Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Will she make it?

Tears, and Regrets

by Talia77 5 reviews

The crew finds out...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-10-22 - Updated: 2006-10-22 - 373 words

Everyone was driving home from there night out. The didn't bother asking Atlanta even though Archie had wanted to.
Theresa all of a sudden had a vision
" Is anyone there?"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Theresa heard screaming.Atlanta.
"ATLANTA!!!!!!!" screamed Theresa as she stopped the car with a jerk. People started swearing and cursing at Theresa but Theresa just sat there and cried. Jay was the first to ask what was wrong. " Theresa? Are you OK??" Theresa looked at him with a tear stained face. " OF COURSE I'M NOT OK!!!!! ATLANTA IS HURT!!!!" As soon as Theresa said that she turned the key and went at full speed again. Everyone started worrying. Archie had always thought Theresa was a drama queen but even he knew Theresa would never kid when it came to Atlanta. Archie got worried and so did the others.
Back at the Brownstone

Atlanta woke for about a minute and looked at the wound engulfing her stomach with blood.
She felt sick, and her eyelids droopy. She never got to tell him...her she felt.
Everyone arrived at the Brownstone Theresa didn't even bother to turn the car off. She ran inside.
Everyone followed her and no one took this as a good sign. The windows were broken the walls were covered in blood and scratches. Archie felt a sickning twist in his stomach like a knot being pulled tighter and tighter.
He ran to the living room and stared in horror. His love, Atlanta, was on the floor with a knife in her chest.
Archie and the others ran to Atlanta's side realizing there was no hope left. Archie's eyes filled with tears and silently began falling from his eyes. Theresa was already buried in Jay's shoulder crying her eyes out. Jay was sobbing softly and Odie, Neil, and Herry sat on the couch all together sobbing. They took Atlanta's body to Chiron and he said there was no hope left. Archie stared at him and gave him a dirty look. Hera tried to calm the others, but it was no use the team was falling apart.
I am soooooo sorry this is sooooooooooooo short but i have to go eat breakfast and play football-
sorry aboout this !!!!!
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