Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Return of James T. Kirk

Chapter 3: "Cosmic Thoughts"

by NeoSuperBlissey 0 reviews

The Gang of Five learn why Spock needs their help and adjust to a new way of doing things.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Ron - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-12-04 - Updated: 2006-12-04 - 1582 words


Harry Potter and the Return of James T. Kirk

Chapter 3:

"Cosmic Thoughts"

In the Briefing Room on the Titan/, Spock sat at the head of the conference table, while Harry, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Cho and Draco sat surrounding the table. Spock stood up and moved over to the monitor next to the model of the /Titan in the center of the room.

"In 2294, the U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701-B set out on its maiden voyage-a shakedown cruise around the Terran solar system. Shortly after leaving drydock, the Enterprise-B was pressed into service when two transport ships became caught in an energy ribbon. After rescuing the passengers, the Enterprise-B became caught herself," Spock said.

On the monitor was footage from the Federation archives of what happened that fateful day. "Captain James T. Kirk, who was aboard as a civilian observer, volunteered to make modifications to the ship's deflector dish that-theoretically-would allow the ship to escape the ribbon's pull. As the Enterprise activated the modified deflector and began to pull away, a tendril of the ribbon lashed out and hit the area of the ship that Captain Kirk was working in," Spock said.

Draco held up his hand. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy?" Spock said. "We know the rest of the story-how Captain Kirk was trapped in the ribbon, left to help Captain Jean-Luc Picard defeat Dr. Soran, and so forth. The question we all have, Ambassador, is this: what do you need us for?" Draco asked.

"And before you ask how we know all this, let me tell you," Harry said. "While we were preparing to help Commander Finch, Lieutenant Nihts and Ensign Martinez take the Enterprise-A saucer off our Earth, we read the materials Commander Finch gave to us, regarding the Federation and its history." Spock nodded. "A logical approach, Mr. Potter," Spock said.

"I have reason to believe that the Captain Kirk that died on planet Viridian III 14 years ago was only an image of Captain Kirk. Somehow, the real Captain Kirk is still in the Nexus, and we need to find him," Spock said. "We will take the Enterprise-A saucer, mate it to the stardrive section at Deep Space Nine, then get the ship refitted," Spock said.

"Ambassador Spock, I understand you need a crew to man the ship, but wouldn't it be best if you had a crew of Starfleet officers, not a crew of wizards and witches?" Hermione said. "Miss Granger, I was prepared for you to ask that question," Spock said.

"According to Starfleet Intelligence, a cabal of renegade Suliban are massing for an attack on key Federation planets, such as Earth-Terra-and my homeworld, Vulcan. Starfleet Intelligence has identified the leader of this cabal, previously known only as 'Man From The Future,' who led a similar cabal during the Temporal Cold War of the 2150s," Spock said, picking up a PADD.

"His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle," Spock said, reading from the PADD. Everyone but Spock tensed. "Voldemort," Harry said. "You know him, then, Mr. Potter?" Spock said. Harry began to tell Spock the story of how, when Harry was a baby, Voldemort killed Harry's parents, and of the war Harry and his friends fought. "But I thought we killed Voldie after he killed Sirius," Ron said.

"Apparently not, Mr. Weasley," Spock said. "After reading the files Intelligence had collected on this...Voldemort, I knew then that I needed a crew who both could operate a Constitution/-class starship and had the same kind of magical powers that Voldemort allegedly had. The discovery of your planet and your school during the discovery of the /Enterprise-A saucer allowed me to kill two avian life forms with one stone."

A few hours later, Harry sat in the guest quarters he and Ron shared, when the comm sounded. "/Ambassador Spock to Potter/." Harry tucked back his hair and tapped the Starfleet commbadge he wore on his robes. "Yes, Ambassador?" Harry said.

"We are preparing to dock with Deep Space Nine, Harry. You will be permitted one day of rest and resupply before we head back to Earth to get the /Enterprise-A refitted/," Spock said. "/Please report to Docking Bay 4 in fifteen minutes/."

"I'm on my way, Ambassador," Harry said. "Potter, out." Harry started packing his gear. He noticed a carryall bag with "HAROLD JAMES POTTER, MISSION OPERATIONS OFFICER, USS ENTERPRISE NCC-1701-A" written on it. Harry put his most important gear-his family album, his old Hogwarts schoolbooks and extra food for Hedwig-into the case, slung it over his shoulder and exited his quarters.

On DS9's Promenade, Harry took in the aliens and other Starfleet personell as he walked along. He saw someone stealing something from a stall at weaponpoint. As the alien aproached where Harry stood, Harry pulled his wand from a pocket of his robes and pointed it at the criminal. "Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted.

The weapon flew out of the criminal's hands. The criminal stood still for a moment and wondered what was going on. He then started running at Harry. "Petrificus Totalis!" Harry shouted. The criminal fell to the deck, breathing but otherwise unmoving.

Two Bajoran deputies ran up to Harry. "What happened?" the lead deputy asked. "I witnessed this person stealing from that stall over there," Harry said. "I used my powers to stop him in his tracks." "Powers?" the other deputy asked. "This is one of the people Colonel Kira told us about, one of the people the Titan found in the Gamma Quadrant," the lead deputy said.

The deputy turned to Harry. "Can you give us the counter-curse, Mr. Potter?" he asked. "There are no magic words to counter the Body Bind, but there is a potion that can do the job," Harry said as he tapped his comm badge. "Potter to Chang. Bring the cure for the Body Binding Curse to DS9's Promenade," Harry said. "On my way, Harry," Cho said.

Cho ran up to where Harry, the criminal and the deputies stood. She held a hypospray in her hands. "I was able to reduce the potion for use in a hypospray," Cho said as she injected the criminal. The criminal began to slacken. As one of the deputies led the criminal away, the leader turned back to Harry and Cho. "I would be honoured to escort you two to Colonel Kira's office," he said.

"Lead on," Harry said. The deputy smiled as he led Harry and Cho to a turbolift. "OPS," the deputy said. The doors opened and the turbolift began to move.

In the commander's office adjacent to OPS, Colonel Kira Nerys was talking to Spock and Admiral Kathryn Janeway when the deputy rang the door chime. "Come in," Kira said. The doors slid open. The deputy walked in. "Colonel, these are Harry Potter and Cho Chang. They helped apprehend a criminal on the Promenade," the deputy said.

Harry and Cho walked in. "Mr. Potter, Miss Chang, welcome to Deep Space Nine. I am Colonel Kira Nerys, and this is Starfleet Admiral Kathryn Janeway," Kira said. Harry and Cho nodded at Colonel Kira, then to Janeway. Kira gestured for Harry and Cho to sit down.

"The Colonel and the Ambassador have been telling me about your proposal to attempt a rescue of Captain Kirk," Janeway said. "It is possible, considering what limited knowledge we have of the Nexus and its effects. I have cut orders for Spacedock One to use all its resources to refit the Enterprise-A to current standards and technologies. Go with our best wishes."

"Thank you, Admiral," Harry said. As Harry stood up, Janeway noticed the gold ring on Harry's finger. "Harry, it seems you are getting married soon. May I meet your fianceé?" Janeway asked. "Sure, Admiral," Harry said before tapping his commbadge. "Potter to Ginny Weasley. Please report to the station commander's office on OPS level," he said.

The doors slid open, revealing Ginny. "Ginny, this is Admiral Kathryn Janeway," Harry said. "She wanted to meet you." Ginny walked up to Janeway, her hand extended. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Admiral," Ginny said. "Same to you, Ginny," Janeway said as she shook Ginny's hand.

"The Admiral has officially authorized our mission to rescue Captain Kirk," Harry said. "That's great, Harry," Ginny said. "And, when you return, I would be honoured to perform your wedding," Janeway said. "We're still in the very early planning stages, but we'll take your gracious offer under advisement," Ginny said.

The next day, the Bridge crew were at their stations, ready to get underway. But, Spock was not on the Bridge. Harry was about to call Spock before the doors opened, admitting Spock. But, he was not wearing his robes of office; rather wearing a Starfleet uniform with Captain's insignia.

"Captain on the Bridge!" Harry said. Everyone turned in their chairs to see Spock. As he sat in the command chair, the crew resumed their stations. "Ms. Chang, do we have departure clearence from OPS?" Spock asked.

"OPS has cleared us, Captain," Cho said. "Admiral Janeway adds her best wishes." Spock nodded, then turned to Harry. "Mr. Potter, confirm that DS9 has retracted docking clamps," Spock said. Harry checked his boards. "Docking clamps have been retracted, Amb---/Captain/," Harry said. "Enterprise-A is under her own power."

"Then, Ms. Granger, set a course for the Terran solar system, Warp 7," Spock said. "Engage as soon as we clear Bajoran space." "Aye, sir," Hermione said.

As soon as Enterprise-A cleared Bajoran space, it lept into warp, on the first leg of its journey.

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