Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > I Don't Know How You Do It

Too Late

by -LoVe-CaNt-SaVe-YoU- 3 reviews

Again i hate summarys, more bad luck for Bree...

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-11-19 - Updated: 2006-11-19 - 1068 words

She didn't know how long she just sat there ,after awhile she had even stopped crying. Before she knew it it was dark. She got up and started the long walk home, still freezing cold.

Closing the door quietly behind her, though she didn't know why she was alone no one in the house but her. She took a look at herself in the mirror. She was a mess. Her eyeliner had run leaving black trail marks down her cheeks and her eyes were still bloodshot. She sat down on the couch not bothering to turn the light on, just sitting there in silence, it was still only 5PM, she thought it was much later considering how dark it was and the fact this day seemed to go on forever. She sat there for a good twenty minutes or so just thinking about how fucked up this all was when the phone rang. Must be Patrick about my hoodie she thought answering the phone.

"Hello" she answered.

"Hi, is this Bree?" it wasn't Patrick it was defiantly a woman's voice.

"Yes, why?"

"I am so sorry, your mom suffered a stroke a little over an hour ago, the doctors did what they could but they couldn't save her" the woman said her voice dripping with sympathy towards Bree.

"What? But they said she was going to be fine." Bree said hearing her own voice break as she spoke.

"I know I'm so sorry the doctors couldn't of foreseen the stroke. Her body will be released on Tuesday so if you want a funeral you should start planning it so if you could put your dad on the phone..."

"He's not here, in Paris or Moscow so yeah I'll get back to you with that I just have to go do something..." Bree finished off the last part quieter hanging up before the woman from the hospital could reply.

Bree backed herself up against the wall sliding herself down it pulling her knees into her chest. She didn't even cry. She was into much shock to cry. She felt as though everything was crashing down around her. She was alone. She didn't even have Patrick anymore... He had Alex... Her mom left her.... Her dad was off somewhere with that slut, she hadn't even seen him in over a year; he had no idea what was going on. She wanted a way out. She wanted it to end, no more pain no more people leaving her if she wasn't there.

She got up walking into the kitchen heading for the knife drawer. This was it it wasn't going to be just a scar, she was going to die. She thought about how she was just as bad as her mom, she was a coward. She had no one who was going to miss her though so it didn't really make a difference to anyone's lives. She thought about leaving a note but then who would read it? Exactly.

She brought the steak knife she had taken out of the drawer and traced a line right across her wrists with the sharp cold tip and watched the blood pour right out dripping out to the kitchen floor. She lowered herself onto the floor and leaned herself up against the counter, she took out her mom's letter and read it again wondering if she hadn't been so hard on her would she still be around? She started getting tired, she imagined hearing the doorbell or maybe that was the doorbell? She heard someone calling her name, Patrick, but she didn't have the energy to answer. He turned the doorknob walking into the house, holding her hoodie she left at XO the previous night, calling Bree's name still getting no answer. He checked all the rooms but the kitchen which was his last stop. Walking in he saw the most horrifying thing ever. Bree was leaned up against the kitchen counter letter in hand and her arms.. were covered in blood. Patrick freaked out. She was still conscious and he could see her chest slowly rising and falling with every breath she took.

He hurriedly took out his cell dialling 911 and practically screaming that he needed an ambulance. He ran over to Bree's side trying to keep her awake,holding her hand and telling her it was going to be ok

"Bree please, don't do this, Bree, come on we have a show Saturday you cant do this" he said trying to make her smile through his tears.

She looked up into his eyes, god she loved those eyes...

"I don't know how you do it you always try to make the best of the situation..."

"Yeah well.." he started before she cut him off lifting her head up close to his ear so she could whisper:

"That's why I love you...."

He sat there shocked as she gave him a weak smile... He didn't understand was this because of him and Alex? If he had just told her the day he met her how he felt this wouldn't have ever happened.

Then saw the letter on the ground beside her, he was about to read it when he heard the paramedics calling from the door.

"We're in here!" Patrick shouted still held the note in his hand.

He watched as the paramedics loaded her onto the stretcher. He followed them out the door.

"Can I stay with her please, she's my best friend." Patrick begged choking out every word as they placed her in the back of the ambulance.

"Well, its against regulation but I guess I could let you since you're the one who found her" the paramedic replied.

"Thank you so much ... you have no idea..." Patrick thanked him and followed Bree into the ambulance and took hold of her hand which was soaked in blood. He opened the letter realisation dawning on him. She lost her mom. It all made sense now. Patrick hadn't really known Bree's mom that well she was never really around whenever he hung out at Bree's house but he knew the two of them didn't get on well. He guessed her mom must have died. Why else would Bree do this? Soon they were at the hospital and they were carting Bree off into intensive care.

He hoped he'd get a chance to tell her how he felt before it was too late.
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