Categories > Original > Drama > My Sanctuary

The Door To Freedom: Part 1

by darks00 3 reviews

Court time!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-10-26 - Updated: 2012-01-10 - 1451 words

Chapter 10: The Door To Freedom Part 1


I sat in a very uncomfortable chair in the court room. Today was the day that determine if I would stay in my father's custody. I heard people mutter around me, talking how they feel about MY life. It made me feel like I was under a microscope for everyone to see. I saw behind the huge podium there was the judge. She was wearing her black robes and had short blonde hair. Beside her was a African-Canadian bailiff standing ever so still it was as if he was a statue.

Joey, Kenny and Megan came with me for support. Kyle was there, of course, sitting beside me showing no emotion whats so ever besides anger. Kyle wasn't always like this. When we were children, we would play together everyday, always smiling and laughing. I guess ever since Mother left, everything went down hill for my family. Everything changed when the abuse started. I never had the courage to tell anyone about this. I thought that I could just live with it, that I'd be fine. But now that I almost died, I knew I couldn't handle it anymore and something had to be done.

I turned my head to see Kenny struggling to put his red tie on. He got so frustrated with it he threw it at the ground. He then crossed his arms against his chest, pouting like a little child. I tried not to let Kenny see the little smile on my face.

Megan sighed and picked up the tie from the ground.

"Let me help you," She said, fixing the tie up then putting it on him.

Kenny muttered an embarrassed 'thank-you' so quiet I don't think Megan even heard it.

Our layer was a man named Mr.Shawn. Kyle and my fate was in his hands. I was so nervous. I was trusting a stranger with our fate. What if Kyle and me lost? Then our father would just be more mad and hurt us even more. I turned my head to the left side of the court to see my father. I gulped. Was it normal to be this scared of your own father? Beside him was a lady named Ms.Mache. I despised her as much as my father for being on his side. It bugged me that people stood up for people like him who don't deserve it. The judge, who's name I've been told was Judge Matters, banged her gavel on the podium.

"The Layne Case is now in session," She said firmly. "So, Kyle and Klaus Layne are the ones who don't want to be under custody of their father anymore, is this true?"

"That's right, your honour," said Mr.Shawn, showing off his English accent.

"And the fathers name is Marcus Layne?" She kept on with the questions.

"That's right, your honour," said Ms.Mache this time.

"Mr.Shawn, you may present your case first," Judge Matters ordered.

"Thank you, your honour," said Mr.Shawn, standing up. "For my first witness, I would like to call on one of Kyle and Klaus' friends...Miss. Megan Brooks."

She took the stand, where she was asked to put her right hand on the bible.

"Do you promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?" Asked the bailiff.

"Yes." Megan replied.

"Please state your name and your relationship with the Layne family." Mr.Shawn said.

"I'm Megan Brooks and I am a friend of Kyle and Klaus Layne. I'm no longer a friend of Kyle's, though."

"So, Miss.Brooks," Began Mr.Shawn, "How long did you know Kyle and Klaus for?"

"Well, Kyle I knew since he was a kid. We were friends for a long time, even started a band together. But recently, we broke up being friends and he left the band." Megan said almost in a whisper. "as for Klaus, I knew who he was as a child but we weren't friends nor knew much about each other. After Kyle left the band, Joey found Klaus playing his guitar and asked him to join the band. We've been friends ever since."

"Do you think the Layne kids are being abused?" He asked.

"Yes. When Joey, Kenny, his friends, and myself went into the Layne's house, we found Klaus unconscious with broken beer bottles all over the house. Kyle always did have bruises and cuts on him. He did ended up telling us on day, but he made us promise not to tell anyone. I think him almost dying is enough of an excuse to break that promise, though."

"Objection, your honour," Cried out Miss.Mache. "Why was Miss.Brooks in the Layne house in the first place?"

Megan answered, "For together we're in a band called "My Sanctuary. We were worried when Klaus didn't show up. So we went to his house where it was dark. Being worried, Kenny opened the door, and there is where we saw Klaus unconscious on the floor."

"Of course, I knew school counsellors talked to Kyle, but he refused to talk to her. Teachers asked questions, but again he refused to talk to them. Once a social worker came to their house. There dad played an act, and said they were ok."

"Really?" Said Mr.Shawn, "Do you have any proof that his father did this?"

"I took Kyle's word that he was telling the truth. He's the type who doesn't lie," Megan continued. "The only reason he's here and risking their safety is for when Klaus was sent to the hospital, it was the last straw. I think the broken beer bottles and their injuries are enough proof."

"Thank you, Miss.Brooks." Mr.Shawn said as Megan left the stand. "Next to the stand, I would like to call Mr.Kenny Riot."

Kenny came up and took the stand. When the bailiff gave him the bible to put his hand on, Kenny replied,

"What if I'm not catholic?"

"Just do it," replied the bailiff coldly.

Kenny put his left hand on the bible.

"Your right hand, please,"

"But I'm left handed."

The bailiff sighed. "Your right hand, please."


"Do you promise to say the truth and nothing but the truth?"


"Please state your name and your relationship to the Layne family," said Mr.Shawn kindly.

"My name is Kenneth Riot. I was once a friend of Kyle until he left the band. As for Klaus, he's still my friend. " Kenny replied.

"How long did you know Kyle and Klaus Layne?"

"Same as Megan. Kyle for all my life, but now we're no longer friends. Klaus, I just met."

"So, you were there when Megan and Joey went into the Layne house and found Klaus unconscious, am I correct?"


"What did you see?"

"Broken beer bottles all over the house."

"HEY!" cried out a random voice in the crowd. "We're you that drunk kid off of that Forgotten Bands contest?"

"SHUT UP!" Yelled Kenny.

"ORDER!" Cried out Judge Matters, banging her gavel. "Please continue."

"Yeah, so I found broken beer bottles all over the house. Klaus had to get stitches on the back of his head."

"How many?"

"I'm not sure."

"Where they man-made? Do you think it was an accident?"

"I don't know, I'm not a doctor. Klaus told us that it was from his dad."

I noticed my dad built up with anger. His face was getting red. I bit my lip. I also noticed Kenny began getting fidgety.

"Objection, your honour," cried Ms.Mache. "We're getting no where with Mr.Riot. He's saying the same thing as Miss.Brooks."

"Agreed," said Judge Matters, nodding her head. "I think it's time for an intermission. Be back in ten minutes."

Everyone in the audience were talking all at once it seemed, saying what they thought of the case. I tried my best to ignore them.

"So you think they're gonna question me next?" Asked Joey.

"Nah," said Megan. "You only just met Kyle and Klaus. I sincerely doubt it. Maybe the doctor, a teacher of something."


"Guys, you know what's weird?" Asked Kenny.

"What?" I asked.

"I know this is random, but drinking that beer last night at the contest...and guys, trust me, I'm sorry..." Kenny said, raising his hands as if he was surrendering. "But...I remember someone gave me that beer..."

"Who was it?" Megan asked.

Kenny sighed, and put his hand on his head, thinking. "I don't remember."

Everyone became silent. Especially Joey. He sort of looked...Guilty. Did he give me the beer, perhaps? No, what am I thinking? Joey would never do that?...would he?


xxDarkness' Kidxx
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