Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cant take the kid from the fight

Chapter 1

by xxBrinkaxx 0 reviews

Not sayin! Im way to mean to be nice XD

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-11-19 - Updated: 2006-11-19 - 374 words


She ran down the stairs as fast as she could into the pouring rain. She was cold and wet. The water had damped her clothes till we saw her bare skin under the tissus. She ran into the music shop a couple bloks away from school. She got inside and sat on the stool. She let her fingers drit on the keyboard and played a not, followed by another, and another and so on. She played a peice she loved, the saddest one she knew. She played on that piano ever since she knew how to walk. She wanted it so bad, but i cost too much for her. Instead she would come in whenever she would want and play. Passants would give her tips and soon she'd be able to buy it. Luckily.

Four boys came in soaked wet. They heard her playing and sat silently behind her. She could barley see them from the reflexion of the piano. She just kept playing. She let the last key drag on and turned around. She recognized the boys immediately. It was the her favorite group, Panic! At The Disco. Brendon talked first."That was amazing" "Thanks''She couldn't believe it was them. She could have jumped on them and ask them for an autograph and be the craziest fan of all times but no, that day she was sad. She just smiled at them.They all saw she was sad, they even saw the bruises but didnt ask. They looked at each other and nodded, knowing what they would ask.

"Would you like to come over?''Brendon asked
"Why the sudden urge to bring up a stranger at your house?'' she asked uncertain
"Well you dont seem that great and i can promise you that frown will turn upside down after tonight'' he said and looked at me with a heuge grin
"Okay then, I'll come but I dont want to bother'' she said
"You wont be a problem, dont worry'' Spencer replied
She smiled, she knew he was right, and it wasnt even the end of the day. She walked out after Jon and Spencer. Brendon and Ryan couldn't get their eyes off of her. " She's so beautiful'' they both thought and smiled.
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