Categories > Games > Final Fantasy X > Unresolved Sexual Tension

Chapter 2: Innocent Thief

by Pink_Rapid 1 review

The mind of a teenaged girl is a frightening thing. When hormones cloud an already neurotic mind, can one girl keep hold of her inhibitions? Furthermore, does she even want to?

Category: Final Fantasy X - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Romance - Characters: Auron, Rikku - Published: 2006-10-12 - Updated: 2006-10-13 - 1055 words

Author's Note: Welcome, one and all, to part two of three of Unresolved Sexual Tension! Thank you so much for your kind reviews, I really appreciate the support! Shortly after the conclusion of this trilogy will come an AuRikku one-shot, and then I guess we'll see where things take us! I'll try to reply to all your reviews in the last installment, which should be out before long! (Officially marking this as the first story I've ever finished, but let's not count our chocobos before they've hatched, eh?)

Disclaimer: Final Fantasy X and X-2 and their respective characters, settings, etc. copyright Square Enix.


"Unresolved Sexual Tension"

Chapter Two: Innocent Thief

Something is wrong with you.


Oh, poopie, why won't my conscience shut up! I mean, doesn't it think I know that? Stupid voice of reason, who asked it for its opinion, anyway?

Your conscience doesn't need an invitation, you pervert.

I am not a pervert! It's not my fault I find him incredibly attractive! You can't deny that something about the way he swings his sword just makes your knees go to jelly. Besides, if anyone is to blame, it's Gippal. He's the one who just up and ran off to join the Crimson Squad, leaving me at Home, all lonely and sexually frustrated.

He's got grey hair.

I don't care if he has grey hair. Personally, I think it's handsome. Besides, I've got more hormones than you can shake a stick at, and nowhere to put them. Not to mention, being in a pilgrimage, it's not like I'm going to get to meet many guys, so why can't I just have my fun?

You're fifteen. He's fifty.

He is not. Well, actually, I don't really know how old he is. And I don't really care! Have you seen him? Something about him just makes you want to tear off all his clothes - of which there are many - and have your way with him.

There are plenty of guys out there. Why can't you be normal and lust over Tidus like other teenaged girls?

If you ask me, my conscience is the perverted one. Tidus is like a brother to me, not to mention it's quite obvious him and Yuna are a thing. The other men in the pilgrimage don't really have great prospects, but even if it weren't for all that, I'd still be attracted to him.

Not that I can understand why. We're completely different. He's arrogant and stoic and gloomy and responsible. I'm cheerful and happy and hyper and fun. I guess it's like that silly old saying: "opposites attract". And we sure couldn't be more opposite.

The age gap really doesn't disturb you at all, does it?

It did, at first. Shortly after we got acquainted at the Moonflow, I started having all these, well... sexual dreams. Man, was that ever weird. I tried to stop thinking about it by recalling all the machina assembly instructions I had ever read, or by visualizing someone scraping their nails on a chalkboard. Nothing seemed to help, though, so eventually I just stopped trying.

And people wonder why I'm so hyperactive. Hello, it's from all these raging teenage hormones!

I've said it before and I'll say it again: something is wrong with you.

That's probably true, so why aren't I more concerned?

Because you're insa-

Yesterday didn't help, either. We were fighting a chimera in Macalania Woods, and I went into battle. I can't say I was really all that prepared, but can you blame me? All this unresolved sexual tension is starting to make me really hyper, and I just had to burn off some energy. Anyway, I get in there, ready to kick butt and take names, when this stupid fiend comes out of nowhere and knocks me back with a snake tail.

Snake tail! Not that three heads aren't enough to keep track of, but then out pops a snake for a tail? Can you really blame me for not expecting that?

Anywho, I go flying backwards and wind up hitting something. For a second, I blacked out, and I thought I was dead. But then I felt something soft beneath me. And it was rising, slowly, and then just as slowly falling. I realized it was a person breathing. I could tell, judging by the amount of hard muscle and idiotic number of clothing layers, that I was lying on him. As in straddling.

What happened next, I couldn't have stopped. I should have, and if I could go back, I would have, but I just... couldn't have. I mean, out of nowhere comes the musky aroma of ginger and that genuine man scent, and I was lost.

I sniffed.

I wasn't particularly obvious about it, mind you. I mean, it's not like I just stuck my nose in his hair and said, "Hey, guy, mind if I take a whiff? How about another one for the road!" but I'm sure he noticed. I felt him stiffen slightly beneath me, and I knew that he knew. I quickly scrambled off him, muttering apologies and trying my hardest to hide the warmth rising in my cheeks.

Still, I can thank the encounter for supplying me with an entirely new batch of fantasies.

May I talk now, O Nubile One?

Still, it's not like I'll ever do anything about it. After all, my conscience is right.

Thank yo-

Not that that's really the reason.

I hate you.

I mean, ultimately, it's not like he feels the same way, right? Soon the pilgrimage will be over, and we can all go our separate ways, and I'll never see him again. So as long as I wait it out and let my hormones mellow down, I'll be good as new. I'll just go to sleep at night, have my little but incredibly sexual dreams, and before you know it, I'll wake up and it won't matter anymore.

Because, after all, it's not like I'd ever really drag him into a secluded corner of the forest, rip off all his clothing, pin him to the ground and start going at it like a cait sith in heat.

Yeah, I can stave off hormones. After all, I'm too tough to be outsmarted by those silly things.

I give up.

After all, it's just lust... right?
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