Categories > Original > Drama > My Sanctuary

Dark Layne

by darks00 3 reviews

My Sanctuary finds a surprise at Klaus' house...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-10-22 - Updated: 2006-10-23 - 1182 words

Chapter 8: Dark Layne


We were in Megan's garage, just relaxing. It's two-twenty p.m.. Practice was twenty minutes ago. Where in the world was Klaus?

"He's not coming," said Kenny, jumping to conclusions.

"Klaus would have called if he couldn't make or something...maybe he forgot. Let's go see." Megan suggested.

"I'm with Megan." I agreed.

"Fine," Kenny said, rolling his eyes.

Kenny complained for he hated walking. The three of us went out and we finally reached Klaus' house. We no longer called it Kyle's house. It was now Klaus' house. It was too painful to call it Kyle's house now. I assumed Kyle was practicing with his new band, Euthanasia. Man, I can't stand him! I think Kyle and Klaus are poor. There house isn't much to look at- a door on the verge of breaking down, and a window broken with a blanket taped over it. It was painted an ugly brown colour. I wondered how Kyle managed to get enough money to buy a guitar. The lights were all out in the house.

"That's weird," Kenny muttered.

We started to walk up the steps to the house, the steps creaking their protests of being stepped on. The steps felt like they would break any moment. It was almost like one of those haunted houses you see on t. v.. Megan knocked on the door. Concerned washed over us when no one answer.

"Let's go in and see," Kenny said, inviting himself in.

"Kenny, that's rude!" Said Megan.

Kenny rolled his eyes, and made a good impression of her. I laughed, then Megan gave me a dirty stare. I stopped laughing. Luckily, Klaus' house door was unlocked. Kenny opened it.

"Klaus? Hi, it's me, Megan." Megan cried out to the lonely house. She was greeted by only her echoes. "Joey and Kenny are here, too."

I found a light switch and turned it on. Everyone screamed. There, on the floor, stained with blood, was Klaus. He was losing blood badly from his head. There were broken beer bottles all over the house.

"Oh my God!" Half screamed half cried Megan.

Everyone ran to Klaus' side.

Megan lift his back slightly, not trying to hurt him. She didn't care she was getting soaked with blood. He was unconscious. She took his red hair out of his face. Kenny took of Klaus' glasses off for him. Klaus' breathing was heavy, and he was full of sweat. He was so deathly pale, too.

"Well, don't just stand there!" Megan snapped to me. "Call the hospital!"

I didn't hesitate.



We weren't allowed to see Klaus while the doctors were taking care of him. We just stayed in the waiting room, scared out of our minds. Megan was crying into my shoulder. The only sounds in the hospital were annoying beeping heart monitors and bratty kids screaming and crying. Soon, a tall, blonde haired women with her hair in her bun came towards us.

"Hi. I'm Ms.Mitch. I'm a social worker. You're the one who called the hospital for Mr.Klaus Layne?"

"Yes." I replied.

"So you said there was broken beer bottles all over the you think Klaus been abused?" Ms.Mitch asked.

"Yes." Megan said fast. "I know his brother, Kyle. He was abused by his father. He said he could handle it, and protect his brother. There dad had a drinking problem after his wife left him..."

She didn't need to say anything more.

"It almost looks like someone smashed him in the back side of the head with one of the beer bottles," commented Ms.Mitch.

Right then, Dr.Wein (as his name tag said) came towards us.

"You guys are with Klaus Layne?" He asked.

"Yes." Kenny replied this time.

"Klaus is going to be fine." Dr.Wein told us. We all let out a sigh of relief. "He just needs stitches."

"Thank the lord, said Megan.

"He lost lots of blood," Dr.Wein continued. "Thank goodness for blood donators. If he came here a moment later, I think he would have died."

A shiver went into my spine. It would be horrible if Klaus died. The doctor left to continue his job with other patients.

"Do you know how to contact his brother or dad?" Ms.Mitch asked.

All of us shook our heads.

"I don't think that'd be a good idea," said Kenny. "His father is probably too drunk to understand how serious the situation is anyways."

"Well, Klaus isn't going back to that home. Neither is Kyle. I think this should go to court so Klaus will no longer be in custody of Mr.Layne. But now, we have to find him a safe place until then..."

"He can stay at my place," I said.

"Good. I trust he'll be safe there with his friend." Ms.Mitch said, smiling. "We will get Klaus a lawyer and make sure he's away from that horrible man."

"Thanks, Ms.Mitch." Megan said.

Ms.Mitch then left. Thank God Klaus was alright. Now, we were allowed to see Klaus. We went into his room. He was finally awake, and all the blood on him was washed off. He was wearing a hospital gown.

"Klaus, what happened?" Megan asked him as she gave him a hug.

Instead of an answer, Klaus collapsed in her arms and cried. It made me sad, to see him like this.

He lifted his head to talk, " dad...came home drunk, and..." Klaus began, but then let himself fall again into Megan's shoulder, crying.

He didn't need to say anything else. We knew what happened next.

"Klaus, you're getting a lawyer for you and your brother to get out of custody of your father," I blurted out. "But until then, you must stay at my house for a safe place to stay."

"Oh, I don't want to be a bother," Klaus said between the tears.

"No, not a bother at all. I'll be offended if you don't stay."

"Thanks...thank you all for saving me," Klaus said, now tears of joy in his eyes. "I never felt so loved before, not even from my own family..."

"Hey, what are friends for?" Kenny asked, smiling.

"I don't know what I did to make my father mad," Said Klaus, as he looked down.

"No, Klaus, it's not your fault," Megan said stroking his bruised cheek. "It's his fault. He's an alcoholic, he needs help. Some people don't even need a reason to hate, even when it comes to their own family."

"Yeah, I guess so."

Kenny then gave Klaus his glasses.

"Thanks." Replied Klaus as he put them on.

"We'll always be with you, Klaus," I told him. "You're our friend. We'll do anything we can to help you. We are My Sanctuary after all, right? And Sanctuary means a safe place."

"Thanks so much, guys, I don't know what I'd do without you," Klaus said.

"Anytime, Klaus." Kenny said for us for the millionth time. "That's what friends are for."


xxDarkness' Kidxx
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