Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

Sharing A Secret

by Emilie_D 1 review

Severus tells Zelda something that no one else knows, just in case.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-11-13 - Updated: 2006-11-13 - 3216 words - Complete

After lunch, Michael drove away and Severus magically cleaned the kitchen.

"What's your plan for the afternoon?" asked Zelda curiously.

"While he is gone, we shall go swimming."

"Really?" she asked hopefully.

"Of course. Why do you ask?"

"Well, if you're only doing it to make me happy..." she faltered.

"Swimming with you is... /fun/," he replied coldly. "Now gather towels quickly, before Michael returns. I refuse to bring him along."

She found towels, then paused and pulled a pen and paper out of the kitchen drawer. He watched her write:


We've gone swimming. Severus has his wand, so...


See you soon,


She left it in the center of the table, and said, "Let's hurry."

Severus picked up their towels; put his arms around her and Apparated to the forest pool. He Vanished their clothing and eyed her curiously. "Why did you think I wouldn't wish to swim with you?"

"It seems sort of Muggle-ish, skinny-dipping out here," she said. "Maybe you're too magical for such silliness."

He lifted her up and threw her briskly into the pool. He followed her more slowly and waited.

When her head popped out of the water, she realized he was rather hurt that she doubted his desire to play with her. "Sev," she said, looking into his dark eyes, "you've spent your life doing what others expect. When you're with me, do what you want."

He captured her with eager hands. She wrapped herself around him and kissed his neck.

"I do precisely what I wish, when we're together," he said solemnly.

"I'm sorry for doubting you," Zelda replied. She licked a drop of water off his chin and rubbed her nose against his, smiling up at him. With a last squeeze she pulled away and began treading water, still close enough to touch him.

Severus looked from her bright eyes to their surroundings. It was beautiful; the sunlight filtered through dense foliage, and for a brief time this forest glade could be his world. His barriers were completely down and he felt himself drawing strength from the bond between them.

He wondered if he might now err through overconfidence, an odd feeling for one wracked so long by guilt and self-doubt. But in this hour, nothing could be wrong.

Zelda floated on her back, staring up at the canopy of green overhead. She had always loved this secret place, but sharing it with Severus made it more special. When she looked at him, he was lost in thought, giving her a rare chance to watch him while he was unaware.

His black hair hung limp and wet to his thin shoulders in shocking contrast to his slightly sallow skin. His eyes saw more than anyone she'd ever known, even while his body was still. Even in repose his profile was harsh and cold, hiding the goodness she knew in him. When he turned and saw her intense gaze, a slight quizzical smile appeared on his face.

"You're the dearest man," she said. "The most amazing thing about you isn't that you're a wizard, it's that you're... you."

"I have never been successful at being... me," he said looking sour and nervous. "Until now."

"You're successful," Zelda murmured. "But there's so little time, let's save the baggage for another day." She swam to him and said, "I'll race you to the other side, if you'll give me a head start."

His eyes gleamed. "You will be defeated," he warned her.

"I know," she said, backstroking away from him. "C'mon!"

They swam and played for a couple of hours, unhappily aware of the shortness of their time together. Severus thought sardonically that he was not merely wearing his heart on his sleeve; he had ripped it from its lockbox and thrust it into Zelda's hands. He was indeed /whipped/, as Michael had so obnoxiously described it, and he regretted having to spoil the mood.

"Zelda," he said seriously, "I must go back for a short time this evening."

A trace of disappointment flitted across her face, followed by an ironic smile. "Were you afraid to tell me?" she asked. "Don't worry about my feelings, do your job." Her eyes twinkled as he reached out and collected her. "You worry too much."

"I wish to speak with Aberforth Dumbledore, and check on my idiotic 'assistants.' It will not be long," he said softly. "There is something else I need to tell you, something secret."

"Okay," she replied slowly. "Let's go dry off while we talk."

As they waded out of the water, he said very quietly, "After what occurred in the Astronomy Tower, I spent that night hiding Draco Malfoy and his mother, Narcissa, in a secret location prepared by Dumbledore. They are concealed deep in the Forbidden Forest, because if the Dark Lord finds them he will show them no mercy. No living person but me knows their whereabouts."

"If it's necessary, should I tell Minerva?" she asked, handing him a towel.

He nodded. "Dumbledore hoped for months that young Draco would turn away from the path he was on, and he prepared the hut using the strongest magic to conceal it. Yet if the Dark Lord takes Hogwarts, he will eventually find them."

"Another reason to stop him. How do you know they're still there?" she asked curiously.

"They are well aware of their peril," he replied. "And it is very difficult to enter or leave. Centaurs live all around the place, and there is a thriving colony of Acromantulas between the hut and Hogwarts."

Acromantulas?" she asked.

"Giant spiders, capable of eating humans," he replied. "Many years ago, Hagrid kept the first as a pet, until he was forced to release it into the Forest. He is fond of dangerous creatures."

"I see," muttered Zelda, suppressing the yucky face at the idea of giant spiders. She never told her students, but insects repulsed her. "So, this boy and his mother are hidden, but imprisoned too."

They dressed and began walking back to the cabin, holding hands. Severus pondered what she had said. "They cannot leave. The Dark Lord and the Ministry both want Draco. I was relieved that he could not kill Dumbledore, but he is a confused young man who may do a great deal of damage.

He continued, "His father, Lucius Malfoy, is one of the Dark Lord's most devoted and vicious followers, a powerful Dark wizard in his own right. Dumbledore wished above all to keep Draco from his influence. Also, Narcissa's sister is Bellatrix Lestrange, and it was hoped that separating her from her husband and sister might make her care more for Draco's safety."

"But you don't need to do anything about them now," said Zelda, feeling relieved. "You have your hands full, dear boy."

He stopped her and pulled her into his embrace, breathing in the scent of her as she snuggled against him. "I hope to be gone only a short time," he murmured into her hair.

"Do your job," she whispered. "No matter how long, I'll be waiting."

He put two fingers under her chin and tilted her head back until their eyes met. "I love you, Zelda."

She stood on tiptoes to kiss him, and they stayed there, unmoving, until they heard a shout from the direction of the cabin.

"Hey! I see you there," Michael called. "Break it up, you two, the honeymoon's over."

Severus sighed in exasperation, not releasing her at once. "Back to reality," he said ironically. "It is not that I dislike Michael, but are we ever to be alone?"

"Someday, I hope," she said wistfully. She pulled free of his embrace, but slipped a hand behind him and ran a hand down his back, ending with a firm squeeze of his buttock.

Michael walked slowly to meet them. "You missed an encore performance from Phineas Nigellus," he said with a smirk.

"What did he say?" asked Severus, his black eyes instantly alert.

"Minerva's coming here for a while," he replied. "He also lectured me on being more respectful of his august presence in my humble shack."

"Blah, blah, blah," snapped Zelda. "What a drag being Phineas, with nothing better to do than hang around insulting innocent Muggles. Blah, blah - strumpet, blah, blah - fornicate. The guy's mind is a /sewer/!"

Both men chuckled at her absurdity.

"He's hot for you, Zel," said Michael.

"Undoubtedly," Severus said mockingly. "Now, before I leave, shall we add that room, in case you are invaded again by wretched students?"

"Are you leaving?" asked Michael.

"Briefly," replied Severus.

They entered the expanded cabin, and Zelda said, "Put it on the other side of the cabin, next to the boys' room."

"What color would you like?" Severus asked.

"Considering Ginny's hair, not pink. Greens and blues," she said decisively.

He pointed his wand at the wall next to the other bedroom, and a door appeared. Zelda went to open it, and found a spacious room with two comfortable beds, a closet and a large wardrobe. The walls, like all the others, were screened and open to the breezes. The colors were soft and soothing, but the room had a spare, unfinished look to it.

"Let them work on their conjuring and finish it themselves," he said, in response to her curious look.

"Brilliant," she replied. "They'll love it."

Severus had a sudden thought, and went to the other bedroom. He found it perfectly clean, although the boys had stayed a night in it. He pointed his wand at one wall, and a large, closet appeared. "Potter seems serious about storing his belongings here," he explained, banishing all expression carefully from his voice.

She smiled at his thoughtfulness, knowing how it irritated him to think of Harry Potter. She took his hand and pulled him from the room. Michael, watching in silence, followed them.

"Go get dressed," she replied. "I'm okay, and I'll have plenty to occupy me while you're gone."

He left the room and was back in seconds, dressed in his black Muggle disguise and hooded cloak. Without a word he took her hand and she walked outside with him, Michael following. He squeezed her tight and murmured, "I'll return soon."

Zelda kissed him and hugged him back, and then she stepped back, smiling at him. He Disapparated instantly, and she was alone with Michael.

"I thought he wasn't going until tomorrow," he said, putting a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"He's not going to the stupid Dark Lord this time, just keeping up with things in Hogsmeade," she replied in a level voice. "He hopes to be back in a few hours."

Her rigid calm didn't fool him. "It's inevitable that he'll have to be away more and more," he said softly. "You're helping him by letting him go when he has to, and I'm proud of you."

Tears filled her eyes, but she ignored them. "I know. But he'll be back soon, and in the meantime, Minerva's coming. If she has time I'll give her my preliminary Muggle Studies outline. If she knows yet who her instructor is she can tell me whether this curriculum will work."

"Well, come have something to eat, babe. We'll fix Severus something when he gets back, but you just finished swimming. You're always starved after that." He smiled. "Minerva might fancy a bite too."

"Okay, I'll help, and then I want to work on the course outline a little more," she said. "Let me clean up a bit and wash the nature out of my hair."

By the time she returned, Michael had pasta salad waiting for her, so she sat down with him and began to eat.

"Severus should've stayed long enough to eat," she said, feeling horribly guilty. "He's probably as hungry as I am."

"He knows what he needs, Zel," Michael replied bracingly. "He can do without pampering.

She sighed sadly. "He's used to self-deprivation, but he needs to be strong and well. Even if he won't admit it, he likes being taken care of."

"You don't have to tell me that men are babies, I am one, remember?" he said, chuckling. "You need to stay strong and healthy too, because there's a magical house party here, and they're counting on you to keep things going."

There was a knock on the door, and Michael went to open it. Minerva stood there, swaying slightly. Her face was drawn and pale.

"Come in, Minerva," said Michael. He looked searchingly into her eyes, and even as she blocked his Legilimency, he caught a brief glimpse of bone-deep exhaustion. "Are you all right?"

She smiled slightly. "Fine, Michael. Kingsley and I have returned from setting up the first giant refuge, in the largest, most isolated place imaginable. The protections are as powerful and complete as possible, but it was tiring work."

"May I ask where?" he responded, offering his arm and solicitously leading her to a chair.

"South America," she replied. "The remotest part of the Andes. The altitude was unbearably challenging; even Kingsley was tired afterward."

"Will the giants go there?" Zelda asked.

"Hagrid's brother is making the offer to some who were kind to him in the past. They're females, and in the original giant home. We hope that if the females are interested they can contact followers of Voldemort and convince them to leave."

"How many giants can be supported by this location?" asked Zelda.

"Hagrid estimates that as many as one hundred and fifty could live there, which is good for their future, if they'll take the chance."

"How can you possibly get them there?" Michael asked curiously. "They can't Apparate, can they?"

She sighed deeply. "A witch or wizard must do Side-Along Apparition with each of them. Even for the most powerful, repeatedly Apparating such distances uses energy, and carrying a giant along is an appalling thought. We tried Side-Along Apparition with Hagrid, and it was quite tiring."

"What can I get for you, Minerva?" asked Zelda.

"Tea will be most welcome," she replied gratefully. "Michael, I did not really wish to practice, but I needed to escape for a short time, and this refuge is indeed a pleasant place."

"You're welcome any time," he responded warmly.

Zelda set tea and a plate of shortbread cookies in front of her.

She sipped the rich tea appreciatively, and felt her jangled nerves relax in the soothing atmosphere. Michael had run dishwater and was washing up after Zelda's meal. The homely splashing and suds helped Minerva feel worlds away from the great matters she must deal with.

She looked across the table at Zelda, who was idly contemplating the tabletop. "Zelda, where is Severus?" she asked gently.

"He had a few things to do, but he'll be back soon," she replied. "Pray tell, how hard is the Ministry looking for him?"

"Zel, you worry too much," Michael said. "Because he's not going near the Dark Lord tonight, you're imagining new dangers. He's good at what he does, trust him."

"The Ministry wishes to capture Severus, as well as young Draco Malfoy, but they're awaiting the next move by Voldemort, so they will not look terribly hard."

"Is that what Kingsley Shacklebolt says?" Zelda asked coolly.

"Why do you doubt Kingsley?" asked Minerva curiously.

"He seems to have a high opinion of himself and not much opinion of random Muggles drifting into Hogwarts. Wizards may have that attitude, but I don't have to like it," she replied tartly.

The witch smiled. "For centuries we've hidden our world from Muggles, so your involvement requires us to change our views. Kingsley understands why you are with us."

Zelda rolled her eyes, but changed the subject. "I've done some work on the Muggle Studies course revision, and talked it over with Severus and the kids. Want to see what I've done?"

Minerva brightened. "Very much."

Zelda ran to her bedroom and brought out her laptop. She turned it on. Minerva gazed at it, fascinated.

"This is my computer," said Zelda. "I've written the plan on this, and I can print out the final course outline after we've finished it." She opened the Muggle Studies file and pulled the computer around so Minerva could see it.

The Headmistress was extremely impressed. Zelda showed her how to scroll down, and she realized that this small machine held page after page, describing classroom work alternating with trips into the Muggle world to really see the culture. The environmental science plan followed by camping, Muggle style, was most original.

At the more advanced level there was more technical coursework, as well as a most intriguing program, wherein students would live in Muggle households and experience life without magic.

After Minerva had read through the file, she looked up. "This is a remarkable concept. I had a vague idea that we needed more, but this goes far beyond what I had considered."

"Severus told us the Ministry won't approve of this," Zelda replied. "Aside from that major roadblock, it depends on who'll be teaching the course. The teacher should be very comfortable with the Muggle world."

Minerva's thin lips twisted into a wry smile. "I could never ask you to come to Hogwarts while we are at war, Zelda. But I'd enjoy watching you teach this course."

Zelda smiled. "Teaching and refining this course would be incredibly exciting, Minerva. It's rare that a teacher can design something new and innovative. But it's not possible. If your new teacher's interested, though, I'd be happy to help get it off the ground."

"I've had several applications for the post, although none with your level of talent, Zelda. The strongest candidate is a young man named Piers Clearwater, a former Hogwarts student."

"What's his background?" Zelda asked. "I feel like you're interviewing an adoptive parent for my baby."

Minerva chuckled. "I can imagine," she said dryly. "Piers attended Hogwarts, he was in Ravenclaw. He is twenty-four, and spent the last several years in Copenhagen, living with his maternal grandmother, a Muggle. He attended Muggle University there."

"That sounds promising," Zelda said encouragingly.

"I haven't yet interviewed him, but I remember him as very earnest and a trifle stiff. He was a Prefect, and a hard-working student." She looked impulsively at Zelda. "Will you meet him? I believe you can judge whether he can effectively teach this course. I'm a bit concerned about field trips. It will take a strong teacher to control a group of Hogwarts students in the Muggle world."

"I'd be happy to help," Zelda replied. "Severus said electrical things don't work at Hogwarts. Shall I print this out?"

"Yes, of course, but if we can find a way to power it, I would like you to bring that... com-pewter along. It's a fascinating device. So small, but it can hold your entire curriculum plan."

Zelda laughed. "This is only one file. I also have the past six years of my classroom curriculum in it, my correspondence, tax records, and I can access the Internet using a phone line." She saw Minerva's dazed lack of comprehension, chuckled and said, "Never mind. I'll bring it with me to Hogwarts."

The door opened without warning. They all turned and watched a mysterious hooded figure step inside, wearing a black cloak that billowed eerily.
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