Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Hidden Memories

Chapter 33

by youngandreckless 3 reviews

chapter 33

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-12-03 - Updated: 2006-12-04 - 867 words

Chapter 33

Stacey's POV

Its been a couple days since that fun filled night. I havent seen or talked to any of them since. Both Pete and Laura have called a few times but I could bring myself to answer. I wanted to talk to them really I do. But I just don't have the heart. I'm tired of hurting so much. Its just not fair.
Glancing down at the phone I willed it to ring. Finally realizing it wasn't I turned to walk away.
A smile broke out as the familiar ringtone of Hurricane by Friends FOR HIRE blared from my phone.
Glancing down at the caller ID I sighed. It was Patrick.
"Hello my love" I smilled into the phone. I could hear the laughter on the other end.
"its good to hear you happy" he laughed I could almost picture him rolling his eyes.
"of course, didn't I tell you? Damn boy everytime I hear your sexy voice I just cant help but getting 'happy' will you come and take care of that happiness?"
With out even seeing him I knew he was blushing. Damn you could just look at that boy and he will turn red.
"so anyways whats up" I asked jumping onto the counter trying to get comfortable.
"you know how splish splash, the water park that just opened? Well we are all going and you are going too"

Laura's POV

"I don't want to go to the water park" I whined to Joe as he tied the strap to my bikini top.
"yes you do, stop whinning" he laughed walking away to get his shorts. I sitting down on the edge of the bed I pouted.
"oh stop it. We are going" He kissed me lightly before walking out of the room.
"you suck!" I called out sticking my tongue out at his retreat form, even though I know he couldn't see me.
"I SAW THAT!" he laughed from the other room. Liar!
"what are you going to do about it?" I called back.
"this" he grinned running and pouncing on me. The last couple of days have been great between Joe and I. Its been so playful and stress free. I love it! It was almost like it was before.
Suddenly Joes face turned serious. His eyes rolled back into his head as he fell to the floor.

Joe's POV

"Hello again" I said as Lizy came into my view. "isnt there a less painful way to do this? Damn it laura is probably freaking out."
She gave me a light hug. "laura will be fine freaking out is nothing new for her. She acts like she's going to die even if a little bug walks into the room."
"exactly! So what is she going to do if I just randomly pass out while on top of her" She looked at me with wide eyes
"on top of her?" she asked slowly eyeing me.
"not like that! Can we get on with this" I pouted sitting down on the white floor.

"Hey where is my love?" Andy pouted sitting in the arm chair.
"Awww Andy I love you" Laura yelled running and jumping on him.
"I love you too" Stacey yelled running and jumping on top of him too.
"ME TOO!" haha leave it to Pete.
"and ME!" patrick decided to join the group.
"don't forget about me" I yelled landing on pete. I laughed as we all fell to the ground.
"who can say they fit six people in an arm chair?" Patrick laughed picking himself off the floor.
"WE CAN" pete yelled jumping up and down.
"Ok kiddies we are here" Charlie said walking into the room. "oh god...did I interupt anything?" he asked seeing us all on the floor.
"yeah...we were having rough sex with our clothes's a new let me teach you" pete said. I laughed as he jumped into Charlie's arms.
"you're one sick man" he laughed dropping pete to the ground.
"Get off the bus"

I felt like I was in a dazy as lizy came back into focus.
"were we always like that?" I grinned replaying the memory in my head.
She nodded smilling "that was before I came along. But from what I've seen everyday was pretty much like that" her smile slowly faded.
Getting up I gave her a hug "everyone misses you. No one has forgotten" I said giving her a reasuring smile. The look of sorrow was quickly replaced with a smile.
"Please make sure patrick knows its ok to move on" I nodded and with that she was gone.
Closing my eyes I slowly opened them to see laura staring down at me. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and her hands were shaking.
"shhh" I whispered pulling her into me as I sat up. "I'm ok"
"what happened?" she choked whiping away the tears.
"I was remembering." She looked up quickly. "remembering the time on the tour bus when we all decided Andy needed some love." I added quickly before she could ask. "That poor chair"

so i'm whoring a band...friends FOR HIRE...check them out
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