Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Boomer's Ghost

Chapter 20: Scar

by selenepotter 1 review

Scar vs. Viper Jocks

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: Cally,Starbuck - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2022-06-23 - 1330 words

Boomer’s Ghost

I do not own Battlestar Galactica or Top Gun

Chapter 20: Scar

Battlestar Galactica - Life Station

“Hmmmm,” hummed Doctor Cottle.

“Is everything all right?” asked Sharon ‘Boomer’ Tyrol, who, along with Sharon ‘Athena’ Agathon had come here to monitor the health of her unborn baby.

“It’s your blood work,” said Doctor Cottle, “both of yours. It’s damned peculiar.”

“Tell him that it’s normal for mixed babies to be different,” suggested the Ghost. “Your immune system is better than human. That’s why it’s different.”

“There’s never been a Cylon/Human hybrid child before ours,” explained Boomer. “We have a more efficient immune system than normal Humans.”

“That might explain the total lack of antibodies,” agreed Doctor Cottle.

“I’ll bet if you check the pregnant Eights on the Base ship, you find the same thing,” theorized Athena.

“You’re probably right,” said Doctor Cottle. “Maybe I need to make a trip over there and check them.”

“What about Simon?” asked the Ghost. “Isn’t his son half Cylon too?”

“Yeah but Doc Cottle wasn’t there to help back then,” replied Boomer.

“Help what?” asked Doctor Cottle. “Oh, you’re talking to you imaginary friend again.”

“He just pointed out that Simon’s son is half Cylon,” replied Boomer.

“So he is,” agreed Doctor Cottle. “I should bring him in here as check if he’s like your children.”

Asteroid Belt

Converting all the Centurions to Human form had been a disaster. In order to prevent infiltration, all the One and Five bodies in the Resurrection Ship and the Base Ships had been destroyed. This meant the Centurions were getting model Two, Three, Four, Six and Eight bodies. The ones who got male bodies were not happy about it. The Centurions thought of themselves as female. But in human form, all these Centurions now needed to be fed. The food supply had become further strained than it already was.

There were a variety of metals, including tylium that this enlarged fleet needed. So a mining ship had been left in this asteroid belt to mine the materials they desperately needed. The trouble was, the Cylons had found them and kept sending Raiders to harass the mining operation. They tried guarding the mining ship with Raiders from the friendly Base Ships. But the dust of the asteroid belt made it difficult to tell which Raiders were friendly and which were not, even with colonial transponders. So the Vipers had to do the job. Pegasus, under the command of Commander Tigh, was off guarding the civilian fleet. While Galactica was here, guarding the mining ship with its’ Vipers.

“I’ve got one!” said Ensign Brent ‘BB’ Baxton, as he surged ahead.

“You’re losing me, BB!” said Discord.

“Stay with your wingman, BB,” ordered Starbuck.

“I can take him! I can take him,” replied BB, right before the damaged Raider turned and fired on him.

“BB’s gone. Scar got him,” reported Discord, as she fired at the Raider that had killed her wingman.

“Break off Discord!” ordered Starbuck. “Do not pursue him alone!”

“But I’m right on his tail!” replied Discord. “Just a few more seconds and-”

But her transmission was cut off when a second Raider came up from behind her and destroyed her Viper.

Starbuck and Kat finished off the Raiders they were engaged with before they could go after Scar. But by then, the ace Raider had jumped away.

Base Ship 3 - Resurrection Chamber

Eris ‘Discord’ Evans awoke in a resurrection pod, filled with white goo. When she stuck her face above the surface, a pair of model Eights were waiting for her.

“Welcome back sister,” said an Eight.

The Eights helped Discord to her feet and the white goo ran off her. It was designed to flow off of her leaving her dry. But sometimes is stuck to hair. An Eight handed her a towel to wipe the last of it off her hair. A glance at her carpet showed her that she was now a blonde. Blondes were the most common hair colour for model Sixes. She hoped her husbands and wife wouldn’t mind the change from brunette. She’d need to get her face tattoo redone. But she was anxious to go back to Galactica so she could get in her Viper and get a re-match with Scar.

Asteroid Belt

“Contact!” reported Ensign Cally ‘Killer’ Henderson. “Engaging now. Jo-Jo stay with me.”

“Roger than,” replied Ensign Joseph ‘Jo-Jo’ Clark, as he kept his Viper alongside the more experienced pilot.

The Raider wove in and out of the Asteroids as the Vipers pursued it. They didn’t see Scar come up behind them.

“Break off Killer,” ordered Starbuck. “You’ve got one on your tail.”

“I don’t see-” said Killer, just before Scar killed both her and Jo-Jo.

“Damn you Scar!” yelled Starbuck as she rushed to attack the Raider than had shot down so many of her pilots. Her wingman, Kat followed. But before they could lock on, the damaged Raider jumped away.

Battlestar Galactica - Pilot’s Briefing Room

“He’s taken down a bunch of us,” admonished Starbuck. “So if you see Scar, don’t try to take him on your own and if you lose your wingman, break off.”

Just then, and unknown blonde model Six Cylon dressed in a pilot’s uniform walked in.

“Can I help you?” asked Starbuck.

“Lieutenant Eris Evans, reporting for duty,” said the blonde model Six.

“Last I checked, Discord was a brunette, and dead,” replied Starbuck.

“I downloaded into a new body, sir,” explained Discord. “I’m ready to go get some revenge against the mother-fraker who killed me.”

Glancing at her cheek, Starbuck saw that this model Six had the same facial tattoo that Discord had. She was thankful that the President had ordered the Cylons in the Colonial Warriors to get them. It made it a lot easier to identify them.

Asteroid Belt

“I’ve just lost Duck!” exclaimed Discord.

“Break off, Discord,” ordered Starbuck. “Kat and I will take him.”

Discord turned away from Scar as he went around a large asteroid, while Starbuck and Kat chased him, constantly shooting at him with their auto-canons. Discord went the other way around the asteroid. When she got to the other side, Discord spotted Scar again, coming towards her as he dodged and weaved to avoid the bullets of Starbuck and Kat. Discord set her Viper on a collision course for the Raider, changing to match him in a game of chicken.

“Discord, break off,” ordered Starbuck. “You course is heading right for him.”

“I know,” replied Discord.

“Break off!” ordered Starbuck. “This no time to be playing chicken!”

“I’m going to win this game of chicken,” replied Discord, right before her Viper head-on collided with the Raider known as Scar.

Base Ship 5 - Resurrection Chamber

Once again, Discord found herself awakening in a resurrection pod. There were a helpful pair of Eights waiting to help her. But this time she had come back as a red-head. There weren’t very many ginger model Six bodies. She hoped her spice wouldn’t mind.

Battlestar Galactica - Officer’s Club

When Discord arrived back at Galactica, the first thing she did is let her family know that she was back. When she had been a blonde, Oliver had taken her maidenhead, so now it was Stan’s turn. But it was more of a group effort, as Antonia was just as happy for her return as their husbands were.
After that, she sought out the CAG, who was apparently getting soused with most of the other pilots in the Officer’s club.

“There she is!” shouted Starbuck. “And look! she’s ginger, now!”

“Yep, I’m Discord, back from the dead again.”

“Come on up here Discord!” coxed Starbuck. “I want to pour you some ambrosia in the official Galactica Top Gun mug.
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