Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories
Hidden Memories
(#) pixied_secrets 2006-11-08
"I know that she would want me to be happy And at the moment many parts of me were." i choked on my coffee, that's how hard i laughed...
and i think this is my favorite story (even though it's not finished) it's definitely shown the way you both evolved as writersAuthor's response
no choking on coffee, its bad lol. but thanks.Hidden Memories
(#) patrickdance4me 2006-11-08
ahhhhh laura and joe kissed hell yes! woohoo!! haha i hope they get a little more frisky ;) update soon!Hidden Memories
(#) sing4me09 2006-11-08
ooh Patrick you dirty boy!...and Pete...go jump off a cliff!
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