Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Calm Before The Storm

Chapter 3: In the Arch of Your Door, In the Window of Your Mind

by Blood_Red_Summer 1 review

Extra long for you fans of mine! and if you rate in the negatives, then please explain why so i can become a better writer! it's very important that i know why i suck to you!

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-11-04 - Updated: 2006-11-04 - 1436 words


I was just looking around in her bedroom for a hiding spot for hide and go seek and decided to slide under the bed. No one else was in this room, and Andy was coming. It was amazingly clean and dust-free under here, she must be really bored, her room is extremely clean. Shit! What was that? Something hit the plaster wall and made a hollow thump oh man, Andy's gonna have my ass, a diary? That's what hit the wall? Hm. I shouldn't, but I could! But can't, but what's stopping me? Okay, only a few pages. The back few are usually the best.

November 3

Well today was no exception to the shittiness. Ian decided that he didn't want to be with me, he'd rather be with Cindy, and I really hate them both. High school sucks
-wow, this was old, she's at least twenty now-but what else can you expect? Nothing. People don't know what they want and they blame their mistakes and embarrassment on others whenever possible. People are such assholes, but that's okay, one day I'll outrank them all and rise to fame-what for, I don't even know yet. I'm getting used to being fucked ove, whether it be by mommy dearest or my ex Ian whom I found making out with that skank on MY couch on my BIRTHDAY.

November 6

Mom's in jail again, fourth drunk driving, and I just failed my pre-calc test. What else is new? Is karma punishing me? What did I do to deserve this slew of bad luck? I'm a magnet to it, can't get away. It's that cute black cat I see walking down the street and stop to pet and now it won't stop following me, and everywhere I go it mews hymns of failures and steps on the toes of my should-be successes.

November 8

Just to add to the humiliation that is my life, today Jackie made me cry
-it was true, the pages were slightly stuck together and stained with drops that must have been tears-/but no for no reason, she's been giving me the cold shoulder for the past few days, and turned a couple fellow classmates against me, why? "Because you're a repetitive bitch, Renee. And if you plan on keeping me as a friend, then you'd better shape up. You're selfish, spoiled, mean, and worst of all you don't see how you are, but everyone else does. You wanna know what they're saying, huh, Renee? They all hate you, so why don't you just do us all a favor and kill yourself?" And when she heard me sniffling, she laughed! Really laughed! This only drives me to believe that no one really wants me, so I guess.../

That was the last page, streaked with dried blood. This is horrible! There must be another book. "AH HA! FOUND YOU!!" Andy cried and he threw a ruler he found on the desk at me.

"Ah, fuck! I forgot we were still playing!" I shimmied out from under her bed, diary still in hand.

"What's that?" I showed him the last few pages. He whistled and flipped through a few more previous pages.

"Holy crap. This entry is about how a guy asked her out just to get in her pants. She flipped out and broke his nose with her elbow. Ow," he synopsized. I heard footsteps in the hall and tore the journal from his hands and chucked it back under the bed. Pete came in and said that they got bored with waiting for Andy to find them and now Renee's making some tea.
"Yeah, that sounds good," Andy threw a hasty look at me and followed Pete out of the room. After standing on her rug trying to decide whether to follow suit or read some more, I realized that I didn't want to get caught with her bound book of feelings.


Poor Renee, no wonder she doesn't like people. When I first stepped into the apartment I knew that something was wrong. There was no light, everything was dark, and it wasn't from the lack of lighting. It was just the atmosphere. Why was that last page stiff with blood? What did she do? It obviously didn't involve a gun, because then she'd be dead, she probably slit her wrists. I'll have to inform Pete on that, he could probably cheer her up, I don't think that she ever got over that. Everything about her and her home is just so...depressing.

"Hey, Pete," I whispered and grabbed his arm. I brought him really close to me and told him about what Joe found.

"Okay, reading her journal was not cool, but I guess that I'm glad you did. Now I know how to help her..."

"Pete! You can't just jump into this and expect everything to come up roses! She's got a lot of issues, take it slow! You don't even know the first thing about this girl! We just learned her name only an hour ago!" Pete slapped his hand over my mouth to stifle my words.

"Andy, I don't care. I want to be her knight in shining armor, her savior. When I first sat down next to her, you don't even know how much I could feel coming off of her in waves. Hurt, anger, grief, rejection...sure, it did happen a long time ago, but not all scars fade. When I saw the look in her eyes when she told me off, her eyes told me that she had a story long before her mouth did. Believe me, Andy, I know what I'm getting into." Then he gave me the notorious Wentz grin and ran down the hall to the living room where Renee was.


Renee is great, but she's most definitely lonely, despite her efforts not to show it. Where were the rest of the guys? Pete left ages ago to tell them that we gave up in hiding because Andy's a crappy seeker. I heard Pete shouting that we gave up, but they've yet to return. Oh well, Renee's really good company. As I sipped my Earl Grey, she told me about her childhood, and was only prompted to do so because I inquired about the picture. It was of her and two of her younger sisters playing tea party at a play table under a large apple tree. The fourth chair was occupied by a small calico cat.

"The cat was my mothers cat, Kali. It was the cutest mother too, had nine kittens. Her brother Jazz was my, and the Twinies, the girls you see there, shared Soot, the other brother cat." And she went on answering my questions about her experiences growing up, but I got a feeling that she was editing a lot of it, stuttering and slowing down at a lot of points, as if she was trying to think of how to word what to say next.

Pete dashed into the room and plopped down on the couch on the other side of Renee. God, when I arrived at the café, I thought that Pete had fleas in his pants or something, he was hopping around so much.

"PATRICK! HURRY!" And without even knowing what the hell was going on, he fled the building and ran down the street, Joe, Andy and I chasing him. He skidded around a corner and stopped, causing the rest of us to slam into his back in a chain reaction. "Sshhh!" he hissed, obviously irritated. I looked around his shoulder and saw long red hair with a background of a slim, dark brown trench coat, under a black beret.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Pete had a goofy expression on his face, the one that made him look like a smiling cat. I actually agreed-and we don't have the same taste in girls. So they finally filled me in on how she chewed him out, I laughed at that, and stalked her back to her apartment where we were out in the hall for fifteen minutes trying to get Pete to pluck up the nerve to apologize and get on her good side.

Joe and Andy entered the room and sat down on chairs opposite the couch we were on, and Renee jumped up to pour some more water for their tea. She brought out her box that holds her separate kinds of tea, and let them choose. She put it away, and Pete asked her to relieve her childhood for them, something that I was about to kick him for. What business was it of his?
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