Categories > TV > Battlestar Galactica > Boomer's Ghost

Chapter 22: Sacrifice

by selenepotter 3 reviews

attack on cloud 9

Category: Battlestar Galactica - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: Apollo,Boomer - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2022-06-29 - 2259 words

Boomer’s Ghost

I do not own Battlestar Galactica or Dye Hard

Chapter 22: Sacrifice

Deep Space - Cloud 9

This bar on Cloud 9 gave people the illusion of the old days in the Colonies. And so people would beg or borrow some nice clothes (Many had fled the Cylons with only the clothes on their back. And those clothes were wearing out.) and come here for a night of drinking and dancing. Lee ‘Apollo’ Adama had noticed that some of the people here were acting suspiciously, like a robbery was about to take place.

“Ellen, come with me to the bathroom,” commanded Apollo.

“Why, Lee Adama!” exclaimed Ellen Tigh. “This is a surprise! Alright, let’s go.”

Regaining her memories had not made Ellen Tight any less of a slut that she had been before and she was perfectly willing to frak the Admiral’s son in a toilet. She let the young Warrior lure here into a toilet. Once they were in the restroom, Ellen put one arm around Apollo’ neck and pulled him into a kiss. He had been caught by surprise and she was a good enough kisser that he responded and deepened the kiss until the sounds of shots in the bar brought him back to his senses. Apollo broke off the kiss and and pushed her away.

“What’s? . . .” started Ellen before responding to Apollo’s shushing motion.

He searched to the wall until he found the panel and pulled it loose.

“Give me your drink,” commanded Apollo.

“You’re going to use the dry ice?” observed Ellen, grateful that she regained her memories and her smarts. If she hadn’t, she probably do something stupid, like offer herself as a more valuable hostage.

Apollo crawled into the service way between walls with Ellen’s drink and placed in under the CO2 sensor. In a few minutes, it would give false readings that the bar was running out of air. That done, Apollo returned to the bathroom.

“All right, sooner or later they’ll come looking in here,” whispered Apollo. “When they do, I want you to be there against the far wall as bait. I’ll be hiding in the stall and come up behind him when he passes me.”

“Gotcha,” whispered back Ellen, before giving him another quick kiss and moving to her place.

After a few minutes, the leader of the gang that had taken the bar hostage, Sesha Abinell, send a man to check that there was no one hiding in the bathroom. He came in a immediately spotted Ellen.

“Who are you?” asked the man, as he pointed his pistol at her.

“Kate, Kate Vernon,” lied Ellen.

Just then, Apollo, who had been crouched on the toilet seat so his legs would not be seen, stepped behind the man and placed the barrel of his service pistol against the man's head.

“Don’t move,” commanded Apollo. “Don’t move a muscle. That’s good. Now hand me your weapon. All right, now we’re going to talk to your boss.”

Apollo pushed the man to the doorway. When his hostage opened the door, everyone in the bar looked their way. Seeing that her man was now a hostage, Abinell pointed her own gun at a random attractive young woman.

“Put down your weapon or the girl gets it,” threatened Abinell.

Apollo responded by shooting Abinell. All of her men turned their guns on Apollo, but he was using one of them as a human shield and as soon as they started shooting at him, half the Warriors in the bar pounced on the terrorists from behind. These people had made a serious mistake in attacking a room where half to people were trained to fight Centurions. They were quickly subdued by their hostages.

Deep Space - Battlestar Galactica - Tyrol’s Quarters

After some discussion and a date with Tory, Boomer decided not to let Tory join their marriage. Tory was surprisingly calm about losing her husband and moving on with her life. Similarly, her relationship with her imaginary friend was no more physical than hugging, and when she could get it, she preferred to be held by Galen. Her pregnancy and that of the other Eights was progressing. Boomer was the first Eight to become pregnant, so it was expected that she would be the first Cylon ever to give birth to a hybrid human baby.

“Oh!” exclaimed Boomer. “It’s time!”

“Time for what?” asked Al. “Oh! Time!”

“Really?” asked Galen Tyrol. “Well let’s get you to Life Station! Can you walk?”

“Of course I can still walk!” exclaimed Boomer, as she waddled out of their quarters.

Deep Space - Battlestar Galactica - Life Station

There had been complications in the birth and Galen Tyrol had been thrown out of Life Station so Doctor Cottle could work unimpeded. Galen Tyrol paced the halls as he waited for work on his wife and their baby. Finally, the hatch wheel turned and Doc Cottle came out holding an infant. His face had a somber expression.

“Galen, I’d like to meet your son,” said Doc Cottle.

“Oh! Our baby! Our baby boy!” Exclaimed Tyrol as he took the child from the doctor’s hands. He began examining his son counting the fingers and toes. “How’s Sharon?"

“I’m afraid she didn’t make it, son,” replied Doc Cottle. “She’s dead.”

“No! No!” Cried Tyrol as he clutched his son to him. They he realised his wife was a Cylon! She was probably downloading into a new body right now! “Excuse me,” said Tyrol as he walked off.

“Where are you going?” Asked Doc Cottle.

“I want to be there when she wakes up!” explained Tyrol, as he walked away.

Deep Space - Base Ship 3

“I’m sorry, but there’s a batch of Centurions going through right now,” explained Lucy Three. “There’s no way to isolate her from all the others, there’s just too many of them. I’m afraid until she downloads and wakes up, there’s just no way to find her.”

“Alright . . .” said Tyrol, sadly. “I guess I’ll try the other Base Ship.”

Deep Space - Base Ship 5

Bleeding out had made her so tired and weak that the contrast when she woke up in the resurrection pod was stark. Boomer lifted her face out of the goo and opened her eyes to see a couple of naked copies of herself leaning over her. Standing behind them was Al, her ghost friend.

“Welcome back sister,” said one of the the Eights.
“Yeah, welcome back,” said the ghost.

“The Baby!” exclaimed Boomer as her sister Eights helped her to stand and let the goo slide off of her.

“You son is fine,” said the ghost. “In fact, he and Galen are on this ship, as we speak.”

“Why aren't they here?” asked Boomer, as she used a towel one of her sister Eights had handed her to wipe the last of the goo out of her hair.

“He couldn’t find you,” replied the ghost. “There were a bunch of Centurions gaining bodies at the same time as you and he couldn’t find which on was you. He's been staying here with the other Eights he knocked up ever since, hoping that you would come to him. Unfortunately, every Eight that isn’t visibly pregnant, has tried to convince him that they are you. He sees through them eventually, but the experience had made him cynical about ever finding you.”

Am I still and Eight?” Asked Boomer as she stepped out of the pod and let her sister wipe the last of the goo off her feet. She glanced down at her body and even pulled a bit of here hair into view. She looked like she remembered. . . .

“Of course you’re still an Eight,” replied her sister Eight.

“Are you one of the Eights that has pretended to be Galen’s wife?” Asked Boomer.

“Of course I am,” replied the Eight.

“We all have tried,” added the other Eight.

“Show me where he is now,” demanded Boomer.

The Eights did not offer her a robe to cover up, like they might a Three or Six. She was, after all, and Eight, and would refuse anyway if one were offered.

“This way,” said the Eight as the ghost pointed to the door and led the way before the Eight that was showing Boomer the way to be reunited with her husband. When they arrived at a section of corridor that frightened Boomer she resisted.

“I don’t want to go this way,” said Boomer. “Can we go another way?”

“This is the only way,” replied the Eight, as she grabbed Boomer’s arm and tried to drag her.

“You have to go there if you want to see Galen again, said the Ghost.
“No! No! Don’t make me go that way!” Screamed Boomer as she fought the Eight who was trying to drag her down the corridor.

“Need some help here!” Yelled the Eight.

“I’m here,” said a Three, who had just come around the corner. Unlike to the two Eights, she was wearing clothes: a knee length sleeveless dress and flats. Three grabbed her other arm and helped Eight pull Boomer towards her DOOM. “First time, hmm? Don’t worry, the first time is always the worse. After this, you’ll be able to come here on you own whenever you want.”

Boomer’s terror kept escalating as they dragged her kicking a screaming towards a particular section of wall and pushed her through. To her surprise, the wall swung open when she was pushed against it and her fear evaporated as soon as she entered the room.

The room had five resurrection pods arranged in a star formation on one side. All of them had bodies inside. There was also a bed that looked used and a desk and chair, at which Galen sat working on some papers. In another chair sat heavily pregnant model Eight Cylon. She was wearing a loose dress that was normally held up by thin straps. But she had pulled it down to her waist to feed the baby she was holding.

“Oh. Another one,” said Galen Tyrol. “I suppose you’re going to try to convince me that you're Boomer, to and try to trick me to giving you a baby. Well, it’s not going to work. I’ve been burned to many times. We can frak if you want. But I’m not going to finish in you. I promised my wife I wouldn’t make anymore babies with other women.”

“Who’s baby is that?” Asked Boomer.

“This is our’s now,” replied the Eight. “His mother has not downloaded yet.”

“Can I hold him?” Asked Boomer.

The Eight glanced at Tyrol, who nodded.

“Sure,” replied Eight, before handing the child over.

Once the baby was in Boomer’s arms, he rooted and latched on, trying to nurse, but Boomer didn’t have any milk for him.

“Are you a Centurion?” Asked the Eight.

“No, I’m an Eight,” replied Boomer.
“Then you must be the last Eight on the ship who hasn’t fraked him,” observed Eight. “Don't bother trying to convince him that you’re his wife. All of the others already tried that.”

“How are you able to feed him?” Asked Boomer, as her son started to fuss because he wasn't getting anything from her.

“A hormone shot made my milk come a little early,” replied Eight.

“Do you live here?” Asked Boomer.

“Yes,” replied Eight. “I moved in with him and help him take care of his son, which I guess is our son, unless the real Sharon comes back someday.”

“And you’re about to give him another son, aren’t you?” Observed Boomer.

“Yes,” replied Eight. “He’ll be the third Cylon baby after him and Hera.”

She Indicated the son that Boomer was holding and her own bulging belly.

“You’re different from the others,” observed Eight. “Usually they try to jump in bed with him first thing.”

“How can I resist this beautiful baby boy!” Exclaimed Boomer as she indicated her son, who was crying.

“I think he wants to nurse some more,” replied Eight, who was leaking milk caused by the baby’s cries.

“All right,” said Boomer with resignation, as she handed over her son to another woman, a woman who was currently able to be a better mother than her. She wiped tears from he eyes as she turned to Tyrol who was looking at her in shock.

None of the other Eights had gone for the baby first. Sure, they were interested in the baby and would always give it some attention after he fraked them. But none of them had ever acted like this.

“Sharon? . . . Boomer? . . .” asked Tyrol. “No! Don’t answer. I’ve been burned to many times before. Could you pretend to be my Sharon, even if just for a while?”

“Of course I can,” replied Boomer, as she pulled her husband into a kiss.

He deepened the kissing and pulled her onto him lap. When they came up for air, he exclaimed: “You all kiss just like her, look like her, you even feel the same when I frak you. How will I ever find her?”

“It’s all right, Galen,” replied Boomer. “I’m here now.”

She pulled her husband into another kiss as she continued to pretend to be herself.
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