Categories > Games > Final Fantasy 7 > Give me something to believe in

Too Quiet, Too Loud

by ff71boy 1 review

Cloud left home from a broken family and friends he never had. He had only one goal, the only chance he has, to become a SOLDIER. with great determination he will let no one slow him down, until he...

Category: Final Fantasy 7 - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Humor, Romance - Characters: Cloud Strife, Kadaj, Sephiroth, Zack - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-09-13 - Updated: 2006-09-14 - 2256 words


This is a YAOI meaning there will be TWO GUYS WHO WILL LOVE EACH OTHER. It is a deep concept, let it soak in. Pretty much none of these events take place in FF7 'cua it's an AU but I'll try to keep it somewhat close to the story line and not go to far off track. Ok! Here is the story!

Too Loud, Too Quiet

"Keep moving fat boy! You won't survive this week if that's all you got! Your falling behind you fat ass! You make me sick..." The sergeant yelled at Wedge, as he slips and falls face first in the mud. Cloud sighs seeing his partner and roommate get putdown like that from the Sergeant. The Sergeant took humor at yelling at the largest guy in the squad, hoping to break him. Wedge slowly picks himself up out of the mud, as he stands up; he continues to run forward trying to catch up with his squad only to continue to fall behind even more, he was noticeably slowing down. Cloud sighs at seeing the sight of it, he falls behind to move with his partner, "Come on, don't let the asshole get to you, we're almost done, just a few more miles." He understood the frustration Wedge was going through, as he goes through much the same, being one of the smallest kids' in the squad, if it weren't for that he probably would have ignored Wedge getting yelled at. The sergeant smirks at Cloud," We don't have room for girls, move along, I am dealing with Twinkie, or would you like to be doing push-ups for the rest of the day?" It was a nickname that Sergeant Okunawa gave him on the first day of training when he couldn't complete the rope climb; Wedge was humiliated in front of the whole squad. "No, Sir." He responds glaring at the Sergeant, receiving a smirk in return. Glaring coldly at the Sergeant, Cloud turns and runs ahead, catching up with the squad.

They had been running all day, jumping over logs, running up hills, through swamps, and in the forest, all twenty miles of it, with three more to go. Cloud was exhausted, he had only two hours of sleep the night before, due to guard duty he hated it almost more then anything, and he was on guard duty more then anyone else. Of course, this was all a test, to see who could handle being shipped down to Midgar to start the real training, to become a SOLDIER. One more week of this bullshit and he could start the training. He was going to prove the people he grew up with, wrong, he was something.

Three months ago he left his home in Nibelheim, to become a First-Class SOLDIER like General Sephiroth, the leader of all the SOLDIERS. He left because he wasn't welcome at his hometown; none of the kids liked him. He had tried to talk to them but they would just shut him off. Only Tifa was nice to him, even though she didn't talk to him, she was a year younger then him at fifteen. He remembered when he tried to save her from falling off a bridge that put her in a two week coma; the town blamed what happened to her, on him. Saying she never acted so careless until she started talking to him, the only thing was, she never talked to him. All the guys would beat him up, calling him useless, a nobody. His mother loved him, but there was only so much she could do to help him, ever since his father died she wasn't quite herself. He had to leave the town, not only for himself but to lighten the burden on his mother, and to get away from the kids that he once tried to get to know.

Later that afternoon when he finished running they started their fighting techniques, as if he wasn't tired enough. Sergeant Okianda was tougher then Sergeant Okunawa, however he didn't single out any individual, "Attention, bitches. Today is the beginning of the worst week of your lives; the men will be separated from the ladies." The Sergeant smirks, very cliché, Cloud thinks to himself. The sergeant pulls out a clip board from a table in the large plain gym. The gym had a simple wood floor with blue mats all over, and plain, light brown walls with a high ceiling. The sergeant scrolls down the list of names, he was a tall, muscular man with piercing blue mako eyes, he was pale white and was taller then any other of the new recruits, and he wore a professional suit. "Recruit Danik, Recruit Forrest, step forward." He says with the utmost calm, his face unreadable, they both took a step forward out of the line. "You two are roommates; I assume, you two are probably friends?" Neither of them moved, he smirks again, "You two will spar each other, the loser will pack his bags and go home. You will use everything I taught you." Their eyes widened at hearing the news, causing the Sergeant to openly grin, "Let's see," he says to himself, "Recruit Trona, Recruit Gordy, you two will spar, same rules, loser goes home." He slowly says the list on the clip board turning the pages.

"Recruit Strife," Cloud turns his head towards the Sergeant, drawn from his thoughts, "Recruit Henry, Step forward. You two will spar, loser goes home, and you will use everything I taught you, so far." He continues reading the list of names. Cloud looks at his only friend, or about as close as a friend he has had, they both knew who was going to lose, and pack their bags. "Hey, Cloud," Wedge speaks slowly, "It was nice meeting you, maybe we can meet up after you're done with training, and have become a SOLDIER." Probably not, Cloud thinks to himself, probably won't see anyone outside SOLDIER after training, "Maybe," he only says. They step onto the mat placed in front of them, "You will begin when I say so; your opponent loses when he steps off of the mat, falls down or taps out. Start!" He shouts.

Cloud was blurred out to anything but his opponent, Wedge, so much for staying to the end. Cloud was quick to reach Wedge, who was ready for him. Wedge quickly grabs at Cloud, but he was quick to move and sides steps out of the way, kicking Wedge in the ribs. Wedge was smart but he was also slow, Cloud was also smart, and was more ambitious with his goals then any of these other recruits, he was not going to lose. Wedge didn't seemed fazed by the kick and turns swinging a fist at Cloud, who barely blocks the heavy blow at his head, he won't go down easy, Cloud thinks to himself. He jumps over the large boys head landing right behind him on the edge of the mat and swinging his leg sideways, Wedge jumps over his swinging leg, he was used to being tripped by that simple move. Cloud expected Wedge to jump over his leg, and stops his sweep kick while swinging his other leg over while jumping, spinning his body, just hitting Wedge before he lands knocking him down on the ground. Cloud, landing back on his two feet and smiles down at his partner, offering a hand to pick him up, "It was nice meeting you, Wedge, hope you do good in what you want. Maybe you will try to be a SOLDIER again?" He wasn't very good at being nice, but he tried. Wedge takes his hand and shakes his head at Cloud, "It was nice to meet you, too. I don't plan to try out to be a recruit for SOLDIER again; I don't think my mind will endure all of this again. But I think you will go far in SOLDIER, you have skill and intelligence."

The Sergeant, seeing who was first to lose shouts, "Henry, pack your bags, your train leaves tonight! We don't have time for the weak, only the best!" Damn, that asshole was heartless, no time to say goodbye, Cloud glares at the sergeant who smirks at him, "Don't think it will be easier for you just because you are near the end, six more days are still left after this, quitting will look much nicer after each falling hour, trust me." He turns watching the other young recruits, "Scott, pack your bags your train leaves tonight, we don't have time for the likes of you." This guy was much worse then Sergeant Okunawa, Cloud realizes.

Almost everyone ate in silence, seems a lot of these people had to spar their friends and family who entered at the same time, and chose to be roommates with. It was definitely time to buckle down; the next week is going to be very hard. Of course, this is what he has been waiting for, this very week; he was going to do his best, prove he is SOLDIER material. At least he will have a room to himself, no one to distract or annoy him; this may not be so bad after all.

He left for his room, to his dismay, finds that someone has already moved in, he was a tall boy, a little older, with dark long spiky hair, like his, if not so long, he had a slight frame, like Cloud's, and he had violet eyes, that seemed to shout, loud, obnoxious kid all over it, if his big grin wasn't clear enough, "Hey, I'm Zack what's your name?" he said in an all too cheerful voice, shit, Cloud thinks to himself. Cloud climbs up to his bed on the top bunk, ignoring the kids' question, but it seemed to no avail, as the annoying kid looks at him on his bunk, "Since you have no name, I think you need a nick name, hmm, how about..." Cloud, realizing this won't turn out good for him, at all, says, "Cloud," Zack continues to grin like a dork, "Cloud, huh? Nice to meet you, having fun in training so far, I guess it is going to be really difficult this last week. I'm surprised I made it, I barely won my last match; the guy was a real dick, I thought I would have lost for sure." He pauses and looks at Cloud more thoughtfully, "Seems like your quiet, oh well, don't worry, I will make up for the both of us!" Great! Cloud thinks to himself, just what I need, someone who doesn't know how to shut up! Cloud turns over on his side making his back face the obnoxious kid. Maybe that will keep him quiet, Cloud thinks to himself.

Zack, sensing the mood his new roommate was in decided against it to tell him they were going to be roommates at Midgar, too. The people who were forced to move to a different room with someone were told that already. He chose Cloud Strife because he saw that he helped his roommate, Recruit Henry, on the twenty mile run, or at least encouragec him, until Sergeant Asshole said otherwise. He thought maybe living with a guy like that wouldn't be too bad, but, seeing how he is pretty much antisocial it might have been a bad choice, a really bad choice, of course he could be sad that his old roommate had to leave. He will have to hope Cloud won't be so closed up with all those barriers preventing anyone from getting to know him. This might prove to be a very long year.

This room was just a bit bigger then his last, or maybe it was just the way the room was set up. The tight quarter's room was small, with a bunk against the far corner from the door; there was a small window on right next to the bed showing the solid concrete walls that surrounded the training camp, with barb wire on the top. Mud was coating the grounds that were within the walls, not a spot of grass was to be seen within the walls, just heavy, thick mud. On the other side of the window were two dressers, one was his the other was Cloud's, there was a very narrow walking space between dressers and the bunk bed, the walls were an ugly tan and the so called carpet was gray, nothing worth while. So much for having a talkative roommate, at least it's better then having someone who enjoys fighting and, of course, Cloud was very cute, he giggles, dare he think it. Smiling, Zack slowly drifted off to sleep.

This is my first fic ever PLEASE R&R I need to hear your opinion, if you hate it or love it, etc. I need to know if the characters are IC or OOC I want to keep then IC as close as possible, so try to include that in your review thanks! If the spacing proves too difficult to read this tell me, I will make it better! I will try to update soon. But I need to hear your reviews. I will love to answer any questions that you have to ask. I'll make cookies for the first reviewer!!! Maybe for the second one and anyone else if they ask nice enough. XD but for now. Ciao!
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