Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Rosha

The Nasyan

by Meushell 0 reviews

Rosha and Jolinar make a desperate move.

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2024-06-25 - 398 words - Complete


Jolinar continued following the tracks, which went off the glade. She continued until she found a man lying on his side with a bloody neck and a bloody spear. How did he manage to do that? She knelt down by him as Rosha, who was a bit better in the medical area, took over.

Rosha grimaced slightly at the pool of blood below his neck. She tore cloth from her jacket, and tried to stop the bleeding with it. He's dying.

Better call the others. Jolinar watched the man through Rosha's eyes, and was surprised when Rosha didn't call out.

/They cannot save him/, Rosha thought.

Jolinar wondered where Rosha was going with this.

Her host continued, You can.


He's going to die.


Jolinar, you said it yourself. The Ashrak is after us, actually, he's after you, and he knows what you look like as long as you are in me.

Rosha, I won't take a host by force, and I don't want to leave you. If the Ashrak finds you without me, he'll still kill you.

Separated, he'll have a harder time finding us. It's just temporary. Just heal and hide in him. He won't even know you are there.

Jolinar gave a mental sigh.

We'll be hiding better, and you'll be saving his life. You can come back for me after it's safer.

Jolinar didn't respond.


All right, but it's only temporary.

Rosha nodded and moved down as if she was going to kiss the dying man. Goodbye, Jolinar.

/I'll come back for you. /Jolinar moved out, leaving Rosha, and entered her new host through the back of his throat.

Rosha suddenly felt very lonely. She closed her eyes, and then called out towards the others. "I found him!"

She heard the sounds of footprints heading over her way. "He's injured, hurry!"

Bash was the fastest, and approached the man, starting to work quickly. Having his bag with him, he soaked a large spongy leaf with purple liquid, and pressed it against his neck. "He's lost a lot of blood, but if I can stop him, he'll recover."

Rosha watched, feeling sad that no one would know that the Healer had help in his work. She closed her eyes. No Martouf. No Lantash.

There was no comforting response.

/And now no Jolinar. /She closed eyes, having never felt so alone.

To be continued...
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