Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > A City by the Light Divided

Chapter Twelve

by MusicxisxHearts 0 reviews

You should be used to not having summaries by now.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Warnings: [!!] [?] [V] - Published: 2006-10-14 - Updated: 2006-10-15 - 1097 words

Kylie immediately called her dad when they got back to the house, "Dad, you aren't going to believe what just happened."
"Too late, Reggie got here first," her dad sounded tired. He had been working overtime ever since Mariano was getting more vampires and the message he left on Kylie's cell phone.
"Dad, they have Patrick and Pete!" Kylie was hoping that he would be able to do something.
"And five other members from The Agency," he sighed, "Listen, I want you to stick with Andy and Joe for a while. Just stay put and lie low."
"Can't you do anything?" Kylie was getting desperate.
"I'm sorry, but we're already doing all we can," and then he hung up.
Kylie plopped down on the couch and closed her eyes. They will be OK, they WILL be OK. Pete can defend his self, and Patrick is really smart. They will be OK! She opened her eyes and stared gloomily at the floor. I can't believe this happened...
Andy and Joe sat down on the couch. "So, what's going on with The Agency?" Andy dared to ask.
Kylie sighed, "There's nothing we can do. Five other members of The Agency got arrested too, it seems like the police are trying to keep the streets safer, for once."
"So we're just supposed to sit here while our friends are in jail?" Joe was angry.
"Yeah," Kylie nodded her head, "And my dad said to stick around here for a while..."
"You can sleep in Pete's room," Andy was really glum. There really isn't anything we can do, not if her dad says there isn't.
"Right," Kylie didn't know what else to say. The three sat in silence, lost in their own thoughts and misery. After some time, Joe got up.
"No use losing sleep over it, we'll think of something to do," he wasn't yelling.
The three headed up stairs. Kylie kept on going up to the third floor. She hesitantly opened the door to Pete's room, pausing to remember what had happened the last time she was there. That was the night when Pete proved to be a real friend. She sighed, then slowly opened the door. She reached for the switch to the right and flipped on the lights.
Pete's room was in the same state as before, dustier if anything. Kylie paused in the doorway and took in the whole room. It seemed so empty. She slowly walked over and sat down on the bed. The sheets were a tangled mess and the pillow was crumpled. I wonder if Pete ever dreamed about anything? She sighed, trying to keep her self from crying. He'll be OK, and Patrick too. Nothing bad is going to happen.
She looked around the room once more. Something caught her eye. It was a black spiral bound notebook corner sticking out from under a black hooded sweatshirt. Kylie stood up slowly and picked up the notebook. It looked well worn. A pencil had been pushed into the wire spiral. Kylie just stared at the notebook. I really shouldn't, not if this is what I think it is...
But curiosity over came her respect for the privacy of others. She sat down on the bed and hesitantly opened the cover. Pete's black, scribble-like handwriting filled the first page. The date up in the right hand corner was from a year ago. I shouldn't read it, this is private...
Kylie waited for a while before letting her self begin reading. The pages slipped by as she learned more about Pete than ever. This Pete from a year ago is a totally different Pete from the one I know. He was so careless, fun. Now he just sulks all the time.
She was surprised to see a line about her self in the notebook. The date was about three months from when she first met Pete. It read:
There's this girl named Kylie that I go to school with. She seems nice, but really distant from everyone else.
Kylie frowned. I guess I never really did make the effort to be nice to people. Maybe I'm just as moody as Pete without knowing...
Joe turned on the TV to the news channel, for a lack of anything else better to do. It seemed too quiet without the constant noise of the reporters. He had no idea what was going to happen.
Kylie sat listlessly on the couch next to him, Pete's notebook still fresh in her mind. Andy was sitting by his drum set, twirling his sticks between his fingers and staring into space.
"The Chief of Police has just issued a statement declaring all vampires in District prisons to be released to the Dandies. The governor is quite impressed with leader Mariano, saying that his recover program is working very well," the reporter then went on to list the weather statistics for today.
"Did you just hear that?" Joe yelled.
Kylie stared at the TV, "No way, no! What is the governor doing! This cannot be happening!" Kylie immediately dialed her dad's cell phone number.
"I guess we know what The Revolution is now," Andy couldn't believe it. I always knew that governor was a moron.
Kylie couldn't reach dad's cell phone, or the home phone. So she did the next best thing: call Martin. Martin knew everything that was going on in The Agency.
"Hey Kylie, listen, I'm a little busy right now," Martin began.
"Did you hear about all the vampires being released to Mariano?" Kylie cut him off.
"No, are you sure?" Martin was worried./I hope this is just some stupid prank./
"It's all over the news," Kylie was freaked that Martin didn't know. "What is happening?"
"I have to find your dad, just hang tight and lay low," Martin hung up.
"So what's the verdict?" Andy asked.
Kylie groaned, "The usual lay low and stay safe crap."
"Does your dad know what's going on?" asked Joe.
"I couldn't get a hold of him, so I called Martin, who always knows what's happening, but he didn't know what was happening, and it's starting to freak me out," Kylie was getting really worried, and a little scared.
"Let's just do what they say and stay here for a few days, or at least until we get updated on what's happening," everyone had to agree with Andy's suggestion.
"I just hope Pete's alright," Joe said in an unusually quiet voice.
Kylie gasped, "Oh no..." Oh please stay safe Pete, and please let Patrick out of jail. I really hate police officers.
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