mind at all. Plus, if we finish early, we can get a head start on this junk."

'I don't think anything at home will cool down for a while anyway...besides, this time around I can get something done in peace...'

"I suppose it would be alright, I don't mind an extra hand." He beams in a handsome manner, even so, I don't feel warmth behind it.

'Man, stop with the half-assed's making me feel sad. Not to mention, curious.'

"Okay, then that's settled, right?" I pretend to grin back.

'"Fake tears can harm others, fake smiles only harm oneself."' I recall the quote from the anime, Code Geass, and it's quite true.

"So...What's the next class you have?"

He hands me his class schedule.

"Jeez, K- Shuichi you have all of my classes, even lame JROTC!"

'I didn't realize it was possible to share these many classes with someone, that is pretty strange.'

[JROTC is a military program that a lot of high schools offer; it's helpful if you want to join the Army.]

'Man! He's NOT the real Kurama. He's a FAKE, a COPY. I need to quit trying to call him 'Kurama' Damn Yu Yu Hakusho for being so addicting!'

I chuckle nervously and hand back his schedule-thing. For the rest of the period, some of 'the eyes' keep up their continuous gawking, and the two of us work and discuss our project until the bell rings.

"Wanna walk with me to our next class?" I ask him as we gather up our materials. I attempt to stay as calm as possible, acting like everything is perfectly fine. In all honestly I am super nervous!

"Sure." He replies and begins to walk behind me. Suddenly, I spot Aurora and Mizzy and want to quickly chat with them.

"Hey, um....Shuichi? Is it okay if I speak to my friends for a real quick second? I won't take long or anything."

"Of course. I'll wait for you." He nicely replies.

"Okay then. Thank you!"

'So polite...and he's really cute...' I think as I quickly head over to my friends.

"Is that guy really from Japan?" Mizzy questions me, her chocolate eyes pressing on. She places some of her dark brown hair behind her ear as she waits for a response.

Well, I don't think he would have a good reason to lie about where he came from, right?" I say. "Then again, I don't know him, so who can be sure?" I reply.

"There's no way that's his real hair color, he has to be joking!" Aurora exclaims with a laugh. "It's way too vibrant."

"He seems like a total weirdo, to be honest," Mizzy adds in a whisper. "I didn't think any guy would grow their hair that long."

"I agree, but he does seem nice." Aurora comments. "His parents could be European or something."

"What about those rocker boys? Some of them grow their hair really long." I state. "I guess, he doesn't really look Japanese."

"Yeah, but he doesn't appear to be the type to be a 'rocker'." Aurora says.

"He speaks too politely for a teenager. Didn't even have any hint of an accent when he talked, either." Mizzy says.

"I kinda think he looks like Kurama...," I mutter under my breath. "From Yu Yu Hakusho. Maybe he's a cosplayer, guys?"

"I think you've been reading way too much fanfiction, Aisha." Mizzy laughs. "You nerd."

"Haha, or maybe you've been watching too much anime." Aurora adds and teases, "But it could be possible."

"Oh, Haha, really funny guys." I state dryly. "I think it could be true...well maybe."

I'm glad for having such level-headed friends; their guidance makes choosing easier even if they come to different conclusions at times.

'I need proof, stupid sensations don't freakin' count. Nor do crazed fan dream ideas.'

"Maybe?" Aurora questions, her hazel eyes twinkling and an adorable smile forms upon her face while Mizzy is busy cracking up in a fit of laughs.

"Okay, okay. God, you guys! Jeez, can't you let a girl dream?" I half shout, half-laugh.

To be continued...

My notes:

I am re-writing all my chapters, so the story will be different, but I think the plot will flow a lot better this time around, or at least that's what I'm hoping for! :P This chapter used to be 32 pages long, that's way too much for a single chapter, re-doing it is killing me, but I MUST DO IT! XD Well, wish me luck! This chapter is now 9 pages on 12-inch font! :D

Until then,


Rock Out & Peace ON!

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