Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book III

Chapter 20: Return to New York Part Three

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Ninja Turtles 2003/Harry Potter crossover. Read Books I and II first. Harry encounters more trouble in the form of the most dangerous prisoner Azkaban has ever held, Sirius Black. More complete sum...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Sci-fi - Characters: Bellatrix,Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Lupin,Sirius - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2006-11-07 - Updated: 2008-04-10 - 4406 words

Chapter Twenty: Return to New York Part III

"You will finally learn the meaning of pain!" yelled Stockman wickedly, before blasting a dozen missiles at the Turtles, who barely had time to jump out of the way.

Stockman raised one of his arms as a machine gun, sending bullets at everyone.

"Damn Stockman," cursed Raph.

"Guys, what's going on there?" inquired Harry in a worried voice. "I'm hearing multiple explosions and it is interfering with the reception."

"Tell you later, Harry, right now we need to stay alive," replied Don who was nearly incinerated with one of Stockman's arms that doubled as a flamethrower.

The Foot Elite stepped in to protect their master.

"Out of my way!" snapped Stockman, blowing up the floor below the Foot Elite, causing them to plummet to parts unknown.

In a flash, the Shredder sprung right at the mad scientist but Stockman beat him back with one of his arms, causing him to fly into a wall that had a banner hanging with the foot logo.

"Now where did Hun get to?" asked Stockman, before turning around and stalking his pray. "Oh there you are, Hun."

Hun picked up a torch, smashing it into the Stockman's armor, attempting to burn it but Stockman remained immobile before lifting up Hun with a robotic hand.

"Now it's payback time," said Stockman. "Hun, I am going to take you apart piece by piece. A lovely irony if I may say so."

"No!" groaned Hun in agony before the Shredder moved back onto the attack, slicing at the clear part of Stockman's cybernetic suit. There were slash marks for a brief second before clear section healed itself. Stockman viciously threw Hun into a wall before turning his attention to the Shredder.

"What!" snapped Shredder.

"A self healing polyacryllic shield," explained Stockman. "One of thirty two patented items customized especially for my suit. You made it all possible, Shredder. And you didn't suspect a thing, you pompous, overblown, ignoramus."

Stockman reached forward, grabbing Shredder in a tight grip.

"But all things must come to a bitter end," said Stockman. "Bitter for you that is, Shredder, as it is time for you to be reeducated in my genius."

Stockman laughed evilly before shooting his arm out, connected to his body by wires before smashing Shredder into a wall. The cyborg then shot his arm up arm before slamming Shredder's battered body to the ground.

"It took everything we had to beat the Shredder last time," said Raphael.

"Yeah and robo-nut just took him out in four point five seconds," said Don. "The Shredder and Hun, both."

"Uh, can we go home down?" asked Mikey, raising his hand in the air and waving it from side to side.

"Oh that felt good," said Stockman with relish before turning his attention to the Turtles and Master Splinter. "And now for the freaks. I am quite glad you are in attendance actually. You are on the list of parties responsible for recent misfortunes in my life."

Stockman waved his finger at the Turtles and Splinter.

"The charges are, ruining my genius work, interfering with my brilliant schemes, hampering my destiny as the foremost criminal and scientific prodigy!" yelled Stockman insanely before raising his missile launchers up, ready to fire. "Now it is time that I bid you ado."

Stockman fired a series of missiles that the Turtles and Master Splinter barely avoided, but the impact managed to blow metal beam out of the ceiling. Splinter barely avoided being crushed by the beam, before propelled himself up to whack on Stockman's clear shield with his walking stick. Naturally, this did not faze the mad scientist as he calmly grabbed Splinter by the tail and left him dangling.

"Master Splinter, no!" yelled Leo, leaping at Stockman but Stockman set Splinter down only to whack Leo to the side with his arm.

Don leapt up, Bo staff in hand, bashing it off of Stockman but to no effect as Stockman sent a jet of fire at Don who had to roll out of the way. Don and Mikey grabbed some rope as Leonardo leaped up, but Stockman managed to swat him off like a fly. The rope found itself wrapped around Stockman's legs.

"Rope?" asked Stockman incredulously. "You are going to try and stop me with rope? How positively primitive!"

"I've got your primitive right here!" yelled Raph, as a launched himself into the air and caught Stockman full on with both feet as Don and Mikey yanked on the ropes.

This action caused Stockman to plummet into the hole he created, screaming as he flew down. The Shredder pulled himself up, seeing Stockman had been disposed off.

"Well that's one minor annoyance dealt with," said Shredder. "Now to finish you four."

As Shredder prepared to attack, Stockman came blasting out of the hole, weapons firing wickedly, causing the Turtles, Master Splinter, and Shredder to scatter.

"You insufferable nitwits!" yelled Stockman angrily. "Doctor Baxter Stockman is not so easily dismissed."

Stockman launched missiles at Mikey and Raph, causing them to scatter.

"You will be destroyed!" yelled Stockman. "I Doctor Baxter Stockman shall...argh."

Leo aimed his shot well, as he had sliced one of Stockman's cybernetic arms off.

"My robotic arm, no!" yelled Stockman in horror. "No, it's nothing, just a momentary nuisance. My backup systems are...argh!"

The Shredder used his metal gauntlet to expertly slice one of Stockman's cybernetic legs off. Leo, Raph, and Mikey all rushed Stockman at Stockman, kicking him and sending the evil genius flying backwards. Stockman crashed through a window, plummeting down.

"This is just a minor setback!" screamed Stockman as he flew down towards the ground.

"Let's finish this Shredder," said Leo.

"Oh I intend to," said Shredder before the windows were blasted out from behind Shredder. Stockman apparently came back for more, this time propelled in the air by rocket launchers.

"You really think you can defeat me that easily, you simpletons" said Stockman. "My internal jet pack array. I spared no expense. After all, why should I? You were footing the bill, Shredder."

Stockman allowed himself to laugh evilly for a few seconds before blasting fire, bullets, and missiles at everyone in the room, causing them to scatter. The Shredder's throne room was a complete and utter mess after what Stockman had done tonight.

"Can someone please shut down that flying toaster oven?" asked Mikey in an irritated voice.

Don ducked a couple of missiles which blew out a section of the wall before spotting the radium power cells on Stockman's back that appeared to have powered the cybernetic suit.

"Maybe we can pull his plug," said Don thoughtfully before turning to Leo. "Leo, see those power cells on his back?"

"Yes," said Leo, avoiding fire blown his way.

"I need you to cut them, now!" said Donatello.

"I'm on it," said Leo, as he cautiously moved in behind Stockman, katanas at ready.

"This will be the end of you all!" declared Stockman in a pompous voice. "You should know better than to go up against my superior intellect. After all I Doctor Baxter Stockman will..."

Stockman was cut off as Leonardo managed to slice the power cells on his back. The cyborg hovered for a few seconds before crashing down to the ground, a motionless heap.

"Finally, shut him down and shut him up," said Mikey before Stockman came back to live, blasting up into the air.

"What will it take to defeat this guy?" asked Leo in an agitated voice.

"I have asked myself that question many times," said the Shredder in a casual voice.

"Something like that might have worked with a lesser mechanoid but once again I have prepared for every conceivable outcome," said Stockman. "In addition to the central power source, each component of my cybernetic armor has its own separate back up power sources."

Don spotted Stockman's arm lying on the floor, an idea forming in his brain.

"So what you're saying then, as this rocket launcher arm should be fully functional right?" asked Don rhetorically.

It took Stockman a couple of seconds to realize the implications of this.

"Oh no," said Stockman with a groan before hoping away on one foot but the good doctor was not fast enough.

"Fire in the hole!" yelled Donatello, blasting Stockman in the back with the rocket launcher and sending him flying through the window.

"This is just a minor setback!" yelled Stockman before apparently exploding into pieces in the sky.

"Now where were we?" asked Shredder before turning around seeing the Turtles and Master Splinter. "Ah yes..."

Without warning, Shredder knocked Raph to the ground with a leaping double kick. Don swung his Bo staff up but Shredder expertly caught it before he swung Don around and driving a knee into the midsection of Don. Shredder knocked Mikey back before leaping above the turtle to deliver a killing blow with his gauntlet.

"Michelangelo move!" yelled Splinter, diving in front of his son, causing the Shredder catch Splinter with a glancing below to the arm. Splinter dropped to his knees, in agony but Mikey had enough time to escape the wrath of the Shredder.

The Shredder backed off before quickly rushed Splinter, catching him right in the chest with a kick. A sickening crack echoed throughout the Shredder's throne room as Splinter flew back through the window, crashing down towards the street from hundreds of feet up.

"Master Splinter!" yelled Leo in horror before picking up one of the ropes, tossing the grappling hook to an overhead pipe before leaping down and hanging onto the rope, going after Splinter.

Raph and Don engaged the Shredder in battle before Mikey leaped up, managing to catch the Shredder with a shot, knocking him through the window, to a side of the building where there was a balcony along with a bridge over a small pond.

Leo continue fall from a huge height, managing to catch Master Splinter, before pulling him up and setting him down along a large ledge on the building.

"Master Splinter, I'll go get help, I'll get the others, I'll..." started Leo but Splinter cut him off by holding up a hand weakly.

"Leonardo, this is no longer about me," said Splinter in a soft weak voice, barely able to breath due to the hit he sustained from the Shredder. "Return to the battle, protect your brothers, defeat the Shredder."

"But Sensei..." started Leo.

Go, I will be with you, in spirit," said Splinter before fading into a semiconscious state.

"It will be alright, Master Splinter," said Leo in a low voice. "I'll be back, I promise."

Leo placed Splinter's walking stick in his hand before walking off. He walked around the edge of the building before finding Donatello's back hanging from the side. Leo reached up, pulling out the protective glove before placing it up. Leonardo then pulled the Sword of Tengu out of his sheaths ready for action.

Don, Raph, and Mikey were not faring that well as the Shredder lifted up Raph and tossed him in a vicious manner into Mikey and Don. All three Turtles flew backwards and Shredder stalked forward, preparing for the kill.

"Get away from my brothers, Shredder!" cried a voice that caused the Shredder to turn around.

Leonardo was in front of the Shredder, the Sword of Tengu ready.

"The Sword of Tengu!" exclaimed Shredder before getting blasted back by a bolt of energy and flying through the bridge into the water. A few seconds later, Shredder pulled himself up. "This cannot be happening, I cannot lose!"

Shredder reached up as Leonardo had the sword at ready and pushed a button. An opening in the side of the button building slid open and a half a dozen Foot Ninjas on flying vehicles soared out of the building, blasting electrical waves at the Turtles.

"Don, it appears there are about a half a dozen vehicles heading straight for you guys," said Harry in an anxious voice over the other side of the shell cell. "They appear to be another automatic defense of the Shredder."

"We see them Harry, but the problem is, they see us as well," said Donatello, managing to leap out of the way of a laser blast from the flying vehicle.

The Flying Vehicles sailed around, knocking the Sword of Tengu out of Leo's hand and into a pile of rocks on the balcony. Raph quickly moved into position as a vehicle flew in close. In a blink of an eye, Raph propelled himself right towards the vehicle and kicked the pilot off. As the pilot dropped to the ground, Raph proceeded to chase another flying vehicle across the city, blasting at it with the laser propulsion functions within, causing the Foot Ninja's vehicle to hover from side to side uncertainly.

Two of the Mysterious Guardians arrived at the sight of the Foot Headquarters. The lead guardian pressed the button on his armband, which revealed a holographic screen, talking to the Mysterious Council of the TCRI Building.

"My lords, it's the Turtles," declared the lead guardian. "They have engaged the Shredder in the heart of his empire and they have brought with them the Sword of Tengu."

"The Sword of Tengu," started the first Council Member.

"This could prove to be," continued the second Council Member.

"Disastrous," finished the third Council Member.

"With all due respect, the Sword of Tengu could be their salvation," said the lead Guardian.

"Or our destruction," said the first Council Member.

"Ready your men Guardian," commanded the second Council Member.

"And make sure the Turtles are victorious," said the third Council Member.

"Understood," said the lead Guardian with a nod of his head, as he prepared for battle.

Deep with the TCRI building, Agent .19 breathed a sigh of relief after overhearing the communication of the council. If the Turtles had survived, that meant Harry in likely had survived as well. Her memories still had not completely returned and she felt she needed to see something familiar from her life before they were blocked from them to completely return.

The Shredder made a move for the Sword of Tengu but Leo leaped in front of him, katanas at the ready. Leo stepped forward, daring the Shredder to engage him in battle.

"Elite Foot Ninja to me," said Shredder shortly as his Elite Guard teleported in front of him. "Finish this."

The spear wielding Foot Elite leaped up but Leo barely had enough time to block a deadly blow with his katana before kicking the Foot Elite back a few steps but he got whacked behind with the flat end of the axe from the axe wielding Foot Elite member.

In the lair, Raph flying on his vehicle, being blasted at by two Foot Ninjas on the same vehicle. In a second, the vehicle of one of the Foot Ninjas was blasted out from under him causing the Foot Ninja to parachute out. Raph looked down and saw Don below. Raph gave Don thumbs up.

"Don't thank me, thank Stockman," said Don, indicating the robot arm from Stockman's cybernetic suit he had just blasted the Foot Ninja out of the sky with.

Leo barely blocked the double-edged sword back before getting jabbed in the midsection by the handle of the trident from the trident wielding Elite Foot. The turtle rolled out of the way of weapons being jabbed into the ground and barely managed to hold both back before having to deal with a third member of the Foot Elite, the spear wielding elite.

The Shredder made a move as if to go for the Sword of Tengu when Leo was busy engaging the Foot Elite in combat but Raph threw himself out of his flying vehicle as another Foot Ninja driven vehicle crashed with it head on. The wreckage of the two vehicles fell from the sky, burying the sword underneath. Raph joined Leo in battle, blocking the spear wielding Elite Foot Ninja attack with his Sai.

"Hey, Leo, save some for me," said Raph, blocking another shot and rolling underneath before kicking the spear wielding Foot Elite member in the back.

"I can finish this Raph," said Leo, as he battled with the double-edged sword Foot Elite member, clanging his Katanas to the sword.

"I know but what's the fun in that, bro?” inquired Raph, avoiding getting impaled by the spear wielding Foot Elite member.

"Besides, we're family," said Don rolling in and blocking the trident wielding Foot Elite member's attack on Leo with his bo staff before spinning up and jabbing the end of the bo staff into the Foot Elite member's midsection, doubling him over in pain. "We finish this together."

"Besides," said Mikey, who had just rejoined the battle, wrapping the nunchucks around the battle-axe wielding Foot Elite member before kicking him back. "The cable's out at the lair anyway."

Mikey leaped up, ducking a battle axe swing before whacking the Foot Elite in the back with the nunchucks. Don aimed his Bo staff, to crack the Foot Elite member in the chest before spinning around and kicking him in the back before smashing the Bo Staff over his downed body. Raph blocked the spear before slicing it in half with a Sai shot. Raph then bounced up, kicking the Foot Elite in the back at the same time; Leo disarmed his foe and kicked him in the back. The two Foot Elite members connected head on.

The Turtles took a few seconds to catch their breath having defeated the Shredder's Elite Guard. They then walked over where the Shredder was frantically digging through the wreckage that the Sword of Tengu was burying in, in an attempt to looking for the Sword.

"The Sword, the Sword, I must have it," said Shredder in a desperate voice.

"It's over Shredder!" announced Leo.

The Shredder turned to the Turtles before walking over to a section of the balcony with a stone structure with a glass orb on top, laughing evilly.

"This is my fortress, my stronghold, did you think you can defeat me?" said Shredder in a sadistic voice. "I will be the one who decides when it is over, reptiles."

The villain gave a twist on the glass orb and a section of the floor of the balcony slid open before a platform rose up, revealing a few dozen Foot Ninjas.

"Ah give me a break," said Mikey in an agitated voice, as the Foot Ninjas advanced on the Turtles, weapons raised in the air.

"On your toes guys, this could get rough," said Leo.

"Well, no one said this was going to be easy," said Raph, preparing for a fight.

As these words left Raph's mouth, the lead Guardian leapt directly into the fray, unexpectedly.

"Easy, perhaps not," said the Lead Guardian. "But perhaps we can lend a hand."

"We?" asked Raph before another dozen Guardians also appeared in front of the Turtles, before pulling swords out, ready for action.

"Hurry, the Shredder must be kept away from the Sword of Tengu," said the Lead Guardian.

"I'll take care of Shredder," said Leo, running off to do so.

The Guardians quickly and efficiently took on the Foot Ninjas in battle. One of the Guardians snapped a Foot Ninja's sword in half with a vicious swing of his own sword before picking up the Foot Ninja and throwing him into three of his fellow Foot Ninjas. The battle raged on fiercely, with many Foot Ninjas finding their weapons destroyed and getting knocked down every which way.

"The Sword, the Sword, I must have it, it needs to be mine," said Shredder digging through the wreckage in a frantic matter.

The Turtles moved in, prepared for the most crucial battle of their lives, stepping in front of Shredder but it was too late, as the Shredder managed to locate the Sword of Tengu, pulling it out of the pile. As Shredder held the sword, electrical waves wrapped around his body armor as Shredder appeared to be one with the Sword of Tengu.

"Ah the power, I had nearly forgotten," said Shredder in a fond voice as the sword vibrated in his hand. "The sword, which I laid villages to waste. That I brought castles to ground, and used to vanquished armies. The sword that I used to conquer Japan and bring power to the Tokuguwa Clan, it is mine once again."

The Shredder brought the sword up, blasting the Turtles with a propelled shockwave, knocking them all back. It was clear the Shredder was an expert at wielding this weapon. Shredder walked over, pointing the sword at Leonardo, preparing to deliver a killing blow to the Turtle. Raph quickly rolled into action to save his brother.

"No!" yelled Raph, blocking the Sword of Tengu with his Sais and causing the blast of energy to fly upwards into the sky.

Shredder swung the sword but the Turtles threw themselves on the ground, ducking the blast from the Sword.

"Get in close," commanded Leo. "It's the only way."

The Shredder swung the sword again, but the Turtles leaped up over the blast of energy before Leo managed to pin the Shredder's weapon into the ground. Raph put his Sais underneath the Sword of Tengu and jerked up, causing the weapon to fly out of the Shredder's reach. Shredder made a move but Don tucked his Bo Staff behind the Shredder's legs allowing Mikey propel himself right at the Shredder with a kick. The Shredder crashed down to the ground hard.

Leo plunged his swords into the ground before he rushed right towards the sword, right over the wreckage. Don found the protective glove on the ground.

"Leo, catch!" yelled Don tossing the glove to Leo who caught it, putting it on. Leo grabbed the Sword of Tengu before he attempted to plunge it into the Shredder but Shredder escaped his face by jumping to the side and the Sword was rammed harmlessly into the ground where Shredder was located a moment before.

The Shredder removed Leo's swords out of the ground, preparing for an attack, while staring down the Turtle from twenty feet away. Leonardo leapt up with the Sword of Tengu as the Shredder leapt up with Leo's katanas in hand. Both fighters clashed swords in mid air before falling down to the ground.

Leo winced, his shoulder cut up in the impact of the swords clashing but that was nothing compared to what happened to the Shredder. The Shredder's head slid off his body before the body dropped to its knees and falling down, as his decapitated head rolled out of the distance out of sight.

"Dude," said Mikey in awe, seeing the fate of the Shredder.

The Guardians looked at the final fate of the Shredder.

"The Shredder has been defeated," said the lead Guardian in awe. "Incredible."

The Guardians bowed at the Turtles before leaped off, as quickly as they appeared.

Harry had a mixture of pleasure and disappointment. The pleasure was of course for the Shredder being defeated but the disappointment was not getting to do the deed himself.

"There’s only one thing left to do," said Leo.

"Yeah, make sure the Foot can never use this place for anything again." said Raph.

Don walked over to a fuse box on the balcony, before breaking it open with the Bo Staff before removing a wire and expertly connecting it to Stockman's robotic arm.

"Stockman's radium power cells, combined with the Sword of Tengu, should fry most if not all of the tech in this place," remarked Don. "Let a rip Leo."

Leo raised the Sword of Tengu into the air before plunging it into the robotic arm. An electrical impulse went through the sword, to the arm, and then to the wire connected with the fuse box before reaching the building, sizzling what remained inside. The lighted Foot Symbol on the building sizzled for a minute before going completely dark.

"Come on, let's go get Master Splinter and go home," said Leo in a final tone of voice.

The Turtles walked over to where Leo put Master Splinter but there was nothing there but Splinter's walking stick.

"Master Splinter is..." said Raph in a horrified voice.

No!" yelled Don. "How could this..."

"He was just here a few minutes ago," said Leo in a desperate tone of voice. "He couldn't have gotten up under his own power."

"Unless someone dragged him off," said Raph angrily.

"You don't think he's," said Mikey but trailing off but everyone knew what Mikey thinking before he stopped.

"I hope not, Mikey," said Don in a low tone of voice.

Leo heard the police sirens below; no doubt the law enforcement was coming to investigate what had happened at Foot Headquarters tonight.

"Come, we can't stay," said Leo before looking at a helicopter that Shredder had stashed on the side of the building. "To the helicopter quickly."

The Turtles went in the helicopter, an air of uncomfortable silence due to the missing of their father, their Sensei, Master Splinter.

The Turtles arrived home as Harry was dozing at the desk but jerked up at the sound of his brothers coming home. Harry stopped paying attention to what happened after the Shredder had been defeated.

"You did it," said Harry in a tired but pleased voice but he stopped when he saw that not all of his family was in attendance. "Where's Master Splinter?"

Leo and Don exchanged uneasy looks before Don decided he did better break the horrible news.

"Harry, he's gone," said Don. "Vanished, without a trace."

"Gone, how could he be gone?" inquired Harry attempting to keep his voice steady but failing.

"We don't know, Harry," said Leo.

"We have to find him, he could be captured or in trouble or..." said Harry before his voice failed him.

"Yes, Harry, we have to find him," said Leo in a calm voice that was cracking under the pressure of the grief.

"The problem is knowing where to look," said Raph in an agitated voice.

Harry said nothing else, simply not trusting himself not to break down. He did not remember his parents due to being young when Voldemort killed them and the Dursleys did not qualify as parental figures. Master Splinter, his adoptive father, was gone, without a trace. Harry hoped it would turn out for the best but feared the worst had happened.
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