Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Am Patrick Stump's Twin

Chapter Two

by bandgeekfreak 3 reviews

The mall has everything: hot retail guys, smoothies and egocentric bass players.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-11-13 - Updated: 2006-11-13 - 739 words - Complete

Patrick was in charge of picking up his little brother, Zebidiah, that day. Especially after Malerie showed up to 6th hour Wind Band, smelling like pot and Spam, mumbled something about meeting Billie after school and basically forced him to do it.

The end of school bell rang and Patrick and Joe were wandering down the 9th grade hall looking for Zebidiah. They found him at his locker with his friend Stephanie. "Come on, kid-o. I wanna get out of here," Patrick said bluntly.

His little brother looked at him. "Me and Steph want to go to the mall," Zebidiah pouted.

"Didn't you just go to the mall?"

"Not since yesterday!" Zebidiah admitted. He begged, "Come on Patrick! Mom said we could."

"Come on Patrick!" Stephanie added, matching Zebidiah's pout.

Patrick sighed, he hated when people pouted at him. To make matters worse, he turned around to get help from Joe only to find that his supposed best friend was pouting at him too. He rolled his eyes. "Okay, fine!"

Within 15 minutes, Patrick dropped off his brother and Stephanie at Hollister to gawk at the hot guys who worked there while he and Joe went to get a couple smoothies.

"I don't suppose you have any money. Do you?" Patrick asked Joe.


"Never mind," Patrick muttered, slapping a $5 bill on the counter. "It looks like it's me again."

"Patrick!" Joe suddenly blurted, pulling on Patrick's arm, making him drop his change. "Do you know who that is?" He pointed to a guy who looked like he spent too much time in front of a mirror.

Patrick knitted his eyebrows. "No."

"Dude! That's Pete Wentz!"

Patrick shook his head slightly, "Who?"

Joe put his hands on his hips. "You'd know who it was if you hung out in the club scene more like your sister."

Did Patrick mention Malerie's boyfriend was in a band?

Joe didn't wait for Patrick to reply before he started waving his arms around. "Hey Pete!"

Patrick pulled one of Joe's arms down. "Joe!" he scolded through his teeth, but it was too late. Pete was looking at him like Joe had just materialized into a gremlin, which wasn't much of a stretch actually. "How do you know this Pete guy wants to be bothered?"

"Let's go talk to him," Joe suggested, completely ignoring Patrick's last question and dragging him over to Pete.

"No, Joe! I don't..." Patrick started, but was interrupted when Joe kicked him.

"Quiet Patrick!" he snapped, then turned to Pete and smiled, "Hi."

Pete smiled back. "You two fans or something?"

"I've seen you a couple times," Joe replied coolly.

"That's nice," Pete said, his smile becoming fake, "You better have enjoyed these couple times 'cause you're never going to see me again," he spat.

Joe was confused. "Huh?"

"The band broke up," he clarified. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to eat this fucking chili dog in peace."

Joe knitted his eyebrows in thought, then he got an idea. "Me and Patrick are trying to get a band together!" he exclaimed.

Patrick, who was embarrassed and trying to hide by sucking on his smoothie, choked as he heard Joe admit this fact.

Pete raised an eyebrow. "Really? What kind of music do you play?"

Joe looked down at his feet. "Um, we don't know," he mumbled.

"How do you not know?"

"I like metal," Joe said, giving Pete the devil horns. When Pete didn't respond, Joe blushed and indicated Patrick, "Patrick likes, who was it? Christina Aguilera?"

Pete looked at Patrick and smirked.

Patrick grabbed Joe's arm. "Joe, let's..." He gave up, sighed and looked at Pete helplessly. "Joe likes to share."

"What makes you band exactly?" Pete asked, clearly becoming amused.

Joe brightened. "Patrick writes music!"

In response, Patrick blushed. "Joe, shut up," he muttered.

"No, that's actually kind of cool," Pete admitted with a smile. This just made Patrick's face darken more. "I write lyrics mostly, so maybe we could get together sometime."

Patrick's face reached a new level of redness, as he smiled sheepishly. "I'd like that."

Joe looked between the two songwriters before he got another (gasp!) idea. "Hey! Me and Patrick are having a Halo party in his basement tonight. Do you wanna come and hang out and stuff?"

Pete shrugged. "Sounds like fun."

Joe grinned proudly as Patrick gave him a nasty look. Joe HAD to stop inviting people over to his house.
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