Categories > Books > Harry Potter > What Now, Severus?

The Most Important Memory

by Emilie_D 1 review

The biggest question is answered on Thanksgiving Day. This is the penultimate chapter.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Snape - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2006-12-12 - Updated: 2006-12-13 - 3428 words - Complete

Professor McGonagall did defeat Ron at chess, but it was significantly more challenging than she had expected. She and Severus then spent a considerable time playing a brilliant game of wizard chess.

"I cannot believe we never played each other before," she said, pleased at being challenged so cleverly.

Severus realized that the entire group had converged to watch them play and was forced to discipline his mind to keep from becoming distracted.

Ron and Harry were both fascinated. They realized that they were watching something remarkable. If there were a World Cup of wizard chess, Ron thought admiringly, this would be it.

Zelda and Michael had never seen wizard chess and were amazed by the enchanted, moving chess pieces.

Severus, who was playing with Harry's set, was quite forceful with the pieces, since they all had their own stubborn ideas where they should move. He was reminded of trying to get the Death Eater morons to follow simple instructions... or his students.

The game was a stalemate, of course. Minerva smiled thinly and murmured, "I hope for a re-match one day soon, Severus. You played a fine game."

"It was most enjoyable," replied Severus. "Your reputation is well deserved."

They all broke into smaller groups and began conversing quietly. Zelda had gone to look out the window at snow falling in the gray twilight.

"I'm going out to play with Rowena," she said, putting on her boots. "It looks lovely out there."

The four students decided to join her. The cold air felt very refreshing, and Rowena bounded through the snow exuberantly, running in circles around them.

Zelda glanced at Harry. She'd watched him closely during the times they were together and he often drifted into a grim sadness. He seemed so alone at times. Impulsively, she scooped up a soft, mushy snowball and lobbed it into his face.

Snow was in his mouth and stuck to his glasses. "Zelda!" he exclaimed, shocked. Then he laughed and scooped up some snow. "Girls against the boys!" He lobbed it at Hermione, who ducked and made a hasty snowball. Soon, what started as an ordinary Muggle snowball fight, became a mad magical snow battle, with snowballs enchanted to follow the selected victim. The clearing was filled with shrieks and laughter as the spells became more elaborate.

Zelda chose her moment carefully and slipped back into the cabin, leaving the teens to battle it out. Rowena dashed through her dog-door, having had enough fun. She heard low serious voices coming from the adults, all seated around the fireplace. She took off boots and jacket and slowly went to join the others, who fell silent as she approached them.

"My ears were burning. You must be talking about what a good cook I am, right?" she said lightly.

Michael grinned at her, but the others looked a bit guilty.

Severus, who had been bombarded with questions about her condition, had harsh lines on his forehead and held his thin hand out to her as approached him. He drew her down to sit next to him, and that bit of physical contact made them both relax a bit.

"Playing in the snow?" asked Michael, his eyes twinkling. "Some people never grow up."

"Those kids spend too much time trying to overhear what you're all saying," she replied, sitting down next to her beloved. "They needed a good snowball fight."

Michael and Kingsley looked at each other. At the same moment they stood up and made a dash for the door, laughing.

Zelda looked closely at Severus. She squeezed his hand, causing some of the tension to relax. "Those two are children," she said, chuckling.

Rowena wandered in, melting snow still on her back. She shook briskly and settled comfortably on the hearthrug. She then lifted her head once, as if to assure herself that the humans were behaving properly, then closed her eyes. Soon dog snores emanated from her.

"I've hardly had any time to talk to you, Molly," said Zelda. "I can't remember much of what we talked about, before, but I feel as if we have lots we could catch up on. It's very frustrating."

Molly studied her closely. "I think your memory will start coming back faster now," she said. "I have so much I want to tell you about teaching. You gave me so much encouragement, Zelda, and I confess that I really love teaching."

Zelda grinned. "That's awesome. I know all of you have classes tomorrow, but I hope we can get together again sometime. Severus can contact you, can't he?"

"Of course he can," replied Molly.

"Unless he wants to keep you to himself and stay here forever," said Minerva cynically.

"You say that as if it's a bad thing," Zelda said reproachfully. She winked at Minerva. "You do know where to find us."

A sound from the wall, an odd, throat-clearing noise, made them all turn around. Zelda was shocked to see a portrait subject, a haughty looking wizard in green robes, stroll into the formerly empty frame. An odd, thoughtful expression appeared on her face.

"Headmistress, Professor Flitwick sent me to tell you that a message has come from the Ministry," said the portrait man. His eyes flashed to Zelda and Severus, then away again.

"Thank you, Phineas," said Minerva. she looked around at the others. "I fear I must return, but Molly, please stay and enjoy the day."

"Zelda," Molly murmured, "do you remember Phineas Nigellus?"

"Should I?" she asked, frowning slightly. "I... Oh, no, I can't remember. I should, shouldn't I?""

Phineas Nigellus bowed formally in her direction, one elegant black eyebrow raised curiously.

She nodded politely, reaching again for Severus's hand. "I do feel as though I should know you," she said softly.

"The fact that you are regaining your memory is quite remarkable, Mrs. Larsson," replied the portrait wizard. His eyes flashed to Severus. "Snape," he said, nodding curtly.

Severus nodded brusquely in return. His head was beginning to ache, he had not been alone with Zelda since early in the morning and, while the day had not been dreadful, he wished it would be over. He and Zelda now had something significant to discuss. Only the fact that she was still holding his hand made this bearable.

Molly was watching both of them closely. She saw signs of strain in Severus as well as Zelda, so she determined to end the day early and consult with Michael. The more she learned of that wise Muggle, the more respect she had for him.

"I have work to prepare for class tomorrow, so I should return to Hogwarts," she said. "Zelda, Severus, it has been a wonderful day. It was delightful to experience an American Thanksgiving. I shall say farewell to the others and be off."

Minerva had seen the spark of decision in Molly's eyes and, without question, decided to assist her. "Our students have classes tomorrow and the hour at Hogwarts is far more advanced."

The witches headed for the door, while Zelda and Severus accompanied them. Molly turned to hug Zelda.

"Take care of yourself and I know your memory will return," she said. "We'll visit together again when you're ready."

"Thanks, Molly," she replied gratefully. "We'll be in touch soon."

Molly turned and squeezed Severus's hand fondly. She smiled a farewell and left them without another word.

The snow warriors flooded toward them, laughing and breathless. Michael and Kingsley followed more slowly, pausing to speak briefly to Molly.

"We have to go back to school now," Harry said, his hair full of snow and eyes glowing with laughter. "Zelda, it's been such fun. Thanks for having us."

He hesitated, not wanting to cover her with snow, but she laughed and stepped out into the snow. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. "I'll dry off when I go in," she said. "We'll see you again soon, okay?"

"Okay," he said, smiling into her eyes.

He turned to offer his hand to Professor Snape, while Zelda hugged Ron, Ginny and Hermione all in turn. "Work hard at your studies, my dear young people," she said. "I'm sorry to nag, I know you will, but teachers never give up."

Michael and Kingsley were next.

"We're heading back now, so you two can get some rest. Get your brain sorted out, Zel, and we'll see you again soon." He kissed her cheek and hugged her hard. "You're doing amazingly well, babe."

She hugged him back and turned to Kingsley, who was watching them together. "Next time I see you, I'm going to remember you," she said.

"Is that a promise or a threat?" he asked lightly, kissing her cheek.

"Both, I think," she said. "You two overgrown boys behave yourselves."

"No worries, Zelda," he said, smiling endearingly at her.

Within two minutes, the entire group had Apparated away. Zelda and Severus were left standing alone under the silent immensity of a dazzling starry sky.

"Alone at last," she said softly, putting her arms around his waist and leaning against him. "It was a good day. They're all lovely, but I'm glad to be alone with you. Molly could see how tired I am, couldn't she?"

"Come inside," he said, kissing her forehead. Once inside, he pulled his wand and murmured, "Colloportus."

She studied him closely, and worriedly stroked his cheek. "Are you okay?" she asked lovingly. She saw the lines of weariness carved deep on his face.

"Fine, now that we're alone," he replied. "It is only six o'clock, but I would like to lie down with you."

"Perfect. Later, we have tons of yummy, midnight snack ingredients if we need them." She led the way into the bedroom. "I'd feel better after a hot bath," she suggested. Left unsaid was the fact that she wished him to relax.

He began filling the bath and magically lit candles around the room. The soft light and warmth created a delightful atmosphere. Zelda's smile lit her blue eyes, and the love he saw in her flooded him with emotions too deep and complicated for him to bear. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her fiercely, and buried his nose in her curly hair. He squeezed his eyes shut and felt her heart beating against his chest.

They stood and held each other quite desperately, until Zelda gently disengaged herself, saying, "The bath must be ready."

There were tears on her cheeks, but she was smiling up at him as she removed her clothes. She slowly undressed him, caressing his pale skin, kissing him as his clothing came off.

Standing naked before her, he felt his soul was as exposed to her as his unprepossessing body. He saw that she, however, stood before him, equally as open and vulnerable. Her eyes glowed brilliantly and she took his hand, leading him to the bath.

"Let me scrub your back," she purred. "And maybe you'll be kind enough to tell me when our wedding anniversary will be, my wonderful husband."

"In good time, wife," he said mockingly. He swept her into his arms and lowered her into the warm water. "Zelda, how do you feel, learning that you're a married woman?"

"A bit scared," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "I'm disappointed that I can't really remember it, but most of all, I'm exquisitely happy." She kissed his chin and thoughtfully asked, "Did I change my name?"

He nodded. "I wished to tell you, but feared that you'd worry if you found out too soon."

"Are you sorry?" she asked anxiously.

"Unnervingly happy," he said softly. "I never thought I'd be married until you loved me, my mad, adorable wife."

As they talked, they bathed each other. Now, knowing that she was married to Severus, Zelda felt as though everything between them was enormously significant.

"I'm your wife..." she mused, gazing shyly into his black eyes. "What on earth do you expect of your wife, Severus? And a Muggle wife, no less... What on earth shall I do?"

"Can you keep loving me, knowing I'm sullen, bad-tempered and anti-social?" he asked sternly.

"I'll always love you. You're adorable," she said, leading him from the bath into the bedroom. She giggled when he dried her magically, but said sadly, "I can't take care of you with magic."

"You care for me with your hands and your loving heart. Nothing in my life means more to me," he whispered as he pulled her into his arms. "I believe I have enough magic for us both, but I hope it does not matter to you. We belong together, Zelda Jean Snape."

"Severus," she murmured, "my husband. Does anyone else know?" She kissed his cheek and stroked his black hair.

"In order to get the confidential record of your treatment at St. Mungo's released to me, it was necessary to tell them. Unfortunately, Michael spends too much time gossiping, and the Healer I spoke with asked him what he knew of our marriage. Michael knows, so I must assume that Shacklebolt now knows."

"I only remembered a flash of it, but I can't remember anyone else there. How did we get married alone?" she asked. "Does your society recognize a marriage without witnesses and legal folderol?"

"Of course it does," he replied. "In magic, one's intention is the essential. It is not common, but we married in a ritual also know to Muggles, called handfasting. It is more common to have witnesses, but time was short, and it was the strength of our mutual intention that completed the ritual."

"Why did we do it? In fact, when did we do it?" she asked.

"August ninth," he murmured. "It was in the early hours of the morning. We thought we would likely never see each other again, and perhaps we were both mad, my girl. I was so near to despair, and if I died without seeing you again, I wished to know that we were truly one."

"If I cry too much, tell me to cut it out," she said tenderly, her eyes bright with tears. "That's the most nauseatingly romantic thing I can imagine, Sev. Will you show me your memory? I'd like to know what I promised."

His worried frown showed his doubts of pushing her too hard to remember. "It may be too much. I hope I am doing the right thing."

They sat up. Severus tucked a blanket around her bare shoulders and gazed directly into her eyes. "If it raises difficult memories, tell me and I'll stop," he said.

She stared intently into those fathomless black eyes and they were again in that room, in August. A breeze stirred, and the sound of summer creatures came through the screened windows. Severus had come through the bedroom door, and her own memory briefly showed her his hollowed cheeks and his dull, burning eyes.

He looked nearly dead, she thought, wondering how bad this war, which he still refused to speak of, had been.

They had held each other, with no sound but their breathing for long minutes.

"What can I do for you, beloved wizard?" she had asked tenderly, stroking the thin cheek.

Those eyes, which had seen such horrors, gazed into hers with agonized intensity, but he only whispered, "Hold me, please."

"Oh, Severus," she murmured, tears falling as she realized again that this was quite possibly the end. "Come and rest, dear boy."

She unfastened his cloak and threw it on the floor impatiently. Then she reached for his jacket, preparing to remove it.

"Zelda," he said urgently. His eyes were glittering with purpose. "Will you marry me, now? Tonight?"

She froze, staring at him. She realized she should say it was impossible, but he wouldn't suggest it unless it was a real possibility. She smiled shyly, afraid, yet knowing this was her destiny.

"Okay. Tell me how we'll do it," she said, her mouth trembling with emotion.

Efficiently he lit all the candles in the room, bathing it in a faint golden glow.

"Are you certain?" he asked as hope lit his sunken eyes.

She picked up her blue silk robe and put it on over her nightgown. "I hope this is an adequate wedding dress," she said, chuckling. "It's all I have." Ruefully, she ran her fingers through her disheveled curls.

"You look lovely," he said softly. "Do you have a middle name, sweetheart? I do not."

She rolled her eyes drolly. "Jean," she said, as though such a dreary little name needed no more comment.

He smiled, pulled her into his arms and held her for a moment, thinking exactly how to do it. "Zel, what do you want our marriage to be like?" he asked.

"That's easy. I want to love you and take care of you for the rest of our lives," she replied, nuzzling against his neck.

"I wish to live with you always..." he said slowly, "to give my loyalty to you, before any other. Come here, darling."

He made the wood fire blaze a bit brighter and they stood before it, bathed in the firelight. He took her hands in his and enclosed his wand within her left hand and his right.

"Look into my eyes. The strength of our intent to wed will complete the ritual," he said sternly.

Their eyes locked together and their feelings drew their souls into deep communion with each other. She saw what they were about to do, and they now understood each other's intention completely.

"Is it your wish, Zelda Jean Larsson, to become one with me this night?" he asked in a deep, low voice.

"It is my deepest wish. I promise my love and my loyalty only to you, Severus. I will live with you and care for you as long as I live," she said deliberately.

His black eyes became more alive as she spoke. She smiled softly before she spoke again.

"Is it your wish, Severus Snape, to become one with me this night?" she asked sweetly.

"It is my deepest wish. I promise my loyalty and love only to you. I will live with you and care for you as long as I live," he responded, his eyes mirroring his words.

Her eyes glowed brilliantly and he smiled faintly at her before continuing.

He said firmly, "Henceforth, then, will your name be Zelda Jean Snape. Our intention, once made manifest, shall be unbroken. From this hour, husband and wife, we are one."

Their eyes met triumphantly and they smiled. Then Severus, with his hand and Zelda's wrapped around his wand, touched their other, joined hands with his wand. A golden chain of light poured slowly out of the wand and wove around their hands, then briefly encircled their bodies, before circling the wand again and slowly dying away. They stood a moment longer, holding hands in the firelight and gazing at each other.

"May I kiss the bride?" asked Severus, his voice hoarse with emotion.

"For starters, yes," she said, putting her face close up to his.


Zelda started. She had fallen so deep into the memory of their magical wedding that she was stunned to realize it was months in the past. An echo of the warmth that had accompanied that magical golden light had suffused her body, beginning with the hand that had clasped his. She reached for him, putting her arms around him and feeling the warmth in him.

"Piece o' cake. I can do all that," she said, afraid her emotions would overcome her. "It's hard to believe I deserve such a wonderful husband. It was beautiful, even if I didn't brush my hair."

"My sweet, adorable wife," murmured Severus. He had relived it in his own mind, watching her. He had not, before this moment, allowed himself to remember that beauty moment when he heard her promise to be his wife, or the joy of giving himself to her. But they were together at last, their love and intention unchanged from that August night. Whatever happened to him, he would always have her love.

"Since I forgot the first one, this feels very much like our wedding night," she said softly. She began kissing his neck, working slowly up to his mouth. Her hands began their ever-delightful exploration of his body.

Inevitably, he enthusiastically took charge, making her laugh for sheer joy.

"Happy Thanksgiving, husband," she whispered, twining her arms around his neck. She kissed his handsome nose and rubbed her own against it fondly.

"Happy Thanksgiving, wife," he replied. "I love you, my girl."
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