Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Boomer's Ghost

Chapter 18: married

by selenepotter 0 reviews

guess who's already married

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Erotica,Sci-fi - Characters: Boomer,Tyrol - Warnings: [X] [?] - Published: 2022-06-20 - 1121 words

Boomer’s Ghost

I do not own Battlestar Galactica or Jimi Hendrix

Chapter 18: married

Battlestar Galactica - Tighs’ Quarters

They had gathered here, four of the Final Five Cylons, the ones from Earth. Galen Tyrol, Tory Foster, Saul Tight and his wife Ellen Tigh. Of them, only Tyrol has memories of Earth. The other three had lost them when the model One Cylon known as John Cavil erased theirs and dropped them in the Colonies. But Galen Tyrol had died. And when he downloaded, he found he had regained his old memories. With his expertise in robotics restored. This gave him the expertise he would need to make the device on the table.

“Are you sure this will work?” asked Tory Foster.

“Yes,” replied Tyrol. “Once I activate it, it will be restore your memories just as if you had downloaded.”

“Are you sure you want to go through with this, Ellen?” asked Colonel Saul Tigh.

“Very sure,” replied Ellen Tigh. “Who knows, maybe it will fix our marital problems?”

“I know,” replied Tyrol. “And it won’t. You’ll just have different things to fight about.”

“Well I still want to do it,” said Ellen.

“Me too,” agreed Tigh. “Hit it!”

Tyrol actived the device and Tigh grabbed his ears, in pain.

“That music!” exclaimed Ellen.

“There must be somewhere out of here,” said Tigh.

“Said the Joker to the thief,” said Tyrol.

“There’s too much confusion!” said Tory.

“I can’t get no relief!” said Ellen.

And suddenly, like a glass breaking, they could no longer hear the music and remembered who they were. The memories had come flooding back, both the good and the bad.

“I thought we might get along better after,” groused Ellen. “But you were right, Galen.”

“We’d probably get along a lot better if you didn’t frak around so much,” accused Tigh.

“If you didn’t drink so much, maybe I wouldn’t have to!” yelled Ellen.

“They haven’t changed a bit,” said Tory to Galen. “What about us? What about our marriage?”

“That was a thousand years ago,” replied Tyrol. “I’m married to Sharon now . . . I think.”

“You think?” asked Tory.

“We had a fight just before I came here,” replied Tyrol. “And I haven’t even told her yet that we used to be . . .”

“Married?” asked Tory.

“Yeah . . .” said Tyrol.

“Well, then tell her,” replied Tory. “You know, I still have my Colonial memories too. group marriages were a little less strange on Picon than they were on Earth. I’d be open to sharing you with her, if she’s willing. What do you want?”

“I think I want to be the one to tell Sharon . . . before her invisible friend does,” replied Tyrol, as he looked around for Al.

“Don’t worry, mums the word,” replied the ghost, even though Tyrol couldn’t hear him. “I won’t say a word to her until you tell her.”

“Tell her what?” asked Sharon ‘Boomer’ Tyrol, who had just arrived.

“Oh, hey Sharon,” said Tyrol. “When did you come in?”

“Just now,” replied Boomer. “Tell her what?”

“I just restored the memories of the other three and . . . “ began Tyrol. “Sharon, look . . Tory got her memories back . . So now she remembers that a thousand years ago, we used to be married.”

“Do you want to be married to him again?” asked Boomer.

“I’d be willing to share him with you if you’re willing,” replied Tory. “If you’re not . . . I’d just like to know where I stand: Do I need to pick up where I left off? or move on?”

“I’m not completely closed to the idea,” said Sharon. “Let me think about it.”

“That’s fine,” replied Tory. “Take all the time you need. I’ve seen how happy you two are together. So if you decide against me . . I don’t want to do anything to interfere with you two.”

“I’ll consider it,” replied Boomer. “But for now, I’d like to speak with my Husband and my Imaginary friend. Come on you two, we’re going back to our quarters.”

Battlestar Galactica - Tyrols’ Quarters

“I’ve given it some thought,” began Boomer. “I was planning to talk to Athena about this. She’s identical to me. So any child of her’s is a child of mine and my child is her child. These other children you made with the other me’s, they’re like our child too. They’re part me and part you. So I’ve decided, I want our child to to grow up playing with Athena’s daughter and I want them to be with our other children you made with the other me’s too. So from now on, you will not be going to that Base ship without me. I’m not so upset that you fraked those other me’s. I had an affair while you were gone too. I was more upset that you were off having fun while I thought you were being tortured.”

“Wait a minute! You had an affair?” asked Tyrol, “with who?”

“You know that ghost that only I can see or hear?” asked Boomer. “Well it turns out that I can feel Al too. I can feel it when he touches me. After we discovered that . . well . . . he mostly held me a comforted me. But we did frak once, after I had just come back from seeing a fleet full of murdered civilians.”

“I guess I don’t have room to complain,” said Tyrol. “Are you going to continue with him.”

“Yeah, I’d like to know that too,” said the Ghost.

“How would you feel if I did?” asked Boomer.

“I guess I could live with it,” agreed Tyrol. “If that’s what makes you happy.”

“What about Tory?” asked Sharon. “I haven’t had time to think about that. You surprised me again.”

“Didn’t even remember my marriage with her until I downloaded,” replied Tyrol. “If you ask me to choose between you two, it’s not hard at all for me. I choose you.”

Boomer pulled him into a kiss. When he started to deepen it, she pulled away.

“You said you wished I was there when you were having orgies with those other me’s,” pointed out Boomer. “I think I would be willing to try that, on a one time basis. But I don’t want to be part of a Line Marriage like Discord has. This place is small enough with just the three of us and it will be even more cramped when the baby comes.”

“All right,” said Tyrol.

“Now lets have some makeup fraks!” commanded Boomer.

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