Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Life Is A Symphony


by FallOutGrl 0 reviews

Okay okay....just read the chapter. It's good I promise:D

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2006-12-11 - Updated: 2006-12-12 - 439 words

After ordering drinks and food, Izzy and Patrick had moved on to a quiet conversation of what they were like.
"This sounds like one of those dating shows." Izzy laughed.
"So, contestant number one! Tell me a bit about your family," Patrick replied with a smile.
"Well, there's not much to tell. My mother died when I was ten of a herion overdose, my dad left with some chick who was twenty years younger then him, and my brother is the only one that is nice and still lives with me," Izzy replied, while twirling her fork around some pasta. "How about yourself?"
"Me? Well...uhm. My parents are six feet under so at fourteen I moved in with Pete. And I'm an only child." Patrick smiled. Izzy giggled.
"I see. And Pete's parents took you in?"
"Well, his dad left him when he was five so it was just his mother but yeah basicallly she took me in."
"Hmmm, we're not so different are we?" Izzy asked.


"So...Charlotte, whats up?" Pete asked himself a million times in a million different tones as he walked downstairs. Charlotte was sitting next to Joe and versing him in a video game. Pete smiled meakly to himself and went to sit down beside her.
"Hi," He started in a high pitched squeaky voice. Charlotte glanced at him once and went back to the t.v. He coughed once and started again. " So Charlotte, whats up?" He asked.
"Oh nothing....Just KICKIN JOE'S ASS!!!!" Charlotte screamed and laughed. Pete laughed nervously.
"Haha. Nice. Anyhoo, I wanted to ask you something." He said quietly. Andy coughed sarcastically. Pete glared at him momentarlley.
"Sure. Shoot for it." Charlotte replied.
"Wanna go out with-" Before Pete could finish, Andy's cell phone rang.
"Hello?Heyyy....K, calm down I can't understand what your saying.....Oh hunn......kay I'll be right there.....stay in your room.....yea.....i'll pull around back....right....kay be right there....bye." Andy hung up his cell phone and opened the door. Joe jumped off the couch to join Andy.
"Pete, we're borrowing your car, okay?" Andy asked. Before Pete could answer, him and Joe were already out the door.
"Wait...what? Why are you talking my car? WHERE are you taking my car?" Pete asked as him and Charlotte followed Andy and Joe out the door.


"Uhm...wanna come over for a bit?" Patrick asked once him and Izzy had gotten into his car. He blushed lightly and stared at the ignition for a while.
"Sure." Izzy replied flirtatiosly. A smile crept up on Patrick's lips as he drove them home.
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