Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Try and Stop Me.


by whatkayteesaid 0 reviews

Only Brendon can do the job right.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Humor, Romance - Published: 2006-12-03 - Updated: 2006-12-03 - 377 words


"I am so sorry," Ryan kept pleading for the last five minutes as Brendon clasped the hand cuffs or whatever they were above my head around my wrists. I had gotten over the fact that I was trapped and all I wanted to go away was Ryan's wining. Brendon was even getting the message as I looked up at him and he smiled at me, knowing that it was annoying me as well.
"We speak the same language," Brendon said softly to the subject of Ryan's voice. Once the last clasp was fastened Brendon spun around as fast as lightening. Before I blinked I had to focus of Brendon's hand around Ryan's throat and Ryan trying to get him off. "I can't understand what she saw in you. You're just a wannabe. Get over yourself!"
Ryan nodded under the pressure and Brendon released him from his hold. Ryan collapsed to the floor; coughing and I watched him as he coughed up some blood. Gross.
Brendon threw his hands into the air. "Great going, Ryan! That was your dinner!"
Ryan wiped his long sleeve shirt against his mouth as he started to get up. "Sorry."
"Don't apologize," Brendon said as he pointed to the doorway and Ryan turned on his heel and scurried off. "It's your fault!"
I felt uncomfortable with only Brendon in the room now, pretty much understanding that he's the leader of this 'clan' or whatever they call it. Maybe 'cult' is the right word. I don't know!
Brendon turned slightly and looked at me, but not in a commanding way. It was almost sympathetic. Then he approached, kneeling down somewhat to equal our face levels. "I'm terribly sorry about these." He shook one of the chains attached to the cuffs. "It's just all procedure. We don't really know what you're capable of. You must understand."
But I didn't.
"You have a lot to learn in a short amount of time," Brendon explained. Then you could see the bead of dark sweat on his forehead. "I chose you. Specially." With that, he stood up and walked over to the door, closing it on the way out. Before it shut all the way he stuck his head back in. "See you in the night, my lady."
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