Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Vivo Iterum


by Always_A_Legend 3 reviews

Persephone convinced Hera to let the 6 others to visit Theresa but there's a catch...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: G - Genres: Drama, Romance - Published: 2006-12-15 - Updated: 2006-12-16 - 2638 words

Me: Once again, I decided to move my lazy butt and update the third chapter of Vivo Iterum.
Jayden: please give a round of applause to the following people who had answered the riddle correctly: iheartyou07, jessi_girl9, twinklestar, hachoo, caity_party_princess, JessieLD746, BeccaK. Congratulations!
Me: I know others have answered it correctly too but you didn't leave your email so I can send the chapter to you. So please next time remember to include your email address. Don't worry I won't hack into your account. I'm not THAT stupid beside, I'm a lover not a hacker.
Jayden: Mommy do NOT own Class of the Titans!
Me: yes, we know, we know!
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'Theresa dear, you must eat something. I know you are depressed but please don't beat yourself up like this,' said Theseus, handing a bowl of steaming soup at his descendant. Theresa looked at it and brushed it aside. Theseus sighed. He left the soup by her side and left. All the other heroes were sitting around the table.

'Any improvement?' asked Jason.

'No. She won't eat at all. All she does is stare out the window and cry,' said Theseus sadly.

'This is hopeless,' said Narcissus, shaking his head,

'Poor dear,' said Atalanta. 'I wonder why Hera won't let the others visit.'

'I hear Persephone is coming down tonight. If we cross her path, we could beg her to convince Hera to bring down the others for a short visit,' said Odysseus.

'Odysseus may be right. Then it's settle. If any of us comes across Persephone, talk to her about Theresa.'

'That won't be necessary,' said a voice from the doorway. The heroes turned around and saw Persephone herself standing there. They gasped and quickly rose from their seat. They bowed before the Queen of the Dead. Persephone entered and told them to sit.

'Persephone! What brings you here?' asked Theseus.

'Why Theseus, after all these months of looking in the Pool, you still haven't realized that I am Theresa's mentor?' replied Persephone with a smile.

'I beg your pardon,' bowed Theseus.

'Don't worry about it. After all these months, I've come to love her as my own. So it's natural of me to come and pay a little visit. How is she?' asked Persephone. Silence fell all around the table.

'Is something wrong?' she said when she saw their worried face.

'Well, ever since she came down here, she has been very depressed. She won't eat and hardly get any sleep. All she does is lock herself in her room, look out the window and bawl her eyes out,' admitted Jason. Persephone looked worried.

'And during her sleep, she would mumble her friends' name. I believe she miss them very much,' said Atalanta on the verge of crying.

'So do they,' said Persephone softly. All the heroes looked at the goddess with confused looks. She sighed.

'Ever since she left them, all they do is lock themselves in the library and flip through the books, hoping to find a way to bring her back. Just a few days ago, they got into a fight with Cronus.' At the sound of Cronus' name, the heroes flinched, anger flaring through their body.

'They got injured very badly. They refused Chiron's medical help. They just rushed into the school and went back to the library not bothering to heal their wounds and change out of their bloody clothes,' continued Persephone. 'Some of them started to miss their classes just to spend more time in the library. They even started to use their lunch time to look through more books. Jay and Atlanta started to stay up all night. It's so sad seeing them like this. Even Ares is sad,' finished Persephone, letting her tears freely. Atalanta and Theseus were crying too. Jason, Odysseus and Narcissus were trying hard not to cry.

'Persephone,' started Jason. Persephone looked up. 'Is it possible for you to convince Hera to let the other heroes come down and visit since the dead can't go up and visit?'

'I tried but Hera wouldn't listen to me,' said Persephone with a wave of her hand.

'Please, could you try again?' begged Theseus. 'I'll write a letter to Hera if I must but please, we must help Theresa.' Persephone sighed.

'I guess I could give it another shot. I'll ask her tomorrow.'

'Oh thank you!'

'Ask who what?' said a voice from behind. They turned around and saw Theresa standing in the doorway of her room.

'Theresa!' cried Persephone. She stood up and hugged her beloved student. 'Oh dear, I missed you so.'

'Me too, Persephone. How are the others?' asked Theresa.

'Giving all their might to bring you back among the living,' said Persephone. 'You must be happy to have friends like them.'

'Very. Please when you see them next time, give them my love and tell them not to worry too much. I'll be waiting for them.'

'I will. I must get going now. I'll come by as soon as I can. Take care Theresa.' Persephone waved good bye.
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'Absolutely NOT! I refuse!' cried Hera.

'But please Hera!' begged Persephone.

'No, no and NO! What part of no don't you understand? The N or the O?' said Hera.

'I don't understand! You want to help Jay, you want to help Theresa, the team but you won't let them visit her? Do you know how much it's killing them? They've been skipping meals, sleep even classes. They've grown so thin and look so awful we can't even recognized them! Is that what you want? If you let them see Theresa, they'll have hope. They'll work hard to protect the world and bring back Theresa.'

'I know all of this. But they must find the answer on their own.'

'Find the answer on their own! That's what they've been doing for the past week, doing nothing but flipping through those thick books even those useless ones, refusing to heal their wounds from the last battle, refusing to eat, to sleep, to go to classes. Is that what you want? Answer me Hera! Atlanta was seriously wounded from that last battle, she refuse to let Chiron to bandage her up and she's losing so much blood that she need an IV with her! And Jay! His cuts are so deep, he has become so thin and so weak he need Herry to support him! And Archie...' said Persephone.

'Alright! Alright! Stop! Let them visit, but only for one night,' cried Hera. Persephone smiled secretly at her victory. She quickly gathered her robe and ran to the library. She found the six heroes, flipping through the books. Neil was messing up his hair in frustration. Persephone raised her eyebrows, amazed that he didn't comb it back. Odie was banging his head on the keyboard of his laptop.

'Probably the first time that laptop of his let him down,' thought Persephone.

Archie was by Atlanta's side, keeping a watchful eye on her, in case she faint for her lack of blood. Persephone frowned.

'Better patch her soon.'

Herry was sitting near Jay, glancing up at him in case he fainted. Persephone was on the verge of crying but she held back.

'Good news, children!' she said happily. The others look up. 'Hera agreed to let me take you to the Underworld and visit Theresa tonight!' Herry, Odie and Neil cried in joy. Archie and Atlanta smiled and cheered too. Jay smiled happily too.

'Finally, Theresa here I come.' Then Jay slowly closed his eyes and fainted. Herry and the rest of the gang heard a thud behind and turned to find Jay lying on the floor.


'Take him to Chiron immediately. You must go see him too, Altanta. The dead must not smell blood or else they'll come and try to eat you. They are very attracted to blood.' Archie and Herry nodded. They carried Jay and Atlanta to Chiron. Odie and Neil stayed back with newly found hope.

'Come on Neil. Let's flip through those books and try to find something while they're gone,' said Odie. Neil nodded. Persephone smiled and started to retreat back. She closed to door when she heard a scream. She quickly opened the door only to find Neil racing around, trying to find a comb to comb back his hair.


Odie rolled his eyes and went back to his book that laid open in front of him. Persephone chuckled.

'Well, things are back to normal, at least.' She closed the door and walked back to her solarium.
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'Chiron!' cried Archie as Herry barged through the heavy wooden doors. Chiron quickly dropped his things and galloped over.

'What is the matter, kids?'

'Jay and Atlanta. Need care. Going visit the Underworld tonight. No blood. Dead will eat...' said Herry, between heavy intakes of breaths. Chiron told them to lay them on the couches and quickly got to work. He told Archie to take the supplies of bandages in his office. Then he told Herry to get some ointment. He quickly bandaged Atlanta's wound and changed the IV pack. Then he applied a glob of ointment on Jay's cuts and bandaged them up too. Chiron stood up.

'Well, it's a good thing that you brought them here now or else they couldn't have stood a chance and could have died in an hour.' Archie and Herry looked horrified but then sighed in relief.

'But what made you kids change your mind? I thought you wouldn't heal them until you found a way to revive Theresa. I thought you wanted to keep them as a reminder for revenge. Have you found a way?'

'No but Persephone said she's going to take us to the Underworld to visit Theresa. I guess it gave us some hope,' shrugged Archie.

'Ah! Well, we'll let them rest until it is time for you to go. You must get some rest too and eat some food. You haven't eaten anything for days, you must be very hungry. And if you go to the Underworld, you might find the food there tempting and eat some. No living creature can eat food from the Underworld unless they are dead.'

'Why is that?' asked Herry.

'If you do eat something, you may never come back to the land of living!' concluded Chiron. Herry looked at him, horrified. At that moment, his stomach growled. Very loudly.

'Well, what are we waiting for! Come on Archie! Let's get Odie and Neil. We can eat at that newly opened All you can eat buffet! My treat!' Herry grabbed Archie and charged through the door. Chiron chuckled.

'Good to have them back,' he thought.
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That night, the heroes went back to the school. They stood waiting in the Queen of the Dead's solarium, fully rested and fed. Persephone walked through the door, accompanied by Hera.

'Are you all ready?' she asked.

'Yes' replied Jay.

'Good then, the time to get back is before dawn,' said Hera. 'Give Theresa my wishes.'

They nodded and Persephone waved a hand in front of the Horaes. They came to life and walked away, revealing a hidden entrance to the realms of Hades. Persephone walked in the dim tunnel, followed by the young heroes. They arrived at a little cabin.

'Huh? Hey, Persephone, I thought we were going to visit Theresa. what are we doing here?' asked Odie. The others nodded.

'What? Oh! I see, you expect her to be sitting on somewhere,' she laughed. 'Sorry, I guess I should have told you something. Your ancestors have taken her in. They all live in there, just like you all live together in the Brownstone. Come on, let's meet your ancestors.' She walked on towards the cabin. They followed. Persephone knocked on the door. They heard a faint 'come in' from inside. She opened the door and let the teens enter.

'Guys?' said a bewildered voice. There stood Theresa, red-eyed, wrinkled clothing and all.

'Theresa!' they cried. They rushed to their friend and enveloped her in a group hug. Unfortunately, Herry got there first so they all bumped into him and fell down hard.

'GAK!! Herry! I'm happy to see you too but could you loosen up a bit? Like a knot??'

'Oops, sorry 'bout that,' said Herry, sheepishly. The others laughed. Persephone stood back, crying happy tears.

'Together, at last,' she thought.

'Persephone, how good to see you again! Ah! And I see our descendants are here too,' said a voice. They turned around and saw six people, standing near the doorway.

'Hello, Odysseus.' Odie gasped. 'Atalanta.' now Atlanta gasped. 'Narcissus.'
'Like duuude!' said Neil. 'Achilles.' Archie stood gaping at his ancestors. 'Theseus, and Jason.' Jay looked at his ancestor. He opened his mouth, closed it and opened again. Persephone turned towards the heroes.

'These are your descendants, Jay.' Jay stood forward and Jason held out his hand and they shook it.

'How do you do?'

'Archie.' Like Jay, Archie stood forward and shook Achilles' hand.

'A pleasure to meet you.'

'Narcissus.' Neil stood forward but instead of shaking hands, Neil took out his mirror.

'You have one of those too?'

'Yah. You have a problem with that?'

'No. It's just that I have one too,' cried Narcissus as he took out his own mirror.

'No way!! Duude!' Neil and Narcissus head off towards the living room, talking about the shampoo they are using for their hair.

'Atlanta.' Atlanta stood forward and shook hands with her ancestor when she saw a faint scar on her hand.

'You hunt too?' she asked.

'Of course. You?' replied Atalanta.

'DUH! That's like my favorite pastime!'

'Well, how about we go hunting tomorrow?'

Silence fell in the room.

'We can't, we have to leave by dawn.'

'That's too bad. Then how about a early morning run?'

'Cool with me!' Together, they head off talking about their hunting adventures.

'And last but not least, Odie.' Odie stood forward and held out a fist for a fist handshake.

'You greet people like that too?' asked Odysseus.


'Finally! All these guys here have no idea what I'm doing,' said Odysseus as they hit their fist together.

'Tell me about it,' said Odie as he recalled the first time he met Herry.

'Well, why don't we settle down and have some dinner?' asked Theresa. Again, silence fell. 'Is there something wrong?'

'Um...I don't know if you knew but um...we can't eat food from the Underworld or else we'll be stuck here forever.' Theresa gasped.

'Of course! I'm so sorry. It's just...'

'Don't worry about it. We packed a picnic before we left just in case we're hungry,' interrupted Jay.

'Actually, we packed it for Herry,' piped in Archie. Theresa laughed. They all settle down around the table and shared their stories. The ancestors told stories about their adventures and the descendants told stories about their everyday life and their battles with Cronus.
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Well here you go! Chapter 3 for Vivo Iterum! Hope y'all liked it!
oops, almost forgot the riddle. anyways, all the reviwers who have the right answer by next friday will win and get to read chapter 4 first!
for math geeks:


ok, figure out the next line. oh and please, add in the last line too so i know and can figure out the answer as i read through the reviews. and please don't forget your email. some ppl didn't put their email so i couldn't send it to them.

i wanted to say this earlier but i keep forgeting. i made a drawing of Jay. you can find it here: if you can't get to this link, it's in my profile too. anyways, hope you can give me some comments. right now, i'm working on Herry and Atlanta.
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