Categories > TV > Stargate: SG-1 > Rosha


by Meushell 0 reviews

Consequences are faced.

Category: Stargate: SG-1 - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2024-06-25 - 565 words - Complete


-Two Years Later-

The Chaapa'ai finally worked, which was followed by several shrieks of success. After being stranded, Rosha had soon learned that she wasn't alone on the planet. There were three other people who had also been stranded. A year later, that number had grown to thirty-two.

Now there were fifty-eight people, who were jumping around and hugging because they were no longer stranded. Most were originally individuals or small groups. There were a few large groups from the same planet because their people had sent in search teams.

All equipment anyone brought had been personally searched by Rosha for anything that might get them home, and yesterday, a new stranded person had something that just might work.

Due to lack of anyone or anything going through, the wormhole closed, which was followed by a chorus of "Awwww!"

Rosha smiled at the reactions of the people, and dialed again. They all screamed in victory when the wormhole was established again.

"We can finally leave," Rosha said softly. She felt a mixture of joy and dread.

"I see you are all ready to leave," said a man named Yete. He had now been friends with Rosha for over a year, and liked to joke. "Eager to leave us?"

"Just eager to find my family," she responded. By now everyone here knew of her husband, Martouf, and her "sister," Jolinar.

"You'll find them," assured Nara. She had been one of the three standed before Rosha. "When you do, I'd like to meet them. You'll know where to find me." Like all others who had no home to return to, Nara made this her pemanant home.

The crowd "aww"ed again after the wormhole closed.

"Thank you," Rosha responded, and then dialed again, this time to Nasya.


Rosha made it through the crowd, a slow process since nearly everyone insisted on a personal goodbye. She heard them chearing her name as she approached the Chaapa'ai. A few were yelling things like "Find Jolinar!" "Find Martouf!" and "Your family is waiting!"

She hestitated before going through, deciding to close her eyes as she stepped through. For so long she had anxiety waited for this moment, and now she felt dread as if it had physically filled her heart, lungs, and stomach.

Rosha flinched when she steppped through, and then opened her eyes. She flinched again at site. The buildings had fallen, and what was left was burned black. Her legs felt weak, but she pressed on, heading for Faron's home.

Jolinar's alive. Jolinar must be alive. Jolinar escaped. Jolinar's alive. Jolianr must be alive...

Her heart stopped when she saw a grave in front of Faron's home.

Jolinar is alive. Jolinar is alive. Jolinar is-

It was marked, "Faron."

"No! No. No. Jolinar!" She made it to the grave before her legs gave out. Tears poured as she clawed at the dirt. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have never thought to separate." She stopped clawing, and pounded the ground with her fist. "Come back. I made a mistake. Forgive me. Come back, please. Please?" Fingers again started clawing the dirt, but then she just collapsed on the grave. "Jolinar, I'm sorry. I should have warned you. I was afraid...Jolinar, please?"

For the next several hours, she seemed to clutch to the grave itself, cry her sorrow, and beg Jolinar to return.

to be continued...
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