Categories > Original > Mystery

Detective Moon and the "Lady of Ice" [English]

by bazingas_serien 0 reviews

Age Rating: 13+ It's the year 2035. Moon Seel, a well-known detective, is on the trail of the elusive criminal known as the "Lady of Ice ". Though Moon is unaware of this, the "Lady of Ice" is ...

Category: Mystery - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2025-01-13 - Updated: 2025-01-13 - 2312 words

Of course, this books needs a foreword since it’s one of my bigger one’s. Honestly, I don’t really have an idea what to put here. I can at least try to fill up some space (I’m trying to make this 5 pages long on my tablet, but it’s looking bad (I only managed exactly 4 pages)).

I don’t know how many people will read this foreword, or the story in general. I personally like to read the foreword, even if it’s boring sometimes. It may contain important information, or is just funny. Anyways, this whole story is a little complicated. Because by the time I upload the first proper chapter, no one will know any of the characters. By the time I plan to upload the very last chapter, a lot more projects with these characters will be released. Basically, I plan on some movies based on the original concept of these characters. The first few chapters of the original idea were supposed to be released on Webtoon, but that was cancelled (like a lot is). This story is just one of many versions of these characters, the multiverse. Yep, even I include the multiverse in my stories. The original story is about some kids with superpowers. The classic. This is a version of them, if they didn’t have any powers plus a few more details. There will be a little character introduction (next chapter) for better understanding who these characters are and what role they play (or whatsoever).

Right now, writing this in 2024, I have absolutely no idea how popular my whole story about the “Elements” is going to be. Only future me knows. Or maybe not. It depends on if I ever get this far in the future. Let’s just dream big for a moment, okay? Let’s say, my whole story does get popular. Maybe this story will become an actual book. And you, the reader of this book in book-form, have absolutely no idea what the heck I’m talking about. Kind of funny though. Or maybe the planned side-comics of my stories will become actual comics. Not just comics on your phone and on social media. Maybe the planned movies will become actually popular. I will already say it now: I’m not letting any TV program show these movies. Nope. Not at all. Would be nice though if it were to become this popular. But it most likely won’t, so there’s nothing to worry about. But again, let’s just dream here for a moment.

What are the “Elements” in the first place? Probably you know elements from different things. Elements as in water, fire, air, earth. Or maybe elements as in chemistry. Or maybe it’s some kind of band or movie. I’m not going to look it up. Well, my “Elements” are a superhero group that I created. The members have different kind of powers (element one’s, of course). The main characters are Helen Haag (Lady Ice), Elly Smith (Ice Spice), Merisu Smith (Fire Tail) and Moon Seel (Water Soul). Of course, there are some more characters. Some of the other characters are more relevant for this book, while some of the main characters are not that relevant here. The important (or more important) characters in this book are Helen Haag, Moon Seel, Marc Decay, Melina Glass and Sky Blue. The others are merely mentioned or just there. And yet, they will also get their own character introduction in the next chapter.

The original idea for this book was that if it was an actual book, then the text on some pages would have a different colour. Well, originally the chapters were always supposed to be from a different perspective - sometimes Moon’s perspective, sometimes Helen’s perspective, sometimes a neutral aka third person-perspective. The chapter were also supposed to mention whose chapter it is. But that’s just another thing cancelled - well, not cancelled, just changed.

Alright then, what’s different about these characters compared to their original selves. First of all, they are completely powerless here - though some magical stuff does exist. They’re just common idiots (more or less). Also, they have mostly other occupations than in the original version. In the original version, they’re all naive teens and at some point they’re adults with some kind of job. Here, the story starts when they already are adults (because their teen life isn’t interesting). Their backstory changes quite a bit.

They have mostly different jobs here. Moon Seel is a detective here (as the title perhaps already told you). Helen Haag is something like the “bad” guy here, or let’s call her a criminal. Elly Smith is an actress. Merisu Smith is a police officer. Marc Decay and Melina Glass are just companions of Helen. And Sky Blue is the very bad guy (I don’t like her, she’s mean in the original and in this version). There are also some side characters! But they’re irrelevant, The jobs that the characters have in this story aren’t mostly the same one’s as in the original version.

Fun fact about Melina in the original version: Well, she doesn’t exist in the “original concept”. She only exists in the new original version and also only partly. Partly, you may ask? Well, currently she is only planned to “appear” in some of the planned comics and in at least one of the movies, and not even properly. In other words, she is there, but not there. It’s quite complicated to explain without explaining. Let’s say, of all the side characters, she’s the most sidest character to exist. And yet, she has a big role there. Kind of. It’s currently a matter of time if she will have a bigger role there. But for now, she plays quite the big role in this book here. Since she’s a companion of Helen, I can imagine that you might understand a bit why she’s important in the original version.

There’s this “little group of criminals”. Helen, Marc and Melina, and Sky. They all know each other already quite a while, partly because of their old school and partly in a different way. I need to mention before I continue that this is not a part of the character introduction. Since I originally (I use that word too often here) wanted to upload this in, I don’t know, 10 years? In other words, I wanted to upload this when the characters are more known due to my movies, comics and so on. But since I couldn’t wait that long (too many ideas), I decided to upload a new chapter every few months. That’s why I explain this. So you can understand the characters already a little. The character introduction mostly includes the character design and some personal information about them.

Anyways, something you’ll never learn in the original version is how Melina and Helen met. They first got to know each other through social media (to put it simple, there is more to it). And originally ,it was undecided whether they will ever have met before, but now it is decided. They met. And for this book, almost right before the beginning of this book. They always wanted to meet, at some point they meet, they spend a lot of time together, at some point they commit crimes together. This is the lore for their meeting in this version. Of course I could have made their story sound nicer and more interesting, but that’s just basically how their story is. Simple and not very interesting.

There are probably quite a few things that need an explanation, and I can’t think of all of them just yet.

There will be references to some of my future works or already uploaded works, or to works by others. The references to the works by others will be made obvious to you, the readers. But the references to my own works will not be directly pointed out. That is for you, my dear reader, to discover. That is where you may play the role of the detective for a little while.

Well, also there are certain things that I can’t explain just yet, because they will be explained throughout the book. For example, why is Helen Haag called the “Lady of Ice” even though she doesn’t have her silly little powers in this story. Well, that is something you have to read the book for. After all, I can’t give you spoilers to that in the foreword. I mean, I want you to read the whole book and be excited for the next chapters, right? I don’t want you to only read the foreword, because there are already all the information about the story. I’m sure you get my point here.

The idea to make this book came only after I watched the anime “Yuukoku no Moriarty” (“Moriarty the Patriot”). After watching this anime, I became interested in detective stories, in mysteries, in thriller, in all of this. And of course I thought: “Hey, I can also do this”.

There are so many ideas in my head for this story. So many ideas. I play them through (as an act, pretending to have people around me), and shortly after, I forget them. Not very ideal. But that’s what I do. It would probably be smarter if I would write these ideas down. Well, if I write them down and later write the story, then the written down text won’t fit into the story anymore and won’t make any sense. You know what I mean? I hope you do.

While writing this story or while thinking for ideas, I often got the feeling that this is a fan fiction. I mean, it kind of is, right? But there are some ideas in my head that literally give a feeling of this being a fan fiction. Technically it’s my story, my characters and I can do what I want with them. I can make anything I want canon. But I probably won’t do that. At least not too much and especially not for now. (No one will kiss.)

The way the text is written was supposed to be exactly how I would usually talk. Meaning, if there are words or sentences that don’t sound like how a teenager would normally talk nowadays, then I put it there because it’s how I would talk. At this very moment, I don't know how much if it will actually be that way. I wrote some stuff so far and it only partly sounded like me. Well, the characters aren't me after all.

Something I keep worrying about is that my English may sound weird or wrong. After all I’m not an English native speaker, but a German native speaker. German has other grammar rules (obviously). Also, the English that’s taught in school is sometimes weird. You can never really be sure if what the teachers tell you is true or not. Some people have really bad English teachers. When I started writing this foreword, I had a teacher who I think knows at least partly what he’s talking about. Now I have a teacher where I ask myself how she is allowed to teach English. Anyways, learning extra-English in my free time is not a bad thing. Like, I learn it with language apps, reading (read this book for better English skills (just kidding)), or whatsoever.

There are going to be altogether 50 chapters (originally it were supposed to be 106). Originally each chapter was supposed to have a wonderful name like “Dancing In The Moonlight”, but well, as you’ll see it’s another changed thing.

In some chapters, there will be things that are going to need an explanation. Those explanations will be in the very last chapters “Explanations” (obviously). These words or sentences will be marked with a number and then you can find that number in the explanation-chapter.

Also, yes, you’ll also get a wonderful afterword.

What else is there to say? I don’t know. Guess that’s it then. Wow. Didn’t think I’d come this far.

And now, for the fellow readers that came this far, but didn’t read the description, including the trigger warnings (if I put them there), this part is for you:

Book Description:

It's the year 2035. Moon Seel, a well-known detective, is on the trail of the elusive criminal known as the "Lady of Ice ". Though Moon is unaware of this, the "Lady of Ice" is really a woman named Helen Haag, someone she met and solved many crimes with. Because of their shared experiences, they become friends. However, Helen's secrets are soon to be revealed, and she aims for a well-deserved punishment. 

Trigger Warnings:

- Bad English
- Cursing/Swearing/Bad Language
- Vomiting/Puking/Throwing Up
- Smoking
- Cigarettes
- Panic Attack
- Scars/Bruises/Wounds/Injuries
- Drugs
- Blood
- Guns
- Knifes
- Murders
- Cannibalism
- Torture
- Death
- Corpses
- Choking
- Skin Inside Out
- Cut Off Body Parts
- Missing Body Parts
- Sewn On Body Parts
- Suicidal Thoughts
- Attempted Suicide
- Suicide
- Drug Overdose
- Pills Overdose
- Gun Shot In The Head
- Hanging
- Cutting
- Major Character Injury
- Major Character Death

Due to these trigger warnings, this book is recommended for 13+ readers. If you don’t listen to my warnings, then you read it at your own risk. Do not blame me for “not warning you”. Because I warned you.

Anyways, have fun reading this delightful story.
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