Categories > Anime/Manga > Yu Yu Hakusho > Another Day that May Only be a Dream, KuramaxOC

Quit the blame game!

by PiNkBuN17 0 reviews

Kurama and Aisha's school day continues on.

Category: Yu Yu Hakusho - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Kurama - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2022-05-26 - 2567 words

Another Day that May Only be a Dream, Kurama X OC

Disclaimer: I don't own YYH, but if I did it would be on TV, every day! I also don't own YouTube or Tik-Tok.

Re-edited: 5/22/20

YusukexKeiko, KuwabaraxYukina pairings supported! ^^

Please Review, they force updates! Flame on! They amuse me greatly. Construction criticism is greatly always appreciated!

Genres: Paranormal, Action/Adventure, Angst, Comedy, Dark, Drama, Lime, General, Hope, Horror, Musical, Mystery, Romance, Thriller, Tragedy, Friendship, and Violence!

Keep this in mind readers!

Youko's Thoughts: ^You are oblivious to your own emotions, silly human Shuichi. ^

Kurama speaking to Youko in his head/his own thoughts: Oh, how so?

Inner thoughts of other characters: 'Are you sure he just doesn't like to express himself all that freely?'

A Few Inventions from the Spirit Lab! (Really my creations...-cue evil laugh-)

Articulation gum: The user gains the ability to speak any language temporally as long as it is carved into the gum itself and spelled properly. This gum requires a bit of spirit energy. Over time it is possible to gain the ability semi-permanently. The downside is a horrible lingering bitter taste, and must be swallowed at exactly the right time otherwise one will speak the language backward. (The same thing will happen if it is spelled incorrectly)

Sprit Box Tracer: A special device that can locate any soul so long as a fragment of the soul itself is available, DNA also counts as a fragment. Able to produce images of a soul's shell. (current or final appearance, unless in limbo)

Chapter 4: Quit the blame game!


Aisha's POV:

It only takes a minute to speak with my friends, and I say goodbye. I quickly rush back to the waiting "Prince Charming". He's leaning against a wall and appears to be in deep thought.

"Sorry about that, I hope you didn't wait too long, Shuichi." I say quickly with a half-smile plastered on my face and begin walking to class beside the redhead.

To be honest, compared to my best friends, I'm the dumbest of the three. Aurora is a straight-A genius; while Mizzy is higher than decent, translation; nice grades! I just happen to always be lagging behind, lost. No, I'm not all that retarded, but my grades do suck. Aurora says I have street smarts, aka common sense, (which many people apparently lack) but that won't really get me anywhere, will it? Mizzy also seems to believe that I'm smart, which I don't really understand why.

Why am I depressed? Well, for various reasons, which I've already stated: even though I do have someone to talk to, I find it impossible to bring myself to say anything (I am the type to deal with my problems on my own); I don't need or want, to burden anyone.

Sure, my home life has always been terrible, and my school life seems to have tanked; but at least I was able to be happy, silly, and hold on to a bit of courage. Now I've been replaced as the melancholy, tiring, cowardly Aisha you see before you. Trust me, I despise every bit of it.

Oh well, there's nothing that I can do to fix the mistake I am. My smile fades instantly as my thoughts become murkier...Just when I thought I could cheer up and forget...

"Oh it's not a problem, you probably wanted to work with them in the first place, sorry about that." Shuichi smiles softly.

"Hey it's not your fault! Don't blame yourself, that's my job!" I try grinning, but feel only bitter sadness wanting to seep out. I can't stand it when other people blame themselves for something they're not at fault for... besides it's what I was "born" for.

"Your job?" He examines me, baffled.

"...Yeah. I'm used to it anyway. No point in fighting lame-ass life."

"So you blame yourself for things you don't have fault for?" He queries me.

"Well..." I look away, not wanting to talk about any of this. I want to drop the subject. His question brings a stirring remembrance of the pain in my heart; my family and group of supposed friends.

"You shouldn't do that to yourself, you'll only stress yourself out further." He places his hand on my shoulder and hastily stops me from walking away from him. Once again that "burning tingling" sensation pulses through me, and I pull away from him. I glance up for a moment and see some shock in his eyes, but he quickly gets over it, as if brushing it off?

'Why does that keep happening? He feels it too, right?'

Tears choose to form in my eyes anyway. My heart aches as I think about my existence; why does everything feel so broken?

"You should be confident in what you do, and don't take fault for something you haven't done." He says serenely. Shyly I gaze up and he beams, this time I feel the warmth behind his smile. The color of his irises reminds me of the cool peaceful greens of a lush forest.

I don't know if I can think like that anymore. It feels...useless..." I reply, shaking my head a bit. Once again those pesky tears are rebellious towards me; all because of some guy who looks and sounds like Kurama, a freaking anime character.

'I can't cry...I won't cry...I don't cry...'

I chant over and over in my head trying to gulp down my forming tears.

Kurama's POV:

I was able to overhear bits of her conversation with her friends...and I am concerned. She referred to me as Kurama...or am I mistaken?

During English class there were several moments I thought to be strange. The few times we have touched, a strange sensation washed over me, not to mention it seemed there were several moments she was about to use my demon name. This human girl is indeed one to be wary of.

I wonder if this self-pity comes from an honest place? The scent of her tears makes me think so, however considering no one should know of my name...For now, I shall presume it to be of truth.

How does someone so young refute to believe in themselves? It's sad really. I think to myself and Youko adds his commentary.

^Why I marvel is this human burdening herself so...Should we pity her? ^

Even so, I still give words of encouragement.

"That should not be the case. Just keep your head up and stay positive." I beam kindly to her once again.

I don't think we should pity her just yet, it's rather odd but I feel compelled to consider otherwise. I add, in spite of myself.

A bit of self-assurance can go a long way, though whatever is plaguing her is just below the surface. She may conceal it for now, but it will only develop into something far greater, and soon everything for her will shatter. Living behind a mask gives you nothing but misery; you only lose yourself in the end.

"So. Will you, Miss Aisha?"

Aisha's POV:

'Damn he sure is stubborn; if I hadn't nodded yes, he would have kept us there until the tardy bell rang. If only things weren't so bad today, I would have been able to bury my stupid emotions. Urg, how embarrassing, he must think I'm a psycho chick...'

SSR (silent sustained reading for 15 minutes) went by quickly and typically I take that time to write my poems and stories. I'd love to share my work with others, but for the most part I can't. Not too many folks my age like poetry. YouTube and Tik-Tok are more fashionable to this generation.

Mr. Dup, my red-neck computer teacher (who's an idiot as well) introduces Shuichi to everyone, and he is seated next to me in the only open seat in the class.

"Hello again." He smiles flashing his perfect teeth.

"Hello yourself." I say. After what Shuichi told me, I actually feel better and am now cheering up.

I notice him curiously eyeing my purple/blue book as I jot down random lyrics. I smile contently to myself and ask the redhead if he's ever taken a computer class like this back home, but before he can Mr. Dup (Aka Mr. Dump) calls him up. I can't help but grumble mentally as I glare at the crappy computers we have to work with. Old and ugly browning windows '98 bricks.

'This school is so cheap....I blame the irresponsible budget cuts...'

Redhead quickly returns holding a paper in his hand and eyes my notebook again.

"Since you keep eyeing this with such a strong passion, here. Though make fun of me and I'll whack you with it! I should also warn you it might not be your cup of tea, there are some pretty dark poems."

I'm not sure as to why I quickly share such a private thing to the new kid, but honestly it is nice to have someone look over my work.

'Hopefully, I don't scare him away with my emo-ass poetry.'

A slight smirk forms on his "innocent" face, but as quick as it comes, it disappears.

"I don't mind at all, I also have to say that your cover is very creative." He comments, and I smile, thanking him.

"Yeah, I made it myself, I love to decorate things." The front of my notebook's cover has a cute pink and white skull to a hopping bunny sticker, to a childish car sticker.

"I like to put random things together and make them match somehow; sometimes it can be a challenge."

"I can see that, it's quite interesting to look at." He says, and before I can hand it to him, some idiot guy from the school football team snatches out of my hands. He then starts stupidly reading my poetry, in a ridiculous manner.

Of all people to bother me it just has to be the stereotypically buff guy with no IQ. Not everyone on the team is a jerk, I can actually talk to some of them (Hell I've kinda befriended one in my math class!), but the rest enjoy being like everyone else. You know, complete and total assholes.

'Wow, the teacher chooses now of all time to leave the classroom? Freakin' idiot!'

"The b-leed-ing... of ...the he-art, want-ing... need-ing. The... s-cream-ing... of con-fu-sion, the use of a-bus? I'm left-" As he reads, he dashes all over the classroom with me tailing him, some of his friends chuckle at my misfortune.

"Hey, stupid! Give it back!" I yell while trying to grab my book. The oaf uses his height to his advantage and dangles my notebook out of my reach in a taunting manner.

"Okay, that's it!" My temper flares and without really thinking about it, I punch the guy in the gut, and in return he pushes me to the ground.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, you fuckin' bitch?!" He shouts, and two of his goon buddies join him, grouping around me.

The big moronic bully hands my book to his retarded buddy, and he declares foolishly; "What creepy shit are you in to?"

"The only shit I see is you, and it's a freakin' POEM." I state, as I stand up and dust myself off.

"You stupid little c-"

I cut off the big oaf by kneeing him in his 'family jewels'. He moans in pain, and that's when his other buddy chooses to try and slap me. Before I can get the chance to act, Shuichi zips out of nowhere in front of me. The redhead has the loser's muscular arm in a tight painful clutch.

'Whoa! I didn't even see him walk over here...What incredible speed, that almost convinces me he's him...I'm surprised someone is actually helping me out...'

"Why are you helping me...?" I mumble, blinking in confusion, as my classmates stare in shock. "I can handle this..."

"It's stupid how the teacher leaves right when he needs to be here..." A random blue-eyed classmate states.

'I can't believe this is happening.'

"I couldn't agree more, and that weird new guy has guts..." A brown-haired girl adds.

"Not to mention he's pretty cute."

'Is he really him...? Or am I just a freak who needs help...'

"Well, at least he's brave, right?" A black kid in a red shirt questions surrounding classmates, and it seems like everyone agrees.

"Shuichi, you don't need to help me out, really I-"

"What the fuck do you want, redhead?" The fool shouts at Shuichi.

"This bitch yours or somethin'?"

"Girly man!" The other clown pipes in, grinning. "You must be gay! Fag!"

"You stupid ass buffoon. Why don't you just drop dea-" I shout but am quickly cut off by Kura-I mean Shuichi.

Kurama's POV:

"Is it truly any of your concern, as to whether or not I am in a relationship with her?" I ask coldly. "Clearly you three aren't real men with this atrocious behavior."

"Well, well, you talk like a tough bitch, but can you prove you have any balls?" The fool prepares to punch me, but I catch his fist in my hand. Youko's energy is slightly overwhelming and I know at this point my eyes are flickering between green and gold.

^You disgust me, weakling. You dare to challenge me? ^

You're angrier about the girly comments than you are about them harassing her, aren't you?

^Why should an idiotic human's opinion matter to me? ^ Youko coldly states.

I can undoubtedly smell fear bouncing off these three goons, and they all back away rapidly. I hand the notebook over to Aisha who expresses slight shock and confusion, and I attempt to reassure her with a small smile. Perceiving the teacher's footsteps emanating closer, I calmly take my seat as the fool of an educator enters the classroom.

"What is going in here?" He voices in a precisely sluggish and thoughtless manner. I can hear one of the cowering boys whisper to himself.

"He ain't human..."

Perhaps we took it a bit too far, Youko?

Even so, I can't help but to smile dejectedly, those fools are right...I am, and never will be, a true human.

Though, they all well deserve to be quaking in fear, such simpletons.

^Agreed. But, I think you could have done better...^

Youko, if I let had you handle it your way, you would have slain them. Honestly, we both have been a bit too emotional.

Aisha smiles at me and for some reason my heart rate speeds up. Perhaps Youko wasn't joking, though I wonder why for a simple mortal girl?

I can't help but find myself curious...

^A human who plays a game of blame; how strange...yet, I can't help but to desire more information...^

To be continued...

My notes:

I think Kurama is kind of OCC, but it's really hard to make it where he doesn't completely hate Aisha, lol. Oh well, I'm trying here! :P This chapter is 7 pages on 12-inch font! -Cue evil laugh-

Also, when I was in high school Tik-Tok was not a thing. I can't even recall what was popular back then. lol

Hate or Love...which do You choose?

Thank you for reading!

Until next time, please review!

Rock Out and Peace On!

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