Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

What'll We Call Her?

by Emilie_D 1 review

Severus prepares to depart.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-11-15 - Updated: 2006-11-15 - 2991 words - Complete

Michael returned from shopping to a silent cabin. He set his shopping bags on the table and discovered Severus sleeping exhaustedly on the couch, holding Zelda. The dog seemed groggy, but raised her head to stare at him. When he slapped his leg softly and whispered, "Come on, baby," she stood up and followed him to the kitchen. There was a slight hitch in her gait, but otherwise she seemed free of pain and healthy.

He poured dog food into a bowl and set it on the floor next to the water bowl. The dog ate hungrily, and when she had finished, looked up at him, clearly wondering what was next. He opened the door, gesturing for her to follow. She sniffed her way around the cabin and squatted discreetly, marking her new territory. Mission accomplished, she returned and looked expectantly at Michael.

"You're staying, I see," he said, amused. "Those two in there don't stand a chance, do they?" He opened the door, curious to see what she would do next. When she headed for Severus and Zelda, he smirked and went about his business.

The dog trotted back to the couch and proceeded to nose the back of Zelda's bare neck. "Hey!" she whined, wiggling to escape the cool, moist nose.

Severus woke and found himself staring into expectant brown eyes. "Zelda, your dog requires attention," he muttered groggily. He must have been mad, he should have run the other way, he thought sourly, seeing intelligent devotion in the animal's gaze.

They sat up abruptly, and with excellent canine logic, the dog knew they had made room for her and leapt up next to them, resting her head in Severus's lap. The horrified wizard's eyes narrowed, but Zelda smiled sweetly and put a gentle finger over his taut lips.

"She's had a hard day, poor thing, hasn't she?"

Severus turned and glared at her. "The bloody animal behaves like a Slytherin."

"Salazar?" suggested Zelda in a provoking voice. "We could call her Sal."

"Absolutely not," Severus snapped. Idly his hand strayed to the soft head in his lap, but when her tail began to thump, he stopped, horrified at his idiotic behavior. "I would like to see one intelligent, high-minded female in this bloody circus. Call her Rowena."

"I was /kidding/! You can't name a dog after one of the Founders," she pointed out. "That's sacrilege, or blasphemy, or something!"

He smiled evilly at her and murmured sweetly, "/Rowena/..."

The dog sat up and looked adoringly at him.

He petted her, starting at the head and working back, making the creature whimper with happiness. "Good dog, /Rowena/," he said gently. He turned back to Zelda. "You see? She knows her name." His smirk was triumphant.

Zelda was smirking inside. The idea of her adorable and uptight wizard adopting a dog filled her with delight. In spite of himself he responded to the dog's affection. All she said, however, was, "Well, you can explain the name to Minerva. I was going to call her Annie."

He rolled his eyes in disgust. "How unoriginal," he replied scornfully.

"Are you two hungry?" Michael asked. "The dog's been fed, but I'm starving. Come and eat."

"She's no longer 'the dog,' her name is... /Rowena/," said Zelda, rolling her eyes.

"A lovely name," replied Michael. "Welsh, in origin, isn't it?"

"It happens to be the name of one of the four Founders of Hogwarts," Zelda replied, "and some people may be offended by it." She helped Michael finish setting the table and sat down, still acting offended.

Michael chuckled. "So you picked the name, Severus. That's hilarious, since Zelda's going to have to do the explaining."

"Never explain," Severus sneered grandly, gratified when Michael snickered. Just then he felt a warm head descend on his thigh. Instinctively his hand moved to pet her.

"Severus!" Zelda said in a reproachful voice, "Dogs do not belong at the table. Rowena, go! Over there, at once!" She pointed firmly toward the cushion, and the dog's head drooped pitifully as she slunk away.

Severus stared at her. "Are you channeling /me/?" he asked in a snarky tone. "You cannot expect her to know the rules immediately."

Michael realized the game Zelda was playing, and strove valiantly for composure. The woman was a hopeless sucker for animals, and if Severus had known her longer he wouldn't be fooled for an instant. The rest of the meal was uneventful, except that Severus gave Zelda some rather odd looks. As soon as they were finished, Severus excused himself and went back to the couch. When Zelda and Michael brought coffee in to join him, they found Rowena curled on the couch, her head in Severus's lap. She raised her head briefly at their arrival, looking distinctly smug.

Severus flushed in response to Zelda's wordless query. "You did not need to be so harsh," he muttered. He held a hand out and drew her down on the other side of him.

"I'm sorry," she said. "But I was surprised... I didn't expect you to..." Cautiously she did not finish.

Rowena groaned blissfully, pressing firmly down on his thigh, and he resumed stroking her.

"Jealous, Zel?" Michael asked.

"Shut up, Michael," she replied quickly. "Sev, when will you leave tomorrow?"

"I shall see Phineas at noon, and leave immediately after," he said. "Zelda, this time, I do not know how long I shall be gone. I do not dare to speculate." He felt wretched.

"It's okay, my boy," she said. "As always, I'll be waiting."

He slipped an arm gratefully around her shoulder and she relaxed against him. "Michael, when will you leave here?" he asked.

"I'll spend tomorrow night, and leave the following day," he replied. "I'll stay long enough to see Phineas before I go."

Zelda noticed a new door. "Did Minerva really make a room for herself here?" she asked.

"Yep," he replied happily. "Needless to say, it's private."

"Well, duh," she said.

"You two probably want to, um... retire early," Michael said brightly. "Why don't you take Rowena the Wonder Dog out for a bit of air before you go to bed. I'll be happy to deal with any late night emergencies, but she needs to bond with, um... /Zelda/."

"Brat," replied Zelda. "I hate it when you're right. Will you come along, Sev?"

"Of course," he said. "However..." He looked at the dog, snoring robustly in his lap.

She rolled her eyes. "Rowena, wake up, baby," she said loudly. She began walking toward the door, and the second time she called, Rowena sat up, shook her head and trotted after Zelda.

When the door opened, the dog dashed out as if her leg had not been mangled earlier in the day. Zelda and Severus followed slowly.

"Did I thank you for bringing me a dog?" she asked innocently.

"Not in so many words, but your eyes are eloquent, my love."

She shouted with laughter. "Did you ever think I'd rather have a necklace, or something?" When he paused, looking intrigued, she said hastily, "Forget it. I don't need a necklace. Actually, I don't need a dog either, but she seems very nice, even if she's totally devoted to /you/."

The smug smirk on his face warmed her heart. Rowena dashed up to him, and he bent down to pet her. She jumped up, licked his chin and dashed away again. Zelda imagined the hardships he would face on the morrow, and loved seeing him respond to the dog.

"Where did you find her?" she asked.

I believe I was on the far side of Michael's land, next to a road. She was in a ditch."

"Poor girl, she must've been so scared."

"Michael is very impressive at emergency healing," Severus said thoughtfully.

"I can't believe he keeps saline solution in his cabin," she said. "He's completely obsessed."

"If someone arrives here injured, Michael's obsession will be invaluable." He looked into the darkness and called, "Rowena! Come."

The dog trotted up and frisked by his side as they entered the cabin. Zelda spied a box of dog biscuits on the counter, which she opened. "Rowena," she said, and the dog came to her and politely accepted the treat. "She seems very intelligent."

"Will she need anything else before morning?" he asked.

"Not a thing, and I'd like to get to bed," she replied. "Send her to her bed, please."

Severus walked to the big cushion, and said firmly, "We're going to bed now, Rowena. Good night."

Obediently the dog stepped onto the cushion, circled twice and curled in a ball.

Severus wished Hogwarts students had as much intelligence as this non-magical dog. He snatched Zelda up in his arms and carried her into their bedroom.

"You're feeling better, aren't you?" she said happily.

"Much better," he said cynically. "Thank you for understanding that I needed time, for loving me, and for allowing me to foist a dog on you." He set her on her feet and pulled her into his arms.

"You worry too much, Sev. No matter how long it takes, I'll be here for you." She smiled wryly into his worried black eyes. "You know, Elijah brought home a dog one time, and she lived to a ripe old age with me."

"No anecdotes about dogs," he told her. "Furthermore, you have just compared me with your son, which is not a thing that incites lust."

Her eyes sparkled as she began unbuttoning his shirt. She removed it and moved on to his pants. "Do you have a better suggestion?" she purred, kneeling to remove them. "Actually, it looks like lust has somehow been incited anyway," she added, leaning forward to apply her mouth to his heated flesh.

"I must give you an 'O' for lust incitement," he said, his breath catching as she performed an especially effective maneuver. "Now, come to bed."

Severus made love to her eagerly, having resolved some of his doubts. His walk had helped him accept his dazzling good fortune in finding her. Knowing he would leave soon, he wasted no more time on irrelevant fears and focused completely on his adorable love. They clung to each other through the night, and slept long into the morning, unwilling to let go.

At mid-morning, the door opened mysteriously and a brown and black blur rushed in and leaped on the bed. A long tongue slurped over their faces, waking them up.

"Rowena," Zelda moaned. "Goddess, dog, what're you doing?" She reached up and hugged the furry neck, chuckling as her neck received a thorough licking.

Severus scowled at finding the dog stepping on them, her tail wagging eagerly. He cracked an eye open and watched his beloved, who had seemed so severe earlier, laughing as she was adoringly mauled by a very badly behaved dog. "Rowena, down!" he said sternly, and the dog dropped obediently by his side.

"Sev?" Zelda asked curiously.

"Your performance last night was impressive, and rather confusing at first," he said. "I shall admit that I like the animal, if you will not flaunt the fact."

"It's our secret," she chuckled. "Haven't you ever had a dog?"

"No," he said repressively. "We shall share this one." He petted Rowena, and then turned to kiss Zelda. The kiss evolved into more, but as the sheets became dislodged, Rowena pressed her cold, moist nose between their naked bodies, making Zelda yip in surprise.

"Will you evict her?" she asked.

"I am not wearing anything," he replied, shocked.

"Neither am I!" she protested. "A gentleman would do it."

His lip curled in disgust, and his cheek was flushed as he stood and called the dog. Rowena rushed to him, and only a clever evasive move kept her nose away from his crotch. He opened the door, thrust her out and sealed it magically, before turning back to see Zelda convulsed with laughter.

"What is so funny?" he growled, climbing on top of her.

"I'm laughing with you, not at you," she giggled. "Thank you, Severus."

"I was not laughing," he said with an exasperated glare. "Everything now conspires to destroy what is left of my dignity." He consoled himself by taking possession of her breasts, while she tangled her fingers in his hair and rubbed his shoulders.

He raised his head to smile at her, and she smiled in return, even while her blue eyes sparkled with tears. "Zelda," he murmured.

Her hands moved to his cheeks and she moved to kiss his face. "You know I'll cry," she told him. "I'll be okay though, and so will you. Without this war I'd never have found you, so this is our destiny. But when it's done..." She began kissing him again, and he rolled on his back, taking her along on top of him. They watched each other's faces as they came together, and shared the longing, sadness and joy of the moment.

"Have I mentioned that you're the sexiest, most gorgeous man I've ever seen?" she asked, tracing his eyebrow with her thumb.

"You are certainly the only woman who has ever thought so," he said sardonically. "Your existence has changed my life."

"Yours has made me happier than I imagined possible," she said, leaning in to kiss his nose. "But time is passing, and we have a new obligation."

Severus found that he enjoyed sharing their room, getting dressed and preparing for the day with her. It was something he never expected. Passing her on the way to the bathroom, watching her face during her absurd internal debate about what to wear, it all delighted him.

When Zelda was ready, she smiled softly and said, "Shall I open the door?"

He put the finishing touches on his black-clad persona and picked up his cloak. "Open it," he said.

Rowena was waiting, of course, and ran to Severus first.

"So much for the terrifying Professor Snape," Zelda murmured, contentedly watching him with the dog. "Come and have breakfast."

Michael had been up for hours, and had breakfast ready. "I like your dog, Zel," he announced. He hated watching Severus leave, but they'd go through the motions yet again.

"You've done most of the work, so far," she replied. "Thanks for getting food."

"I bought a brush and some dog shampoo, so you can play doggie salon. I got a leash and collar too," he said, smirking.

"I'll be busy, then," she said to Severus. She turned back to Michael. "Have you looked at her ears? Is she clean?"

"She has worms," he said cheerfully. "I cleaned her ears though, and started the de-wormer. Eventually she needs to be completely checked out, but she looks amazingly good."

"Especially compared with yesterday," said Zelda, rubbing the soft ears. She smiled at Severus as they sat at the table.

Breakfast was brief, and they were sitting quietly when Rowena began barking fiercely and growling at the portrait on the wall.

"Snape! What is the meaning of this?" snapped Phineas Nigellus.

"Rowena, come!" Zelda said firmly, and the dog came and sat by her side, still staring at the moving portrait man.

"Good day, Phineas," said Severus. "I shall leave soon and I do not know when I shall be back. Is there a message from the Headmistress?"

"She wishes you good fortune and says that she will maintain contact with Mrs. Larsson while you are away."

"Thank her for me, please," Severus responded impassively.

"If there is nothing else, then," said the former Headmaster, "I shall go."

"I can think of nothing else," replied Severus. "Thank you, Phineas Nigellus."

The portrait wizard glanced around the room, stared coldly at the Muggle woman who had her hand on the neck of the large dog, and left without another word.

Severus turned back to his companions. "That was refreshingly brief. I believe Phineas is not an animal lover," he murmured sarcastically.

Michael chuckled. "That's obvious. Are you leaving now?"

"Shortly," Severus said. "I would like a few minutes alone with Zelda, if you do not mind."

He collected his cloak, held his thin hand out to her and she took it, following him to the door. When they were outside, he glanced briefly up at the sky. "The weather will change soon," he told her. "Keep Rowena close tonight."

"I will," she said softly. She raised her face to his, and her blue eyes were brimming with tears. "There's nothing I can say, is there? I know you're careful and smart. You'll come back when you can."

"All very true," he said softly. "Come sit with me for a few moments." He led her to a chair in the shade and took her into his lap.

They sat in silence, holding each other. Zelda pressed her face against his neck and sobbed once. She used Occlumency to school her emotions to calmness, and when her breathing grew even, she raised her head to look at him. Not surprisingly, his face held no expression, and that fact made her smile.

When she smiled at him, Severus was able to smile in return. "I adore you, my Zelda, and I will return to you."

"I know," she whispered, kissing his neck. She kissed his mouth, gently at first, but then fiercely.

He responded, wishing desperately that he did not have to leave.

Reluctantly, Zelda pulled back and stood up. "Let's do it, Sev."

Severus rose and put on his cloak. The door of the cabin opened and out darted Rowena, followed by Michael. He gave a faint ironic smile and gripped Michael's hand firmly.

Then, rolling his eyes at his own ridiculousness, he knelt before the dog and placed his hand on her head. Her brown eyes were bright and wise. "Protect Zelda until I return," he whispered, realizing he had indeed lost his mind if he was asking for assistance from a stray dog.

He rose, kissed Zelda quickly, and without a word stepped back and Disapparated.
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