Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories

Chapter 23

by youngandreckless 1 review

chapter 23

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-11-07 - Updated: 2006-11-08 - 836 words

Uhh I dont know what it is. my chapters are like short tonight. blah sorry. enjoy. xoxo.

Chapter 23

Pete's POV

"hello," I smiled hearing her voice echo through my ear.
"Hi, how are you?"
"Pete?" I heard the shock in her voice.
"Yeah, its me," I shoved my free hand into my pocket.
"Wow how are you? Whats up? How is everyone?"
"Im okay, just wanted to say hey and everyone's good I guess, how are you?" we talked for a bit more, before I felt this need to have her in front of me, "Mariah," I said after moment of silence, "Um I know its like late, but I dont can we maybe meet somewhere?" after a while of silence, I was ready to take it back.
"Could you come over to my place?" I bit my bottom lip as she answered.
"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit," I closed my phone, opening my car door.

Stacey's POV

I banged on the hotel door, tapping my foot waiting of him to answer. The door opened and Cole stood there rubbing his eyes, "Stacey, what are you doing here?" I shook my head pushing him into the room.
"Tell me what the fuck happen with you and Laura earlier," he dropped his head, avoiding my eyes, "Cole," I tried to keep at least a little bit calm. Maybe it wasnt what Pete thought.
"She's never told me no, I regret and im sorry, I cant believe I did it,"
"What exactly cant you believe you did?" I wanted to hear it come from his mouth.
"Im sure your little boyfriend has allready filled you in, that's why you're here," I brought my hand up, swinging and hitting him across the face, "Fuck Stacey,"
"How the hell could you do that to her??!" I yelled, hitting him more, as he tried to block my hits, "Do you realize how much damage you just did to her??!" I yelled more, becoming angier and angier by the second. He blocked my last hits, pushing me back a couple steps. Making me even more pissed.

Pete's POV

"Hey," I smiled, as she answered the door.
"Hi," a huge smile took over her face as she stepped out of the way letting me in, "Um coffee or something?"
"Nah im good thanks,"
"Allright well have a seat," the smile still spread across her face, "Im so shocked to see you right now,"
"Yeah, im shocked to be here,"
"Why are you here exactly? sorry if its to forward, but its just attacking my mind, what happen to Stacey?" her smile left and a bit of hurt took over her face.
"Stacey and I are over, Laura's going through a ruff time right now, and things just got really bad for her tonight, and Stacey cant understand why i need to protect her,"
"What's wrong with Laura?"
"Uh you know how I said everyone's good? yeah well their not, um a few monthes ago, Lizy, Patrick's girlfriend she died of cancer, and there was a car accident involving myself, Joe, Dirty and Charlie, Joe was the only one hurt during it," she covered her mouth, "He and Laura were planning their wedding, he asked her to marry him, and then he lost all his memory in the accident, and then tonight she was raped by this friend of hers and Stacey's,"
"Oh my, is she okay? where is she? why arent you with her?" she uncovered her mouth.
"She's with Joe, she told me to go home,"
"Aw honey," she pulled me to her, "Well she's gonna deal with this the best way she can, and she knows that you're there for her no matter what, you're her brother, she'll come to you when shes ready," I pulled away from the hug, looking into her eyes. I missed her, or maybe it was more I missed how she understood why i was so over protective of Laura. She'd never make me choose between her and Laura. I placed my hand on the back of her head, pulling her to me, lightly pressing my lips against her; waiting for her reaction. She didnt pull away but instead kissed me back. She was gonna make this all fade. After a while of caressing and kissing, she pulled away, standing up, taking my hand pulling me to her room. I sighed as she closed the bedroom door.

Patrick's POV

"Uh then you dont have to go," I mumbled.
"Whose Lizy?" she asked looking at the wall with the pictures of Lizy and I.
"She's someone very dear to me,"
"A sister?" she turned away from the pictures looking at me.
"Nah, she was my girl,"
"Oh, where is she now?"
"Um she passed away,"
"Oh im sorry," she looked back at the pictures then back at me.
"Its okay,"
"If you dont want me to stay, I can go,"
"Nah its okay if you wanna stay then stay," I shrugged.
"I'd like to stay,"
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