Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Don't Know How You Do It

Never Let You GO

by -LoVe-CaNt-SaVe-YoU- 4 reviews

Bree isnt having the best of luck lately

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-11-17 - Updated: 2006-11-17 - 686 words

Bree woke up still in her clothes. Checking the time on her phone, 7AM, she noticed 3 missed calls from Patrick. He left her a voice message:

Hi Bree its Patrick... You left your jacket at XO and yeah just thought you might want it back since you practically live in the things... I'll stop by and drop it off later if I don't see you before then.. Ok so Bye

Bree slipped the phone into her jeans pocket before heading downstairs to get a smoothie, her usual breakfast, passing through the sitting room she noticed her mom lying across the couch bottle of vodka in hand. Bree sighed and walked over to shake her to wake her up so she could sleep in her own bed when she noticed her mom's breathing was shallow.

Kneeling by the couch she saw the bottle of her moms pills, reading the label she found out they were anti-depressant pills. Panic setting in Bree checked her mom's pulse. Slow but it was defiantly there. She held back her tears gently touching her mom's hand when she was getting up to dial 911 fighting back tears she realised her mom had left her a note. She wasn't dead yet so Bree just slipped the envelope in her pocket she dialled the number. A woman answered.

"Hello operator service how may I help you?"

"I need an ambulance please my mom I think she tried to commit suicide."

"I'm sorry to hear that dear, what's the address?" she asked.

"34 Golden Terrain in Wilmette."

"Ok we'll have an ambulance there in 15 hun, just stay calm."

Hearing the dial tone Bree knew she got disconnected. She couldn't believe this was happening, last night all she cared about was that whore Alex now she had to worry about whether her mom was going to live or die.

The ambulance got there and carried her mom off in a stretcher into the ambulance. Bree was allowed ride with them. Sitting next to her mom reliving the past few days a she felt numb. Why did this have to happen to her? Why couldn't she just have a mom that loved her, a mom that didn't look for the answers at the bottom of a bottle of vodka.

They carried her mom off to intensive care, they mentioned to Bree something about all that alcohol not being good for her mom's liver and the pill's were slowly shutting down her mom's brain. Bree still felt as though it was a nightmare, it wasn't happening. She allowed the tears to fall down her face not bothering to wipe them away, she just sat there not making a sound until the docter informed her they had done what they could to stabilise her mom and she should go home and get some rest.

Bree didn't have a ride home, not bothering to call Patrick she started walking not feeling the cold on her bare arms she started running as fast as she could not stopping until she got there, the park her mom used to take her to when she was little. Before her mom started drinking, when her parents were still together, she could trace all her problems back to that point in her life when her parents finally got a divorce.

Sitting on the swing slowly swinging herself back and forth she kicked at the ground with her feet getting dirt all over her already scruffy chuck's. Digging her hand in her jeans pocket she felt around for the envelope.

Opening it she took out the letter. The ink was smudged from her mothers tears:

Baby Bop, (Bree smiled at her mom's reference to her old nickname)

I am sorry I was never a good mother. I was never there for you and for that I am sorry. I have always been unfair towards you and often blamed you for things that weren't your fault. Don't cry, please, I don't deserve it. I have to end this I am sorry its all too much I hope you can forgive me for abandoning you like this.

Forever Yours,

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