Categories > Original > Drama > My Sanctuary

The New Band Member

by darks00 1 review

You guys all know who the new band member is!

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-11-12 - Updated: 2012-01-10 - 525 words

Chapter 19: The New Band Member


I walked into my house's garage to be greeted by the band. They were all sitting on top of boxes.

"Come join us, Amy, we have stuff we wanted to discuss about the band," said Megan.

I sat down on a box beside Joey.

"So, Amy, what do you want your nickname to be?" Joey asked me.

I thought for a second. "You know, I never really thought about it. Can't it just be my name?"

"But all of us have nicknames. It would make you stand out from the rest of us." Pointed out Joey.

"How about fire cracker?" Asked Megan before she started to laugh.

"Not funny, Maggie," I commented.

"What about fire crackers?" Klaus asked, confused.

"Long story," My sister and me said at the same time.

"Fire cracker does sound cool, though," I admitted.

"Fire cracker it is," Joey said, clapping his hands.

"Now, there's something we wanted to talk to you about, Amy," Klaus began.

"And what's that?" I asked with curiosity.

"Why the hell did you sing for Euthanasia last night?" Kenny blurted out. "You were only supposed to sing for us!"

"Well, Andy came up to me after I sang for you guys," I said, "and ask if I would sing for them, too. And I couldn't resist not singing for a man as hot as Andy?"

Megan made a puking noise. "Andy's not hot, he's ugly! I just wish he would stop flirting with me!"

That's when I got the idea. "Megan, can I pretend to be you for just one day? We are identical twins, we can pull it off. If I do, maybe Andy will go out with me. Then, once he gets to know me better, I'll let him know I'm really me."

"No!" Megan hissed, "He's a jerk."

"Megan, pleeeeeease?" I begged. "Don't do it for Andy, do it for me!"

"I'll think about it." Megan said, sighing.

Megan knows how determined I am. Once I have my mind on something, my minds set on it. That's why she probably said she'd think about it. That was good enough for me!

"Ohhhh thanks, Maggie!" I cried out with happiness.

"Stop calling me Maggie! Sounds like a kids name!" Megan spat out.

"Sorry," I apologized.

Usually, I didn't apologize for calling her Maggie. I apologized this time to get on her good side. If I got on her good side, the more chances of her letting me pretend to be her.

"Amy, you shouldn't get involved with Andy," Joey said. "I mean, he's on the enemies team. What if Andy uses you to try to break our band up?"

"Oh, come on, I'm sure he won't try to break the band up. I think he's too sweet to do that." I said.

This time, the whole band made fake puking noises.

"Are we even talking about the same guy here?" Klaus wondered out loud.

I ignored Klaus. "Tell me you'll think about it, Meg."

She sighed. "Fine, I'll think about it, but only for you."

A huge smile appeared on my lips.

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