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Who Are You?
5 reviewsdon't have one just can someone fugure out who Nature goddess is please
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(#) iheartyou07 2006-11-18
great chappie, can't wait for more! Update soon.Author's response
i'm wotking on chapter 3 but i'm a little stumped chapter 2 was basically a fun chapter somebody please take a guess at who Nature Goddess is pleaseChat Online
(#) ClassoftheTitans_fan 2006-11-19
haha ugliest baby.
That was cool. Cant wait for chap threeAuthor's response
please take another guess who nature goddess is and ill give you a sneak peak of any upcoming story u like look in my profile and chapter 3 will revile mabe who nature goddess isChat Online
(#) water_dragon 2006-11-19
i was an ugly baby too, i only thinned out(i used to be fat and ugly) and gained some pleasing looks when i was 10, i'm 14 in like a month, but i like this sort of thingChat Online
(#) ClassoftheTitans_fan 2006-11-21
ooh ok..nature goddess could be Artemis...or i dunno just a guess Atalanta? her descendant? Or maybe hera. Caz her solitarium is full of plants and it cant be persephone can it? caz i thought u said she was missy...not sure but hope one of those guesses are right! UPDATE SOON!Author's response
congrates you will be recieving and email with a sneak peak well look in my profile and check out the stories and tell me what one you want a sneak peak of and i will send you one paragarph of it now guess who Andrew is the descendent of from a life on my own
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