Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories

Chapter 12

by youngandreckless 4 reviews

chapter 12

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-10-12 - Updated: 2006-10-13 - 753 words

Its an update! lets do a happy dance...sorry for the long ass wait. My life is a complete hell right now but i missed all of yalls reviews so i figured i would update tonight. if it sucks then i'm sorry.

Chapter 12

Pete's POV

"You know listening to our stories I just realized something." Patrick laughed poking at the fire.

"that you live a boring life?" I asked playing with the sand.

"yeah exactly." Patrick rolled his eyes before continuing "no but seriously there is never a dull moment with us. We are like a never ending rollercoaster." Everyone nodded in agreement.

"how do you do it?" Joe asked suddenly. "do what?" Everyone was now looking at him curious to see where he was going with this. "live life that this. Doesn't it ever get on your nerves. Don't you just wish for one calm moment?"

I sat there for a moment looking around. "no it never gets on my nerves. These peoples are my friends and I love them all I would never think of leaving them." Slowly everyone nodded in agreement. "This is who we are. There is no need for change. Hell it would be quite boring if everything was calm."

He seemed to accept this because he didn't say anymore. Even though I gave him that answer it made me think. Does it ever get annoying? Maybe some calm time would be ok. Hell I know I need it.

Laura's POV

I jumped as my phone went off. Glancing down at the caller ID I excused myself. Once a good bit away from everyone I flipped it open.

"hey cole" I grinned into the phone. "no I'm holding up" I paused listening. "seriously? Is matt coming to?...alrighty I will see you then."

I hung up running back over to everyone. "Cole is coming into town!"

"Matt too?" Stacey asked grinning. "no your loser brother has to work" she nodded before laying her head back down on Pete's chest.

"who's cole?" Joe asked glancing at me.

"Stacey's brother's friend"


Glancing around I noticed everyone had fallen asleep, everyone that is except me. Why did laura get so excited to hear cole was coming into town. For some reason that just really bothered me. I pushed the idea out of my head and slowly closed my eyes.

"you ready for help yet?" I jumped my eyes snapping open. I was no longer at the camp fire but back in the white room. "youre lizy" I acussed turning to face the voice.

"that I am." She nodded walking closer to me.

"we are friends?"

"that we are" she nodded.

I jerked as my headed started to pound "it hurts" I whined. Lizy instantly grabbed my hand "don't fight it" she soothed gently stroking my hand.


"Dont know, but in 100 shots we'll know, and we can all bet its gonna be awesome those two dont play around...unless its with each others bodies" I hit Matt in the stomach, grabbing his arm.

The pain stobbed suddenly. "what did you see?" lizy asked rubbing my back. "some guy was talking. I hit him in the stomach. In a joking way kinda.

"what was he saying?" I tried to remember but it was hard it hurt so badly to think right now. "something about shots and how two don't play around. Unless its with bodies?"

She nodded chewing on her bottom lip. "that was matt" before she could say anything else another shot of pain hit me like a ton of bricks


"Because between you and Pete and all this relationship change, the world is gonna fall apart, life was great 2 years ago,"
"Life was different two years ago, with the whole kidnapping bull, I dont see how you two can expect everything just to fall back in place, perfectly,"
"We dont expect it too, but we pushing it along," Andy smiled, I rolled my eyes.
"She doesnt care, read my lips... its over, Fred should be on the bus allready right?" I asked getting up. They nodded, "Good im gonna go crash, that way im there allready," One hour left and Im sure Id have to deal with a drunken Laura and most likely Stacey to. Better get some shut eye now.

None of this was making sense to me! I don't understand it all. I wish I could remember everything. If this pain is going to come everytime I remember something then maybe I just rather not know!
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