Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Amazons, Gifts and Weird Feelings

Omega House

by qternalanimator 6 reviews

AN outburst from Jay and the Titans are moving?

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-10-03 - Updated: 2006-10-03 - 5419 words

Qternalanimator: Hey! Back again! I dedicate this chapter to caity_party_princess... she's been a loyal reviewer and it's also to say your smart to notice that vital point in the previous chapter. Now who is in my cupboard?

Persephone: Hello there Qternalanimator... WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG TO OPEN THE CUPBOARD?!

Qternal: Umm...sorry?

Persephone: That's okay... Now, oh yes, qternalanimator doesn't own me or anything of Class of the Titans. She owns the plot of the story and the Infinidad Amazonas. Please R&R... OR ELSE I WILL GET MY HUSBAND HADES...

Qternal: slams the cupboard shut for fear of her life and the lives of her readers Please enjoy the story!


Neil walked down the passage admiring his perfection in that three-paneled mirror of his, he walked past Archie's room and in the corner of the mirror he noticed Atlanta and Archie were sitting asleep. He tutted and clamped his mirror shut. He knocked loudly on the open door and both of the teens opened their eyes wide.

"Wake up, Hera wants to see us and it's unfair if you two get to sleep in!" Neil protested and then walked in the direction of the lounge.

Atlanta slowly lifted her head of Archie's shoulder and felt her shoulder. The skin was tender with pain still so it prickled as she touched it.

Archie cleared his throat and scratched his head: "How you feeling?"

"Better, thanks Arch..." Atlanta said as she got up and left the room to go change.

Archie sat on his bed for a while and stared at the door, he then looked at the photo next to his bed of him and Atlanta with a new renewed love for the girl.


Atlanta was the last to be ready to go to Hera; she had struggled a bit with her shoulder and at one stage just kept staring at the scar on her side. She eventually made her way down to the lounge to the others. Jay and Archie had briefly told the rest what had happened during the wait, when Theresa saw Atlanta she jumped up and swung her arms around Atlanta: "I'm so glad you are okay!"

Atlanta winced at the pressure on her shoulder and slowly wormed herself out of Theresa's embrace: "Yeah... If it wasn't for Apollo and Artemis... I would have been dead on the balcony..."

"Don't say things like that," Herry told Atlanta as he in turn came to hug her, ever since the three had been marked they had gotten closer as friends. They had become their own moral support system.

"Well, lets get going guys!" Odie said impatiently.

Herry huffed: "Hephestus is still working on my truck!"

"My car can't fit everyone..." Theresa reminded everyone.

Archie then came up with an idea: "Atlanta and I will go on my bike and you all go in Theresa's car."


Archie looked at Jay, who had been staring blindly out the window but was now fully alert. All the Titans looked at him peculiarly and then at each other.

"Why now? What do you want us to do? Walk?" Neil said sarcastically.

Jay frowned and turned his back on everyone and began to walk out the house: "Exactly what I was thinking, we need to stay together and that bike is a death trap Archie... Atlanta almost died once today, I'm sure she doesn't want that to happen again."

Everyone stood in silence; the only person making a noise was Neil, whimpering that he had to walk. Theresa sighed and began to make her way outside to Jay, she turned to her friends: "He is right... besides, lets not keep Hera waiting..."

Atlanta shrugged and shook her head, she linked arms with Herry and Archie and soon all the teens were walking in a group to New Olympia High.


Jay couldn't shake how he was acting! The more he tried to ignore it the more it raged inside him and made him sick. He looked behind him to see his friends were a bit behind so he stopped and waited for them to catch up.

"It's about time..." Jay commented as he stepped in between Herry and Atlanta.

"Well Neil is almost dying of exhaustion and of too much sun..." Odie said sarcastically with a smirk on his face, he adjusted his glasses and pulled his PMR out of his pocket and then fiddled around with some buttons.

Theresa caught up with a chuckle as she whistled back to Neil: "Come on Neil!"

"Tell Aphrodite I'll miss her!" came Neil's far off voice; Neil was slumped by a tree trying to avoid having to walk any further.

Archie shoved his hands in his tracksuit pocket and shook his head: "Why do we even bother?"

Jay turned to Archie and snapped: "He's lucky! How many times do I have to tell you to get it through!"

Atlanta gasped and punched Jay in the arm: "Don't speak like that! What is your problem?"

Jay felt it again, he tried to fight it but it was too strong and he didn't even think that Jason had to suffer like this. He shrugged and turned around: "Sorry..." Theresa worried about Jay; she couldn't understand what was happening and why he was so... so different. She had tried to think nothing of it but by doing so, it was worrying her more.

"Jay... something is worrying you..." Theresa told Jay quietly as she walked in time with him and left the rest of her friends.

Jay cleared his throat and shrugged: "If you believe so..."

"You are fighting with everyone and being very spiteful... you aren't like this," Theresa said in concern.

Jay opened his mouth to tell her he was sorry but then it gripped his throat and he instead replied sharply: "Well... that's your personal opinion..."

Theresa felt beside herself with anguish at this reply and stopped dead in her tracks, she bit her lip in an attempt to not shout but she couldn't just keep quiet cause she liked him: "Who are you? You aren't the Jay that I first met! The Jay I developed deeper feelings for..."

Nobody was surprised by what Theresa had said; it was rather common knowledge to all the teenagers.

Jay stopped with his eyes wide in surprise, he had always secretly wished she would tell him this... he had planned his reply in his mind but now was the wrong time... not now, not when he was going through this. He turned to Theresa and looked her in the eyes; his eyes said things he couldn't. He took a deep breath and then opened his mouth: "Our relationship will be nothing other than as team mates..."

Neil had finally decided to catch up just in time to hear the drama, his jaw dropped as he heard what Jay said and the same happened with the rest of the teens. Theresa's gaze never left Jay's... she didn't want to believe what he had just said. She shook her head: "Don't say that. Jay, do you really mean that?"

Jay bit his lip, afraid of what he'd say next but he couldn't fight it: "Yes Theresa... Cronos is my only priority... I don't want to have a relationship with you other than as a team member."

"You jerk!" Atlanta finally snapped and put her arm around Theresa, "You good for nothing jerk! How can you be so harsh on her, she just told you how she feels darn it!"

Jay sank his head and shrugged: "That's how it is Atlanta, let's get going... we shouldn't keep Hera waiting."


Jay slipped his pendant into place and as the key clicked, he opened the door and switched on the light to go through the hazy blue portal. He didn't wait for anyone; he was on his own mission.

Aphrodite was walking by with her son Eros and his wife Psyche, Jay stopped to let them by.

"I can't believe you did that Eros!" Aphrodite fretted, not noticing Jay.

Psyche held her husband's hand tightly and hid in his shadow from her mother in law: "We had the best intentions only..."

"We never realized that he would be affected too," Eros assured his mother as she huffed at Psyche's reply. Aphrodite never had time for Psyche, and she never would.

The rest of the teenagers walked into the secret part of the school, all gathered around Theresa to support her during this time. Neil had surprisingly taken most of the challenge on himself and had Theresa's arm linked in his.

Aphrodite had yet to notice everyone and snapped at her son: "You'd better tell Hera! Or I'll tell your father!"

Eros, Psyche and Aphrodite then made their way to Hephestus' workshop, still arguing.


Hera stood at her desk, feeding doves and conversing with Chiron, Apollo and Artemis.

When the Titans walked in, she showed them places to sit and sat at her own desk, her arms folded and a look of seriousness on her face. Everyone edged their seat away from Jay; they weren't in the mood to incur his wrath again. Hera noted this and decided to speak to him alone later.

She looked to Atlanta and then spoke: "We need to speak about the incident last night."

"Well, then you'd best speak to those who know about it..." Neil said nonchalantly and pulled out his mirror.

Chiron cleared his throat and stepped forward, he put a hand on Atlanta's shoulder with a look of guilt on his face: "I should have told you Atlanta... I knew that you had been left with a scar to help find you. Those bandages blocked the magic that made it like a tracking device... I'm sorry, forgive me."

Atlanta thought back on it and realized how much sense everything made now, she once again regretted trying to do things her own way and smiled at Chiron: "It's okay... can you put another set of bandages on? I... I don't want to lead them to us..."

Chiron looked at the fear that still sparked in the girl's eyes and then nodded sympathetically, he turned to Hera and bowed: "I shall take my leave to ready the new bandages..."

Hera nodded and then turned her attention to the teenagers again: "Apollo and Artemis tell me that they were in the Brownstone, is that correct?"

Atlanta knew the question was directed at her, she shifted in her seat and nodded: "They were on the balcony but the climbed up the side of the house to get to the top..."

Hera looked at Apollo and Artemis again and then sighed and returned to Atlanta: "Then your position has been compromised..."

Archie realized that Hera was right, they wouldn't need to track Atlanta anymore, they now knew where to find them and judging by what happened the last time... the next time they meet up with the Infinidad Amazonas might not be pretty.

"It's all Cronos' fault!" Jay said irritably and put his head in his hands.

Hera nodded: "In a sense yes. In that case, I have regarded all the options and I suggest you all pack you bags..."

"What?" Herry said in surprise, "Are we giving up?"

Odie jumped up and shook his head: "We can't give up! I know I'm not one of the group who fight but we can't give up to a bunch of women!"

Theresa finally decided to speak up: "What's wrong with giving up to a woman?"

Neil rolled his eyes to Odie and then put his hands behind his head: "He means to those foul excuses of women, they are so... ugly..."

Theresa turned to Neil and shrugged, in a way, this self obsessed jerk made awkward sense... and they were ugly. She sighed and let Hera continue.

The Queen of the Gods rose and felt a sense of pride in their determination to continue fighting. She then shook her head: "I don't intend for you all to give up... we are just moving you to a new location... till you defeat the Infinidad Amazonas and then you can all return to the Brownstone."

"Well, that makes sense to me," Archie said and it seemed everyone shared that thought.

Hera nodded: "I'm glad you think so, now, I'd like to speak to Jay alone if you all don't mind."

Everyone got up, except Jay and began to leave the room. Artemis jogged after Atlanta and held her back: "I think we should talk too..."

Atlanta nodded, her mentor was right and she had wanted to show her the dagger that she had found herself keeping tucked in her sock. Archie hung back, not wanting to leave Atlanta's side for a moment. Artemis noted this and ushered him away: "It's fine Archie, she's with me! Go along!"

Atlanta turned to Archie and just nodded, Archie then made his way to his other friends as they all lingered outside in the corridors.


Jay watched as Hera closed the solarium door and then turned to Jay, she looked at him in concern and then sat back at her desk: "Something is troubling you Jay, as your mentor, I believe I'm owed an explanation."

Jay gulped and nodded; he wrung his hands together for some moments and tried to find the right words...

The door suddenly burst open and Ares rushed inside unannounced, fury blazing a trail behind him. Jay turned and Hera rose in her seat: "Ares! What is with the intrusion?"

Ares bowed to his mother and then stood firm: "I have come to tell you something relating to Eros and that wife of his Psyche."

Hera sighed, and looked at Jay: "Can this wait? I'm currently talking to Jay..."

Ares scoffed and then eyed Jay and turned to his mother with a set look on his face: "I think it might help if he knew too..."

Jay looked at Ares and then to Hera: "It's okay, I've got nowhere to be."

Ares stood in front of Hera's desk and rammed his fist on the table: "Eros and Psyche gave that girl of Artemis the gift of love... to love Archie! The descendant of Achilles! Achilles was a warrior! Not a... a lover..."

Jay couldn't help but smirk, Are was one to talk... He was Aphrodite's lover and she was married to Hephestus. Ares glanced back and saw this; he grabbed Jay by the scruff of his shirt, his eyes livid with intense anger.

Hera jumped out her seat: "I will not have you man handling Jay Ares! Leave him be!"

Ares sneered at Jay and put him down again, he stood over Jay and bent his head to the side in the ultimate power pose: "Had any peculiar feelings lately... Jay?"

Jay's eyes grew wide and he gulped: "What... what do you mean?"

"Apparently the full gift was for that girl to be respected like the other one by those who don't show her much respect..."

"Theresa..." Hera corrected Ares and listened intently.

"Her... now, it so happens that Jay has deep feelings for... Theresa... and now the gift made this happen but to the other one..." Ares said with a sadistic tone, "The leader of the world's only hope is now a love sick imbecile over that preposterous excuse for a descendant...a warrior for that matter..."

Jay listened to Ares rant wildly, he jumped up and then before thinking it through, he shouted back: "Atlanta is one of the best fighters we have! She is everything you could never be!"

Hera listened to Jay in surprise and yet she realized it truly wasn't Jay talking, it was the spell woven over him. Ares looked at Jay aghast and he turned red from fury, Hera held her hand out and shook her head at her son: "Ares, you just said yourself... That was not Jay talking."

Jay managed to nod and then looked at Hera in desperation: "How do I stop this? I... I don't want to be in love with Atlanta! I keep wanting to hurt... hurt Archie for being anywhere near her... I want to... kill... kill him... I won't let them be alone."

Ares shook his head in distaste and decided to rather leave the room, as he closed the door Hera shook her head in pity for her charge. She could see the strain he was under from this little mistake by Eros and Psyche.

Jay looked at Hera in earnest: "I need... to... you understand."

Hera nodded and looked downcast: "There is a way Jay... but I fear you won't like it."

Jay sat up in his seat: "I'm up for anything at this moment."

"You must follow through with the spell... you must... go out on, as you say, a date with Atlanta and let her know how you are feeling..."


Atlanta stood in Artemis' solarium, she always liked it here and she wished she lived in a place like it.

"This morning... you noticed that when Apollo or I shot the Amazonas, they disappeared," Artemis asked Atlanta as she handed Atlanta a crossbow and arrows and the two set out for a bit of target practice.

Atlanta nodded: "Yes, I did actually..."

Artemis then looked at Atlanta from the corner of her eye: "But when you attacked them with that dagger they died..."

Atlanta let her crossbow drop to the floor as she knelt to pull out the dagger from inside her sock. Artemis gave her an odd look and Atlanta shrugged: "I've been feeling... more comfortable with this near me..."

Artemis took it and inspected the dagger briefly; she ran her fingers over the rubies and then noted the runes on it. She paused for a moment and then handed it back to Atlanta: "And you will keep it with you, I have a feeling that this might be a gift in disguise."

Atlanta nodded and slipped the dagger back in her sock, she then smiled at her mentor: "Thanks Artemis."


Penthesileia warbled like a howler monkey as she looked at her handless arm. She was absolutely delirious with fury as she stormed into the lair of Cronos, Cronos was looking out at New Olympia with a content grin on his face.

"CRONOS!" Penthesileia roared as she stopped behind him, Cronos slowly turned to her with his arms outstretched.

"Penthesileia, my dear... I see that your moment to shine didn't well work..." Cronos said smoothly as he made sure to keep his distance.

Another one of the Infinidad Amazonas walked in, it was Colusa, she glared at Cronos: "Do not taunt us! We had the one called Atlanta! But... Artemis and Apollo took us by surprise!"

"They took the other dagger! We can be harmed by those!" Penthesileia shrieked and showed Cronos her arm that looked rather mutilated. Cronos held out one of his scythes and he lowered it to touch the area where her hand was and muttered a verse in Greek. Slowly, it seemed like Penthesileia's flesh was bubbling and slowly, as if in slow motion... bones grew from the injured point and slowly formed a hand.

Colusa looked at the new hand and then dashed at Cronos: "Where is the flesh! Queen Penthesileia can't have a set of bones for a hand!"

Cronos took his other scythe and gave Colusa a third line to add to her collection of scars. She howled as she held her hands to her face, Cronos then turned to Penthesileia: "I hope this is satisfactory to you..."

That age old problem Artemis had given the Infinidad Amazonas sprung into action, Penthesileia nodded and bowed her head: "Anything you do is satisfactory Cronos, we do not waver in that aspect. Forgive Colusa, she is foolish and any gift I promised her is now no longer hers..." Penthesileia flashed a look at her 'sister' that didn't mean a bright future for the woman.

Cronos rolled his eyes and then clapped his hands together for his ogres to come to his side, as they lumbered nearer, Cronos turned their attention to the two Infinidad Amazonas: "Escort these women away so that they can rest... and recuperate..."

As the ogres did this, Cronos looked over his shoulder and sighed in irritation: "There is always a delay with everything... always too good to be true," He stepped over to his pool and ran a scythe through it.

An image of Jay appeared and Cronos glowered: "Do not worry Jay... I shall defeat you..." He then lifted both of the golden scythes and slashed at the image, sending the water up into the air as he did so.


Everyone was back at the Brownstone, there was an element of excitement in the thought of moving to a new house and everyone was laughing as they packed... Except Jay, he had a lot on his mind.

Neil lugged ten suitcases to the front of the house whilst the rest of the teens had a decent amount of luggage.

Herry threw down a box with a jumble of clothes and other things in, he then sat on top of it and watched everyone with their luggage. Neil was pulling down his last case and noticed Herry was doing nothing, he turned to him and scowled: "Well! Help!"

"You looked like you were coping ..." Herry grumbled as he stood up and easily lifted Neil's bags and put them down.

Odie stood by his room's door and called: "Herry! Buddy! Can you help with all my computer equipment?"

Herry nodded: "Coming!"

Theresa packed briskly but neatly, she hadn't realized how much more stuff she had gotten since first arriving at the Brownstone. She pulled open her bedside table drawer and then sat down. She delved her hand inside and pulled out a frame. She looked at the picture with an attempted smile; it was her and Jay dancing. She sighed and slipped it into a place in her case. She then pulled her case closed and made her way down to where everything was waiting.

Archie scratched his head as he saw how everything was like a mountain in his suitcase. He tried to look at his problem from all angles and noticed everything he still had to pack.

"Only got one bag Arch?"

Archie looked over his shoulder to see Atlanta smiling brightly at him from the door, he groaned and nodded: "I can't get it all in!"

Atlanta put her tog bag down and stepped inside, she frowned and then chuckled.

"What?" Archie asked confused as he tried to find something funny about his problem.

Atlanta sighed and then climbed onto the lid of his suitcase and sat on it. She put all her weight down and then beckoned to Archie: "Zip it closed!"

"But I still have a whole bunch of stuff!" Archie protested and looked at the pile of clothes and books and shoes.

Atlanta rolled her eyes: "I have enough space in one of my bags! Now! Come on Arch! Zip it closed before it explodes out!"

Archie chuckled and stood with his face down fiddling with the zip, Atlanta sat there with a smile on her face and looking at Archie with a lopsided grin. Archie could feel her eyes on him and felt hot, he struggled with the case even more: "The darn zip is jammed!"

Atlanta noticed Theresa walking past and cleared her throat: "Hey! Theresa! Come here a moment!"

Theresa turned and stepped into Archie's room, she raised an eyebrow at the sight of Atlanta on Archie's bag: "What's happening?"

"Arch can't zip his own bag closed, can you try?" Atlanta said in a playful sarcasm and grinned at Archie, she then turned back to Theresa, "Please?"

Theresa smiled and pushed Archie out the way and was able to very easily close his bag and Atlanta was able to hop off without the clothes all spraying out.

"The zip was stuck... I must have loosened it enough for her..." Archie tried to reason out and this left the two girls laughing. Atlanta brought her one bag inside and opened it, everything was neatly packed and in it's place.

"You actually fold clothes?" Archie asked in surprise.

Theresa took offense for Atlanta: "What's the problem with folding?"

Archie raised his hands in protest and then threw his stuff into the bag: "Nothing, I just don't..."

Atlanta shut her bag and then handed it to Archie: "Clearly! Now bring the bags down! I can't wait to see where we are living!"

Jay had quickly packed his bags and was now sitting on the bare bed thinking. He felt sick to his stomach at the thought of having to try and get Atlanta away from Archie and tell her that he loved her. He had visions of Archie beating him senseless and Atlanta doing something very similar.

"There is no easy way out..." Jay muttered to himself just as Herry stepped in.

"Need any help Jay?" Herry asked, as he looked at all the bags beside Jay. Jay looked up with a smile and nodded.

He took some of the bags in his hands and left some for Herry: "Yeah, thanks Buddy..."

Herry piled the bags on top of each other and walked out behind Jay to the front of the house to the others.

Atlanta clapped her hands: "Finally! You arrived, I never took you as a slow packer..."

Jay turned his head to the side and shut his eyes, trying to not even look at Atlanta... when he looked at her... colour rushed to his cheeks and he felt stupid, He just had to remember that he wasn't really in love with her.

Athena stepped out of the house with Hermes, he eyed everyone's expressions and sighed: "You're going to love Omega House!"

"Omega? As in the last letter of the Greek alphabet?" Archie asked as Hermes began to conjure a portal right before them.

Hermes completed the portal and nodded: "Everyone and everything in the portal!"

Odie saw how slow everyone was and jumped up: "Come on you guys! Pick up the pace!"


Odie arrived in front of the new house and his jaw dropped: "Sweet!"

Slowly the rest of the Titans piled out of the portal and all their reactions were similar.

The house was much larger than the Brownstone; it looked similar design wise though.

Hermes was the last through the portal and then sighed with his arms open wide: "Welcome to Omega House, originally for any new descendants but now your new home!" He threw the keys to Atlanta and she stepped up to the door and opened it up, as the door opened, her eyes grew wide with awe.

Archie stepped up behind her: "No way! Really awesome! Come on guys! Let's get going!"

Everyone nodded and rushed inside, taking everything in. Theresa walked down one of the passages and noticed each room had a wooden door with a Greek carving on it and each teen's name: "Hey guys! We each have designated rooms!"

Theresa also then noticed it needed her pendant to be opened; she slipped it into the keyhole and opened the door as it clicked into place.

Theresa's room looked like Persephone's solarium except without the gateway to the Underworld. There was an enormous double bed at one end of the room and there was a wall of shelves. Some were lined with books and others had figurines from ancient times in Greece. It looked all very peaceful and then Theresa saw a glass cabinet and stepped closer.

"A lyre?" Theresa said as she opened the cabinet and lifted a note out from behind the lyre.

Here, don't steal Odysseus' or mine anymore!

Theresa laughed and then realized it was from Apollo. She shut the cabinet and then carried on looking around. There was an area with Ninja weapons on the wall and though Theresa knew how to use them, she still only trusted her numchucks.

She noted all the closet space she had and then opened another door to her own private bathroom: "I think I'm in heaven!"

Neil slipped his pendant into place and then pulled his room's door open. He shielded his eyes from the sudden glare and when he stepped inside he gasped and ran to the wall of his room. His entire room was one large mirror, wherever he turned, Neil could look at himself.

Neil noticed a bunch of roses on his bed and pulled off the note that was attached.

Enjoy this darling! Aphrodite.

"The woman is a genius!" Neil commented and then began to smile at himself without his signature three-panel mirror.

Herry peered inside Neil's room and looked around in disgust. Neil saw him and sighed: "Isn't this just wonderful?"

Herry shrugged: "Sure..." He then walked over to his room and closed his eyes as he opened his door. He hoped that his room didn't look as bad as Neil's.

Jay stopped behind Herry and patted his friend on the shoulder: "Relax Buddy... take a look!" He then made his way to his room.

Herry opened his eyes and laughed in satisfaction, there was nothing fancy about his room. It was how he had described it to Hercules, Herry's dream room. A simple cupboard, bed, shelves, television, stereo and some muscle building equipment was all the room consisted of.

"Wow, perfect!" Herry said in awe as he dropped his box of goods and shut the door behind him.

Atlanta stood for some time, admiring the carving of Artemis on her door.

"Hey! Our rooms are across from each other!"

Atlanta turned to see Archie dropping his stuff and standing next to her. He looked at the carving and nodded: "Impressive... now how about opening that door?"

"I was getting there! I was just... taking in how cool the art was!" Atlanta grumbled as she slipped her pendant into the door.

Archie chuckled: "Sure 'Lanta, you always take in the beauty of art!" Archie turned and slipped his pendant into his room's door. Both doors clicked open at the same time. Atlanta looked back at Archie as he stepped into his room and then with a sigh, she stepped into her room.

Atlanta dropped her bags and gasped in astonishment... it was Artemis' solarium... well, a replica but it was Artemis's solarium. She just had one thing different though, it seemed that Artemis had raided the weaponry to fill an entire wall with any weapon her heart desired. Atlanta's mouth broke into an enormous grin as she slung guns over her shoulder, slipped bolas in her pocket and put the crossbow on her hand. She then saw targets on the other end of the room and she couldn't believe this all was hers.

"Too cool!" she said as she held out an EMR and shot one of the targets.

Archie's jaw dropped in exasperation at his room; it was a smaller version of the assault course that Ares drilled him on. He was lucky that there was even a bed in there! He made sure the blasted course wasn't active and then dropped his bag on the bed. He was impressed at the fact that Ares could even choose a decent colour scheme for his room. He shrugged and decided to go see what Atlanta's room looked like.

Jay was impressed with his room; it looked like an oversized study filled with books on Greek Mythology. There were some average teenager gadgets in the room but in the end, Jay had to admit, his room was really cool and suited him to the tee. He noticed a miniature replica of the Argos and smiled at the ship of his ancestor. He then left the room to take a long stroll around to still try and figure out his problem... how was he going to take Atlanta on a date, when she was now mad over Archie...



Qternalanimator: It was just an accident on his part, nobody is perfect... not even a God.

Persephone: all sweet again True, true... Well, will Theresa suffer from a broken heart? Will this new house prove safe from the Infinidad Amazonas? Will Jay fix his problem before its too late? You'll need to graciously wait for the next chapter in 'Amazons, Gifts and Weird Feelings' by qternalanimator.

Qternal: True that! Please R&R! I love reading reviews!!!!!!!!!! See you! Time for me to finish the second chapter of my other story!
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