Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories

Chapter 20

by youngandreckless 4 reviews

chapter 20

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-11-07 - Updated: 2006-11-07 - 1039 words

oh no!! its another chapter! and its a long one from me! ahhh the world is going to end...not.

Chapter 20

Stacey's POV

Kristi looked at me before smiling "want to go get a drink?" she asked standing up.
I thought about it for a moment before standing up with her "what kind of drink?" I laughed as we walked to my car.
"That my friend is up to you" she grinned sliding into the passenger seat. Oh shit! I hate when people make me decide things. Do I want a hard drink or something like coffee? I sat there for a moment trying to decide.
My decision was pretty much made for me as my cell phone went off. Glancing down I debated answering it. I wasn't really in the mood to fight with Pete. Shooting Kristi an apologetic look I snapped open my phone while putting my key in the ignition.
"Where are you?" his voice snapped over the line.
"Oh I'm sorry didn't know you would notice I was gone." I spat. Hey if he want to fight then more power to him. It just fuels my decision all that much more. Kristi stared at me with wide eyes.
Shrugging I turned my attention back to the phone.
"Don't start that shit. Where are you?" he asked again.
"I'm with Kristi we are going to get a drink then I'll be home" I said choosing to ignore his first statement. The line was silent.
"Pete?" I asked, I think he might have hung up. My thoughts were right as I heard the operator come on. Snapping my phone closed I turned to Kristi
"screw drinks lets go to a club." She looked at me for a second before answering "are you sure that's what you want?"
"I haven't been surer in my life. In fact let's bring someone else with us" Opening my phone I made a quick call once I ended the call I turned to Kristi.
"So you and Patrick, What's with that" Her eyes widened but were soon replaced with a smile as she realized who was on the other end of the call.
"Is he coming?" she grinned her eyes dancing with excitement.
I laughed at her sudden change of demeanor "yeah he's coming." I didn't want to tell her that he wasn't too thrilled to go but hey she doesn't need that. I'm not sure if he is coming for her or to keep me out of trouble. Oh well. I'll make sure it's for her.

Patrick's POV

After hanging up with Stacey I stared at my phone. What is that chick up to? Making a quick decision I snapped open my phone inviting another person with me. Stacey is going to shoot me but hey. He's my best friend if this keeps them out of trouble then she can shoot me any time.
"Hey man" I greeted Pete as he pulled up to my place.
"What are they up to?" he sighed as I slid into the passenger seat.
"That my friend is what we are going to find out." He nodded taking off to the club I was supposed to meet the girls at. we pulled up and walked inside. The music was loud as hell. I scanned the crowd spotting the girls at a table on the opposite side.
Nudging Pete we made our way over to them.
"Now this isn't right. Two sexy girls all by their selves?" They laughed moving over so we could sit. I watched the girls exchange looks and Kristi shook her head laughing in return Stacey rolled her eyes.
"chicken shit" she laughed kicking Kristi under the table.
"What's going on?" I laughed bringing myself into their silent conversation. Kristi shook her head rapidly while Stacey laughed.
"Kristi wants to dance with you but she is too scared to ask."

Laura's POV

We quietly walked up to the apartment neither of us saying a word.
"Do you remember anything?" I asked quietly once we were inside. He sighed shrugging his shoulders "little bit here and there but nothing that makes sense to me."
I nodded taking in what he was saying. I cant even imagine what he was feeling. It must be hard to be lost like that. He suddenly stopped his face went stark white and he grabbed the counter.

Joe's POV

I heard her scream; the terror in her voice matched the feeling that was ripping through my chest. I gave her a small reassuring smile as my world went black. "Hey!" a voice laughed making me open my eyes. I was in the white room again and lizy stood in front of me.
"whats going on?" I asked pulling myself to my feet.
"we are going to take a trip down memory lane." With that my world started to spin again.

Opening the door I saw that she was awake and stairing at the ceiling.

"were you ever going to tell me?"I asked walking in and closing the door behind me. "honestly...I don't know"

She sat up to look at me, tears were streaming down her face.

"I could have been there for you...damn it I had a right to know" my voice rising.

"you did...and I shouldn't have kept it from you...I'm so sorry." She moved to hug me.

"I cant...I'm sorry...I cant do this right now" I moved away from her walking to the door. "anything else youre keeping from me" I spat hand on the door knob.

"no" she sobbed. It took everything I had in me not to run back to her and hold her...but I just couldn't.

Not now.

"What was that?" I asked lizy as my world came into focus again. But my question was soon answered by another vision.

"Laura was gonna have a baby girl a year before I moved.. Joe's baby girl,"

Wow its about time some of these visions start to make sense.
"Laura was pregnant?" I asked lizy who simply nodded her head.
"Yeah you were pretty mad for a little bit but you came around. And you two worked it out together and helped each other through it."
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