Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Rosha


by Meushell 0 reviews

How is Jolinar fairing?

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2024-06-25 - 803 words - Complete


The pain started dying as quickly as it began, and Rosha wondered why she wasn't dead.

"Where is Jolinar?"

Rosha looked up at her would-be killer, vision blurred through both pain and tears. Despite the situation, she laughed. The months of loneliness had paid off. Her plan had worked.

"Where is Jolinar?!"

Rosha smiled. "Go to Netu."

"I will find her, believe me." The Ashrak lifted the device again and...

...a man with a large metal farming tool came out of no where, and hit the Ashrak in the back of the head. The Ashrak stumbled forward as part of the tool had actually hit skull.

The man pulled Rosha to her feet, and started running. His strong grip on her wrist and speed made her run faster than she could on her own. She realized he was one of the patients, Ajik, she had helped yesterday, and he had requested the Evil Cronus symbol in his room.

Rosha also realized he was pulling her to the Chaapa'ai. He spoke quickly as Rosha caught her breath, seeming to realize her confusion. "You think I hated the gods all my life and never heard of the Tok'ra." He started dialing. "It took a while, but I realized what you were. This address leads to no where important. I am sure you know a better one once on the other side."

The Chaapa'ai made its 'splash of water.'

"I am honored to help a Tok'ra," Ajik said, and then ran off before she could respond.

Rosha ran into the Chaapa'ai, and came out into the middle of a large shallow lake. She quickly went to the dial device and started entering the address to another that had no people on it. It would give her more time to decide where she should go.

The wormhole opened, and she ran through it.


The Chaapa'ai opened on Nasya, and several distressed looking Yras came through. The Nasyans leader approached quickly. "What's wrong?"

"We need to borrow your Healer. Several injured."

Jolinar felt very worried. Her host, Faron, happened to be by the Chaapa'ai when they came through. Rosha! Rosha, she must be alright.

The leader quickly called someone to send for the Healer and all his apprentices. He turned back to the Yras. "I know you must want to return and help. Will one of you stay and tell us what happened. I am sure my village will want to help once they learn what happened."

One man, who Jolinar realized was Nib, the man who had helped her and Rosha in the beginning, nodded slightly. "I will stay." He started heading to the town's center, and Faron and the Nasyan leader followed. People started followed him on the way, including Talia, Faron's wife. Most of the town was there by the time he started speaking. "A man, or rather, a creature, came through the Gate of the...the Ring."

There was a slight gasp in the crowd, all knowing how religious Nib was.

Nib continued, "His voice was deeper than a human's voice could ever be, and I heard someone say that his eyes glowed yellow."

There was a gasp among the listeners, and mummers of "that sounds like a god" and "was it Cronus?"

Nib's head hang low. "He had come in the middle of the night, and killed any who approached him. He headed for our place of healing."

Jolinar felt sick, hating where this was going.

"He was asking for someone," Nib continued. "No one we ever heard of. I don't know all who is dead, but I know some...Healer Bash...Hari...Tommo...Bara...Vik...Ajik...and Martash."

Jolinar felt a chilling numbness.

No, Rosha, no, I should have never left. Why did I leave her? So foolish of me. Nothing good can come from leaving one's host. Not Rosha. She must return. She must have survived. Why her? It should have been me. Rosha, Rosha.

Faron wanted on his own to help the Yras, which Jolinar was thankful because she didn't want to have to influence him. While there, Jolinar had waited for Rosha to approach her, and tell her, that she really was all right, but Rosha never came.


Meanwhile, on another planet Rosha wondered if she should dial the Nasyan homeworld, but was afraid she'd somehow lead the Ashrak to Jolinar. Finally, she decided Jolinar should be warned. They could rejoin, and go hide elsewhere.

She pressed in the address, and nothing happened. She wondered if the Nasyan Chaapa'ai was already open, so she waited half an hour and tried again. Again, nothing happened, and she realized the panels she pressed weren't lighting up.

Out of frustration, she tried the Tok'ra base, and again, nothing happened. Rosha realized the dial device wasn't working.

To be continued...
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