Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Parody

Idiotic Minds

by darks00 2 reviews

Parody of the episode "Simple Minds."

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Parody - Published: 2006-10-08 - Updated: 2006-10-08 - 426 words

(a/n: Julius and Delilah are on the plane, and are about to crash)

Julius (grabs Delilahs hand)

Delilah: What the hell are you doing?

Julius: Well...we're about to crash, and I want to tell you something...

Delilah: OH MY GOD...are you hitting on me?!?

Julius: How'd you know?!? It doesn't matter, we're gonna be dead soon, anways...


(a/n: On the airplane, about to crash)

Julius: It's no use, we're too low to use parachutes.

Delilah: Well, we can't just crash, now can we?

(D and J put on the parachutes)

Delilah: You first. If you survive, I'll follow you. (Pushes Julius out of the plane)


(a/n: when Delilah and Julius crash land, and Julius doesn't remember that he told Delilah that he lovers her)

Delilah: So you really don't remember a thing?

Julius: soggy cereal, that's about it...

Delilah: You idiot, you told me you loved me!

Julius: HA! I was just joking! I knew you loved me!

Delilah: (runs away scared)


(a/n: The Con Man is trying to hynotise D and J. They're both on a chair, looking at the screen with a male voice saying "Em selur namnoc")

Delilah: Hey...who's narratoring this show? Since when did we hire a narrator? (goes up to the screan, rips it apart to see Michael Jackson)

Delilah: (screams)

Jackson: (screams)

Delilah: Michael Jackson?!? What are you doing here?!?

Jackson: Hey, it pays good money...Hey, is that boy taken? (points at Julius)

Delilah:, he isn't...why?

Jackson: maybe him and me can get together sometime...


(a/n: Julius is hypnotized. The Con Man traps them in a sandpit. Delilah tries to get Julius out, but she can't. She does a pressure point, trying to get him out of it)

Delilah: This is risky, but desperate measures...(Does a pressure point on Julius)

Julius:(falls dead)

Delilah:...oops...I'll know for next time...


(a/n: Julius is slowly remember what happened on the air plane)

Julius: Delilah...the plane...I remember...

Delilah: Yeah, yeah, I know...I remember the plane, too.

Julius: Oh? You remember it, too? Oh, good, now I know I'm not crazy.

Delilah: Woah, don't go that far!


(a/n: At the end, Delilah and Julius are about to kiss)

Julius: (blackberry rings, tries to answer it)

Delilah: (grabs the blackberry, chucks it into the water)

Julius: What was that for?!?

Delilah: You were about to kiss me...

Julius: WHAT?!? I thought we were having an eye starring contest...

Delilah: (slaps Julius)



xxDarkness' Kidxx
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