Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Harry Potter and the Return of James T. Kirk

Chapter 4: "Getting Underway"

by NeoSuperBlissey 0 reviews

The Enterprise-A ,with her new (nearly)all-wizard crew, sets sail for the Nexus!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure, Crossover, Romance, Sci-fi - Characters: Cho, Draco, Ginny, Harry, Hermione, Ron - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-12-04 - Updated: 2006-12-04 - 1318 words


Harry Potter and the Return of James T. Kirk

Chapter 4:

"Getting Underway"

It has been eight weeks since Enterprise-A entered Spacedock for its refit. Captain Montgomery Scott was happy to set aside his work with the crew of the USS Da Vinci and the Starfleet Corps of Engineers for the opportunity to once again work on his beloved /Enterprise/.

Scott whistled as Hermione levitated a dilithium crystal into the articulation frame using the Wingardium Leviosa spell. "Miss Granger, that is the most astonishing thing I've seen in my years," Scotty said. "For me, Captain Scott, that is an everyday thing," Hermione said.

Scott held up his hands. "We're in Engineering, Hermione. Call me 'Scotty,'" he said. "Okay, Scotty," Hermione said. "Well, Engineering is all set. Let's head up to Astrometrics and see how Ron and Tuvok are doing." Scott gestured for Hermione to lead the way.

In the Enterprise-A's upgraded Astrometrics facility, Ron and Lieutenant Commander Tuvok were overseeing the final upgrades. "Commander, it is a shame you cannot join us on this mission," Ron said. "I wish we could have had the time to play 3-D chess or /kal-toh/."

Tuvok nodded. "Shame is an emotion, Mr. Weasley. But, if you wish upon your return, I can teach you some advanced techniques for 3-D chess," Tuvok said. "I would like that, Mr. Tuvok," Ron said before holding up his hand in the Vulcan salute. "Peace and long life, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok," Ron said.

Tuvok nodded, then raised his hand in the salute. "Live long and prosper, Ronald Weasley. May your journey be free of incident," Tuvok said before leaving Astrometrics. A few moments later, Hermione and Scott walked in. "How is everything, Ron?" Hermione asked.

"Tuvok and I were able to get the new Astrometrics equipment up and running. In fact, I have uploaded the current position of the Nexus ribbon and have plotted an appropriate intercept course, which you'll find up on the Bridge," Ron said. "Also, I left you a message on your panel, Hermione."

Hermione cocked an eyebrow. "What about, Ron? It had better not be something like that S.P.E.W. business from fourth year," Hermione said. "What is S.P.E.W.?" Scott asked. "Don't ask," Ron said. "And don't worry, Hermione. It's a good message."

"/Bridge to Captain Scott. Ambassador Spock's travel pod has docked. He is en route to the Bridge as we speak/," Cho said. "Aye, Miss Chang. We're on our way," Scott said. Ron, Hermione and Scott left Astrometrics.

On the Bridge, Harry stood from the command chair as Spock walked onto the Bridge. "Ambassador, we're recieving a message from Starfleet Medical," Cho said. "On the screen, Miss Chang," Spock said. The viewscreen filled with the frail image of retired Starfleet Admiral Leonard "Bones"McCoy.

"Well, well, Spock. Didn't think you could slip away without saying goodbye, eh?" McCoy asked. "Where in the devil are you going?" "Starfleet Command asked me to field test the Enterprise-A before she reenters active service. After all the losses the fleet suffered during the Dominion War..."

"/Don't give me that B.S., Spock. I know you. I shared your /katra/. Now, for once in your lives, tell me the truth/," McCoy said. "He is about to attempt a rescue of Captain Kirk," a voice from behind Spock said. Tuvok stepped forward and outlined the planned mission. "He asked me to come now, and I must help," Spock added.

On the screen, McCoy's jaw had almost dropped to the deck. But then, he looked up at Spock and said, "Well, don't just stand there, Spock! Get cracking and bring Jim home!" "I will try, Doctor. /Enterprise/, out," Spock said as Tuvok left the Bridge.

Shortly thereafter, Scott, Hermione and Ron arrived on the Bridge. As Spock polled the Bridge crew on departure readiness, Hermione found the message Ron mentioned. It read:

Go to the Observation deck after 1800 hours. There, under the plaque on the wooden ship's wheel which reads, "Where no one has gone before...", you will find the next message. Good luck on your scavenger hunt, 'mione.


Spock's voice dragged Hermione back to reality. "Miss Granger, is the Helm ready?" Spock said. "Yes, Ambassador. I have plotted a course for the current position of the Nexus ribbon," Hermione said. "Then, Miss Chang, please get me the dockmaster," Spock said. "Control tower standing by," Cho said.

"Spacedock control, this is the Enterprise-A/, requesting permission to depart," Spock said. "Enterprise-A is clear to depart,/" the dockmaster said. "/Port gates will open in thirty seconds. Good luck/." "All moorings are cleared, Ambassador," Harry said. "Miss Granger, take us out. Aft thrusters at 1/4 impulse. Port and starboard at station-keeping," Spock said.

And, with that, the USS Enterprise NCC-1701-A was on her first mission in nearly a century.

Twelve hours later, the Enterprise-A was in sight of the Nexus energy ribbon. "Hermione and I have already made the necessary modifications to the deflector dish," Scott said. "We will be able to escape from the ribbon's pull with ease."

"Very well," Spock said as he stood up from the command chair. "Mr. Potter, you have the conn." "Good luck, Ambassador," Harry said before Spock left the Bridge.

Meanwhile, on the Observation Deck, Hermione found a folded piece of paper stamped with the Hogwarts seal in wax. Hermione broke the seal and found another message. This one read:

Congratulations on accomplishing Phase One of your scavenger hunt. Phase Two now begins. At or after 0900 tomorrow morning, go to the Leaky Cauldron /(the Ten-Forward lounge for you Trekkers out there.-N.S.B.) on Deck 10 and order a butter beer with extra foam. The replicator will dispense your drink and the next message. /


Hermione ran back up to the Bridge to check on Spock. The turbolift doors opened onto Spock, clad in an EVA suit, and a brown-haired officer in a Starfleet uniform from the time of the original service of the /Enterprise-A/. "Ship's Log, Spock recording. I am pleased to report that Captain Kirk has returned and cancelled his plans to retire from Starfleet. The /Enterprise/... continues," Spock said.

The officer turned around. For the first time, Hermione Jane Granger looked into the auburn eyes of Starfleet's most famous officer, Captain James Tiberius Kirk. She could hear Ginny say to Harry, "Mr. Potter, the possibilities of our returning from this mission in one piece may have just doubled."

Kirk turned to Scott and Spock. "Spock, Scotty told me about all the weapons systems you installed aboard the /Enterprise/. Is there anything else you installed on my ship that I should know about?" Kirk asked. "Uh...uh, no," Scott said. "Captain Kirk, sir, there is something that I think you should see," Hermione said.

Down in Sickbay, Hermione stood at a control panel, flanked by Kirk, Spock, Scott and Harry, who had just arrived. "Computer, activate the Emergency Medical Holographic Program," Hermione said. The holographic doctor rippled into view in the center of the Sickbay. Herimone tapped a few keys. The default image of the E.M.H. program changed to an image Kirk, Spock and Scott knew.

"I am Leonard McCoy/," the new E.M.H. image said. "/Do you want my help?" "Hello, Doctor," Spock said. "Welcome aboard." The Red Alert sirens began to blare. "Kirk to Bridge. What's going on?" "This is Malfoy, Captain. Starfleet reports that a combined 300 Suliban cell ships and two core ships have attacked Earth and Vulcan simultaniously! Spacedock One and 15 starships were destroyed or otherwise incapcitated. 40 Eridani A Spacedock has also been totaled, but thankfully, no ships were docked at the time. The Federation Council has asked all ships in the affected areas, Starfleet or otherwise, to render any aid possible."

"Divert course to Vulcan, Mr. Malfoy, maximum warp," Kirk said. "Aye, sir," Draco said. "Voldemort has gone too far this time," Harry said from between gritted teeth.

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